1 .r ' , < .' - i - - - - VOLUME 10 MALVERN. ARKANSA MAY 20. 191 •. Number :; - - - ''Preach the ,.,Oao!·-2 Ttm .• :2. "Earnestly contend tor the faith which was (Jnee 4elivered to the Sainta.."-Jude 3. "Ye also shall bear WITNESS."-John 15::!7. C ouncil S .- .At; announced last month, we greet corded in Eph. 4 :1-32. 6J.Il' readers this month with fuJI par- RESOLVED; SECOND, That ticu.tal"8 ubout the great meeting at we recognize all the above said Hot Springs in April. God most glor_ assemblies of various names, i0081y met with. the 120 ministers and and when speaking of them re- many other workers from the States fer to them by the general ;lnd Canada, with missionaries and Rcripturnl name "Assemblies of prescnt ... tions from foreign lands. God;t> and recommend that they 1'Jtoogh (rom such a wide territory. all recognize themselves by the ya. God all to see eye to same name, that is, "Assembly PranK' HIS great name. lo f and adopt it as 8000 NO NEW SECT ORGANIZED. as possible for the purpose of The brethren were unfUlimous that CONVENIENCE, UNITY and we ebonld not organizo n new sect FELLOWSHIP, and to be more nor charter n new denomination. As scriptural and legal in trans- a Tesult all approved and unanimous- acting business, owning proper- I,. adopted tbe following resolutionslty, and executing missionary as a sort of MOJmu Charla, a declara- work in home and foreign lands. .Lion ot religious frec<lom, a pledge A CLORIOUS TIME against sectarianism and bossism, an (f'IIfning of Christ 3S our Lord and Bead, an expression of our faith in "one body, the one Spirit, the one Itope, one Lord. one faith. one bap- tism and tbe one God and Father ot :ID, who- is above: all, and through all. and in you all." Epb.4:4-6. Here is the reeolntion: AND RESOLUTIONS. Sueh joy as is rarely seen in any religious body was manifested upon the unnnimous adoption of the above PREAMBLE, wbich was afterwards accepted as 11. CONSTITUTION for the GENERAL COUNCIL. A great time o{ shouting, rejoicing, hand-sba.-- king. and even hugging followedj the brethren hugging the brethren and the F;isters ki!;sing each other all over the house. MISSIONARY PROBLEM WHEREAS; God, our Heav- enly Father, sent His only be- gotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into the world, who pur- The next great matter that engaged chaaed and redeemed fallen the COUNCIL. was the missionary in- man, with His own precious terests. Missionaries told how in blood and called out of the some places they had to do legal busi- world and saved a people of nes.s in the name o{ of .the. Presby- whom He built and established. tenans and ot,her deuoml1lations, be- His church upon the foundation I cnusc they had no legal standing from of the apostles and prophets, the homo .saints and from this coun- Jesus Christ Himself being the try; how In some cases they had for Head and Chief corner stone the same reasons been unable in some (Eph. 2:20), and, having Of- to secure in 0,:" ganlzed and baptized it with on to bUIld mls· the Holy Spirit, and said: "The sJOn I.n other cases gates of hell shall not prevail tecostal. an: spcndl.ng against it (llatt. 16 :18) ; and lR bUilding up stations. whIch WHEREAS; He gave the 1 m a f?w !enrs tbey will lose .to the Holy inspired Scriptures as the , denommations. who hold the tItle. to all-sufficient rule for faith and the and of many othE'r lll- prnetice, ?ccording to 2 Tim. that ('ould be 1'E'!fIediNi J.l':, al.t : .... ' Wl -:.>o...iVh .u. r .. ly 'f :''''\!.''' ....... r1 is given by inspiration of God, the home laud and is profitable for doctrine, behmd them a wlIy. Wlth the.;r for reproof, for correction, for means and their prayers. So It instruction in righteousness· was ncxt una.nlmously a,greed to se· That the man of God may lect from the perfect, thoroughly furnished men .of wide :",Ith for, unto aU good works," we shan and Interest m the mISSIonaries, as a not add to or take from it (Rev. MISSIONARY PRESBYTERY. :18) ; and Instead of calling them a committee WHEREAS; He commanded or a board after the manner the that there should be no schism world. were named, accordmg. to (division, sectarianism) in His the SCrlpturcs, a !,resbytery, 1 Tim. body the General .(:14. The follOWIng bt'ethren were <. of the first born selected on the Presbytery. and the n whic.h are written in Heaven" the Presbytery was authoflzed to fill Ht:b. 12:23; and ' out the num ber with gQOd brethren WHEREASj We recogni7 f' who would .serve {rom other pa ri..o;; of {U'l'Selve.J as members (·f the counlry. These were agleed on: of God and do not w- O. W. Kerr, Cleveland, O. in identifying l,)'Ir :elves D. C. O. ?pperman, Houston, .Texas. with or establishing ourselves M. M. PillSOn, O.akland, Cabf. into a sect or denomination J. R. Flowel', Plamfi:ld, Ind. which (.'onstitutes an organiza. H. A. Goss, not Spflngs, .Ark. tion which legislates or forms J. W. Wel:h. S pnngs, Kan. laws and articles of faith and John C. ChIcago, Ill. has jurisdiction over its mem- A. P. Collms, F0:t Worth, bera and creates unscriptural Fockler, lines of fel10w s hip and disfel- T, K. Leonard. Findlay, OhIO. lowship which separates itsself E. N. Bell. Malvern. Ark. fyom other members of the Gen- Among other nllme.'1 to eral Assembly (church) of the fill the \'B('ancy are F. J. Ewart -. Los first born' Angelcs, Cal.; Bretbren Argue and THERE'FORE BE IT RE- McAli ster of Winnepeg, ?nn., and SOLVED; FIRST. That we re- !lrother .Chambers of Ontar- cognize that we have assem- 10. Some one or. two who Wlll !Ie.TVe , bled as a general council of Pen- and. whom the sAlnts of seetions tecostal (Spirit baptized) saints desIre to represent will be chos- from local Churches of God in en as soon .as will of- the Lord can Christ, Assemblies of God. and be ascerl.amcd In the matter. The \larious Apo stolic Faith Mi s- brethren ?lready on do not wa nt any gions and Churches, and Full mere body,. but a. thoroughly Gospel Pentecostal Mi ssions , representative one, lfi.cludl1lg at least and assemblies of like faith in all parts of Umted Stutes. and \larious s tates in the United To thi S end a:'Y mo(hfica- States of America and Foreign to. secure more effectIve Lands, whose purpose is not to WIll gladly made to SU it other legislate laws of government. WIse bret.hre?, Just so. long as nor usurp authority over sa id stand Wlth agamst Ecelcsms- vario us Assemblies of God, nor tlclsm and We reru9El deprive them of their scriptu.' to become sectarian. ra1 and local rights and privi· ADVISORY SERVANTS. leges, but to consider the five These brethren do not make up a purposes announced in the con· new sect or a set ot bosses Their V'ention call in the February. sphere of action is only ADVISORY. 1914, issue of the "Word and They do not desire and have no power Witness" and to recognize to compel anybody. Both the Counc il methods and rules of and the Presbytery, its executive, re- unity fellowship work and bus- gard themselves as only the aervants mess' for God, 'and to disap- ot God and or the Wnts. The..y stand prove of all unscriptural meth· ready .to sorve 11.1.1 who. to use ods and conduct, endeavoring then:' In lunds., to keep the unity of the Spirit helpmg the glVlng in the bonds of peace until we eounsel for BIble order and pro.moting aU come into the unity of the in love the interests the kmgdom faith. and of the knowledge of of God and of oW' Chnst. They have the Son of God unto a perfect no fight to make on any onej no quar- roan. unto the 'measure of the reI with those who may see things " tature of the fullness of Christ. dUferent, becau&e theJ were not pres-- aDd to walk aceordingly as re- ent w eee bow God Jed, guide? aDd - manifestly approved. They ask th . dead in the sigbt ot the law, and the WORDS OF COMMENDATION. know th.'l.t He can wash it all away love, frobearance and prayers o{ . ,\ innocent one, though married again , at once. But we belie"e in getting the saints everywhere for peace amen' lJIay not be living in adultry before Dear Editor: sa,·ed from the dominion of sin. if it the saints nnd their aid in qodj y(!t in the sight of many men, Your article, "Bible Order '·s. Fa· takes 40 works. The all import:lnt God on eartb. aud saints he is held to be so living, naticism" in the March i!'!sue of peper thing is to get it and know you haTe It was unanimously· agreed nNI and because of this much stumbling is Sloout the best thing I ha\·e seen it. It makes no difference what your that thia council should be incoq)Oral ad many divisions have oceured over and CQngrutulate YOII on sending it fonner experiences and claims are, d ed according to the law. SO aa t" such ministers. it. WIlS therefore re- forth at this opportune time upon the you hove it not, repent and believe God legal business. This wall t llt th&t ,the future we ad- eve or the Genera! Assembly. It is lanJ ncei\·e it from Jesus through tbe pomt most greatly feared all over th V1se ordalnmg to the FULL sane, safe, and senptural. strong and blood. Faith is the \--ictory, and you land, and by most o{ those present ICOSI EL ltlNISTRY any man wbo !!Ound. It seems to me it all ('annot have thls all conquering VIC· but after the absolute n(l(.:essity \J living with a sC<.'ond wife while tbe the thiugB needful o{ attention at thiN torious faith whilt walking in In this was shown by the ,1IJMner companion is !It ill alive, wbAt_ time. Ii tbe Assembly i!O. beld to tho.>e God wants a dean people_ themselves who were prescnt and wh, <:;·er be the cause ot the divorce. and a few othcr essentinl things that WITH HOLY GHOST had labored in foreign lands, and tho This does not mean that we shall may come before the body, ':t cannot· , We believe in lind receive from God. way to do it for the glory of God am -gh t such men as have married apin, but be conducive of UNITY and pro- h a filling with. a baptism with the Holy without adopting a man-made cree<.' W IJ got 1\ divorce on scriptural dudjv e o{ GOOD. These two things t Ghost that aeti> jusL like it did in thO! or fonning a scct, then all were nor does it menn that he accomplished the whole mo'·ement will to bave it done. and the Presby tel) cannot preach, if be feels called of find itself upon II. Bible foundation early Chri.stians in apostolic and doeR for us e.xactly what it did roc was so ordered to inl.'Orpol'3te not th(" God, just so he preaches on his own and for :I greater EVANGE· assemblie9, but merely the council, responsibility and does l1ut call on us LISM than it has ever known, nnd rid them. See llatt. J:l1; Mk. 1:8j . d 'th t h h -> I, d' h' S h her hind .. h 3: 16; John 1:3::1j tu. 24:49; Acts 1.4_ It was one WI ou l\ ars wo",. _0 or am 1m. uc men may a,·e 0 a ("w rances tnut nve hurt d b I tel . ! bl ed I " th It I { h ' .A·' 5j Acts 2.4: 10:.17j 19:ti that II. .sou .y unammousy-not ess uno clII.nulll stry,ma. y seTVe e wor amost rom t e ..,.,j;l'Infllnf/:. the H.,ly Ghost is no mere influencf'. dlssentmg vOIce. :11; a soul-wmner. But It does -L. C, Hall. Past")r, I''ull Gospel AIt- ' I.. . . bl but a real. ltChlg, movint: persona];.:, TilE GLORY CAME DOWN ",("an, In \'1ew of the st umbling and sem y, 3250 LeMoyne St .. Chicago, . do b that ('omes into men, gives power tu Nothing wns cver more manifest.1 . u ls, and djvisions, TIL speak in tongues or languages nen'" Ilppro\·ed of God. See tbe steps 0 Ilhnt It unWIse and hurtful to lenrned and still unknown to I F the kmgdom of God to push forward W. P '. Carothers,ot HOUtit.Jn. Texas unity and npprov3 . irst the bod- t s ..... aker but. are u1tered by tb, n,i"d , Il8 lellders in the full minis'-' stlc.b also ", --rites us about th, 110t Sp-,'ng,' .- of brethren nppointed to consider t "-';Y. ' of God's Spirit, Acts 2:4·6. This matter prayerfully and carefully un. cases .. and that we deSIre to Convention as Jollows: "The report the common experience or those today animously approved and recommelldeil m the, responSlblhty for. of th e convention looks good to me, who renpent o{ all sin and yield whol- it to the council. Second, the General UI;·ISlons. '\\e have a mmlstry If it is only allowed to stay on tbe ly to God and believe His word jUll t Council itsel{ as a whole without OIW nbove question and who ca n be basis where it has been put, we shall as it is, so God can pour out His Spir- dissenting voice unanimously approv. a a source of have accomplished that which none it upon them. ed it. Third, tben as ali stood befo l.;tumbhn g and diVISion. God bless before U<l have done, namely, t.he !Ie. _.. . rt these unfortunate ("uring o{ RiMe Order and promotion NO ROLLING OR NONSENSE. \.>O(l 1Il consent, the power fell undo th' ,, 'O."E". I" . THE "J , "ISTR" . D I r" f II ' glory or God came do .... . u; " . ..- . ..- 1'... of mI ssions without making a sect or ecause peop e o...,n a In our lh k d h •• t .h It wns recommended that In vIew another denomination."-W. F. C. meetings WIder the power of God, an s an sou"'" wen up as. th h . d r tc •• God Wh <>f the fact that the sen ptu res speak ose w 0 are Ignorant or who desire soun 0 mnny wa rs un ..... el . . . I . . t h r( women p l·o phe sywg In the gospel, We nl90 bave words of praise from to sander us call us TIoUy Rollers. thmgs were qUle enoug to enr. :\1 A t 217) d hiP ..... . A.I· b h •• D t h " .. message in the Spirit came and the ( c s: nn as e pers to nu 11l our ..... In, .. uan ret ren fOI' til., way in u we avo never ""en In any way .•• .. t' f II .> d.h the SAme (Rom. 16:3) and t.hat they which the Lord so wonderfully led at associated. .... --ith the rcal Unholy Roll- m...,rpre ..... 1011 0 OWt;;U an e 0 ]>- I' I I lid h I . . .d "I h ·d :Ire stIll a we come force m the hands the} ot Springs' meeting. ers wrong y ('a "'-' 0 y, 1I0r do we prOVIng vOIce sal, ave gUI e HI r God rd' .h k' gd practice or believe in such ,I'.m, .nd all this. anu my appro;'al rests upon . or a \"ancI.ng -. e m om- .,,, ,_ h B M I b In \'Iew uf these things It was resoh'- Elder o. W. Kerr of Cleveland, 0., {oily as rolling from one side of tbe I .• ODrl, roo ason, a reo prop .,.>.. . d .. h" h 'h" Th" , C God I . th r th ...... ""at we recommen to mInister!; as to act on the Mission- ouse to e o .... er . IS IS nonsense eo, a so In e power 0 (" , d bl' . d d' h . God S .. , bl A.I th ·l'·ts ti :In nssem les the fight of womell ary Presbytery o{ the G('nernl Coun- an IS onormg to . But if God'>! r I e coun,"I'"h I ac on l ailed of God, to be ordained, not as cil. It is alw expected that Breth- mighty powet· takes all the strength or . 0 repen, a,'e ne\'er ·'ld . h h' b' .. "I' d E '11 I t f d h f II' h b . . .. I'. er!l ".t a ut or,ty. u as eV3nge- ren ItliU. IStel· an wart "'I argo,. ou 0 one nn e a s In a eap seen allythlflJ:;' more manifestlY IIp· r, .. .. f .. . rtc ". I t "h h '1 ro ... Ln-d, lh,', ;0 not .> r God Wh I.e th {t I.,.S 0 lfill'SlOnOfles. a r ..,.,Ifi).t y ('(W)pera e WI t e new counel. .... "',,' '"" ,,,.-, prov,; o. to f aver e \l I,/uly tried :md approved nCCOI"(ling to When everybody understands thnt the and we s."\y to God to work as it may ave In 1! re us none ' the :ocriptures. COl'lncil is to be merely a servant or plellileth Him. Daniel fell before God, doubted but that, od was 1Il our' \,. & W. O}-'FI('I.-\L ORGA:". the Mints and of God, a mere channel Dan. 10:5-10j Ezekiel fell on his fac midst thus far, guiuing. apPl·ovjf1g' ana ' It resolYed in ns much [II; t.he through which to work for God's II:lory E:w.] :3. 24; John fell as one dead .. leading His people 011. , Vord and Witness is alrendy the prop- and mcrely ADVISORY in its capal.'- fore thtl gloriLl'<i Christ, Rev. .r OF GOD. ' -'tty of the GENERAL C()UNCIL itj and 1101. a !let. ot bos then we It an honor from heavWl, if tre re.l The conf ... rence ... \"\."Com- bat the "nm(> be recogni7.ed ao;; an om- ... '1 th:"lt thl' Mints, fnr Jo d near, in power nnd of God dOl. th, ,m: .... """" ..... .. -"_ ... u,,.- ,." ....... fI'll" .til 01 \.1',(- .. n,,'.I!• .... t t" ... lllbt<t1 . "lI ...... O<.t<.y. - ....... that wc the GENERAL COUNCIL ocj itb Brother E. N. Bell as editor in wQl most gladly ,·o·oper. te . :q. the IN GIFTS. tbe ASSEMBIJES OP GOD hereby .hi tt" and that the whole nlatter ot 1a1:ge representative body came recognize all of the Penteco.s tal mis'J ublic:"ltion be turned over into the together at Hot Springs and fom1ed sions, assemblies and churches of yar{ ands of the E1'ecutive Presbytery. this Council for business purposes. ... ious names as in fellowship with us, All other clean nnd 'Sweet Pente- Words o{ thanks are also expressed and when speaking of them, cnll them papers were commendffi in for the article in last. paper about the ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, and recom· fheir good work, if they see fit to go Yellow Book as folluws: "I write to mend t.bat all the local assemblies 011 ns heretofore, But it was hoped thank you for the article on the yel- recognize tbemseh'es by this God- tha t enough of tbem would low Books. I huve read many of these given name, and without ('ompuh,ion ily unite with the Word and Witness books and pnpers, and did not notice but voluntarily adopt this name ns to make a larger nnd stronger month- ALL the false teachings mentioned in rapidly as poSsible, without any sec.- Iy, and :IS soon as possible t.urned the Word nnd Witnes s, but I noticed tarian sp irit and with no prejudice into a migbty weeldy for God. enough. So 1 asked the people who against any other sl.'ripturnl name. The Presbytery is glad to report distributed them not to send me an y Adopted unanimously. that plans are almost complete for more. and now today, after rc.ading BREAK UP NO HOMES. several to be united aud ('Ome out as the :Irtide on them, I burned 6 of The divorce problem pres.'Wld for so- one. Let all the saints pray and help these Yellow Books. I thank you lor lution, and while perplexing a unin- in this blessed co_operative spirit nnd your plain teaching and pray God ,.,.j11 imous decision was 1'E'liched on this soon make the weekly pollsible. continue to bless you with w iOOon, . d . II OOt A GREAT DA Y PHA YER. and knowledge in Ilis Holy Word. one pomt, as a Vice to a preachers: The sa i nts were requested to gather Your brothel· in Christ-A. J. TIn.::-. WHEREA S. There are now among at their places of worship, as many as ley. Zion City, 111. Christian people tho se wh o became en- possible, 011 every Thursday. and nc- ______ _ tangled in their marriage relations in tunlly I:Ipcnd tbe day in prnJer, fast- . th h th I G····, FOR STRANGERS. "WHO ARE WE? their former lives o{ sin. and who do lUg roug e noon mea. uu I not now see bow these matters ean wonderfully hlessing in place!! where be adjusted, therefore we recommend they thus travail in pra yer . that these cases be left in the hands MINISTERIAL OFFICES. of the Lord and that they walk in the It wall resolved to organize all tho light as God let.'I it shine on their ministerial offices according to the souls." New Testument scriptW"el:l and to teo We believe in the gifts from God through the Spirit as in 1 Cor. 12:4· o. Many 01 these gifts in many plac- es have alrendy b(!(ln man ifested with. in the last 10 years among the saints, nnd we nrc looking for the rest to be restored, as promised. Acts 3:19·21. THE CHURCH. See in tbis paper article on the Assembly of God. Our churches 01· assemblies are called Pentecostal AsA semblies, Apostolic Faith Assemblies, etc., but we are correctly called SEMBLIES OF GOD. ORDINANCES of CHURCH. W(' believe in baptism-in being " lJurie<l througb baptism" Rom. 6:4, just all Paul puts it. We believe ill keeping the Supper "till 11e comes." as comnulnded , I Cor. 11 :26. See ar A tide on Wise above what is writtcn" in this paper, SOON" CO:\I I NG OF JESUS. 'Ye believe in tho pre-millenial com- ing of Lord Jesus to reign with the saints 1000 yenrs, Re;". cbapten; ID and 20. In the new hea,·en and new earth us here promised. MISSIONS. So in these caSe8, so co mpli cated cognize such offices wbenever God re.. that th e won! of God does not sbow rotored to the church, and for the exactly what call be righteoWliy done, nor the wisdom of man see any godly solution that can be made to undo or rigbt the mistakes of the past or ad· just in the prcgent-in such case!! we will not meddle nor break up the homes of huppy children nnd loving parents, nor disfellowship them while now living for God and with His approval of the Holy Gh09t llpon them. present and for convenience to recog· .i%.e tbe scriptuml terms of ELDER, EVA NGELIST, EXHORTER, (Rom. 12:8. He may be regarded as the Ii. censod uoordnined preacher on test) The st.rnngers to us who receive this P<lpeT will ask who are thefIC people I A!I in thei:.r ibrrlorance some cry one thing and OODle another when they see people in onr meetings fnll under the miglatJ po'f;'er ot God's Spirit, get SAved. and ris(' with sbiaing faces, speaking with other tongues, and We believe in preaching the gospel praising and CJt."llting the L::!mb in to "every creature" in the world al'l thei:.r testimonie.s, we in a word will Jesu s comm.:lnded, Mk. 16:16. In ev- give a rooson for the hope within us. ery thing else in the Bible wben taken as God meant it. and m::ACON. We rtJ'e simply New Testament Christians who hnve brushed aside DIVINE HEALING. the mental shams and holloWlleSll of All believe the blessing:. S(' HOOLS. tbe age and in a measure gotten back Uu-ough Christ under the New Cove- The matter of schools WItS eomllllt- to the realities of God's grace and n.'mt are ricber, larger, and wider than into the hands of the Presbytery, power t.hrough the atoning blood or under tho Old Covenant j yet even in and ble!sed progress is being now Christ. We bave learned tbnt God Old Testament days God was the made on the Tbose who have has not. changed nor lost His power ht'aler of His people, when they walk- I proposi tiOnS to offer or donations to nor Hill willingness to use th is ed uprightly before Him. When God DIVORCE OPPOSED. make v.-i11 addresl:l nn}" of the t\lfelve heulod the bitter waters at Mara Ht" . today as Creely as in tbe days of the At the same time It was agreed on t.he Presby"'Y' tl mad" lsmcl this promi!le: "te thou apos es to make HimselI nnd Hi s for the present and tbe future to dis- HELPERS. wilt dili"'enU, hearken to the voice of !;peat So'l.h'ation real to huollfY hearts. ... coW'tlge divorees by all lawful means Any desiring help to keep your state th, Lor-' thy God nnd du that which On We have found bE:yond all doubt that " and teaching. ly one cause for put-- or district in harmony with these non- h ;, ric.ht in Hill (not in our own d it is t e H in and unbeLief of the age ... ting away. Jesus sai , "Whosoeyer itlCt."lrian principles ndopted and in 00.. lIi ... ht) and will gj;·c ellr to His com- h wit that gives God nu chance to display ,., shall put away is e, t"lI:ce pt it bt> o-ration with this GENERAL COtIN m.,d m,.t.<. and all His ,tn tu·· ·. ..... Hill mirnculons power as of old. """ for {ornication, and shall marry an · Cn. will addl"e1l5 any of the Execu· 1 will put none of these diseases upon otber. committeth adu ltry. and whoso tive PresbytE'ry. RIo:AL SALVATIOK FROM SIN. thee, which [ have brought upon the marrietb ber which is put nway doth ;\ IlSSlO::-iAHY F U1"4 DS . I We believe in a salvation to which Egyptil\nS; (or I am the Lol;d commit adultry," Matt. 19:9. 1 Bell Mah'ern, Arkansas, .... os 'the God ot heaven bears witness with God that henleth thee," Ex. I G:2G. Se" HIGH STAND ARD FOR TilE )UN - select.e<f 3!'l missionary treaeurer to His SJli:.rit (Rom. 8:16; ] Jno. 5:10) ulllO Goo's rovenant of healing in Oeul {STRY. ret"che :l.nd forward fund!'!. Any who and wbich saves men and women from 7:12.10, whel"ein He proises to "t:l.!,;t- The only point on wbich there WDS can use bim will find his servk:es free the dominion or sin. Sec Matt. 1:21; nway ALL . .;·· thE' I"e- not nnanimity was the higb standard of eh."lrge in rOMlfarding funde to Rom. 6:11-H, 18, 22. We believe ill verse in Deut. 28:aS-Gl. set for the ministry. But considering whQm90Cver you may direct, the oldAfashioned vicw of Christ as In t.he Xo:w 'I'('lItanl{'llt it taul/:hl the general trouble in the Christia n FALL COUNCIL. the sinne r's 8ubstitutl', of a renl blood cJE'nrly that Christ atoned for ou, world over this queatioD or divor"';> It is hoped by fall everything will atonement for and thnt thl ' blood exactly ::s he did for our sin,., in the ministry, it is very remarkable be in a blessed stllte ot haTmOllY. ,ot Chri'lt from /to LL Sill, 1, It "Hl' bure our i Pet. :! that aU of the hundreds preeent B-1. effieiency Ilnd I"O-operntion, alld t.batiJohn 1:7. Som ... limi! the power (,r :!.t. III )Iatt. 11:17 it "ays., "He bnr" greed, except four-() nly tour! I anot.ber g-re.'lt council meeting wi bf ! God and o! the blood iJy holdinll: it (lUr Jesus \lot only besl While recognidng that those may l ... ,W then. if Jesus t.'l.rries. Look out takes two works o{ ¥Tllce nnd two ap- <.'(1 when He wn:i upon enrth befor.· be right. who bold that if l\ eornplln- or the announceme,t of the time ,Hid plicllt.ionll of the blood to waah away Ilis eruciflXion. but 11.1&0 after Ui !' ion commits fonlicaUon. $he becomes place in the Word and Witne l<S. ,all tlmj but We hnTe tried Him Md (Continued on Po'l.go two. last column) , ,. I ; - . , iFPHC.org

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VOLUME 10 MALVERN. ARKANSA MAY 20. 191 •. Number :;

- - -''Preach the ,.,Oao!·-2 Ttm .• :2. "Earnestly contend tor the faith which was (Jnee 4elivered to the Sainta.."-Jude 3. "Ye also shall bear WITNESS."-John 15::!7.

Council S .-

.At; announced last month, we greet corded in Eph. 4 :1-32. 6J.Il' readers this month with fuJI par- RESOLVED; SECOND, That ticu.tal"8 ubout the great meeting at we recognize all the above said Hot Springs in April. God most glor_ assemblies of various names, i0081y met with. the 120 ministers and and when speaking of them re­many other workers from the States fer to them by the general ;lnd Canada, with missionaries and Rcripturnl name "Assemblies of prescnt ... tions from foreign lands. God;t> and recommend that they 1'Jtoogh (rom such a wide territory. all recognize themselves by the ya. God .brou~ht all to see eye to same name, that is, "Assembly ~1e. PranK' HIS great name. lof God,~' and adopt it as 8000

NO NEW SECT ORGANIZED. as possible for the purpose of The brethren were unfUlimous that CONVENIENCE, UNITY and

we ebonld not organizo n new sect FELLOWSHIP, and to be more nor charter n new denomination. As scriptural and legal in trans­a Tesult all approved and unanimous- acting business, owning proper­I,. adopted tbe following resolutionslty, and executing missionary as a sort of MOJmu Charla, a declara- work in home and foreign lands. .Lion ot religious frec<lom, a pledge A CLORIOUS TIME against sectarianism and bossism, an (f'IIfning of Christ 3S our Lord and Bead, an expression of our faith in ~ "one body, the one Spirit, the one Itope, one Lord. one faith. one bap­tism and tbe one God and Father ot :ID, who- is above: all, and through all. and in you all." Epb.4:4-6.

Here is the reeolntion:


Sueh joy as is rarely seen in any religious body was manifested upon the unnnimous adoption of the above PREAMBLE, wbich was afterwards accepted as 11. CONSTITUTION for the GENERAL COUNCIL. A great time o{ shouting, rejoicing, hand-sba.-­king. and even hugging followedj the brethren hugging the brethren and the F;isters ki!;sing each other all over the house.


WHEREAS; God, our Heav­enly Father, sent His only be­gotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into the world, who pur- The next great matter that engaged chaaed and redeemed fallen the COUNCIL. was the missionary in­man, with His own precious terests. Missionaries told how in blood and called out of the some places they had to do legal busi­world and saved a people of nes.s in the name o{ of .the. Presby­whom He built and established. tenans and ot,her deuoml1lations, be­His church upon the foundation I cnusc they had no legal standing from of the apostles and prophets, the homo .saints and from this coun­Jesus Christ Himself being the try; how In some cases they had for Head and Chief corner stone the same reasons been unable in some (Eph. 2:20), and, having Of- lan.d~ to secure grou~d in th~ir 0,:" ganlzed and baptized it with r~hg"lous.name on ~hlch to bUIld mls· the Holy Spirit, and said: "The sJOn stahon~; ~ow I.n other cases P~n­gates of hell shall not prevail tecostal. mls.sl~r.anes an: spcndl.ng against it (llatt. 16 :18) ; and ~oney lR bUilding up stations. whIch

WHEREAS; He gave the 1m a f?w !enrs tbey will lose .to the Holy inspired Scriptures as the , denommations. who hold the tItle. to all-sufficient rule for faith and the ~ounds, and of many othE'r lll­

prnetice, ?ccording to 2 Tim. con,'e~iences that ('ould be 1'E'!fIediNi J.l':, al.t : .... l;(;r"'o.o~ 'Wl -:.>o...iVh.u. r .. ly 'f :''''\!.''' ....... r1 (r~ i",:,~.,....-.;:.!,-~l is given by inspiration of God, ass~o.tlon I~ the home laud ~ 8ta~~ and is profitable for doctrine, behmd them I~ a leg~l wlIy. Wlth the.;r for reproof, for correction, for means and Wlt~ their prayers. So It instruction in righteousness· was ncxt una.nlmously a,greed to se· That the man of God may ~ lect from the ya~ious s~tes twelv~ perfect, thoroughly furnished men .of wide ~xperlen~e :",Ith ~o\"e for, unto aU good works," we shan and Interest m the mISSIonaries, as a not add to or take from it (Rev. MISSIONARY PRESBYTERY. ~ :18) ; and Instead of calling them a committee

WHEREAS; He commanded or a board after the manner ~f the that there should be no schism world. ~hey were named, accordmg. to (division, sectarianism) in His the SCrlpturcs, a !,resbytery, 1 Tim. body the General A~mbly .(:14. The follOWIng bt'ethren were <. chu~ch) of the first born selected on the Presbytery. and then whic.h are written in Heaven" the Presbytery was authoflzed to fill Ht:b. 12:23; and ' out the number with gQOd brethren

WHEREASj We recogni7f' who would .serve {rom other pari..o;; of {U'l'Selve.J as members (·f sai\~ the counlry. These were agleed on: a.~sembly of God and do not w- O. W. Kerr, Cleveland, O. ti(>"~ in identifying l,)'Ir :elves D. C. O. ?pperman, Houston, .Texas. with or establishing ourselves M. M. PillSOn, O.akland, Cabf. into a sect or denomination J. R. Flowel', Plamfi:ld, Ind. which (.'onstitutes an organiza. H. A. Goss, not Spflngs, .Ark. tion which legislates or forms J. W. Wel:h. ~axte.r. Spnngs, Kan. laws and articles of faith and John C. S.lnda~, ChIcago, Ill. has jurisdiction over its mem- A. P. Collms, F0:t Worth, T~:xns. bera and creates unscriptural C.~. Fockler, M~waukee, ~!s. lines of fel10wship and disfel- T, K. Leonard. Findlay, OhIO. lowship which separates itsself E. N. Bell. Malvern. Ark. fyom other members of the Gen- Among other nllme.'1 suggfl8~ to eral Assembly (church) of the fill the \'B('ancy are F. J. Ewart-. Los first born' Angelcs, Cal.; Bretbren Argue and

THERE'FORE BE IT RE- McAlister of Winnepeg, ?nn., and SOLVED; FIRST. That we re- !lrother . Chambers of Oborh~. Ontar­cognize that we have assem- 10. Some one or. two who Wlll !Ie.TVe, bled as a general council of Pen- and. whom the sAlnts of tb~se seetions tecostal (Spirit baptized) saints desIre to represent ~hem will be chos­from local Churches of God in en as soon .as th~ will of- the Lord can Christ, Assemblies of God. and be ascerl.amcd In the matter. The \larious Apostolic Faith Mis- brethren ?lready on do not want any gions and Churches, and Full mere sectlO~al body,. but a. thoroughly Gospel Pentecostal Missions, representative one, lfi.cludl1lg at least and assemblies of like faith in all parts of th~ Umted Stutes. and \larious states in the United ~anuda. To thiS end a:'Y mo(hfica­States of America and Foreign t~on to. secure more effectIve c~pern.­Lands, whose purpose is not to h~n WIll gladly ~ made to SUit other legislate laws of government. WIse bret.hre?, Just so. long as t~ey nor usurp authority over said v:~1 stand Wlth u~ agamst Ecelcsms­various Assemblies of God, nor tlclsm and sec~anlsm. We reru9El deprive them of their scriptu.' to become sectarian. ra1 and local rights and privi· ADVISORY SERVANTS. leges, but to consider the five These brethren do not make up a purposes announced in the con· new sect or a set ot bosses Their V'ention call in the February. sphere of action is only ADVISORY. 1914, issue of the "Word and They do not desire and have no power Witness" and to recognize to compel anybody. Both the Council scriptur~l methods and rules of and the Presbytery, its executive, re­unity fellowship work and bus- gard themselves as only the aervants mess' for God, 'and to disap- ot God and or the Wnts. The..y stand prove of all unscriptural meth· ready .to sorve 11.1.1 who. ~re to use ods and conduct, endeavoring then:' In fOTW.a~ng .mlssl~~ lunds., to keep the unity of the Spirit helpmg the ~151110na:rle.'J, glVlng f~ in the bonds of peace until we eounsel for BIble order and pro.moting aU come into the unity of the in love the interests ~t the kmgdom faith. and of the knowledge of of God and of oW' Chnst. They have the Son of God unto a perfect no fight to make on any onej no quar­roan. unto the 'measure of the reI with those who may see things "tature of the fullness of Christ. dUferent, becau&e theJ were not pres-­aDd to walk aceordingly as re- ent w eee bow God Jed, guide? aDd

-manifestly approved. They ask th. dead in the sigbt ot the law, and the WORDS OF COMMENDATION. know th.'l.t He can wash it all away love, frobearance and prayers o{ . ,\ innocent one, though married again, at once. But we belie"e in getting the saints everywhere for peace amen' lJIay not be living in adultry before Dear Editor: sa,·ed from the dominion of sin. if it the saints nnd their aid in glorifyinl~ qodj y(!t in the sight of many men, Your article, "Bible Order '·s. Fa· takes 40 works. The all import:lnt God on eartb. aud saints he is held to be so living, naticism" in the March i!'!sue of peper thing is to get it and know you haTe

It was unanimously· agreed nNI and because of this much stumbling is Sloout the best thing I ha\·e seen it. It makes no difference what your that thia council should be incoq)Oral ad many divisions have oceured over and CQngrutulate YOII on sending it fonner experiences and claims are, d ed according to the law. SO aa t" such ministers. it. WIlS therefore re- forth at this opportune time upon the you hove it not, repent and believe God tr~nsact legal business. This wall tllt ~mmend.ed th&t i~ ,the future we ad- eve or the Genera! Assembly. It is lanJ ncei\·e it from Jesus through tbe pomt most greatly feared all over th V1se ~b'3lnllt ordalnmg to the FULL sane, safe, and senptural. strong and blood. Faith is the \--ictory, and you land, and by most o{ those present ICOSI EL ltlNISTRY any man wbo !!Ound. It seems to me it cover~ all ('annot have thls all conquering VIC· but after the absolute n(l(.:essity \J ~s living with a sC<.'ond wife while tbe the thiugB needful o{ attention at thiN torious faith whilt walking in In this was shown by the mi~sionnrie ,1IJMner companion is !It ill alive, wbAt_ time. Ii tbe Assembly i!O. beld to tho.>e God wants a dean people_ themselves who were prescnt and wh, <:;·er be the cause ot the divorce. and a few othcr essentinl things that BAPTIS~1 WITH HOLY GHOST had labored in foreign lands, and tho This does not mean that we shall may come before the body, ':t cannot· , We believe in lind receive from God. way to do it for the glory of God am -ght such men as have married apin, but be conducive of UNITY and pro-

h a filling with. a baptism with the Holy

without adopting a man-made cree<.' W IJ got 1\ divorce on scriptural dudjve o{ GOOD. These two things t Ghost that aeti> jusL like it did in thO! or fonning a scct, then all were gla.~ Itrollnd~, nor does it menn that he accomplished the whole mo'·ement will to bave it done. and the Presby tel) cannot preach, if be feels called of find itself upon II. Bible foundation early Chri.stians in apostolic day,~ and

doeR for us e.xactly what it did roc was so ordered to inl.'Orpol'3te not th(" God, just so he preaches on his own and ~dy for :I greater EVANGE· assemblie9, but merely the council, an~ responsibility and does l1ut call on us LISM than it has ever known, nnd rid them. See llatt. J:l1; Mk. 1:8j L~. . d 'th t h h -> I, d' h' S h her hind .. h 3: 16; John 1:3::1j tu. 24:49; Acts 1.4_ It was one WI ou l\ ars wo",. _0 or am 1m. uc men may a,·e 0 a ("w rances tnut nve hurt

d b I tel . ! bl ed m· I " th It I { h '.A·' 5j Acts 2.4: 10:.17j 19:ti ~ote that a~ II. .sou .y unammousy-not on""i~ , ess uno clII.nulllstry,ma.y seTVe e wor amost rom t e ..,.,j;l'Infllnf/:. the H.,ly Ghost is no mere influencf'. dlssentmg vOIce. ..I.,(,~l :11; a soul-wmner. But It does -L. C, Hall. Past")r, I''ull Gospel AIt-

' I.. . . bl but a real. ltChlg, movint: persona];.:, TilE GLORY CAME DOWN

",("an, In \'1ew of the stumbling and sem y, 3250 LeMoyne St .. Chicago, . do b that ('omes into men, gives power tu Nothing wns cver more manifest.1 . u ls, quest!oning~ and djvisions, TIL speak in tongues or languages nen'"

Ilppro\·ed of God. See tbe steps 0 Ilhnt ~e d~m It unWIse and hurtful to lenrned and still unknown to ~h,~ I F

the kmgdom of God to push forward W. P'. Carothers,ot HOUtit.Jn. Texas unity and npprov3 . irst the bod- t s ..... aker but. are u1tered by tb, n,i"d , ~ Il8 lellders in the full minis'-' stlc.b also ",--rites us about th, 110t Sp-,'ng,' .-of brethren nppointed to consider t "-';Y. ' of God's Spirit, Acts 2:4·6. This i·

matter prayerfully and carefully un. cases .. and that we ~o. ~ot deSIre to Convention as Jollows: "The report the common experience or those today animously approved and recommelldeil ~?a.r: m the, responSlblhty for. ~hese of the convention looks good to me, who renpent o{ all sin and yield whol ­it to the council. Second, the General UI;·ISlons. '\\e mu~t have a mmlstry If it is only allowed to stay on tbe ly to God and believe His word jUllt Council itsel{ as a whole without OIW nbove h~nest. question and who can be basis where it has been put, we shall as it is, so God can pour out His Spir­dissenting voice unanimously approv. a bles~mg Ins~d. ~t a source of have accomplished that which none it upon them. ed it. Third, tben as ali stood befo l.;tumbhng and diVISion. God bless before U<l have done, namely, t.he !Ie. ~ _.. . rt these unfortunate OllC~. ("uring o{ RiMe Order and promotion NO ROLLING OR NONSENSE. \.>O(l 1Il consent, the power fell undo th' ,,'O."E". I". THE "J,"ISTR" . D I r" f II ' glory or God came do ..... u; pnlls~~ " . ..- . ..- 1'... of mIssions without making a sect or ecause peop e o...,n a In our

lh k d h•• t .h It wns recommended that In vIew another denomination."-W. F. C. meetings WIder the power of God,

an s an sou"'" wen up as. th h . d r tc

•• God Wh <>f the fact that the senptures speak ose w 0 are Ignorant or who desire soun 0 mnny wa rs un..... el . . . I . . t h h· r( women pl·ophesywg In the gospel, We nl90 bave words of praise from to sander us call us TIoUy Rollers. thmgs were qUle enoug to enr. :\1 A t 217) d hiP I· ...... A.I· b h •• D t h ".. message in the Spirit came and the ( c s: nn as e pers to nu 11l our ..... In, .. uan ret ren fOI' til., way in u we avo never ""en In any way .•• • .. t' f II .> d.h the SAme (Rom. 16:3) and t.hat they which the Lord so wonderfully led at associated. .... --ith the rcal Unholy Roll-m...,rpre ..... 1011 0 OWt;;U an e 0 ]>- • I' I I lid h I . . .d "I h ·d d· :Ire stIll a we come force m the hands the} ot Springs' meeting. ers wrong y ('a "'-' 0 y , 1I0r do we prOVIng vOIce sal, ave gUI e HI r God rd' .h k' gd practice or believe in such ,I'.m, .nd all this. anu my appro;'al rests upon ~ . or a \"ancI.ng -. e m om-.,,, ,_ h B M I b In \'Iew uf t hese things It was resoh'- Elder o. W. Kerr of Cleveland, 0., {oily as rolling from one side of tbe I .• ODrl, roo ason, a reo prop .,.>.. . d .. h" h 'h" Th" , C God I

. th r th ...... ""at we recommen to mInister!; as 'u~ a~reOO to act on the Mission- ouse to e o .... er. IS IS nonsense eo, a so In e power 0 (", d bl' . d d' h . God S

.. , bl A.I th ·l'·ts ti :In nssem les the fight of womell ary Presbytery o{ the G('nernl Coun- an IS onormg to . But if God'>! r

f PtnGod"'S~ I e coun,"I'"h I ac on l ailed of God, to be ordained, not as cil. It is alw expected that Breth- mighty powet· takes all the strength or . 0 repen, a,'e ne\'er ·'ld . h h' b' .. "I' d E '11 I t f d h f II' h b . . .. I'. er!l ".t aut or,ty. u as eV3nge- ren ItliU. IStel· an wart "'I argo,. ou 0 one nn e a s In a eap e·

seen allythlflJ:;' more manifestlY IIp· r, .... f .. . rtc ". I t "h h '1 ro ... • "h~ Ln-d, lh,', ;0 not rool,',hn''''~ .> r God Wh I.e th {t I.,.S 0 lfill'SlOnOfles. a r ..,.,Ifi).t y ('(W)pera e WI t e new counel. • .... "',,' '"" ,,,.-,

prov,; o. to f aver e \l ur~ I,/uly tried :md approved nCCOI"(ling to When everybody understands thnt the and we s."\y to God to work as it may ave In 1! re o~ us none ~I"esen ' the :ocriptures. COl'lncil is to be merely a servant or plellileth Him. Daniel fell before God, doubted but that, od was 1Il our' \,. & W. O}-'FI('I.-\L ORGA:". the Mints and of God, a mere channel Dan. 10:5-10j Ezekiel fell on his fac midst thus far, guiuing. apPl·ovjf1g' ana ' It wa~ resolYed in ns much [II; t.he through which to work for God's II:lory E:w.] :3. 24; John fell as one dead .. leading His people 011. , Vord and Witness is alrendy the prop- and mcrely ADVISORY in its capal.'- fore thtl gloriLl'<i Christ, Rev. .r

ASSE}tBLJE~ OF GOD. ' -'tty of the GENERAL C()UNCIL itj and 1101. a !let. ot bos ~. then we It i~ an honor from heavWl, if tre re.l The conf ... rence ... ommit.~ \"\."Com- bat the "nm(> be recogni7.ed ao;; an om- f~ ... '1 th:"lt thl' Mints, fnr Jod near, in power nnd pr(>~nce. of God dOl. th,

,m: ... ."""" ..... ~ .. -"_ ... u,,.- ,." ....... fI'll" .til Q'r~n 01 \.1',(- Asselfll:ll" ~ .. \Jt·~vo "~JJ. n,,'.I! • .... t t" ... ~-,:, lllbt<t1 ~()r1o" . "lI ...... O<.t<.y. - ....... that wc the GENERAL COUNCIL ocj itb Brother E. N. Bell as editor in wQl most gladly ,·o·oper. te . :q. the IN SPIR1TUAr~ GIFTS. tbe ASSEMBIJES OP GOD hereby .hitt" and that the whole nlatter ot 1a1:ge representative body ",b~ct. came recognize all of the Penteco.stal mis'J ublic:"ltion be turned over into the together at Hot Springs and fom1ed sions, assemblies and churches of yar{ ands of the E1'ecutive Presbytery. this Council for business purposes. ... ious names as in fellowship with us, All other clean nnd 'Sweet Pente- Words o{ thanks are also expressed and when speaking of them, cnll them ~ost:.\l papers were commendffi in for the article in last. paper about the ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, and recom· fheir good work, if they see fit to go Yellow Book as folluws: "I write to mend t.bat all the local assemblies 011 ns heretofore, But it was hoped thank you for the article on the yel­recognize tbemseh'es by this God- that enough of tbem would \'oluntnr~ low Books. I huve read many of these given name, and without ('ompuh,ion ily unite with the Word and Witness books and pnpers, and did not notice but voluntarily adopt this name ns to make a larger nnd stronger month- ALL the false teachings mentioned in rapidly as poSsible, without any sec.- Iy, and :IS soon as possible t.urned the Word nnd Witness, but I noticed tarian spirit and with no prejudice into a migbty weeldy for God. enough. So 1 asked the people who against any other sl.'ripturnl name. The Presbytery is glad to report distributed them not to send me any Adopted unan imously. that plans are almost complete for more. and now today, after rc.ading

BREAK UP NO HOMES. several to be united aud ('Ome out as the :Irtide on them, I burned 6 of The divorce problem pres.'Wld for so- one. Let all the saints pray and help these Yellow Books. I thank you lor

lution, and while perplexing a unin- in this blessed co_operative spirit nnd your plain teaching and pray God ,.,.j11 imous decision was 1'E'liched on this soon make the weekly pollsible. continue to bless you with wiOOon,

. d . II OOt A GREAT DA Y Oi~ PHA YER. and knowledge in Ilis Holy Word. one pomt, as a Vice to a preachers: The saints were requested to gather Your brothel· in Christ-A. J. TIn.::-.

WHEREAS. There are now among at their places of worship, as many as ley. Zion City, 111. Christian people those who became en- possible, 011 every Thursday. and nc- ______ _ tangled in their marriage relations in tunlly I:Ipcnd tbe day in prnJer, fast-

. th h th I G····, FOR STRANGERS. "WHO ARE WE? their former lives o{ sin. and who do lUg roug e noon mea. uu I not now see bow these matters ean wonderfully hlessing in place!! where be adjusted, therefore we recommend they thus travail in prayer. that these cases be left in the hands MINISTERIAL OFFICES. of the Lord and that they walk in the It wall resolved to organize all tho light as God let.'I it shine on their ministerial offices according to the souls." New Testument scriptW"el:l and to teo

We believe in the gifts from God through the Spirit as in 1 Cor. 12:4·

o. Many 01 these gifts in many plac­es have alrendy b(!(ln manifested with. in the last 10 years among the saints, nnd we nrc looking for the rest to be restored, as promised. Acts 3:19·21.

THE CHURCH. See in tbis paper article on the

Assembly of God. Our churches 01· assemblies are called Pentecostal AsA semblies, Apostolic Faith Assemblies, etc., but we are correctly called A~· SEMBLIES OF GOD.

ORDINANCES of CHURCH. W(' believe in baptism-in being

"lJurie<l througb baptism" Rom. 6:4, just all Paul puts it. We believe ill keeping the Supper "till 11e comes." as comnulnded , I Cor. 11 :26. See arA tide on Wise above what is writtcn" in this paper,

SOON" CO:\I ING OF JESUS. 'Ye believe in tho pre-millenial com­

ing of th~ Lord Jesus to reign with the saints 1000 yenrs, Re;". cbapten; ID and 20. In the new hea,·en and new earth us here promised.

MISSIONS. So in these caSe8, so complicated cognize such offices wbenever God re..

that the won! of God does not sbow rotored th~m to the church, and for the exactly what call be righteoWliy done, nor the wisdom of man see any godly solution that can be made to undo or rigbt the mistakes of the past or ad· just in the prcgent-in such case!! we will not meddle nor break up the homes of huppy children nnd loving parents, nor disfellowship them while now living for God and with His approval of the Holy Gh09t llpon them.

present and for convenience to recog· .i%.e tbe scriptuml terms of ELDER, EVANGELIST, EXHORTER, (Rom. 12:8. He may be regarded as the Ii. censod uoordnined preacher on test)

The st.rnngers to us who receive this P<lpeT will ask who are thefIC people I A!I in thei:.r ibrrlorance some cry one thing and OODle another when they see people in onr meetings fnll under the miglatJ po'f;'er ot God's Spirit, get SAved. and ris(' with sbiaing faces, speaking with other tongues, and We believe in preaching the gospel praising and CJt."llting the L::!mb in to "every creature" in the world al'l thei:.r testimonie.s, we in a word will Jesus comm.:lnded, Mk. 16:16. In ev­give a rooson for the hope within us. ery thing else in the Bible wben taken

as God meant it.

and m::ACON.

We rtJ'e simply New Testament Christians who hnve brushed aside DIVINE HEALING. the mental shams and holloWlleSll of All Christian~ believe the blessing:.

S(' HOOLS. tbe age and in a measure gotten back Uu-ough Christ under the New Cove-The matter of schools WItS eomllllt- to the realities of God's grace and n.'mt are ricber, larger, and wider than ~ into the hands of the Presbytery, power t.hrough the atoning blood or under tho Old Covenant j yet even in and ble!sed progress is being now Christ. We bave learned tbnt God Old Testament days God was the made on the ~'l.me. Tbose who have has not. changed nor lost His power ht'aler of His people, when they walk-

IpropositiOnS to offer or donations to nor Hill willingness to use this po~er ed uprightly before Him. When God DIVORCE OPPOSED. make v.-i11 addresl:l nn}" of the t\lfelve heulod the bitter waters at Mara Ht" . today as Creely as in tbe days of the

At the same time It was agreed on t.he Presby"'Y' tl mad" lsmcl this promi!le: "te thou apos es to make HimselI nnd His ~ for the present and tbe future to dis- HELPERS. wilt dili"'enU, hearken to the voice of !;peat So'l.h'ation real to huollfY hearts. ... coW'tlge divorees by all lawful means Any desiring help to keep your state th, Lor-' thy God nnd du that which

On We have found bE:yond all doubt that "

and teaching. ly one cause for put-- or district in harmony with these non- h ;, ric.ht in Hill ~ig" (not in our own d

it is t e Hin and unbeLief of the age ... ting away. Jesus sai , "Whosoeyer itlCt."lrian principles ndopted and in 00.. lIi ... ht) and will gj;·c ellr to His com-

h wit that gives God nu chance to display ,.,

shall put away is e, t"lI:cept it bt> o-ration with this GENERAL COtIN m.,dm,.t.<. and k~p all His ,tntu···. ..... Hill mirnculons power as of old. """ for {ornication, and shall marry an· Cn. will addl"e1l5 any of the Execu· 1 will put none of these diseases upon otber. committeth adultry. and whoso tive PresbytE'ry. ~\ RIo:AL SALVATIOK FROM SIN. thee, which [ have brought upon the marrietb ber which is put nway doth ;\IlSSlO::-iAHY F U1"4 DS. I We believe in a salvation to which Egyptil\nS; (or I am the Lol;d th~ commit adultry," Matt. 19:9. 1 E.~. Bell Mah'ern, Arkansas, .... os 'the God ot heaven bears witness with God that henleth thee," Ex. I G:2G. Se" HIGH STANDARD FOR TilE )UN- select.e<f 3!'l missionary treaeurer to His SJli:.rit (Rom. 8:16; ] Jno. 5:10) ulllO Goo's rovenant of healing in Oeul

{STRY. ret"che :l.nd forward fund!'!. Any who and wbich saves men and women from 7:12.10, whel"ein He proises to "t:l.!,;t-The only point on wbich there WDS can use bim will find his servk:es free the dominion or sin. Sec Matt. 1:21; nway ALL Hirknes~e . .;·· ~ee thE' I"e­

not nnanimity was the higb standard of eh."lrge in rOMlfarding funde to Rom. 6:11-H, 18, 22. We believe ill verse in Deut. 28:aS-Gl. set for the ministry. But considering whQm90Cver you may direct, the oldAfashioned vicw of Christ as In t.he Xo:w 'I'('lItanl{'llt it i~ taul/:hl the general trouble in the Christian FALL COUNCIL. the sinner's 8ubstitutl', of a renl blood cJE'nrly that Christ atoned for ou, world over this queatioD or divor"';> It is hoped by fall everything will atonement for ~in and thnt thl' blood ~ic!,;nc", exactly ::s he did for our sin,., in the ministry, it is very remarkable be in a mo~t blessed stllte ot haTmOllY. ,ot Chri'lt ('lcan~"" from /to LL Sill, 1, It "n~'·, "Hl' bure our sin~," i Pet. :! that aU of the hundreds preeent B-1. effieiency Ilnd I"O-operntion, alld t.batiJohn 1:7. Som ... limi! the power (,r :!.t. III )Iatt. 11:17 it "ays., "He bnr" greed, except four-() nly tour! I anot.ber g-re.'lt council meeting wi bf ! God and o! the blood iJy holdinll: it (lUr lI.id:nc~~c~.'· Jesus \lot only besl

While recognidng that those may l ... ,W then. if Jesus t.'l.rries. Look out takes two works o{ ¥Tllce nnd two ap- <.'(1 when He wn:i upon enrth befor.· be right. who bold that if l\ eornplln- or the announceme,t of the time ,Hid plicllt.ionll of the blood to waah away Ilis eruciflXion. but 11.1&0 after Ui!' ion commits fonlicaUon. $he becomes place in the Word and Witnel<S. ,all tlmj but We hnTe tried Him Md (Continued on Po'l.go two. last column)

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Page 2: Council S - Pentecostal Archives


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W d d W · t I and Spirit-led life. Let aU scrap- It. is trcason against the Holy Go\'- I and it wills alt that Be ",;114. ward a~ the dose of tho first sermon I and ",'U told that she rallied and got or an 1 ness . ping and fighting. contention with ernment of God.. In view of tbe rna· heart wills and works with the: to recewe the noll' Gho"e, God gaye so weU that she called for -the min~_ Published monthly on the ~Oth I)f 1 headines':, and hardness and harsh- ge.'lt) .. the love, the holiness, the inti· ot God. me the scripture which I ha\·e quoted ter and conCessed connrsion, took the

each month at nus be done away with forever. We nite benevolence and the supreme au- aaid. "It i.!; surprising that abo\·e. .-\.8 r was praying with this !S.'l.crament and lived eight day~ and :\[ALVERN, ARKANSAS, ;oCtcn overestimnttl our own meslWge. thorit,. oC God, what unmitigated sinner should !luppose himself doing promi"e in mind, which I knew God "said she had made her peace with

by I '!Ie often. t.hink we are ~he .only mall wickedness it is (or puny men to ig- \ od's service when he prays and reads had given me, I made my conse<:ration I God. This was the fint time. 1 kne", Word and Witness Publishing Co. In the vo"Irld that GeCS It. Tight, that nore His counsels, to oppose His au· 8 Bible. Should II. rebel against this and told God that "I would do what I what it really meant to proy in Jes\ll" E. X BELL, Malvern, Arkansas. haa the Cull goapel ; bul this is to thority and to corrupt His holy go,.- o\·emment read the statute bookJ. the Spirit told me and ask no quu- name. It was the Spirit in me that

F..ditor and :\ianaier, 1.0 whom all think of our:IClvea more highly than ernment, by negleding to do His .. ·ill . "hile he continues in rebellion and has tion,;." l1 y life had been such a fail- pray..d. and while I waa made to koow communications should be sent. we ought to think. Just let WI preach I am lpeaking about the man who bas ,no design to obey! Or Ihould he ask ure af.er having once known God's that it was my part to exe.-cise faith.

S. P. Grice, Hartford, Ala .• nssocint.e Je~us ill all His sweetne!lil, His cru- been enlightened and knows the will, tr p::lrdon while he holds onto his love and then going back into ain that, thi~ was made 10 easy tr.at it seemed Editor. eifixion with ::Ill of God's love. the of ~d. Su~ely the angels must 100kj ·ta:po.ns o.f resistance and warfare?" I was glad to g.ive up my ways and I could not ha\·e done otherwise than

at M. Pinson. Gen. Del. Phoenix, ~ospedl ',·ith all the power ofhthe SboPir- on 11\ astomshment at the supreme It 18 With the person who does not I have God come In and direct me, but I to believe. I was not saying a lot . It. an et Uil not try to gat er a ut impudence and the ",;cked presumpt.- blOlutely lIubmit and "obey the gos· when I told Him I would do what the, of ,hin ... c_, God W •• no' ,'n _." Arizona. Field Editor. I "~ - -

SUBSCRIPTIONS oureslves a !ollowin~ . to hoist a battle ion of the man who sets up hil will pel." Even though he may pray and Spirit told me and a~k no questions,l ending up by snyin~. I a!lk it all in flug t() raise n part}· cry and to uy against the wiH of his Maker, and read his Bible. he is insulting God, T had no idea how God would comelJesus' name.

~ c:~ pe~ Y~~~~':.e~~V:~~(J. workers to ~en to como our way, ~nd t hus di- against all his own interests co-oper_ .etting Him nt defiancc, lind is a rebel and deal with a yielded heart. At The reader will obElerve that it was . . . . ,·ide the saint~, by pulling off a crowd lites with the devil who seeks his eler- ~gainst. His muker every moment. fint I felt no chnnge oz' nny great I not when I promised to do what tiLe

.... ho g"1V~ all time to religiOUS work. bo , , 0 th Lo d' b'd' , . Wh J d 'bod 'h U til h .- d bo h b" I I k C '700 n u ourse ves. • e r or I . no. rum. en esus escn e n e repen ..... an 0 ys t egos- essmg. on y new that I had made, Spirit told me that the Spirit tna.ni~

lub.of20.peryear .... _ ...•. S h' 1m . 'h . h' rh' h'd ,r tb ti h II 'h d thin b" n. kbo'to '.' . • ' UC III a a me In e Sl~ 0 Ig }U gmen 0 e na on!!, w ere e '1' e oe8 no g u SPI. """pen-, a roc'.' m con~ecratlon. an ... had I ifested himself. Many in seeking tJu:o Single Issues of 26, 60 or 100 pa-, heaven, and we aroe e:rpecting from sepcrates them one from another as bnte must come first before u man' pcrfe-ct rest in my 6(lul. . baptism or lOme other need from God

pers, 1 cent each, or per hUlld-


thi.a moment on to !!t'C in the Pente- a shepherd divideth his sheep from tn do an~·thing good,. for .nothing ~an The fin;t'thing th.o.t the Spirit :;o'(>m- : promise 1.0 obey, but don·t aeem ~ red .... , ..... ,. -, ........ -. $l.00 costal rank!! ~uch an unselfish spirit tho goats. and sends the goats away good but that lI'hlch la accordIng ed to prompt me on was, I hnd in my Igo any (urther tban the promiw, Bun~le~ froo to workers ,,;ho take I (for God haR lIIany such unlelfish into overlasting punishment. nOllo of 0 the will or God, pocket some letters from II cheap 'INeither did the Spirit manifest him.-

subscriptions and send them tn. Free lOuis, both in the ministry nnd out of the sins of commission were mention_ Thousands oi professor!' of religion. jewelry firm, which wanted me to act self at the first or second timo I \0 those unable to pay. ,it),-we nre expecting to see, I say, ed .u.nto them, but only the Iiins of ~'1:luding many presc?e~. bave got as their a~ent, and the Spirit abowed ,obeyed hill prompting~. though I re­Good Report and W9rd and Witnesl,: such an unselfish spirit manifested omlluon. It is not for stealing and ~hlS backwards, and thiS IS the reason me to throw them in the fire. which I !ceived lIOme blessing. e:<pecially when

each 6Octs., together ........ 7Sets. everywhore. such a seeking for the glo- cursing that men are damned, but ·ou can not get them .to ~bey the did immediately after getting off my II prayed. However, the result of my Address aU r eque!lta for papers ry of God alone in tho earth, such a "Vengence is taken on them that 0- ... ord, unless they fe('1 hlle It. They knees. If we obey God, w(' will not obedienco was that God pye me u

..,ith pay lor same to building up of the l"<ingdolll every- BEY NOT TilE GOSPEL." God }Nill. tell you th~t they have ~10 incli· give our time to questionable oceupa-Iclear revelation of what it would mean l!- N. BELL - - - Malvern, Arkansas where, such a longing for the coming "NOW commandoth a ll men every- hatlon to do thiS or that which they tiolUl. I then went home, and that to obey the Spirit, and then after haT­

When you change YOllr address no- of our blessed Christ back to the earth where to ropent." Repentance is man's clearly see to be taught in God's word. same night nt tamily prayer. while ling fully counted the cost and made hiy tbe editor. to receive Dis own unto Himsel!, such first duty, and everything else that a f:rrhe tact is they do not yet know what father was praying. the Spirit sug- my choice. there wn,s nothing else f~

Anyone failing to receive his paper, a sweetness among the saints. s llch 110 man does while diaobeying the Gospel al repentnnce is. The man who has geated that after tather prayed I God to do but 1.0 fulfill his prCImise; ) notify the editor what issue was not lo\·e mnnifestcd for one another. and i~ sin. To defer repenta~ce is to ~- . lIy repented and. holds himes~ sub- Ihould pray. The suggelitioll was so for God is faithful, who hath pronli~ received, lUld another will be sent. for the lost world, such a Spirit of $lIs t ~ and co-opernte With the dev~l. Ject to the ~hol~ Will of.God, will love slight that I did not know whether it lwho ulso will do it.

Entered at the post oUice Ilalvem, God upon our lives, and in our meet.- Refulung to be governed by the wi~ i.o do an~ thmg III the Bloo that bears was the Holy Spirit, my own mind, or Seekers l;Ometimea consecrate up tol ATk., n. second-class matter. illgs that all t he world shall cry out, of.God is tJle a~ul sin of .rebellio~ on his life. An audience of su~h pea- the enemy tempting me. and for this Ithe light they have and think tha(


"Of a truth God i!l in the midst of It IS the foundabon ot all Wickedness;. e can go to church and heartily say reason it seemed to be a great cross. have gil'co God all of their heart. but this people." and will fall down and It is the vile mother of all other ith Cornelius and his friends and because I was not sure it was God. and a little ndded ligbt reveals that the,' own Him Lord of 11011. The Lord grant tl·unsgressions. It is the root of which neighbors, " We are all here present then J had ne\·er prayed out in public, ha\·e given God one.quarter and Te-

Thill .,paper will go to many new it! Anlen! Enm 110, conle Lord Jesus. all other tmnsgrossions are but the before God. TO HEAR ALL THINGS I'!illce being con\'erted last. However. >len'ed three-quarteu; but if they will tne.nds. If you receive a copy you -E. N. B. ... , iruit. Adultery is sin only because it THAT ARE COM MANDED THEE I had promiked to obey nnd ask no keep consecmting Dnd obeying as God are thereby invited to subscribe for Isprings from the root o( resistllnc(>. to F GOD." This yielding to the truth questions, so J was afraid not to obey, g1\·cs the light, it will not be long UD-

Word and Witness. Send 50 cente COOPERATION. NOT God. And on the other hand, nothmg takes away the obstacle so that the for it seemed something terrible would til God will take them through. Th.i. for one year to E. N. Bell, MaIVO"I.1 ECCLESIAST1CISlt. ill righteoumess ~ntil it springs from mighty gushing'S of faith break forth hnppen to me, if r lied to God. So: is not works of gra«. but ~ce work-_hknnsas. the root of obedience to God_ Obe- tqld God cleanses the heart and fills when fllthel· finiElhoo praying they all ing, und God says. "Go through. go

111 a pl·ivlll.e letter froO} ~rother D. dien.ce.to ~ is the mother of every it.with t.he Holy Gh~st. .Such peo.p~eistal't.ed to get uP. but I told them I through tho gatel'!." Isa. 62:10. W. Kerr of Cleveland, he gIves a lew ChrIstIAn virtue.. \1'111 recelv? the Baptlsnl m t~e Sp~r~t wanted to prill'. 1 didn·t pray much . [ If ye lo\·e me keep my conlnland· words on cooperation which I feel will Now. a word about. repentance. e first time they know their prl\'I' hut bawled a good deal. nnd it seemed ments. And I will pray the Fnther


The time has come. when even ill be instructive to the brethren and take Many think that sorrow and remorse ge, just as they did at Samaria, at I OIy heart broke into a thousand pieces. lind he will give you another Com-politics. scrapping is dis- tho pri\·ilege of printing an e:t.-tract over past transgressions is repen- Caes~rea, and I~t ~phesu.~. To lo\·e After they all went to bed 1 wus forter. that he may abide with JOG tasteful to. all respectible people, even irom the same. He says: ltance. If thi~ is true. then hell is full od IS to love HIS wII~. thinking of my consC(:ration, and God forever. John 14:1&-16. $U1ners. How much more is this " I am glad steps are being taken. of repentance. for there is more reo Real repentance Will make a man showed me n !ltrnight alld narrow Chicago, III. Geo. C. BrinkmM N) in religior., and with blessed sweet looking forward to a better under- morse there than anywhere elso. You ··Doer o.f the .Word" instend of II path right into glory, and ~ave me a EDITOR'S NOTE-It is just 1109 nee· children ot God. The Word and Wit- standing nmong all Pentecostal pen- find this also in the penitentiary, but oor of his. feelings. Whell a ?",an revelation of whllt was meant. by Gal. essary to continue to obey God in Ot'­

ness is out for love, unity. pence. pie. I have been notified. through when they are released they repeat knows the w.lll of ~od he has no nght 6:14. "But God forbid that I should der to keep filled with the Spirit. aad truth, sweetness and fellowship, Brother Leonard of Findlay. of my their crime. REPENTANCE IS to conllult hiS fealmgs. If I were to· glory, save in the cross of our Lord rontinue in a living. vital touch with

We believe ~at it is possible to sele<:tion to act on the council . which I NOTHING SHORT OF CEASING -:0 engage n man to. build me a. hous~ , Jesu)\ Christ. by whom the world is God as it is. to obey ~ at first ;. preach n clean. most fiery :lnd henrt I have consented to do. Let Ine sug- UESIST GOD. To repent oC sm, I would expect him to lay aSide hiS crucified Ullto me and I unto the order 1.0 receIVe the SPlflt. Let tl9 go searching gospel in a Iwcetness sent gGllt, h~wever . tha~ we s~ould . meet as t~erefol'e is to repent of not doing the feeli~gs ~nd his ideas and stick to the world." God show~d me that to obey Ion obeying. dewn from heaven, and that t he gospel R counCil to go over the SItuation more Will of God. If repentance does not specificationI'!. God expects the same the Spirit would mean to crucify the ;= ... ~~~.=::::::;-;'=:::"-::::::::-::::::;'--$0 preached will ha,-e more effect in thoroughly al': a body and agree as to cause a man heartily to do the will of from us: In buil~illK the tabernacl~, flesh. and I said to myself, "Well, I I (Contm~~ from pa~e one)

\'ing men. in straigtcning up their the methods of procedure in bring\ng God, it will not take him to heaven, Mo~ did Ilot"resls~ any o( ~he Specl- have got myself into a fix." But as I DIVl:NE BEALL G. ves according to the word oi God_ this project clearly before the entlte for Jesus said. "Not everyone that fieabons, but He did accordmg to all counted the cOllt I realized that even death on the cross and the beginn;'g

( . columns will be closed to nil constituency.......... COOPERATION fIIIith l...ord. l.ord. shall enter the King- the Lord commanded him." Reul re- though it would be hard on the flesh of this gospel dipensntion by the out-W'r with a contentious spirit... Even WITHOUT ECCLESIASTICAL CEN- dom of heaven, but lIe that doeth th~ p,entanC() put.!: a man i~ the same nt.- it would be th~ best thing to do. lind pouring of the Holy G~ost on the day thou they are telling the trot"', if TRALIZ~TION has ~n the line of will of my Father." F~"ery man that tltude toward the .wrl~te~1 word of God ga\'e gmcco to say, "Lord. I will of Penteco~t more healmg~ were dOGt

. !.ir.ey d} it in a bad ~pirit, we shan be t:uth whlc~hall OCCUPied my aU,en· has really repented will hellceforth do G~, ThOll whut a }O~· It ~s to do the obey you anyway." As I said this I through HIS name by HIS !ollow~ .. "'~iJmpellCQ- :::., !lui. ~ 'ill ~n·e-wi> .. te- "":lk- ;~, .• , ~~~ n' ~ -J_h'l.:o.e_.J'f'f"n IUivoci.t-. II". ,clll ~ [-tlrt with !i.ll his heatl at¥' Will of ~odl God hrui Infilllte treasure s immediately ell"eloped in tht' Holy' than had ¥een done by llIm before IliI:

e1... • Our standard will be 'rRUTH ' ing and e peet to aQ\ocatA!, ",okn will love tGl do it. _\.' .'0011 as 11 mu ,1.0 'be..tc)w?pon af: who \\In nl,lt'icsu,t irit: and he lleemed to·llIo\,' into ~,"",~'f\"."~. ~ it! ",,0 ."n,." ~J",I


on the one hand is in the word of God though I Nhould never sI . .'e it fuily .. c- by .repentance hall. for<'ver ceased $.1 J~ls co~dlt.on,;-the Go~pel. Obt'- eery pore of my being from ull !lides,: the multitudes rom. th~ ..... hole: co~· and on the other hand PREACHED complished. Org'anic. cooperative and reslstnnce and becomes subject to th~ dl~nce ~ II all. He nsks o~ u.s. Then and seemed to be a Jiving personality. try a~und came brUlglllg thi':lr Slel.: II\" SWEETNESS and with the unc- ~'mpathetie relationship needs to be whole will of God. His heavenly Fath- f:.uth WIll thrl~;e: grnce wl~1 .... or.k un- thnt just filled me. r then seemed to !folk~, .. alld they were healed EVERY non of the Spirit... Personalit.ies and recop1ized and preachoo as facl" al· er tallses him to love the truth and hl.ndered, .• and No good thm~ ";111 He "be carried in the Spirit ns in the river ONE, Ac~. 5:16 .. Not ~nly .so. b.t :a party I':pirit have no place in a great read)' e)[ist ing and principlE'" already lo\·e the will of God abo\·e c'·erythinft I WIthhold. tr then. an~ ~~t ~.ntz~~en described in E:!:ekiel. with. just my 8 ~at. .:P~pah~ !I~n~~ re­,eligious papE'.,!·, We believe it is pos. in operation in a degree and in a mess· el!<e. This ill why the Christian life 1~~'wc ;; klllg,,~upr~t: "y. .11 en head out of the wuter, and at the c~nG~'sa~ ~.s e .;e~, e I I~tol')' .";ble to preach the gospel !!O nellrly U!'e between the members of tho Dody is so delightful. No man knows the

l s wo says 0 t LS we WI not Slime tiOie I was conscious ill the 0 s en IIlg WI IS peop e rON

in the terms and phrases of the Bible of Christ Rnd betwC(!n AsseOiblies of fullness of joy unlit he yields to al1 of, re~is,~' and .when is ~ays "Do~'t do Spirit of the distinct presence of God the d~y of Pent~ost down to the pre.-1.~lf is not to arouse party prejudices ~he !':Sme faith: One essential : hing. God's truth a~d word. A man c~me I thIS. we ~'III not resist. but .wIII c~- the Father, the Son, and the Holy ent time. that .111 1111 ages when ':l'e

h· h ,. . h'· 1. In order to bnng about the ulllly of to the altar m one ot our meetlll- opemte wllh God and receive HIS Gh-t ,nd John 1".0 .... , ,"-rol'y church hnd faith enough to anoint .... lC n \lays come w ell ",e pIC .. UJI ..' "'v bl . , """ ._.. I," . h·1 d I' h .. the pt!t phrases and party cry of Pentecostal aamtl'!, 1::1 the calhng oeland us he yielded 1.0 the truth God ess~ng. . \·erified to me. I had peace before '.1."1t 01 an calm t e promise III Jao.

~ W bol' 'h , J conventions ill different sections and flooded his soul with such love for it ThiS is the repentance whIch Peter I b, 0 I had . d' 5:U. that God hnd all down throng" fome pal ~y. e leve a e:>ll.i I . . b . U II W peace passmg un er- . .. , • . hod '" k . ., . I distncts of the States and Canuda. and that he repeatedly kissed the Bible told the multitude would ring the ,'a,d'ng ",d I .. ·d "mh k God I the centunes henlod the 8lck. Wlthlll 1>IS IS wor· 10 a &lcn ICla sense. .. . . _ ' I ." I, ' an • .

th r C , f I, the takmg up of the questIons which That soul has found eternal happinellS gift of the Holy Ghost. as It came t() do,,', h .. , '0 I" to d the past few decades. henlmg throug. 0" e cross 0 a vary, once or a. . , , p , a. n my own un er- , and forever; that 110 man can add to were considered at the Hot Spnngs who can kiss the truth. Every mo- them on tIe .dllY of ell.tecost. t se· standing any more, but God will lead the nume of Jesus hilS been agalll re-

t ' . " . h" Con"ention ill April."-D. W. K. ment thnt a man'!; heart is right with cures s man", consent. III advance. to m" and 0 ,', .... , ,'h .,." '" I covered and brought to the froat lUI "I' In any way. IS wroug Oll' r I' f h "1 f"" " , u ... r...... ,ru y. . .\ h' I AI, h to d . t ' God he can pco, sincerely "Th), kin. every uture Nlve atlon 0 t e WI 0 II;' k . a PrlV! ege to t e samts. The great or Ul'. we ave 0 IS 0 COlli· • -.. "" yo e 18 easy. .

, ',h G d' d'" . , h· ~; 81"." A.' · I) ""I'E·.··m,'·'··CE. dom come Th)· ""-ill be done On eart,h. · GC¥I. "hen God mnugurated the "'h,.,· I Pentecostal outpourlllg or the Holy p \' WI 0 S con I Ions In IS 0-,· "" ..... ""'~ I " ' C .. Ch h d • n x mornmg as soon ali a· . . d 'I ,. f ;" B I' ,. Bo h RS it is in heaven" And when a man hn~tl8n urch on t e ay of Pente_ woke·t "" _-' 'h 'J . Ghost durlllg the Inst 10 years hw; er nn nccep sa ,·a Ion as a ree gu y '. . swort. .. 'I . . d P ,_ . h I s ...... mo:u a esus was 111 me, , . k ." hr' h r God

~ (._, Th , 'h t k 'h can pm, this s incerely he will nct a~ CoAIst, e msplre e....,r to give t e ",d _, .,.1" ,0 b' d great y qUic ello:u t e all 0 '" uom rv". e sou a sec 'I< I~, ' ,.... G. I ... I m wn elrlg. an, .. nnd makes II complete surrendeL·. will Mo!'t all people, when the preacher he l'rnys und will readily do 1111 the very tm;t ~e!1tence oi OSPEL 1Il- seemed to talk with me as face t() face , true Sll1nts fol' the healing of their

kno ..... n will of God. If a man i, a,'· structiolls to :.In)[ious sinne. rs, which I, " .• , ' __ 1 f,I'o"',h,·p w,',h 'h' F-'h,,' .. ' .bodies through Jesus ChriSt.. Indeed. I", at once completely I;aved and will. .;peaks ngainst sin. at once think that ... .~.. ... ~ Un. Jil;ht before him ,\0;11 look up to: he refers to stealing, cursing, adultery ing contrllry 1.0 his IIctual knowledge were I~Orded III the tolloWlZl1t WOrdS' land with the Son. i III e\'ery town wh~re there IS an all (;ad and receive the baptism with the . getting' drunk or some such thing. of God'!! will, it i!l most certain th3.t to ~ ob>len:ed by every !eeker.for sal- About two weeks after thi.; I can'l!lembIY of these smntA! all arou~d the Holy Ghost... But in pr€:uching this Hut the sin that ha..1 dmnned the mil- he is not sincere in prayin:;: "Thy ",;11 1 v.atlon ,1t~·~n:N~he ;~~ d~s~n&l- ed to see a sick lady whom I had E'arth people ban been healed I~ thl,..; Inllh W(' do not need to contend over lions who lla'·c gone into eternity un. b .. done." His heart can not be I·iltht lion: ' ; ~L·. 'I~ al'tl: J ev- lelll·ned berore was unsaved. As I movement. I follow helow With 1\ phra~e.' coined b:.' men. The terml'!osved is resisting God by Ilot obeying with God when he prays "Thy wi![ be eC'hy.olle 0 YhOIl In ~l~ nnmfe ~ esudB arrived at t.he house I was told she!few testimonies of more recent heal.

done" and then I"<!bels again~t the nst (or t e renU!I!lLOn 0 sms, an Id, I' th h II h ' ing_ .! the 13iblc nre good enough. the Gospd. Paul pictures Jesus as . < - •• cou no Ive more an a nn our, Then agl!in. we know thllt there are being "Revealed from heaven in flnm- lIentiment of his own words. ALL jye sh~;1 rec~lve the glit of the Holy and she WIIS then unconscioulI, as far RIlEUlIATISAI HEALED.

r ll-nt.\· of p"ple who hA-vC once been, in" fire, taking \-engenco on them that REAL repentance and 1111 real POWCll' Ghos~ Every ne~ con'-el1. shou~d as I could see.. I kneeled and began Fo·or fourteen yeura I have had a ~ . r thO I 'h '. I le)[penellce all that IS commanded III . , , •• • '

~l\'ed, but who hllve Mt wlilked in the, OBEY NOT TIrE GOSPEL OF OUR Imp les no mg eS.'1 all Um\ersa . . praymg ~llently when the SPIn~ III b.'l.d ca:le of rhcumlltlSm. and I mu~t "qualified submill~ion to God's wil\. thiS fir!lt >lenter.ce of the. Gospel. The 01" b.gan to P'''' no' ,.d·,bly bo" p",,',,_ Go,1 'ho' '0" fo, ;. mo"h, I liltnt, who are Ih'ing below their priv- j LORD JESUS CHRISTi who shall bo h h I rd ~ " , , '" .. ~

il{'g'(');, whose livcs aro not what God punished with everlasting destruction This lluts God on the throne of thl ~nson ~o _ many ure n"~n~ suc . la nOlle the lesp. distinctly and I stoppod ; hn\'e been healed through the nnmt' intended them to be. and these need to ~ from the Ilresence of the Lord, and universe, und make~ a man a loya' j hmes trymg to be Chnstla~s IS. be- praying and listened ~nd could hear of Jel;u~. I give glory to His nanle. r.a\'L' preached to them the red hot: fronl the glory of His power." The and :r.:calous subjct of I1is go,·ernment. caus~ they hav.e not been gUided mto the Spirit a!! plainly as if lIudibly When I was healod I ..... as also called

N h· 11 ,~., .L_ obedience to thiS first sentence of Gos· . . . 4kmand:l of God, that they repent, .Grelit Apostle Peter. o'·erv.'helmed d 0 m,M, . a"h lea.,', ",peGodn o:u """\ Ipcl instruction. As ministers of the spoken P~}l11g m my heart that the to preach the go!!pel, and I ~ave laid dl'an up their lives and bo washed a- 'with the terrible doom of the disobe- oes no o~e e WI 0 enoua' t • woman Illight be raised up ~o liS to do ..... n my tools to serve Hlm R8 n t:rt'sh in tile hlood or Ghrist; to yield :dient. exclaiOled, "What shall the end to let it govenl his actions. A mnn" IGospel, ,",:,e cnn do mU:h towa~ .dOl,ng bl.' !laved. I did 1I0t know what 1.0 home missionnry.-U. T. Kirby, CoI_ wholly to God, to Jlis truth and Lhe:of those be ..... ho OBEY NOT THE 1'!111,remo preference always controh illway wlt~. spa!>modlC ?hrlstlfllllty nHIl:e of !!uch an experience lind was;umbia, South ClIl'Olinu_

h· t" . and backshdlng. by preachlllg and ex· I' I r ' I ,·adings of the Holy Ghost. and be GOSPEL'!" 1 know a man who be· IS ac Ions, , .. h . r n Itte fear ul n~ to what God was ')EAF",'gS "EALED ' • ... . p allllng t (: mennlllg 0 repentance _ . . , .. , • , l'lJltd with God's Spirit, as the apostles' fore he lleard the gospel was guilty E;ery dIrection to .. sln~er, thnt doe land gil'iug the young converts the gOlllg to do. As the Spirit pmycd A j("irl about Iii years old nearlJ , ·ere on the day of Pentecost... If it ,of nearly e,·ery s.ill in the catalogue, not mc1ude absolute 8ubml'lSIOn to th, -ta 'R"PE"TANeE . '- theN seemed to lack about a quarter d al f-m ',nfanc, haa "--n instan",

'1' r God' .,., I d I proper", r..-- Co.' ,,,,au:r r . h .. . e ." .... ~ take!! a. dozen touches of power and hut he said he wns never wicked e- WI 0 IS m nl e y nngerous, b ,. d 'h b ,. . I H I 0 III In(· III ~ettlllg a connectIOn h ,. , I, 'h' pow-' 0" God ,, __ • . . ap Isnl. an e ap Ism III tie 0 y od '. ea"" I " . I'" P'l'ace to do this, amen; just. let the nough to refuse to obey the gospel, Will only cause him to defer the onl\ Gh mho I ta '11 I d form ,and thIS connectIon was nee- h h'o, ., good •• a" 0 , . . ~ ost., If:! rea repen nce WI 0..'1 . d s e can " nt',-p:ood work go 00. It is not neceS6l1ry I but was wonderfully converted the thmg he must do to be san~d, whlcJ "I' I to, . " "F e~~nry III or er tor the. prnyer to be' I) ·'d C .-"w,·,gh' '_., Iowa , ... amall 'l'Olngory gor), rom _~ Th G. a\1 ...... ............ . ~ be Ml long nbout it, and God never first time he ever heard a iOspel ser_ IS to repent of hiS resistance to God f ·th to f 'th" d· to II Ih (I answer.,... ell od said to me, "1tcnded that we should . but if Cod' mono All resislence to God is 8in. The b"'st thing a sinner might do il , O~I GOO." 81 • an 10 a e u ness "~o~· you will ha\'e to believe in order FEVER A~ll KIDNEY TROUBU; E'>:erci~e patience with us until we Resistence to the gospel is co-opera- the place of \yholly yielding to God. tor thi, 1.0 be done_" Although the HEALED. :;rot out into the fuII light. und if God tion with the devil who hates and is even if it is dropping 1111 his bad hllb- Spirit had prayed definitely without. Thl' Lord hal Itretched forth II", will patientl~· work v.;th these, dOing the author of all opposition to the its, is only a new and more subtu THE HOLY SPIRIT GIVEl\ TO I.ny eflon on my part, other than ' hnnd to heal in thi!> place. One WI ... all that hc can for them. evcry step Gospel. God requires obedience for Corm of resistance; nnd leaves hin . THOSE wno OBEY.-Acts ;):32. obeying nnd kneeling down and be- heale'\ of fe,'er. Bnother ot kidney Itf yielding us they stwnble along the the happinesa of those who obey. He still guilty of the terrible sin of reo ginning to pray 8ilently. yot I was I trouble. Ilnd a woman that bad beon

ny, then certainly we also I!hould be i~ the rightful Ruler or the universe bellion. As soon aa a man will reall" J delir~ to relate an uperience in ! made to Irnow that tbe answer de- I d~3.f for 20 y.ears heard it rain la&4 ",!tient with poor souls Iltumbling th(, - alld all created beings sbould bo en- rcpent of resisting the gospel. every Iconnectioll with this scripture. how I . pended upon my faith. A. t aaw' n!ght, sbe SUJd.-.l. A. Wood. W .. · ..ay out of darkness unto ("..,1. Some- tirely subject to His will. Whoever other sin will ceASe to uist. The proyed it to be true. ! this, immediately this scripture came n kn. Okla. tlmC!! WI: can hardly reali~e, 110W tlint 'reft!ses immediately tosurrenderto the foundation of sin is then gone. Th,. t had been converted years belore. to me. "And this i~ the con6d~nce that I CON~U}{PTION HEALED . ...e nrc out in the gloriouil light or gospel voluntarily co-operates with the root from which every other tran .• but aiter living a conscientiou8 Christ.- I"e have in him, that. if Fo·rom childhood I W1l8 alflieted 't1'i\h rood that IIhines so denr to Ollr souL:.. de\'i1, giving him the place 01 domino gre!l5ion spring8, has then been pulled ian lifo for two years or more I back- '0'10 ask anything according to what the doctors callod c&u..rrhsl con· how dark indeed it is to other Inell ion \"I'hich hclongs to God. Some say. uP. rebellion is o'·er. and the man ha slid and went into grolS sin tor about his will. he heareth us; Rnd if Isumption and it Krew WON' • .... ho hn'·e just begun to feel after God. 1 "I am not n sinner; I am not a thie1." found rest for hi.a 8Oul. As lOOn M ten yeaM!l. About one week after I we know that he hear Uj. whatsoever I And when the criais came. ·rhe ",·orld is in gross darkll6S8, and it I Hut the fnct is they are the worst the sin of rebeilion is under the blood \'I'as reclninled r henrd preached for we ask. we know that we have the and the docto~ had failed And "eerns that many poor lOuis nre able kind of a thief. for when they re~ist a man is saved and as pure as Gabriel. the first tima what .... as called Sancti- petitions that we desired of him." giveo up my case I looked to the Lord to ~oo and ~r.(l.Sp but a ray of light at ,tho Gospel Uley voluntarily stenl from Ii a man is not resisting the trlll"h. fication. It was t.'\ught that to be John [):14-15. I &aid. Lord. I knOW! for the firR time for the. healing of ;1 time. Let us thank God for every God, that which belongs to God. and than he is walking in the light alltl snnctified was to receive the Holy this ia according to your will. for it I my bodJ. PrailJe Hia name, for He my of light that shines in upon Uiem. gi"s' to satan the authority and do- ""he bl~ of Jeaus Ch~st, God'i So~. Ghos~. who wo~ld burn up th,: "old, wa!l. l?e Spirit that prayed. not me.: healed me. 19 months have pan&:" and be patient with them Ul!.tiJ they minion o\"er their life, Thil is infi- deanses him from all Sin_if Hov.·,- _ man.' root of Sill, ele. I felt III my' and With that I had perfect confidence away and 1 ha'·e not u..keo any medl ' ~t out into the fulness of tno nitelJ worse than stealing some nlan's pie and plain it is for us to 1m soul that there was nothing in my, and rest, Bnd left the house. lind I . cine from that timo to this. 1 am no ... light and up to God's standard oi ho- money. lor if it was successful it that we have a pure heart. A pu "I heart but pure lo'·e. but I knew that ~ don't know that 1 thought of the "'0' I so\l.Qd and well, and my lunge are )iness in heart, holiness !n life and would tear God from His throno and heart ",meth with God only that whit I had not received the JIoly Spirit as mllD again until eight days later I lItronger than they eyer were..-5. J, UlIldllct and also inoo the S. int-filled put satan in His place, It is snaTChy. ia good; it willa nothing but what c.. ! the Bible teachell. So •• s I went for- heard tbat ahe had died. J inquired Hibbs, Bo:t: 233, Enex, Mo.

, ,



Page 3: Council S - Pentecostal Archives


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• -

vice sinners seeking salvation, be­lievers the baptism ILIld suffering hu. nlanlty being healt!<!..

OF GOD. By B. F. Lawrence.

f-work miracles, Mark 16:17-18; 8:4-13.

g-obtnin their support from the gospel, 1 Cor. 9:14. A prominent citizen and surgeon of

our city, who ....... s injured in a wreck God IS stiU alive and blell.8ing in CLOVIS, NEW MEX. three year>J ago. passed the finest

• earth. How we should praise Him Brother Fickling and myself have medical skill and found Jesus and his

n::~.of U!'l know that the Greek Ie' ' translated 'chureh' in

:iew Testament., meane literally, uisembly" a (':alJed together body.

, 'Assembly of God' means "an

3--There were in tbe general assem· bly, prophets who journeyed from place to place. There were al80 loeo.l assemblies which had prophets among them. This term seemed to be ap­plied to those who bad the prophetic manifestation of the Spirit. The tiUe did not cart")' any special c:c:.ecutive authority with it; but was applied to many who held other specific offices in the assembly. Some of the pro­phets Ilnd teachers of Antioch (Acts 13:1-2) were officially, Elders. 1 Tim . 4:1-1; 3:2; Titus 1:9. Silas. a prophet (rom Jerusalem, was really an evan­gelillt. or bearer of good neWII, Acts 15:41; see also 1 Cor. 14:1-5·31·3!!.

_t the old·lime golpel is bringing bee.n gospelizing in these parts. God is body wus ma(!e whole. He is seeking i.ac.k the old-timo po ..... er that givel confirming His word with the signs the b.:lpti~m and testifies to tbis mi­.on a know-60 salvation, heals their promised. About 20 have been 18\'ed, raeulous healing, witnessing on the kldies and baptir.es them in the Holy and 18 got the baptism, as in Acta I'lntfonn. eboat. Read and rejoice at the good 19:6. About 20 got healed according One featu re of the meeting is that

called of (,.od, and belonging

.. ~"'1I below: I' to their testimonies. We shaH lenve h h ,_ 80 many cure mem""rs are seeking

a palltor over this work, one or the the baptism. One night eight fronl A88embly of God is:

........ ,,~t'. body, Eph. 1:22-23. membera o( the assembly PAXTON, FLA. humblest. men in this country. For one or our largest churches were at

Brother Belcher and I ha\'e just many years he was a Gospel Trumpet the alt.llr nt one time seeking. Many dosed a good meeting here. Some 1() preacher, but he got· the light, and havo received. ., 18 saved and 6 rcceivod the bap- God bal)tized him with the Holy Ghost All kinds of diseases are being heal. tUtti with the Spirit as in Acts 2:4. ,7 miles away (rom the meeting. Some ed including deaf mutes. People are AillO leveral were healed nnd 12 were I Catholics have been baptized in the coming (rom Oklahoma, Tuns, Dela-/Mptized in water..-J. ll. (;. jSpirit, and the devil i~ sure fltirred up ware, Alabama, North and South Car.

brethren in Christ, lIeb. 2:11·12. memherg are therefore also

and daughters of the -'hni ,'.Iy," 2 Col". 6:17-18.


~ . in these regions.-L. E. T. olina, Tennessee and other slates. CATO, ARK. )fllny are seeking God.

into the Afl8l'lnbly is by: John 3:1-8. See Acts 2:

1~:23; Jame" 1:18; Lu. B.-Local.

The Lord is truly blessing in this I HUSBAND MISSING. (Mrs.) L. N. Harris. ,~. Nine have just reeeh'ed the I Anyone knowing the wheretlboutll or Chairmlill of Ladies' Committee. on

John 5:1. I-Elders., Bishop;;, Presbyters. All

these terms, according to the best scholarship. refer to the same office, Acta 15:2-6-22; Phil. 1;1.1' 1 Tim. 3:1-2;

u.ptism ... ith the Spirit, and the altar Al Howard of Alsuma, Okln .. who sud- Arr.lngemenlli. is crowded nt every meeting.-P. N.· denly disappeared aloout No\·. 20, 1913, Addrell8!1U letters for

creation. Gnl. 6;1';; 2 Cor.

,m, that ill, b.:lptisln by thtl Titus 1 :5; etc. into the deat~, I,urial Il.rd A-:\Ioral qualifications for Eldt'rs.

V . will do me a great favor by writing to Mr. C. JI. Burge, Gj Windsor me, or if you see him cflll his-attention A tlanta. Ga.

BOYNTON. OKLA. Just <:lased n meeting at Cloud

Creek with victory. 19 reech'ed the \

ttl tbis notice.-Mn. :\lamie Howard, R. 4. Broken Arrow, Okla.

'Jostled baptism with the Holy Ghost.. I MILFORD, TEXAS. J. H. Hutton was pouesse<:i with de- 1 Praise God :Cor the way he has been mona, and through prnyer God de1h .. !wOrking at Belton. One night three end him.-W. H. K. got healed at the altar, and one saved.

A. QUESTION. ~.: there any difference between be-

Many others healed in these parls.­J. W. R.

jag born of God nnd bom oi thc Spirit. PHOENIX, ARIZ. .! God ?-J. B. God has been blessing the ministry

Answer:-Not a bit.. The !lister 10! his servants, who have been with tells us that &orne are teaching in her us from time to time, and recently the ~mmunity. tlftlt wo are not born or wave reached high tide under the mes­God in this lite, only born of the f'ge of faith by Brother H. L. Fulk. Spirit, that when we ~t born of God nero Many who, huvc tarried for we will have TeIJllrrection bodies and months and years, believed God, re­livo forever! Now this is R g..eat er-Iceived the Spirit, and spoke in other ror. So tar 118 we are intonned it was tongues as God gave the utterance. -rrtarted by the Isrealites in Michigan. It bas been :1 remarkable outpouring • Notice flnt that in the life of Jesus, over 30 ha~'e received the baptism as when he was on the enrth, those tl,:'It. in Ads 2:4. Great mani(estationl!l o( 'believed on Him were born ...... of God's power in healing the sick. in 8od," John 1 :12-13. In this pussngc the sah'ation of sinners, in heavenly 'We see in this lite belicver1! on Chri:;t anthems, in \'isions, ek'. Trull' the "were born or God," and this con1- signs are (oJlowing as promised to pletdy diSproves the contention that I them that. believed. we cannot be. born , ... God now. The F AITR has been the key note of Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God, r.ncl1tbis revival; GRACE the message, and what the Spirit does Is attributed to to God be all the PRAIS£.-R. 1.. H. Cod, tecause God works through the ::3pitiL

There is another err"r that is lll>&:'­ointed with this, namely, it is con­tended that we cnnnot be delivered from the power of sin in this life, and 110 excuse is made on this ground, J.hat we are not born of God, but only of the Spirit, In order that they may con­tinue to sin. But Paul says, ;'Shall "1¥C co~n(l in "in thal ~race may nbound, G forbid." Then he says,

PUXICO. MO. We dedicated our new temple to the

Lord on Sunday, March 29th, with the blessings of God througholiL the day. The power tell in Il wonderful way, three were ss\'ed find ree<,ived the Hoi)' Ghost n (ew minute!: later. Sinners fell on t.heir knees :'Ill over the house. Glory to God in the high­e'lt.-Pa~tor W. W. (,hilder .•.

'Sin shull not have domUlion OVCl' you, BEACON. TENN. , ,.nd being made free from SiD y6 be-1 Step by step God has brought. the

Clme the 8t:rvants or righteousness," I light to this place, 10 have been hap­Rom .. 6:1-14_16-18. ~'s c~i~dren a~e j ~il:ed with the Holy Ghost speaking in -.ot hVlng up. to ~eU" pnvlleges, .if I other tongues ru; the Spirit glwe ut.­they are serving sin and the deVI1.


lorance. Some have been con\'erted Yea, worse, "His sef\'an~ ye arn and several reclaim ... >d. At one pray. ... hom ye obey, whether of sin unto er service the power fell w that four tieath, or of obedience unto righteous. were baptized with the Holy Ghost. .us," Rom. 6:16. Through Christ God has been confirming His word and the power of the Spirit we have with the signs following, and the sick been "made free (rom sin;" that is., have been made well in Je"lus' name. the power of sin, and bence sin as a - One of Them. )Ower shall not have dominion over I you."-Editor. , CHICAGO, ILL.

J have just returned from the PII-VICTORIA, TEXAS. Ilcific coast. God wonderfully poured

Brother Johnie McConnell did a out His Spirit in the stnte of Wal<h. KOod work here .. Then Brother .Lee . Our hall wus ill the Metropolit..'In 110' ~oyd came, nnd 0 01' 8 w~re baptiz~d I' tel, the lurgest building in town und w.lth the Holy Ghost, as m Acts 2.4. was filled to its capaeity. t.nrge 3mce he has left we have kept up numbers including some Cutholics prayer meetings three nights in the were sa~ed and tiaptized in the ITol; "PI~k, and God has been wonderfully· Ghollt. lIany detnils of Hi>! wonder­.... ,th us. Sevem~ more 8lwed ~nd 8 ous power and glory too num('l'Ou ~ fOI" ~. ~~ ~.aye recto,ved lhe baptism.- space.-Wm. H. Merrin.

OSBORNE, KAN. My brother, Herbert Buffum, and

_ysel! started the work here, and about 100 80uls professed fnith in Ghrist. and I;everal received the bap­tism. Then Bro. Foster of Topeka and Uro. Dunham of lola came, and ..,ere with us over two Sundays. 21

CAINSVILLE, MO. The Lord is working here, about 16

have been saved and six received the baptism. We are looking for Brother Opperman with a band of workers to commence a special tent meeting here in a few days. Two got the baptism yesterday.-W. D. M.

.r 22 more received the blessed bap- j WATERS, ARK. um according to the book of A~ts. We came here from Hot Springli The Mormons and othera are fightmg ......... ,. d t '-d th ,. ...... ..nven Ion an s ar"" e mee mg _3, and w.e a~ as sheep mnong wolves last Saturday night. Eleven lIOuls ~ot God IS With us and we expect to have been saved. , Last night, the 4th. press the batUe.-Mrs. F. L. P. I night of the meeting, 4 found salvation

All h d $1 00 . in Jesus. Though a new field, some

w 0 sen us . at once, 88Y- I d· -,. h b . d h ., ." . ., sre urea y mteresto:u 111 t e ilptlsm

Hlg" sen us.t ~ wec y, WI "l'e<:elve I ef the HoI GhosL-W. II. II. illS soon :'IS It 18 fltnrted. Those who y _______ _ II'Cnd 1)0 cenl.!J will continue to receive ilIo monthly. HELP NOW. To E. N. Bell, Malvern, Arknnsas.


GORE, OKLA. God is blessing here. 25 \laved :lnd

20 rocei\'ed the Holy Ghost. Pray for us.-W. R. A.

. All tmets go out on free-will ouer., LIVINGSTON, TEX.

.Ig plan. Order as many as you can Ch· h d rt I bl d 8se to God'e glory Send for thil . rlst as won e u yy . C!!se f d h te God 1 d to prociOUS souls at Shady Grove, In Ty-lin w" ver ea s "ou.' ler County. Fifty or sisty have been

Order all tracts of tbe Editor, E. b ,. _". Ih S··t. All I to ap IZ"" m e plrl g on-N. Bell, Malvern, Ark. H· Ch D •

Tracts on the rollowing subjects: IS name.- as. .

1. SAl'OCT IFIF.U IN CII RIST. ATLA."lTA, GA. New ::dditions have again been 2. B"PTIS~1 WITH THE HOI.\"

GHOST. made to accomodate the crowd~ which 3. VE SLAVES OF TIfE WBED.-· fill the tabernacle night after night. [.EAFL.lIT. . The day meetings are nlso largely at-4. . Gons OWl\: cnURCH AND HIS tended. God is surely in the midst or cnURCIiES. • 'His people. There are no indications 5. ARE TO~GU"E..'S A HERESY. of a close to the meetings as the t . SAI.VATION FOR ALL. !crowds keep increasing. The nleet... 7. ETEIlNAl PUNISHMENT. ling may continue all summer. The 8. TnE FLESH-WHAT IT IS. mourners' bench is filled at every ser-


"Having II form denying- the power 2:5.


of Jesus Ch:r¥l; or, con- They must be:-"into one body." 1 blameless, without. reproach.

Rom. 6:3-6; Gal. 3:27. a love r of good, Pentocostal preacherll hold that h ba d r wi( a us n 0 one e,

, ..... 12:13 refera to the btiptism not BOOn angry, the Holy Ghost.-EdJ not a brawler,

II J. not a striker, This text iii' often quoted to o~r .. tion or organizatioa of not greedy o( filthy lucre.

that Ifodline~s has no form, but assembly 1\as at lelU!t 11\'0 fold: B._)fental qualifications of Elden. proves just the opposite. It is Called by various They must be:-form without the power Paul , such as, "the church," "chul'(h· selC-coDtrolled, spenking ugainst-the imitation. God in Chrillt," general assem- BOber minded, IIhnrn. and church of the fin;t. born," etc. just.

In the otlginning God created the i upon the rock und foundation able to exhort, heavelJ8 and the enrth :lnd the ea.rt'b. the apostles and prophets, Jesus upt to teach, was without fOI'lll and void. Then the ':::~ himself being the chief comer- aole to convict ga.iaso.yers, Spirit of God came in and it was no /I, Matt.. IG:18; Eph. 2:20. orderly, longer' void. The Spirit mo\'OO upon embraces ill ita membership all able to role his own house. the face of the water'S nnd gave form. whose nalnell I\re written in hospitnble. God /;uid. and the Spirit wrouj!"ht, and Heb. 12:23. It is pennanent. not self-willed, everythmg began to take form. The This embraces in its not contentious, 1 Tim. 3; Titus 1. watet">l were gat.hered into ocea.ns, all those of the geperal They were also required to ha\'e a seal'l, hays., riveT!!. ctc. Then vegeta- who Jive near each other, good report from thenl that were tion look fonn, herb 11Ild tree yielding in the same tovm or neigh- without. $Ie«! and fruit after his kind. '~d.) 1 Cor. 1:1-2; Gal. 1:1-2; C.-Duties of Elders.

Then the (orms of the sun, moon and 1:1; Col. 1:1; Permanent, at least a-Rule, teach and care (or the as-sturll appeared, thell the fowl of the long as there are those in the bl A'- 20 28 1 Ti 3 5 5 17 &em y, e.... :; m.:;:; air and fishe.~ of th~ sen and (OUl"- who are members of the T· 9 H b 3 P ItuS 1:; e. 1 :17; 1 et. 5:1.4. footed beast~; and lasUy, God said. assembly or ('hurch of the Thus, they were the pastor", or shep-Let u, make man. the highl'~t ma- born. ers o( the flock, Epb. 4:11. Were to terial (i)rm, in our own image. God theso one might mention the Ii\'e of the gOlSpel, 1 Cor. 9:7-14. formed man out of the du~t of the i Councils. consisting o( b--They were to be. ex"mples to the gl"Ound und brentbed into hi:! nostr ils doctrinally or locally intereste<l, ft kIP t Co 3 oc , e.a:. the bl'eath of life and mun bC'~ame a \,'. -:\Iso the Prl'sbyl~' ry, 1 Tim. c-They were empowered to ordain \i\'inf( soul, a perteet body and form. alld assist in ordaining ministers, Acts So Cod does nut object to f'Jrll1 ill the IV 3 3 T· . 1 :1- ; 11m. 4:14. Illlttl.'rinl world, But thi~ i~ 1'C'lIlarka- ihe . .I"sscllIuly, genel·:tHy and local- D--Behavior toward Elderi:l. ble: lhat in [\1\ thcse fonn!; of "tdkin~ in its entirety is to be "the light a-They were not to be rebuked, I"esl'mblnncc thcl'e i~ infini\.· variety. suIt of the earth," "n hahit.. ... tion but exhorted. Atl ull tlw lea\'CS 011 a tr .. (' al'e much I 'h h S" " "f II I ru t e Pl.llt, e ow a- b-Accusations against them were alike and one "eneral forlll ,'et 110 h...... ·'h G-"" . 1 •• , I h " \' WI vu. a spIn un ouse, 110t;: I>e received except in the pres-1w.o a~ exacU}' alike. ~o with I lllllan .1. I . 'h od'- ~ .. , "[,,,0 y pl"les 0 .... ouel' up splrl . ellc of two or three witnesse!!, (R.Y, . !"c,,,,,.,.. 0- s..'l.CI·,nceB.· .. n chosen gener .... t1on, sa,'" "at the mouth of two dr three")

"'"But the foml in God'~ ~tf:lil'" Ii; the . th od hI' fOl"m objected by so mally. An"werinf( ~ "rll

pnes l 0 U~ ~n 0 ~ n~dtiO~' n 1 Tim. 5:1-19. th

O Id Wh Ih . , I u mr pcop 1'; a)'e s ou s oW Z-DEACONS. 1 Tim. 3:8-13; Acts ,,1. wou !<Ill', en tl scnp ures f 1.h tl . f H' h alled

prescribe form, that form is eSl;entiul· 1e ,Pdralsktl 0 . ltom ,w,, 0 c 6:1-6.

to validity. Cod said to Moses. See I I· h "" , Co 13 16 E h ., 22 ,. [out 0 ur ness III IS mar.e- a-:\loral qualifications of Deacons.. o ~ 'ft t, "at. a: • ; p .• :.; They must 00:-

that. you make nil things according 2 - 5 1"'0 I P t ' .. , r. :.,...¥: c .• :. husband of one ...... ife, to the pattern shown thee in the V

. holders of the mystery of the faith mount. So when the Tabernacle wns Vhile the above is true regarding in a pure conscience, finished, according to the directions, whole assembly, there are, by the not double-ton ..... "the glory (Ex . .j0:34) of the Lord

filled the Tabernacle. When Solomon t of God, certain men, (and women) not gh'en to much wine, completed the Temple in most beauti- 0 :l.re specially chosen to act for not greedy of filth" lU("re,

rul ulld pcrfl'('t forni, the ~dor)' of the a ssembly in discharging "arious lJ........)t:ental qualifications of Deacons of its service. They must be:-

Lord filled the house. 1 King 8:10·11. is brings us to the Ministel'$. or grave, So God does not despise form, if

thllt form will only I.oe :I receptacle of rvants of the Assembll" possessors of wisdom, lIi ~ power, and the (OI'lllS he h,as pre- A-General. able to rule their children and hou-!'ICl"ibed :l.re exactly fitted for God's 1._Aposlles. They were person- ses weH.

a f commissioned by God. 1 Cor. 1:1; C-Duties of DeacODS. power. An engine must have some I jt~ )8; "Gal. J :1_15_10; by Christ. Mutt.. They were to look after the tempo'. kind of form to be pl"OpeJled by the 1 ActJI !!0:24; Rom. I :0; by the Holy 111 strairs or the assembly. !;teum. S !"it. Acts 13:2·4. . Some of them also preached. &. be not afraid of the I"ight form;

They were cyewit.nesses to the re- Deucons were ....... uired to be or good fOI' God uses fOI'1I1S in many ways; but ~I .-'t ~rl"c('tion of Jefius Christ. Acta 1 :21- report. and to be proved or trio<! it ill the form 1\itl'out the Ilower that I 2;.; I Cor. 15::i-8; Im<I were empower- before appointment. They were prom­we nll object to. God wants to use

the humall fOl1l1 us a temple fOI" His C<. to:- ised a ~od stnnding and groat bold-ness in the faith that is in Jesus illdwe11in!-:", lind a~ all engine of pow-

er. ObSl'rving lhe forms God has laid .s ick Christ, i! they served ..... ell. See pas-down for a!lsemblies and in ordinances -Cast out demon~. sages cited abo\·e. does not hinder the Holy Spirit. But Rliise the dead. The Creek word tran~bled 'deacon,' the impl"Oper and un ..... orthy manner e--Cleanse leper!!. in the abo\'e cited passages, is in oth-or lliking the Lord's Supper did calJ f-Bring peace or jud,gment to f,un· er place;. translated "servant.," and fOI1.h II rebuke from Paul to the ill'S and communities. "minister." This helps somewhat to Church .'It Corinth. There is the g-Represent Christ, Mntt. 10. define their duties. See Matt. 23:11; utmost liberty of the Spirit in fonn h-~{ake disciple~. J ohn l~::!r,; 1 Cor. 3:5; 1 Theil. 3:2. when thut form is prescribed by God's :i-Baptize, Matt. 28:19-20. The word was also applied to a wo-Word.-l. P. Collins. li-Bemit or retain gina, John 20:23. man, and seems to indicate an order

k-Bind :l.nd loo~e upon earth, MatL of deaconesses. These, ho ..... ever. were

:\OTlCE TO PREACHERS New credentials .'Ire being. isaued to

Pcntecostal or Apostolic Faith or ChurchclI of God in Christ preachers. This \\'a~ iI!-:"reed on 3t the Hot Spl"ing!'l Convention or Council. All the lIew 01105 will be issued in the common or I("eneral nllme of ASSEM­B IA~S Ol~ GOD. For convenience Eas t and West those in the West and South will "end )'our preaent creden_ tinlll to H. A. COSi, Hot Springs. Ark.. for renewal. Tell him what kind or work you are doing"". whether pastor, evangelist or missionary. and give your home post office. Those North and East will apply in same way to Eld. T. K. Leonard. the Gospel School, Findlay, Ohio. Do this at once 10

your name will be in the published minutes.-Editor.

P. S.-Be sure to send 25 cen~ to help pay tOI" printlng crede!lti:"dll.

LONOKE. ARK. . The Lord has been blessing at

Brown\'iI1e, three miles from Lonoke. Several have been saved, and 12 re­ceh'ed the hnptism in the Spirit, as in Acts 2,4, among them n Baptist preach er or 37 years. Praise the Lord.-Mrs. I). C.

U:19 ; 18:18; 1 Tim. 1:20; 1 Cor. 5:5. without executive authority. See Rom. I-Rule .'Ind care for th{' A!lsembly, IG:I; 1 Tim. 3:11 (R.V.) and 2:12. Wo­

J,hn 21:15-17; 2 Co ... 11.~; with Heu. men were also spoken of as "helpers U;17; I Pet. 5:1-:l. in the gospel." Paul spoke of one

m-Estnblish doctrine, Gal. I :1 1-12; man nnd his wife as "fello ..... -lnborers." 8:P; I 'rim. 5:14; 2 Tim. 3: 10. There were other fIlen in the local

!'I-Ordain minister!!, Acts (;:1·6; 2 ussembly called, bl'('ause of their par_ Ti/)]. 1:6. tieular ministry, 'teuchers' and 'ex-

o--Obtain theil' sUPIJ(>IL frOIll the horters: These indeed llIight extend gospel. 1 ('or. 9:14. the scope of their ministrations be-

2-F:vang-('\istll. Art!! 21:8; Ellh. 4: yond the ('onfine~ of their loenl as· 1 J; 2 Tinl. 4 :5. sembly, but were not ... ·ritlen of as

They were :'Iuthoriz.ed to:- having executive power, Rom. 12:6-8;

~ ... a-Preach' teuch, establish and de· ~ph. 4:U. ·nd the Word, teach in" or doctrine This resume ot the 8CriptuMil doe" ready formulated by the Lord Jesus not profess to be complete. It d,'es,

Christ llnd His apostles and prophets, hnwe\'er, present the Il8.lient PO'"t;; A~ts 8:5; 1 Tim. 1:3-,; 1:18; (the in connection with each tlCC ~ion or chsrge fol1owll in the relit of the let- the ~lIbject as presented. It il' oticr· ter.) I Tim .• :11-16; 6:2, 13·17; 2 Tim. ed in the hope tbat when tl-:e 0001"'1 .. 2:2-14-23-26; 3:14-17; .:1-2; Titus 2: <,~ f'.od see how thoroughly, ftr WMt 1-7-8-15; 3:1-8. length, and how many pl8('es God

tr-Execlloo the rules or order and treali of these matlers, they will gain gO\'ern ment established b" the Lord a clearer idea of tbeir importance; JUliS and llis apostle!, 1 Tim. 1:3; and. so gaining, will arrh'e at n grt·at· the whole of the third ehapter (in the er degree or unit,. as they confonn liJ.:'ht of \'ersea H-15) Chap. 5:17-21; themlleh'l's to the scripture!. 2 Tim .• :2·5; Titull 1:(;·13; 3:1-10-11. "All scripture ill given by inapira.

c-ordain ministers, 1 Tim. 3; Titus tion or God, and is profitable for doc-I ;),,9. trine, for reproof, for correction, for

l-beal tbe sick, instruction in righteousness; th.'lt the --enst out deamonll, mnn of God may be perfect, thorough-

Iy furni~hed unto an good work~." 2 Tim . :1:16-17.

Bennett ... Lawrence.

EDITOR'S NOTE OX ABOVE:­Some of us may have used other terms from what Brother Lawrence has, (1("

have put lOme passages under differ­ent headinlt"lI, ele., bllt on the whole it is \'ery fine, and the editor wank to advise aU our preachers to pre· ser"\'e the article and make a long aM thorough lJtudy of the referrnces in their connection!! .


Somo .mistaken preacher, aM would·be. teachers claim to h.'l.\·o a reY­elntion from the Holy Spirit that w~ er baptism and the Lord's Supper are not to be obe~f\'ed any more. Now to the word anci to the testimony. If they speak not according to this word, it is becau.r.e there is no light in them. . -Isa.8:20. "All scripture is "i\"en by inspiration and is profitable for doc· trine. (or reproof, (or correction. fOl' instruction in righteoU8llesll, that tAe man of God may be perfect, thorough· ly furnished unto aU good works,"-2 Tim. 3:16-17.

Siace the word was written by holy men as they were mo ... ed by the Holy Ghost. any revelation contradicting that word csnnot be (rom the Holy Spirit. The Spirit and the Word a­

."". Water &ptism.

,Jesus ('ommanded his disciples to make disciples of all nations, "baptil;­ing them in the nanle of the Father, Soli alld Holy Ghost., tenching thelXl to observe all things whatsoever l h""e commanded you,"-MaL 28:19-20. Then on the day of Pentecost, Peter. true to this order, said to t1M! Jews. "Repent everyone of you and be baptized in the nanle of the Lord Jes uli Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost,"-Act 2:3.

Philip went down to Samaria and preached Christ uato them and they were baptized in the name of the Lonl J esus. Later Peter and John came down and laid hands on theul aM prayed and they receive<! the Roly Ghost-Acta 8:12_16.

When tha Holy Spirit fell on the household of ComeliulS Peter said, "Who can forbid the water that these should not be baptized, seeing they bave reeeived the Holy Ghost as weH as we," Acts 10:47. Once more Paul at Ephesus found some disciples WHO had not been baptized in Jesus name; but unto John's baptism only. So Paul baptized thrm in the name of the Lord Jesus; tben laid hande on then and pr.ayoo for tn ... 11I lUld tht')· re ceived the Uoly Spirit and spake in other tongue, and prophes.ied,-Act.J!; 19:1·6.

These passages forever settle t\VO points: First, That the baptism ill the Holy Spirit does not take the place of baptism in water. Second. That water baptism was administere4 by the apostles after PentecosL

The Lord'S Suppcr. Paul administered the Lord's Sup­

pcf to the ('hurch at Corinth, and said, "Keep the ordinances as I delh'eroli them unto you."-1 Cor. 11 :2. and SlI)'e he received it of th~ Lonl, \'erse 23. Then added. "As often ns )'e eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show (proclllim) the Lord's death till He comes," Verse 26. So it is to be obsen'ed "till the Lord comes again." The expression ill Col. 2:14, "Uand ..... riting of ordinances," does not ani CRmlot refer to water baptism or the Lord's Supper: for P:l.ul under the in­spiration of the Holy Spirit had hiOl' selr directed the Corinthian church to obsen'e it and ~buked them for not observing in the right gpirit and 1ll.Il.a­

nero He alllO mentionll ill this vet")"

letter to the Col1o:<lsian.-l that they t..oo were "buried with Him (Christ) ;. bapti.~m,'·-2: 1~.

How I\n<= when was the "handwrit­ing of ordinances that was contrary to us" blotted out? The same verae .nswer~, "Nailing it to the cross." 2, 14. Then it was by the crucifixion oL Chrht. Md done at the cros~. Thill m:I~" it nb~olutell' certain that thito "handwriting of ordinances" was the writing in the IlIw of M(»!es and t~e ordinllnceS \"Cmoved were those that existed B£FORI-: the cross, and not to water baptism and the supper whicb: ..... ere commanded AFTER the cruci· fixion. He could not eommand to bap­tite atter hill re!llurrection, as he did.. if his death had just. removed water bapti,m.-A. p. C-ol1inll.

TENn;. TE:\T8. To ftccomoonte the brethren I b.ave

nrang,'(! to handle all kinds of go~peI tent. only for cnah at the lo''''eat lill­urea. State (1) size of tent want.e4, (2) whether with or without poles (3) whether \l.1th or v.ithout side eurtains:. (') whether to be made of 8, 10, or Ii Ol:. duck, (5) whether made af na~ ural duck or milldew proof duc.i:. n_ • prire ran bf. ~\'en by retara mal I-:'Iail't' of F.. N Bell, Malvern. Ark_ an~"".

PISCKNEY, TEXA.S Tile Lord is wonderfully blessing ..

this place. About '5 have f"«eiV'&li the baptism, as in Acta 2.', a\ Shnd, Gro ... e, Te:us.-A. W. P.


Page 4: Council S - Pentecostal Archives

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Pray for the Missionaries "'YRO HATH BEUEVED OUR REPORT?" laa..

l.lcsoa !\Sid . "shall al1 men know that y. a re my disciples, il ye kave IMe one (or anoth('r." I never felt in dos-

• \

Calendar of Camp Meetings 8, William F. Kirkpatrick.

We ar. lOrry at B moment. when lands, and war douds and perilou~ Upper Alton, III., Penl:.eco3tal ..,e are preparing to do better and nob- times in China, iBmines in Indio. and I

'er t~uch with God than I do this LOS ANGELES RECALLED. WORLD-WIDE CAMP. monling. May God's richest bleaa- -'titer the May issue of the Good Elm Gro..-e, Caudero, California .

lei' thinK' (or our faithful missionaries needs in Africa and Egypt demand "Why did the heathen rage die 8~ial things of this issue tilled eame~t. urgent prnyer and hnds at people imagine vain things Ute paper and left. no room tor all we . once tor all our mi8llionaries. Send in ":26. "Grant unto thy haTe from f'orq.ign Field!!.. We will at once. All sent in will be tOl"Wllrded with all boldness they may plIlIh oul other things for them next by E. N. Bell, Treasurer, Malvern, word, by IItretching forth u.e. But God is blessing in many Ark. to heal, and that SIGNS

ings retlt upon the ~ainbl every'fl'here Report was out, we have the follow- Jaly 8th to AUK. 8th. is my earnellt prayer. ing telegram trom the editor whi<:p M. M. PInson, Mrs. Piper of Chiea-

Fraternally yours, 1 speaks for it.self: . go, A. p. Collin!'! ot Fort Worth, TeJ,:., Bert L. Todd, Memphill, Teno. "Word and Wltness; We Wish to B. L. Todd ot Memphis, and a num~'


nett. In fact the signa are auspi­cious for a moat blessed world-wide fellowship and llnily amonr all true

la the March iSlue ot the Word and Pentecostal people and the editor is Witness there appeared an article only desirous of aiding in this growth dealing with the general subject of toward unity by all lawful and acrlp­BlBL~~ ORDER VERSUS FANATI_ tural means until we sball have come ClSM. Under thill head several iIIus- into the unity ot the faith, and ot the trations were used by the editor show- knowledge of the Son or God, unto a iq ho~ tho brethren in different parts perfect man, unto the measure of thc -.d endeavored to secure Bible Order. stature of the !ulnes8 of Cltri8t; that ~ ot theM mentioned, merely as an we henceforth be no more children ilhlatTation, waa the PENTECOSTAL tossed to and fro and carried about ASSEMBLIES 01-' THE WORLD with every wind of doctrine, by the wtt.h Brother J. J. Fraze& of Portland slight of men and cunning craftiness, ... Superintendent. We stated at the whereby they lie in wait to deceive, 1lIIIe we were not finding fault with but speaking the truth in lo,-e may tM brethren for their honest. efforts grow into Him in aU things who i8 to &6(:ure better Bible order; but it the head even Christ. If a,pears that some on the coast who WHAT THE OBJECT? I\I"e opposing theae good brethren on Some have asked what object the doctrine h.avo made unwonted. capitalleditor had in mentioning thQ Pent.eeoa­out ot the illustration. I have II. let- tal Assemblies of the World with the la' from Bro. Frazee hi reply to an names on the official letter head, of utice published in tho Pentecostal Bro. Durham and his incorporation T7ath by Bro. William Barnett. In or chartering of tbe Jo'ull GoI!pel As· this Bro. Frate& states that he has semhly in Chicago, etc. U the breth­JlO desire to be bishop or pope and ren will remember the ge.neru.1 sub­u.t ho forgivQs Bro. Bumett tor the jeet under discussion, namely, the e!­attack upon him. While the Real says forts at BIBLE ORDER and not get it is a "corporate body," yet it is said lost in the illustrations used, it will be Oregon lawa do not require a cbarter. easy to see they were uaed to show Bro. Frazee further states that the I that all the noted bretnren whoso PUitecolltal Aaaemblies of the World names were mentioned had, a8 the in· &1'6 not an organization, not a char- cidents mentioned show, made bonest. kaed sect or denomination, but mere- efforts to solve the problem and have l:r a voluntary aaaociation or affiliation better Bible order. Thill point is all far the geflQral inter68t of Penteco&- the editor ot W. &. W. cared. for in any tal .nemblies wher-ever they may be ot the illustrations mentioned.. Some leeated. The brethren put on as fi eld tell me that the seal ot corporation ,.h !;onaries, he &8YS, are perfecUy which Bro. Frazee "sed was tke old bee to obe:r the I..crd and follow the seal turned over to Bro. Fra~ year8 leadings of the Spirit, and that they ago from AzuUl. Sbeet in I..c. Ange­are in no way under the authority of les and that the more receat (bange Bro. Fra~ himself. ot name, to the Pentecostal AlIBem·

We also have an article from Bro. blies of the World, maled me into R. E. McAlister saying that be has thinking that the corporntion was entered into no man·made organiza- a recent cbarter. U 10, we Ja,eartj . t.ion, has chartered no church and had Iy ask the forgiveness of all the breth­nothing to do with appointing a Suo ren concerned for the mistake. perintendent over the Pentecostal As· Then I am told that the la"llt'S ot eembliea ot the world. Canada. do not forbid baptism being

We als;.o have a letter from Bro. W. performed by ministers from unin­C. Trotter, pastor ot the Assembly corpornted bodietl or churches, that i . Portland, located at 131 fA. 2nd St., Bro. Van Loon says the need ot Bro. and he wanta us to make clear the Durham incorporat.ing and giving him difference between the Pentecostal As- papers was only to give him authority IMInlblies ot the World and the ll88em- to perform marriage ceremonies. Ny over .... hich It''!l. is pastor. He says, It was told to me by another different­''This inlmediat.e uuembly of ~ints, Iy at the time of incorporntion, n~~me­perhaps 300 in ntlmber, do not recog- Iy, that a minister in ~nRda had niz.e themselves 8S chartered or in- threatened to pro$CCute Bro. Van Loon COIporoted. In other words, there if he baptized his converts ",-;thout 81tould be a distinction made between credentials from an incorporated as· tlte PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES sembly. Bllt 1 am pertectly willing OF THE WORLD with beadquarters to take the version as given by Bro. at Portland, Oregon, with Bro. Frazee Van Loon. I did not and do not care a.e Superintendent and the PENTE- for any of these details, only to have COSTAL ASSEMBLY MISSION 10-- them true. All I cared for was to eated at 131% 2nd St., Portland, Ore- note the necessity which led Bro_ Dur· gou, and it Is this dilrerence that we ham to incorporate, and that Bro. , wfab you to make clear to your reS'd- Van Loon and rDyeel( both received e:rs tor the aake ot trath and the work credentials from this incorporated as· here."-W. C. T, sembly through Bro. Durham, and to

The editor is glad to help the breth- let the people know that this had not rea trt.raighten this matter out. We caused either of us to deny the Holy had no intention ot meddling with the Ghost. Anyone CAn see that this fact pet90nlll aft'alrs of the brethren nor reflects no more on Bro. Van Loon ..,. idea that their OPP088C1'8 would than on myeelf, as I stated I received make any improper use ot the illus- these credentials and had them yet, tnltion in regard to the Pentecostal and that they never had bitten me. A!,-mblie3 ot the World. We did not Now, if through ignorance of local state in this illustration that the As- conditions in these far off places 1 saDbly at PorUand ...... as chartered. We ha\'e missed any of the details or it lIlae!y stated whnt the official seal, anyone has made harm to the breth. aedentials and letter head iCCmed to ren by a misti8e ot them or of even lIDPty according to Webster, and if we the truth stated, I most heartily con­II tla aay mistake in this we are fess the mistake, and ask the (or­ver, ItOrry for it. We are glad giveness of every one concerned. More to BOte that despite efforts to disturb than that, I lim doing more to correct the peace of Bro. Trotter's assembly it than was done to spread it, in that t tJlat God is !tiIl blessing them. Bro. shall send the corrections to 5 or 6 Trotter says, "God ill honoring the times as many people as I did the issue t.n:Jth here most gr-aciously, over 40 with the mistake. have been bapti7;ed during the two Now, the good brethren have writ.­months past and many have been I ten asking me to make the correction &lIVed and lOme wonderful healing. and assuring me that they wanted to done in Jesus' name. On Easter Sun- do all possible to keep the unity ot day tho power fell all day, and at the Spirit and to head off tho devil in night amounted. to a cloud burs t; no any misuse of these matters,. The <.one wall able to minillter the Word, editor of the W. eft W. appreciates it just raine.d, four were powerfully this blessed brotherly spirit, and as· baptized with the Holy Ghost at the sures the brethren everywhere tbat altar and five more las t Sunday. The we shall do all in our powQr to meet baptif<lnl mentioned abovo are in the the good fellowship and love oll'er-ed Spirit.. The candidates are expecting by Brethren Frazee, McAlister, Ewart II mORt bleaaed water baptism shortly." Trotter, and all the rest of them. _ W. C. T. Brethrell, I love you and a ppreciate

We ar!!! glad to state that a most tho assurances ot Jove you ha.ve aJi Ille ed Atate or harmony and tellow. given in this matter. I never expect.­limp exists between Bro. Frazee, Bro. ed when I U8ed the illtl8tratlon that RaTWood. Bro. McAlister, Bro. Ewart, it would be misuned or misunderstood Rro.. Argue, etc. nnd ourselves. We in any way. Now let us all torret it trust this explanation will. put the forever and head out for souls and matter in a proper light. Three things for a still more blessed unity among .. hould be dear in the minds of the aU tho Pentecostal Ninta and for hrethren. world-wide co-operation for the golory

( 1) That the Pentec08t:1I AsS'mhly of our King.-E. N. Bell. Mission , .. ';th pastor W. C. Trotter baa rIOt (harte~.

(2) That the brethren aseociated NOTlCE FOR DAKOTAS.

under the name ot Pentecostal A sRazn· Anyone living in the Dakot.a.s who l>liea ot the World had no idea of or· wish a PeIltecostal meeting or ... ho gani7;ing ft UQW eect. or maD-made knows of an opening for $Ucb, will l·hurcit. kindly add! r'! the underslgned os he

(3) That tM Word and Witness is espec-ially inter08ted in thet IMlClJOD, has no qn&rnl to make with the Pen. and is willin&" to go forth as the Lord tecMtaI An c .. bUee of the World, 'lrith leads, and open up the wny.-Eugene Bro. Fra.zoe. or with lho. WDiiam Bar· N. Baeti.e. 'lOS S, 2lMI St., Perry, Iowa. - •


OEM may be done by the thy holy Child Jesus," Acts

The Need or the Hour.

NOTE-Brother Todd is not only r«:all the announcement of n camp, ot other evangelists are expected t . a bles&ed sweet c.hild of God, but also meeting at .-\ venue 6~ in Los ~n~les, : aid in the meetings. Watch tbe9t

soul-winner for the Kaster, and he Cat., that appeared In the last 1S8ue columns for further anuouncementa. promiaed to be at the World-Wide of the Good Report. . An:-ngementa i For further information address Car­

ifeeting at Elm Gro\'e, Cazade- are now under conSideratIon tor a rie Judd Montgomery, BellIah Heighu;, during the month of July. 'more general meeting , and deRnite Oakland. California. It is 80 )ritterly

sad to see the low state today. There is a rearful gap twoon Christian activities and results for God. With such • ., sources for the children of God ought to be a world-wide revival the multitudes and whole · < ~m ties would be converted to in Samaria of long ago. I am ~':' ferring to people who are the lIoly Gho.'It and letting God His way in their assemblies, the nominal sectarian churches in many instances are the >n," tagoniBtic fighters against the apostolic faith and power. They we are "following after

the fact of the matter is we .~:~:: only and "the signs follow II What the denominational need today is the baptism Holy Ghost and fire. They are "filled. with the Spirit" as they at Pentecost.

Wben the manifestos ot the <h~ get buck in tune with the Acts ot ApostJes; when the theme is Christ in His wondrous power tho mighty working of the Holy when there is more ~"~<" prayer, the spending of more pleading for lost souls, and less pulling, then they will be nearer tulfilhnent ot the promise, 'A born in a daJ;" yea, when they be ot onll mind and one accord beievmg God, then will Pentecost again. ''Tarry until" is God's' ati,-e command to all in this tion.

The SaperaaturaL The Pentecoala! movement.

migbt.y wind (indepeodent, un,,,,"," able) with God exalting signs wonders, has never been since Apostolic days in its the goapei , in conviction, in veNlions and heatings. Ev.ery

announcement of the time ot the (amp


· will be made later."-F. J.Ewart.

DURANT. FLA. Bro. Bell: ! Beginning May 28th and until June

We nre herewith inclosing a <;heck the 7th or longer. Every blood-wash­for Brother Preston in the ed (hil~ of ~, r~ga~less ,?f sed or

e.n k S I 'c th Lo-" - , .creed , lS cordIally mVlted. Ho every _ wor. UTeyl e ru .... - . , _ ta t h 'th 'd t one that thirsteth, rome ye to the us ....... s y a ome In e ml s .. ..

P,",.~ d I ty ho Id l.._ watef1l and buy Without pnce. an pen , we s u "" d II· .t:._..1 h II ."

to help the dear brethren that Jesus an 1m .cruclm, ... sa"" , th d k d h·" I C our theme. Heahng for the &ow, tn e ar an aru p aces or . .

As I read the columns of your h~lng for the body and the baptiam

~.'''!',oo . WIt.1:! the Holy GhosL little paper I feel tllat sure:ly T" bl "_" I _." , '" t h I CO"" e~ come to earn 'UIU to III usmg I. AS ~ grea c.. anne 0 walk in all the light that God lete

!rnowledge which wIll also Imng great h' ( U· bl ed W rd Co responsibility upon the saints who sine rom IS ess o. me read it ; for "he that knoweth to do pared .to care fo~ yourselves.. Come ~ d d 'h·' ,.- h' ',. expecting somethmg trom God. 6"""an oe I no ....... Iml Isa . , " G-"' h' th __ .J ServIces ('onducted by W. B. Mar-sm. ....... IS S OWing us e n ....... s. . F h . C th fl Id I " t I' h tm and J. M. Rowe. or furt er 10-

o e e ,asogIVmggrea Ig ton C " '._ 0 II B t "th · .. "th , - th Lo-" N 't orma .... on wrl..., . . . ryan,..... Ifl, gIVmg ... es IoU e ru. ow 1 Fl remaina for us to decide whether we 8. will be (aithful . stewards tor God or

lOLA. KANSAS ,.c Oh, how can anyone hold back any o{ Beginn ing on June 19 and contin-

uiug 10 days or longer. Further par-God's moncy when by so doing we are . I '11 be· I te C E

the gospel from hungry souls lIcu ars WI glvQn n r._ . .

th ' C th Lo~"Foster and J. A. Dunham. e commg 0 e ru.

. PENTECOSTAL CAMP_ Berlin, Ont., Can.

;.,,,.,. is plenteous and to think that many laborers are

by God's own children rob­Him. The Pentecostal Assemhly of Ber­

lin, Ontario, Canada, will hold ita see­the dear Lord ever sustain you ond annual cam pmeeting June 11 to

)'OU true, and uncompromis_ 21 indusive_ Special workers invit--with sin is the prayer of L. F. ed for this camp, and we are praying

wife. to God to gh'e WI a migbty time. This The editor certainly appreciat.ea the

C h ~' d I h is the general gathering for the Prov.

o SUC &""" mlmta an ope. 0' " 'II I'" , - tho ." C mee of ntarlo and other parts, and

ot ... :.rs Wl """'n.... IS W'Oru 0 I ' F ' I ' 'd t 'h t '- _ L _ we expect a large gathenng. or In-I tlseVl en a,.., "". . . E d G C , h h' h' L.__ formation wnte I. . A_ hambers,

m w at. e IS preac Ing ":,",,uuse 15 Scott St., Berlin, Ont., Can. b is practicing the same himself. J 1 t. ' y

-..,." , th' I·k bl ->_ llne S .•. 18 no 109 I e no e wo"", . p by a noble liIe. It wins

respect of both God and man. LONG HILL. CONN.

WARNING AND THANKS. in the civili~ wirld has had the Beloved Brother Bell: pel preached through them ".; hi,. the Holy Ghost sent down from

The second annual camp meeting at I..cng Hill, Conn., will be held under the auspices of the New York, Brook­

We read Iyn and Eastern Apo~tolic Faith As­mu(h pleasure your article in semblies from June 12 to July 12,

Karch is~ue on BIDLE ORDER 1914. The Spiritual end of the camp l-~ANTICIS)f . Wish I oo~ld. af. will be in charge ot lending work-


Here, r ight in our day, in to ecnd for a lot f or dlstrlbu- ers on whose ministry God has set all unbelief, higher criticism Rnd Th' " .". II 18 comes a a ",me o~ speclR His sool. Good acoomodation9 nre clesiasUcism, formalism and all ~?~:;~;'~ to us, as we have been .3 to be furnished to campers at nomi. "iamli." God has worked. in C .. . - bl SOIlU' 0 ..-,6 vP..rv .... vu ...... ~ rat-. F~ i""rth~ 'nf"ru",';o," II,toyt"r • IIltra.c1e exactly }·ou I!peak. We ha.,.e h ; address E. D. Kent, J. T. Rippey; mighty deeds rocorued in the of llreachert'l teaching most 1244 Myrtle Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

ATLANTA, GA. This camp is to begin on July 9til

and to continue for t hree weeks or longer as the Lord may lead.

For further informntion write the\ Bridegroom's Meqenger, 1R 1'0"11 Broad Street.

WlCKSBURG, ALA. Camp me<!ting will begin at th.,.

place on July the lOth, and Illht tell dill'S or longer. Wicksburg i~ abo.t half way between the A. C. L and tht' Cen. of Ga. milroadll. Trains on tbe A. C. 1.. will be met at Newton, Ala, and on the Central at HartIord:, .4Ja. If you come on the train, notily be­forehand, Elder J. L. Bailey, Slocomb. Ala., or J. W. Glaze, Slocomb, Als. Tell them what place to meet you at and on what train Ilnd what day. TeU them whether to come in a buggi\>r in a wagon. Bring your bed dothing and a mattress, it you can. It not. (:Ome anyway. There will be camp­ing in the church and in wnla. Meet­ing in charge or Eld. S. P_ GriCC'. Hartford, .~la.-S. W. Noles.

TEXAS STATE CAlIP. The State Emcampment for TCl:a~

will be held D. V. near Temple, Texu: from the 13th to the 23rd of August. HH4. We ha\'e the promise ot ont ot the most beautiful sites to be found anywhere for this yeer's encampment. Let the saints throughout the stale: expect and pray tor the g . e ltest meet­ing we have ever had. Brother Cbas. A. Smith will have eharge of the preliminal'y arrangements. - DatUel C, O. Oppennan.

WA URIKA, OKLA. This camp is to begin on August

20th. Tents and meals (ree as t.he Lord pennits. Everybody invited. Come and bring the s ick to be. healed, to be 8Uved a nd baptized with the Uoly Ghost. We want all the Lord's workers who can to come and help us. Heetin~ in charge of J. H. Jal1l~. POI' further intormation ad­d~to) A Wf""<l, P 2, B~ 7.-Wl'Iuri ka, Okla.

the Apostles. I-~ive 9o'itnesaes will her"sies in the name ot the ify this truth with t heir signed Ghost and the Pentecostal move- INDIANAPOLIS, IND.

. P~'TOSKEY, MICH. The fourth annual Pent.ee<lstal COa . morues, if need be. nnd when we called on them O S :w:,s. Woodworth Etter will conduct vention of the Apostolic Faith ASllCDI -n unday evening (March meet 118 and to try to get these

while the writer and his wife straightened out they abso- a Pentecostal camp mQeting at Pctos- biT will be held at the AssEDlbly Hall key during the month ot July, be- on the corner of Senate Avenue and taking supper at the homQ of one refused to recognize the au- Jul th G

h ginning y e 1st. round free 11th Street, Indianapolis, Tnd., froOl t e saints, their two-year-old ot the church. (Well, Bro, ,_ h , "' I to those wishing to bring their own August 28th to Sept. 6th. For fur-""gan to coug and imm"'lIate 7 J esus said, "When they ~ Th h' b th Th h'"' h h' tents. ose who desire to secure ther informAtion address Ceo ....... W.

IS rea. ey rus .,... WIt 11"1'1. the church let them be I ',-doors and worked o\·er him until thee RS a heathen man and a accomodation already on the ground Cable, 411 Nortwe&t Stroot, Indian-h' h h-'> . write not later than June 10th to , apolis, Ind.-Elder G. T. Haywood,

IS eart .... quit beating and ;ea. ," Mntt. 18:17, and those wbo roL_ W S I bod .- ........ irman . towe I, Petoskey,Mich. Pa&tor.

y cold. I had just started to not obey these words ot Jesus ,== __ ~~ _______________________ _ when it happened, snd when they In", are ("erta inly not led by the

to the child, I just. fell on my Ghost, for the Spirit is sent to NEW SONG BOOK and began to calion God for the , .. It .w< bonor Jesus.-Editor.) These one. For some time it seemed to bf> under the guidance of to pray, II.S I could hear them scren ... - Holy Ghost and consigned ever")" ing and crying that he was dead. 1\. e lse who did not agree with them CALLED nal1y my wile came in and hen. . wall no uS{! to prny longer, as be I wish to warn Illl the fS,.'\ints against I dead. God seemed. to say, "Hold Peter W. Maekey and Rudolph Kuna&i'-prayer," and I got an inspiration both of whom have wrought havoc, thinking of Elijah and how he ":"ui-: I'~d aave refused to listen to the breth­ed life to t))e child. Somehow I b I:"('n who tried to deal with them scrip­

"Songs of Power" Now Ready,

hopeK that the unbelieving father w .o turnlly. We I:"('pudiate them and deny . We no' .... have out a new song was holding the child would be sav their authority. Their doctrine their book for the Pentecostal and Presently I heard: tbem say, "He'8 life and condu(,t are not con~istent Apostolic Faith work, called ened his eyes." Today the child with the word of God.-Elder George SO~GS .OF POWER. doing fiue and the father is ~ved atd F. DeEllion, 143 Bannerman A"t"e., I It IS bnm full of the best songs God is glorified_ Praise His HI." Winnepeg, Man .. Canada.. I man:y new ones. Everybody name!_W. F. K. needmg a ne,v book for asaem.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The Alton Dhi- ABOUT CAZEDERO CAMP. tblies 0: for revivals sh?uld or. Iy Times ot Karch 16th. and the Tim..,. Brother Pinson sends the follow- der this book. Followmg are of St. Louis, Karch 17th. both gi·,e in~ letter ot ccceptation which he de- I c"l~h prices: the testimony ot Mr. Chesler Walk<lr , siree us to print; : 15c per copy, postage 5c.

$3 per dozen, postage Sc. This book is edited by Thon

Harris, Mus. Ed_, and is gotten out by our own Pentecostal men for the glory of God, and we ex· pect to give ten per cent at least to the support of Foreign Missions.

The book is now out, and taking fine. We filled 78 orders in one day.

the father of the child, and he say. t'e Elder III. III. Pinson, Oaklnnd, Cal., $1.75 per dozen, prepaid. child was dead, and Mr. Walker gare Dcru-Iy beloved ot the Lord: Special pric~s to !1~ents . I SEND ALL ORDERS his heart to God that. night at the 6tr· Replying to )'our kind invitation to If you are In rehglous work, to E. N. Bell, llnlvern, Ark. vice after the child was raised 1 p. be with you in the coming world_wide we will appoint you our agent, Alwnys give both your ex­That is what the miraculous prest ... t meeting at Cazadero, Cal if., 1 and will give you wholesale pres.'i office and post office, so day working power of God manifested beg to say, the Lord willing, I shall prices. Write for same. we can send either way. Say does. It makes people reali.2.e that be glad to ser ve the Lord and saints . Beautifully bound in dark red which way you prefer sent. Say they are io. the presence ot God I"! 'd by coming. Pray thllt my coming cloth, very nice, la rger edition whether you want round or they tum their hearts to Christ. may be in the fulness or the bleSSing of 192 pages, 25c per copy or shaped notes.

the gospel of Christ. Yours in JruJUll, A. P. Collin!!. I

NOTE.-Broth" CoWn, 00, ",n ISPECIAL ON SONG (or several years pll8t.4)r in fo"'t.. Worth,


I am glad that God permiUed me. to Texas, nod is much beloved by his Our 15c new book SONGS I Winsett's Complete Gospel Song attend a part of the Pentecostal Ccn- people. Be b~ .also done II good OF POWER contains 246 songs, ,Messenger, $2.50 per doz post pd. venUon at B ot Springs. I arrived ~ deal of evangehstlc wO:k ~hl"'~ugho\lt more than most 25c books, and 200 of Bro. Winsett's Pente~ Friday, April 10th and the brethrd-t the country, and Is hel.d In hlgb esteem our 25c cloth book contains 277 c03tal Power at $1 80 a dozen gave me a hearty weirome. Aa .\ by the brotharhood In general; and songs. Nothing like it in the postpaid . , walked down tfte aisle in the big opera we have especially invited him to take field. Postage 5c extra per AI 'f house and took my seat and looked part in the Caladero camp, believing SO B. ew Jew~l S~g8 at around at the shining faces, my bean that bis pruence will be a blessicg COW'm ember we give wholesale t$~e50specla~ postpaid price of WL!J blend with sucb fellowahip and to all who come, and win glorify ('rOd. prices to agents On nll 80ng N' B lper oun. Order of E~ Ullity. Deep down in my heart I said. _ !of.. K. Pinaon. books, on Bro. Winsett's books . e I, Malvern, Ark. ''It is good to be here." On.e ot the I as well as on our new book- BIBLES I BmLES! most. striking features o{ the meeting TAlIf"PA , FLA. SONGS OF POWER. We have Special prices on Bibles. Send was brotboly love. I came here w:th Bros. J ohn and Charlie Rowe he,"e the smaller incomplete edition to E. "l'!. Bell, Malvern, Ark., the lo..-e of God in my heart, and I I:X.' ju.st dosed a bleNW meeting at Oak of 96 pages of Bro. Winsett's for a Bible catalogue, pect to leave. today with a 81 nter Park aboat two Inile. east of this city. new book called Gospel Song ' FOLDING ORGANS mQasure of lt t~an I ~ wbeD I :ne ~rd wondertully blenaed them Messenger, which we will send I 50 per cent off on all styles (arne. I ~m prn)'lng for tJus mark t ~n gfVUl&, oat the word and suc.h "'~J>-- at the special price of $1.00 ,oC the world famous Bilhorn dl.sclplc:-hlp to he upon thelentire Pt> '1 lng o..-er ~st 8O.als I never Wltneued per dozen. Portable Organs. Send for cir. tecostal movement r~ C88 ot c .r betore . .... u)' fIe<:epted the true gos- , Winsett's Son ..... of the King- cular of f lId ' t' f E

' , doc, ' I 't"B "_' d - 'I _. D E T -r)" u escrlp Ion 0 • opmlons oanna POlO s: , . \l"'"" au "'0,. U"loI Y sav""._. . . dom. $2.00 per dozen, post paid. N. Ben. valTern, Ark_
