Country Profile on Disability REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN March 2002 Japan International Cooperation Agency Planning and Evaluation Department

Country Profile on Disability REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTANsiteresources.worldbank.org/DISABILITY/Resources/Regions/ECA/JICA... · Abbreviations CBR Community-based Rehabilitation CPRH Centers

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Country Profile on



March 2002 Japan International Cooperation Agency

Planning and Evaluation Department

Country Profile on Disabilities Tajikistan

Table of Contents

Figures ....................................................................................................................................... ii

Abbreviations............................................................................................................................ iii

1. Basic Profile........................................................................................................................... 1

1-1. Basic Indicators .............................................................................................................. 1

1-2. Indicators on Disability .................................................................................................. 3

2. Issues on Disability ................................................................................................................ 6

2-1. Definition of Disability in Tajikistan .............................................................................. 6

2-2. Current Situation............................................................................................................. 7

2-3. Documentation and Surveys on Disability ..................................................................... 9

3. Administration and Policy on Disability.............................................................................. 10

3-1. Administration on Disability ........................................................................................ 10

3-2. Laws and Regulations on Disabiility ............................................................................ 12

3-3. Policies on Disability.................................................................................................... 13

3-4. Measures on Disability ................................................................................................. 14

3-5. Experts and Workers in the Field Of Disability............................................................ 20

4. Disability-related Organizations and Activities ................................................................... 21

4-1. Activities by Disability-related Organizations.............................................................. 21

4-2. Cooperation Projects on Disability Organized by International and Other Donors...... 21

5. References............................................................................................................................ 22



Figure 1: Persons with Disabilities classified by type of disability ................................. 3

Figure 2: Persons with Disabilities classified by age ........................................................ 3

Figure 3: Persons with Disabilities classified by living area ............................................. 4

Figure 4: Persons with Disabilities classified by grade of disability ............................... 4

Figure 5: Persond with Disabilities classified by cause of disability................................ 5



CBR Community-based Rehabilitation

CPRH Centers to Protect Reproductive Health

DCP Deputy Chief Physician

Law Tajikistan Law on Social Protection of the Disabled in the Republic

of Tajikistan

MCC Medical Checking Comittee

MLASW Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare

MLEC Medical and Labor Expert Commission

MOH Ministry of Health

NGO Non-governmental Organization

ORA Opportunities for Rural Areas

PHC Primary Health Care

RIMCP Research Institution of Maternity and Childhood Protection

SSAT State Statistical Agency of Tajikistan

UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

USAID United States Agency for International Development


Country Profile onTajikistan

1. Basic Profile

1-1. Basic Indicators

Public Sector Expenditure1 Health 3.5% 1996-98 Education 2.2% 1997 Social welfare N/A Defense 1.7% 1997

Population1 Population (total) 6.3 million 2000 % of women 50.2% 2000 % of urban population 28% 1999 Life Expectancy2 (total) 67.4 1999 Male 64.5 1999 Female 70.4 1999

Medical Care Medical care personnel2 Population/Doctor 495 1990-99

Population/Nurse & midwife 2,174 1992-95

1 World Bank. World Development Report 2000-2001 2 UNDP. Human Development Report 2001


Country Profile onTajikistan


Education system3 Primary education 4 year Compulsory education 9 year Adult literacy rate1 Male 99.0% 1998

Female 99.0% 1998 Enrollment ratio3

Primary education (Net enrollment ratio)

Total N/A Male N/A Female N/A Primary education4

(Gross enrollment ratio)

Total 95.0% 1996 Male 96.0% 1996 Female 94.0% 1996 Secondary education

(Net enrollment ratio)

Total N/A Male N/A Female N/A Higher education4

(Gross enrollment ratio)

Total 20.4% 1996 Male 27.4% 1996 Female 13.3% 1996

3 UNESCO. Statistical Yearbook 1999 4 USAID ESDS. GED2000 Retrieved February 21, 2002, from http//qesdb.cdie.org/ged/index.html


Country Profile onTajikistan

1-2. Indicators on Disability

Disability-specific Data

Figure 1: Persons with Disabilities classified by type of disability








No. of People


Overlapping ReferenceVisual impairmentHearing impairmentMental disabilityPhysical disabilityIntellectual disability

Source: Avesto, Country Profile: Study on Persons with Disabilities (Dushanbe), Tajikistan:


Age-specific Data

Figure 2: Personas with Disabilities classified by age







No. of People



OverlappingReferenceMental disabilityIntellectual disability Hearing impairmentVisual impairment Physical disability

Source: Avesto, Country Profile: Study on Persons with Disabilities (Dushanbe), Tajikistan:











Country Profile onTajikistan

Area-specific Data

Figure 3: Persons with Disabilities classified by living area









No. of People

Urban area Rural area




Visual impairment

Hearing impairment

Mental disability

Physical disability

Intellectual disability

Source: Avesto, Country Profile: Study on Persons with Disabilities (Dushanbe), Tajikistan:


Grade-specific Data

Figure 4: Persons with disabilities classified by grade of disability



No. of People

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3


Overlapping ReferenceHearing impairmentPhysical disability Visual impairmentIntellectual disability Mental disability

Source: Avesto, Country Profile: Study on Persons with Disabilities (Dushanbe), Tajikistan:



Country Profile onTajikistan

Cause-specific Data

Figure 5: Persons with Disabilities classified by cause of disability








No. of People


Chernobyl Disasteron the job accidentmilitary servicevocational diseasephisical diseasechildhood disease

Source: Avesto, Country Profile: Study on Persons with Disabilities (Dushanbe), Tajikistan:


Gender-specific Data



Phisical disability

Visual impairm


Hearing impairm


Intellectual disability


Psychiatric disability


Country Profile onTajikistan

2. Issues on Disability

2-1. Definition of Disability in Tajikistan

According to Tajikistan law no. 458 on Social Protection of the Disabled in the Republic of

Tajikistan (Law), a ‘disabled person’ is defined as a person with physical, intellectual or

mental abnormality.

The Tajikistan Law on Pensions for the Republic of Tajikistan Citizens (Chapter 3, Article 22)

establishes three Groups of disability depending on the degree of lost ability to work.

Group I includes people with the highest loss of ability to work. Within the structure of

primary disability, the proportion of this category of persons with disabilities who suffer from

grave forms of disability is around 9-11%. Group I persons with disabilities require care and

control by others working in special conditions at their homes, in cooperatives or associations

of disabled workers, or in enterprises established for persons with visual impairment.

Group II persons with disabilities suffer from a significant loss of functional abilities and a

full loss of working ability. However, persons with disabilities of this Group have the ability

to care for themselves and do not require the control or care of others.

Group III persons with disabilities are characterized by a partial loss of the ability to work.

These persons with disabilities are able to and must work. A person with disabilities’

profession, level of education, as well as age and working conditions are considered when

determining if they qualify for this level of disability.

Disabilities categorized by cause are as follows:

1. Congenital and post-natal (Children with Disabilities; up to 14 years old)

2. Injuries sustained at the work place

3. Diseases sustained at the work place

4. Chronic diseases

5. Military trauma

6. Injuries sustained during military service or in connection to armed conflicts


Country Profile onTajikistan

7. Diseases resulting from exposure to the Chernobyl catastrophe

Diseases, trauma, or innate pathologies that cause disabilities are as follows:

1. Tuberculosis

2. Mental problems

3. Nervous system problems

4. Malignant neoplasm

5. Respiratory system diseases

6. Digestion diseases

7. Anatomical abnormalities

2-2. Current Situation

The Law determines state policy regarding persons with disabilities and envisages creation of

possibilities to implement rights of persons with disabilities by striving to 1) eliminate

limitations 2) place persons with disabilities on an equal footing with other Tajikistan citizens

and 3) encourage them to participate in the economic and political life of the society. There

are 8 Chapters and 56 Articles contained in the Law.

According to Article 1 of the Law, persons with disabilities in Tajikistan are guaranteed

socio-economic, political and individual rights, and it an offence to discriminate against them.

As Tajikistan has passed through civil war and is now following transition to a market

economy, this has led to deep stratification of the society. The poor and in particular persons

with disabilities have suffered as a result. According to the State Statistical Agency and

reports by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare(MLASW), 104,272 persons with

disabilities were registered at the beginning of 2000, up from 67,832 in 1990. This increase

may be largely due to political instability protracted by socio-economic crisis and armed

conflicts, exemplified by an increase in the number of disabilities caused by general illnesses

from 34,452 to 62,019 over the same period


Country Profile onTajikistan

The average monthly pension is 4.1 somoni5 , while the minimal consumer budget is a little

over 40 somoni per month. This indicator was calculated by the State Statistical Agency of

Tajikistan(SSAT)and World Bank experts based on research of more than 2,000 households

in 125 urban and rural locations in Tajikistan. The irregular payment of pensions to persons

with disabilities leads to their impoverishment. According to SSAT, the nourishment

expenditure rate was 6.3 somoni per person in 1999.

As persons with disabilities require qualitative nourishment, regular medical assistance and

social care, they are thought to spend more than 20% of their budget on medicine. In

accordance to Chapter 2, Article 22 of the Law, citizens with full or partial loss of the ability

to work are guaranteed free medical services at state healthcare facilities. However,

insufficient funding limits the provision of medicine to persons with disabilities. For example,

according to the Department of Health of the city of Dushanbe, 2.4 somoni was spent per

person with disabilities for medicine, and only 0.107 somoni per children with disabilities in

2000, while the actual cost of one course of prophylactic treatment for a child with

ambulatory cerebral paralysis is 40 somoni.

Despite Tajik legislation aimed at supporting and offering privileges to persons with

disabilities, not all have been able to benefit from their rights or gain these privileges. Taking

into consideration this reality, the government has recently worked out and approved social

protection reform and relevant programs. As a result, a number of amendments have been

introduced to the Law on Pensions. The amended law envisages an increase of the minimal

pension rate for persons with disabilities, or those disabled as a result of military trauma,

illness arising during military service, or conflict. Former prisoners of fascist concentration

camps, victims of the Chernobyl disaster and other ecological disaster victims are also

beneficiaries of this pension scheme. The law also envisages an increase of allowances for the

burial of persons with disabilities, as well as other provisions.

In addition to this, the President of Tajikistan has organized working groups to design

strategies to reduce poverty.

The civil war and transition to a market economy has widened social and economic

5 According to the local consultant the exchange rate between the dollar and somoni is as follows.


Country Profile onTajikistan

differences amongst citizens and prompted the government to launch poverty measures. At the

same time, as person with disabilities pensions are not dispersed on a regular basis, the lives

of impoverished persons with disabilities have been shaken. Active efforts must be made in

disability prevention and rehabilitation, as well as to provide life support for these

impoverished persons with disabilities.

2-3. Documentation and Surveys on Disability

Tajikistan is currently undergoing transition from socialism to a market economy and in the

process of carrying out social welfare reform. Therefore, there are no laws, policies or

statistics on disability and no systemic efforts to train welfare personnel for person with

disabilities. An important priority for the government is to lay the foundations for social

welfare reform through system organization and human resource development.

National Census 【Title】 N/A 【Last published】 【Items regarding Disability】

【If no National Census available, specify reason it was not administered】

Other Surveys 【Title】 N/A 【Last published】 【Items regarding Disability】

1 USD = 2.2 somoni or 1 somoni=0.45 dollars


Country Profile onTajikistan

3. Administration and Policy on Disability

3-1. Administration on Disability

* See Annex 1 for the list of governmental organizations

Central Government

【Organizational chart】

Ministries/Departments Responsible for the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities


Ministry of


Ministry of Labor

and Social


General Education


Social Services


Medical Treatment

and prophylatic


Maternity and





Boarding lyceum

to Study



for Children









for Children

OrphanagesMedical and Labor







Center and





Medical and Labor



Ministry of


Special Classes of

General Education for

Children with Physical

and Mental Disability

【Disability-related Central Governmental Organizations】 【Name】 【Description】

Ministry of Health (MOH)

The Department of Medical Treatment and Prophylactics and the Department of Maternity and Childhood are responsible for providing primary level medical and sanitary assistance through: 1. Polyclinics 2. Specialized hospitals 3. Rehabilitation departments and centers 4. Orphanages


Country Profile onTajikistan

Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare

The Department of Social Services within the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare is in charge of Persons with Disabilities. The main tasks of the Department are as follows: 1. Control and implement legislation on social issues related to

persons with disabilities and veterans. 2. Coordinate social protection activities between the city, district

departments and local authorities, as well as provide timely assistance to persons with disabilities to benefit from rights, state guarantees and compensation.

3. Treat and solve together with bodies of the public healthcare and education systems, issues and problems related to the education, and medical and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.

4. Provide assistance to public associations and organizations of persons with disabilities, and coordinate their activities within the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare. A department provides pension payments to persons with disabilities.

Ministry of Education N/A

Local Government

【Organizational chart】

Local Government Departments/Bodies Responsible for the Welfare of Persons with


Local Government


District Public

Health Office

City Public Health


Generl Education


Social Welfare


Central Hospital

of District


HouseSpecial Boarding


Rest Home and

Sanatorium for

Disabled People

Policlinics HospitalsSummer Camp

for Children

Hospitals Polyclinic







City Center of

Family Medicine

and Other


Country Profile onTajikistan

【Disability-related Local Governmental Organizations】 【Name】 【Description】

District Public Health Offices N/A City Public Health Department N/A General Education Department N/A Social Welfare Department N/A

3-2. Laws and Regulations on Disability

* See Annex 3 for other laws

The highest legislative and representative entity in Tajikistan is Majlisi Oli (Parliament),

which consists of two chambers - Majlisi Namoyandagon (lower chamber) and Majlisi Milly

(upper chamber).

In accordance with the Tajikistan Constitution, all laws have to be considered and approved

by Majlisi Namoyandagon. The President, the government, members of parliament, and

members of the autonomous region of Badahshan take on legislative initiatives. Laws must be

signed by the President within 15 days of being legislated by Majlisi Namayandagon. Once

the President signs the law, it is officially published in the mass media, and then comes into


【Title】 Law no. 459 on the social defense of Persons with Disabilities 【Year legislated】 24 December 1991 【Description】 Aims for social defense of persons with disabilities, creation of equal opportunities between persons with disabilities and the non-disabled, and the realization of rights and freedom by removing limitations on the lives of persons with disabilities.

Other laws related to Persons with Disabilities

1. Law no. 459 on Social Protection of the Disabled in the Republic of Tajikistan; enacted on

24 December 1991

2. Law no. 797 on Pensions for Tajikistan Citizens; enacted on 23 June 1993

3. Law on Veterans

4. Law no. 517 on State Social Insurance; enacted on 13 December 1997

5. Law no. 1106 on Pension for Military Servicemen; enacted on 19 December 1994

6. Law no. 419 on Protection of the Health of Population; enacted on 15 May 1997

7. Labor Code no. 417; enacted on 15 May 1997

8 Tax Code 1998


Country Profile onTajikistan

9. Tajikistan Council of Ministries' Resolution no. 312 on social protection of people who

have participated in armed activities defending the constitutional system of the Republic

of Tajikistan; enacted on 29 June 1993

10. Tajikistan Council of Ministries' Resolution no. 45 on approving the regulation on the

order of confirmation of labor seniority for determining pensions; enacted on January


11. Tajikistan Council of Ministries' Resolution no. 61 on the order of transforming pensions,

fixed upon diseases and injuries sustained at the work place; enacted on 3 February 1994

12. Tajikistan Council of Ministries' Resolution no. 134 on issues related to compensation for

damage caused to workers by illness or other damage related to fulfillment of working

duties by enterprises, establishments and organizations; enacted on 20 March 1994

13. Tajikistan Council of Ministries’ Resolution no. 155 on the list of medical indications that

grant entitlement to social pensions for disabled children ages up to 16 years old; enacted

on 7 April 1994

14. Government Resolution no. 225 on improvement of the social welfare system; enacted on

2 July 1998

15. Tajikistan Council of Ministries’ Resolution no. 233 about additional social protection

measures of citizens that still suffer as a consequence of the Chernobyl catastrophe; enacted

on 24 June 1992

3-3. Policies on Disability

National Development Plan 【Title】 Program of Economic Reforms 1995 to 2000 【Period】 1995 – 2000


Country Profile onTajikistan

【Items regarding Disability】 Social policies occupy an important part in this program. However, it is also recognized that it is impossible to improve the quality of social policies for persons with disabilities without reforming the social welfare system. Therefore, focus was placed on reform of the social welfare system under a Strategy Program approved in 1995. Under the circumstances of transition, the Strategy Program was oriented not only for financial coverage, but also on redistribution of available means in order to render social rehabilitation to vulnerable people, especially persons with disabilities. Reform of the social welfare system will be achieved gradually over 30 years through the Strategy Program and was approved by the Tajikistan Government on 7 February 1998. Phases for reforming the social welfare system are:

1. Short term plan: Guarantee cordial reforms of pension program and increase pension payments.

2. Long term plans: Organized changes from 1999 that guarantee sustainable financing Initiate a new program covering disabilities from 2000 Invest in social protection reserve funds from 2000 to 2030.

Also, the social welfare reform foresees social protection of persons with disabilities and senior citizens, reform of medical and social expertise persons with disabilities and the sick. The aim of this program of addressing social aid over 1999-2015 is to increase the quality of life and decrease poverty among persons with disabilities and the poor.

3-4. Measures on Disability

Prevention, Identification and Early Intervention

【Current situation】

Disability prevention

Disability prevention is a major strategic objective, as the level of disability or number of

persons with disabilities are perceived as important indicators of the level of health of the

overall population.

Efforts to prevent disabilities begin at the primary health care(PHC)level. At this level,

family doctors treat those with chronic diseases. In cases of identification of disability, special

form no. 30 (a person with disabilities check card that records all visits to the doctor) is filed.

Policlinics conduct a complex medical examination of the patient at least twice a year, and

necessary treatment is provided to persons with disabilities diagnosed with chronic diseases.

If the qualification of disability status expires, the patient must pass another examination

conducted by the Special Commission on Determining Disability. If the patient is unable to

work for four full months without interruption or five months with interruption, and it is

obvious that they are no longer able to work, the patient must take an examination conducted

by the Special Medical Checking Commission at a policlinic. The Commission files form no.


Country Profile onTajikistan

88 and the patient is directed to the Medical and Labor Expert Commission (MLEC), which

stipulates the type and level of disability.

The Deputy Chief Physician(DCP)is responsible for medical and labor issues within the

policlinics, management of policlinic rehabilitation activities, and cooperation with MLEC.

In industrial enterprises, a special team comprising engineers on labor protection and labor

safety issues, physicians as well as representatives of trade-unions, sanitary and epidemiology

services work with the employer to implement comprehensive disability prevention plans.

Family doctors together with specialists from the Center of Reproduction Health conduct

disability prevention covering the following areas:

1. Family planning (newborns)

2. Maternity

3. Nutrition

4. Growth and raising children

5. Trauma

6. Immunization


8. Pernicious habits

More efforts are required to provide proper medical information about the consequences of

marriage among relatives, which has been culturally accepted in the past.

Identification and early intervention

Identification and early intervention is an important aspect of disability prevention policies.

Under the MOH, the Research Institution of Maternity and Childhood Protection (RIMCP),

PHC facilities, Centers to Protect Reproductive Health (CPRH) and prenatal clinics identify

and conduct early intervention and early rehabilitation for persons with disabilities. The

RIMCP screens 16 to 22 week old embryos. In 2000, 98% of pregnant women in Dushanbe

City had their embryos screened, of which 3% had pathological problem. The RIMCP’s

genetic laboratory researches families with inter-relative marriages, anatomically deformed or

stillborn babies, miscarriages, hemophilia, and unknown reasons for death in their anamnesis.

Unfortunately, the laboratory's research is limited due to a substantial lack of necessary tests


Country Profile onTajikistan

and equipment. In the Maternity Homes, women who have been examined at the genetic

laboratory remain under observation until after delivery, while their newborns are sent to the

child somatic department or, if necessary, the child surgical department.

The main reasons of early infantile mortality in the Maternity Homes are asphyxia,

pathological problems with embryos and inter-womb asphyxia. Abortion is a problem possibly

due to the lack of explanation on birth and bringing up children with disabilities. Depending

on the results of observation and in case of necessity, abortion in the early or late stages of

pregnancy is decided by the Medical Experts Commission at prenatal clinics or Maternity


【Policy/program title】 N/A 【Year Implemented】


Medical Services and Rehabilitation

【Current situation】

State-owned medical establishments (MOH institutes, hospitals, polyclinics, health centers)

currently provide Persons with Disabilities with free treatment and medical rehabilitation.

Prior to 1992, persons with disabilities received free medical rehabilitation at a special

physiological clinic in the city of Khujand based on a decision by the Special Medical

Checking Commission of policlinics. MOH provided persons with disabilities with free round

trip train tickets, but over the last few years, this service has been discontinued.

The lack of wheelchairs is a problem. In Dushanbe, 200 out of 1,100 registered children with

disabilities require wheelchairs, but the price of one wheelchair is more than 100 USD. The

lack of crutches and prosthetics is also a problem especially for people with physical


Counterpart Consortium, an international organization which works in collaboration with

NGOs Avesto and Fidokor, the Union of Participants of the War in Afghanistan and other

organizations, has distributed 200 wheelchairs to adults and children, and 300 crutches to

persons with disabilities free-of-charge. State medical institutions and NGOs have attempted


Country Profile onTajikistan

to provide special equipment to those with hearing impairments but have not been able to find

support, as this equipment is very expensive.

There is a lack of assistive devices, and those that are available are very costly. Therefore, it is

necessary to organize domestic production of necessary assistive devices so that persons with

disabilities can obtain these devices either free-of-charge or at a very low cost.


【Current situation】

Preschool educational facilities have been established to provide education, proper and

necessary rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities or whose health conditions prevent

them from attending preschools.

In principle, persons with disabilities can attend secondary, vocational or tertiary education,

but can also conduct their studies in special educational establishments. Persons with

disabilities of Groups I and II are admitted freely to study at colleges or universities.

Educating and training children with disabilities can also be conducted at home if the parents

so wish, or in the absence of general educational establishments or special schools. Financial

support and some privileges are bestowed on these parents, or guardians by order of the


Children with disabilities who are required to stay in medical establishments are provided

with continuous education and training that aims for social and labor adaptation.

Tajik legislation envisages professional training and the promotion of persons with disabilities


Only a few organizations implement educational rehabilitation. Munis, an NGO supported by

"Counterpart Consortium" (USA), conducts home classes for people with hearing

impairments and children with speech impairments, as well as children suffering from

poliomyelitis to improve their literacy in the Leninski district.

【Policy/program title】 N/A 【Year implemented】 【Description】


Country Profile onTajikistan

Social Services

【Current situation】

Persons with disabilities face a lack of means of transportation. Those who require

transportation must fill out form no. 88 based upon conclusion of the Special Medical

Checking Committee (MCC), and attend MLEC for a decision to provide free specialized

auto-transportation (Article 45 of the Law). However, these privileges have not been provided

over the last few years.

Persons with disabilities who require care, are provided with home medical and social

services by social welfare organizations such as the International Counterpart Consortium,

NGOs Avesto, Fidokor, and the Union of Participants of the War in Afghanistan. The

government promotes development of hospitals and special medical establishments for

persons with disabilities.

Many governmental, non-governmental and private organizations are involved in social

rehabilitation programs, with social rehabilitation one of the most active rehabilitation sectors.

【Policy/program title】 Tajikistan Law on Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities 【Year implemented】 1991 【Description】 Guarantees of a wide range of rights and privileges for persons with disabilities in terms of the following: 1. Medical and social rehabilitation (Articles 10-13). 2. Social welfare (Articles 40-54). 3. Access to social infrastructure (Articles 11-23). 4. Education and professional preparation (Articles 24-30). 5. Employment (Articles 33-39).

【Policy/program title】 Tajikistan Tax Code 【Year Implemented】 1998 【Description】 Prescribes tax privileges and exempts persons with disabilities from taxes related to the following: 1. Profit (Article 129) 2. Surplus value (Article 197) 3. Earth tax (Article 234) 4. Transport means belonging to persons with disabilities (Article 169) 5. Organizations for person with disabilities and supported by persons with disabilities


Country Profile onTajikistan

【Policy/program title】 Tajikistan Ministry's Council Resolution on Social Protection of the people under the Constitutional System

【Year Implemented】 29 June 1993 【Description】 Designed to render social support to persons with disabilities who have suffered contusion, mutilation or trauma as a result of civil war, equates civil war veterans to World War II veterans, and provides privileges for acquisition of buildings or habitation, with a priority of granting 20 years of credit.

【Policy/program title】 Tajikistan Ministry's Council Resolution on the list of medical evidence given for social pensions of disabled children up to 16 years old.

【Year Implemented】 7 April 1994 【Description】 The name of diseases and pathological conditions that allow the right to receive allowances for 2 years.

Vocational Training and Employment Promotion Services

【Current situation】

There are a few organizations that carry out the vocational rehabilitation program in Tajikistan.

The international organization, ORA International, conducts a range of activities aimed to

help persons with disabilities adapt to boarding schools by teaching sewing, shoemaking,

joinery and knitting.

Territorial organizations on employment render assistance to persons with disabilities to find

jobs in enterprises with part-time working days, or to conduct work at home or individual

work in accordance with Article 33 of the Law.

No less than 3% of the positions reserved in enterprises and establishments are for persons

with disabilities. Enterprises, organizations and establishments that provide persons with

disabilities with jobs are subject to privileged tax treatment. Expenditures for the creation of

extra positions for persons with disabilities is compensated by the State Fund of Employment,

or refunded through the tax system.

Persons with disabilities working in enterprises, organizations and establishments are

provided with the necessary labor environment. Working time, holidays and duration of extra

leave are fixed within each individual labor agreement.

【Policy/program title】 N/A 【Year Implemented】


Country Profile onTajikistan


Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR)

【Current situation】

CBR is an effective way to activate disability-related activities. However, there have been no

reports stating that CBR is being implemented in Tajikistan, or mention of CBR in

government policies. Thus, there is a possibility that CBR has not been promoted amongst the

country’s persons with disabilities welfare personnel, so awareness must be raised and

training commenced for CBR to be implemented.

【Policy/program title】 N/A 【Year Implemented】


Communication Tools

【Current situation】

Taji legislation has recognized sign language as a communication tool for persons with

disabilities. 【Policy/program title】 N/A 【Year Implemented】


3-5. Experts and Workers in the Field of Disability

Information unavailable

【Job title】 【Role and Activity】 【Training and qualification system】 N/A


Country Profile onTajikistan

4. Disability-related Organizations and Activities

4-1. Activities by Disability-related Organizations

*See Annex 1 for the list of organizations

Current State of Organizations

14 governmental and 26 private and non-governmental organizations operate in Tajikistan.

Most of their activities focus on medical and social rehabilitation, as well as humanitarian

assistance such as the provision of food to persons with disabilities. There are a few

organizations that are involved in educational and vocational rehabilitation.

4-2. Cooperation Projects on Disability Organized by International and Other


*See Annex 2 for the list of projects

Assistance by Multilateral/Bilateral Organizations and International NGOs

The realities and difficulties of transition as well as lack of sufficient financial resources

confirm the necessity of supplementary non-budgetary sources to finance social programs and

projects. International aid is required to assist Tajikistan solve disability-related problems.

There are two projects implemented by multilateral organizations. UNICEF provides

vitamin-rich food to children with disabilities in Dushanbe, and the World Bank has

constructed sanitary and sewerage systems for boarding houses for people with visual


International NGOs also play an important role in assisting persons with disabilities, and are

also active in medical rehabilitation, social rehabilitation and social assistance.

Assistance by Japan

The Japanese government provided grant aid in 1998 for victims affected by land mines.

Tajikistan was one of eleven countries that were provided with this aid that amounted to 170

million Japanese yen.


Country Profile onTajikistan

5. References

This report is edited based on the main source which was drafted by a local consultant.

Main source:

1. Avesto. Country Profile: Study on Persons with Disabilities (Dushanbe). Tajikistan: 2001

Other references:

1. Moving from residential institutions to community-based social services in Central and

Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Retrieved March 12, 2002 from http://www



2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wagakoku no Seifu Kaihatsu Enjo ODA Hakusho Gekan 4

Tajikistan (Japan's ODA, Chapter 4 of the Book 2 Tajikistan)Retrieved March 12, 2002

