SYNOPSIS: Project : Cricket Management Software for BCCI INTRODUCTION:  The project entitled Cricket Management Software for BCCI is software developed for established BCCI organization. This project is used to manage da to da operations of the organization. !nd mainl to manage cricket displa score board" which need to be updated ball b ball. !part from this reporting is provided to analze the old data. PROJECT:  Cricket Management Software for BCCI is a software application maintains the records related so cricket sport plaers and emploees. It is al so take care of mone transaction at the organi zati on. It includes mone collection to the organization b different sources and the mone paid to the plaers and for other e#penses. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the application is to automate the e#isting sstem of manuall maintain the recor ds of all transactions of the est abl ished BCCI organization. !nd update the score board as the game progress.

Cricket Management Software for BCCI

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Project : Cricket Management Software for




The project entitled Cricket Management Software for BCCI is

software developed for established BCCI organization. This project is

used to manage da to da operations of the organization. !nd mainl

to manage cricket displa score board" which need to be updated ball

b ball. !part from this reporting is provided to analze the old data.



Cricket Management Software for BCCI is a software application

maintains the records related so cricket sport plaers and emploees.

It is also take care of mone transaction at the organization. It

includes mone collection to the organization b different sources and

the mone paid to the plaers and for other e#penses.


The main objective of the application is to automate the e#isting

sstem of manuall maintain the records of all transactions of the

established BCCI organization. !nd update the score board as the

game progress.

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  This application can be used b the organization to manage

cricket sport effectivel. $rganization re%uires good application to

update the score board as the game progress. This application serves

the same purpose. &ispla board screen will take care ball to ball

update instantl and it will update all the other details.

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 Hardware and Software requirement

Hardware Requirement

'rocessor ( Intel Core &uo ).* +,z or more

-!M ( +B or More

,ard disk ( /*+B or more

Monitor ( 01 C-T" or 2C& monitor3eboard ( 4ormal or Multimedia

Mouse ( Compatible mouse

Software Requirement

5ront 6nd ( 7isual Basic 8

Back 6nd ( MS S%l Server

$peration Sstem ( 9indows :' with server pack )


9indows 7ista


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To bu this project ou can send us a re%uest b SMS ;Mobile 4o

!"#$%$"!&< or email ;ra'()ainfote*)+,mai-.*om<

9e also undertake new projects" if ou re%uire an new project writeto us. 9e can develop the new project in a weeks time.

The project will be provided along with the source code. So ou have

an option to change the color" design" and look and feel. So all options

are open to modif the project as per our re%uirement.

'rojects !vailable in

Off-ine Pro/e*t 01indow( 2a(ed3

7isual Basic 8 with MS !ccess

7isual Basic 8 with S%l Server

7isual Basic 8 with $racle

7b.net ;7isual Basic )**" )*=< with S%l Server

C Sharp ;)**" )*=< with S%l Server or an other backend

On-ine Pro/e*t( 01e2 Ba(ed3

!S' projects with MS !ccess or S%l Server $r $racle

!S'.4et 'roject with 7B coding or C sharp Coding with S%l Server

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5or more details contact us

Ra'()a Infote*)

4o. /)8" >th Main" ,ampinagar"

7ijaanagar II Stage"Bangalore ? 08**@.

4ear ,ampinagar Main Bus Stop.

'hone ( */* )=)*8/0. >)@=*@)/

eMail ( rakshainfotechAgmail.com

website ( www.rakshainfotech.com

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Contact us to bu this project

-aksha Infotech


4*ademi* Pro/e*t(

Software Pro/e*t( wit) Sour*e Code

for BC!" MC!" B.Sc" M.Sc" &iploma" B.6 students

'roject !vailable in ( 7isual Basic 8.*" 7B.net"7isual Basic )**/ )**

!S'" !S'.net ;7B<" !S'.net ;C<" C Sharp" MS!ccess" S%l Server" $racle

please check out list for more details.

T)e fo--owin, 5ro/e*t( a6ai-a2-ewit)

VB.net7C8 wit) 9SSq- Ser6er

Ja6a *odin, wit) mSq- Data2a(eSer6er

VB; wit) 9S4**e((7Ora*-e

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Compan 6mploees

Cement 9arehouse !dministration )>

School Books Suppl Management ))*

9eekl Magazine Indent !nd

&istribution Sstem))

6vening 4ewspaper &istribution


4ews 'aper !dvertisement -evenue

Collection Sstem))=

4ewstv 7ehicles !dministration ))@

4ews 6diting Sstem 5or 4ews Tv



4ews 6diting Sstem 5or 4ewspaper ))8

Tv 'rogram !dministration !nd

6mploee !llocation))D

Compan 2egal Cases Management

!nd Information Sharing Sstem))/

6lection 'rocess &atacollection !nd

-esult !nnounce Sstem))>

&ata Collection 5rom 6lectronic 7otingMachine ;simulation<


Cit Bus Time Table !dministration )=

Cit Bus 7ehiclewise Collection Sstem )=)

'lants Information Collection !nd

Storage Sstem.)==

Eoo !dministration )=@

Eoo !nimal 5ood 5eeding 'rocessSstem )=0

Fail !dministration )=8

Site Management Sstem 5or 2and


Multiple ,ouse -enting !nd -ent )=/

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Collection Sstem

!dministrative 'rogram 5or 4ursing


'reschool Children &a To &a!ctivit -egistration Sstem )@*

4etwork Based Billing Sstem 5or !

Branded Stores)@

&igital Mone Transaction Gsing Mobile'hones ;simulation<


Tender 'rocess !dministration )@=

Solar 9ater ,eater &istribution


9indturbine 'ower +enerationCompan !dministration


Tidal 'ower +eneration Compan


+enerator Servicing !nd!dministration


'ersonalized Software 'ackage 5or


'ersonalized Software 'ackage 5or2awers To Manage Their Clients


'ersonalized Software 'ackage 5or

'rofessionals To Manage Their Clients)0*

,ospital $.t !dministration )0

,ospital $ut 'atient -egistrationSstem


,ospital In 'atient Billing !nd



&iploma College !dministration )0@

Competitive 6#am Selection 'rocess5or College 6ngineering Seats


Competitive 6#am Selection 'rocess

5or College Medical Seats)08

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Competitive 6#am Selection 'rocess

5or Banking Fob)0D

&riving School !dministration )0/

Sms Based Moneorder Sstem 5or'ost $ffice &epartment )0>

6lection Card -egistration 'rocess )8*

6lection 4omination 5iling Sstem 5or

6ach Constituenc)8

6lection 9inners -egistration !nd!dministration Sstem


Bab 5ood Manufacturer Client


Software 'ackage 5or 5ish 6#portCompan


Cruise Ship Tour !nd Travel


Cruise Shipwise Tour Booking Sstem )88

6lectric Car Batter 6#changeManagement


!dministrative 'rocessing Sstem 5or

6nvironment &epartment )8/

!dministrative 'rocessing Sstem 5or'ollution Control &epartment


!dministrative 'rocessing Sstem 5or

Social 9elfare &epartment)D*

Software 'ackage 5or Ministr $f-ural &evelopment


Software 'ackage 5or Ministr $f

Social 9elfare


Software 'ackage 5or Ministr $f,ome !ffairs


Software 'ackage 5or Ministr $f


6mploee Transfer Management )D0

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Science Seminar Member -egistration


-egistration !nd !dministration $fIndian 6mbassies In 5oreign Countries )DD

Image Storage !nd Searching Sstem

5or Surve $f India)D/

Car Showroom !dministration )D>

'roduct &ispla !nd Selection Sstem5or Customers


&riving 2icense Computer Based Test


Fob Selection $ffline 6ntrance Test!nd -esult 'rocessing Sstem


!sset Management Sstem 5or !


2ife Insurance !dministration )/@

'ropert Insurance !dministration )/0

,ealth Insurance !dministration )/8

!ccidental &eath !nd &ismembermentInsurance


!utomobile Insurance !dministration )//

Boiler Insurance !dministration )/>

Bond Insurance !dministration )>*

Business $verhead 6#pense &isabilitInsurance !dministration


Casualt Insurance 'olicies )>)

Chargeback Insurance !dministration )>=

Corporateowned 2ife Insurance!dministration


Crop Insurance !dministration )>0

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9orldwide 6arth%uake -egistration


6mplomentbased Immigrant 7isaSstem


Centralized 7isa 'rocessing Sstem )>/

Customer Information Management


Budget !llocation !nd 'rocess Sstem =**

T)e fo--owin, 5ro/e*t( a6ai-a2-e


a(5.net VB7C8 *odin, wit) 9SSq-Ser6er

Ja6a= JSP *odin, wit) mSq-Data2a(e Ser6er

PHP wit) mSq- Data2a(e Ser6er

Produ*t Tit-e < 1e2 2a(ed on-ine5ro/e*t( Pro/e*tCode

$nline Customer Care Management

Sstem 5or ! Branded 'roduct0*

$nline 'olice &epartment InformationSite


*th Standard $nline 6#am

-egistration Site0*=

$nline 6ntrance 6#am !nd Seat

'rocessing Sstem0*@

$nline Car Booking Sstem 5or

Maruthi Suzuki Cars0*0

$nline Movie Ticket Booking Sstem 0*8

!nti%ues -egistration !nd !ction Site 0*D

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Gni%ue Id Card -egistration Sstem. 0)8

$nline 'roduct $rder Sstem. 0)D

$nline 'izza $rdering Sstem 5or

Branded 'izza Center0)/

$nline 9estern Gnion Tpe Site ToSend Mone $nline


$nline Income Ta# 'ament Sstem. 0=*

$nline 'an Card 'rocessing Sstem. 0=

$nline !ction Bidding Site 0=)

$nline Bugtracker To Track 'roject

Based 'roblems0==

College !lumini Site $r $ld Student

!ssociation Site0=@

$nline College !dministration 0=0

$nline &ocument Sharing !ndManagement Sstem


$nline &riving School !dministrationSite


6banking !dministration" $nline

Banking -egistration !nd 'rocessing 0=/

6mploee Time Management Sstem"To Track 6mploee In !nd $ut



!utogeneration $f -esearch 'aper

Based $n !vailable Content0@*

$nline ,ospital Management 0@

$nline Insurance Management 0@)

$nline 3nowledge Management !nd

Sharing Sstem0@=

$nline Metro Train 'roject 0@@

$nline Missing Child -egistration !nd'rocessing Site


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$nline !ir Ticket Booking Sstem 0@8

$nline Book Shopping Site 0@D

$nline Ias 6#am !nd -esult 'rocessing 0@/

$nline 4ews 'osting !nd 'ublishing 0@>

$nline Classified -ealestate Site 00*

$nline Compan Share Trading Site 00

$nline Commodit Trading Site 00)

$nline 'oint $f Sale !dministration 00=

'ort Trust !dministration !nd ShipControl Sstem


$nline Shopper 6card" To Bu'roducts !nd In Turn To +et Some



$nline Social 9ebsite 008

Time Management !nd 'roject'rogress !dministration


Gid !adharcard 00/

9ebbased ,ostel Management 00>

$nline 9edding Card -egistration !nd&ispla Sstem


$nline 'df Books Gpload !nd&ownload Sstem


$nline Information Gpload !nd7iewing Sstem


$nline 'icture Selling !nd SharingSstem


$nline !ll Tpe $f Classified 9ebsite 08@

$nline Multi 2evel Marketing Sstem 080

Member -egistration !nd 'roduct&istribution Sstem


7ehicle -egistration !nd Search 08D

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Sstem 5or 'olice &epartment

Criminals -egistration !nd Search

Sstem 5or 'olice &epartment08/

$nline Failed 'eople -egistration !ndSearch Sstem 08>

Sugar Cane Crop -egistration Sstem

5or Sugar Cane +rowing 5armers0D*

'incode Based 'ost $ffice SearchingSstem


$nline 9eather 5orecasting Site 0D)

!ir 'ollution -egistration Site 5or

Concerned &epartment0D=

6arth%uake 9orldwide InformationSite


$nline Scholarship -egistration !nd

'rocessing Sstem0D0

$nline Two 9heeler CommissionBased !uto Consultant Site


'reowned Car Sales !dministration 5or

Branded Car Manufacturer0DD

$nline Compliant 5iling Sstem 5orConcerned &epartment


-egistration 5or ! 5ree ,eart

$peration !t Sata Sai ,ospital0D>

$nline 'assport -egistration !ndStatus Info Site


$nline 'atent Submitting Sstem 0/

$nline 5und -ising Site 5or 'articular



9eb Based -ecruitment ManagementSstem


,olida -esort -eservation

Management Sstem0/@

9eb Based Claims 'rocessing Sstem 0/0

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Simple Image +aller 9ith Member

9ise 2isting !nd &eleting0/8

$nline &ictionar 5or 'articularSubject


Sports Student Information Sstem 0//

$nline School Management Sstem 0/>

$nline Mobile 'hone Customer Care


$nline Movie &atabase" Info $f !ll TheMovies


Theft 7ehicle -egistration Sstem 0>)

6mail Based Message $r 2etter&istribution Sstem 5or 'ost $ffice


!sset Management Sstem 5or

Temples $r Trusts0>@

2oan &efaulters -egistration !nd

Sharing Sstem 5or Banks0>0

Multilevel Chess Competition-egistration !nd Selection 'rocess



!ctive 9ebsite 5or InternationalMonetar 5und !n International



Interactive 9ebsite 5or International$rganizations


$nline Blood &onors Info Sstem 0>>

4omination !nd 'rocessing $f 4obel

'rize Site8**

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To 2u an of t)e(e 5ro/e*t( 5-ea(e*onta*t u(.

Ra'()a Infote*)

No &!;= t) 9ain= Ham5ina,ar

Ban,a-ore= >arnata'a= India. Pin < ?;%$%".

emai- : ra'()ainfote*)+,mai-.*om

1e2(ite : www.ra'()ainfote*).*om

9o2i-e : !"#$%$"!&. P)one : %&% !#!%;&$?

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