Cosmic Overview Piscean New Moon February 2020 ‘The flute of the Infinite is played without ceasing and its sound is Love.’ Kabir

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Cosmic Overview Piscean New Moon February 2020

‘The flute of the Infinite is played without ceasing and its sound is Love.’


‘I am’ the lIght of the world

At the time of the New Moon on the 23rd/24th of

February, depending on where you live in the

world, the Sun and Moon will be together in the

sky at 40 Pisces 28.

Pisces is the doorway that bridges the material

and non-material realms. Piscean consciousness

manifests through the 2nd and 6th Rays. The

Piscean resonance is mutable, in that it flows

within a flexibility, a mutability of

consciousness, which allows for Synthesis to


The Second Ray of Love and Wisdom and the 6 th

Ray of Devotion are also the Rays that are

operating at the personality level, as Jupiter, 2nd

Ray and Neptune, 6th Ray are the planetary

rulers of Pisces which, moment by moment, are

impressing upon the individual.

At this level of awareness, the individual is constantly swimming in two directions, from the

Personality to Soul, back to the Personality. It is the Light and Consciousness emanating through the

Constellation of Pisces that is primarily behind the refining of the personality so that we come to

embody the Soul. This 2nd/6th Ray combination, creates for the Piscean, a sense of being held within

a Boundless Ocean, giving an openness and a natural ability to go with the flow, which when coming

from a balance of Love and Wisdom, creates a truly positive foundation for Soul Embodiment, but

when unbalanced creates confusion, lack of direction and a deep desire to just escape from Life.

The 2nd and 6th Rays, which have been underpinning the last 2000

years of the Piscean Age have manifested through the Human

Shadow of the 6th Ray as a deeply distorted devotion and idealism

to some form of Religious Doctrine, or Ideological Belief, playing out

on the material plane as Crusades and Genocides that are still

erupting out of the Collective Consciousness today.

However, as we leave the Piscean Age, the 6th Ray is being

withdrawn to make way for the Synthesis of Mysticism and Science

through the 1st 2nd and 7th Rays of the Aquarian Age. Eventually, as

Humanity becomes Soul embodied, the cleansed human

Consciousness will flow naturally via Pluto, the Planetary Ruler of the 1st Ray of Willpower, connecting

Humanity into Galactic Consciousness and then the 2nd Ray of Universal Love will flood this Plane, which

has always been Present, even whilst cloaked in the chaos and confusion of ignorance and arrogance passed

down from generation to generation, ultimately bringing humanity into a state of Harmony and Peace.

Love is the Agent of Universal Synthesis. Pierre Teilhard Chardin

Piscean New Moon 23rd February 2020 15:31 GMT London UK


Before looking at the chart for this New Moon in more detail, it would be good to perhaps look more closely at

both Neptune and Pluto, because Neptune, as already mentioned, is the Planetary Ruler of Pisces at the

personality level and Pluto is the Planetary Ruler of Pisces at the Soul level.

As you will see from the image, when looked at from a physical level,

there is no comparison in the size of these two Planets, but the

combination of Neptune and Pluto bring together, at the subtle

unseen level, the Synthesis of Divine Love and Divine Will – via the Light,

and Rays that flow through these planetary portals, bridging the outer

boundary of our Solar System with Galactic Universal Consciousness.

From 1943 through to 1993 these two planetary bodies were consistently

moving through the Cosmos 600 apart in sextile to each other. This Pluto

Neptune aspect working through the collective Consciousness can either

serve as Collective inspiration or Collective delusion and now, after 25

years, from April 2018, Neptune and Pluto have once again returned to

hold this 600 aspect in the sky, for the next some twenty years.

During this time the most harmonious aspects of Rays 1 and 2 have the potential to manifest through the

children being born onto this plane at this time and, as the forerunners of this potential, may we, as the

Elders, manifest the highest potentials that are held within the Light and Consciousness of Divine Will and

Universal Love so that we create an auric field that will encourage and support the Souls, that are yet to be

born, so that all may unfold through Grace, Joy and Ease.

Right now, Neptune is on Gene Key 22 ‘Grace Under Pressure’ moving from Dishonour to Graciousness to Grace

and Pluto on Gene Key 61 ‘The Holy of Holies’ is moving from Psychosis to Inspiration to Sanctity. As ‘slow

moving’ planets, they will remain on these Gene Keys, over the next months, before finally leaving in 2022.

‘There is a profound kindness at the core of the 22nd Gift that can elevate others beyond their normal consciousness.

The Gift of Graciousness might also be called the Gift of the Soul. At the Gift level you see that all is

interconnected – all things and all people. The Gift of Graciousness allows us to learn through joyousness and


‘Grace is your true nature. It is your inheritance. It is the Soul of the

World. It is also a state that is beyond the Laws of our world. Grace is

the breath of the Divine. Grace is a Presence that descends on

humanity…this is a perfected state in which everything about you and

your life will be changed permanently. When true Grace descends it

wipes out all your past karma in a flash. It also wipes out the Karma of

all your ancestors and all their ancestors. Grace softens and puts an

end to fear and leaves you in no doubt about your Divinity. With Grace

all human emotion is instantly transformed into Love. Through Grace,

the Universe has but one single wish – for you to remember that you are

Love and there is nothing in you but Love.’

And Pluto, on the 61st Gene Key, flowing in harmony with Neptune, over these coming years, offers Enlightenment

for ‘This Gene Key represents a mystery hiding inside every single unit of matter within the Universe. Evolution is

a force that is breaking out from inside of us. The Mystery of Christ Consciousness, that quintessence of inner

Light that holds all things together. As you enter the field of the 61st Siddhi a huge pregnant Silence descends

and all your mental activity abruptly ceases. Here inner Truth resides. The children who will begin to arrive on

this planet will carry this Siddhi of Sanctity in their bones.'


Chart for the new moon

At the time of the New Moon the Sun and Moon are together in the sky at 40 Pisces 28 on Gene Key 55, which is

the pivotal Gene Key for this period of time that we are passing through, as it underpins the great genetic shift

that we are all evolving through, as we move from out of the Fifth Root Race into the Sixth.

Gene Key 55 asks that we move out of Victimisation to the Gift of Freedom and ultimately into the Siddic level of

Freedom. Gene Key 55 is alone in the genetic sequence, in that both the Gift and the Siddhi have the same

‘word/essence’ delineated in language as Freedom. At the Gift level, we have an understanding and a knowing

of how Freedom operates when we have stepped out of the limitation of being a Victim in life, but at the Siddhic

level we become Freedom expressed as Being – the Knowing and the Being are as One.

‘The time of the Great Change is upon us - as the Fifth Root Race prepares to give way to the Sixth Root Race.

The Sixth Root Race will be triggered through the 55th Gene Key and its mutation within the Solar Plexus. The

reawakening of this centre will allow human beings to experience once again the Universal Quantum Field

connecting all Beings. This reawakening is not a retrograde movement into a past Golden Age, but a new

integration of the three lower planes - the physical, astral and mental into their higher counterparts - the Causal,

Buddhic and Atmic.'

‘We are now entering an era in which more and more people will have direct access to an experience of true higher

consciousness. There will be a genetic mutation that will slowly colonise our species. The old human will literally

be bred out of humanity. This vast and dynamic change is being triggered by this 55th Gene Key and its related

amino acid histidine.’

‘As we begin the process of transcending our Shadows, miracles can occur in our lives. Freedom is the spirit of

the 55th Gene Key - it is the Spirit of humanity. As your awareness stretches, the spirit of Freedom breaks down

the barriers in your life. The fractal lines open all around you and energy that was blocked in a certain dimension

suddenly precipitates unforeseen beneficial circumstances in your life.

All aspects of Life are interconnected, so a breakthrough at the

source of your being will ripple out into all areas, some that you

perhaps didn’t even remember existed. This Freedom is born

out of one's absolute trust in Life. After the awakening has

occurred one will no longer exist as an individual. Awareness will

operate collectively.

We stand on the cusp of a Siddhic supernova – the incarnation of

the Divine Feminine Spirit. The end result of this in flowing of the

Divine Feminine will result in the purification of all the fractal

lines throughout humanity, resulting in a burning up of the

collective karma in our DNA and the eventual eradication of all

disease on the physical plane.’

The Earth at the time of the New Moon, is exactly opposite the Sun and Moon on Gene Key 59 moving from

Dishonesty to Intimacy to Transparency – as the programming partner of Gene Key 55 this Gene Key is also totally

involved with the Genetic Shift that is occurring across the species.

‘Hidden within the 59th Shadow is a deep evolutionary urge to transcend the lower frequencies and give birth

to a higher form. The 59th Gene Key, the 55th Gene Key and to an extent the 49th Gene Key are the places within

our DNA where a complete transmutation is currently taking place.

Whereas the 55th Gene Key is triggering individual awakening across our planet, it is the 59th Gene Key that is

truly responsible for triggering planetary mutation at a genetic level. The 59th Gene Key is the master key in the

genetic codon group known as the Ring of Union. The ultimate goal of this codon ring is to bring the human

family into realisation of its state of higher union.

The actual culmination of this process does not occur in the solar

plexus area but in the heart. In traditional esoteric systems we tend

to view the centres of force within the body as separate as opposed

to being part of a single system. The heart centre is in fact the

higher glandular functioning of the solar plexus. The mutation of

our Solar Plexus, essentially governs the Planetary Heart Centre.

The final phase of the evolutionary impulse latent within the 59th

Gene Key will probably not occur on our planet, at a collective level,

for thousands of years.

Having said that, the nature of Time itself will change so radically

that the whole notion of things taking a long time, will cease to

have any real meaning for us.’

As mentioned earlier, Neptune is on Gene Key 22, holding the Siddhic level for Grace to combine with Gene Key

55. Freedom, which emphasises how Divine Order and Cosmic choreography, is consistently working for our

highest good as we are held within these potentials that are currently flowing down to us through our Solar System.

‘The 55th Gene Key and its sister transmission, the 22nd Gene Key embody the most potent and profound message

of the Gene Keys. The 55th Gene Key describes the Evolutionary Force moving from matter to Spirit and the 22nd

describes the Involutionary Force moving from Spirit to matter. Together these two Gene Keys capture the

quintessence of the Great Change.’

Looking again at the chart you will see that the Sun Moon and Earth are part of a Kite formation with Mars and

Uranus. Mars and the South Node are on Gene Key 58 at 40 and 50 Capricorn and Uranus is on Gene Key 27 at 30


Mars aligns to personal will and the South Nodal Point to our collective past Karma. As these

are making a trine, a 1200 aspect to Uranus, the Cosmos is wishing us to step out of old past

patterns of behaviour and beliefs, that have been bound up with our personal identity, that

have limited and devitalized our Life force, so that we might step into the awareness, freshness

and aliveness that Uranus can bring. For Uranus encourages spontaneity and freedom.

Gene Key 58 asks that we lift ourselves out of the Shadow of Dissatisfaction to Vitality and ultimately to Bliss.

‘At the Gift frequency Dissatisfaction now begins to turn into joy. This joyousness lies within every human being

and is nothing short of Life expressing itself without resistance – it is the evolutionary urge to become self-aware.

Your mind becomes quieter – your relationship to the future changes – this can be a time of intense physical


When the frequency of this Gene Key hits the Gift level things tend to happen very quickly in our life. Not only

does your life take on a new shape, but a far deeper process overtakes you – the process of moving into the heart.

The future of human evolution lies in the ideal of service. The Joyousness we seek as individuals is intimately tied

to the joyousness of the collective – this is why the 58th Gift’s delight is to work so tirelessly in that direction.’

‘As your identification with the future progressively loosens, you are brought more and more deeply into the

present moment. Your core Dissatisfaction is being transformed into Vitality. As the frequency of your Vitality

attains a higher and higher pitch, at a certain point it peaks and catalyses a spontaneous shift in awareness.

This vital force burrows so deeply into your being that it triggers a

process within your DNA known as Enlightenment. When

Consciousness comes, it comes into you like a flood wiping you

clean in less than a microsecond. It is one of the greatest mysteries

of existence. Once a being has realised Enlightenment through

the 58th Siddhi they become entirely unfocussed. Their awareness

stretches into Infinity, their gaze becomes unfixed and dreamy and

their heart is so full that it bursts with Love for all creation –

everything reverts to its pure and pristine State of Being.

No matter what one thinks does or say the experience of

Enlightenment cannot be attained through seeking – whether Bliss

or Honour or Illumination, each Siddhi state is outside of our grasp.

Finally, you realise that the Siddhi is present within the Shadow

just as the flower is present at all times in the seed.’

Uranus, which takes some seven years to pass through each sign of the Zodiac, remains as it has done for several

weeks, continuing to activate Gene Key 27, which is assisting us to focus upon moving from the Shadow of

Selfishness to the Gift of Altruism and ultimately to Selflessness.

‘Selfishness, is a stage in our evolution that is in the process of being transcended at a collective level. Thus,

our species must prepare itself to make a genetic quantum leap, because that is the only way that it can truly

transcend its built-in selfishness.

Giving from the heart can stir up unexpected Cosmic forces that work to your favour. To give to others from the

heart activates healthy currents deep within your body. Purpose flows from Altruism like water from a spring –

connecting you into your Higher Purpose – it bubbles up inside you, creating warmth and goodwill, which spreads to others.

At a deep genetic level, the presence of this 27th Gift engages a feeling of communal security through its strong

resonance to the Group Mind.’

The Heart works at a non-linear level

independent of the physical Laws of Reality.

The Heart is the original ‘quantum computer’

the gateway to the Universal Mind.

‘Because this Siddhi draws upon the entire bio-energetic field of Gaia

it has the capacity to heal any disease or sickness.’

‘As such it is one of the most powerful healing Gifts in the whole genetic

matrix. Selflessness is an absolute pure yearning to provide succour

to others. There is no sense of self-consciousness in it. Such people

have made a quantum leap and the Siddhic energy available to them is

enormous. Despite endlessly giving of themselves to others, they are

not depleted, but are continuously nourished by the refined currents

of the aura of love surrounding them.’

‘The Mathematics of Love are built into the structures of all Life – and

here in the 27th Gene Key is the Divine Law of Philanthropy – the Love

of Humanity. At the Siddhic level this Gene Key becomes capable of

miraculous healing. As long as there is an ounce of Life Force

within something, the vast Love coming through the 27th Siddhi

can revive it.’

And finally, Mercury, which is part of this Kite formation, is retrograde at the time of this New Moon, asking that

we turn inwards, to see how our lower mind, with its mental chatter can so easily cover the Stillness and

Spaciousness of Presence, which naturally resides within the Core of our Being. Mercury, at 90 Pisces, is on Gene

Key 37 assisting us to evolve through Weakness to Equality to Tenderness.

‘The 37th Shadow represents the inequality between yin and yang forces on our Planet. The 37thShadow is

undergoing a major mutation throughout humanity that will only build in speed and frequency as we move beyond

its old boundaries and definitions’.

‘The human heart carries an equalising force wherever it moves and eliminates divisions in others by treating

everyone with respect. The mind fears that Equality will create a world in which everyone is the same, however

true Equality is based upon respect for individual uniqueness – indeed it thrives on it.

In order to support another, first ask your Heart how you can best support yourself and out of that will come the answer

of how to give so that both giver and receiver are fulfilled. To give to yourself in this way means to trust completely in

the wisdom of your Heart.’

The 37th Siddhi is unique among the Siddhis in that it does not

manifest through a single individual. It is the heart of the human

family, drawing all individuals into its infinitely soft and loving

embrace. It is not a force outside of Humanity, as we have

assumed for so many aeons, but it is our collective inner nature.

As a vital aspect of the genetic codon family known as the Ring of

Divinity, the 37th Gene Key has some very powerful genetic

programming companions – the 22nd Siddhi of Grace, the 36th

Siddhi of Compassion and the 63rd Siddhi of Truth. Each of these

Codes brings the eventual manifestation of the full Divine Being

into the World’

When the outer world can seem to be overwhelming it is good to remember this simple Truth held within GK 63.

‘Whenever you give yourself rest from worrying, you are treading around the fringes of remembering Truth.

Whenever you smile or breathe a deep sigh, there you are coming closer to Truth. Whenever your face loses its

hard edges and becomes softer, there Truth is being remembered. Truth is your natural state – your simple

state, without complexity or concern. It is a drifting space, a total sinking into your Being.

In a single sentence, Truth is the Eternal moment of the Universe.’

May Grace, Bliss and Tenderness enfold your Being at the time of this New Moon encouraging you to remember

the Truth of Who You Are so that you step into the Freedom, that you have always been, embodying the Divine

Essence of Selflessness that it may be expressed through you to All of Life.

Blessings and Love

20.2.2020 Extracts from Gene Keys by Richard Rudd

‘Although you appear in earthly form, your Essence is pure Consciousness. When you lose all sense of self the bonds of a thousand chains will vanish. Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of This Moment.’ Rumi