Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin 1

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. [email protected] Work supported

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Page 1: Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. david.hamby@rcdsoftware.com Work supported

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin


Page 2: Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. david.hamby@rcdsoftware.com Work supported

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin

VARSKIN: New and Coming Features

David M. Hamby, Ph.D.Managing Partner

[email protected]

Work supported by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES), under contract 31310018C0026

Page 3: Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. david.hamby@rcdsoftware.com Work supported

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin

Introduction• VARSKIN was has been around for more than 30 years• We’ve started an aggressive push to increase VARSKIN’s

functionality, usability, intuitiveness• What’s recently available and what’s coming …


Page 4: Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. david.hamby@rcdsoftware.com Work supported

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin

Available in VARSKIN 6.2.1• Upgraded to the newest .NET environment• Creating a .dll file for “Fortran” (btw, no longer “FORTRAN” after F77)• Fortran modernization

• software upgraded to Fortran 2018 standards• many cleaned-up features• a few alterations applied to the coding structure• in some scenarios, VARSKIN 6.2.1 is 25x faster than 6.0• many of the legacy codes could benefit from such a clean-up


Page 5: Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. david.hamby@rcdsoftware.com Work supported

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin

Available in VARSKIN 6.2.1• French language added (w/ English and Spanish)• Now using TortoiseSVN for positive version control

• Ability to test on historic virtual machines• Users can make a shortcut of the VARSKIN app and place it on

their desktop


Page 6: Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. david.hamby@rcdsoftware.com Work supported

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin

Coming in• Designing a new V7 GUI, one that is moving from C# to JAVA

• the end user will not need to install JAVA (all packaged together)

• Quick guide to be developed• … brochure style “cheat sheet”

• Limiting values placed on input parameters• for example, an input value of activity currently has no limit

• May incorporate:• a “detector geometry” option

• i.e., detector indications used as input for the dose calculation• a subcutaneous-source option

• e.g., needle stick injury 6

Page 7: Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. david.hamby@rcdsoftware.com Work supported

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin

Coming in• Incorporation of new skin dosimetry models:

• β/γ dose to the lens of the eye• near- and far-field• uncollided radiations, as well as all scatter components• with the ability to account for safety glasses and other shields

• skin dosimetry from neutrons• from thermal to 20 MeV• shallow and deep• calculations from first principles

• shallow skin dose from high-energy alpha particles• users have noted a few alpha emitters with energies above 7 MeV

• isotopes of polonium, astatine, fermium, radon• dosimetry based on CSDA range and stopping power estimates 7

Page 8: Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. david.hamby@rcdsoftware.com Work supported

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin

In the past year, RCD has …• created a VARSKIN code repository• submitted a VARSKIN parameter

sensitivity report to RAMP • revised/updated our software QA plan• restructured our software

development activities• prepared a training WorkBook and

accompanying WorkSheets(unveiled and tested yesterday)


Electron dose rate for a point source as a function of energy and airgap distance.

Page 9: Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. david.hamby@rcdsoftware.com Work supported

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin

In the past year, RCD has …• article out of Switzerland published on

VARSKIN performance*• submitted an article w/ colleagues in

Singapore on nasal cavity dosimetry**• established 50 check scenarios for regression

testing to be implemented in VARSKIN 7• NUREG Rev 4 to be released with VARSKIN 7• developed FAQs for the RAMP website


*Frosio, T. et al., Spectrum and yield to dose conversion coefficients for beta skin doses linked to the Q system. Health Physics. 116(5):607–618; 2019.**O’Doherty, J. et al. Radiation dosimetry of nasally administered PET agents using Monte Carlo simulation. submitted to Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics. August 2019.


Page 10: Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. david.hamby@rcdsoftware.com Work supported

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin

The Three SistersCascade Mountain Range, Oregon

Page 11: Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin · Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin VARSKIN: New and Coming Features David M. Hamby, Ph.D. Managing Partner. david.hamby@rcdsoftware.com Work supported

Corvallis, Seattle, and Austin