Update Asymptomatic Testing approach. Primary Staff, Secondary Staff & Students Update Risk Assessment and Action Plan Engage Governing Body, Staff and Union Reps in the Plans Complete Identified Actions Determine Contingency Plans including Remote Learning Provision and outbreak management plans Inform Parents of any changes to Arrangements COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021 SCHOOL NAME: Eversley Primary School OWNER: Mrs P Pepper (Headteacher) KEY STAKEHOLDER: Mr G Smith (Governor responsible for Health & Safety) DATE: 1 st September 2021 REVIEWED: 4 th October 2021, 1 st November 2021 Purpose of this document: This COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan document sets out the decisions taken and measures put in place following the end of restrictions in July and changes to self-isolation protocols in August, to ensure the school continues to operate in a safe way. Existing policies and guidance continue to apply alongside the actions within this document, including but not limited to: - Health and Safety Policy - First Aid Policy - Child Protection Policy - CYP Response Plan - DfE Guidance relating to COVID19 - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013 - The Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010 - Public Health England (PHE) (2017) ‘Health protection in schools and other childcare facilities’ Risk Assessment for Full Re-opening:

COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

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Page 1: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Update Asymptomatic Testing approach.

Primary Staff, Secondary Staff &


Update Risk Assessment and

Action Plan

Engage Governing Body, Staff and

Union Reps in the Plans

Complete Identified Actions

Determine Contingency Plans including Remote Learning Provision

and outbreak management plans

Inform Parents of any changes to


COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

SCHOOL NAME: Eversley Primary School

OWNER: Mrs P Pepper (Headteacher) KEY STAKEHOLDER: Mr G Smith (Governor responsible for Health & Safety)

DATE: 1st September 2021

REVIEWED: 4th October 2021, 1st November 2021

Purpose of this document:

This COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan document sets out the decisions taken and measures put in place following the end of

restrictions in July and changes to self-isolation protocols in August, to ensure the school continues to operate in a safe way.

Existing policies and guidance continue to apply alongside the actions within this document, including but not limited to:

- Health and Safety Policy

- First Aid Policy

- Child Protection Policy

- CYP Response Plan

- DfE Guidance relating to COVID19

- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013

- The Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010

- Public Health England (PHE) (2017) ‘Health protection in schools and other childcare facilities’

Risk Assessment for Full Re-opening:

Page 2: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Risk Assessment/ Action Plan Sections: Engagement in Risk Assessment and Planning .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Site Arrangements ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Emergency Evacuations................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Cleaning and waste disposal ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Classrooms ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Staffing ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Catering .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

PPE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Response to suspected/ confirmed case of COVID19 in school .................................................................................................................................................. 14

Remote Education Plan ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Safeguarding .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

Curriculum / learning environment .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

Attendance .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Communication ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19

Governors/ Governance ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20

Finance ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Page 3: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Theme Control Measures Risk to Implementation Risk Level Pre-Action

Action Required / Decision Made

Action Completed Date

Risk Level Post-Action

Engagement in Risk Assessment

and Planning

Risk assessment process fully engages staff, governing body and union representatives.

Risk Assessment shared with all stakeholders and published on the school


01/09/2021 Reviewed at least


Site Arrangements

Consideration given to the arrangements for any deliveries.

Outside visitors

attending/coming on to site


Delivery personnel to wear face coverings when dropping off

deliveries or to leave deliveries in the

lobby/outside the kitchen.

School staff to bring

items into the school, washing hands after.

Signage for visitors

outlining school expectations

Track and Tracing QR

code on display by delivery personnel



Page 4: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Reducing congestion in spaces where adults gather.


Assemblies in the hall for two year groups at a


Parents not attending on site for class assemblies or performances for the

Autumn Term (to be reviewed after


Virtual Parent Consultation meetings in

Autumn Term

Two staff rooms to prevent overcrowding

Staff Meetings held in

bigger spaces or hybrid of virtual and in-person



Page 5: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Emergency Evacuations

Evacuation routes are confirmed, and signage accurately reflects these. Consideration given to PEEP – buddies are assigned or reassigned according to available persons. Arrangements in place to support individuals with reduced mobility including cover arrangements in the case of reduced numbers of staff.

Evacuation routes have been updated following ending of bubbles – this may be returned to pre

COVID19 arrangements.


Fire evacuation and fire assembly maps in every


Staff instructed to familiarise themselves with their route and

assembly point.

Fire drill to take place every half-term

LSA to support children with reduced mobility

during evacuation

Level of staff absence to be monitored daily to assess safe running of

school, including supervision of

emergency evacuations


Staff Training 01/09/2021

Fire Drill to take place wb

06/09/2021 01/11/2021


Cleaning and waste disposal

Enhanced cleaning regime is in place in line with COVID19: Cleaning in non healthcare settings guidance.

Enhanced cleaning remains a necessary

control measure.


Enhanced cleaning schedule implemented throughout the site –additional cleaner to undertake cleaning of

door handles, hard surfaces and taps at

regular intervals throughout the day.

Teachers/children to ensure that contact

points, work surfaces, door handles, taps etc.




Page 6: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

are all thoroughly cleaned and disinfected

regularly, as part of classroom routine shared

with children on Day 1.

Hand towels and hand wash are to be checked and replaced as needed

by and cleaning staff and spare supplies of hand towels, soap and hand

wash are available in the atrium for staff to collect for their class as needed.

Enhanced cleaning

regime for toilet facilities particularly door

handles, locks and toilet flush.

Cleaning staff capacity is adequate to enable enhanced cleaning regime.


AH to monitor cleaning capacity and efficiency and liaise with JLW as




Cleaning of whole-school resources.


IT resources to be wiped down after use with anti-

bacterial wipes, and children to wash hands before and after use.

Other shared resources to be wiped down after use, quarantined for 48

hours (72 hours if plastic)



Page 7: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

or left in classrooms for fogging (taking place

twice weekly).

Adequate cleaning supplies and facilities around the school are in place. Arrangements for longer-term continual supplies are also in place.

No hand sanitiser for visitors to reception.

Classrooms do not have


Low supply of soap.


Hand sanitiser available at the school entrance

Lidded bins in classrooms

Disposable tissues in each classroom to

implement the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach

Stock check and ordering schedule reviewed and

order made (AH and JLW)



Sufficient time is available for the enhanced cleaning regime to take place.

M All staff advised to leave

the site by 5:30pm



Waste disposal process in place for potentially contaminated waste.

Covid testing waste is no longer considered

hazardous and can be disposed of in the usual



Waste bags and containers - kept closed and stored separately from communal waste

for 72 hours

Yellow bin waste collections made when

the minimum number of persons are on site (i.e.

before/after normal opening hours).



Page 8: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Hazardous waste collection organised.

Process in place for safe removal and/or disposal of face masks.

Some students/staff may choose to wear face coverings in some

situations and know how to dispose of them



Staff to watch video tutorial on safely

wearing and removing a face covering. WHO video:


Disposable face

coverings worn by staff to be placed immediately

in lidded bins when removed, and staff to

wash hands.



Storage of face coverings brought in to school by children.

Some students may choose to wear face

coverings into school and know how to dispose of

them appropriately.


Disposable face coverings to be thrown in a lidded bin by the child

on arrival, and hands washed.

Reusable face coverings to be placed in a plastic bag (brought in by the

child) and stored on their peg. Hands to be washed

after touching mask.



Page 9: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Classrooms Classrooms have appropriate ventilation arrangements.

Windows open before and after lessons, and during

lessons when temperatures allow.

Mechanical ventilation

system adjusted appropriately to 'full fresh air’ or ‘single room only’.


Rooms to be ventilated with open doorways and

windows providing a through draught, in line

with HSE guidance).

Fire exits can be opened for ventilation but must

be closed during fire evacuations and at the

end of the day.

Fans can be used in classroom if windows are

open to provide ventilation.

Children and staff encouraged to have additional layers to combat draughts

In much colder weather, bursts of ventilation to

be used when classrooms are empty, i.e. before school and

during break times and lunch times.



Page 10: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021


Approach to staff absence reporting and recording in place. All staff aware.


Review recording of staff absences



Risk assessments in place for those staff who are clinically extremely vulnerable, and appropriate arrangements for mitigating risk are identified. Communication arrangements are in place with those staff and their role in continuing to support the working of the school is clear.

Shielding is no longer in place. Clinically extremely

vulnerable staff and/or students have individual risk assessments which

identify any specific adjustments to allow them

to attend on site.


Where assessed that clinically vulnerable staff

should not come into work, arrangements made for staff to be

given roles to carry out at home, that match as

best as possible their usual role in school.

When assessed that clinically vulnerable

children should not come into school, remote

home learning is available through



Currently no staff working from home




Staffing roles and responsibilities with regards to the contingency remote provision alongside in-school provision agreed and communicated.

Staff are aware of their role in the continued

contingency plans regarding remote

education, should the plan be enacted.


Increase clarity for staff working at home and

school in relation to work being set

Training for staff in use of Microsoft Teams and Oak Academy to provide

home learning, and previous experience from

Jan-Mar 2021



Approach to support wellbeing, mental health and resilience in place, including bereavement support.


Staff are aware of available support and advice for schools and pupils available from



Page 11: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

How staff are supported to follow this within their own situations and that of pupils and colleagues is clear.

ECC, including the Educational Psychology

service https://schools.essex.gov.u


The Bereavement Policy

has been reviewed to ensure it reflects current

circumstances and arrangements

Regular emails sent to

staff, face-to-face check-ins to take place and

resources shared as and when received

Email sent 28/09/2021

Arrangements for accessing testing are in place. Staff are clear on how and when to access a test.



Information about LFT to be re-iterated to staff

on training days in September.

Stock of tests monitored

and renewed by JB

Staff sign-posted to tests as and when


Testregister.co.uk email reminders to remind

staff to test.



Page 12: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Log of self-testing kits to be kept. Refer families to NHS if


Arrangements in place for any visitors/ contractors on site, protocols and expectations shared. NB: Their employer may require them to wear PPE. This should be documented as part of the risk assessment carried out by the Contractor.


Check with the contractor any

requirements their employer has specified

before visit.

Share school protocols with contractors/visitors.

Share with visitors pre-visit that expectation is

to socially distance when in skill. If this is not possible then a face covering to be worn.

If visitor is working

across the school or in a communal area, a face covering is to be worn.

Where possible, visits by parents into the school building should be kept

to a minimum. Most meetings should be

virtual or via phone. In person meetings must

use social distancing and if not possible face







Page 13: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Arrangements in place for any externally employed adults delivering learning in school e.g. sports coaches, music tutors, forest school leaders. Protocols and expectations shared.


School expectations and protocols shared with all teachers and LSAs and with visitors on arrival.

External visitors

interacting with children not required to wear

face coverings, but apply social distancing

measures. Visitors working on site or attending meetings and unable to socially

distance or meeting in a communal area, should wear a face covering. Staff attending these

meetings to also wear face coverings.


As of Autumn 2021 all learning being

delivered in school. 01/11/2021



Arrangements for the continued provision of FSMs for eligible children not attending school due to self-isolation are in place.

Only applicable for under 18s who have tested

positive for COVID19 and required to isolate, who

are eligible for FSMs.

M Food parcels for FSM

child/families isolating at home.



PPE PPE requirements understood and appropriate supplies in place.

Some PPE required for onsite testing and any

specific arrangements i.e. AGPs.


Staff dealing with close first aid matters,

suspected Covid cases or personal care to wear

appropriate PPE.

PPE suppliers identified, supplies monitored and

orders placed by JB



Page 14: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Response to suspected/

confirmed case of COVID19 in


Approach to confirmed COVID19 cases in place: during school day

Which staff member/s should be informed/take action

Area established to be used if an individual is displaying symptoms during the school day and needs to be isolated

Cleaning procedure in place

Arrangements for informing parent community in place

If a pupil or student begins to display symptoms of

COVID19 during the day, they are isolated and

parent is called immediately. They wait to be collected in Wellbeing

Area, overseen by JB.

Any staff member who begins to display

symptoms of COVID19 during the day,

immediately informs Head or Deputy and leaves the site as soon as possible.

Individuals are given a PCR from school stock or asked to seek a PCR test as soon

as possible.

Close contacts are identified by NHS Test and Trace if the individual has

confirmed case.


Procedures to be shared with staff during

September training days.

Follow DfE and Health Protection Team


HT or DHT and Wellbeing Assistant to be informed

Suspected positive child

to be isolated in Wellbeing Area,

windows open to provide ventilation, waiting to be

collected behind a screen. Suspected

positive staff to go home immediately.

When a child has

displayed symptoms in the classroom, if

assessed as necessary, JB/AH to be deployed to

fog classroom and children to be moved to outside or in the shelter (if raining) with box of

resources and first aid kit for class whilst working




Page 15: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Approach to confirmed COVID19 cases in place: outside of school hours

Cleaning procedure in place

Arrangements for informing parent community in place

Close contacts are now identified by NHS test and

trace following a confirmed case.

Those who have been double vaccinated or

under 18 do not need to isolate but asked to take a

PCR instead.

Can contact Essex Test and Trace team for advice.


Log of staff vaccination status to be created by


Procedures to be shared with staff during

September training days.



Remote Education Plan

Contingency plan for remote learning developed should self-isolation or restricted attendance be required.


Paper pack to be provided by teachers for first 24hrs and collected from school from 10am on first day of absence.

Subsequent work to be set on Teams, ready by 9am on second day of

absence (and thereafter). Paper pack available for younger

children or on request in extreme circumstances.



Technology support in place. DFE laptop allocation ordered, for contingency purposes.


Allocation of laptops received and set up.

Previous laptops loaned have been returned to

school, cleaned and ready for re-distribution

when required.



Page 16: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021


Staff are prepared for supporting wellbeing of pupils and receiving any potential disclosures.


Reminder of whole school Safeguarding

Procedures (as standard school practice) with all


Induction of new staff with Safeguarding

Procedures and protocols

Online training to be completed between 01-03/09/2021

wb 06/09/2021


Updated Child Protection Policy in place.


Adopted most recent Child Protection Policy (Sept 2021) and policy

shared with staff.



Where appropriate, work with other agencies, such as social care, has been undertaken to support vulnerable CYP and families to complete risk assessments and planning.


Bereavement Support

Social Care



Where physical contact is required in the context of managing behaviour.


Handling and restraint should be used as a last


Review individual consistent management

plans to ensure they include protective




Curriculum / learning


Current learning plans, revised expectations and required adjustments have been considered.


Curriculum planning resources shared with

staff to support recovery education.

Maths Priority

Curriculum shared with

01/09/2021 29/09/2021



Page 17: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

staff in Maths CPD in first week back.

Revisited half-termly

through CPD and staff meetings

Whole school approach to adapting curriculum (S/M/L term), including:

wellbeing curriculum

recognising ‘non-curriculum’ learning that is being done at home

capturing pupil achievements/ outcomes

utilising the DFE ‘catch-up’ funding and programmes

contingency remote learning plan


Staff are trained and supported in front of

classroom delivery style and aware of how best

to provide students with additional support.

Home Learning Plan to

be followed (available on the Home Learning page

of the school website)



Student behaviour policy reviewed and amended where necessary to reflect the current circumstances.


Policy updated, with additional addendum and shared with staff

(available on the website)

Sent home to families

prior to children returning to school

Shared with pupils on

first day back





Page 18: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Teaching of children to continue to follow good respiratory hygiene and hand washing practices.


Children will be encouraged to wash

hands regularly throughout the day,

including: arriving in the morning, before and after break times and lunchtimes after using the toilet

Continued good

respiratory hygiene practices to be promoted

in school: cough or sneeze into

their elbow or a tissue. Children encouraged not to touch their faces or to clean hands before doing

so. Children will be taught

the ‘Catch It, Kill It, Bin It’ routine.



Arrangements for teaching pupils how to keep themselves safe online are in place and aligned to the contingency remote learning plan.


Home Learning Responsible User

Agreement shared with families and staff (and available on the Home Learning page of the

school website)

Expectations and protocols shared with

children/classes as and when remote learning is



L `

Page 19: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021


Approach to promoting and supporting attendance for all pupils determined, including those who may be anxious.


Usual practice of first day calling for non-


Continue to follow LA guidance in relation to


Additional support provided to families from

Inclusion Team



Approach to support for parents where rates of persistent absence were high before closure.


Usual Attendance Procedures to be

followed by Attendance Office

Continue to follow LA guidance in relation to





Information shared with staff around the updated plan, including returning to some pre COVID arrangements and some new arrangements – as appropriate.


Training with all staff as part of September training days, with

follow up emails outlining main

procedures and protocols



Union representatives informed of updated plans.

M Risk Assessment to be shared with all staff,

including Union Representatives

01/09/2021 L

Updated Risk Assessment published on website.

M Risk Assessment

published on websites. 01/09/2021 05/10/2021


Page 20: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

To be re-published after every (at least) monthly


Communications with parents on the:

Revised plans, any control measures that remain in place and any that have ceased

Contingency plans

Outbreak management plans

Wellbeing/ pastoral support


Email communication to parents prior to children

returning to school.

Key documents uploaded onto the school website.

Follow up and reminder emails to be sent



Pupil communications around:

Revised plans, any control measures that remain in place and any that have ceased

Contingency plans

Outbreak management plans


Teachers to address expectations and rules with their class on the

first day back.

To be revisited in assemblies


Wb 06/09/2021


On-going regular communication plans determined to ensure parents are kept well-informed


Letters, website updates, social media

Online Parent Consultations


13 & 14/10/2021


Governors/ Governance

Governors have oversight of plans and risk assessments. Approach to communication between Leaders and governors is clear and understood.


Plans and risk assessments to be

shared with governors prior to children

returning to school

Half-termly communication with

Governors already taking place and to continue



Page 21: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Governors to review half-termly Risk Assessment

in Governing Body meetings


Governors have oversight of all staff wellbeing and appropriate arrangements in place to support Headteacher and SLT. Refer to Headteacher wellbeing materials.


Governor responsible for well-being met virtually with teachers last term.

Staff given email address to make contact with them when needed.




Additional costs incurred due to COVID19 are understood and clearly documented.

M Since 23/04/20, list of

additional costs has been kept in a spreadsheet.



Claims submitted for reimbursement for example, increased premises related costs; additional cleaning; support for FSM


Claim made for reimbursement of FSM vouchers for first three

weeks in January (Wonde)

Edenred set up for half-term holiday voucher


March 2021

March 2021


Any loss of income understood, including the impact of lettings and the financial implications of possibly not restarting.

L Loss of income from

Summer Fete

July 2021



Test kits are securely stored and distributed to staff.

M Tests to be stored safely

by Wellbeing Assistant 01/09/2021 L

Staff are aware of how to safely take and process the test. Shared the following :

NHS instruction leaflet


Reminder of guidance, information and

procedures to be shared with staff during

September training days



Page 22: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

Training video and online resources on the document sharing platform

Contact details if queries

Process for reporting incidents

Staff are aware of how to report their test results to school and to NHS Test and Trace.


Reminder of guidance, information and

procedures to be shared with staff during

September training days All staff set up on

testregister.co.uk to report LFT results (new

staff to be added)

April 2021

Email: September 2021



Staff are aware of how to report any incidents both clinical and non- clinical.


Reminder of guidance, information and

procedures to be shared with staff during

September training days



Process in place to monitor and replenish test supplies

M All kits to be signed out

from Wellbeing Assistant and log to be kept

On-going since 26/01/2021


Outbreak Management


Outbreak management plan developed to cover arrangements should children, pupils, students or staff test positive for COVID19, and how the school shall operate if advised to take extra measures to help break chains of transmission. Settings will continue to have a role in working with health protection teams in the case of a local outbreak. If there

Outbreak Management plan covering re-

introduction of some measures including

reduced mixing, face coverings, remote

education is developed, and all staff are aware of their role. Communicated with parents and students regarding when this would

H Outbreak Management Plan created and shared

with key staff.

July 2021 M

Page 23: COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan from September 2021

is a substantial increase in the number of positive cases in a setting (Stepping measures up and down) or if central government offers the area an enhanced response package, a director of public health might advise a setting to temporarily reintroduce some control measures.

come into place and how they would be informed if
