Corporate Training Experiences, Executive Retreats & Shows COURSE CATALOGUE

Corporate Training Experiences, Executive Retreats & Shows

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Corporate Training Experiences,

Executive Retreats & Shows


2 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

Corporate Training Experiences,

Executive Retreats & Shows

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Training in its purest form....................................................................................................................... 3

The L&D rationale for improvisation training ......................................................................................... 4

Methodology ........................................................................................................................................... 5

What to call this training when you offer it ............................................................................................ 5

Corporate Training Experiences ............................................................................................................. 6

Sales Pitches & Proposals ....................................................................................................................... 7

Pitch and Presentation Primer ................................................................................................................ 8

Flexibility & Agility................................................................................................................................... 9

Group Dynamics .................................................................................................................................... 10

Reading People Masterclass ................................................................................................................. 11

Confidence & Communication in Meetings .......................................................................................... 12

Creativity & Innovation ......................................................................................................................... 13

Self-Awareness & Emotional Intelligence ............................................................................................. 14

Engagement at Work ............................................................................................................................ 15

Mindfulness and Being Present ............................................................................................................ 16

Positivity & Happiness .......................................................................................................................... 17

Risk-taking in Action .............................................................................................................................. 18

Training & Show Experience ................................................................................................................ 19

The Executive Retreat .......................................................................................................................... 20

Corporate Shows .................................................................................................................................. 22

Meet the team ...................................................................................................................................... 23

Client list ............................................................................................................................................... 26

Find out more........................................................................................................................................ 27

How to book .......................................................................................................................................... 28

© 2015 The Maydays Ltd. All rights reserved. Version 06-2015.

Please note that we reserve the right to change our programme prices at any time without further notice. However, if you

have ordered but not yet paid for a programme, we guarantee the price for three months from when the order was placed.

Prices exclude VAT and travel expenses. See our full terms and conditions for more information. Thank you.

Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 3


When you research corporate training options, you’re probably

looking for something which will really resonate with your

people to provide long-lasting behavioural impacts, rather

than giving them a nice and expensive day out of the


Improvisation-based training is an impactful and

efficient way to develop core business skills, including

listening and communication, leadership and trust,

innovation and creativity, emotional intelligence (EQ)

and mindfulness.

Whatever your specific objectives and desired

outcomes, the underlying principle will be to bring

everyone in the room into the moment, focussed, listening

and in a heightened state of awareness.

The safe and non-judgemental collaborative space we create with your team is a valuable training

outcome in itself, but this is just the starting point. The quick-paced and often hilarious experiential

activities transport people safely out of their preconceptions, comfort zones, habits and fixed

thought patterns, to a place where they can start to interact with colleagues in new and refreshing

ways. The longer the session, the more this approach is embedded, and the more profound its long-

term effects will be.

In a saturated corporate training market where everything can appear a bit ‘same old, same old’,

here is an approach to personal development which jumps out of the box, and refuses resolutely to

get back in.

Training in its purest form

We believe that our Maydays Corporate Training Experiences are the most concentrated training

format we've come across. This is because there is simply no down time in our programmes and we

reserve an absolute minimum amount of time during sessions for preamble, contextualisation or

other padding devices. We thereby optimise the experiential learning and give our clients more of it.

4 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

Broad and rich training take outs

The feedback we've received over the last 10 years reveals that people walk away from our

programmes with a deep sense of enrichment, increased self-awareness and self-confidence, and a

heightened ability to function effectively and flexibly in the moment in a wide range of work


The L&D rationale for improvisation training

The Maydays are one of the most established improvisation groups in the UK and the leaders in the

development of improvisation as a robust and reliable corporate training format. We deliver

workshops and development sessions across Europe and into the States.

Improvisation training in the US corporate sector is mainstream. For over a decade, L&D in America

has incorporated ‘improv training’ at all levels, from graduate recruitment programmes through to

high-level provision for top executives. Why? Because however detailed an organisation's

procedures are and however exhaustive the training on offer is, things still go wrong. The response is

often to train harder and cover more and more eventualities, but the law of diminishing returns can

make this cost prohibitive.

The alternative is to build employees’ confidence, emotional intelligence and experience of being

out of their comfort zone. In this way, they make better decisions under pressure and remain

creative and open, using all parts of their brain, whilst others around them begin to shut down and


See the links to articles and video clips on p.27 for more information on the application of

improvisation to the world of work, and the behavioural psychology arguments for improvisation.

Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 5


The training methodology used by The Maydays is dynamic, interactive and flexible, as you would

expect. Approaches on the day will marry the organisational training objectives with the profiles and

reactions of the trainees. Our trainers will draw from a palette of over 150 experiential activities and

weave these together in a way which is most conducive to getting the maximum attainment from

the people in the room, given the aims of the session. Each activity may have up to 10 different

points of emphasis, which will be selected according to the skills being developed and the emerging

characters and levels of EQ around the group. Throughout the session, whatever the specific

learning outcome, the general aim will remain to progress trainees safely and comfortably, without

humiliation, through to an uplifting and memorable finale.

The Maydays Training Experiences are tailored in 3 ways, according to:

the expressed needs of the organisation's L&D team

the emergent characteristics and personality types within the group

the mood in the room on the day

What to call this training when you offer it

The word ‘improvisation’ can often conjure up images of flamboyant theatrics, stand-up comedy and

the need to be funny and perform to a highly critical audience. Whilst this could not be further from

the reality of what The Maydays offer, as an L&D manager it is useful, nevertheless, to consider how

to propose this solution to your organisation.

The approaches employed in The Maydays Corporate Training Experiences are based in part on the

principles of improvisation and whilst we do purposefully try to evoke some of the situations which

crop up during performance, it is not usually appropriate to label the course you’re offering an

‘improvisation course’ in your internal course literature. Sometimes, reference to ‘an unorthodox

and exhilarating training experience’ or ‘an exciting and unique approach’ will awaken

inquisitiveness without unduly unsettling anyone. Once in the session, it will become immediately

apparent that this is one of the safest and most mutually supportive training formats around and

that the improvisation skills are the means to an end - e.g. better communication - rather than the

end in themselves.

So whilst some of our more audacious clients do ask us to challenge their people and get them up

performing on stage (see Training & Show Experience on p.19), most are seeking simply to develop

very specific skillsets which more orthodox ‘do as I say’ didactic training approaches simply cannot


6 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

This course is accessible to all

This course is more challenging

This course could get personal and require a deeper emotional investment

Delivered with trainee(s) and facilitator(s) together in the same space

Available in a 1:1 format, one facilitator with one trainee

Usually intended for a group of 8 people or more

3 hours

6 hours

Designed just for people from your organisation

Suitable for individuals from different organisations to learn together




Half day

Full day

Closed group

Open group

Corporate Training Experiences

We have put together a range of course options which draw on the previously expressed needs of

our clients and the approaches we have successfully applied to respond to those needs. We'd like to

hear from you if you read through the course outlines described and a different format or

requirement comes to mind.

In addition to our Training & Show Experience (p.19), The Executive Retreat (p.20) and our Corporate

Shows (p.22), our twelve most popular programmes are:

Sales Pitches & Proposals

Pitch and Presentation Primer

Flexibility & Agility

Group Dynamics

Reading People Masterclass

Confidence & Communication in


Creativity & Innovation

Self-Awareness & Emotional


Engagement at Work

Mindfulness and Being Present

Positivity & Happiness

Risk-taking in Action


Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 7

Sales Pitches & Proposals

Group, Face-to-face

Closed group

This course is devised specifically for small groups who

need to present sales pitches or other proposals in

challenging situations. It is very easy to rehearse a

choreographed team presentation in the safety of

your own office, but often when sales teams

transpose these perfect masterpieces into the

client’s office, they fail to hit the mark. Never has

the phrase “people buy people first” been more

apparent than in a high-intensity pitching situation.

This programme is all about presenting with a

complete confidence which comes from your connection

to the people in the room.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

Present on task and on message whilst remaining flexible to your client’s signals

Listen and respond effectively to the mood in the room

Be totally focussed and ‘in the moment’ during a high pressure pitch

Work at a deeply instinctive level with your own colleagues

Who should attend?

All those who are directly involved in the selling process and who want to exude more


Anyone looking to improve their win rate through a stronger connection with clients

New recruits through to senior executives (contrary to common thinking, it is often the

higher level executives who may unconsciously be locked into a more rigid pitching pattern,

which is constrained by embedded cultural behaviours or fixed relationships with


Formats and fees:

Half day: 12-24 people: £3,000.00 (£500 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Full day:

12-24 people: £4,500.00 (£1,000 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

8 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

Pitch and Presentation Primer

Group, Individual, Face-to-face

Closed group

Drawing on the principles of the Sales Pitches & Proposals course (previous page), the Primer is

used 12-24 hours before your pitch or presentation, with the team who are going to be in the

room with your client on the day.

The Primer runs through a sequence of exercises which are carefully chosen to transport the team

from their current mental state to the most desirable frame of mind to succeed in the pitch or the


This is valid for a wide range of stakeholders from presentations to the board and shareholders,

public enquiries, addressing the press, breaking difficult news to employees, working with unions,

tendering for new business or ongoing contracts.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

Walk into a pitch or presentation scenario exuding confidence and ‘togetherness’

Be completely ‘in the present’ and alert to the mood in the room and be able to adapt

instinctively to it

Have the presence of mind to go off script to answer the client's questions more effectively,

knowing your team will support you

Who should attend?

Sales, pitch and tender teams

Anyone about to deliver a key presentation or break important news

Multi-disciplinary teams who don't spend a lot of time together outside presentation


Client-facing staff who would benefit from demonstrating a higher state of corporate

togetherness to key stakeholders

Senior management and director level teams presenting to a board, public enquiry or

industry body

Formats and fees:

90-minute session: Up to 12 people: £1,500.00

Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 9

Flexibility & Agility

Group, Face-to-face

Open or Closed group

Perfect preparation prevents poor performance. In many situations

there is no substitute for planning and preparation so that your

organisation runs efficiently. However, it is natural for the

mind to default to autopilot. In some high pressure

situations however, the rehearsed or requested routine

may not be the best solution. This is when flexibility

and agility training comes into its own. You will learn

to respond to each situation with a state of

adaptability and presence of mind. Being prepared to

listen and to be agile in your thinking means you can

respond to any situation with confidence and flexibility.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

Retain your lucidity and calmness of mind, however

disruptive the decision-making environment may be

Expand your mental agility

Become familiar with your personal stress triggers and learn how to overcome your usual


Work collaboratively in a team when everyone is under pressure

Learn to feel at ease, focussed and present in a high-stakes situation

Who should attend?

Client-facing teams where customer satisfaction, competitive advantage or profitability

could be increased by staff ‘thinking outside the box’

Managers dealing with the disparate needs of many employees in a large division or


Those managing large numbers of people in a high intensity environment

Those working in fast-paced and fast-changing environments

Formats and fees:

Half day: 12-24 people: £3,000.00 (£500 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Full day:

12-24 people: £4,500.00 (£1,000 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

10 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

Group Dynamics

Group, Face-to-face

Open or Closed group

This course takes a pragmatic approach to group dynamics and

course succeeds by taking an experiential route to explore

group mind, leading and following, low and high status,

body language and tone of voice.

Once participants recognise their dominant

behaviours, they are also able to experiment with

other types to build cohesion, mutual respect and

business empathy with often powerfully positive


By the end of this course you will be able to:

Empathise with the different roles, responsibilities

and leadership positions within your organisation

Find new ways to connect and work with people who

display different or opposing behaviours and approaches

Build new common ground through shared experiences

Who should attend?

Teams who need to be more effective at working together

New or recent recruits who would benefit from learning best-practice approaches

Any group which relies on team spirit and collaboration to succeed

Formats and fees:

Half day: 12-24 people: £3,000.00 (£500 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Full day:

12-24 people: £4,500.00 (£1,000 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 11

Reading People Masterclass

Group, Face-to-face

Open or Closed group

A special programme delivered by The Maydays founder, John Cremer.

John Cremer has been awarded Speaker of the Decade by the

Academy for Chief Executives, and his rich, exciting and

often hilarious delivery is in itself worth the ticket

price. This session reveals and shares an ancient

approach to identifying and understanding six

basic human types. It is only necessary to

observe certain physical clues to gain useful

insight into the psychological make-up of an

individual and yourself. The group creates an

ideal company using the system, we also

examine specific key words which inspire and

engage each type. Each participant has the

option to discover their own type and look at the

implications this has in their personal and

professional life. There is a strong thread of humour

running through the session; nothing is funnier than

human nature!

By the end of this course you will:

Come away with practical knowledge of the system and some immediate applications Have contextualised and strengthened your natural insights into others Develop a greater acceptance of yourself and other people

See how our choices are influenced by our own type

Who should attend?

This course is often reserved for senior leadership teams and directors, but in fact this is one of the

most universally beneficial programmes, from which the likes of senior account managers and other

high-stakes, client facing teams could also most definitely benefit.

Formats and fees:

Reading People Level 1 - The Types

Half day: Up to 16 people: £3,000.00

Reading People Level 2 - Relationships Between Types

Half day: Up to 16 people: £3,500.00

Reading People Level 3 - Combined Types and Applications

Levels 1 and 2 are prerequisites for Level 3

Half day: Up to 16 people: £3,500.00

12 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

Confidence & Communication in Meetings

Group, Face-to-face

Closed group

Research shows that meeting fatigue is often much more

about locked-down and fixed interpersonal

relationships between those present than it is

about the subject matter on the table. This is

evidenced by the difference in behaviour

between meetings with external clients and

those with the same old colleagues in regular

scheduled events. Whilst familiarity with

colleagues is vital, so too is the ability to have

new, fresh kinds of conversations with them,

without the fear of being pigeon-holed before

you open your mouth.

By the end of this course you will have:

Developed new relationships with existing

colleagues, and discovered new common ground

Seen a different side of those you thought you knew well

Created new places that conversations and ideas can go to in future meetings or exchanges

Built more self-confidence in order to improve your ability to communicate effectively

Understood the need to hear what colleagues have to say ‘with a fresh set of ears’

Who should attend?

Anyone whose job involves a high level of communication and verbal collaboration with

colleagues, e.g. formal or informal meeting situations, networking events or informal office

and workstation-based communication where it's important to remain open, focussed and

tuned into what is happening

Entire teams whose communications have lost their spark and dynamism

Individuals who need to take time out to review how they interact with others, and take a

fresh look at the communication channels with those they deal with the most

Formats and fees:

Half day: 12-24 people: £3,000.00 (£500 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Full day:

12-24 people: £4,500.00 (£1,000 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 13

Creativity & Innovation

Group, Face-to-face

Open or Closed group

Everyone has the ability to come up with original ideas. But it

can sometimes feel that you're all out of creativity, and

everything you're doing feels like everything you've done

before. Also, within some corporate cultures, innovative

ideas often do not see the light of day as everyone falls

into the trap of vying for the winning idea rather than

collaborating to co-create something really special.

Often, true innovation comes through ideas being

shared and built upon over time. This popular,

experiential course creates a safe space where it is

impossible to get it wrong, and where collaborative

creativity rises to support the individual.

By the end of this course you will have:

Emptied your mind of day-to-day pressures, preoccupations and limiting beliefs

Embodied a new approach to brainstorming which both develops your own skillset and

helps nuture and build on the ideas of colleagues

Experienced the benefit of thinking creatively within a truly non-judgemental space

Unlocked your own brand of spontaneity, creativity and innovation

Who should attend?

New recruits following an induction programme (this is the course for developing true ‘out

of the box’ thinking and fostering an innovative spirit within your organisation by planting

the seeds early)

Those who are already working in a highly creative environment where it is very much the

day job to think and work creatively

Those taking their first steps in thinking and working more innovatively, or who need to

reinvigorate a team to develop new ideas and concepts, or lead an organisation by example

Formats and fees:

Half day: 12-24 people: £3,000.00 (£500 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Full day:

12-24 people: £4,500.00 (£1,000 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

14 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

Self-Awareness & Emotional Intelligence

Group, Face-to-face

Open or Closed group

The impacts on an organisation of having staff with relatively

low emotional intelligence include: difficult interactions

between staff; fear, anger or hostility; negative effects on

productivity; absenteeism and low morale. The amount

of energy required by management and leadership

teams to keep the business on track in such conditions

is considerable. In contrast, an organisation which

continually invests in the development of emotional

intelligence, or EQ, will see an increase over time in

commitment, cohesion, engagement and productivity.

More high-level resources can then be channelled

into driving the business forward, rather than focussing

on impediments. This is a thought-provoking course which

may prove to be hard-hitting and transformative for some


By the end of this course you will have:

Worked through a sequence of activities which specifically seek to heighten self-awareness

Developed more empathy and mutual respect for other colleagues who may have different

behavioural types from you

Found your own techniques to deal with and work collaboratively with people exhibiting

different behaviours

Developed your ability and comfort to work ‘out of character’ for the benefit of the group

Who should attend?

Any groups or organisations where the root of issues can be traced back to a lack of

emotional intelligence (EQ)

Line managers who need to review their own behaviours and abilities in this area

Anyone with an interest in developing their empathy and sensitivity and anyone who gets

annoyed with people who are different from them!

Those on the extreme ends of the introversion/extroversion spectrum (challenges

entrenched behaviours with the objective of balancing out the different perspectives in the


Formats and fees:

Half day: 12-24 people: £3,000.00 (£500 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Full day:

12-24 people: £4,500.00 (£1,000 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 15

Engagement at Work

Group, Face-to-face

Open or Closed group

If there is one aspect of organisational behaviour which typifies the thinking in this decade, it will

be: engagement. In its top-down form, engagement is a powerful means of encouraging entire

organisations to connect around a shared mission and values, and to strive together to work

towards the same business objectives. Bottom-up engagement is even more powerful. This is

when you encounter teams which stand out from the rest, and their performance measures are

off the scale. On this course, we aim to nurture bottom-up engagement, which is identified by

active willingness to listen to others, get involved and commit to what's going on. It joins people

together and becomes the reason they get up in the morning.

By the end of this course you will have:

Experienced significant feelings of team spirit, belonging and engagement

Understood the benefits of living and working in the moment and have experienced the

techniques that get you there

Seen other sides of your work colleagues which create new connections and areas of

commonality, giving you a wider basis on which to form deeper bonds

Who should attend?

Anyone working in any organisation or group structure where it would be beneficial to

develop more commitment and togetherness, and to focus on the task in hand

Staff who are about to, or have been through a period of change or organisational

development and need to reconnect with each other and with the business

L&D and HR managers, to explore first-hand some of the strategies available to develop

greater engagement at work

Formats and fees: Half day: 12-24 people: £3,000.00 (£500 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Full day:

12-24 people: £4,500.00 (£1,000 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

2-day programme:

12-24 people: £7,500.00 (£1,500.00 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

16 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

Mindfulness and Being Present

Group, Face-to-face

Open or Closed group

This approach to mindfulness uses a set of tried and tested

Maydays techniques to bring your head out of the past

and the future and focus on what is happening right

here and right now. And, not dissimilar to its yogic

counterpart, this programme shows you how

exhilarating it can be to remain within this space.

It's relaxing, enriching, uplifting. Unlike meditation

though, it's also usually very, very funny.

Far from being a luxury pamper course, this is about

reconnecting you to the world around you and

building effectiveness as a result.

By the end of this course you will have:

Switched off from whatever daily life is throwing your way

and created a space for yourself to enjoy what's happening right now

Discovered an approach to mindfulness which does not require the development of

relaxation techniques or silent meditation

Become connected to the present and to people in the room in a fresh new way

Who should attend?

Anyone who feels they need more focus, or better levels of concentration. This is also a

good course to follow if you feel you've lost momentum, or if you're not deriving the same

pleasure from your work any more

From an HR perspective, this course would suit individuals or groups who are down on

productivity, are demonstrating signs of disconnection, or otherwise seem to have lost their

commitment, drive and passion for work

Formats and fees:

Half day: 12-24 people: £3,000.00 (£500 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Full day:

12-24 people: £4,500.00 (£1,000 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 17

Positivity & Happiness

Group, Face-to-face

Open or Closed group

It may be that a depersonalised, heavily automated and

process-driven repetitive working environment

succeeds in driving customer satisfaction,

profitability and efficiency, but it risks also

having a detrimental effect on employee

happiness and wellbeing.

With less space for naturally occuring

camaraderie and ‘mucking about’ time, we

are now in a situation where it has become

necessary to reinject this back into

organisations in measured doses.

This course does just that, and then some.

Unlike other deeper courses in the The Maydays

range, this programme is all about looking at the

brighter, lighter side of working together. It is built to

be lots of fun, feel non-threatening, and generate lots of


If you are looking for a happiness inducing, team building exercise where swinging off a rope in a

muddy forest won’t cut it, then this could be just what is required.

By the end of this course you will have:

Had a break from your personal and professional issues, and taken time out just to relax

Felt a valued member of the group, with something to contribute and much to celebrate

Spent about half a day laughing

Who should attend?

Teams involved in lengthy meetings, conferences, negotiations or intensive periods of

complex or challenging work, who need to relax and breathe

People whose particular hard work you’d like to acknowledge without the need for alcohol

or adventure

Anyone who would benefit from a break from normality, a way to snap out of a mindset, or

a way to get smiles back on faces after tough times for the whole company

Formats and fees:

Half day: 12-24 people: £3,000.00 (£500 supplement per additional 12 trainees)

18 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

Risk-taking in Action

Group, Face-to-face

Open or Closed group

It is easy to sit around a table and discuss taking risks,

but quite a different matter to be confronted with

your fear during a course, and find solutions there

and then to deal with it. This ‘feel the fear and do it

anyway’ course empowers participants to take up a

challenge which is felt by many to be one of the

most personally challenging things to do in front of

others: to sing in public. Not only that, but to make up

songs in the spur of the moment and sing to a piano

accompaniment! You soon realise that you are totally

supported by your colleagues, an encouraging and amusing

facilitator and a highly experienced musician. There is no way to get anything wrong and

commitment is the only measure of success. This is not about an amazing performance, being

musical or even singing in tune, but about turning fear into genuine curiosity and excitement. It

also becomes apparent that singing in front of a group is something of a metaphor for everything

else in life which may feel high risk or challenging.

By the end of this course you will have:

Learned to overcome deep-seated fears about performance and your public persona

Felt the enormous confidence boost that comes from putting yourself on the spot and

owning that space

Experienced the exhilaration of letting go of your anxiety and turning off your inner critic

Laughed, sung, been creative, and you’ll have broken through barriers you’ve spent a

lifetime needlessly building

Who should attend?

Groups who thrive on risk and fear, and who want to try something different

Groups who need to overcome other work issues and challenges, and who need some

perspective and contextualisation to build confidence to overcome those challenges

Those in an intensive client-facing role where they need to feel they can cope with anything,

or who need to get out of a long-standing comfort zone

A team you want to ‘drop in at the deep end’ without having to resort to more physical


Formats and fees: Half day:

8-16 people: £3,000.00

Full day:

8-16 people: £4,500.00

Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 19

Training & Show Experience

Group, Face-to-face

Closed group only

If you’re looking for something different to inspire your

team, The Maydays offer a unique opportunity to learn

basic improvisation techniques followed by the chance

to perform on stage with professional improvisers. We

provide a supportive environment to ensure that,

whilst absorbing key skills, participants experience

the thrill of creating comedy in the moment with this

unrivalled opportunity to bond and connect with

colleagues in new ways.

Our Training and Show Experience is extremely fast-

paced and allows participants to pick up new skills and

apply them immediately in an exciting and challenging

format. The first part of the session involves learning some core

improvisation skills. Then you have the chance to feel the rush of

being part of a live improvised show, putting your new skills to the test in the ultimate scenario and

performing alongside professional improvisers, to the adulation and utter respect of your colleagues.

We do not humiliate people. We pride ourselves in creating a safe space, both onstage and in the

training, in order to allow each individual’s creativity to shine through.

The Training and Show Experience is a wonderful opportunity for your team to stretch and challenge

themselves in a way that is both bonding and exhilarating.

We can tailor this option to fit into or around a pre-existing training event, conference or other


Formats and fees:

Up to 3 hours:

12-36 people: £4,500.00

Up to 6 hours:

12-36 people: £6,000.00

20 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

The Executive Retreat

Group, Face-to-face

Open or Closed group

Recommended minimum: 12 people

Maximum group size: 24 people

Trainer ratio: 1:6

The Executive Retreat is a 3-day condensed version of the

acclaimed Maydays 5-day Osho Leela personal discovery

retreat programme which has been running for over 6

years. The programme incorporates elements from

other Maydays corporate training experiences, to

provide a holistic, personal journey of development

to senior executives.

This is a high-intensity, personal, full-immersion

programme where all participants will be confronted

with their true selves, their strengths and weaknesses,

and those of others.

The Executive Retreat is about moving out of complacency,

away from comfort zones and experiencing the nerve-tingling

excitement of thriving in a state of perpetual uncertainty.

Day 1: Getting To Know You

Check in by 10:30am. First session starts at 11:00am. Incorporates elements of Self-Awareness &

Emotional Intelligence, Group Dynamics, Mindfulness & Being Present, Positivity & Happiness.

After dinner, the day rounds off with a 45-minute full performance by The Maydays.

Day 2: Going Deeper

A highly challenging day where core skills are developed from yesterday's practical sessions,

culminating in delegates building up to their own performances by the end of the day, followed by

dinner and relaxation.

Day 3: Diagnostic, Reflection and Reintegration Strategies

Group members are presented with personal diagnostic assessments based on trainer and peer

observations from the previous two days, and a series of individual coaching sessions support

personal development and offer the opportunity for reflection. The rest of the day looks at how to

embed the strategies acquired back into every day work and life.

The retreat ends with an uplifting and unforgettable combined tutor and trainee finale and the

presentation of certificates.

Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 21

However challenging the process may be, and however much change it can bring about in

participants, the course is extremely supportive, rising to meet each individual and their emerging

needs. It is empowering, uplifting and builds untold levels of self-confidence and self-belief.

Formats & Fees: 3-day-programme:

£18,000 (up to 24 people), excluding venue hire and accommodation

Full board, all inclusive accommodation:

This programme can run from any suitable residential retreat location. We can arrange to host this

programme at a number of leading centres around the UK and overseas, or we can use one of your

venues. Let’s discuss your ideas and programme adaptations.

22 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

Corporate Shows Unlimited spectators

Whether you want an after dinner show, need to liven up your awards ceremony or are looking for

the perfect way to round off your conference, look no further than The Maydays. We create truly

bespoke entertainment that is inspired by the information you provide. The Maydays can turn

anything into a full musical number or a hilarious sketch, whether that be the personalities and

specifics of your awards, the anecdotes of your conference participants, or acronyms and themes

that are personal to your organisation.

We do not ridicule people, we empower them. It is truly unique to see your story used as the seed

for a comedy sketch or musical number. By adding a personal touch and capturing the individuality

of your team onstage, we provide an unforgettable memory of comedy and musical entertainment.

Formats & Fees:

Flexible days, times and scale

Price on request

Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 23

Meet the team

John Cremer started in improv with Louis Anthony Russo in Arizona and then

joined Essential Theatre Playback Company. Returning to his native Brighton in

2001, he founded The Maydays. John is the author of Reading People and

Improv and delivers improv-based workshops and Reading People seminars to

clients including Microsoft, Deloitte, T-Mobile, Rio Tinto, Airbus, Lloyds TSB,

HTC, ADT and Vistage. John is a Fellow of the Professional Speaking

Association and was voted Speaker of the Decade by the Academy for Chief

Executives. He also does a fair bit of fly fishing.

Heather Urquhart originally trained in Physical Theatre, joining improvisation

specialists Kepow Theatre in 2004 and going on to work with The Maydays in

2006. She has delivered countless corporate improvisation training sessions in

all sectors, from charities to investment banks. Heather has co-written a book

on the subject of musical improv and in her spare time improvises musicals,

love stories and Enid Blyton tales around the UK and worldwide, including

the US, Spain, Finland, Holland, Belgium, France, Germany and India. She is

winner of The Latest Brighton Festival and Fringe Award Best Female

Performer 2013 and the Argus Angel Award for Artistic Excellence 2014.

Jules Munns studied at UCL and the Guildhall school, where he first learnt to

improvise, studying with Ken Rea. Since graduating, he has set up The Nursery

venue for improvised theatre and Slapdash, London’s only festival of

improvisation. He is a member of the Applied Improvisation Network and

specialises in creativity, communication and presentation skills.

Katy Schutte graduated with a Drama BA and trained at Second City and iO

Chicago. She is a dynamic performer who utilises her specialist skills in

improvisation to bring out the joy and confidence of her audience and to

provide invaluable tools for life and business. She has worked with critically

acclaimed and award-winning improvisational comedy companies, delivering

training and performances for the corporate and public sector. As well as The

Maydays these include Rideout, 360 Vision and Spark Creative.

24 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

Rebecca Macmillan is one of our founding members. She trained in Chicago

and has performed with Impromptu Shakespeare, Mothers Uncorked, BiteSize,

The Treason Show, Voodoo Vaudeville & Fluxx. Combining improv with her

degree in Latin & Ancient History, she worked for 6 years as an historical

interpreter with leading interpretation company Past Pleasures. Outside of

theatre and performance, Rebecca has worked in a number of cause-driven


Joe Samuel is a classically trained pianist and violinist having studied at Royal

Holloway University. He is the Musical Director of The Treason Show and The

Maydays and has played for almost every improvisation team in Europe. He is

passionate about passing on his love of music and is also a teacher of piano, A-

Level music technology and music theory. Along with Heather, Joe is the co-

author of Sing It, a music improv book. Joe has also been instrumental in

bringing music into the world of corporate training.

Liz Peters trained as an actress at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts and

studied improvisation at iO Chicago. She has worked extensively on stage and

screen, delivering performance and creative training for numerous clients

throughout Europe. Liz is a musical comedian and regular writer/performer for

the British comedy scene, having worked on satirical institutions Newsrevue

and The Treason Show. She was nominated Best Female Performer 2014 at

The Brighton Festival and Fringe Awards for her debut solo show, Toybox. Liz

is trained as an Embodied Facilitator and her experience as a solo performer

informs and inspires the rest of her company-based work.

Jen Rowe trained at ACT Brighton and now regularly teaches drama, improv

and creative writing through improvisation with The Maydays. In her free time

she still finds time to act, write and work as a voice-over artist. Jen trained as

an improviser at Second City and Annoyance in the US, has toured with Fluxx

and performs with Impromptu Shakespeare. She draws on her theatre

background in her corporate training, which has included work with 360 Vision

training using Verbatim Theatre to promote discussion around team values,

Rational Madness Theatre with Legal & General highlighting climate change,

and Fluxx Theatre's interactive role-play exploring attitudes to Down's


Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 25

Lloydie James Lloyd has trained in sketch writing with Second City, Chicago

and improv at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in New York and the

Annoyance Theatre in Chicago. He has taught and performed improv around

the UK, Ireland and the United States and has had the enormous fortune to

improvise with a number of world renowned names from television, radio and

film. He has a background in broadcasting and communication, having been

heard on a variety of radio stations until he moved the other side of the

microphone. A number of well-known UK politicians and broadcasters have

benefitted from his communications seminars and one-to-one coaching.

Rhiannon Vivian has been improvising since 2008, performing regularly in

London and Brighton with The Maydays and Music Box, The Improvised

Musical. After studying at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade Theatre in New York,

Rhiannon also trained at the acclaimed iO Theatre in Chicago. She has

performed on international stages from New York to Dublin to Portugal.

Rhiannon is a professional writer and her understanding of journalism and

publishing informs her improvisation teaching and corporate training work.

Jason Blackwater trained at East 15 Acting School on their acclaimed

Contemporary Theatre course. Since joining The Maydays in 2009 he has

trained at the iO Theatre in Chicago. He recently appeared in the 25th

Anniversary tour of Buddy! The Buddy Holly Story and uses his experience of

working as a musical theatre actor to help others in their quest for better

confidence and communication.

26 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

Client list We have been fortunate to provide improvisation-based corporate training for some of the world’s

leading organisations:

Find out more about us: www.themaydays.co.uk 27

Find out more Articles & Videos about Improvisation as a training medium in business

Why Improv Training Is Great Business Training This article is by Jesse Scinto, a lecturer in Columbia University’s Strategic Communications programs.

“If you’re not funny, there’s no real-life consequence,” Rick Andrews tells students in his improv comedy class. “People just don’t think

you’re funny. That is not a big deal.” Then he exclaims, “Okay, let’s get two people up there!” The next scene begins…


How Tina Fey’s Improv Rules Can Boost Your Business Improv is a valuable skill for leaders, so much so that top business schools like MIT are offering a class in it. Who better to turn to for

advice on improv than Tina Fey… https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/openforum/articles/how-tina-feys-improv-rules-can-boost-your-


It's Not Quite Funny Or Die, But Improv Works To Fuel Powerful Innovation Tina Fey’s "Bossypants" was the inspiration for Ask.com to try out improv techniques to invigorate its team. Here's what happened when

they got off their duffs and found their inner monkey saddles...


Want to Be More Creative? Think on Your Feet Companies like Life Is Good use improv exercises to boost collaboration and creativity. In November, apparel maker Life Is Good moved about 60 employees, who had been spread over three Boston-area offices, into one new, open-plan space...

http://www.inc.com/magazine/201404/adam-bluestein/companies-use-improv-to-boost-creativity.html When The Art Of The Deal Includes Improv Training Some top-tier business schools are offering more than just finance and marketing these days: Duke, UCLA, MIT and Stanford are all teaching improv. Professors say these techniques help students increase collaboration, creativity and risk taking...


Why Using Improvisation To Teach Business Skills Is No Joke London, England (CNN) - In a business world that's more uncertain than ever it pays to be able to think on your feet. That's why some business schools are using improvisation classes to teach skills such as creativity and leadership...


Leadership Agility: Using Improv to Build Critical Skills Look around you; everything is changing. The global economy, medicine, technology, the environment, geo-politics…you name it and chances are, it is undergoing dramatic change. Of course, this has always been the case – but the rate of change is increasing…

http://www.kenan-flagler.unc.edu/~/media/Files/documents/executive-development/leadership-agility-using-improv.pdf Blanking Out: How Stress Can Shut Down The Command Centre In The Brain We've all had those terrible moments, whether just before making a wedding speech or delivering a presentation at work, when our minds have gone completely blank. Now scientists are one step closer to understanding why we have developed such a counterproductive (and embarrassing) response to stress…


Improvisation for Scientists: Workshops by Alan Alda and the Center for Communicating Science This video provides a glimpse of workshops Alan Alda led in 2009 for Stony Brook University graduate students, using improvisational

theater games to help them connect more directly and personally when they discuss their work The Center for Communicating Science…


A Useful Idea We live in a complex and continuously changing world, which requires us and the organizations we work in to change along with it. But

change is hard, and most of us aren't very good at it. This short video introduces a different approach to change…


NextGen2014 A talk by John Windmueller, Organizational Training Manager at Washington Improv Theater


Propellernet Video Case Study Interviews with staff at this busy Brighton agency. Their views on the process and its applicability in the place of work.


28 How can we help your organisation? Email us: [email protected]

How to book

Most programmes can be adapted to your organisation’s needs in terms of their content, duration,

number of trainers provided, and the objectives you have set for the participants.

Please contact us at [email protected] so we can arrange to talk through your ideas, and

discuss your requirements in more detail. We’ll get back to you quickly with a full proposal.


Corporate Training Experiences & Executive Retreats

Corporate Shows & Conference Centrepieces

Comedy & Musical Improvisation Courses