CREATIVE WRITING AS A MEDIUM TO CREATE SELF By Ana Melissa Merlo Romero A SUMMATIVE PROJECT Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Education Under the Supervision of Margaret Macintyre Latta Lincoln, NE June 2005

Creative Writing as a Medium to Create Self

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Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Education

Under the Supervision of Margaret Macintyre Latta Lincoln, NE

June 2005


ABSTRACTAna Melissa Merlo Romero, M. Ed. University of Nebraska, 2005 Adviser: Margaret Macintyre Latta

This practitioner-based inquiry shows how the process of creative writing holds the potency to guide students into their own world of self-understanding. Given that adolescence is a time for searching for ones identity, creative writing can be a medium to help students find and reinvent themselves. For the purpose of this inquiry, twenty poems written by ten students were explored. These students wrote their poems during a lesson purposefully designed to foster identity creation. Two main goals were stated as intentions of this inquiry. The first one was to lead students to analyze, face and comprehend the concepts of identity, self understanding, inner voice, and change, throughout their own process of creative writing. As a consequence of the main goal of this inquiry, the second goal was to lead students to the understanding that in order to be humanly successful it is necessary to gain knowledge about self in relation to others. The inquiry concludes that teachers might consider utilizing creative writing as a medium to lead students to recognize and understand their identities. The teachers role and responsibility within this process is critical and cannot be disregarded.

ContenidoCREATIVE WRITING AS A MEDIUM TO CREATE SELF............................................1 ABSTRACT........................................................................................................... 2 Contenido............................................................................................................ 3 Introduction.........................................................................................................6 My Creative Writing.........................................................................................6 Creative Writing as a Turning Point..................................................................6 The Process of Creativity.................................................................................7 Literature Review................................................................................................8 Creativity......................................................................................................... 8 Creative Writing...............................................................................................9 Teachers and The Process of Creative Writing...............................................10 Students Creative Writing.............................................................................11 The Voice Behind Creative Writing.................................................................12 Methodology..................................................................................................... 13 I. The Inquiry.................................................................................................14 The Starting Points......................................................................................14 The Climate in the Classroom.....................................................................15 The Process.................................................................................................15 II. The Insides within the Process of Creative Writing.....................................16 The Before.................................................................................................. 17 The Making................................................................................................. 19 The After.....................................................................................................20 Analysis and Interpretation of the Data............................................................22 Identity...........................................................................................................23 Space and Role of the Inner Voice..............................................................24 Self-understanding .....................................................................................26 Identification...............................................................................................28 Transformation...........................................................................................29 Conclusions and Implications............................................................................31 Teachers........................................................................................................ 32 Students.........................................................................................................33 School and Community..................................................................................34

References and Sources....................................................................................36

IntroductionMy Creative WritingI remember my first day in second grade so clearly. My teacher, Mrs. Juanita Ardn, was like an angel. She had dark and curly hair, cinnamon skin color, brown and enigmatic eyes, and this beautiful and unforgettable smile. She just loved to read and write, and found ways to make us love things too. How did she manage that? I dont know for sure. But what I do know is that my classmates and I started to read almost everything that she gave us, and most importantly, we started to feel this increasing desire to search everywhere for new readings. My math skills were getting worse, and still are, but I won the first prize in a Mothers Day poetry contest that year. All the poems were placed in the hall for everybody to read. Mine was in the center surrounded by a golden ribbon. Certainly Mrs. Ardn created the space for imagination to grow in our classroom, and when this space takes place and discipline is involved in the process, our inner self starts to respond to the elements of our internal and external world (Pateman, 1997).

Creative Writing as a Turning PointI believe creative writing can be a turning point in the students way of seeing life. Even though this statement can sound broad and difficult to achieve, it has a great deal of validity. Students just need the space where their imagination can fly and travel around the world through readings. A few minutes a day are enough to involve students in a creative process. This process implies an unusual freedom that can go back and forth in their minds looking for elements that are valuable to them. Bruner (1979) calls it the surprise element. Students are full of previous experiences they can find useful in creative writing. Therefore, if teachers provide students with the freedom and discipline they need, these elements should lead them to express themselves through their writing. Barone (1993) has stated this wonderfully when he says the narrative that is written as a human being constructs herself through action is the story of the self (p.238). Even though this statement is metaphoric, it is true.

I a creative writing process teachers and parents can find an extraordinary way to read and learn about their students lives, and students can discover a way to think profoundly about their own being. In a simple autobiographical sketch poem, students can state their love, anger, loneliness, needs and humor, and this is something so valuable for opening a door for communication (Ayers, 1993).

The Process of CreativityIn my 18 years of experience working as a Spanish teacher for high school students, I never took the chance or gave myself the opportunity to think formally: what are the causes and motivations that work better for students to write? I know for a fact that I have encouraged my students to read and write, but on many occasions forced them to do it, and the writing didnt turn out fluent or sincere. For some students writing a piece of narrative or a short poem was a painful experience, while others found themselves involved so easily in the creative writing process. Why does this happen? Does the creative process have to be painful or unwanted? What must teachers do in order to provide students with the appropriate atmosphere for creativity? What are the basic skills students need to successfully write a piece? Is there a psychological aspect the teacher must attend to? Are all teachers capable of involving students in the process of creative writing? What are the implications of creative writing that students have to deal with? How can creative writing help teachers know their students? What kinds of changes can a process of creative writing help make in a student or in a teacher? Do students want to be known through their writings? How can teachers help students deal with what they have written or implied? Is there room for parents in the process of creative writing?

Perhaps the questions I raise will find answers through this practitioner-based inquiry. I will focus my attention to a specific writing lesson with high school students. I will examine the consequences of asking students to attend to their writing process for their learning and for myself as their teacher.

In my second grade there was always an atmosphere of cordiality and respect for one another. Mrs. Ardn treated us like we were professional writers. She used to say not all has been written there is always room for one more verse. Then she would give us some words and we would start to write a group poem. Through all my life as a student and as a professional she has been there

asking for my progress, reading my papers and encouraging me to keep writing. Probably Mrs. Juanita Ardn, a natural teacher, didnt have to think of creative writing as a formal process; it was an integral part of her teaching. For me as a teacher, this is the moment when creative writing as a process begins to have a body and soul.

Literature ReviewKey concepts seem critical to my inquiry. I examine the literature for insights regarding the nature of creativity, its relation to writing, and the teachers role within creative contexts for student writing and the resulting consequences for student creativity and voice.

CreativityCreativity is almost implicit in every action that human beings perform. The way we speak, the way we dress, the way we reach goals, the way we perceive the world, and the way we express ourselves, carry the personal touch of our creativity. Lets define creativity for the purpose of this topic. According to The WordIQ-Dictionary Directory creativity can be defined as the main tool to develop innovation () the word immediately conjours associations with artistic endeavors and writing. The word creativity bears an implication of constructing a novelty. According to Random House Unabridged Dictionary, creativity is the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patters, relationships, or the like and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc; originality, progressiveness, or imagination; the process by which one utilizes creative ability. It seems creativity entails attention to process. Csikszentmihalyi (1996) states that every individual has his own way of being creative, and this personal activity leads to a personal vision of the world that is unique for everyone. There is vast space for emotional discovery in the creative process. When a person is highly motivated to do something and pours herself into a small or big object, her own soul will be part of her creation. To be immersed in a process of creativity implies that a person will

use all the elements that surround her and will use her internal world of previous experiences and memories as well. Normally, we find inspiration in real life. The emotions and sensations are the engine of the creative process. Human beings take advantage of every source of inspiration, although this process is sometimes unconscious. Even though creativity has an individualistic tone, it is in a social atmosphere where it will have different dimensions, a dimension of acceptance or rejection and as catalyst for insight from others. As Sak (2004) expresses, Creativity is important at both the individual and societal levels. At the individual level, creativity is relevant to solving real life problems. At the societal level, creative individuals pioneer progress in science and technology and the beauty arts (p.216). The process of creativity is a crucial element in the development of the world as we know it. Scientists, technicians, and artists are propelled by the power of creativity in order to build and give form to their ideas and dreams. Creativity implies a continuous advancement in sciences, arts and human development. A complementary perspective is described by Latta (2004), when she portrays the process of creation in a very particular way, adding the element of fragility that is present in the moment of creation. Fragility refers to a condition of being susceptible to possible changes, not weak but delicate, moldable (Oxford Dictionary, 1999). The moment of creation involves tenderness and vulnerability. It is that moment where fragility exists and transformation takes place. The process of creation constitutes an intrinsic component in the life of any human being.

Creative WritingCreative Writing as defined by the WK Encyclopedia (2003) is a term used to distinguish certain types of writing form writing in general. The lack of specificity of the term is partly intentional, designed to make the process of writing accessible to everyone and to ensure that nontraditional, or traditionally low-status writing (for example, writing by marginalized social groups, experimental writing, genre fiction) is not excluded from academic consideration or dismissed as trivial. A creative writing piece, whether poetry or narrative, implies the possibility of a communication process. Pelias (2003) proposes an existing relationship between creative writing and the process of communication. In his article he makes connections and lists variables that imply a possible narrative explanation of the communicative process. Sharples (1999) describes the process of writing as a conscious and creative communication with materials to achieve a human effect (p.15). This concept

implies the communicational effect that a piece of writing can reach. Orr and Blythman (2002) examine the connections between creative writing and its approach to design. They suggest that writing is in a way, design. They also elaborate their idea that writing involves the use of the discourse, practice of design and visual vocabulary to develop student creative writing. The process of creative writing encourages people to explore, discover and develop their own ideas and thoughts. It also helps to present different ways and perspectives, and make connections between ones own writing and the writing of others. This experience is also useful in broadening the vision of the world that a person can have (Creative Writing 20 Online). Creative writing causes change for the person who is writing, and sometimes for the reader as well.

Teachers and The Process of Creative WritingThe process of creative writing is inherent to the learning process. To develop an effective process of creative writing is mostly in teachers hands. Teachers have to be fully prepared to face and to create the appropriate environment for the process of creative writing. In order to create this engagement between students and the creative writing process, teachers should distinguish between the creative process and the writing process. The writing process reveals the stages of a writing assignment that all students are required to complete. The creative process, on the other hand has much more intangible characteristics. It visualizes the process that an artist, in this case a student, engages in during the moment of creation. The creative process involves the student in a decision making route (Creative Writing 20). Students have to think about structure, content, topic, theme, and images in order to have a product or result that will generate its own meaning. Teachers have to help students to develop many skills that they will use in the creative process, as Bruner (1979) thinks, invention is discernment, choice (p.20). In order to give students the opportunity to develop a set of useful skills, teachers have to be creative too. Greene (1981) puts it this way teaching is a triadic undertaking; it involves someone teaching, something to somebody (p.284). However, teachers must intentionally provoke this undertaking to happen. Teachers have to clear the way for students to see the choices they have and the different and exciting ways they can express themselves with their writing. Ugur (2004) mentions the importance of teachers understanding of creativity. In his article he mentions that studies have shown that teachers have

insufficient knowledge of the characteristics of creative students, and also the tendency that teachers have to focus only on students academic characteristics. Are teachers prepared to develop the creative behavior of their students? Ugur states that when teachers do not know what creativity is, how it manifests and how it is important, they may ignore teaching for creativity; thereafter, loss of creative talent is reflected in scientific and artistic advancements in particular, an in human civilization in general (p.2). According to Patthey-Chavez et al. (2004) the different attempts for instructional reforms in schools have not always worked as planned because teachers dont have the skills, or the knowledge to make valuable improvement in the learning environments. Teachers also should have the capacity and skills that the process of creative writing requires. Sara (2000) describes several activities teachers can experiment with to develop the process of creative writing. In her article she mentions how students are willing to participate in the creative writing process and share their writing with the entire world.

Students Creative WritingEisner (1991) perceives the process of writing as a confrontation between the writer and the world, and his confrontation obliges the writer to think systematically. He also sees the process of writing as a force that leads the writer to reflect in an organized and focused way on what it is you want to say. Words written confront you and give the opportunity to think again (p.34). Having our students immersed in this process is to give them the opportunity to find themselves in the process of creation. It doesnt matter whether the creation is a poem, a joke, an article, a short story, a banner, a sign, or a title, because they will see themselves in each piece. Bruner (1979) talks about the vulnerability of the creative process, the silent atmosphere that surrounds every moment of creation. He also believes that the act of a man creating is the act of a whole man (p.18), because when one is creating something, one pours his inner self into it. Students in their condition of recipients of knowledge are just waiting for instructions or guides that will tell them what to do and how to do it. With that foundation, they eventually can emulate the creative process. When teachers create the space for creative writing to take place, and students have been prepared for that moment, the moment of truth comes. The process of creation begins, and students start to ascend, stage by stage within their own mind, going to spaces that they didnt know they had or could attain.

Schools have a great deal of responsibility in the development of the students creative writing. As Barone (1993) comments, the obsession with standardized educational outcomes serves to weaken incentives for the fundamental educational project of developing each students uniqueness as an individual human being (p.237). He also argues that schools are being standardized at all levels. This uniqueness that Barone is talking about plays the most important role in the students process of creative writing. If students havent been taught how to engage themselves in the process of creative writing, teachers cannot expect that the process will come along by itself. Students are eager to show what they are doing or what they are able to do, but need to learn the means to do so.

The Voice Behind Creative WritingAccording to Bruner (1979) the process of creation is an enterprise that reinvents our own being. That is why texts written by students have an important part of them in the words. In every written piece there is a voice pining to be heard. A creative writing piece has a voice, a unique expression of ideas. Every piece that is written bears a part of the writers soul. Lets define what voice implies in the process of creative writing. In the RH Dictionary, voice is defined as something likened to speech as conveying impressions to the mind; expression in spoken or written words, or by other means; the right to present and receive consideration of ones desires or opinions; an expressed opinion or choice; the person or agency through which something is expressed or revealed. Such a definition clearly implies the importance of listening to the students voices. How revealing is this? Teachers need to accept the fact that, by any means, it is important to read the lines written by students, but more importantly, how to read between those lines. When students are able to write a poem or a piece of narrative through the process of creative writing, they are opening a door to communication, and then express themselves with freedom and pride. This inner voice converts the process of creative writing in a process of communication. In the cited article by Williams (2004) he describes how boys are defying the school standards on creative writing by writing creative and inventive pieces at home. They are writing about themes they are not allowed to use at school, such as violence, action, and death. Another study conducted by Blintz and Shelton (2004) explains how the implementation in class of the written conversation method has encouraged students to express themselves by questioning each others thoughts and feelings. Students want to be heard,

they just need to know the process of communication through creative writing. Let us take the chance to hear the voice behind their creative writing. With the findings and enlighten gain from this literature review about creative writing, identity and self, my practitioner inquiry will examine artifacts of students creative writing exploring students voices and their willingness to express themselves through their words.


When I am writing a poem I feel like I dont know how to write. But suddenly, when I start to write some ideas I feel like I can create something good out of them Javier 11th


I. The InquiryIn this section I will show how, in the process of growing my own practitionerbased inquiry, I came to understand my research methodology as it evolved into increasingly collaborative relationships between my students and me, peer relationships, and more importantly, between the students and their own process of creativity. I will describe how as a practitioner, I seek to understand, improve and explain my practice as a teacher using the process of creative writing as a base. I ask how a methodology, which holds the process of creation, discovery, change, and growth of values as centrally important, relates with other inquiries. I hope to create more pathways than barriers by creating ways of knowing about the process of creative writing, which may consequently be better understood. Methods necessary for judging rigor and quality emerged as I checked the relevance of my interpretations about students creative writing. I will closely examine different approaches to this inquiry in the research literature regarding the process of creative writing, and I will explore some of the consideration that arises.

The Starting Points My practitioner-based inquiry about the process of creative writing has various starting points. The first one is based on my perspective as a teacher and how I have fostered my students concept of creativity. I seek to understand how my own beliefs on the creative process have affected, directly or indirectly, my students perceptions of the process. The second starting point is my students perceptions of the process of creative writing, the implications in their own development as students and also as human beings. A third starting point in my inquiry is confirming the relevance that the process of creative writing has in helping my students understand their own ways of seeing the world. Fourth, I acknowledge the fact that once a creative writing piece is complete this marks the beginning of another learning process, as well as the process of learning what they have written through the reaction of others. My search is to understand the process of self-identification, so I can enhance my practices

toward facilitating greater understanding of self and others, utilizing the process of creative writing with my students. I am certain insights will be gained from my teaching and learning practices.

The Climate in the Classroom In order to develop the process of creative writing in any classroom, it is necessary to take into account several factors and elements. The climate in my classroom has to be one of caring, respect, and trustworthiness. When the students are getting into the classroom they must feel in its atmosphere an open invitation to create. Students have different ways to access the process of creation that is why each of them must feel the freedom to express themselves in his /her own way. The uniqueness of the process of creative writing rests in each students way of seeing the world. Therefore the openness students can reach in their creative writing depends to a large degree on my ability to see and attend to their originality. More important is my ability to hear their voices and help them to find a way to express themselves in writing regarding what they are feeling or thinking. Motivation constitutes the greatest impetus in the process of creativity. A variety of motivational techniques that meet my students interests in order to encourage them to write. Without motivation and desire, the process of creation cannot exist. It is in the teachers hands to enable motivation. Teachers need to know the difference between motivation and persuasion. Motivation is natural; persuasion is imposed. Motivation grows a creative disposition within students. When students are motivated, the disposition toward creativity can flow naturally.

The Process In this practitioner-based inquiry I will use pseudonyms in order to protect my students identities. I will examine different analysis techniques that may be useful in the process of understanding a selection of my students creative writing. Data Collection I will explore the inside voices in 20 poems written by 10 students that are attending tenth and eleventh grade at a High School. I have been these students teacher since seventh grade. I pretty much their way of writing and presenting their ideas, although I have not studied in depth their creative

writing process. Since the process of creative writing involves senses and emotions, my analysis will include assumptions and interpretations that will allow me to explore and encounter my students voices. I will read each poem looking for unique themes, ideas, and emotions that allow me to see beyond the mere writing. I take notes as I read each poem looking for similarities and differences among their writing, key ideas, and my own perceptions about what they were writing. Aims This inquiry will give me the opportunity to improve my analysis and interpretation skills related to the understanding of my students creative writing. I will explore the poems looking for answers to the following questions: What is the theme or idea in this poem? Can I identify senses or emotions in this poem? What is the relationship between the theme and the expression of ideas? Can I find traces of my students identity in this poem? Is this poem difficult to understand? Does this poem present my student as I know him/her? What similarities and differences can I perceive between this poems and its writers daily behavior? What is the thematic conception that each student presents? What is my student trying to tell his/her audience with this poem?

My ultimate goal with this inquiry, besides enhancing my own practice, is to be able to help my students find the way to express themselves freely through their writing and learn more about their own selves through what they have written. Using the starting points identified, I will document the process throughout carefully recording all observations in field notes. Common themes and important differences will be discussed from the perspective of each starting point.

II. The Insides within the Process of Creative WritingWhy was this book written?

When did it begin? It was all very simple The thoughts came from within It wasnt written for intellects It wasnt written for fame It was written to express my feelings The pain today that still remains I believe the act of reading always brings things together. Thoughts, opinions, beliefs, feelings and judgments pop out of my mind concomitantly as I immerse myself in the reading of my students poems. Through my reading, my technical side is looking for a special language, rhythm, patterns, formats, schemes, the use of literacy methods or anything that could indicate to me that my students are assimilating understandings and poetry. Instead of that, in this study, I am finding a different world of ideas and perceptions. I stop the battle between what I seek to find and what I am actually finding. My perspective starts to change and my mind becomes open to seeing what they, the poems, are telling me about them, my students. I group my ideas and come out with a scheme that provides insights into my students process of creative writing. The scheme seems easy. Just three steps to analyze: the before, the making, and the after. The exciting part is to really get myself immersed in the writing. The fact I am taking the time to deeply read their poems have changed my approach to both poem and students. I can assure that the time of reading is a time of discovery and communion.

The Before The process of creative writing relies on previous experiences students bring to their writing. Adding to their own experiences in life, students have some instruction in writing methods and techniques. They have read poems written by famous international writers, local writers and also their schoolmates. There are several activities that they have made in order to collect information, ideas or perspectives about the topic they have selected to write about. These activities are very particular for each of them. For some students the process of creative writing takes more time, and they have looked around for inspiration or focus. The following are some of the activities my students usually do before they begin to write:

Explore immediate surroundings Investigate thoughts, dreams, or costumes of others. Ask questions. Learn about new events. Read magazines and newspapers. Read poems. Read fairy tales or childrens literature. Recall travel experiences, like vacation trips. Talk to people. Imagine different scenarios. Reflect on human relationships. Adopt a point of view. Recall childhood memories. Create an imaginary listener for their poetry. Observe the world around them.

By thinking through these activities and actions students come to a better understanding of what they want to say in a poem. On the other hand, for some of them exploring the outside world can be a frustrating experience. That is why some students choose to immerse themselves in their personal inside world. Helping students to access ideas important to them and to finding an entry into writing becomes my role as a teacher. In the process of creative writing, as I mentioned early in this paper, motivation is a key element. What motivates my students to write or not to write? In this first step of the process I can lust several reasons that my students and I have discussed many times before they start to write, such as: grades, recognition, inspiration, publicity, family members, family issues, friends, enemies, peer pressure, stating their own ideas, expressing their feelings, relief, validation, saying something to someone that cannot be said in a face to face conversation, critique, liberation, and understanding themselves, among many others. What motivates each student is very personal. Any of the above can be the trigger for a student to write and, at the same time, that same issue could be the opposite for another student. These personal choice they made before

the writing will be the personal touch, the inner and unique voice their problems will have. The theme or topic they will write about is selected in this stage of the process of creative writing. After the selection of the theme a brainstorm technique is used for everyone to choose the main ideas or concepts they will be writing about.

The Making Papers and pens are ready. Some students are ready, some are not. The process of creative writing allows them to set their own pace. The atmosphere in the classroom is nice and quiet. They dont like the classic music that is being played on the stereo. They ask me to find a popular song. Even though they know what to do, some of them dont find a good way to start. Pens become a really strange instrument. Some students are using their pens to write, others are playing with them using desks as drums, or smoking them like a cigar, combing their hair, or cleaning their nails with the caps. I can see how important it is to allow students to linger with ideas and play with their writing to foster engagement. There are some students really committed to the process of writing; some verses have been written. I have promised not to interfere in their writing unless they ask me to. Some faces are giving signs of struggle, some are glowing with a smile of satisfaction, and some are becoming dense. I speak loudly and issue a call for concentration. Everybody bends head toward paper and write something.

I walk around the class, watching and listening carefully. They ask me not to because I make them feel nervous. In my little walk I have read some verses that really move me. I have to accept that sometimes I underestimate my students writing skills. Sometimes I have expected more from some of them, and I have found wonderful surprises from the least expected. Now everybody is writing. There are moments of deep silence, and moments of noisy laughs when someone says aloud a funny verse. We have been caught by the bell. I feel very satisfied when some of them ask me to stay another period with them, which I cant, but it is very nice to hear that anyway. The next day has come, and the process of creative writing will continue. My students are reading what they have written the day before. Usually they have a very critical eye the second day. Some of them have started to erase words or phrases, change titles, laugh about what they have written, or feel proud and satisfied with their work. Some students are sharing their thoughts and bringing new ideas to their topics. Others have slept thinking about their

poems and dreaming about the perfect verse or title. However, there is always a little group that doesnt know how to continue. We have a few moments for sharing comments, ideas, some critiques, compliments, and advice. They havent shared their entire work, just a few ideas. The time to write begins and they feel more confident after our little chat. According to our schedule they should finish their poems in this period. They are very involved in their processes of writing. Some of them are asking me for synonyms, antonyms, words to rhyme, help with titles, how to shorten a verse and things like that, others are very quiet and focused in their work. Those students are protecting their poems like guards. They dont want anybody to read their poems until they are finished. Usually those protected poems are extraordinary pieces of art. Several kinds of dictionaries are available for them to use any time they need to. Ten minutes before the end of the period I ask them to do the final touches to their poems. Some students feel like their poems are still incomplete, but they work to have a final product. They have learned in previous experiences with processes of creative writing that it is common to feel like their work is not totally done. Some of them dont know how to deal with this uncertainty. A large group of students are feeling proud of the work they have done. I can see they are smiling and proud. When a student is proud for what he or she has accomplished she or he seems to be taller and more alive. Now I have the poems in my hands. I group them into my briefcase and, as usually happen to me I cant wait to get home and start to read them.

The After It is a very exciting moment when I start to read my students poems. What my students dont realize, even though I have told them, is that this time I will look at their poems in a very particular way. I will begin with an exploration, a search for the inner voice of their poems. This time I wont pay attention to the technical parts that we have learned about in class. The form, the tone, the rhythm, the structure, and the rhymes of the poems will be seen from a different perspective. I am in search of the trace my students have left in their writing. I expect these traces will lead me to a better understanding of my students ways of thinking and, more important, to what they are feeling and how the process of creative writing is helping them to express those feelings.

From my readings U can perceive my students personalities. In some cases I can tell who the writer is without even seeing the name at the bottom. However, in some poems it is difficult for me to recognize who the author is. This makes me realize how little teachers know about their students. My reflections begin to appear in my notes. I wonder who knows better my students personalities, their parents or me. I know for a fact that parents are very important in my students lives; I am a mother of a teenager. I have read several of my 14-year old sons poems, and in some of them I cant see my son as the author, and I think I know him very well. It will be the same for my students parents. Some of them may be able to recognize their kids through the readings of the poems, but a large part of parents might be taken by surprise of the content of the poems. Have parents ever read their kids poems? Do I ever take the parents into account in the process of creative writing? Very often the answer for those two questions is no. In the course of the reading I am finding some themes that tell me something about the life issues my students are facing. Through the process of creative writing my students are feeling the freedom to talk about issues that are important to them. Issues of their lives are hard to talk about to someone else, but can be expressed in a poem through their writing. Some common themes are identified, and some original themes as well. I quote some verses to show better my students feelings: Search for self: I have been a child, a student, a dreamer / in my search for happiness Belief in oneself: lets not give in/ to the dark ages/ well fly more freely/ when the time comes/ if we listen to / what dances in our hearts Identity: Impressing on the world / my identity Death: I see the outside/ the outside world/ that I will no longer see when I am dead. Suicide: How could this have happened, how oh how? / She was taken from us but not by someone. / She took her own life why was it done? / to have that rope around her neck she must have been sad Lost friendship: I still want you in my life as crazy as that seems / I want you to catch me when I fall First kiss: his lips meet mine / and I feel the sensation / no longer must I wait / to give into the sweet temptation Parents death: I ask myself if cancer had not killed my dad / would he be here? Would I be the same, / or would I be weaker?

Betrayal: or should I give a call? /We both need some time to heal. Silence: Its a moment for reflection, not a quiz, / and not a time to overlook in haste. / It might not have meaning, but it has might, / a poetry, a purpose, and a right. The value of a friend and the value of a relationship are very high in the youth world. From my students poems I can perceive their need to understand the world they are living in. I can see the happiness of some students; however it is obvious to me that my students are finding through the process of creative writing a free way to express their anxieties, fears and struggles.

Analysis and Interpretation of the DataThe process of analysis and interpretation of the data collected for this inquirybased project has been an amazing and surprising journey. These twenty

poems written by ten students have taken on lives of their own. Every poem has a personal mark, a special touch, and is a part of the writers own being. More than analyzing the format, verse composition, or rhyme and rhythm, this exploration focused on recognizing and connecting the poems inner voices with the students identities. From previous academic and social activities I have found that my students dont have a clear knowledge of what identity is. They dont know how to define themselves and struggle trying to find the right words that can tell more or less what or who they are. Through the process of creative writing they have found a way to define themselves, not by listing personal characteristics but writing down their own way of thinking about life issues, which in the end reveals who they are becoming. Therefore, the exploration of the identities of this group of students, through the process of creative writing, will be the central topic of this analysis.

IdentityThroughout history the notion of identity has been related to several concepts such as: culture, idiosyncrasy, desires, behaviors, family, society, and intellectuality, among many others. However, as teachers, we know that our students identities can be formed in the interaction of one another. Relationships are the ground in which identities are defined, polished, or wounded. Could an identity be wounded? My answer is yes. After my exploration-analysis of these poems I can see how the process of creative writing allows my students to be free. It also creates the space for them to express what is good or wrong in their lives, what is fair or painful for them, or imply their secret aspirations that even they do not know they have. The complex implications of the concept of identity, have lead me to understand that in the process of creative writing, students identities can be discovered in various dimensions of their poems. Someones identity in a poem is comparable to a spiders web. First, basic structures build. Second, a fragile skeleton is filled carefully. Every space and every fine thread has the same proportions; nothing is exact but has a great deal sameness. The wind, the rain, the sun or the senses influence alteration and pauses. Finally, when the web is done, the spider rests. Proud of her work she waits for her prey. The preys presence will prove the webs capacity to attract, to catch or let go. My students identities appear in their poems like wonderful webs. Some of them are stronger than others. Some are bright and others obscure. Some are precise and others vague. The process of creative writing is giving me, as a teacher, a new way to search and find signs of my students identities. In this analysis I have found four

paths that lead to a space which all together encloses the essence of the writers identity. These paths are: the space and role of the inner voice, selfunderstanding, identification, and transformation.

Space and Role of the Inner Voice Lie with me on lullaby clouds And dance among fairies Sigh with me in summertime flowers For once, dont be despairing Forget your bearings And fly away Patricia We are living in a time where people with different perspectives are chattering about getting in touch with the inner self, and letting space for the inner voice to be heard. In my way of thinking, this necessity to hear ourselves is a worldwide issue. It is a fact that we dont take time to look inside ourselves and find out what we really are or want. This world is every day going faster and faster. There is no time to take a look inside us in order to analyze or reorient our thoughts and actions. However, the inner voice is there, within us, waiting for a way to come out and speak. As adults, in our different dimensions at work, family, social life, or religion, we dont give too much space for our inner voice to come out. On the other hand, the youth in its eager state to live life is looking forward for anything that can help him or her to realize who she or he is. The process of creative writing provides them with this wanted space in which their inner voice can be expressed and understood. The inner voice is an old term, used mostly in spiritual and psychological sense. This concept is not far from what I believe it is for this provides them with this wanted space. In a way, the spiritual and psychological sides of the students are found in their writing. What they believe and how they react toward lifes issues are expressed in this inner voice we are talking about. The poems, written through the process of creative writing, act like a door to the writers soul. I could say that there is an outside and inside in each poem. The outside will be the structure of the poem, the language selection, and the action of putting the words and verses together in certain order that makes sense for the writer. On the other hand, the inside voice is explicit or implicit

content through which the writer is exposing his or her feelings and personal opinions. The process of creative writing provides the proper space for the inner voice to take place. Just imagine an empty space waiting to be filled. In the process of creative writing the blank paper is not the space, at least no literally. This space for the inner voice to take place is in the students minds, which within a collusive summoned environment and associated conditions is seeking to be realized in a poem. Giving students the space to be creative is giving them the opportunity to reveal themselves in unexpected ways. Once this space has been discovered and understood, the role of the inner voice takes place. The inner voices role emerges in two steps. First, the student begins a journey to his or her own interior world. Quietly and in deep ways students start trying to recognize and understand what is inside of him/her. Sometime students dont want to see what they have inside, but when they find out that this process is persona, the inside journey is less complicated. The second step realizing the inner voices role is expression. The inner voice is finding its way out. It will be expressed in words and verses that amalgamate in a poem telling something about the writer. Fortunately the inner voice in the poem will let the writer discover or reinforce his or her own identity, and this will be true for readers too. The readers will find traces of the writers identity as well. The process of creative writing is giving students the opportunity to see inside themselves, to seek inside their own world, to make choices and decisions about what they want to be or not, and more importantly, the chance to express their feelings and ideas about their own life.

Self-understanding An echo fades into the night As our friendship disappears. How do I know what is right? How can I ease my fears? If I do call you again, Would the old wounds reappear? I cant stand to cause you pain. Hurting you again is my worst fear! Georgina Self-understanding is ones cognitive representation of the self. Through the process of creative writing teachers can help students find a way of knowing more about themselves. A students self-understanding is based, in part, on the various roles he/she plays in life that define who they are. If we see carefully, these roles are just the things that a person usually does. Everybody has roles or activities that are inherent to their selves. Play a sport; play an instrument; read books; belong to cultural, social or religious groups; be part of a family; be lonely; have friends; earn straight As, be bad in math; this list can be endless, but every little thing we do is part of our self. Creative writing is a wonderful tool teachers have to lead students to understanding who they are. One way to accomplish this self-realization is to have students write an autobiographic poem or poetic narrative. This kind of writing exercise makes students think about what they do, what they like and dislike about themselves, and what they want to be in life. In the verses that introduced this section of this paper, it can be seen how Georgina understood how important a particular friendship was for her, and the fears she held. Even though she presents unanswered question, she has accepted she has doubts that can be freely expressed in a poem. Another way to guide our students to greater self-understanding is to write about others. Learning about and through others with the teachers guidance helps students see similarities and differences they have with one another. In

this process the creative writing assists students not only to have an encounter with their own selves, but also to use their ability to poetically write about it. In this way students can acknowledge some generalizations and particularities. Through the process of creative writing students can create representations of their actual selves, their ideal selves, and their past selves. This process of comparison and selection is really helpful for them to know who they are, how they are changing, and who they want to be in the future. In my experience it is common that in this stage of the process of creative writing students want to talk about their conditions as human beings. The most wanted and feared topic is death. They are worried about breathing their last breath, but even more concerned about what will happen with them after life. They want to know if death is physical or spiritual. This kind of question helps students to realize the value of life and the beliefs and principals they have in their lives. The poetic pieces that usually arise with this theme are very thoughtful and diverse. Students place the beginning and the end of life with regard to their points of view. Through this writing activity about oneself and understanding, students build or at least find out the components of their identities. Each of us already has our personal understanding of what a person is, which obviously varies from one individual to another, and helps us to compose a picture of who we are. That means that through the process of creative writing students can have a better picture of who we are. That means that through the process of creative writing students can have a better picture of themselves, created by them, using their lives as construction material, and finally and hopefully they can see a projection of their identities in their poems. Sometimes we teachers underestimate the internal power that each student has to find to build or reshape identities.

Identification I have been a king, a tyrant, a hero To find out who I am I have been a warrior, a slave, a fool In my longing for truth. I have been a child, a student, a dreamer In my search for happiness I have been a poet, a friend, a lover of life To show the world, truth, happiness, and Who I am Javier

The path of identification in the process of creative writing helps students to find out characteristics they have, they want to have, or to discover new characteristics they can develop in order to be the person they want to be. The identification process is basically a comparison between ones identity and others identities. In this process of comparison, students write about important persons in their lives. Given that identification is the attribution to oneself, consciously or unconsciously, of the characteristics of another person or group of persons, through the process of creative writing students can list those characteristics and select the ones they are willing to incorporate into their own being. Generally students choose to identify themselves with their idols, such as: favorite singer, actor, actress, model, comic figures, in some cases religious leaders, parents, grandparents, and rarely but not uncommonly, they choose human rights defenders, political figures and antagonist personalities as well This process of identification is very interesting for students and for teachers as well. Once they have chosen one or two personalities with whom they feel some kind of connections, they write a list of their idols characteristics. When the process of creative writing begins poems and ideas are a little vague and inconsistent. Students find out that there are many blank spaces they cant fill out because they dont know with certainty who their idols are. After that the real search begins. Students research the idol they have chosen. This experience leads students to reaffirm the quality of their choices, or to realize that their idols dont have much to offer. If the case is the latter, there is discontent on the students faces and disappointment in their souls. Students may feel identification with some characteristics but dislike others. The feeling of completeness disappears, and is usually expressed in their writing. The poems at this stage have a great deal of profound thoughts.

Transformation I used to be A fearful caterpillar Missing out on all the Fantastic opportunities out there. But now I am A courageous butterfly

Without limits and boundaries Only goals to accomplish Paola

The fourth path in the students understanding of their identity is transformation. The process of creative writing leads them through a journey that embraces the objectives of recognition, acceptance, and perhaps changes students identities. Throughout this process students have followed an interesting path. They have found the space for their inner voice to be heard, they have acknowledged who they are in the self-understanding stage, they have been selective and have compared themselves with others in a process of identification, and in this final stage we can see traces of transformation. We know for a fact that changes lead to transformation. Throughout this study I have found that during the process of creative writing my students are gaining more conscious ideas and thoughts about themselves. Changes are obvious in some cases and almost unperceived in others. I dont expect that every student will experience a profound transformation in their identity, but what I do expect is some insights into themselvesThe path of transformation in the process of creative writing allows them to see there is hope in life that changes can be made once the source of fulfillment or emptiness has been found in their inner self. As Paola says in a beautiful metaphor in the verses above, she experiences a process of transformation. Her identity is being shaped with her understanding and acceptance of the concepts of fear, missing, limits, and boundaries, but also the new concepts of opportunities, courage, goals, and accomplishment. These verses only can be written after a deep process of thinking, searching and selecting ideas, concepts and characteristics that are being shaped in the writers identity. Transformation is the act or process of change in a structure appearance or character. Transformation is a conversion, a revolution, a renovation; a change in the way of seeing things and it can be a change of conditions. This process of transformation is so personal that every student experiences it in his or her own way and time. In my experience, transformation through the process of creative writing can be perceived in a students change of disposition, heart or character. It is wonderful to understand how students can find themselves through their writing, can find a new way to see their past and present life; make decision to be virtuous and have a better future; hear their own voice, and express their feelings. Their writings now can reflect who they were, who they are, and who

they want to be. Their identities are becoming more defined and shaped through the process of creative writing being the transformative medium.

Conclusions and ImplicationsThe implications derived from the process of creativity, creative writing in this particular case of inquiry-based research, are numerous. Wonderfully, through the process of creative writing several toxic aspects of the school culture (e.g., lack of identity, incongruity in the reinforcement of character traits) can be removed, and the positive aspects enhanced. The main goal of this inquiry is to prove that teachers have many ways to engage students in creative writing and help them to do their best. The process of creativity is a catalyst for change. These changes can be oriented to improve the students lives and the school life as well. To take actions and make conscious changes in our behaviors or in our ways of seeing life is an excellent way to construct or reconstruct, invent or reinvent self. The self consciousness that Barone (1993) implies, makes me want to go deeper and immerse myself in the process of

creative writing, using it as a medium to help students find themselves, to define their identities, to live profoundly their youth. Latta and Olafson (2005) have analyzed the complexity that exists within the developing sense of self. Teachers must face the fact that it is necessary to guide students to find themselves in order to foster pedagogical relationships. In their article, Latta and Olafson also stated that valuing and validating identities in the making requires learning spaces be created, sustained, and nurtured (p.2), and I couldnt agree more. This is my experience as evidenced in this practitioner inquiry. The creation of these spaces allows students and teachers to be aware of who they are, the role they play, and the crucial importance of the relationships they develop. Using the process of creative writing as a turning point in students lives, leads them to a new route in their way, the route to self-understanding. There are several elements within the school life that can be touched by the power of the process of creative writing, such as: teachers, students, and school and community. I will examine each element in depth.

TeachersAccording to Patthey-Chavez et al (2004) writing activities could easily be introduced in a wide variety of classrooms. Teachers have the opportunity to implement writing activities that significantly transform students approaches to the learning process. However, not all teachers are able to take this opportunity; moreover, many of them see it as a risk. Creative writing needs teacher to be open to a new world of knowledge, the students personal lives. Not everybody is ready for this openness, but if we want students to be successful not just academically but in life, it is necessary to take a chance. As

Ugur (2004) states teacher attitudes, beliefs, and classrooms practices are deemed to be of crucial influence in the development of students creativity (p.10). It is in the hands of the teachers to choose the proper method or activity that will foster creativity in students lives. The amount and quality of the information that teacher get through students creative writing is invaluable. However, the use that teachers can make of this information is entirely in their hands, in their love for what they do, and in the passion they can show in every step of the learning process. Teachers must be aware of their power, responsibility and input in this regard.

StudentsWith no doubt in my mind, students are the greatest recipients of the benefits of the process of creative writing. Students just need the space to let their imagination grow. As Pateman (1997) says, students are eager to use their

abilities to fill in the blanks, to concretize or renovate, to reinvent, to have the freedom that allows them to find their inner voices to be heard. The fragments of my students poems that I have showed earlier in this work are my best proof of the great opportunities that the process of creative writing gives in order to lead students to show their inner selves. However, not every student has the essential disposition that creative writing needs to be successful in this process of self-understanding. Some students may find themselves vulnerable to exposition or criticism. Students want to be respected and for some of them, or their parents, the process of creative writing can be seen as an intrusion into their personal lives. Again, teachers must find ways to protect vulnerable students from this, and make the process of creativity more inviting and trustworthy to them. In my experience I have seen my students grow in knowledge of themselves, which in turn, allows them to grow in their academic accomplishments. For some students, just the fact of seeing their work published in the school newspaper, or displayed in a hall, is enough to encourage them to continue writing and more importantly, to be a role model for others. Greater confidence in self as a writer was evidenced across all participants.

School and CommunityThe process of creative writing can enhance positive attitudes toward life in the members of the school and the community. When students start to feel that

the knowledge of themselves is growing, and the level of self-understanding is increasing, they are able to project their optimism to others. This optimism toward life can bring a new atmosphere that will allow great changes to take place. School members, parents, neighbors, businesses, churches, and social groups among others, will start to see changes in those young people that, in one way or another, will positively influence, suddenly perhaps, the spirit of the community. I have seen positive changes in my community, but what amazed me the most is to see how positive changes are always taking place in my students lives. As I have mentioned in the introduction on this inquiry-based research project, my life was touched by a wonderful teacher in the early years of my school life. I am glad my teacher took the risk to help us achieve a great level of selfunderstanding. Through many writing activities she led us to discover our best qualities and to deal with our sometimes atypical behaviors. It is a challenge for teachers to take this risk. Many teachers will need to face their own livers first in order to reach their students. Using the process of creative writing in classrooms as a medium to create self is a gift of hope for those who are seeking a better way to achieve their academic and human precious goals.

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