Course Stability of a Ship Towing System in Wind OceanEngineering03022013

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  • 8/10/2019 Course Stability of a Ship Towing System in Wind OceanEngineering03022013


    Course stability of a ship towing system in wind

    A. Fitriadhy a,n, H. Yasukawa b, K.K. Koh c

    a Department of Maritime Technology, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Marine Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysiab Department of Transportation and Environmental Systems, Hiroshima University, Japanc Department of Marine Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 7 June 2012

    Accepted 3 February 2013Available online 3 April 2013


    Stable barge

    Unstable barge

    Course stability

    Wind angle

    Wind velocity

    Towline tension

    a b s t r a c t

    This paper proposes a numerical model for analyzing the course stability of a towed ship in uniform and

    constant wind. The effects of an unstable towed ship and a stable towed ship were recorded using

    numerical analysis at various angles and velocities of wind. The stability investigation of the ship towingsystem was discussed using the linear analysis, where a tugs motion was assumed to be given. When the

    tug and the towed ships motions were coupled through a towline as a proper model of the ship towing

    system, their dynamic interactions during towing was then captured using towing trajectories and

    analyzed using nonlinear time-domain simulation. With increasing wind velocity, the simulation results

    revealed that the towing instability of the unstable towed ship was recovered in the range of beam to

    quartering winds; however, the towing stability of the stable towed ship in head and following winds

    gradually degraded. It should be noted that this towing instability might have resulted in the impulsive

    towline tension and could led to serious towing accident e.g. towline breakage or collisions.

    & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Course stability of a ship towing system is vital in still water andstill air conditions. In reality, tug and towed ship are always exposed

    to some degrees of wind at different directions. A reliable investiga-

    tion either using a theoretical or experimental approach is required to

    obtain a deeper understanding of the course stability of the ship

    towing system with such external disturbance.

    In recent years, several studies regarding course stability of ship

    towing systems in wind discussed investigating the motion char-

    acteristics of a towed ship in various velocities and angles of wind.

    Kijima and Varyani (1986) carried out a linear analysis and found

    that when the wind angle changed from the head to the following

    winds, the course stability of the two towed ships tended to become

    unstable. In addition, Kijima and Wada (1983) presented that the

    course stability of the towed barge would generally be unstable in

    the range of beam to quartering wind conditions. Using an experi-

    mental model in a towing tank, Yasukawa and Nakamura (2007a)

    found that the course stability of an unstable towed barge was

    recovered in the range of beam to quartering winds. In this work,

    however, the towed barge was decoupled from the tug, i.e. the tugs

    motion was assumed to be given.

    This paper presents linear and nonlinear model analyses of

    course stability for a ship towing system in uniform and constant

    wind conditions as an extension study from the previous work by

    Fitriadhy and Yasukawa (2011). In the nonlinear analysis, a

    proper model of the ship towing system was modeled, where

    the tug and towed barge are coupled by a towline. This is quitereasonable given the fact that wind forces will be exerted on

    windage areas both of the towed ship and also the tug. Thus, the

    analytical model of predicting course stability of a ship towing

    system is deemed more reliable. The effect of wind velocities ( Uw)

    and absolute wind angles (yw) were taken into account in the

    models. A 2D lumped mass method was applied to model towline

    motion incorporated with dynamic towline tension; and an

    autopilot system was employed to reduce heading and deviation

    of the tug from its desired track. The presented numerical

    approach is expected to reduce experimental costs, even though

    the model test validation is still recommended.

    2. Mathematical formulation

    The mathematical model of maneuvering motions equations

    for a tug and towed ship associated with dynamic towline tension

    relates to nonlinear three degrees of freedom in the time-domain,

    i.e. surge, sway and yaw motions.

    2.1. Coordinate systems

    In deriving the basic equations of motion of the tug and towed

    ships, three coordinate systems are used,Fig. 1. One set of axes is

    fixed to the earths coordinate system that is used to specify

    absolute wind velocity Uw and angle yw denoted as OXY, and

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    Ocean Engineering

    0029-8018/$ - see front matter& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    n Corresponding author. Tel.: 60 1 9155 590; fax: 60 9 668 3719.

    E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Fitriadhy),

    [email protected] (H. Yasukawa),[email protected] (K.K. Koh).

    Ocean Engineering 64 (2013) 135145[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/10/2019 Course Stability of a Ship Towing System in Wind OceanEngineering03022013


    two sets of axes G1


    1 and G



    2are fixed relative to each

    ships moving coordinate system aligned with its origin at the

    center of gravity. In the moving reference, the xi-axis points

    forward and the yi-axis to starboard. i 1 designates the tug,

    i 2 the towed ship. The heading anglecirefers to the direction of

    the ships local longitudinal axis xiwith respect to the fixed x-axis.

    The instantaneous speed of ship Ui can be decomposed into a

    forward velocityuiand a lateral velocity vi. The angle between Uiand the xi-axis is the drift angle b i tan

    1vi=ui. Here, yw 01andyw 1801are the head and following winds, respectively, and

    coincide with the earths fixed system X; yw 901 is the beam

    wind, which coincides with the earths fixed system Y.

    The towline is composed of a finite number N of lumped

    masses; the masses are connected by segments into the entire

    truss element. The lumped mass particulars describe the towline

    characteristics, such as the mass, the density and the drag. The

    coordinates of the ith lumped mass is labeled by Xi,Yi, where

    i 1,2,3, . . . , N2. The angle between the x-axis and the length

    of ith segmented towline i is denoted as yi. Here, N 2 is thedistance of the connection point at the towed ship with respect to

    her center of gravity and yN 2 c2 is the heading angle of the

    towed ship. Their connection points with respect to the earths

    fixed coordinate systems X0 ,Y0 and XN 1,YN 1, respectively,

    have the coordinates T,0 and B,0 in the respective local shipcoordinate systems. Then, the coordinates of lumped masses

    Xi ,Yi throughy i andi can be written as

    XiX0 Xi

    j 1

    jcos yj, Yi Y0 Xi

    j 1

    jsin yj 1

    whereyN 2 c2 andN 1B.

    2.2. Motion equations of towed ship and towline

    The motion equations of the towed ship are written in

    Eqs.(2) and (3) as follows:

    XN 2

    j 1

    jMx1 sin yjMy1 cos yj yj

    XN 2

    j 1

    jMx1cos yjMy1 sin yj _y2

    j TV1 Mx1X0 My1 Y0 2


    zyN 2

    XN 2j 1

    jBsin gMy2cos yjMx2 sin yjyj

    XN 2

    j 1

    jBsin gMy2sin yjMx2cos yj _y2

    jBsin g

    TV2Mx2 X0My2 Y0 M2

    z 3


    Mx1 M2

    x singcosc2 M2

    y cosgsinc2

    My1 M2

    x singsinc2M2

    y cosgcosc2

    Mx2 M2

    x cosgcosc2M2

    y singsinc2

    My2 M2

    x cosgsinc2 M2

    y singcosc2

    TV1 M2

    x v2 sin gM2

    y u2cos g_c2F

    2x M

    2y v2


    F2y M2

    x u2 _c2cosg

    TV2 M2

    x v2 cosg M2

    y u2sin g _c2 F

    2x M

    2y v2


    F2y M2

    x u2_c2sing

    g yN 1c2

    The notations ofM2x m2 mx2and M2

    y m2 my2 represent

    the virtual mass components in the direction x2 and y2, respec-

    tively; andI2z I2 J2is the virtual moment of inertia, which is

    expressed as the sum of mass (moment of inertia) and added

    mass (added moment of inertia) components. F2x ,F2

    y andM2

    z are

    the surge force, the sway force, and the yaw moment acting on

    the towed ship, respectively. The superscripts (1) and (2) denote

    the tug and the towed ship, respectively.Lagranges motion equations are applied to describe the

    dynamic motion of the towline and are derived in Eq. (4). miand kFi are the mass and the added mass coefficients of the ith

    lumped masses, respectively.

    XNi k

    Xij 1

    msisin yk sin yjmcicos ykcos yjkjyj

    8>>=>>>; 14

    Estimation of wind forces on exposed windage areas of the tug

    and the towed ship are modeled in various velocities and angles

    of wind. Based onIsherwood (1972), the equation of wind forces

    and moments are

    XiA 1=2raAi


    A Ci



    YiA 1=2raAiYV

    i2A C



    NiA 1=2raAiYV

    i2A LiC



    9>>>=>>>; 15


    yiA tan1viA=u

    iA 16


    ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiui2A v


    q 17

    uiA uiUwcosywci 18

    viA viUwsinywci 19

    The notations of CiXA, CiYA and C

    iNA are the force and moment

    coefficients as a function ofyi

    A (relative wind angle); ra is thedensity of air;AiX andA

    iY are the front and lateral projected areas.

    Here, Uw and yw are the absolute velocity and angle of winds,


    A. Fitriadhy et al. / Ocean Engineering 64 (2013) 135145 137

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    3. Linearization of motion equations for course stability

    investigation in wind

    Study on course stability of the ship towing system in wind

    involves stronger nonlinearities than in calm water conditions. To

    understand the basic mechanism of the ship towing system in the

    wind condition, a course stability model using piecewise linear

    system is utterly essential. This approach leads to provide a

    threshold for identifying stable and unstable towing conditionsin the various angles and velocities of wind. Based on Fig. 2,

    several simplifications have been considered:

    1. Motions are considered in the horizontal plane only (surge,

    sway, yaw).

    2. The motion of the tug (X0,Y0) is assumed to be given with

    Y0 0.

    3. The towline is treated as non-extensible catenary model


    4. This virtual tug moves in a straight-course withU _X0 , where

    c1, X0 , _X0 and Y0 are equal to zero, while y2 c2.


    and c2

    are defined in steady and unsteady motions as

    y1 y0 Dy1,_y1 D

    _y1 20

    c2 c0 Dc2,_c2 D

    _c2 21

    where Dy1 and Dc2 are negligibly small (Oe); g0 c0g0 andDg Dy1Dc2.

    3.1. Linearized motion equation of forces and moments acting on a

    towed ship

    The basic linearization of external force under wind condition

    is based on the relative wind angle y2

    A , which is exerted

    forcefully on superstructure of the towed ship as written in

    Eq. (16). Using Taylor series expansion with respect to D _

    y1 ,D _c2 , Dc2, theny

    2A is solved as


    A tan1v2A =u




    AqD _y1y



    AcDc2 22



    A0 tan1v2A0=u




    u22A0 v22



    Ar Bu


    u2A0 v2



    A0c 1

    u2A0 Ucosc0 Uwcosywc0



    A0 Usin c0 Uwsinywc0

    The square term of relative wind velocity V2A in Eq.(17)can

    be recast into the linearized form:

    V2A V2

    A0 V2

    AqD _y1 V


    _c2 23


    V2A0 U2 Uw2 2UUwcos yw

    V2Aq 2sing0fUwcosywc0 Ucosc0g

    cosg0fUwsinywc0Usin c0g

    V2Ar 2BUwsinywc0Usin c0

    The equations of forces and yaw moment X2A ,Y2A ,N2A underwind condition are denoted as FkA (k 1,2 and 3, respectively), as


    FkA Fk


    AqD _y1 F


    _c2 Fk

    Ac2Dc 24


    FkA0 1=2raAkCkA yA0VA0

    FkAq 1=2raAk CkA yA0VAq

    @CkA yA0


    " #

    FkAr 1=2raAk CkA yA0VAr

    @CkA yA0


    " #


    1=2ra Ak@CkA yA0


    and A1 A2X , A2

    A2Y and A3

    A2Y L2.

    Then, the hydrodynamic forces and moment acting on the hull


    H ,Y2H ,N

    2H are denoted as F

    kH (k 1,2 and 3, respectively) and

    expressed as

    FkH FkH0 F


    _y1 FkHrD

    _c2 FkHcDc2 25


    F1H0X0U2 cos2 c0 XvvU

    2 sin2 c0


    Hq 2UXvvsin c0 cosg0 X0 cos c0sin g0F1Hr Usin c02BXvvXvr


    2U2 sinc0 cos c0XvvX0

    F2H0 YvUsin c0YvvvU3 sin


    F2Hq cosg0Yv3YvvvU2 sin


    F2Hr Yr YvvrU2 sin2 c0BYv3YvvvU

    2 sin2 c0


    Ucos c0Yv3YvvvU2 sin2 c0

    F3H0 NvUsin c0NvvvU3 sin3 c0xGF


    F3Hq cosg0Nv3NvvvU2 sin2 c0xGF


    F3Hr NrNvvrU2 sin2 c0BNv3NvvvU

    2 sin2 c0xGF2Hr


    Hc2 Ucos c


    2 sin2 c0



    Hc2Fig. 2. Coordinate systems for linear model of a towed ship in wind.

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    Referring to Eq. (14), the linearized equation of the total

    external forces and moments Fkx ,Fk

    y ,Mk

    z is denoted as Fk

    (k 1,2 and 3, respectively) and take the following form:

    Fk Fk0 Fkq D

    _y1 Fkr D

    _c2 Fkc2Dc2 26




    0 F


    H0 F





    q F





    Fkr FkHr F

    kAr, F




    The notation ofFk0 is the steady component of the lateral forces

    and yaw moments; Fkq , Fkr and F


    are the unsteady derivative

    values of lateral forces and yaw moments with respect to D _y1 ,

    D _c2 and Dc2, respectively.

    3.2. Course stability of a towed ship

    Referring Eq. (2), the linearized equations of the towed ship

    can be written in the following form:

    Mx0 sin y0My0 cos y0D

    y1BMx0 sin c0My0 cos c0D


    F1q sing0 F2q cosgD

    _y1F10 cosg0 F

    20 sing0Dy1

    Ucos c0 cos g0MyMx Usin c0sin g0MyMx

    F2r cosg0F1r sing0D


    F10 F2c cosg0 F

    20 F



    F10 sing0 F20 cosg0 27

    Similarly, Eq.(3) becomes:

    Iy0 cos y0Ix0 sin y0D y1 IzBIy0cos c0Ix0sin c0D c2

    BF1q sing0cos g0 F

    2q sin

    2 g0F3q =BD


    BF10 sin

    2 g0cos2 g02Fy0sin g0 cosg0Dy1

    BUsin c0 sin g0 cos g0MxMy Usin2

    g0 cos c0MyMx

    F3r =BF1r sing0 cosg0 F

    2r sin

    2 g0D _c2

    Bsing0F1c cosg0 F

    2c sing02F

    20 cosg0

    F10 sin2 g0cos

    2 g0F3c2


    Bsin g0F10 cosg0 F

    20 sing0 Mz0 28


    Mx0 Mxsin g0 cos c0 Mycos g0sin c0My0 Mxsin g0sin c0My cosg0 cos c0Ix0Bsin g0Mxcosg0 cos c0Mysin g0 sin c0

    Iy0Bsin g0Mxcos g0 sin c0 Mysin g0 cos c0

    Eqs. (27) and (28) are non-dimensionalized with respect to

    1=2rL2d2U2 and1=2rL22d2U

    2, respectively.L2,d2and U denote

    the length and the draft of the towed ship and the tows speed,

    respectively. Through separating these equations into the non-

    dimensional steady and unsteady motion terms, the following

    equations are expressed:

    Steady components:

    F010 sing0F020 cosg0 0 29

    0Bsin g0F010 cosg0 F

    020 sing0M

    0z0 0 30

    Unsteady components:













    e1Dyf1Dc 0 31





    _c0e2Dyf2Dc 0 32


    a1 0M0x0sin y0M

    0y1cos y0

    b1 0BM

    0x0 sin c0M

    0y1cos c0

    c1 F01q sing0F

    02q cosg0

    d1 cosc0 cosg0M0


    x sinc0sin g0M0



    F02r cosg0F01r sing0

    e1 F010 cosg0 F

    020 sing0

    f1 F010 F

    01c cosg0F

    020 F

    01c sing0

    a20I0y0cos y0I

    0x0sin y0

    b2 I0


    0y0cos c0I

    0x0 sin c0

    c20Bsin g0F

    01q cosg0 F

    02q sing0F


    d20Bsinc0 sin g0 cos g0M


    0y sin

    2 g0 cos c0M0



    F01r sing0 cosg0 F02r sin

    2 g0F03r

    e2 0BF010 sin

    2 g0cos2 g02F

    020 sing0 cosg0


    01c cosg0 F

    02c sing02F

    020 cosg0

    F010 sin2 g0cos

    2 g0F03c

    From Eqs.(29) and (30), the value for the variables ofy0and c0is obtained. By substituting those values accordingly into Eqs. (31)

    and (32), the unsteady motion equations of the towed ship are

    then solved. When the wind coefficient is equal to zero, this work

    follows essentially the approach of Peters (1950) and Shigehiro

    et al. (1997).

    The non-dimensional motion are







    y0 Ix0,Iy0



    I0z Iz


    F010 ,F020 ,F

    01c ,F


    F10 ,F20 ,F

    1c ,F



    F01q ,F02q ,F

    01r ,F


    F1q ,F2q ,F

    1r ,F



    F030 ,F03c

    F30 ,F3c


    F03q ,F03r

    F3q ,F3r







    D y 01,Dc02

    D y1,Dc2


    D _y 01,D_c02

    D _y1,D_c2


    where0 and0Bdenote the ratios of towline length and tow pointto length of the towed ship, respectively, where 0 =L2 and0BB=L2 (B40.

    3.3. Course stability criterion

    Simultaneous solution of equations can be used for the

    assessment of the stability of the straight-line motion in steady

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    wind, i.e. motion with Y00 _Y00 0. The values ofDy1 and Dc2

    are described by

    Dy1 C1elt

    , Dc2 C2elt 33

    By substituting Eq. (33) into Eqs. (31) and (32), a fourth-order

    characteristic equation with respect to l should satisfy the

    following conditions:

    D0l4 D1l

    3 D2l2 D3l D4 0 34

    where the values of D0,D1,D2,D3 and D0 are obtained (see

    Appendix A). By applying the Hurwits method in Eq. (34), the

    basic solution of stability criteria is written in Eqs. (35) and (36).

    D0,D1,D2,D3,D440 35

    D D1D2D3D21D4D0D

    2340 36

    4. Simulation condition

    4.1. Ships

    The principal dimensions of tug and barge including theirlateral and longitudinal windage areas used in the simulation are

    presented in Table 1. The length of the tug and the barge are

    denoted as L1 and L2, respectively. The towing point at the tug is

    denoted asTand non-dimensionalized as0TT=L1. Negative0T

    means that the tow point is located behind the center of gravity of

    the tug. Two conditions of the barge, namely with and without

    attached skegs, are denoted as barge 2B and barge 2Bs,

    respectively, hereafter named the stable and unstable barge. The

    tug has twin CPP propellers and twin rudders. Each CPP Propeller

    has a diameter of 1.8 m, revolution of 300 rpm and a total engine

    power of 1050 kW, used in the simulations for maintaining a

    constant speed of 7.0 knots on the tug alone. The rudder design is

    of square shape with both span and chord lengths of 2.0 m. The

    steering speed of the rudder was set to 2.0 1/s.

    4.2. Hydrodynamic derivatives

    Hydrodynamic derivatives for the tug and barges 2B and 2Bs,

    including their resistance coefficients, were obtained from captive

    model test in the towing tank (see Fig. 3), which are completely

    summarized inTable 2. Based on the stability index C, barges 2Band 2Bs are considered respectively unstable and stable motions

    in course-keeping. In addition, added mass coefficients m0x,m0



    were calculated using singular distribution method under the

    rigid free-surface condition.

    4.3. Wind coefficients

    Referring to Eq. (15), the wind coefficients for the tug and

    barges were obtained using the linear multiple regression tech-

    nique,Fujiwara et al. (1998) and are shown inFig. 4.

    4.4. Autopilot of the tug

    During ship towing operation, the autopilot is often employed.

    The rudder of the tug as an actuator automatically adjusts the

    backlash of the controller according to the heading angle and

    lateral position of the tug. The control law of the tug is given in

    Table 1

    Principal dimensions of tug and barge.

    Symbol Tug Barge

    Ship length L (m) 40.0 60.96

    BreadthB (m) 9.0 21.34

    Draftd (m) 2.2 2.74

    VolumeV(m3) 494.7 3292.4

    Lateral wind area AX (m2) 57.35 77.5

    Longitudinal wind area AY (m2) 28.91 250.5

    LCB position xG(m) 2.23 1.04

    Block coefficient Cb 0.63 0.92

    kyy=L 0.25 0.252

    L/B 4.44 2.86

    Fig. 3. Model of tug (left) and barge (right).

    Table 2

    Resistance coefficient, hydrodynamic derivatives on maneuvering and added mass


    Symbol Tug 2B 2Bs

    X0uu 0.0330 0.0635 0.0641

    X0vv 0.0491 0.0188 0.1152

    X0vr 0.1201 0.0085 0.1086

    X0rr 0.0509 0.0272 0.1311

    Y0v 0.3579 0.4027 0.4373

    Y0R 0.127 0.0568 0.1355

    Y0vvv 0.2509 0.2159 0.7265

    Y0vvr 0.1352 0.4840 0.3263

    Y0vrr 0.000 0.495 0.2424

    Y0rrr 0.000 0.8469 0.4167

    N0v 0.0698 0.1160 0.0491

    N0R 0.0435 0.0237 0.0742

    N0vvv 0.0588 0.0458 0.0067

    N0vvr 0.0367 0.0578 0.2486

    N0vrr 0.000 0.2099 0.0360

    N0rrr 0.000 0.0982 0.000

    Y0d 0.05

    N0d 0.025

    m0x 0.0187 0.0391 0.0391

    m0y 0.1554 0.2180 0.2180

    J0z 0.0056 0.0124 0.0124

    C 0.0509 0.251 0.023

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    the form of

    d1 GPcTc1GD _c1 GYPYTY1GYD

    _Y1 37

    The notations ofc1 andY1are the actual heading angle and lateral

    motion, respectively;cT


    are the targeted heading angle and

    lateral motion, respectively, (cT,YT 0).GPand GDare the propor-

    tional and derivative gains with respect to the heading angle; GYPand GYD are the proportional and derivative gains with respect to the

    lateral motion. Here, the constant controller gains ofGP,GD,GYPand

    GYDare applied, i.e. 9, 10, 10 and 3.5, respectively.

    5. Results

    Course stability of the towing system at different wind velocities

    and wind angles are numerically simulated using linear and nonlinear

    approaches. In these simulations, the authors employed the towing

    parameters of0T 0:44,0B 0:5 and different

    0from 1:0 to 5:0;


    2:0 was only used for the nonlinear analysis.

    5.1. Course stability of the ship towing system in wind: linear


    Following the work of Yasukawa and Nakamura (2007a), the

    stability conditions of the linearized system are determined by the

    signs of the real part of its eigen values from Eq. (34): negative andpositive values represent stable and unstable motion responses,

    respectively. The analysis was discussed in course diagram stability

    designating stable (white color) and unstable (black color) zones, as

    shown inFigs. 5 and 6. In this analysis, the tug motion was assumed

    to be given as explained earlier in Section 3.

    For barge 2B, the course stability diagrams of the ship towing

    system using linear approach vs. the angle of wind are plotted in

    Fig. 5. Based on the diagrams, the increase ofUw=Ufrom 0.0 (no

    wind) to 4.0 took place in the unstable towing regions although0

    was lengthened from 1.0 to 5.0. Using the linear theory from

    Fitriadhy and Yasukawa (2011), the towing stability was dom-

    inantly determined by the inherent stability criterion of the

    towed ship itself: therefore the increase of 0 on the towing of

    the unstable barge (negative course stability index) was

    Fig. 4. Wind coefficients for tug and barge 2B/s in various angles of wind.

    Fig. 5. Course stability diagram of 2B in various velocities and angles of wind.

    Fig. 6. Course stability diagram of 2Bs in various velocities and angles of wind.

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    unnecessary and even prone to degrade the towing stability.

    However, the stable region then appeared in the range of beam

    and following winds as a further increase ofUw=Uup to 8.0. This

    could possibly be explained by the wind forces exerted on the

    exposed windage of barge 2B, which would increase of the yaw

    damping on her hull and result in significant reduction of

    amplitude of the lateral motion. The results agreed well with

    model basin tests conducted byYasukawa et al. (2007b), where

    barge 2B was towed in uniform and constant wind conditions.

    For barge 2Bs, the course stability analysis is plotted inFig. 6.

    For the no wind case (Uw=U 0:0), the towing of barge 2Bs wasabsolutely stable. When Uw=U increased up to 4.0, the towing

    instability appeared in the range of 1541rywr1801 at

    0:4r0r5:0. The same tendencies showed that the towingcondition took place in the unstable region in the range of

    Fig. 8. Time histories and trajectories of towing for 2B in various wind velocities with yw 1201


    Fig. 7. Time histories and trajectories of towing for 2B in various wind velocities with yw 01.

    Table 3

    Case of 2B, effect of wind velocity on motion amplitude of ship towing system

    withyw 01.

    Uw=U u1 (m/s) c1 (1) c2 (

    1) d1 (


    0 2.67 1.01 51.1 5.0

    4 2.34 1.19 50.3 5.3

    8 1.91 1.24 51.6 6.4

    A. Fitriadhy et al. / Ocean Engineering 64 (2013) 135 145142

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    01rywr261 and 1671rywr1801 at 0:4r0r2:65 and

    0:2r0r5:0, respectively, as Uw=U increased from 4.0 to 8.0.Similar to what is noted byYasukawa et al. (2012), the instability

    towing regions in the head and following winds occurred mainly

    due to the effect of the positive sign for N0Ac2 (the restoring

    moment derivative with respect to yaw angle). As discussed in

    Section 5.2, this towing instability was presented in the form of

    increasing oscillation of the lateral motion for barge 2B (see

    Figs. 9 and 10). However, the towing instability regions in thehead wind case with Uw=U 8:0 vanished by lengthening the

    towline (042:65). For this reason, the higher resistance of thestable barge (positive stability index) associated with the longer

    towline led to more stable towing conditions, similar to the

    finding by Fitriadhy and Yasukawa (2011). In general, the

    towing stability of barge 2Bs was found to be more stable than

    barge 2B.

    5.2. Course stability of the ship towing system in wind: Nonlinear


    In the presence of wind, the ship towing model, composed of a

    tug and towed ship coupled through a towline, has revealed theenormous complexities involving two ships motions associated

    with dynamic tension in a towline. Therefore, nonlinear analysis

    is required to capture this phenomenon, which would be efficient

    to obtain a more reliable prediction for the course stability of the

    ship towing system.

    As seen, the entire towing performance of barge 2B at yw 01with the various wind velocities was still directionally unstable as

    indicated by the sufficient large lateral motions (Y2) and ampli-

    tude ofc2 (see Fig. 7). The results are presented in Table 3. In

    head wind condition, u1 decreased adequately by 28% as Uw=U

    increased from 0.0 to 8.0. This occurred since the quadratic

    function of Uw was proportional to the total ships resistances.

    Meanwhile, the yaw motion of barge 2B oscillated more fre-

    quently by 65%; and the period ofY2 became faster by 41% withrespect to the horizontal trajectories (X2). However, the increase

    of head wind velocity in general had a relatively small effect on

    the mean magnitude ofTC; and the motion performance of barge

    2B as indicated by the insignificant influence to the amplitude of

    c2, Y2, c1 and d1. This can be explained as the behavior of the

    towing independently correlates to the inherent course stability

    index of the barge itself as well-noted in Table 2.

    The changing of wind angle from beam to quartering remarkably

    affects the course towing stability as illustrated in Fig. 8. These

    towing trajectories were captured at yw 1201. With the subse-

    quent increase of Uw=U from 0.0 to 8.0, the simulation results

    showed that the motion of barge 2B veered off to the starboard side

    from the initial course and then settled then in relatively steady

    course withc2

    35:51, Table 4. This can be explained (Section 5.1 at

    Paragraph 2) as the sway forces in the towing of barge 2B were more

    dominant than her yaw moment induced by the wind forces, which

    acted alongside the windage. In addition, the mean amplitude ofc2was reduced by 32%, which revealed less fluctuating of TC and

    implied a towing to speed up u1 by 23%. At the same time, to

    Table 4

    Case of 2B, effect of wind velocity on motion amplitude of ship towing system

    withyw 1201.

    Uw=U u1 (m/s) c1 (1) c2 (1) d1 (1)

    0 2.6 3.2 52.0 5.1

    4 2.8 8.4 53.7 3.78 3.2 21.5 35.5 25.0

    Fig. 9. Time histories and trajectories of towing for 2Bs in various wind velocities with yw 01.

    Table 5

    Case of 2Bs, effect of wind velocity on motion amplitude of ship towing system

    withyw 01.

    Uw=U u1 (m/s) c1 (1) c2 (1) d1 (1)

    0 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0

    4 3.1 0.6 8.8 1.88 2.2 1.4 35.6 6.0

    A. Fitriadhy et al. / Ocean Engineering 64 (2013) 135145 143

  • 8/10/2019 Course Stability of a Ship Towing System in Wind OceanEngineering03022013


    preserve the tug on the desired track inevitably resulted in a larger

    deflection of rudder angles d1 by 251 to port. However, the

    subsequent increase of Uw=U at yw 1201 had an insignificant

    influence on the mean magnitude ofTC.

    For barge 2Bs, the towing characteristics in the various head

    wind velocities are illustrated inFig. 9. By increasing Uw=U from

    0.0, 4.0 to 8.0, the motion of barge 2Bs is prone to be unstable as

    indicated by the increase ofc2 up to 35.61, Table 5. The lateral

    motion of barge 2Bs increased almost 5.5 times asUw=Uchanged

    from 4.0 to 8.0. Similar to what was explained inSection 4.1, the

    restoring force of the aerodynamic derivative N0Ac2 acting on barge

    2Bs led to diverge her yaw motion. This vigorous manoeuvring

    from barge 2Bs resulted in a considerable increase of maximum TCfrom 7.3 t to 9.2 t. This condition might pose structural concerns

    and become even worse when the snatching frequency of the

    towline coincides the with motion frequencies of the tug, Varyani

    et al. (2007). From the trajectories, the resistance of barge 2Bs

    seemed to increase as indicated by a decrease in the tows speed

    ofu 1 by 14% and 39% asUw=Uincreased from 0.0 to 4.0 and 0.0 to

    8.0, respectively. Even though the deflection of d1 increased to

    stabilize the towing, an unwieldy slewing motion of barge 2Bs at

    Uw=U 8:0 still occurred, which is absolutely unfavorable from

    the towing stability point of view.

    Fig. 10shows the effect of the following wind conditions on

    the course stability of barge 2Bs. In general, the towing char-acteristics of barge 2Bs have been shown to bear qualitative

    similarities to its characteristics in head wind condition. This

    means that the increase of wind velocity gradually degrades the

    entire towing performance as indicated by the excessive c2 up to

    61.51 at Uw=U 8:0,Table 6. Similar to the head wind case, the

    diverging motion of barge 2Bs in following wind condition

    occurred due to the aerodynamic derivative value ofN0Ac2, which

    was positive, Yasukawa et al. (2012). It was noted that Y2increased at almost nine times as Uw=U changed from 4.0 to

    8.0. Because of the severity of barge 2Bss motion, this strongly

    affects the tugs motions, where the tug experienced rigorous

    motions indicated by the violent oscillation of c1, d1 and u1.

    However, the increase of following wind velocity up to

    Uw=U 8:0 is also detrimental to the tow by causing a very

    impulsive towline tension with the maximum ofTCof 18.7 t. This

    amount was almost twice the maximum ofTC in the head wind

    case. The reason for this is that in the following seas the surge of

    the tug increased the snatching of the towline due to rigorous

    loosening and tightening of the towline with the violent motion

    of barge 2Bs.

    6. Conclusion

    The course stability of the ship towing system in uniform and

    constant wind conditions was solved by using theoretical

    approaches. The agreement between linear and nonlinear analysis

    was obtained. Using the linear analysis, the stability investigation

    of the ship towing system showed that the course stability of theunstable barge was recovered in the range of beam to following

    winds as the wind velocity increased. In addition, the towing

    performance of the stable barge was prone to be unstable in head

    and following winds as indicated by the large amplitude of her

    headings angle and lateral motion. Employing a longer towline

    for the towing of the unstable barge was ineffective in stabilizing

    the towing system; conversely, for the towing of the stable barge,

    the longer towline led to more stable towing conditions. In the

    nonlinear analysis, the results revealed that the towing instability

    of the unstable barge 2B at yw 1201 and Uw=U 8:0 was

    recovered as indicated through attenuation in her fishtailing

    motions. In general, the towing of the stable barge associated

    with the longer towline led to more stable towing conditions than

    the towing of the unstable barge. The increase of following wind

    Fig. 10. Time histories and trajectories of towing for 2Bs in various wind velocities with yw 1801.

    Table 6

    Case of 2Bs, effect of wind velocity on motion amplitude of ship towing system

    withyw 1801.

    Uw=U u1 (m/s) c1 (1) c2 (1) d1 (1)

    0 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.25

    4 3.7 0.8 18.4 2.6

    8 3.9 9.2 61.5 18.5

    A. Fitriadhy et al. / Ocean Engineering 64 (2013) 135 145144

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    velocity resulted in a very impulsive towline tension, which is

    almost twice the maximum ofTCin the head wind case.

    Appendix A




    x0sin c0M0

    y0 cos c0I0

    y0 cos y0I0

    x0sin y0I0z


    0y0 cos c0I

    0x0 sin c0

    0M0x0sin y0M

    0y0cos y0

    D1 0BM

    0x0 sin c0M

    0y0 cos c0

    0Bsin g0F

    01q cosg0 F

    02q sing0

    F03q I0


    0y0 cos c0I

    0x0sin c0

    2F01q sing0F02q cosg0cosc0 cosg0M



    sinc0sin g0M0


    x F02r cosg0F

    01r sing0

    0I0y0cos y0I0

    x0sin y00Bsinc0 sin g0 cosg0M



    sin2 g0cos c0M



    0M0x0sin y0M

    0y0cos y0

    D2 0BM

    0x0 sin c0M

    0y0 cos c0


    010 sin

    2 g0cos2 g0

    2F020 sing0 cosg0gI0


    0y0 cos c0I

    0x0 sin c0



    cosg0 F02


    sing0cosc0 cosg0M0



    sinc0sin g0M0


    x F02r cosg0F

    01r sing0

    0Bsin g0F01q cosg0 F

    02q sing0F


    0Bfsinc0 sin g0cos g0M0


    y sin2 g0 cos c0M



    F01r sing0 cosg0 F02r sin

    2 g0gF03r

    F01q sing0F02q cosg0

    F010 F01c cosg0F

    020 F

    01c sing0

    0I0y0 cos y0I0

    x0sin y0

    0Bfsing0F01c cosg0 F

    02c sing02F

    020 cosg0

    F010 sin2 g0cos

    2 g0gF03c

    0M0x0sin y0M

    0y0cos y0

    D3 cosc0 cosg0M0


    x sinc0 sin g0M0


    x F02r cosg0

    F01r sing00BfF

    010 sin

    2 g0cos2 g02F

    020 sing0cos g0g

    0Bfsinc0 sin g0cos g0M0


    y sin2 g0 cos c0M



    F01r sing0 cosg0 F02r sin

    2 g0gF03r

    F010 cosg0 F020 sing0


    0 F01c cosg0F

    020 F

    01c sing0

    0Bsin g0F01q cosg0 F

    02q sing0F


    0Bfsing0F01c cosg0 F

    02c sing02F

    020 cosg0

    F010 sin2 g0cos

    2 g0gF03c F

    01q sing0F

    02q cosg0

    D4 F010 F

    01c cosg0F

    020 F

    01c sing0

    0BfF010 sin

    2 g0cos2 g02F

    020 sing0 cosg0g

    0Bfsing0F01c cosg0 F

    02c sing02F

    020 cosg0


    0 sin2 g0cos

    2 g0gF03c F

    010 cosg0 F

    020 sing0


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