Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

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Page 1: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait

A global water service provider, we are the name that people trust to deliver this most precious of resources – a clean and reliable water supply that supports development and enhances the quality of life for millions.

Winner of “Water Company of the Year”Global Water Awards 2011

"Leader in Wastewater Treatment for Industrial Parks" ChinaWaterNet's China Water Industry Annual Award 2014

Clean water for millions. Sustainable solutions for the world.Water is essential to life.

At Sembcorp, we understand that every drop is vital. We manage nine million cubic metres of water and wastewater daily. 24 hours, seven days a week, we keep the wheels of industry turning and supply millions of people with the fresh water they need.

Households and enterprises across four continents rely on our innovative and sustainable water solutions to meet a range of water needs – from the supply of potable and industrial water, the specialised treatment of industrial wastewater to water reclamation and desalination.


Vital Partners. Essential Solutions.









MCI (P) 166/12/2016


Page 2: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,





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Page 3: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,
Page 4: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

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Page 5: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,



Concrete protective liners and assembly profiles made of PE, PP, PVDF and ECTFE for DTSS, RC tanks / sump pumps, Hydroclick for NEW water holding tanks.



PVDF-UHP, PP-Pure, Polypure and ECTFE (dosing pipes) piping systems for the distribution of ultra-pure-water in semiconductor, pharmaceutical and food industry.



Sheets, bars and welding rods made of PP, PE, PPs, PPs-el, HDPE, HDPE-el, PVDF, ECTFE, FEP and PFA for the manufacturing of tanks, tank linings and for apparatus engineering.




PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids, desalination, seawa-ter intake, sandbed-free installation up to OD 2500 mm.



Piping systems and double containment piping sys-tems made of PP, HDPE-el, PPs, PPs-el, PVDF and ECTFE for industrial applications such as transport of aggressive media and contaminated sewage water.



Geomembranes made of HDPE, VLDPE, LLDPE and FPP as well as drainage systems made of PE and PP for the use in landfills, tunnels, ponds, hydraulic en-gineering.

Agru Technology Pte Ltd207, Woodlands Ave 9#06-55 Spectrum II Singapore 738958

Contact number: +65 6757 7233Email: [email protected] www.agrutech.com

Page 6: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Message by Tan Cheng Guan 6President Singapore Water Association

Message by Masagos Zulkifli 7Minister Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources

Message by Ng Joo Hee 8Chief Executive PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency

Message by Poon Hong Yuen 9Chief ExecutiveSPRING Singapore

Message by Lee Ark Boon 10Chief Executive OfficerInternational Enterprise Singapore

Foreword by Tan Ngo Chiaw 11Vice-President (General Affairs)Singapore Water Association

SWA Executive Council for 2016-2018 12

SWA Background, Vision, Mission & Objectives 13

SWA Events And Networks 16

Enterprise Promotion Centres (EPC) – SWA Secretariat 22

Ordinary Members 28

Associate Members 114

Institutional Members 145

Individual Members 150

List of Products and Services 153

Index of Companies 181

SWA Directory 2017/2018 is published by Singapore Water Association (SWA).No part of this directory may be provided without prior permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. The information in the directory has been updated as accurately as possible till the date of print. Whilst efforts have been made of ensure accuracy, no liability will be accepted by SWA for any errors which may appear in this directory.MCI (P) 166/12/2016


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Page 8: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Singapore Water Association (SWA) plays a significant role in developing a vibrant and dynamic Singapore Water Industry. The healthy growth in SWA membership is testament to the value which SWA offers its members as a ready platform for capacity building, networking and industry promotion to meet the evolving needs and demands of an expanding and sophisticated water industry.

Through training and capacity building, SWA continues to enhance members’ practical knowledge and help them keep abreast of the latest developments in our industry. This will help to strengthen the pool of qualified, well-informed talent to support the continued growth of our industry.

Our popular and well-attended quarterly Singapore Water Industry Nights and SWA Golfs continued to serve as good networking platforms for members to connect with each other and with potential business partners.

Besides an impressive presence in Singapore International Water Weeks, SWA has a strong international profile, taking part in overseas trade exhibitions supported by International Enterprise, Singapore. As part of our on-going effort to profile the association and to enable members to promote their products and services through water exhibitions, we are expanding our global footprint to more new country markets and plans for organising business missions have also been laid.

We have also formed the SWA Young Professional Group to connect to the young water professionals of SWA members. The mission of the YWP is to support and promote the attraction, development and retention of young water professionals in the water industry as well as promoting the engineering profession and the water industry as one of the growing and leading industries.

It is clear what the Association will need to do over the next ten years. It has to continue to work in close partnership with the national water agency and play a complementary and proactive role within the water industry to help create an even more exciting water landscape in and outside of Singapore.

On behalf of our members, I would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, PUB Singapore, International Enterprise Singapore, SPRING Singapore, our affiliated partners, as well as participating advertisers for their invaluable support.


message byPRESIDENTSingapore Water Association

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message byMINISTERFor The Environment And Water Resources

Around the world, access to safe and clean drinking water is becoming ever more challenging, but the demand for water is not waning. This will be exacerbated in future by the impacts of climate change, such as higher temperature and more frequent drought. Furthermore, in the wake of rapid urbanisation and industrialisation, many rapid growth countries have been left with heavy water pollution. In light of this, it is of vital importance to manage water better in the face of a challenging environment.

As a small island state with few natural resources, water has always been an existential issue for Singapore. The prospect of climate change and its likely pressure on water supply has placed even more attention on water resilience. Amidst these challenges, we must continue to tap on innovative technologies to diversify our water supply and continue to strive towards greater sustainability.

Over the decades, we have shown that it is possible to transform constraints into opportunities. With SWA’s partnership in networks and capability building, Singapore has been able to develop solutions and has now established a reputation as a global water leader. We now have a vibrant and dynamic water industry, with 180 local and international water companies spanning the entire water value chain, and more than 20 public and private R&D centres.

The government has made concerted efforts to support these companies in their objective to provide water services locally and internationally. In 2016, S$200 million has been put in place, bringing the total amount committed since 2006 to S$670 million. These funds are managed through the National Research Foundation (NRF) to support the growth of the water industry through various agencies via its three strategic thrust of Cluster Development, Technology Development and Internationalisation. I encourage water companies to leverage on such government’s assistance to commercialise its innovations and technology, upgrade its capabilities and to develop solutions for the world.

I would like to applaud SWA’s efforts towards upgrading the capability of the water industry. I encourage SWA to continue to unite the water industry by being the networking and information exchange platform for the water industry in Singapore. As we look towards the future, it is paramount for our water companies to be innovative in differentiating themselves. Together with its members, a collective partnership amongst SWA and its members will be beneficial in capturing more of the overseas water market. I look forward to commemorating SWA’s future successes as a monument of our shared drive towards weather-resilience andwater sustainability.


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Although many take for granted the availability of clean sweet water at the flip of a tap, it is national water agency PUB’s task to ensure that Singapore will never run out of water.

In order to accomplish this, we first strive to collect every drop of rain that falls on Singapore. This also means turning as much of Singapore as possible into a watershed, and keeping our drains, canals and waterways pristinely clean. Then, we reclaim every drop of sewage and turn much of it potable again. At the same time, we convert seawater into drinking water, operating in Singapore some of the largest desalination plants in the world.

The Singapore Water Association is co-conspirator in all of these. As the champion and cheerleader for Singapore’s burgeoning water industry, the SWA occupies a central node in the ecosystem of water-related businesses and companies that are located here.

The SWA’s work doesn’t just help PUB advance our mission of supplying good water, reclaiming used water and taming stormwater, its efforts in facilitating professional training and in showcasing the capabilities of its members internationally bring industry-wide benefits. This work is much appreciated by its members and also widely admired by those associated with Singapore’s flourishing water industry.

Indeed, the water industry in Singapore has grown by leaps and bounds. Today, Singapore is an important hydro-hub. Over 180 water companies and more than 20 R&D centres call Singapore home. And they have been very successful, bringing class-leading capacities to the international marketplace. Singapore-based water companies operate globally and are involved in the entire value chain of the water sector, from IT and control systems to mega BOT projects. Certainly, the SWA can be proud of the strength, quality and diversity of its membership, while still seeking to add to its roster.

I congratulate the SWA for bringing out this much anticipated members directory. This latest and most updated edition of the SWA Members Directory is an important resource and will be indispensable for anyone looking for advice, supplies, collaboration or new business opportunities both in Singapore and internationally.


message byCHIEF ExECUTIvEPUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency

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Access to potable water remains one of the top global challenges. Climate changes coupled with rapid urbanisation have caused great stress on water resources around the world. The situation is especially severe in Asia, where the industrial boom of recent years has led to the polluting of water bodies and the depletion of groundwater.

With a thriving ecosystem of research institutes and water companies, Singapore is well poised to address and capitalise on these challenges. Having made significant investments in new technologies and innovative methods to manage our water resources over the years, Singapore can leverage the capabilities built to co-create with the industry the next generation of novel water solutions. As a ‘living laboratory’, Singapore also offers opportunities for cutting edge solutions to be test-bedded and commercialised, before scaling up to the rest of the world .

Looking forward, the water sector will continue to remain an area of focus under the Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) 2020 Plan, with another $200mil committed to support the economic growth. A key thrust of this plan is to accelerate the commercialisation and export of water technologies. SPRING Singapore will be supporting start-ups and SMEs in this area to translate water technologies into useful solutions.

The Singapore Water Association (SWA) plays a pivotal role in building the network and facilitating connections between industry players. Its members have benefitted from the numerous training programmes, events, as well as overseas trade shows organised by the association. Networking events such as the SWA Singapore Water Industry Nite are good platforms which foster collaborations between the industry, academia and government locally and overseas. The SWA directory would enhance efforts to showcase and promote the capabilities of its members to a global audience.

SPRING Singapore will continue to work closely with partners like SWA to support the growth of the water industry in Singapore.


message byCHIEF ExECUTIvESPRING Singapore

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Water is a global challenge, and for some a national security concern, due to limited freshwater supply, lack of treatment facilities and a steadily growing demand. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that globally, 1 in 10 people (663 million people) lack access to safe drinking water and 1 in 3 people (2.4 billion people) lack access to proper sanitation1. By 2025, half the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas2. Coupled with rapid urbanisation, especially in Asia, governments must find solutions to overcome their water challenges. This in turn presents opportunities for companies to offer practical solutions.

In Singapore, we have transformed our lack of natural freshwater into a strength. We have evolved into a model city for urban water and wastewater management and Singapore is now recognised as a global hydrohub. Central to this effort, are the more than 200 water companies based here. Our water companies are able to contribute in various ways across the infrastructure value chain, from project scoping & design, to technology provision, engineering, procurement & construction (EPC) and project development. Their solutions have been tested and proven to meet stringent environmental standards both locally and in overseas markets. Notable examples include Hyflux’s Qurayyat desalination plant, and Sembcorp’s International Water Hub in Nanjing, China, designed to facilitate the development and commercialisation of new water technologies. Smaller companies like Memiontec, which is building a water treatment plant with PT Jakarta Propertindo in North Jakarta, are also making inroads in the region.

A key reason why Singapore companies excel is that they offer customized solutions, which are relevant and effective for different users and markets. From large-scale desalination plants in the Middle East to decentralised systems in India and industrial water solutions in South East Asia, our companies such as Hyflux, Sembcorp, Ecosoftt, Flagship Ecosystems, Memiontec and Visenti have built up track record and expertise. Passionate and committed, our companies continue to innovate both their technologies and their business models.

As the national agency helping companies to go global, IE Singapore is fully committed to support our companies through IE’s international network, relationships (including with multilateral development banks), in-market presence and market knowledge. IE will continue to partner the Singapore Water Association (SWA) to further promote the growth of Singapore’s water industry overseas. I take this opportunity to commend SWA on its support to the water industry, providing platforms for Singapore companies to network and do business with international water companies.


message byCHIEF ExECUTIvEOFFICERInternational Enterprise Singapore

1 World Health Organization and UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) – Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation, 2015 Update and MDG Assessment

2 World Health Organization – Drinking Water Factsheet10

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We are pleased to present the 6th edition of the SWA Directory. This year’s edition includes more than 200 members providing services, products and expertise in all area of water and wastewater planning, technologies, system integration, development and operations.

What makes this year’s Directory stand out is the inclusion of an index listing of products and services by SWA members and the new web based version easy access and search. We will also distribute copies of SWA Directory to Singapore government agencies, local and overseas industry associations, overseas partners, international water organisations and SWA’s overseas trade exhibitions or business missions.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the government agencies for their goodwill messages and our advertisers for their active participation and support. I would also like to thank the Publication Committee, EPC Secretariat and all parties involved for their contributions to make this directory yet another success.

TAn ngo ChIAW

foreword byvICE-PrESIDEnT(gEnErAl AffAIrS)Singapore Water Association


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PresidentTan Cheng Guan

Sembcorp Industries Ltd

Immediate Past PresidentTay Lim Heng

Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Company Limited

Vice-President(General Affairs)Tan Ngo Chiaw

CH2M Hill Singapore Pte Ltd


Johnson TangUES Holdings Pte Ltd


Foo Hee KiangHyflux Ltd

Maurice Neo

Chiu Kuang PingAECOM

Singapore Pte Ltd

Tse Yau ShingBlack & Veatch(SEA) Pte Ltd

Stephanie GroenDHI Water &

Environment (S) Pte Ltd

Dinesh SharmaDNR Process

Solutions Pte Ltd

Eddie Koh Pan Asian Flow

Technology Pte Ltd

Council Members

Liew Yien PhinSembcorp Industries Ltd

Co - Opted Council Members


Robert CheongKoh Brothers ECOEngineering Ltd

Chen Chia LungEnvironmental & Water

Technology Centreof Innovation

PUB Representative

Page 15: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

sINgaPorewaTer assoCIaTIoNMembers comprise companies and individuals, ranging from system integrators, consultancy & engineering services, testing & analytical services, supply of equipment,water treatment chemicals and membrane manufacturers to legal firms and academic institutions which are active in the water industry, registered in Singapore or having astrong presence in Singapore.

SWA was formed in February 2004 and officially launched on December 10, 2004 by Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for the Environment & Water Resources. The association presently has a membership of 251 (with 170 Ordinary members; 59 Associate members; 7 Institutional members; and 15 Individual members). Members comprise companies and individuals, ranging from system integrators, consultancy & engineering services, testing & analytical services, supply of equipment, water treatment chemicals and membrane manufacturers to legal firms and academic institutions which are active in the water industry, registered in Singapore or having a strong presence in Singapore.

SWA provides a forum for collaboration and the inter-change of ideas and knowledge among member companies. It will be an arena for networking among members and dissemination of strategic information on emerging business opportunities and new technologies. SWA also serves as an important network link for members to the international water network; contributes to strengthen the presence of Singapore companies in the global market; and acts as a private sector forum for the industry.

The association has also signed Memorandum of Understanding with Australia Water Association (AWA), Centre of Innovation – Environmental and Water Technology

(COI-EWT) of Ngee Ann Polytechnic, China Water Association (CWA), Liaoning Water Association, Malaysian Water Association (MWA), Philippine Water Works Association (PWWA), Singapore Business Federation (SBF), Southeast Asian Water Utilities Network (SEAWUN) and Vietnam Water Supply and Sewerage Association (VWSA) to establish a collaborative framework and affiliate status with them. The association hopes that such alliances would act as a springboard for local industry players to have good access to the overseas markets and provide opportunities for strategic partnerships amongst the companies.

VisionTo be the regional hub for all water services and technologies

MissionTo develop a vibrant and dynamic Singapore Water Industry.

Objectives:• To provide a forum for collaboration

and the interchange of ideas and knowledge among members

• To encourage and foster public, government and industry understanding of water and its contribution to economic development, quality of life and the environment

• To meet the evolving needs and demands of an expanding and sophisticated water industry in Singapore

• To increase the knowledge and skills of people working in the water industry

• To serve as an important Singapore link to the international water network


Page 16: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Members comprise companies and individuals, ranging from system integrators, consultancy & engineering

water treatment chemicals and membrane manufacturers

in the water industry, registered in Singapore or having a strong presence in Singapore.

SWA has four categories of membership:


apply for admission as an Ordinary member.


the water and wastewater industry but do not qualify for Ordinary Membership may apply for Associate

same rights and privileges as Ordinary Members except



professional, business or company is associated to the water and wastewater industry. Individual members

professionals and those interested in the water industry




Ordinary Members

Associate Members

Individual Members

Membership fees (per annum)

SGD 1000

SGD 500

SGD 500

SGD 120

Entrance fees

SGD 500

SGD 250

SGD 250

SGD 100

• Inter-change of ideas and knowledge among member companies

local or overseas business• Provision of industry-relevant training that develops

member companies

of members• Maintenance of a database to showcase the

global market• Links and partnership with other world-renowned water bodies

SWA SecretariatTel: (65) 65150812 3180 5156 )56( :xaF

Email: [email protected] Website: www.swa.org.sg

Water Hub 80 Toh Guan Road East Singapore 608575









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NATURE OF ACTIVITY OF ORGANISATION (PLEASE TICK)Consultant & Professional ServicesContractor & Field ServicesEducational InstitutionEnvironmental Monitoring & AnalysisGovernment

to 50 words or less.

Water ReuseManufacturer & DistributorNon-Profit AssociationRegulator & PolicyResearch & Analytical Lab


Title: First Name: Surname:

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Email: Mobile:

MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY* (PLEASE TICK)Ordinary Member Associate Member Institutional Member Individual Member

Name Signature & Company Stamp Date

Organisation / Company:


Tel: Fax: Website:


Title: First Name: Surname:

Position in company: Nationality:

Email: Mobile:


Title: First Name: Surname:

Position in company: Nationality:

Email: Mobile:

* Subject to Council’s approval

Research and DevelopmentWastewater TreatmentWater AuthorityWater QualityWater Treatment









SWA Form 2017b.pdf 1 6/1/17 4:54 PM

Members comprise companies and individuals, ranging from system integrators, consultancy & engineering

water treatment chemicals and membrane manufacturers

in the water industry, registered in Singapore or having a strong presence in Singapore.

SWA has four categories of membership:


apply for admission as an Ordinary member.


the water and wastewater industry but do not qualify for Ordinary Membership may apply for Associate

same rights and privileges as Ordinary Members except



professional, business or company is associated to the water and wastewater industry. Individual members

professionals and those interested in the water industry




Ordinary Members

Associate Members

Individual Members

Membership fees (per annum)

SGD 1000

SGD 500

SGD 500

SGD 120

Entrance fees

SGD 500

SGD 250

SGD 250

SGD 100

• Inter-change of ideas and knowledge among member companies

local or overseas business• Provision of industry-relevant training that develops

member companies

of members• Maintenance of a database to showcase the

global market• Links and partnership with other world-renowned water bodies

SWA SecretariatTel: (65) 65150812 3180 5156 )56( :xaF

Email: [email protected] Website: www.swa.org.sg

Water Hub 80 Toh Guan Road East Singapore 608575









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Page 18: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


PROVISION OF RELEVANT TRAINING TO UPGRADE WATER INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS In line with SWA’s mission to develop a vibrant and dynamic Singapore Water Industry, we seek to add value through training and capacity building to upgrade our members’ practical knowledge and help them keep them abreast with the latest developments in our industry. These programmes also help to build up a core group of skilled water professionals needed to support the future growth of the water industry in Singapore.

SWA intensifies its efforts to engage industry players, academics and institutions with relevant experience and expertise to develop Training Courses, organise Technical Site Visits and Business Seminars which include:

Training CoursesA Practical Approach to Pumps Advanced Water Treatment TechnologiesAnaerobic Digestion and Biogas Plant operation Apply Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Technology for Water reclamationApply Project Management Skills Design & Engineering RO PlantDesign & operations of Ultrapure Water Treatment PlantDesign & operations of Water Treatment Plant & Processes Design of Used Water Treatment Plant & Processes Design, operation & Maintenance of SWRO PlantsIndustrial Water Reuse and Recycling Monitor & Troubleshoot RO PlantNegotiation, Administration & Management of EPC Contracts for Engineers, Professionals and Contractors rehabilitation of Distressed facilities of Water & Used Water Treatment PlantsWater Quality Monitoring & Testing

Technical Site VisitsABC Waters Kallang River @ Bishan- Ang Mo Kio Park ABC Waters Sengkang floating Wetlands.BEWG-UESH NEWater PlantChangi Water reclamation Plant (CWrP)Cleantech Park Environmental & Water Technology Centre of InnovationIndustry Wastewater Treatment facilities on Jurong IslandNanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWrI) Pulau Semakau LandfillPulau Seraya Power StationSembcorp Changi NEWater PlantSilicon Manufacturing Co. (SSMC)SingSpring Desalination PlantTuaspring Desalination PlantVan Kleef Aquatic Science Centre Variable Salinity Plant (VSP) Tampines Water Treatment Plant (Resort World Singapore Aquarium) Yeo Hiap Seng & Tiger Brewery


Page 19: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

A visit to Tuaspring Desalination Plant - the largest desalination plant in Southeast Asia.

The site tour showcased Tiger Beer through packaging till distribution.

A guided tour of the rain water harvesting system and grey/black water reuse systems in Cleantech One which is a hotbed for environmental innovations and contains some of the most technologically-advanced sustainable water and energy management systems.

Business Seminar on Doing Water Business in Sri Lanka 17

Page 20: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

PromoTe NeTworKINg amoNg members aNd eXPLore CoLLaboraTIoN oN UPComINg ProJeCTs SWA offers the opportunity for networking, information exchange and potential business matching. Our popular and well-attended Singapore Water Industry Nights, SWA Gala Dinner and SWA Golf Tournaments served as useful platforms for members to connect with each other and to provide feedback on our industry promotion effort.

Singapore Water Industry NitesThe Water Industry Nites serve as useful platforms for members to network with each other and agencies like PUB, International Enterprise (IE) Singapore and SPRING Singapore.

As part of the regular features of these Water Nites, announcements of PUB tenders for upcoming water projects as well as updates of SWA activities and events. The programme followed with cocktails and networking buffet dinner which has proven to a hit with members.

Singapore Water Association 10th Anniversary Gala DinnerSWA celebrated its 10th Anniversary at a gala dinner in St Regis Hotel with Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, then Minister for the Environment & Water Resources as the Guest-of-Honour. The dinner marks a significant decade of SWA working successfully together with its partners in growing Singapore as a global hydrohub in the international space.


Page 21: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

SWA Golf TournamentsSWA Golf Tournament is the perfect social gathering for business networking with high-level government officials, heads of industry and opinion makers in the water business worldwide.

SWA Young Water Professional (YWP) GroupSWA Young Professional Group was formed to organize networking events for SWA to connect the young professionals with the rest of the members. The vision of the SWA YWP Group is to develop Young Water Professionals to be future leaders of the water industry and support efforts by SWA by profiling the water industry as a viable and fulfilling career option to young professionals.

Inaugural Youth Programme – “Paddles In, Litter Out”Participants who went on a journey along Kallang River on kayaks and bikes, engaged in retrieving litter left by irresponsible park goers along the riverbanks.

With pre-university students of Hwa Chong Institution, YWP shared on the career opportunities and their experience in the water industry as part of the outreach activities.


Page 22: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

raIsINg THe ProfILe of swa IN THe gLobaL marKeTsSWA provides a ready platform for members to reach out to the international markets to promote their products, services and expertise through active involvement in the local & overseas trade and exhibition shows.

Overseas Singapore Pavilions SWA has a strong international profile, taking part in overseas trade exhibitions supported by International Enterprise, Singapore. SWA led water industry contingents to countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. As part of our on-going effort to profile the association internationally and to enable members to promote their products and services through water exhibitions, we are expanding our global footprint to more new country markets.

Singapore International Water Week SWA is a strategic partner of the Singapore International Water Week, which brings together policy makers, industry leaders, experts, and practitioners from all over the world to address challenges, showcase technologies, discover opportunities and celebrate achievements. Members of SWA continued to have a strong presence at every Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) since 2009. In each series, SWA organises the Singapore pavilion of more than 35 exhibitors occupying near 700sqm at the exhibition. This has helped SWA members to reach out to the international markets and collectively raised the profile of the local water players on the global stage.


Page 23: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

AffiliationsIn international relations, SWA has signed Memorandum of Understanding with Australian Water Association (AWA), China Urban Water Association, International Desalination Association (IDA), Liaoning Water Association, Malaysian Water Association (MWA), Philippine Water Works Association (PWWA), Southeast Asian Water Utilities Network (SEAWUN), Vietnam Water Supply and Sewerage Association (VWSSA) to establish a collaborative framework and affiliate status with them. Locally, SWA has also signed MOUs with the Singapore Business Federation and the Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s Centre for Innovation in Environmental & Water Technology. The association hopes that such alliances would act as a catalyst for members to have access to overseas markets and strategic partnerships.


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Enterprise Promotion Centres Pte Ltd (EPC) is a Singapore based company set up in 1989 as an outcome of the SME Master Plan jointly formulated by the Singapore Economic Development Board and the relevant government agencies. Our mission is to promote entrepreneurship and help enterprises upgrade and grow, by serving as an extension of our Government’s multi-agency network to develop enterprises.

We provide business facilitation as well as management services to help companies and industries through the different phases of their business. Our scope of services includes association management services, event management, training & consulting and business outsourcing services.

EPC works with industry partners to promote growth and capability development by initiating industry-wide upgrading projects. We partner organizations in Singapore as well as overseas to event manage major exhibitions and conferences.

Our business philosophy is to listen to our clients, understand them and tailor our services to meet their needs and concerns. We strive to work closely with our clients to create value and provide a fruitful experience for all stakeholders. Currently, Enterprise Promotion Centres Pte Ltd (EPC) provides Association Management Services to the following associations:

• Asian Federation of Convention & Exhibition Associations (AFECA)• Association of Singapore Attractions (ASA)• Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Singapore) (CIArb)• Maritime Law Association of Singapore (MLAS)• Singapore Water Association (SWA)• Spirit of Enterprise (SOE)

We have a track record of organising many major events such:• EnviroAsia Conference 2003 & 2005• Asia Homeland Security Conference 2005• 17th Germany-Singapore Environmental Technology Agency (GESTA) Seminar 2005• Eco-products International Fair (EPIF) 2006• China Dongguan Investment Seminar 2006



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• China Beijing Chaoyang Investment Seminar 2006• 51st International Ship Suppliers’ Association (ISSA) Convention 2006• Sustainable Waste Management and Technology Forum 2007• International Environment & Water Conference 2007• CEFPI Australasia Region International Conference 2007• DMI International Singapore Conference 2008• ISWA/WMRAS World Congress 2008• Icsid World Design Congress 2009• Eco-products International Fair (EPIF) 2013• International Congress on Ultrasonics 2013• 32nd International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging• 60th International Ship Suppliers’ Association (ISSA) Convention 2015• 7th Asian Maritime Law Conference 2015• 13th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization 2015• 8th Asian Maritime Law Conference 2016

For enquiries, you may like to contact us at Tel: (65) 6278 2538 Fax: (65) 6278 7518 Email: [email protected]: www.epc.com.sg


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Turning Challenges into Opportunities

About CH2MCH2M leads the professional services industry delivering sustainable solutions benefi ting societal, environmental and economic outcomes with the development of infrastructure and industry.

In this way, CH2Mers make a positive diff erence providing consulting, design, engineering and management services for clients in water; environment and nuclear; transportation; energy and industrial markets, from iconic infrastructure to global programmes like the Olympic Games.

Ranked among the World’s Most Ethical Companies and top fi rms in environmental consulting and programme management, CH2M in 2016 became the fi rst professional services fi rm honoured with the World Environment Center Gold Medal Award for eff orts advancing sustainable development.

Visit www.ch2m.com


© 2017 CH2M HILL

CH2M Singapore150 Beach RoadGateway West 34th Floor Singapore 189720

Page 27: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

About CH2MCH2M leads the professional services industry delivering sustainable solutions benefi ting societal, environmental and economic outcomes with the development of infrastructure and industry.

In this way, CH2Mers make a positive diff erence providing consulting, design, engineering and management services for clients in water; environment and nuclear; transportation; energy and industrial markets, from iconic infrastructure to global programmes like the Olympic Games.

Ranked among the World’s Most Ethical Companies and top fi rms in environmental consulting and programme management, CH2M in 2016 became the fi rst professional services fi rm honoured with the World Environment Center Gold Medal Award for eff orts advancing sustainable development.

Visit www.ch2m.com


© 2017 CH2M HILL

CH2M Singapore150 Beach RoadGateway West 34th Floor Singapore 189720

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Page 29: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,
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AbeinsA bD AsiA PAcific Pte LtD

Ace WAter Pte LtD

ProfiLeAbeinsa is a leading engineering and construction company from Spain. A subsidiary of Abengoa dedicated to engineering & construction, concessions and industrial production, Abeinsa focuses its businesses on water, environment and energy sectors. Abeinsa’s activities in water and environment sectors include water projects e.g. desalination plants, water and wastewater treatment plants, water transmission pipelines, hydropower plants, etc., and waste management projects. The company has its presence globally with 2012’s revenue of US$ 10 billion and staff strength of 26,000 worldwide.

ProfiLeAt ACE Water, we develop and adopt innovative yet robust and cost competitive solutions, based on our extensive field practical experiences and in-depth understanding of both conventional and the state of the art technologies, for all water and wastewater challenges both for municipal and industries. To provide consultancy, engineered water systems, EPC Turnkey Services and DBOO/BOT for water and wastewater treatment needs. Our services include:• Municipal & Industrial water & wastewater treatment • Water reclamation • Desalination• Chemical Systems • Water Quality Monitoring Systems and• Odour Systems

chief executive officer Mr Cesar BuenonAture of Activity Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1940 (Spain), 2010 (Singapore)stAff strength 26,000 (Worldwide), 10 (Singapore)

chief executive officer Mr Tian Xian YongnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2010stAff strength 50

152 beach road#13-04 gateway east singapore 189721 t (65) 6296 0028 f (65) 8371 1358 W www.abeinsa.com www.abengoa.com e puranut.wisutjindaporn@ abeinsabd.abengoa.comcontAct PersonMr Puranut Wisutjindaporn (Pong)Business Development Manager

3 cleantech Loopcleantech two #04-02 singapore 637143 t (65) 6562 6128 f (65) 6562 6598 W www.acewater.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Tian Xian YongDirector


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ProfiLeA leading pump manufacturer originating from the United States, ACME PUMP (ASIA) is headquartered in Singapore. Leveraging more than twenty years of experience, ACME PUMP (ASIA) has designed, manufactured and exported high-quality, cost-effective pumps and pumping systems for the following industries worldwide.

• Water Treatment • Petro-Chemical • Chemical • Public Works • HVAC • Steel • Irrigation • Fire Fighting

chief executive officer Mr Cheoh Kim YamnAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1994stAff strength 20

AcMe PuMP (AsiA) Pte Ltd

48A changi south street 1 singapore 486114 t (65) 6589 3188 f (65) 6589 3199W www.acmepump.com e [email protected] PersonMr Cheoh Kim YamManaging Director

ProfiLeAdamas Mineral Group is an exclusive supplier of High Quality Quicklime, Hydrated Lime, Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) & Nano PCC, incorporated in Singapore. All our products originate from Vietnam. The Lime Plants are operated by our joint venture partner, Huong Hai Group Co,. Ltd. - the largest lime manufacturer in Vietnam that has the most advanced lime processing technology acquired from G7 and is fully licensed to export 3 million tons of lime products annually.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2014

ADAMAs MinerAL grouP Pte LtD

140 Paya Lebar road#05-24 singapore 409015 t (65) 3152 9368 f (65) 3152 9369 W www.adamasmineral.com e [email protected] PersonMs Amanda TranGeneral Manager


Page 33: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeAECOM is a global provider of professional technical and management support services to a broad range of markets, including transportation, facilities, environmental, energy, water and government. With approximately 45,000 employees around the world, AECOM is a leader in all of the key markets that it serves. AECOM provides a blend of global reach, local knowledge, innovation and technical excellence in delivering solutions that create, enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural, and social environments. A Fortune 500 company, AECOM serves clients in more than 150 countries and had revenue of $8.1 billion during the 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2013.

chief executive officer Mr Michael S. BurkenAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1985stAff strength 45,000 (Worldwide), 700 (Singapore)

AecoM singAPore Pte LtD

300 beach road #23-00 the concoursesingapore 199555 t (65) 6299 2466 f (65) 6299 0297W www.aecom.com e [email protected] PersonMr Tay Hin Guan Associate Director

ProfiLeBiological sewage treatment plant operation, characterized by wide load swings such as the amount of waste water and its pollution level - constantly changing depending on region, time of day, season or amount of rainfall.AERZEN, with 150 years of experience in the development and manufacture of efficient compressor technologies, has produced range of products unequalled in its depth and breadth - Aerzen Turbo Blower, Delta Blower, Delta Hybrid and Delta Compressor.At AERZEN, you’ll find the most economical system combination through detailed ROI calculations.

chief executive officer Mr Chuck LimnAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1979stAff strength 24

61 Woodlands industrial Park e9 e9 Premium #07-01singapore 757047 t (65) 6254 5080 f (65) 6254 6953 W www.aersenasia.com e [email protected] [email protected] PersonMr Andy LimGeneral Manager (SE Asia)

Aerzen AsiA Pte LtD


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ProfiLeAgru Technology Pte Ltd is the leading distributor for the supply of thermoplastic pipework systems, which includes piping system, valves, semi-finished products, lining systems, welding equipment and accessories.We provide a complete one stop solution with our range of products to solve problems arising from corrosion to extreme weather conditions.

chief executive officer Mr Chan Siew WahnAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2013stAff strength 19

Agru technoLogy Pte LtD

207 Woodlands Avenue 9 #06-55 Woodlans spectrum ii singapore 738958 t (65) 6757 7233 f (65) 6757 7236 W www.agrutech.com e [email protected] PersonMs Joey LongGeneral Manager

ProfiLeCommercial laboratory provides testing in environmental, food, electronics and tribology areas. Testing services for environmental cover:• Soil, sediment and solid waste• Groundwater, surface water, wastewater and sea water testing • Environmental baseline study • Stack emissions, ambient air, industrial hygience (IH) and indoor

air quality (IAQ) monitoring including sampling and analysis• Asbestos identification and fibre counting

chief executive officer Mrs Jeanette Wong nAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & AnalysisyeAr estAbLisheD 1973stAff strength 130

ALs technicheM (s) Pte Ltd

121 Genting Lane#04-01 singapore 349572 t (65) 6589 0118 f (65) 6283 9689W www.alsglobal.com e [email protected] PersonMr Yao Kai Wen General Manager


Page 35: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLe- Provide support for Head Office in Sales & Marketing &

After-Sales service in Asia Pacific Region. - Direct sales activities in Singapore for building, municipal,

industrial and Marine/Offshore segment. - Trading of pumps and mechanical / electrical equipment and

related equipment. - Fabrication works, engineering works, M & E works.

chief executive officer Mr Matthias MuellernAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Research and DevelopmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1877 (Head Office), 1995 (Singapore)stAff strength 10

AnDritz ritz Pte LtD

No.25 international Business Park #04-65 german centre singapore 609916 t (65) 6562 8666 f (65) 6562 8668 W www.ritz.de e [email protected] PersonMs Susan Tay Managing Director

ProfiLeAndritz Singapore is the OEM and supplier of solid/liquid separation equipment widely use in environment, chemical, food, sludge and mining industries. The comprehensive activities of A-SG covers the S.E.A. region, providing supply of spare parts, manufacture of engineered wear products and technical support and services to help customers optimize production processes and reduce overall costs. Neutral consultant to our customers, as we offer a wide portfolio of different technologies covering the various needs of our customers. More than 1500 equipments and systems installed every year.

chief executive officer Mr Stephanus DwidiantonAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1987stAff strength 55

AnDritz singAPorePte LtD

25 tuas Ave 4 singapore 639375 t (65) 6512 1800 f (65) 6863 4482W www.andritz.com e [email protected] PersonMr James IongRegional Sales Manager


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ProfiLeAnrico provides engineering solutions dealing with, above ground drainage, chemical and water piping system

chief executive officer Mr Gary TannAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water QualityyeAr estAbLisheD 2015stAff strength 6

Anrico enterPrise Pte LtD

799 geylang road#02-01singapore 389680 t (65) 6745 0593/(65) 6745 0693W www.eli.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Gary TanDirector

ProfiLeAPPAK Production LLP has been serving our clients with good performing Oil Rotary & Oil-Free Vane Vacuum & compressor pumps, Roots Blowers, Side Channel Blowers,L iquid Ring Vacuum System and air compressors since 1987. We welcome sales enquiries in Oil-Free Carbon Vane and Oil Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps System, Roots blower, air Screw Compressors, Vacuum & Air Plants System (for medical application) automotive, Electronics, semiconductors, Woodwork Industrial, Mechanical Engineering, R & D Research Development and Environmental Technology. We are Distributor/Agent and premier supplier of KLEE Regenerative Blower, Industrial Ring Blower, Vortex Blower, KLEE Oil-Free Rotary carbon vane Vacuum & Pressure pump in Singapore because of our strong ethics in providing extensive and continuous quality support and commitment to our clients. Backed by two decades of experience, our rigorous participation in delivering significantly efficient, flexible and trouble-free engineered system packages & solutions for our clients have won us many recurring businesses and trust.

chief executive officer Mr John SohnAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2013stAff strength 12

APPAK ProDuction LLP

blk 2022 bukit batok industrial Park A #01-160 st. 23 singapore 659527 t (65) 6316 9803 f (65) 6743 8764 W www.appak.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Steven ChuaSales Manager34

Page 37: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeARDEO SOLUTIONS is a distributor of niche advanced technology products with engineering competency to support customers and partners to develop customized and optimized solutions. With a strong background in construction activities, water and sewerage network asset management activities, our team will provide high added value services.ARDEO Solutions is offering comprehensive solutions for GRP systems and in particular for GRP jacking pipe installation.

chief executive officer Mr Shibata AsukanAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2014stAff strength 2

ArDeo soLutionsPte LtD

20 collyer Quay #23-01singapore 49319 t (65) 8716 9120 f (65) 6832 8018 W www.ardeosolutions.com e [email protected] PersonMr Shibata AsukaManaging Director

ProfiLeEstablished in Singapore since 1968, Arup is a global design, engineering and business consultancy with more than 13,000 staff spanning 92 offices in 40 countries around the globe. Arup has a reputation for pioneering innovations and for fresh approaches to age-old challenges. Our creative spark and intellectual independence forms the fabric of our culture. We pursue quality and excellence which is reflected in the impressive portfolio of iconic and award-winning developments including Singapore Sports Hub, Marina Bay Sands, The Helix, Downtown Line, Sydney Opera House, and the Beijing National Stadium. In Singapore, Arup’s success is founded on delivering Arup’s global expertise locally and we now have over 340 staff offering a range of specialist disciplines unparalleled in this market.

chief executive officer Mr Peter HoadnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1968stAff strength 13,000 (Worldwide), 340 (Singapore)

10 hoe chiang road#26-01 Keppel towers singapore 089315 t (65) 6411 2500 f (65) 6411 2501 W www.arup.com e [email protected] PersonMr Tan Yoong HengPrinciple

AruP singAPorePte LtD


Page 38: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ORDINARYmembersAsiAtech PuMPs + systeMs Pte LtD

ProfiLeAsiatech Pumps + Systems Pte Ltd is the local subsidiary being positioned as the Gateway to South East Asia/Asia for INJECTA and FLUIMAC. It is strategically located to support customers/distributors in this region with regional travel within couple of hours of flight time, operating in the same time zone, hazzle-free import and export in the ASEAN free trade area and investories in our Singapore warehouse to meet urgent requirements.

chief executive officer Mr Claudio BizzoninAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2002stAff strength 2

12 new industrial road #02-01A Morningstar centre singapore 536202 t (65) 6634 2857 f (65) 6634 2859W www.asiatech.pro e [email protected] PersonMs Sharon TanSales Manager

ProfiLeDistributor and stockist of pumps and related products from the USA, Europe, Japan and Australia; for applications in building services, industrial and construction.Also a distributor for a leading Japanese brand (SHINWA) of cooling tower; and an Austrian brand (KEKELIT) of PPR pipes & fittings systems.One of the leading solar photovoltaic system integrators – Design, supply, installation and commissioning of PV systems. Some of the notable projects are installations in various HDB precincts, Punggol TreeLodge, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Supertrees @Gardens by the Bay, and the Visitor Centre @Marina Bay Promenade.

chief executive officer Mr Yap Bau TannAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1970stAff strength 140

AsiAtic engineeringPte LiMiteD

148-160 owen roadsingapore 218945 t (65) 6291 8282 f (65) 6296 9903W www.asiaticgroup.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Ronnie YapDirector


Page 39: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeAsxban Technologies Pte Ltd was established in August 2011 to handle the Arsenic absorbent materials under licensing agreement with A*Star for production and distribution of the arsenic filter – with world wide distribution rights. This technology was developed by Prof. Paul of National University of Singapore whereby the arsenic poison in the water can be reduced from 1000ppb to less then 2ppb, which at this publication time is the most effective absorbent in this world.

chief executive officer Mr David KangnAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2011stAff strength 3

AsxbAn technoLogies Pte LtD

blk 7 Kaki bukit road1 eunos technolink #03-04 singapore 415927 t (65) 6742 9558 f (65) 6742 0339 W www.asxban.com e [email protected] PersonMr Desmond KangGeneral Manager

AvistA tech (siNGAPore) Pte LtD

ProfiLeAvista® Technologies Inc. was established in 1999 to develop and distribute water treatment chemicals and provide expert process support for membrane systems including reverse osmosis (RO), microfiltration/ultrafiltration (MF/UF) and multimedia filtration (MMF).Today, we are a globally recognized and trusted supplier in over 100 countries, helping our customers achieve their unique water treatment goals. Our experts determine the most efficient blend of products and services needed to maximize productivity in each step of the treatment process.

111 north bridge road #20-02 Peninsula Plaza singapore 179098 t (65) 9729 4563 W www.avistatech.com

nAture of Activity Water Treatment37

Page 40: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeDesign, manufacture of online water and air analysers.

chief executive officer Mr Fong Kok WeinAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1997stAff strength 12

AWA instruMents Pte LtD

18 howard road #11-07 singapore 369585 t (65) 6748 2022 f (65) 6748 7839 W www.awa-instruments.com e [email protected] PersonMs Denise Ong Director

beWg internAtionALPte LtD

ProfiLeWater Treatment

9 temasek boulevard #37-03b suntec tower two singapore 038989 t (65) 6884 3686 f (65) 6884 3662 e [email protected] PersonMs Josephine Yeo HR & Admin

chief executive officer Mr Luo Xuegeng nAture of Activity Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2013stAff strength 12


Page 41: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

bLAcK & veAtch (seA) Pte Ltd

ProfiLeBlack & Veatch is a global leader in the consulting, engineering, construction and operation in the areas of water, power, oil & gas, telecommunications and Government Services. Founded in 1915, the employee-owned, $3 billion company operates out of over 110 offices worldwide and has completed projects in more than 100 countries.Black & Veatch has been involved in the development of Singapore’s water and used water infrastructure since 1922. The Company has played an important role on dozens of major water and used water projects including the SembCorp NEWater Plant, SingSpring Desalination Plant, Tuas Spring Desalination Plant, Jurong Water Reclamation Plant MBR implementation and Chestnut Avenue Waterworks as well as DTSS Phase 2 Project.

491b river valley road #06-01 valley Pointsingapore 248373 t (65) 6738 4022 f (65) 6738 2717 W www.bv.com e [email protected] PersonMr Tse Yau ShingProject Director

chief executive officer Mr Steve EdwardsnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Regulator & Policy, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water Treatment, Procurement and Programme ManagementyeAr estAbLisheD 1922stAff strength 140

ProfiLeBoerger GmbH, a world’s leading manufacturer of Rotary Lobe Pumps and Macerating Technologies - offices and representations had been established in 70 countries till date, having Boerger Pumps Asia Pte Ltd the Regional Headquarter for Asia Pacific in 1997. With pumping volumes up to 1,000m³/h in 20 pump sizes, Boerger Rotary Lobe Pump provides a wide selection catered for various Industries. Macerating Technologies includes the Multicrusher, Multichopper and Rotorrake, providing efficient chopping operations, ensuring the downstream machines and pumps operate smoothly. Our exclusive Boerger MIP-Design (Maintenance-In-Place) enables easy maintenance at the installation site without dismantling any pipe or drive systems.

chief executive officer Mr Dominik Straetling nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1997stAff strength 13

boergerPuMPs AsiAPte LtD

16 boon Lay Way#01-48 tradehub 21singapore 609965 t (65) 6562 9540 f (65) 6562 9542 W www.boerger.com e [email protected] PersonMr Dominik Straetling Managing Director


Page 42: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeBorouge is a leading provider of innovative, value creating plastics solutions. Its a joint venture between the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), one of the world’s major oil and gas companies, and Austria based Borealis, a leading provider of chemical and innovative plastics solutions. With its base in the United Arab Emirates and Marketing & Sales head office in Singapore, Borouge employs more than 3,000 people representing over 40 nationalities and serves customers in 50 countries across the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Building on the unique Borstar® and Borlink™ technologies and over 50 years of experience in polyolefins, Borouge provides innovative, sustainable and value creating plastics solutions for infrastructure (pipe systems, and power and communication cables), automotive and advanced packaging applications that address global challenges such as climate change, food protection, access to fresh water, energy conservation, healthcare and waste management.

borouge Pte LtD

1 george street#18-01singapore 049145 t (65) 6275 4100 f (65) 6377 1233 W www.borouge.com e [email protected] PersonMr KH Lou Application Marketing Manager

chief executive officer Mr Wim Roels nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1998stAff strength 3000

ProfiLeBSWS is an engineering and manufacturing company for water/wastewater treatment plant and equipment such as brackish water type reverse osmosis, sea water reverse osmosis, demineralization system, waste water recycling using ultrafiltration technology, etcTo date, BSWS has designed and build more than 800 turnkey industrial and municipal water and wastewater treatment plants in 60 countries globally. BSWS has successfully delivered water and wastewater treatment plants for applications including the processing of raw water into portable water, desalination and the production of ultra-pure water for industries such as oil and gas/petrochemicals, power generation, municipal, electronics, semiconductors, chemicals, steel and food and beverage.

bousteAD sALcon WAter soLutions Pte LtD

82 ubi Avenue 4#08-03 edward boustead centre singapore 408832 t (65) 6846 9988 f (65) 6747 8878 W www.bousteadsalcon.com e ravi.subramanian@ bousteadsalcon.comcontAct PersonMr Ravi Subramanian Head of Sales

chief executive officer Mr Michael TeonAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water Treatment, Produced Water Treatment, Electrochlorination, Advanced Oxidation, Intake ScreensyeAr estAbLisheD 1980stAff strength 60


Page 43: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeMarketing and distribution of engineering products and work services for the utilities and infrastructure industries. Our products have been widely accepted in the local and international markets for Water & Wastewater, Marine industries, HVAC Fire protection, Plumbint & Sanitary, Irrigation, Power Plants and general industries.

chief executive officer Mr David TannAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1995stAff strength 10

breen internAtionAL Pte LtD

48 toh guan road east #04-117 enterprise hub singapore 608586 t (65) 6744 3455 f (65) 6745 9366 W www.breenintl.com e [email protected] PersonMr Tan Wee KeeManager

ProfiLeFrom influent to effluent, cooling towers to process water system, Buckman provide chemistries that prevent fouling, promote efficiency and the technologies that make water work better and your plant work smarter. Unique program like Buckman Green Toolbox, EZe Monitor® and Onsite® help company save water and energy, operate more sustainably.

chief executive officer Mr Steve BuckmannAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1991stAff strength 100 - 200

bucKMAn LAborAtories (AsiA) Pte Ltd

33 tuas south street 1 singapore 638038 t (65) 6891 9200 f (65) 6863 4122W www.buckman.com e [email protected] PersonMr Keet Joseph LeeDivision Manager, DWT & PCMs Fitri AgustinaManager, Marketing & CI


Page 44: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeBürkert is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of measurement and control systems for liquids and gases.

chief executive officer Mr Heribert RohrbecknAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & AnalysisyeAr estAbLisheD 1986stAff strength 2600 (Worldwide), 16 (Singapore)

burKert controMAtic singAPore Pte LtD

51 ubi Avenue 1#03-14 Paya ubi industrial Parksingapore 408933 t (65) 6844 2233 f (65) 6844 3532 W www.burkert.com e [email protected] PersonMr Neoh Beng HuatMarketing Manager

ProfiLeCannon Far East in Singapore is a supplier of Polyurethane / Thermoforming technology, boiler, water treatment system, composite machines, aluminium die-casting machines, moulds.Our activities include Sales, technical services and spare parts support of Polyurethane foaming machines and plants for insulation,transportation/automotive, laboratory and other applications, Epoxy Resin infusion system for wind blade.Our parent company in Italy, Cannon Bono Artes, is a specialist company for Industrial Waste Water Treatment, Industrial Process Water Treatment, Desalination and Drinking Water Production, Civil Waste Water Treatment and Water treatment for steam generation.

cAnnon fAr eAst Pte LtD

2 Woodlands sector 1 #03-08 Woodlands spectrum 1 singapore 738068 t (65) 6753 2900 f (65) 6753 2741 W www.cannonfareast.com e [email protected] PersonMr Wong Lee Meng Director

nAture of Activity Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment-Industrial, Water Treatment, Design, Construction, Testing/Commissiong, Mechanical/Electrical, Equipment SupplyyeAr estAbLisheD 2000stAff strength 29


Page 45: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeCeraflo Pte Ltd is an integrated water and wastewater treatment provider that manufactures high quality filtration membrane using the latest in polymeric and ceramic membrane technology.The company principal activities are:• Development and production of proprietary water treatment

polymeric inserts and cartridges and ceramic modules• Integration of the membrane cartridges and modules into skid

mounted or containerised water treatment system including MBR systems.

• Provision of custom design water treatment solutions

nAture of Activity Mr Han Hee JuanyeAr estAbLisheD Manufacturer & Distributor, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2012stAff strength 18

cerAfLoPte LtD

32 Marsiling Lanesingapore 739151 t (65) 6366 0250 f (65) 6366 0255W www.ceraflo.com e [email protected] PersonMr Joseph FooFinance Manager

ch2M hiLL singAPore Pte LtD

150 beach road #34-01/02 gateway Westsingapore 189720 t (65) 6391 0350 f (65) 6299 4739W www.ch2m.com e [email protected] [email protected] contAct PersonMs Eileen ChioBusiness Development and Marketing LeadMs Chan Hui ChngProject Manager

chief executive officer Mr Tan Ngo Chiaw, Mr Subbu KanakasabapathynAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Government, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1996stAff strength 164

ProfiLeCH2M leads the professional services industry delivering sustainable solutions benefiting societal, environmental and economic outcomes with the development of infrastructure and industry. In this way, CH2Mers make a positive difference providing consulting, design, engineering and management services for clients in water; environment and nuclear; transportation; energy and industrial markets, from iconic infrastructure to global programs like the Olympic Games. Ranked among the World’s Most Ethical Companies and top firms in environmental consulting and program management, CH2M in 2016 became the first professional services firm honored with the World Environment Center Gold Medal Award for efforts advancing sustainable development. Connect with CH2M at www.ch2m.com.


Page 46: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeChemline in-depth expertise and vast experience focuses on ACMV, fire pump packages, metallic and non-metallic process pumps. With a vast regional network stretching across the region, Chemline have delivered projects across the commercial & industrial buildings, power generation plants, aircraft hangers, shipping ports, oil & LPG tank farms, petrochemical, pharmaceuticals as well as military installations.

chief executive officer Mr William TaynAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1998

cheMLine ProDucts AsiA Pte LtD

no.2 Pioneer sector 1singapore 628414 t (65) 6861 1540 f (65) 6861 1511 W www.chemline.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Bernard YeoSales Director

chief executive officer Mr Randall ChannnAture of Activity Design/Engineering/EquipmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2006stAff strength 50

ProfiLeSelling of wastewater treatment products; Providing servicing for treatment application.

chiyoDA KohAn (siNGAPore) Pte LtD

blk 1092 Lower Delta road#01-08 singapore 169203 t (65) 6278 6780 f (65) 6278 6779 W www.chiyodakohan.co.jp e [email protected] PersonMr Jeremy LamSales Executive

chief executive officer Mr Jeremy LamnAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2001stAff strength 3


Page 47: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeCITIC Envirotech Ltd is the flagship platform for CITIC Group, China’s largest conglomerate, to develop and strengthen its water and environmental business. CITIC Envirotech is a vertically integrated water solution provider focusing on water treatment engineering, investment and operation; advanced membrane product manufacturing and application.

citic envirotech LtD

10 science Park road #01-01 the Alpha singapore 117684 t (65) 6774 7298 f (65) 6774 8920 W www.citicenvirotech.com e [email protected] PersonMs Lily LienGM CEO Office

chief executive officer Dr Lin YuchengnAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2003stAff strength 1800

ProfiLeClearworld Energy (Singapore) Ltd is an investment holding company making early stage investments – usually at “pre-seed” stage. Areas of interest are energy saving technologies, low-cost desalination, new materials.

cLeArWorLD energy (siNGAPore) Pte LtD

8 cross street #24-03/04 PWc building singapore 48424 t (65) 8726 4300 W www.clearworldenergy.com e mike.ashburn@ clearworldenergy.comcontAct PersonMr Michael AshburnExecutive Director

nAture of Activity Cleantech investoryeAr estAbLisheD 2013stAff strength 1


Page 48: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeCPG Consultants provides the full spectrum of professional design and development consultancy. Our comprehensive range of services include, master planning & urban design, architectural design, green design, transportation & environmental engineering, infrastructure engineering, civil & structural engineering, mechanical & electrical engineering and quantity surveying services. With a heritage that dates back to 1833, CPG development of Singapore’s modern infrastructure. Some of our notable environmental engineering projects include the Changi Water Reclamation Plant and Punggol Serangoon Reservoir Scheme (Singapore), industrial water & wastewater treatment plants (China), Beetham Wastewater recycling project (Trinidad), Caroni water resource study (Trinidad) and Macau water recycling study (Macau).

chief executive officer Mr Khew Sin Khoon nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1999stAff strength 899

cPg consuLtAnts Pte LtD

1 gateway Drive #25-01 Westgate tower singapore 608531 t (65) 6357 4888 f (65) 6357 4188 W www.cpgcorp.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Jan Kamer Senior Vice President

ProfiLeCPP Global Products, founded in Singapore in 1992, has established itself as a trusted end-to-end solutions provider for Gas, Water and Sewage, Industrial and Utilities Thermo Plastic and Engineering Piping installation, representing a repertoire of leading brands and companies like; RADIUS (UK), HYRAM (UK), CALDERVALE (UK), SIMONA AG (Germany), ASV STUBBE (Germany), BECKS (Germany), COES (Italy), VALSIR (Italy), AVK (Denmark), PLASSON Ltd, WASK (UK), ASUNG PLASTICS (Korea) & ANABEED (UAE).

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1992stAff strength 20

cPP gLobAL ProDucts Pte LtD

27 Defu Avenue 2eng soon huat hardware singapore 539526 t (65) 6280 0900 f (65) 6282 3918 W www.cpp.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Robin Liow Director


Page 49: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

DAnfoss inDustries Pte LtD

ProfiLeDanfoss has produced more than 10 million drives over the last 45 years. We are now among the world’s top three low voltage drive producers and are the world’s largest dedicated drive provider. We’re a solid company you can trust to deliver. As the first company to ever produce a dedicated VLT AQUA DRIVE, we have a wealth of know how and experience to share with our customers in the demandinging water and wastewater segments.

25 international Business Park #03-57/58 german center singapore 609916 t (65) 6885 9788 f (65) 6885 9799 W www.danfoss.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Clarence Seah Country Manager

nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1989stAff strength 11

ProfiLeWe specialize in designing, fabricating, assembling, installing and commissioning engineered water purification and wastewater treatment systems. The systems we build for our customers are used to purify and recycle water for industrial applications and to treat industrial wastewater. The systems are customized and configured to meet our customers’ specific applications and needs. We utilize water purification and wastewater treatment technologies to design our EW Systems. We design treatment processes using membrane and ion exchange technologies that are available in the market to develop the most functional, performance-reliable and cost-effective system for our customers through in house fabrication and integration of third-party components. The selection of treatment processes and equipment is determine by the characteristics and composition of the feed water to be treated, the desired composition and quality of the treated solution and the quantity, in terms of volume capacity for the output required.

chief executive officer Mr Thye Kim Meng nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1999stAff strength 400 - 500

DArco WAter technoLogies LtD

123 Woodlands industrial Park e-5 e-terrace singapore 757498 t (65) 6363 3886 f (65) 6362 2355W www.darcowater.com e [email protected] PersonMs Georgiana Ang Business Development Director


Page 50: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ORDINARYmembersDhi WAter & environMent (s) Pte Ltd

ProfiLeOur expertise spans all water environments - from rivers and reservoirs, to oceans and coastlines, to cities and factories.Using our global knowledge, our local teams develop tailor-made solutions and provide specialised services to solve your specific water challenges.• Aquaculture and agriculture• Energy• Climate change• Coast and marine• Surface and groundwater We also support you through our advanced technologies, as well as global training and knowledge-sharing activities. • MIKE Powered by DHI: Advanced technologies for water environments• THE ACADEMY by DHI: Global training and knowledge-sharing activities 1 cleantech Loop

#03-05 cleantech one singapore 637141 t (65) 6777 6330 f (65) 6777 3537 W www.dhigroup.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Sundarri Poobalan Office Manager

chief executive officer Ms Stephanie GroennAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Research & Analytical Lab, Research and Development, Water QualityyeAr estAbLisheD 2003stAff strength 180

• Urban water• Industry• Environment and ecosystems • Product safety and environmental risk

1 bukit batok st.22#01-06singapore 659592 t (65) 6896 3063 f (65) 6898 3583W www.dnrps.com e [email protected] PersonMs Shi HongProject & Sales Coordinator

Dnr Process soLutions Pte LtD

ProfiLeWe provide from SENSOR TO CEO Integration of automation and information technology for complete interoperability. Our industry-specific solutions included:1) Inventory Management for Fats and Oil Industry - POIMS;2) Material Movement and Tracking for Fats and Oil Industry

– POIMS Plus;3) Fuel Movement, Storage and Execution for Petroleum and

Marine Industry – Fuel Track;4) Bulk Solid Inventory Management – 3D Scanner & MultiVision;5) Plant Maintenance Management – MaxPro;6) Remote Monitoring for Enhanced Business Management

– e-Rims.

nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 2002stAff strength 26


Page 51: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeDuvalco is a valves and associated fittings manufacturer with manufacturing facilities in Netherlands and China, and sales offices in Netherlands, UK, China and Singapore. Its products are widely used in Water, Waste-water, Marine offshore, Power-plant cooling water, District-Cooling / HVAC and Industrial pipeline applications. Factories are not only ISO 9000 certified, Duvalco products have type approval for the various industries it serves such as WRAs UK, marine type approval, etc.Duvalco products have been used in many installations and countries since 1956, serving its customers through its wide distributors network with many having local stock to meet short delivery notice.

chief executive officer Mr Eddie Koh nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1990stAff strength 135

DuvALco vALves & fittings Pte LtD

2 Kallang Avenue#05-19 ct hub singapore 339407 t (65) 6265 8128 f (65) 6268 9679 W www.duvalco.net e [email protected] PersonMr Eddie Koh Director

DWth AsiA Pte LtD

ProfiLeWe bring together Danish water companies for the mutual benefit of clients and local partners serving as a technology partner and a centre of information, marketing and sales of Danish water technology for SE Asia.

chief executive officer Mr Patrick SohnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 2014stAff strength 2

1 cleantech Loop#03-05 cleantech one singapore 637141 t (65) 8366 3166 W www.dwth.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Patrick SohBranch Office Manager


Page 52: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ORDINARYmemberseA technoLogy Asst MAnAgeMent Pte LtD

ProfiLeEA Technology are experts in testing, measuring and monitoring the condition of Medium Voltage (MV) power plant. We use the most advanced test techniques on the market today, plus our unrivalled field engineering experience, to: - Deliver accurate reports on the CONDITION of your live MV

plant, with no need for planned outages- Identify and analyse faults BEFORE they develop into costly

unplanned outages- Monitor your CRITICAL PLANT for emerging faults, 24/7- Give you the information and tools you need to make

SMARTER DECISIONS on plant maintenance and replacement, based on its actual condition

- Make your MV plant more reliable, efficient and safer, at LOWER COST

nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor

8 ubi road 2#03-13 zervexsingapore 408538 t (65) 6634 3591 f (65) 6634 3590 W www.eatechnology.sg e [email protected]

10 geylang east Ave 2 #14-04 simsvillesingapore 389758 t (65) 6401 5260 f (65) 6401 3048 W www.ecological-asia.com e [email protected] PersonMr Goh Kwang BengManaging Director

ecoLogicAL AsiA Pte LtD

ProfiLeEcological Asia Pte Ltd is the Asia Pacific headquarter of Ecological Laboratories, which have 37 years of solid experiences in bacteria culture selection, bio-product formulation, as well as manufacturing and technology support for wastewater management through microbial treatment and application.Instead of a limited range of dry-powdered bacteria, Ecological Laboratories’ bacteria comes in a liquid formulation with a broad spectrum of diverse capabilities which allows it to grow as a self-contained ecosystem in any wastewater environment. In fact, ours is the ONLY product in the market which uses two photosynthesis culture.

chief executive officer Mr Goh Kwang BengnAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor


Page 53: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeECOSOFTT - Eco Solutions for Tomorrow Today - is an innovation catalyst that specialises in decentralised and integrated management of water, wastewater and environmental services. Our Water SMART Blue Building and Communities platform enables building owners and inhabitants to:• Reduce water wastage by up to 50%• Recycle up to 80% of wastewater for non-potable reuse• Discharge the remaining 20% to recharge water sources in an

environmentally friendly wayThese technological innovations and tailor-made programmes are ideally suited for: • Integrated Townships • Residential Developments• Schools, Colleges and Training Campuses• Hotels, Resorts and Recreational Facilities• Hospitals, Offices and Commercial Buildings• Rivers and Lakes Conservation

ecosoftt Pte LtD

blk 73 Ayer rajah crescent #03-10singapore 139952 t (65) 6908 5698 W www.ecosoftt.org e [email protected] PersonMr Marcus Lim Co-founder & Managing Director

chief executive officer Mr Stanley Samuel nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water Treatment, Decentralised water managementyeAr estAbLisheD 2012stAff strength 30

ecotex Pte LtD ProfiLeWe offer a wide variety of water and waste water treatment solutions relating to Textile, Tannery, Pulp & Paper, Food & Beverage, Dairy industry, Hospitals, Hotels, Petro-Chemicals, Refinery, Municipal sewage etc. In a nut shell, we provide a ‘Total Environmental Solution’ for water and wastewater treatment.Majority of the products involved in our system are as follows:1.Ecotex Screens; 2.Ecotex Agitators; 3.Ecotex Inclined Plane Settler; 4.Ecotex Diffusers; 5.Ecotex Filter Press; 6.Ecotex Ozonation System; 7.Reverse Osmosis; 8.Electrocoagulation System; 9.Multi Media Filter & Activated Carbon Filter; 10. Clarifiers; 11.Oil Skimmers; 12.Grit Separator; 13.Dissolved air Floatation System; 14.Circular Clarifier, Central and Peripheral Drive; 15.Fixed and Floating Surface Aerator; 16.UV Systems; 17.Micron Filters; 18.Belt Press; 19.Thickeners & Digesters; 20.Dosing Systems; 21.Multi Effect Evaporator System; 22.Crystallization System.

nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2005stAff strength 15

140 Paya Lebar roadAz @ Paya Lebar #05-14/15singapore 409015 t (65) 6897 8123 f (65) 6897 8133 W www.ecotex.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Ravi Vaidya Director


Page 54: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


eLectroMech technoLogies Pte LtD

ProfiLeSystem Integration of Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation Control & Automation (MEICA)• Infrastructure to Water, Wastewater Treatment Plant• Operation and Maintenance of Various Type of Process Plant• Process Automation

7 soon Lee street#02-11 ispacesingapore 627608 t (65) 6561 7601 f (65) 6266 4226 W www.emech.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Fong Kim SengProject Director

ecoWise hoLDings LiMiteD

ProfiLeecoWise’s businesses is focused on 3 main areas, namely resource recovery, renewable energy and also a provider of integrated environmental management solutions. The company operates in 3 main countries Singapore as global HQ, Malaysia and China. In resource recovery, our business activities range from used tyre-re-treading, waste copper slag recycling to processing of wood waste into renewable energy source. The latter is in line with our 2nd key business activity – provider of renewable energy, which involves the construction and operation management of biomass power plants in various regions including Singapore (Gardens by the Bay and Sungei Kadut) and China.17 Kallang Junction

#04-03 singapore 339274 t (65) 6536 2489 f (65) 6536 7672 W www.ecowise.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Tan Jing YuanAssistant Business Development Manager

chief executive officer Mr Lee Thiam SengnAture of Activity Recycling, Resource Recovery and Renewable EnergyyeAr estAbLisheD 2003

nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2008 (Singapore)stAff strength 68


Page 55: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

enDress+hAuser (seA) Pte Ltd

ProfiLeEndress+Hauser is recognized as a leading supplier industrial measurement and automation equipment, providing services and solutions for industrial processes all over the world. We offer comprehensive process solutions for flow, level, pressure, analysis, temperature, recording and digital communications across a wide range of industries, optimizing processes with regards to economic efficiency, safety and environmental protection.

chief executive officer Mr Lim Khay Guan nAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & AnalysisyeAr estAbLisheD 1989stAff strength 80

3A international Business Park #07-08 icon@ibP tower A singapore 609935 t (65) 6566 8222 f (65) 6566 6848 W www.sg.endress.com e [email protected] PersonMr Salbiah Siraj Marketing Communication Executive

8 Admiralty street#06-03 Admiraxsingapore 757438 t (65) 6880 3000 f (65) 6853 5383 W www.envipure.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Vincent Wong CEO

enviPure Pte LtD

ProfiLeWe are an environmental engineering company dedicated to provide our Customers with technological solutions to safeguard the environment and public health, to meet industrial process water needs and to generate renewable energy. Our know-how and proprietary technologies are focused in air and odor pollution control, water and waste-water treatment and generation of climate-friendly renewable energy through mini-hydro, biogas and solar-PV. Our market reputation is not only built on the strong track-record of proven operational plants delivered on a turnkey basis, but also reinforced through our people who are highly committed to listen and to service our customers.

chief executive officer Mr Vincent Wong nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1979stAff strength 260


Page 56: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ORDINARYmembersevoQuA WAter technoLogies Pte LtD

ProfiLeEvoqua Water Technologies a leader in water and wastewater treatment products, systems and services for industrial and municipal customers. Its comprehensive, cost-effective and reliable treatment systems and services add value for customers, ensure uninterrupted quantity and quality of water, and enable environmental regulatory compliance. With a wide range of treatment technologies, mobile emergency water supply solutions and service contract options. Evoqua helps cities provide clean water and industrial plant to maintain productivity and profitability.

chief executive officer Ms Deepak Mehta nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Research & Analytical Lab, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2004stAff strength 146

60 Macpherson road#07-08 the siemens centre blk 1 singapore 348615 t (65) 6830 7100 f (65) 6830 7101 W www.evoqua.com e [email protected] PersonMs Shirley Ong Administrator

exion AsiA Pte LtD

ProfiLeExion Asia Pte Ltd is a flow control solutions provider under the Pon Asia group. We are a total solution provider in flow control distribution, servicing and engineering field. We pride ourselves as flow control specialist with our diversified approach supplying specialty-engineered products including (i) Valves (ii) Rotating equipment and (iii) Instrument with equal emphasis on repair service capabilities. Exion Asia serves a diverse range of industries, such as oil and gas, chemical, palm oil refining, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, marine & offshore, power station and semi-conductors industry.

chief executive officer Mr Thiang Shiang HiangnAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2001stAff strength 115

8 Pioneer Walk singapore 627635 t (65) 6896 2627 f (65) 6896 2755 W www.exionasia.com e [email protected] PersonMr Eugene YapRotating Sales Manager


Page 57: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

f.A.s.t. eLectroMech Pte LtD

ProfiLeF.A.S.T. Electromech core business is in the engineering, supply and service of electrical bus duct system, explosion-proof equipment and audio & visual alarm device.We are able to provide customers with Sustainable Busduct Solutions. And, extending sustainability to customers’ existing busduct system with our capability to customize busduct parts and tap-off units to suit any busduct make which is no longer available in the market.Our expertise in busduct solution is derived from the wealth of knowledge accumulated over more than 25 years and across a broad industry application from high-rise building to plant and to oil & gas platform.

chief executive officer Mr K.T. Ng nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1989stAff strength 8

blk 2 bukit batok street 24 #06-10 skytechsingapore 659480 t (65) 6441 6881 f (65) 6441 6882 W www.fastelec.com.sg e [email protected] [email protected] PersonMs Candy Tan Operation

75 tech Park crescent singapore 638070 t (65) 6862 2888 f (65) 6863 3777 W www.trafomaterials.com.sg e Info.trafomaterials.sg

fAxoLif inDustries Pte LtD

ProfiLePrincipal activities are the supply of materials for the transformers manufacturing industries, such as insulating pressboards and papers, corkrubber gasket, transformer fans, Siemens PLC, etc.Manufacturing activities are paper slitting, production of insulation crepe tube. Since the beginning of 2012, established an Insulation Kit Center for the manufacturing of insulation components to support both the Distribution and Power Transformers OEMs.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1993stAff strength 70


Page 58: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


nAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis

feng yuAn environMentAL technoLogy Pte LtD

block 20 Woodlands Link #05-40 Woodlands east industrial estate singapore 738733 t (65) 6752 8062 f (65) 6752 0165 contAct PersonMs Shu Li Fen General Manager

fiDA internAtionAL (s) Pte Ltd

ProfiLeFida International (S) Pte Ltd has been a provider of technologically innovative and user-friendly products of “”PROLINK”” since 1991. With more than a decade of professional experience in the info-communications sector, PROLINK® specializes in a wide range of products of Data Communication, Networking, Wireless, Display, Backup UPS and Accessories providing effortless solutions for both wired and wireless networks.Our quest for continuous improvement and quality assurance to the customer has earned us the ISO 9001 quality certification since 1999. And we will continue this tradition to provide our customers with quality and affordable products.

chief executive officer Mr Huang Li YunAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1991stAff strength 25

blk 16 Kallang Place #06-02singapore 339156 t (65) 6357 0668 f (65) 6357 0669 W www.prolink2u.com e [email protected] PersonMr Huang Li YuManaging Director

ProfiLeWe are the entrepreneurs from Yixing, Jiangsu Province, the hometown of environmental protection industry in China. We have been developing and manufacturing of water treatment processors for many years. We chose Singapore as our entry point into the market of water processing technology and products for the following reasons: - Singapore is the global leader in the area of water processing

technology and water management. - Singapore is an island with a small land area. Through the many

years of nation development, Singapore has given much priority to the environmental protection and water issues.


Page 59: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

60 Kaki bukit Place#07-06 eunos techpark 2 singapore 415979 t (65) 6452 6340 f (65) 6734 1878 W www.fine-tek.com e [email protected] PersonMs Priscilla Chong Administrator

fineteK Pte LtD ProfiLeFineTek group was established in 1979, the head quarter is in Taiwan and owns several overseas subsidiary in order to serve our global customers. We use own brand “FineTek” for the global market sales, over 60% customize order in our production line and all of the R&D development are our own technology. Now, Finetek is a leading manufacturer for Process Automation Level Measurement Solution, Flow Meter, Wireless Communication Technology and Automation Control System.

chief executive officer Mr Wu Ting KuonAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Research and DevelopmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1997stAff strength 5

ProfiLeExperienced in serving organizations in diverse industries, our focus has been in waste-water effluent treatment. Our solutions have not only helped our customers’ bottom lines, they have opened up new markets for them. In today’s ultra competitive markets, enterprises from emerging markets have to show that they are capable of meeting global standards. These standards include effective production cost management, technology, and now, Eco responsibility. For the MNCs, the presence of Flagship Ecosystems and our proprietary solutions like the Trident™ Water Solutions is a mark of quality assurance. Conventional treatments cannot meet all the discharge criteria of the textile manufacturer’s customers. Flagship Ecosystem solutions and waste-water strategy of Staged Contaminant Removal (SCR) Process can ensure that the manufacturer is fully compliant and meets ALL pollutant criteria for a specific waste stream. We have case studies, customer references and independent environmental impact studies on the effectiveness of our solutions.

chief executive officer Mr Theron MadhavannAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water ReuseyeAr estAbLisheD 2005stAff strength 30

fLAgshiP ecosysteMs Pte LtD

76 Playfair road#02-02 LhK 2 building singapore 367996 t (65) 6325 1860 f (65) 6325 1851 W www.ecoflag.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Liow Yaw VweeManager


Page 60: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ORDINARYmembersfLexi systeMs (siNGAPore) Pte LtD

ProfiLeProvision of waste water treatment and water monitoring solutions.

chief executive officer Mr Yeo Chor SengnAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2005stAff strength 25

160 Woodlands industrial Park e5 singapore 757867 t (65) 6368 5177 f (65) 6368 5171 W www.flexisystems.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMs April YangBusiness Development

ProfiLeFLEXIM considers itself not only a manufacturer of measurement instruments, but also a provider of technical and consulting services. FLEXIM’s focus and dedication is directed towards providing the highest quality equipment with the best support and service possible. These services include on-site measurements, laboratory analysis, project handling, training, commissioning, instrument rentals and consulting services.

chief executive officer Mr Gilbet BoonnAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & DistributorstAff strength 12

fLexiM instruMents AsiA Pte LtD

10 toh guan road #06-01singapore 608838 t (65) 6794 5325 f (65) 6862 2836 W www.flexim.com e [email protected]


Page 61: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

fLotech controLs Pte LtD

ProfiLeFlotech Controls is committed to continuously provide products, systems and services with best quality and value according to customers’ requirements in the field of industrial measurements, skid based water treatment and disinfection systems, water quality analysis system, controls systems and SCADA in Singapore and the region.

chief executive officer Mr Yap Teck HuatnAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Water Authority, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1981stAff strength 32

438 tagore industrial Avenue singapore 787814 t (65) 6553 0366 f (65) 6553 0828 W www.flotech.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Chee Wan LimWater/Wastewater Solution Manager

fLoteQ singAPore Pte LtD

ProfiLeSales and marketing of Floteq centrifugal pumps and accessories.

chief executive officer Mr Jerry Tan Kim LeongnAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2014 stAff strength 20

32 Ang Mo Kio industrial Park 2 #03-07 sing industrial complex singapore 569510 t (65) 6483 3932 f (65) 6483 3932 W www.floteq.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Ho Chee HwangMarketing Director


Page 62: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


7 Keppel road#02-27 tanjong Pagar complex singapore 089053 t (65) 6748 4668f (65) 6748 3119 W www.fongintl.com e [email protected] PersonMs Yew Su SanAdministration

fong consuLt Pte LtD

ProfiLeConsulting Civil & Structural Engineers Accredited.

chief executive officer Mr Lim Swee KongnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1981

ProfiLeFranklin Electric has grown from a small motor manufacturing company into a leading global provider of systems and components for moving water and fuel. Named after America’s pioneer electrical engineer, Benjamin Franklin, we continue to follow the core of our founders’ strategy by continuously improving our products and processes to deliver valuable and innovative solutions that better serve our customers’ needs.

frAnKLin eLectric (seA) Pte LtD

17 changi business Park central 1 #06-05 honeywell building singapore 486073 t (65) 6789 6865 f (65) 6789 0155 W www.franklin-electric.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr A J WagnerManaging Director


Page 63: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeWe offer the broadest portfolio of products and services in the industry, and align the best people with the most advanced technology, products and services to solve any water or process challenge our customer may have. Our chemicals are designed to protect equipment against damage, such as corrosion, increase plant reliability and promote water savings and recycling. It is ultimately a services business as our customers demand expertise that will assure improvements. Our filtration technologies are used to clean and purify water for a variety of industrial and municipal applications.

chief executive officer Mr Heiner Markhoff nAture of ActivityConsultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Research & Analytical Lab, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1977stAff strength 120

ge betz singAPorePte LtD

10 tanjong Penjuru crescent singapore 608973 t (65) 6267 4651 f (65) 6264 0763 W www.gewater.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Neil Hu Regional Sales Manager

ProfiLeThe principal activities of the company and its subsidiaries are those relating to the sale, servicing, fabrication, assembly and testing of separator machines and spare parts for South East Asia region.

chief executive officer Mr Nicolas GrothnAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1979stAff strength 33

geA WestfALiA sePArAtor (s.e.A.) Pte Ltd

15 tai seng Drive#01-02 Axis industrial centre singapore 535220 t (65) 6283 6834 f (65) 6283 2349 W www.westfalia-separator.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Siah Meng TongCountry Manager


Page 64: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeGEMU Manufacturing valves in both plastic & metal on diaphragm valves, solenoid valves, butterfly valves and measuring equipment used in water, waste water, chemical dosing skids, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, solar, NEWater & desalination industries.

chief executive officer Mr Patrick Chua nAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1995stAff strength 16

geMu vALves Pte LtD

25 international Business Park #03-73/75 german centresingapore 609916 t (65) 6562 7640 f (65) 6562 7649 W www.gemu-group.com e [email protected] PersonMr Patrick Chua Managing Director

11 tampines street 92 #04-01/07 singapore 528872 t (65) 6747 0611 f (65) 6747 0577 W www.gfps.com/sg e [email protected] PersonMr Bruno MeierHead of Business Unit AsiaManager

george fischer Pte LtD

ProfiLeGF Piping Systems is a leading provider of plastic piping systems with global market presence. The product portfolio includes pipes, fittings, valves and the corresponding automation and jointing technology for industry, building technology as well as water and gas utilities. With its intelligent complete systems, trendsetting products and technologies, GF Piping Systems is setting global standards in quality and performance. In project planning and implementation, GF Piping Systems convinces by application orientation and by responding to individual customer needs. Its product line includes fittings, valves, pipes, automation and jointing technology and covers all water cycle applications.

nAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1994stAff strength 28


Page 65: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeGlobal ECOCARB Pvt Ltd, is a subsidiary of Filtrex Holdings, Singapore, a leading manufacture of Carbon and Filtration Media for purification of drinking water industry. Subsidiary company, Filtrex Technologies Pvt Ltd, India is a Asia’s largest Carbon block manufacturer.The company is located in a 20 acres land in the Coconut growing region of Tiptur, Karnataka State, South India. This region produces 60% of India’s coconuts cobras and these abundant supply of shells are of exceptional quality.ECOCARB, is the first of its kind , a coconut shell based activated carbon with Reduced Green House Emission, having the entire operation which consists of charring the shells in the reactors and steam activation in the rotary kilns all located in one location. The company is in the process of registering this operation as a CDM project under UN Kyoto Treaty for Climate Control.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor

gLobAL ecocArbPvt LtD

36 selegie road#04-07 Parklane Mall singapore 188307 t (65) 6443 8977 f (65) 6443 4146 W eco-carb.com e [email protected]

15A tuas Ave 18#03-01singapore 638905 t (65) 6286 9555 f (65) 6281 9555 W www.glynwedasia.com e [email protected] PersonMs Bonnie NgSales and Marketing Manager

gLynWeD PiPe systeMs AsiA PAcific Pte LtD

ProfiLeWe are a global leader in the manufacturing and distribution of fluid handling solutions. Our extensive plastic pipes and fittings offering finds its way into buildings, infrastructure and industrial applications all over the world. With a global workforce of more than 16,200 employees, our flexibility means we provide both standard and tailored solutions that match the needs of our customers and end-users perfectly.

chief executive officer Mr Ooi Sim Mun nAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1994stAff strength 45


Page 66: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeGPA ENGINEERING PTE LTD is the manufacturer of POMPE GPA and distributor of VARISCO PUMPS, SAER ELECTTROPOMPE and AFFETTI PUMPS. We provide sales & after sales services for all our pumps throughout Singapore and Asia Pacific Region.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2009stAff strength 15

gPA engineering corPorAtion Pte LtD

20 Woodlands Link #02-30singapore 738733 t (65) 6265 2282 f (65) 6265 2292 W pompegpa.com e [email protected] PersonMr Alex Kok Weng Keong Managing Director

25 Jalan tukang singapore 619264 t (65) 6681 9688 f (65) 6681 9689 W sg.grundfos.com e [email protected] PersonMs Eugenia Tan Marketing Executive

grunDfos (siNGAPore) Pte LtD

ProfiLeWith an annual production of more than 16 million pump units. Grundfos is one of the world’s leading pump manufacturers. Circulator pumps for heating and air-conditioning and other centrifugal pumps for industry, water supply, wastewater and dosing are the major products.

chief executive officer Mr Andy Tan nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Authority, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1984


Page 67: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLe• Purpose built polymeric and ceramic MF and UF systems ,

MBR, BWRO & SWRO systems and containerized skids. • 8 & 16 inch BWRO and SWRO skids. • Specialist BOO/T operator

chief executive officer Mr Rickard HogbergnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2002stAff strength 10

gt nuWAter singAPore Pte LtD

30 zion road singapore 247769 t (65) 6558 6080 f (65) 6226 0782 W www.nuwaterglobal.com e [email protected] PersonMr Eu Hong Gay Director

ProfiLeHanna Instruments is the largest independent manufacturer of electrochemistry products in the world. These products include meters for the measurement of pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, temperature, humidity, colorimeters, titration system and a host of specific ions measurement capabilities. As an innovator with many firsts, including the first microprocessor-based handheld pH meter, we believe in controlling the quality of our products from inception to delivery. To ensure the highest quality we remain a vertically integrated manufacturer by not subcontracting any part of the manufacturing process. All products are in compliance with CE directives and all production facilities are ISO 9001 certified.

chief executive officer Mr Martino Nardo (In USA)nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Educational Institution, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Research & Analytical Lab, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1986stAff strength 10

hAnnA instruMents (s) Pte Ltd

161 Kallang Way #07-12/14singapore 349247 t (65) 6296 7118 f (65) 6291 6906 W www.hannasingapore.com e [email protected] PersonMr Henry LamSales Division Manager


Page 68: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


40 changi south street 1 singapore 486764 t (65) 6746 1688 / (65) 6588 2033 f (65) 6747 8224 / (65) 6588 2022 W www.hitachi-aqt.com e [email protected] [email protected]

hitAchi AquA-tech engineering Pte LtD

ProfiLeHitachi Aqua-Tech has built a strong reputation as a specialist in water solutions provider. With almost four decades of experience in water treatment, the company provides a comprehensive solution to solve a broad spectrum of water problems by incorporating the latest technologies and techniques known.Other than providing water solution, Hitachi Aqua-Tech also has a reputation of design innovation and creative engineering in the areas of pools, fountains, water theme parks, irrigation systems and water features.Hitachi Aqua-Tech provides complete EPCM (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Maintenance) services to our clients and aims to provide a one-stop solutions for resorts, hotels, residential & commercial facilities and municipalities developers.

28 tuas crescent singapore 638719 t (65) 6897 8082 f (65) 6897 8081 W www.hiapseng.com e [email protected] PersonMr Paul LimGeneral Manager

hiAP seng engineering LtD

ProfiLeHIAP SENG is well positioned to undertake EPC projects for the oil & gas, petrochemical & chemical, power & utilities and pharmaceutical industries in Singapore and the region.HIAP SENG has a team of engineers trained and experienced in engineering, procurement & construction of:1. Storage Tanks and Terminals2. Pressure Vessels3. Process Piping and Pipe Rack Modules4. Structural Steel5. FPSO Topside Modules6. Compression Modules7. Process Modules8. Natural Gas Metering & Offtake Facilities

nAture of Activity Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1950stAff strength 400


Page 69: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeHi-Tech (AEM) Pte Ltd is Singapore’s leading premier supplier for water coolers, instant boilers and water dispensers. To serve our customers better, we are committed to provide quality integrated services – we supply, maintain and repair all brands and range of water coolers, boilers, dispensers and other related parts. We carry premier brands such as Espero, Hy-Q Aqua, Clover, Ruhens and Hyflux Lifestyle products.

chief executive officer Mr Teh Poh Chai nAture of Activity Water QualityyeAr estAbLisheD 1982stAff strength 20

hi-tech (AeM) Pte LtD

53 ubi Avenue 1 #03-42 Paya ubi industrial Park singapore 408934 t (65) 6749 3003 f (65) 6742 3003 W www.hitechaem.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Jessica Ng Manager

3 changi business Park vista #01-01 Akzonobel house singapore 486051 t (65) 6745 8300 f (65) 6745 8155 W www.horiba.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Kenny TanAssistant Sales Manager

horibA instruMents (siNGAPore) Pte LtD

ProfiLeHORIBA provides environmental monitoring and water analysis instruments that are accurate, extremely reliable and easy to operate, which are widely used in variety of applications and manufacturing processes such as utilities, chemical process, food & beverage, pharmaceutical, power, oil refinery, pulp & paper industries. Measurements include pH, MLSS, Turbidity, COD, etc.

chief executive officer Mr Tatsuo Komatsu nAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1953stAff strength 5500


Page 70: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


42D Penjuru road hsL Waterfront@Penjurusingapore 609162 t (65) 6898 5225 f (65) 6898 5156 W www.hsl.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Chris LimSenior Director, Operations

hsL constructor Pte LtD

ProfiLeWater related works such as projects on desalination and waste water treatment plant.

chief executive officer Mr Charles QueknAture of Activity Research and Development, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1994stAff strength 810

ProfiLeMarketing for industrial Machinery for Wastewater and Sludge Treatment.

chief executive officer Mr Ooi Hsien Li nAture of Activity Wastewater TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2002stAff strength 8

huber technoLogy AsiA PAcific Pte LtD

1 scotts road #19-10 shaw centresingapore 228208 t (65) 6238 2431 f (65) 6235 7602 W www.huber-technology.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Sharon Neo Admin Manager


Page 71: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

hyflux innovation centre 80 bendemeer roadsingapore 339949 t (65) 6214 0777 f (65) 6214 1211 W www.hyflux.com e [email protected] PersonMs Bertha CheungHead, Corporate Communications & Consumer Marketing

hyfLux LtD ProfiLeAs a global leader in sustainable solutions, focusing on the areas of water and energy, Hyflux is committed to providing cost-effective and innovative solutions that contribute to resource optimisation and sustainable growth for communities and industries. A specialist in water treatment, Hyflux is distinctive in its ability to address the challenges at every point of the entire water value chain.Hyflux has recently entered the wellness and bottled water industry with the introduction of the ELO brand and acquisition of 50% equity interest of PT Oasis Waters International, further expanding its consumer market portfolio.

chief executive officer Ms Olivia Lum nAture of Activity Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water Treatment, Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Operations and MaintenanceyeAr estAbLisheD 1989stAff strength 2500

ProfiLeWe manufacture water and wastewater Treatment chemicals as well as design, built and transfer water and wastewater treatment plants. Our chemicals include boiler water treatment chemicals, cooling water treatment chemicals and wastewater treatment chemicals. Other products include ion exchange resin, activated carbon, filter media, iron removal media, etc.

chief executive officer Mr Lee Tiong Do nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2006stAff strength 60

i-cheM soLution Pte LtD

26 eng hoon streetsingapore 169776 t (65) 8265 6895 f +603 8062 1686 W www.i-chemsolution.com e [email protected] PersonMr Chan Boon ChewGeneral Manager Sales & Technical 69

Page 72: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


52 tuas Avenue 9 singapore 639193 t (65) 6210 2715 f (65) 6861 6919 W www.ievs.co e [email protected] PersonMr Ivan PehCommercial Manager

ichinose eMico VALVes (s) Pte LtD

ProfiLeFoundry, Manufacturer & DistributorBrand: EMICO, INS & ESPEROCertification: API6D, 6FA, BS, DIN, AWWA, DNN, ABSValves:• Ball (Floating, Trunnion)• Globe, Gate, Cheek, Butterfly• Plug/Nozzles Check• Penstock/Slide Gates/Stop Logs

chief executive officer Mr Michael KohnAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2013stAff strength 3

ProfiLeWe provide complete range of waste and waste water technologies, products and services. Integrating our incisive strength in process technology, design, engineering and project management capability, we take end to end responsibility to address each customer’s needs specifically and totally. Planning, integrating and managing water on supply, quantity, quality, discharge and environmental fronts.Our expertise spans over five decades with installation worldwide in diverse industries including core sectors- power, refinery, petrochemical, communities and homes.

chief executive officer Mr Yogesh Purandare nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water ReuseyeAr estAbLisheD 2003stAff strength 10

ion exchAnge AsiA PAcific Pte LtD

10 Anson road#33-17 international Plaza singapore 079903 t (65) 6673 4361 / (65) 8157 9367 f (65) 6225 6130 W www.ionindia.com e [email protected] [email protected] PersonMr Anil Manocha Executive Director70

Page 73: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

14 robinson road #08-01A far east finance building singapore 048545 t (65) 9688 8259 W www.ionixinstruments.com e [email protected] PersonMr Raymond ChuaDirector

ionix instruMents Pte LtD

ProfiLeIonix Instruments is a company founded by pioneers in the analytical instruments industry to specifically meet the growing demands of the Asia Pacific customers.Ionix Instruments range of products measure parameters in water quality, like pH, conductivity, ORP, TDS, Salinity, Turbidity and Dissolved Oxygen. Our mission is to develop and distribute innovative and high quality products which provide great value for money to the discerning user.

chief executive officer Mr Raymond ChuanAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Water QualityyeAr estAbLisheD 2015stAff strength 10

1004 toa Payoh north #03-10singapore 318995 t (65) 6748 8123 f (65) 6748 2668 W www.iwow.com.sg e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Ashokan Ramakrishnan Director, Smart Metering

iWoW technoLogy Pte LtD

ProfiLeiWOW Stands for Inspiring The World of Wireless. We are an IoT technology provider that aspires to help businesses make wiser choices in how they use water and electricity. Our battery-powered & wireless design of our smart metering solution maximizes ease of installation, reliability and scalability, making it ideal for smart water customers!

chief executive officer Mr Raymond BonAture of Activity Smart Metering Solution ProvideryeAr estAbLisheD 1999stAff strength 30


Page 74: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ORDINARYmembersJohn hoLLAnD Pty LtD (siNGAPore BrANch)

200 newton road#05-01 newton 200singapore 307983 t (65) 6357 9700 W www.johnholland.com e [email protected] [email protected] PersonMr John AndersonRegional General Manager, South East AsiaMr Mal Shepherd Industry General Manager Utilities

ProfiLeJohn Holland is a diversified engineering, contracting and service provider of sustainable and award winning solutions to the global water and wastewater sector. Our specialist teams ensure that every aspect of our service delivery is focused on achieving outcomes which meet the needs of our customers, from robust planning, to integrated designs, cost effective procurement, fast-track construction and seamless transition to operations. Safety, no environmental harm and innovation is at the core of all that we do. Backed by CCCC we offer a total service solution, participating in project origination, development, to design, build, finance, operate and maintain.

chief executive officer Mr Joe BarrnAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1949stAff strength 2700

ProfiLeKeppel Infrastructure, through its environmental infrastructure division led by Keppel Seghers and its subsidiaries, offers a broad portfolio of comprehensive environmental solutions, and its scope of activities includes design, engineering, construction, operations and maintenance of plants and facilities as well as investments in large environmental projects in the water, wastewater and waste-to-energy sector.The company addresses a wide spectrum of environmental issues such as solid waste, wastewater, drinking & process water. With a strong track record of successful projects completed in Europe, North and South America, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East, Keppel Seghers is well-positioned to meet the challenges of protecting the environment and enriching the lives of communities in a cleaner world, both now and in the future.

KePPeL infrAstructure hoLDingsPte LtD

1 harbourfront Ave#05-05 Keppel bay tower singapore 098632 t (65) 6277 0600 f (65) 6278 1800 W www.kepinfra.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Goh Eng KwangGeneral Manager, Project Development (Environmental Infrastructure)

chief executive officer Dr Ong Tiong Guan nAture of Activity Water Treatment, Waste-to-energy, power generation, natural gas, utility services, operations and maintenance of infrastructural assets, district heating and coolingstAff strength 443 (Singapore only)


Page 75: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeDesign, fabrication, installation and testing & commissioning for mechanical system, cleanroom and process piping works.

chief executive officer Mr Chooi Choon KeetnAture of Activity Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 2000stAff strength 350

Kinetics Process systeMs Pte LtD

1 clementi Loop#02-01/02singapore 129808 t (65) 6349 1000 f (65) 6349 1001 W www.kinetics.net e [email protected] PersonMr Koh Meng KwangOperation Manager

ProfiLeListed on the Main Board of the SGX-ST in August 1994, Koh Brothers Group Limited is a well-established construction, property development and specialist engineering solutions provider, which was started as a sole proprietorship in 1966 by Mr Koh Tiat Meng. Today, the Group has more than 40 subsidiaries, joint venture companies and associated companies spread over Singapore, PRC, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The Group has undertaken many construction and infrastructure projects with its A1 grading under the contractors’ registration which allows it to tender for public sector construction projects of unlimited value. In addition, the Group has developed a name for itself as a niche real developer with an established reputation for quality and innovation. The Group has 3 cores of businesses comprising of construction and building materials; real estate; and leisure and hospitality. Under construction, the Group has a SGX Catalist-listed Koh Brothers Eco Engineering Limited which is a sustainable engineering solutions group that provides engineering, procurement and construction services for water and wastewater treatment, hydro-engineering, bio-refinery and bio-energy projects.

chief executive officer Mr Francis Koh nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water Treatment, Contractor, Construction, Developer, Building Materials, Leisure & HospitalityyeAr estAbLisheD 1966stAff strength 1100

Koh brothers buiLDing & civiL engrg contrActor (P) Ltd

11 Lorong Pendek #07-00 Koh brothers building singapore 348639 t (65) 6289 8889 f (65) 6841 5100 W www.kohbrothers.com e [email protected] PersonMr David TayGroup PR Manager / Senior Manager (Executive chairman’s office)


Page 76: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeKoh Brothers Eco Engineering Limited, KB Eco is a public limited company incorporated in Singapore and was listed on the Catalist Board of the SGX-ST on 27 February 2006. KB Eco and its subsidiaries are a sustainable engineering solutions group that provides building and civil engineering construction and infrastructure works; engineering, procurement and construction services for the water and wastewater treatment and hydro-engineering sectors; and design, build and installation services for the bio-refinery and bio-energy sectors.

Koh brothers eco engineering LiMiteD

11 Lorong Pendek #07-00 Koh brothers building singapore 348639 t (65) 6845 7204 f (65) 6443 2487 W www.kohbrotherseco.com e [email protected] PersonMr David TayGroup PR Manager

chief executive officer Mr Shin Yong Seub, PaulnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water Treatment, Hydro-engineering, Bio-Refinery Engineering Bio-Energy Engineering yeAr estAbLisheD 1975stAff strength 800

ProfiLeWe are a small investment company which was started in the year 2015 by a close knit circle who shared a common interest to contribute in ways to improvehuman life. We are here to devise ways to benefit the humankind. We deal in developing softwares, applications and products which can help the humankind in any way possible. Our aim is to provide solutions to your problems at an affordable price and within reasonable means. We share the vision to help others grow and live a hassle free life. If right solution at the right cost is what you are looking for then L2O fits the bill just fine. With us explore new ways to learn, prosper and grow as a business and an individual.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2015

L2o exPeDitions Pte LtD

59 ubi Avenue 1#07-08 bizlink centre singapore 408938 t (65) 6742 1789 f (65) 6742 1779W www.l2o.sg e [email protected]


Page 77: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

no.1 Magazine road #05-01 central Mallsingapore 059567 t (65) 6222 3888 f (65) 6224 7089W www.arcadis.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Sunny T.K. SIMDirector

LAngDon & seAh singAPore Pte LtD, An ArcADis coMPAny

ProfiLeArcadis is the leading global Design & Consultancy firm for natural and built assets. Applying our deep market sector insights and collective design, consultancy, engineering, project and management services we work in partnership with our clients to deliver exceptional and sustainable outcomes throughout the lifecycle of their natural and built assets. We are 27,000 people active in over 70 countries that generate €3.4 billion in revenues. Arcadis. Improving quality of life.

chief executive officer Mr Tim Risbridger (Executive Director & Country Head, Singapore)nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1995stAff strength 320

ProfiLeTo oversee its vast distribution networks, Lautan Luas, is headquartered in Jakarta, operates five branches and seven representative offices located in major cities throughout the Indonesian archipelago. A regional office in Singapore overlooks the Company’s activities in China, Thailand, and Vietnam. Lautan Luas currently has a stake in seventeen manufacturing facilities in Indonesia, two in China, and a water treatment chemical manufacturing plant in Vietnam. The Lautan Luas support & services business is comprised of five entities providing laboratory services, supply chain, information technology, and water treatment solutions to provide value-added services to customers.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Research & Analytical LabyeAr estAbLisheD 1951

LAutAn LuAs singAPore Pte LtD

75 bukit timah road#05-14 boon Liew building singapore 229833 t (65) 6883 1173 f (65) 6883 0504W www.lautan-luas.com e [email protected]


Page 78: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


no.3 sungei Kadut Drive Kranji industrial estate singapore 729556 t (65) 6757 0900 f (65) 6757 0100 W www.leychoon.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Foo Siew Kuan Assistant Administrative Manager

Ley choon constructions & engineering Pte LtD

ProfiLeLey Choon Constructions & Engineering Pte Ltd is an established and one of the largest one-stop Underground Utilities Infrastructure companies based in Singapore. Our Core Businesses:• Underground Utilities Infrastructure Construction and

Maintenance• Sewer Pipeline Rehabilitation• Road and Airfield Construction and Maintenance• Asphalt Premix Production• Construction Waste Recycling.

chief executive officer Mr Toh Choo Huat nAture of Activity Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1990stAff strength 400

69e tuas south Ave 1 seatown industrial centre singapore 637498 t (65) 6397 0615/(65) 6465 6672 f (65) 6465 6673 W www.marineaid.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMs Sarah WongDirector

MArineAiD AnD engineering Pte LtD

ProfiLe• Exclusive Distributor for GRINDEX Electrical Submersible Pumps

(ESP), a premium product from Sweden• Provides total ESP solution encompassing consultancy, sales,

rental, service and repair• Expertise in Electrical Engineering Works - Design, Repair and

Fabrication of control panels/motor

chief executive officer Mr Ting WTnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Total Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) solution provider for water removal/transfer in tough/demanding industriesyeAr estAbLisheD 1997stAff strength 120


Page 79: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeMat Hydro is an internationally established mechanical components supplier for small hydro power station, based in Singapore. We have established manufacturing facilities in China, global network of local offices in India and Peru through which we truly provide a worldwide service.Our goal is to provide the highest quality mechanical components such as turbine and valve, after sales service and technical support at the best price.

chief executive officer Ms Michelle WongnAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor yeAr estAbLisheD 2015

MAt hyDro internAtionAL Pte LtD

140 Paya Lebar road #10-24 Az@Paya Lebar singapore 409015 t (65) 6384 4018 f (65) 6384 4015 W www.mathydro.com e [email protected]

8 Kaki bukit #06-19 Premier@Kaki bukitsingapore 415875 t (65) 6462 0362 f (65) 6466 0205W www.mc-bauchemie.sg e [email protected] PersonMs Sophie Su Marketing/Admin Executive

Mc-BAucheMie singAPore Pte LtD

ProfiLeMC-Bauchemie Singapore Pte Ltd is one of the leading independent manufacturers of building chemical products established in Germany since 1961. Its largest plant is situated in Bottrop, Germany, and is home to management, production, and R&D. Subsidiaries and sister companies with their own production sites are located across Europe and overseas. MC-Bauchemie has been active in Asia for more than 40 years. Our success is not only based on the high quality of our products and technologies, but is in particular founded on the extensive range of services that we offer our partners. Solutions tailored to solve specific problems, can only be developed in close and direct dialogue with planners, operators and applicators.

chief executive officer Mr Desmond NgnAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1998stAff strength 14


Page 80: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeManufacturer and distributor of Mecc Alte alternators and Deep Sea control modules. We provide sales and after-sales support to the South East Asia region for our products.

chief executive officer Mr Jim LeongnAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1995stAff strength 9

Mecc ALte (F.e.) Pte LtD

19 Kian tech Drivesingapore 628836 t (65) 6265 7122 f (65) 6265 3991W www.meccalte.com e [email protected] PersonMr Meyer YangSales Manager

5 Jalan Pesawat singapore 619363 t (65) 6477 6825 f (65) 6264 4292 W www.meidensg.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Kimura Takuya Managing Director

MeiDen singAPorePte LtD

ProfiLeSince its establishment in 1975 by Meidensha Corporation of Japan, Meiden Singapore has an enduring reputation as a technological powerhouse in the local and regional power transmission & distribution industry. It is the only power technology company in this region to span the entire value chain of R&D, design, manufacture, sales as well as engineering, tests, laboratory and maintenance services. To embrace an increasingly environmentally-aware era, Meiden is leveraging on its technological base to diversify into water treatment solutions, smart grid, pure electric motors and several other eco-age technologies.

chief executive officer Mr Ko Yamamoto nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Water Reuse, Water Treatment, Wastewater TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1975stAff strength 350


Page 81: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeMeinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd is an integral part of Meinhardt International Group. The group principally provides multi-disciplinary integrated engineering services under one roof in the areas of Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic, Land and Air Transportation, Marine, Infrastructure and related engineering disciplines. The group also provides principal consultancy, project management and planning services related to engineering projects.

chief executive officer Mr Omar Shahzad nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1955stAff strength 400

MeinhArDt (siNGAPore) Pte LtD

168 Jalan bukit Merah #09-01 surbana onesingapore 150168 t (65) 6273 5255 f (65) 6274 0788 W www.meinhardt.com.sg e arsad.hossain@ meinhardtgroup.comcontAct PersonMr Arsad Hossain Director

20 Woodlands Link #04-30/31 Woodlands east industrial estate singapore 738733 t (65) 6756 6989 f (65) 6756 8274W www.memiontec.com e [email protected] PersonMs Dewi KwekManaging Director

MeMiontecPte LtD

ProfiLeMemiontec is a leading one-stop integrated water treatment solution provider from Design, Engineering, Turnkey Construction, Operation, Service & Maintenance contract to modernization of the complete water and waste water treatment plant. Memiontec is committed to provide comprehensive, cost effective and reliable treatment systems and services for the industries and municipalities. Our expertise includes pure, ultrapure & reuse of water for diverse industries and municipalities. Our products include RO, NF, UF, MF, DI, Mixed Bed, EDI, MBR, DAF, UASB, physical, chemical and biological process etc. We offer standard products, custom designed as well as mobile systems for specialized needs. We have established branches in Singapore, China and Indonesia.

chief executive officer Mr Tay Kiat SengnAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1996stAff strength 75


Page 82: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeMemstar Pte Ltd specializes in the development, manufacture and application of PVDF hollow fiber membrane and membrane products for water and wastewater treatment as well as pretreatment for desalination and other RO processes. With its R&D strength and advanced manufacturing facilities, Memstar has become one of the few leading manufacturers of high performance PVDF hollow fiber membranes in the world.

chief executive officer Dr Ge Hailin nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2005stAff strength 70

MeMstAr Pte LtD

11 Kian teck Drive singapore 628828 t (65) 6775 2512 f (65) 6775 2513W www.memstar.com.sg e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Angie Ng Sales and Marketing Manager

blk 28 Ayer rajah crescent #05-01singapore 139959 t (65) 6890 0011 f (65) 6890 0012 W www.sg.mt.com contAct PersonMr Ashley Kong Business Development Manager

MettLer-toLedo (s) Pte LtD

ProfiLeWe offer precision instruments and services for many applications in research and development, quality control, production, logistics and retail to customers around the world.

nAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Research and DevelopmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1992stAff strength 80


Page 83: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeMICRODYN-NADIR is the technology leading membrane and module supplier for the micro-, ultra- and nano filtration worldwide.The membrane division of the former Hoechst AG which used to be known as NADIR Filtration was founded in 1966. In 2003, NADIR Filtration and MICRODYN Modulbau, whose roots go back to the AKZO AG, merged and have been an important player in the membrane market as MICRODYN-NADIR ever since.

chief executive officer Mr Walter LamparternAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Treatment

MicrodYN-nADir singAPore Pte LtD

no.2 tuas Avenue 10 singapore 639126 t (65) 6457 7533 f (65) 6457 7517 W www.microdyn-nadir.com e [email protected] PersonMr Toh Swee Siang, Ray Sales Manager

307 Alexandra road#05-01/02 Mitsubishi electric building singapore 159943 t (65) 6473 2308 f (65) 6473 8944 W www.mitsubishielectric.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Tong Chee Meng Deputy General Manager

Mitsubishi eLectric AsiA Pte LtD

ProfiLeProviding SCADA and PLC System to control and monitoring of waste water and water treatment plant.

chief executive officer Mr Tan Choon Hock nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1977stAff strength 280


Page 84: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeOver the years, MHI and MHI-Group companies have supplied many water treatment plants worldwide. Seawater and brine desalination plants to meet ever-increasing global demand for water, water treatment plants and effluent treatment plants, converting effluent from power generation plants or other factories into clean water are included on our list of such plants.Aside from element water treatment technology, we have a long track record of developing various water treatment technologies, Energy recovery from sludge by-products produced during water treatment, water reclamation and recycling, and renewing technology for further energy efficiency enhancement exemplify our effort in water treatment.

chief executive officer Mr Shigehisa Kobayashi nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2010stAff strength 320

Mitsubishi heAvy inDustries AsiA PAcific Pte. LtD

150 beach road29-00 gateway Westsingapore 189720 t (65) 6305 5200 f (65) 6396 5871 W www.mhiap.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Finn ChanDeputy Manager

ProfiLeOpening opportunities with connected thinking – We connect the brightest minds to bring the best outcomes for you and the lives you touch every day.Mott MacDonald is a global engineering, management and development consultancy and has been a key player in the development of infrastructure in Singapore for over 40 years. Our capability to deliver locally with world-wide knowledge saves our customers money and time, reduces risks, increases efficiency and advances best practices.Engineering. Management. Development.

Mott MAcDonALD singAPorePte LtD

1 grange road #07-01 orchard building singapore 239693 t (65) 6293 1900 f (65) 6293 1911 W www.mottmac.com e [email protected] PersonMr You Fook HinManaging Director

chief executive officer Mr You Fook HinnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1973stAff strength 17600


Page 85: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

12 Kallang Avenue Aperia 3 #03-21 the Annexsingapore 339511 t (65) 6484 6333 f (65) 6482 3318W www.diamondrefined.com e [email protected] PersonMr Tong Siew BeeCEO

nAture environMent Products (s) Pte LtD

ProfiLeNEP Group believes that doing things differently and touching customers’ hearts is the only key to achieving success and realizing dreams. By holding on to these beliefs, NEP group came out with bold and creative plans and strategies that have never been implemented in this industry. For example, NEP invested the market together with water quality experts from japan and korea. Besides, customers were also offered exclusive plans and warranties such as:- 30-Day free product experience - Product lifetime warranty - Creative monthly rental plan - 365 days service commitment and etc - Free product renewal every 3 years 60-day product satisfactory

guarantee - Fully refundable plan - Free product lifetime maintenance product

chief executive officer Mr Tong Siew BeenAture of Activity Water Quality, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2001stAff strength 20

ProfiLeNETZSCH served markets worldwide with our NEMO Progressing Cavity Pumps, TORNADO Rotary Lobe Pumps, screw pumps, grinding machines, dosing systems and accessories, providing customized sophisticated solutions for a great variety of applications. NETZSCH strive to use our expanding global technologies and market leadership for our customers’ benefit. Our aim, apart from being a quality manufacturer, is to be your partner for everything from project planning to process consulting to integral service. Our innovative, premium quality products shown are known and valued the world over. NETZSCH Asia Pacific Pte Ltd provides support for NETZSCH products in the region.

chief executive officer Mr Edwin Chng nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1985stAff strength 20

netzsch AsiA PAcific Pte LtD

no.7 toh guan road east #07-01/02 Alpha industrial buildingsingapore 608599 t (65) 6500 0780 f (65) 6863 4483W www.netzsch.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Bryan Ong Sales Manager


Page 86: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


no.237 Pandan Loop #03-01 Westech building singapore 128424 t (65) 6861 7138 f (65) 6862 9098 W www.pillar.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr MiyamaDirector

niPPon PiLLAr singAPore Pte LtD

ProfiLeWe, Nippon Pillar Singapore Pte Ltd, established our office and work shop in 1993 as a customer support centre for South East Asia market. We have a stock of Mechanical seal, Gland packing and Gasket and arrange quick supports to customers from Singapore to Southeast Asia. We conduct on-site check service, supervision of seal installations and inspection of used seals. Through the seal service operations, we provide a solution to customers. More reliable, More safety, that comes from our company policy “QUALITY FIRST”.We contribute to society as a solution provider through our sealing technologies.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1993

438 Alexandra road#19-01/04 Alexandra Point singapore 119958 t (65) 6223 8277 f (65) 6223 8239W www.nitto.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Roger FooRegional Sales Manager

nitto DenKo (siNGAPore) Pte LtD

ProfiLeHydranautics, part of Nitto Group, has been a key player in the Membrane Separation Industry for the past half a century. As a manufacturer of Reverse Osmosis, Nano-filtration, Ultra-filtration and Membrane Bioreactor membranes, we strive to provide our customers with the best technical support and products to meet all challenging needs and demand of today’s watery scarcity.

chief executive officer Mr Junichi Matsumoto nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1980stAff strength 65


Page 87: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Waterhub 82 toh guan road east #c2-11/1 singapore 608576 t (65) 6896 9196W www.optiqua.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Melchior van Wijlen MD

oPtiQuA technoLogies Pte LtD

ProfiLeOptiqua Technologies provides the water industry with innovative tools for both online and sample based intelligent water quality monitoring. All Optiqua products leverage our award winning and patented Optiqua-Lab-on-Chip technology. Our EventLab sensor network provides a high density network of online sensors, collecting real time water quality data directly from the distribution grid, and is a valuable tool for water suppliers in proactively managing their water distribution process. Optiqua MiniLab offers a highly sensitive target sensor for the detection of specific contaminants in the lab or in the field. Optiqua has offices in Singapore and the Netherlands.

chief executive officer Mr Melchior van WijlennAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Water QualityyeAr estAbLisheD 2008stAff strength 10

ProfiLeOxbow Activated Carbon, a division of Oxbow Carbon LLC USA. Oxbow Carbon is global multinational with established strengths in the carbon industry and one of world’s leading producers and distributors of a diversified portfolio of carbon-related products, including calcined coke, fuel grade petroleum coke (\”petcoke\”) and activated carbon as well as sulphur, steam and coking coal, anthracite, metcoke, sulphuric acid and fertilizers.Oxbow Singapore office supports product portfolio for sulphur and activated carbon in the region.Oxbow has regional facilities and a network of sales and service centers, business partners, and distributors serving customers in 78 locations(including joint ventures) around the world

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor

oxboW suLPhur & fertiLizer (siNGAPore) Pte LtD

545 orchard road #14-03 far east shopping centre singapore 238882 t (65) 6339 1896 f (65) 6339 1896W www.oxbowactivatedcarbon.com


Page 88: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeListed in 2004 on the Singapore Exchange Dealing and Automated Quotation System (SGX-SESDAQ), the company PAN ASIAN HOLDINGS LIMITED has grown to become a leading supplier in the delivery of high quality piping system solutions for water infrastructure projects in the Asia Pacific region. It had a humble beginning in 1979, when founder Richard Koh started the enterprise as a stockist and dealing in parts such as piping and valves for the water, oil and gas sectors. Besides manufacturing its own brands, the company is today, exclusive agents for more than 20 well-known international brands of piping and related products from the US, japan, UK and Europe. In recent years, Pan Asian Holdings has diversified into the marine, oil and gas, as well as renewable energy sectors due to an increasing trend of growth in these industries.

chief executive officer Mr Eddie Koh nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1979stAff strength 50

PAn AsiAn fLoW technoLogy Pte LtD

2 Kallang Avenue#05-19 ct hub @Kallang singapore 339407 t (65) 6268 7227 f (65) 6268 9679 W www.panasian.com.sg e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Sapphire Ong

47 Kallang Pudding road #08-10 singapore 349318 t (65) 6635 7348 f (65) 6635 7349 W www.pcm.eu e [email protected]

PcM grouPAsiA PAcific Pte LtD

ProfiLeWe take a collaborative approach to working with our customers. It is the best way to ensure that we understand their business completely. And it is the only way to guarantee that our solutions match our customers’ needs.Today, PCM is the result of a significant internal growth, as well as numerous innovations and acquisitions. Quality, safety, efficiency, productivity are the key word of PCM strategy.Member of Gevelot Group from its creation, the Group continue its development as a leader, providing innovative products and services that meet markets requirements while opening new subsidiaries to be closer to its customers around the world. PCM, whose headquarters is based in Levallois-Perret (France) operates on all continents in more than 90 countries through 6 industrial manufacturing sites, and more than 20 subisdiaries. The international development of the Group is constantly pursuing. End 2014, PCM has acquired 75% stakes of Amik Oilfield Equipment & Rentals company located in Canada in Alberta.Being part of PCM means to be involved daily for CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. The future of the Group depends on talented, dynamic and skilled collaborators who share all the values of the Group : ENGAGEMENT, RESPECT and EXCELLENCE. Everyone contributes every day to serve our customers worldwide.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2014


Page 89: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeX-Flow is the international membrane brand of Pentair, the global water, fluid, thermal management, and equipment protection partner. Pentair addresses some of the world’s most pressing problems related to food, water and energy with innovative filtration products, services and technologies.Advanced membranes are our business. We help equipment manufacturers, engineering and construction contractors to exceed expectations with membranes that make the difference, even in the most challenging tasks and conditions. Focused on practical and economical progress, we develop filtration technology with the lowest total cost of ownership and the highest efficiency.

nAture of Activity Water Treatment Equipment Supplier yeAr estAbLisheD 2009

PentAir WAter AsiA PAcific Pte LtD

390 havelock roadKing’s centre #04-01 singapore 169962 t (65) 6768 5907 f (65) 6737 5149 W www.pentair.com e [email protected] PersonMr Foo Yoong Choon Regional Sales Director

7 neythal road singapore 628574 t (65) 6262 6253 f (65) 6265 6940 W www.pipelineservices.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Alvin Chong Business Development manager

PiPeLine servicesPte LtD

ProfiLePipeline Services is a leader in the field of Trenchless Pipeline Technology. We offer various services and solutions from initial investigation planning, network modeling, pipeline maintenance, rehabilitation solutions to environmental investigation. Together with our Strategic Partners, we have a world class engineering team to be able to provide the right solutions. Our mission is “To develop and grow throughout developing market, especially Asia, in the field of Pipeline Rehabilitation Technologies.”

chief executive officer Mr Glen O’Grady nAture of Activity Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1999stAff strength 100


Page 90: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLePSI is the authorize John Deere engines sales, services and parts distributor for Singapore and Indonesia territories. since year 2002. In extension of this working relationship, we are also given with Master Service Center from Clarke Fire Protection Products, Inc., for its fire pump engines commissioning and service work.In addition, PSI also carries Isuzu engines sales, services and parts dealership in Singapore.To complement the business further by providing our esteem customer with not only power source, but a more complete and one-stop-shop packaged solution, we also representing NACD Clutch and Driveline product to give customer a seamless source of power solution.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor

PoWersource internAtionAL Pte LtD

71 tech Park crescent tuas tech Parksingapore 638072 t (65) 6863 4118 f (65) 6863 4378W www.pwsource.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Chong Wee LeongChief Operating Officer

ProfiLe• PAS specializes in providing process quality measurement and

emission monitoring for the Oil & Gas, petrochemical, Power and Water industries.

• PAS do not accept existing solutions as the best and strive to develop better, innovative and green Singapore solutions or products continuously for the industries globally.

nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Educational Institution, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Regulator & Policy, Research & Analytical Lab, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Authority, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2008stAff strength 22

PrActicAL AnALyzer soLutions Pte LtD

32 AMK industrial Park 2 #06-13 sing industrial complex singapore 569510 t (65) 6863 8383 f (65) 6836 8328 W www.paspl.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Benson LohDirector


Page 91: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

158 Kallang Way#02-06 Performance building singapore 349245 t (65) 6747 4935 f (65) 6745 2240 W www.prominent.com e [email protected] PersonMr Allen Mak Managing Director

ProMinent fLuiD controLs (Fe) Pte Ltd

ProfiLeProMinent Fluid Controls (F.E.) Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of ProMinent GmbH Germany, manufactures and supplies a wide range of specialty equipment including Chemical Metering Pumps, Process Control Instruments, Chlorine Dioxide Generators, Ozone Generators, Polymer Preparation Systems, Solid Handling Equipment, Reverse Osmosis Systems and UV Systems. ProMinent products are used in many industries including Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, Food Processing, Chemical, Petrochemical, Refinery and Pharmaceutical.ProMinent GmbH was founded in 1960 in Heidelberg, Germany and is a market leader with 12 manufacturing plants, 55 subsidiaries and more than 60 authorized distributors. All factories are certified in accordance with DIN ISO 9001.ProMinent Fluid Controls (F.E.) Pte Ltd, was established in Singapore in 1980 and has responsibility for Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, and Hong Kong. PFC – Singapore maintains a large stock of products and spare parts and has a complete repair/service center so that customer requirements can be met quickly and efficiently.

chief executive officer Mr Allen Mak nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1980stAff strength 9

ProfiLeThe company is a wholly owned subsidiary and the commercial arm of PUB, Singapore’s national water agency. The company plays the facilitative roles in assisting PUB to achieve its roles to grow the Singapore water industry; and in developing Singapore into a Global Hydrohub. The company harnesses PUB’s operational experience and resources to support the Singapore-based companies in their overseas ventures in water related projects.

chief executive officer Mr Maurice Neo (Managing Director)nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1991

Pub consuLtAnts PrivAte LiMiteD

40 scotts road#22-02 environment building singapore 228231 t (65) 6235 8888 f (65) 6725 8015 W www.pub.gov.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Anthony ChengSenior Vice President


Page 92: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


blk 30 Kallang Place #06-18 Kallang basin industrial estate singapore 339159 t (65) 6398 1762 f (65) 6398 1761 W www.pumpcointl.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Sabrina Liew Sales Admin Manager

PuMPco internAtionAL Pte LtD

ProfiLeEngaged in the manufacturing and supply of industrial pumps with ancillary equipments for water supply, sea water desalination, chemical cleaning, dosing, transfer and waste water treatment, process water etc. Self priming centrifugal pump for sea water & waste water application. Heavy duty slurry pumps for filter process feeding & slurry transfer. Progressive cavity pumps for sewerage, sludge & high viscosity fluid pumping feed and dosing pumps of chemical solutions Vacuum pumps and Root blowers. Pumps related services:• On-site installation, commissioning services • On-site troubleshooting, repair and maintenance services • Skid design, in-house fabrications, construction and assembly


chief executive officer Mr Sunny Liew nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Manufacturing pumps, accessories, spares, provider of engineering solutions & servicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1996stAff strength 15

ProfiLePureSys specialize in providing ultra-pure fluids transfer systems within critical industries such as Pharmaceuticals, Water, Chemical, Biomedical, F&B, Biofuel and Semiconductor. We work with reputable companies like Saint Gobain, Oetiker, Eldon James, Zeus, CPC and Parker, to provide the best equipment for the required processes.

chief executive officer Mr Christopher PngnAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2012stAff strength 5

Puresys Pte LtD

81 Gentine Lane #04-01/02 everich industrial building singapore 349566 t (65) 6291 1177 f (65) 6297 2714W www.puresys.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMs Tan PaulineSenior Sales Executive


Page 93: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLePWN Technologies is unique in our formation and mission to make our parent company PWN’s 95 years of experience and innovations in water treatment available worldwide. Our extensive R&D programmes focus on the development of efficient and sustainable solutions capable of treating a wide variety of water sources based on suspended ion exchange, ceramic membrane applications and advanced oxidation. All our solutions offer lower life-cycle costs, higher efficacies and much lower environmental impact. We work closely with our clients to create optimal results and strongly believe in partnering with highly recognized universities and globally respected companies for continuous improvement.

chief executive officer Mr Jonathan ClementnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Research and Development, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2009stAff strength 7

PWn technoLogies Pte LtD

1 Kim seng Promenade great World city West tower #08-10singapore 237994 t (65) 6735 6890W www.PWNT.com e [email protected] PersonMr Daniel ChuaMarketing & Communications Manager, Asia

1 bukit batok crescent #06-54 WcegA Plazasingapore 658064 t (65) 6684 8042 f (65) 6684 8043W www.relianz.net e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Jenny WeeDirector

reLiAnz engineeringPte LtD

ProfiLeRelianZ is committed to providing specialized expertise and equipments to its best capacity in the industry where every drop of water counts. In a water-scarce Singapore, RelianZ is working towards better preservation and efficient distribution of this vital and precious free gift of nature.

chief executive officer Mr Ng Kee TecknAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2009stAff strength 19


Page 94: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeAutomation and electrical manufacturer and solution provider.

chief executive officer Mr Chris Marshall nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1991stAff strength 150

rocKWeLL AutoMAtion southeAst AsiA Pte LtD

No.2 corporation road #04-05/06 corporation Place singapore 618494 t (65) 6510 6688 f (65) 6510 6699W www.rockwellautomation.com/sea e [email protected] PersonMs Lau Hui Ling Accounts Manager

51 goldhill Plaza#23-11/12singapore 308900 t (65) 6254 0535 f (65) 6254 0531 W www.scinormem.com www.scinorwater.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Edmund WongGeneral Manager

sciNor (AsiA) Pte LtD

ProfiLeManufacturer of Ultrafiltration membranes by patented “Thermally Induced Phase Separation” (TIPS) process. Scinor TIPS PVDF membranes are therefore more robust, stronger resistance to cleaning chemicals, higher flux permeability and longer membrane life. Scinor offers complete range of pressurized, submerged and MBR UF membranes for both green-field and retrofit projects. We can provide one-to-one seamless retrofit / replacement of UF membranes provided by other suppliers. We serves both municipal and industrial sectors including water, wastewater, water reuse and desalination markets.

chief executive officer Ms Wu HongmeinAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2015stAff strength 3


Page 95: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

30 hill street#05-04singapore 179360 t (65) 6723 3113 f (65) 6822 3204 W www.sembcorp.com e [email protected] PersonMs Ng Lay SanSenior Vice President, Group Corporate Relations

seMbcorP inDustries LtD

ProfiLeSembcorp Industries is a leading energy, water and marine group with operations across five continents worldwide. Withfacilities of over 10,600 megawatts of gross power capacity and close to nine million cubic metres of water per day inoperation and under development, Sembcorp is a trusted provider of essential energy and water solutions to bothindustrial and municipal customers. It is also a world leader in marine and offshore engineering, as well as an established brand name in urban development.

chief executive officer Mr Neil McGregornAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1988stAff strength >7,000

10 changi east close singapore 498785 t (65) 6542 3727 f (65) 6542 8227 W www.sembcorp.com

seMbcorP neWAter Pte LtD

ProfiLeKey to Singapore’s water management is its “four taps water strategy” which comprises catchment management, buying water from Malaysia, seawater desalination, and recycling wastewater through its ambitious and innovative NEWater plants.The NEWater plant adopts the following process scheme toprovide a multiple barrier treatment system:• Micro-straining• Microfiltration (MF) system as pretreatment• Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane system• Ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection system• Chemicals post-treatment systemThe Sembcorp NEWater Plant, one of the world’s largest water reclamation plants, was the winner of the 2010 Global WaterIntelligence Global Water Awards’ “Water Reuse Project of the Year” and received the “2010 WateReuse International Award” from the WateReuse Association.


Page 96: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeWith more than ten years of experience, Silver Spring Networks is the leader in networking technologies that modernize today’s power grid. We have delivered over 20 million Silver Spring-enabled devices, which our utility partners rely on, in concert with our software and services, to improve energy management and efficiency. Silver Spring securely connects consumers and utility providers through powerful and proven energy networks that can be easily expanded as needs evolve

chief executive officer Mr Michael BellnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2002stAff strength 500+

siLver sPring netWorKs

460 Alexandra road Level 26 suite 11singapore 119963 t (65) 6809 3182 W www.springboard. silverspringnet.com e [email protected] PersonMr Andrew VlaschiotisVP Sales Asia

ProfiLeSembcorp Utilities is a leading developer, owner and operator of water and energy assets with strong operational and technical capabilities. Sembcorp operates in 15 countries with an established presence in Asia and a strong growing presence in emerging markets around the world.Sembcorp has over 10,600 megawatts of gross power capacity installed and under development and is able to generate energy from a variety of fuels including renewable sources. We apply technology to produce energy in greener ways, and create innovative solutions for clean, sustainable water.As Singapore’s largest water management company with close to nine million cubic metres per day of water capacity in operation and under development worldwide, we have the expertise to provide total water and wastewater solutions for both the industrial and municipal sectors. Our range of utilities services includes industrial water and wastewater treatment, water reclamation, desalination and municipal water and wastewater treatment.Sembcorp Utilities is wholly owned by Sembcorp Industries, a leading energy, water and marine group operating across five continents worldwide.

chief executive officer Mr Neil McGregornAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water Treatment, Developer, owner and operator of large-scale water assets globallyyeAr estAbLisheD 1995 (Sembcorp Utilities)stAff strength >7,000 (Sembcorp Industries)

seMbcorP utiLities Pte LtD

30 hill street#05-04singapore 179360 t (65) 6723 3113 f (65) 6822 3254 W www.sembcorp.com e [email protected] PersonMs Archanaa Nivruthaa Raja Manager, Group Corporate Relations


Page 97: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

24A senoko Loop singapore 758157 t (65) 6481 3737 f (65) 6481 6292 e [email protected] PersonMr Teo Chong Meng General Manager

sing & sAn constructionPte LtD

ProfiLe- Laying & installation of all types of underground pipelines - Laying & installation of power cable, rc trench and cable ducts - Urgent repairs & maintenance of pipelines - Under pressure & hot tapping for pipelines - Piping fabrication and installation of plants and equipment for

process plant - Civil engineering works - Steel and iron works fabrication

chief executive officer Mr Toh Kah Sing nAture of Activity Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1978stAff strength 105

ProfiLeSince 1974, we have built a reputation for ourselves as the preferred D.I. pipes & fittings/Valves provider for consultants, building contractors and PUB/HDB/ENV end users. As of today, Singardo international is providing our wide product range regionally to Singapore, East Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. Our success as the preferred business partner to many clients can be attributed to our foresight to build fruitful and long-lasting relationship with reputable manufacturers for Pipes & Fittings and Valves, as well as our effort to protect our customer’s return of equity.

chief executive officer Mr Alan Chua Gim SiongnAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2003stAff strength 15

singArDo internAtionAL Pte LtD

2 Kallang Avenue #09-23 ct hubsingapore 339407 t (65) 6294 5875 f (65) 6297 0238 W www.singardo.com.sg e [email protected] [email protected] PersonMr Christopher HengAssistant General ManagerMr Chua Yueh SiangExecutive Director


Page 98: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeSingnergy specializes in offering energy efficient drying solutions to address the growing concern of sludge waste. Our sludge drying system, ranked amongst the most energy efficient systems, saving >35% of energy as compared to typical thermal dryer.

chief executive officer Mr Chua Keng TainAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2014 stAff strength 10

singnergy corPorAtion Pte LtD

63 ubi Avenue 1#06-01singapore 408937 t (65) 6692 6887 f (65) 6488 4555W www.singnergy.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Dan Ing SeeOffice Manager

ProfiLeSintalow, inception in 1979 and incorporated in 1982, is a full-fledged enterprise in Southeast-Asia. Principal business, activities include general distribution of mechanical, plumbing and sanitary piping systems material to the shipbuilding industry; oil, gas, petrochemical plants and building industry. Diversification through exclusively distributed products enabled Sintalow to emerge as the prime supplier in mechanical, plumbing, sanitary, fire protection, MVAC systems, and water/sewage piping system around the region. Today Sintalow, a new era in total water piping solution, is the exclusive distributor and Stockist of AFA-(Singapore) , Duker-(Germany), FC-(Italy), Furukawa-(Japan), Aquatherm-(Germany), KKK-(Japan), Nippon Steel-(Japan), Thermosel-(United Kingdom), Cimberio-(Italy) and BWT-(Germany).

chief executive officer Mr Johnny Chew Kong Huat nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributorm, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1982stAff strength 20

sintALoW hArDWAre Pte LtD

no.8 fan yoong roadJurong town singapore 629786 t (65) 6261 5966 f (65 )6262 0938 W www.sintalow.com e [email protected] PersonMr Chua Ching Yam Marketing Manager


Page 99: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

460 Alexandra road#15-04 PsA buildingsingapore 119963 t (65) 6272 6678 f (65) 6272 1658 W www.soundglobal.com.sg e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Li FengHead of Singapore Office

sounD gLobAL LiMiteD

ProfiLeSound Global Ltd, formerly known as Epure International, is a full-fledged integrated water and wastewater solution provider. It has a strong track record backed by extensive R&D and technical expertise. Our businesses involve Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC), Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), Operation & Maintenance, PPP, as well as equipment fabrication for water and wastewater industries.

chief executive officer Mr Zhang Jingzhi nAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2005stAff strength 11

ProfiLeSpectra-Teknik instrumentations are being installed and used everywhere, be it in industry or commercial, be it in schools or higher learning centre, factories or warehouses, retailer or shopping centre, medical centres, recreational and academic organisations. Did we say everywhere?Representing more than 20 scientific manufacturers including Cole Parmer, Masterflex, Thermo Scientific, we are sure to cover most, if not all, of your instruments’ needs.Whatever your goal — reducing energy costs and waste, better inventory management, reducing downtime and maintenance costs, improving product quality — our staff at Spectra-Teknik will help you get the most value out of your instruments. Further, our experienced instrumentation professionals are always ready to provide you in exploring a full range of ever-changing new technology ideas.

chief executive officer Mr Steven TeenAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Research & Analytical Lab, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1993stAff strength 19

sPectrA-teKNiK (s) Pte Ltd

66 tannery Lane#01-04cM sindo building singapore 347805 t (65) 6748 9029 f (65) 6842 4048 W www.spectra-teknik.com e [email protected] PersonMr Sunny ChoongSales Manager


Page 100: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeManufacture industrial precision spray nozzles for washing, cleaning, coating, cooling, misting, humidifying, lubricating.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Nozzle and system manufactureryeAr estAbLisheD 1990stAff strength 6

sPrAying sYsteMs co. (s) Pte LtD

55 toh guan road east #06-02 uni tech centre singapore 608601 t (65) 6778 6911 f (65) 6778 2935 W www.spray.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Ken ChinManager

ProfiLeSTSE Engineering Services: the environmental arm of ST Marine, provides a suite of sustainable environmental engineering solutions in water, wastewater, water reuse, solid waste management, and renewable energy. It has proven capabilities from detailed engineering design, construction, and operation and maintenance services to project investments.

nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2007 stAff strength 30

stse engineering services Pte LtD

60 tuas roadsingapore 638501 t (65) 6864 8644 f (65) 6864 8637 W www.stengg.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr McCann Lee Kwee Chau Director (BD)


Page 101: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeSUEZ is a global leader in sustainable management of resources serving cities and industries through 4 expertises:- Smart, sustainable management of the water cycle, smart

water solutions- Recycling and recovery of waste as new resources, secondary

raw materials and energy- Engineering, design and construction of treatment

infrastructures- Attractiveness of cities: innovative solutions for the “resourceful


chief executive officer Mr Francois FevriernAture of Activity Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2015 (Singapore)stAff strength 34 (Singapore)

suez (siNGAPore) services Pte. LtD.

298 tiong bahru road #12-06 central Plazasingapore 168730 t (65) 6661 0420 f (65) 6661 0421 W www.suez-environnement.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Jean De MontalOperations Director, Singapore

168 Jalan bukit Merah #01-01 connection one singapore 150168 t (65) 6248 1288 f (65) 6248 1292W www.surbanajurong.com e [email protected] contAct PersonEr Simon Wong Teck Jee Senior Vice President

surbAnA Jurong consuLtAnts Pte LtD

ProfiLeWe provide one-stop multi-disciplinary consultancy services in Architecture, Urban Master Planning, C&S, M&E, QS, Land Survey, Project Management, Coastal Engineering, Water & Environmental Engineering, Underground & Tunneling, Urban Transportation, Aviation, Oil & Gas, etc.

chief executive officer Er Loh Yan HuinAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 2003stAff strength 4000


Page 102: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfiLeOne stop shop of environmental real-time monitoring services and engineering solution provider.

chief executive officer Dr Wang XiaoningnAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Water Quality, Water Treatment, Operations and MaintenanceyeAr estAbLisheD 1994stAff strength 35

sYseNG (s) Pte LtD

2 Kaki bukit Placetritech building #05-00 singapore 416180 t (65) 6287 5710 f (65) 6287 0893W www.syseng.com.sg e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Xavier MarOperations Manager

ProfiLeWe are also a major manufacturer and supplier of environmental equipment here in Singapore. Our specialty in the environmental products are truck-related types. Among these are refuse compactors, rear refuse loaders, vacuum tankers, mobile sewer cleaners, sewer jetting machines, runway sweepers etc.We are also capable of designing and undertaking engineering projects requiring knowledge in electrical, structural and mechanical engineering. Among the many projects undertaken by us are mobile link-bridge, mechanical docking ramp, crawler scissor lifts, pier service towers, detachable pontoons, etc.

yeAr estAbLisheD 1986stAff strength 80

syntech engineers Pte LtD

8 Link roadsingapore 619030 t (65) 6266 1088 f (65) 6261 1828 W www.syntech.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Samrio TokGeneral Manager


Page 103: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeNon-building construction NEC, building cleaning & maintenance services.

chief executive officer Mr Tho HuadnAture of Activity Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1982 stAff strength 230

teAcLY (s) Pte LtD

no.3 sungei Kadut Drive Kranji industrial estate singapore 729556 t (65) 6757 0900 f (65) 6757 0100 e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Chang Keng YongAssistant General Manager

ProfiLeTokyo Electron Device (TED) is an advanced technology trading company, representing innovative technology from industry-leading semiconductor component manufacturers, network systems suppliers, storage solutions providers and software companies. At TED, we deliver superior technical support and unmatched quality assurance. This is built upon our world-class verification and review systems; enabling us to help our customers bring their solutions to market quickly and meet their critical business objectives.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor

toKyo eLectron Device singAPore Pte LtD

175A bencoolen street #05-01/02 burlington square singapore 189650 t (65) 6542 1776 f (65) 6542 3776W www.teldevice.co.jp


Page 104: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


111 somerset road #14-01 Devonshire Wingsingapore Power building singapore 238164 t (65) 6226 0525 f (65) 6226 0509W www.toraywater.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Kwak Soon Chul President

torAy AsiA Pte LtD

ProfiLeToray Industries Inc. is a leading chemical; manufacturer founded in 1926. Integrating its core technologies, Toray manufactures wide range of high performance membranes for water treatment such as RO/NF membrane, PVDF hollow fibre (MF/UF) and MBR for applications around the world.

chief executive officer Mr Kwak Soon Chul nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1926 (Japan), 2006 (Singapore) stAff strength 30000 (Global)

ProfiLeTorishima Service Solutions Asia Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore office of Torishima Pump Mfg. Co., Ltd. who is a pump manufacturer founded in 1919 in Osaka, Japan. We have been supplying centrifugal pumps to a broad range of applications, including chemical plants and also providing overhaul services to various types of pumps.

chief executive officer Mr Takuya Ono, Mr Mark Chng nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1919stAff strength 30

torishiMA service soLutions Pte LtD

82 toh guan road east #c2-14-4 Waterhubsingapore 608576 t (65) 6933 8772 f (65) 6933 8777W www.torishima.co.jp e [email protected] PersonMs See Leng Business Development Manager


Page 105: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeA leading water and environmental solutions provider, specializing in the manufacture and supply of membranes, membrane-related products, environmental monitoring products; and providing integrated engineering design and construction services.

nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor

tritech WAter technoLogies (siNGAPore) Pte LtD

2 Kaki bukit Place#06-00 tritech building singapore 416180 t (65) 6848 2567 f (65) 6848 2568W www.tritechwater.com.sg e [email protected]

ProfiLeTÜV SÜD is an international service corporation focusing on consulting, testing, certification and training at over 800 locations with 22,000 experts.TÜV SÜD Water Services offers end-to-end interdisciplinary consultancy and engineering services including testing, inspection and certification. We support clients across all phases of infrastructure projects from planning, design, construction, to testing and commissioning ensuring high quality and performance. We optimise plant performance, mitigate potential risks and trouble shoot.For membrane based plants we offer tailored services combining testing and certification of membrane elements with plant operation to improve overall performance and lifetime ultimately saving costs and reducing risks.

chief executive officer Prof. Dr. Axel StepkennAture of Activity Water efficiency for industries, Desalination, Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Optimisation, Risk Assessment, Sanitation, Water Technology Verification, Standard Development, Membrane Services, Smart Water NetworksyeAr estAbLisheD 1866stAff strength 22,000

tuv suD AsiA PAcific Pte LtD

1 science Park Drivesingapore 118221 t (65) 6885 1178W www.tuv-sud.com/water e [email protected] PersonDr Richard WoodlingDirector, Water Services


Page 106: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


12 Ang Mo Kio Street 64 #03A-14 UE BizHub Central Singapore 569088 T (65) 6818 8188 F (65) 6818 8178W www.uesh.sg E [email protected] ConTACT PErSonMr Johnson Tang Chief Executive Officer

UES HoldingS PTE lTd

ProFilEUES Holdings Pte Ltd (“UESH”) is one of Singapore’s leading environmental engineering companies. Its roots can be traced back to the 1930s when it was the contractor to many regional governments for the construction of waterworks and other large infrastructure. Some of the early waterworks that UESH and its predecessors built included Thomson Road Waterworks in Singapore (today known as Bukit Timah Waterworks) and Ampang Waterworks in Selangor, Malaysia. Today, UESH undertakes projects related to water treatment, renewable energy, as well as air treatment and pollution control on EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction), DBO (Design-Build-Operate), DBOO (Design-Build-Own-Operate), DB (Design-Build) and BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) bases, and have BOT assets for medical waste and wastewater treatment in China.Headquartered in Singapore, UESH has market presence in China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar and Vietnam.

nATUrE oF ACTiviTy Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyEAr ESTABliSHEd 1966STAFF STrEngTH 120

ProFilEUGL (Singapore) Pte Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of UGL Limited, a public listed Company in Australia. It was established in Singapore in 1969. Its primary business is in the provision of water and wastewater process engineering, detailed engineering, procurement, delivery and installation, and testing and commissioning. It is also OEM for clarifiers, filters and chemical dosing system. Seawater pretreatment with Dissolved Air Flotation or Dissolved Air Flotation In-Filters, Flat Bottomed Clarifiers, D & DA lateral pipe filter floors. K-floors of plenum design are some of its known product in the market.

CHiEF ExECUTivE oFFiCEr Mr Edgar RamaninATUrE oF ACTiviTy Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyEAr ESTABliSHEd 1969STAFF STrEngTH 18

Ugl (Singapore) PTE lTd

Blk 750 oasis Chai Chee road #03-01 Technopark @ Chai Chee Singapore 469000 T (65) 6449 9225 F (65) 6440 0445W www.ugllimited.com E [email protected] PErSonMr Kenneth KohGeneral Manager - Asia


Page 107: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeUL certifies, validates tests, inspects, audits, and advises and educates. We provide the knowledge and expertise to help navigate growing complexities across the supply chain from compliance and regulatory issues to trade challenges and market access.

chief executive officer Mr Anthony Tan nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Research & Analytical Lab, Research and Development, Engineering TestingyeAr estAbLisheD 1990 stAff strength 100+

uL internAtionAL singAPore Pte LtD

1 fusionpolis Walk #10-01 solaris south tower singapore 138628t (65) 6274 0702 f (65) 6271 3867W singapore.ul.com e [email protected] PersonMs Shuyi TanMarketing Specialist

ProfiLeVisenti Pte Ltd, a spin-off from MIT, is focused on supporting pipe network operators in monitoring their infrastructure and optimizing their operations. Visenti integrates patent-protected hardware, wireless data transmission and software services. The core technical team of Visenti bring tens of years of experience in pipe network hydraulic analysis, software systems and embedded sensing that is complemented by operations and execution expertise, and an expert advisory board from MIT and Technion.

nAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor

visenti Pte LtD

82 toh guan road east c2-14-3 Waterhubsingapore 608576 t (65) 6515 6582f (65) 6515 6382W www.visenti.com e [email protected]


Page 108: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


3 Ang Mo Kio st 62 Link @ AMK #07-30/31/32 singapore 569139 t (65) 6336 6778 f (65) 6336 6766 W www.voltas.com e [email protected] PersonMr Shyam Sidhwani Regional Manager – Far East

voLtAs LiMiteD ProfiLeVoltas Limited offers engineering solutions for a wide spectrum of industries in areas such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning, refrigeration, electro-mechanical projects, textile machinery, machine tools, mining and construction equipment, materials handling, water management, building management systems, and indoor air quality and chemicals.

chief executive officer Mr Jayant Balan nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2001stAff strength 35

ProfiLeWAGO is the leading specialist of Spring Pressure Termination Technology for electrical interconnection and automation products. WAGO components and systems are used worldwide in industrial, automotive, process engineering, building and many other sophisticated applications. Our product range consist of rail-mounted terminal blocks, connectors, PLC, I/O system, power supplies, relays, optocouplers, signal transducers, interface boards, system cables, overvoltage protectors, etc.

chief executive officer Mr Benjamin GannAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1996stAff strength 20

WAgo eLectronic Pte LtD

7 tai seng Drive#05-02singapore 535218 t (65) 6286 6776 f (65) 6284 2425W www.wago.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Jonathan SngAccount Manager, Automation


Page 109: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeWassertec is able to provide the most comprehensive filtration technology solutions for various requirements for Liquid, Dust and Air. We carry brands like: Pentair, Everpure, FilterHub, CSM, Luminor UV.

nAture of Activity Liquid/Dust/Air Filtration Products yeAr estAbLisheD 2009 stAff strength 10

WAssertec Pte LtD

3016 bedok north Ave 4 #04-19 eastech singapore 489947t (65) 6245 1677 f (65) 6245 1671W www.wassertec.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Stephen LeeDirector

ProfiLeWater & Waste Pollution Engineering Pte Ltd (WWPE) was established in March of 1990 and had been actively involved in introducing new technologies into Singapore, Hong Kong and ASEAN region. The company offers design and technical services related to the treatment of both Municipal and High strength industrial wastewater discharged from pharmaceutical, petrochemical and food & beverage, chemical and textile industries/plants. The patented MSABPTM process by Aquarius technologies Inc. produces (i) No waste sludge, (ii) Compact footprint, (iii) Absorb hydraulic and organic peaks, (iv) Energy efficient and (v) Operational simplicity. WWPE together with FloDry engineering Ltd (NZ) have introduced the new and advanced sludge reduction technology called the FEDW process which increases the dry solids content in dewatered sludges by up to 40%, substantial savings in reduced polymer usage, low operational cost, reduced disposal cost and short pay back period. Products such as Fine bubble diffused aeration systems (Ceramics/Membranes, Discs/Tubes), clarifiers etc for wastewater treatment systems and test kits such as TOXScreen3 (Toxicity test), AOC3 (Assimilable organic carbon), BOD and Biocide activity kits for potable water analysis are available from WWPE.

chief executive officer Mr Wayne Ho nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1990stAff strength 4

WAter AnD WAste PoLLution engineering Pte LtD

8 commonwealth Lane #04-03bsingapore 149555 t (65) 6538 0093f (65) 6538 0940 e [email protected] PersonMr Wayne Ho Director


Page 110: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


21 bukit batok crescent #18-83 WcegA tower singapore 658065 t (65 ) 6563 3228 f (65) 6563 3328W www.water-chem.com.sg e [email protected]

WAtercheM envirotech Pte LtD

ProfiLeWe offer tailor made comprehensive solutions from concept to operation, minimizing the use of energy and maximizing the efficiency of the operation for all types of water & wastewater.

nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment

ProfiLeEstablished since 1981, Waterco is an Australian public listed company involved in the manufacture and distribution of:- Commercial water treatment equipment- Swimming pool/spa equipment and chemicals- Domestic water filters, softeners and purifiersWaterco’s research & development team has created an innovative range of award winning products. The company’s advanced fibreglass winding and pioneering plastic moulding techniques have delivered premium quality products to over 40 countries via its branches and international distributors.Waterco has branches executive in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Indonesia and Singapore.

chief executive officer Mr Goh Soon SinnnAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2008stAff strength 16

WAterco internAtionAL Pte LtD

24 Peck seah street#05-02/04 nehsons building singapore 079314 t (65) 6344 2378 f (65) 6344 2478W www.waterco.com.au e [email protected] PersonMr Dave TanRegional Sales Engineer


Page 111: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeManufacture &, SupplierLow/Medium/High VoltageAC/DC motorsInduction/Slip Ring MotorsBrake/Encoder/Forced Fan MotorsSafe/Hazardous AreaWide Range of geared motorVariable Speed Drive/Pump Genius/Soft-Starters/SoftwareEx-Stock Available

chief executive officer Mr Simon LeenAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor yeAr estAbLisheD 1993 stAff strength 15

WAtt euro-driVe (F.e.) Pte LtD

67b Joo Koon circle singapore 629082t (65) 6862 2220 f (65) 6862 3330W www.wattdrive.com www.weg.net/sg e [email protected] PersonMs Janet Yee Administrative Manager

ProfiLeWestermo is a world leading supplier of industrial data communications products. We manufacture a wide range of industrial Ethernet switches, Ethernet extenders, 3G/LTE router, PSTN modems, Serial RS-232/422/485 converters and Serial to fiber optic modems. With our high temperature rated industrial devices, Ethernet can be run or converted to serial, fiber 3G/LTE, WIFI, SHDSL. At Westermo, we have your industrial needs covered.

chief executive officer Mr Earnest PhuanAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2007stAff strength 5

WesterMo DAtA coMMunicAtions Pte LtD

84 Genting Lane#07-03 cityneon Design centre singapore 349584 t (65) 6743 9801 f (65 )6745 0670W www.westermo.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Earnest PhuaManaging Director


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no.6 tagore Drive#03-13 tagore building singapore 787623 t (65) 6458 2722 f (65) 6458 2022W www.widostechnology.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Terence SimSales and Marketing Manager

WiDos technoLogyAsiA PAcific Pte LtD

ProfiLeWIDOS TECHNOLOGY (ASIA PACIFIC) PTE LTD was established in August 1993 as an import & export trading company supplying and distributing wide range of high quality European hardware tools and plastic welding machines. Over this time, WIDOS has identified the need to expand its business to meet growing market demands by setting up a One-Stop Centre that provides Service & Repair, Training and Machine Rentals and launching its first ever online shop, “Shop4tools.com.sg” , in 2014. Today, we carry a comprehensive range of products to reach out to market sectors such as the Automotive, Oil & Gas, Marine, and Manufacturing Industries. Complementary and related products as well as accessories like power tools, heat guns and bio-chemicals have also been added to the range.

chief executive officer Mr KC LainAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 1993

ProfiLeEstablished in the year 1986, Willowglen is a pioneer in developing the integrated SCADA system. Combiningsophisticated software with intelligent Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), a Willowglen system brings your remote facilities even closer to home by providing telemetry, real-time motion video images and integration of various business systems. Thisapproach harnesses the maximum potential of the SCADA network and communications link, as well as providing the critical business intelligence in the modern business world. With expertise in Instrumentation, Data Acquisition and Control, Infocomm Systems and Solutions, Building Automation, Monitoring & Security Systems and Electrical Works, it is ingrained in our corporate culture to provide the best of end-to-end service. Design, engineering, integration and implementation - we do them all.

chief executive officer Ms Tan Jun nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 1986stAff strength 140

WiLLoWgLen services Pte LtD

82 Genting Lane #A02-01 Media centre singapore 349567 t (65) 6280 0437 f (65) 6286 2002W www.willowglen.com.my e [email protected] PersonMr Wong Guang Shing Business Development Manager


Page 113: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfiLeAn expert in pumping technology, a leading pump distributor, Winston Engineering provide pumps for various applications which include municipal & plumbing works, sewerage treatment, waste water disposal, air conditioning and the oil, gas and petroleum industries as well as covering general industrial pumping applications such as chemical transfer. Our selection of pumps range from air operated double diaphragm, end suction centrifugal, submersible, seal-less magnetic and gear, reciprocating, high pressure, vacuum pumps and also root blowers.

chief executive officer Mr Henry Ong nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor yeAr estAbLisheD 1977 stAff strength 95

Winston engineering corP (Pte) Ltd

1 Joo Koon Way singapore 628942t (65) 6863 3338 f (65) 6898 3338W www.winstonengineering.com e samc@winstonengineering. com.sgcontAct PersonMr Henry OngManaging DirectorMr Sam ChinMarketing Manager

ProfiLeWitteveen+Bos provides consulting and engineering services in the fields of water, infrastructure, the environment and construction. The firm focuses primarily on complex projects requiring advanced knowledge and an integrated multi-disciplinary approach involving intensive co-operation between specialists in different disciplines characterised by its expertise, reliability and commitment.

chief executive officer Mr Arno Kops nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAbLisheD 2014stAff strength 8

Witteveen+bos south-eAst AsiA Pte LtD.

2 international Business Park the strategy #02-01 singapore 609930 t 3158 7317W www.witteveenbos.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Leanne Lim Office Manager


Page 114: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


111 somerset road #12-05 tripleone somerset singapore 238164 t (65) 6735 8444 f (65) 6735 7444W www.worleyparsons.com e [email protected] PersonMr Vince GohDelivery Manager, Infrastructure

WorLeyPArsons Pte LtD

ProfiLeWorleyParsons is a global engineering company with more than 24,500 professional staff around the globe spanning 42 countries and 118 offices. WorleyParsons provide complete solutions to engineering, as well as project management and safeguards consulting for urban-infrastructure projects. WorleyParsons’ extensive expertise includes water source sustainable development and management, resource protection, and restoration; supply, treatment and distribution; wastewater treatment processes, and disposal systems; interdisciplinary master planning for urban development projects; urban land use plans; environmental assessment and mitigation; social assessment and mitigation plans; public consultation; sustainability assessments; and others.

chief executive officer Mr Andrew Wood nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 1974stAff strength 24,500

ProfiLeXylem (XYL) is a leading global water technology provider, enabling customers to transport, treat, test and efficiently use water in public utility, residential and commercial building services, industrial and agricultural settings. The company does business in more than 150 countries through a number of market-leading product brands, and its people bring broad applications expertise with a strong focus on finding local solutions to the world’s most challenging water and wastewater problems. Launched in 2011 from the spinoff of the water-related businesses of ITT Corporation, Xylem is headquartered in Rye Brook, NY 10573, with 2011 revenues of $3.8 billion and 12,500 employees worldwide.The name Xylem is derived from classical Greek and is the tissue that transports water in plants, highlighting the engineering efficiency of our water-centric business by linking it with the best water transportation of all -- that which occurs in nature.

chief executive officer Mr Allan Hendry nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAbLisheD 2011stAff strength 12,500 (Worldwide)

xyLeM WAter soLutions singAPore Pte LtD

6 Wan Lee roadsingapore 627937 t (65) 6507 6999 f (65) 6507 6992W www.xyleminc.com e [email protected] PersonMr Robin WongRegional Marketing Director, Greater Asia


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ProfiLeAn EPC company focused on water, waste water, solid waste and green energy from biogas, Biomass etc. Also develop and finance BOO and BOT projects both locally and overseas markets.

chief executive officer Mr Tay Beng BoonnAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water Treatment yeAr estAbLisheD 2007 stAff strength 150

yAMAto technoLogies Pte LtD

2 Penjuru close #01-04 singapore 608611t (65) 6265 5635 f (65) 6266 4788 W www.yamato.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Taher BokhtierDirector

ProfiLeYT Automation Singapore Pte Ltd is an Industrial Automation Product Provider with Application /Technical Support Services. We supply a comprehensive range of industrial automation controls products to various industries. We are an Authorized Distributor for Unitronics OPLC (PLC + HMI All in ONE unit) in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. We are also distributor for Korean and Germany brands automation products such as Helmholz, M2i, LSIS, Autonics, Fine Suntronix, Sewhacnm, RS Automation.

nAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAbLisheD 2013stAff strength 5

yt AutoMAtion singAPore Pte LtD

71 bukit batok crescent #08-05 Prestige centre singapore 658071 t (65) 6684 0702 f (65) 6684 0703W www.ytautomation.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Yew Hoe SoonTechnical Sales Manager


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AmAne Advisors

ProfileAn International Advisory Group focused on the Water Industry with services including market intelligence, strategy, commercialization and branding to help start ups and corporates accelerate growth and drive success. We aid our clients in creating true value from M&A deals and guide them in all stages of PPP projects.We are in Singapore, China, Bahrain, France and the UK and our partner, Global Water Intelligence is the market leader for data and analysis in the water industry.

chief executive officer Mr Thierry Noel nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAblished 2007stAff strength 20

Waterhub 80 toh guan road east t03-06 singapore 608576 t (65) 6515 0725 f (65) 6515 5431 W www.amaneadvisors.com e [email protected] PersonMs Ida Johansson Director

ProfileAMIAD is one of world’s significant producers of filtration equipment. We specialize in the development of comprehensive line of efficient AUTOMATIC self-cleaning filters and manual filters that require low maintenance. We provide innovative self-cleaning water filters for treatment as fine as 2 micron.AMIAD filters provide bespoke solutions to a wide range of applications, including in the Steel, Power, Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper, Municipal and Irrigation Industries.Amiad provides solutions to more than 66 countries with seven subsidiaries and sales offices around the world.

chief executive officer Mr Dori Ivzori nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 1993stAff strength 5

AmiAd WAter systems ltd

22 sin ming lane #07-88 midview citysingapore 573969 t (65) 6337 6698 f (65) 6337 8180 W www.amiad.com e [email protected] PersonMs Lena NgOffice Manager


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ProfileFor past few years, under the dedication to develop “Perfect Filtration”, “Finest Quality” and “100% Customer Satisfaction”, we have grown from strength in tandem with our accelerating growth in the business and had established ourselves as one of the most dynamic and promising companies in water treatment.We have consistently strived to create and maintain a cutting edge lead over the others. To achieve this important lead, we manufactured, market & provide one stop solution to meet customers & industrial demand. We are a single source supplier for filtration and water quality products for residential, commercial, industrial & pharmaceutical applications.Owing to our commitment toward continual quality improvement, right attitude, customer’s satisfactions and timely delivery philosophy, we have gained many good reputations and referral from our customers. We thank you for your support to AST.

chief executive officer Mr Joe Chua nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Educational Institution, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 2007stAff strength 6

AsiA suPPly trAding Pte ltd

7 soon lee street#05-26 ispace singapore 627608 t (65) 6245 6355 f (65) 6347 6181 W www.asiasupply.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMs Fion Chua Sales Manager

ProfileAslicnova was established in 1999 to develop and integrate new water treatment technologies to meet more stringent water quality requirements or to recover residual nutrients from the industrial effluent. Specifically, Aslicnova is an engineering consulting company and EPC contractor providing custom designed water treatment plants for effluent treatment, anaerobic digestion for waste-to-energy, residual recovery and water reuse.

chief executive officer Mr Ryan GohnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water Treatment, Test and Commissioning and Operations and MaintenanceyeAr estAblished 1999stAff strength 5

171 chin swee road #04-08/09 ces centre singapore 169877 t (65) 6235 0898 f (65) 6734 9798 W www.aslicnova.com e [email protected] PersonMs Sharon Han Director

AslicnovAPte ltd


Page 119: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

chief executive officer Mr Ian Peng Xing YunnAture of Activity Construction MaterialyeAr estAblished 2015stAff strength 5

280 Woodlands industrial Park e5 #09-50singapore 757322 t (65) 6214 1254 f (65) 6214 0430 e [email protected] PersonMr Ian Peng Xing YunDirector

Asoky nAnyAng Pte ltd

Atl industries Pte ltd

no.705 sims drive#04-15c shun li industrial complex singapore 387384 t (65) 6844 7122 f (65) 6844 7133 e [email protected] PersonMr Kelris LeeMarketing Executive

ProfileSupply, Installation & Commissioning of bolted steel tanks for liquid / water / wastewater & dry bulk storage solution. Project record from 50 to 30000 cubic meters. One stop solution & complete turnkey service to direct end users, system integrators & contractors. Dealer for “Tank Connection LLC”, USA.

chief executive officer Mr Michael LeenAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAblished 1988stAff strength 15

ProfileAsoky Nanyang Pte Ltd is the sale representative of Asoky Resincon Co., Ltd in the region of S.E.A to promote Asoky polymer resin concrete pipes. The characteristics of Asoky product are Excellent corrosive resistance, High intensity, Perfect vibration and impact resistance, strong structure, smooth surface, etc. Asoky products has been wildly used in waste water management, drainage water recycling, agriculture in countries of Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore, and has been proven to be the next generation pipe material for water.


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ProfileAurecon brings ideas to life to design a better future. Imagining what is possible, we turn problems into solutions. We provide advisory, design, delivery and asset management services on projects across a range of markets, in locations worldwide. These services include: • Digital advisory and infrastructure advisory • Building design, ground engineering design and infrastructure

design• Programme and project management delivery• Asset management and geospatial systems

nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesstAff strength 125

Aurecon singAPore (Pte) Ltd

115 beach road#22-02 gateway eastsingapore 189721 t (65) 6256 6188 f (65) 6251 7188 W www.aurecongroup.com e [email protected] PersonDr Steve LiewCountry Manager

ProfileAVK is an international industrial Group created through the efforts of dedicated people using advanced technology in products and processes to achieve the highest standards of quality products and services. AVK has achieved strong leadership positions within our three segments. AVK has today own production units, sales companies, agents and license partners in more than 50 countries, and our products and services are supplied to more than 80 countries worldwide. This global network permits close co-operation with our end-users ensuring high service and customer satisfaction.

chief executive officer Mr Poul Erik JensennAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 1997stAff strength 57

Avk vAlves mAnufActuring mAlAysiA sdn bhd

lot 1 Jalan sg chadong 8, batu 5.1/2 Jalan kapar42100 klang, selangormalaysia t 603 3291 8270 f 603 3290 6717 W www.avkvalves.com.my e [email protected] PersonMs Irene Quek Senior Sales & Marketing Manager 118

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ProfileWe are the problem-solvers – the thinkers, the creators, the planners and practitioners – who understand their vision and make things happen!We are 3000-plus professionals spread across 19 offices across the Asia Pacific. But we are One Beca.We are diverse enough to bring a wide range of perspectives, skills and disciplines to every client and every challenge. We’re also a team that understands the power of working together to bring resourceful, smart solutions from our collective experience and insights. And this holds true whether we’re working on a small library for a local community or a multi-site expansion programme for a global food and beverage giant. While our experience has been 98 years in the making, it is the fresh talent we’re nurturing, the innovative thinking we’re developing and the connections that we’re forging that get us most excited for the future.

becA cArter hollings & Ferner (S.e.ASiA) Pte ltd

1 gateway drive#12-01 Westgate towersingapore 608531 t (65) 6220 7588 f (65) 6225 6937 W www.beca.com

nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services

ProfileWe are an independent insight firm whose mission is to help client’s address, leverage, and navigate the technological, regulatory, and competitive trends in the global water sector.Our proven research approach and analytical framework, coupled with the team’s research and consulting experience provides clients with unparalleled intelligence into key industry outlooks and value. chain positioning. To learn more about our water market reports, insight services, and consulting capabilities contact us at [email protected].

chief executive officer Mr Reese TisdalenAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Research & Analytical Lab, Research and Development, Market Research, Analysis and Data

bluefield reseArch

192 south st. suite 550 boston, mA02111 us t +1 617 910 2540W www.bluefieldresearch.com e waterexperts@ bluefieldresearch.comcontAct PersonMs Steph Aldock Marketing Director


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ProfileCalgon Carbon is an acknowledged leader – nearly 75 years in production in the activated carbon and reactivation industry for many liquid and vapour phase applications, with complementary expertise in ultraviolet disinfection and oxidation, ion exchange technology, and ballast water treatment.With 1,400 employees at 21 manufacturing, reactivation, and equipment fabrication facilities in the U.S., Asia, and in Europe, the company provides solutions for more than 700 distinct market applications.Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) is considered by The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) , as an available treatment technology for the removal of harmful organic chemicals and compounds in drinking water. GAC is also an affordable treatment technology for the removal of taste & odor, disinfection byproducts and emerging compounds in drinking water, process water, and waste water for various industries.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 1997stAff strength 14

cAlgon cArbon AsiA Pte ltd

3 harbourfront Place #05-01 harbourfront tower two singapore 099254 t (65) 6221 3500 f (65) 6221 3554 W www.calgoncarbon.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Doreen Chong Marketing Manager, Asia

ProfileCutech a company headquartered in Singapore that offer wide range of Services & Products to Industrial, Commercial & Government Clients across Petrochemical, Process, Oil & Gas, Marine, Cement and Power Sectors.Cutech has its presence in the complete life cycle of products in various sectors ranging from Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Inspection, Testing, Commissioning, Installation, Asset Management Services, Maintenance and Monitoring.

nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor

cutech Process services Pte ltd

2 Jurong east st.21#04-32e imm building singapore 609601 t (65) 6665 0187 f (65) 6560 5892 W www.cutechgroup.com


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ProfilePursuing water, air, and gas measurement technology.

nAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor

dKK-tOA corPorAtion

29-10, 1-chome, takadanobaba shinjuku-ku, tokyo 169-9648 Japan t +81 3 3202 0225 f +81 3 3202 5685 W www.toadkk.co.jp/english

ProfileDow Microbial Control, a business unit within The Dow Chemical Company, is the leading provider of biocide and antimicrobial technologies that control and prevent growth of nuisance and dangerous microorganisms. We provide best-in-class products, service and knowledge to our customers, in regard to process preservation, water treatment, sanitization, and disinfection chemistries.

chief executive officer Ms Suiniaty BasirunnAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Research & Analytical Lab, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Treatment yeAr estAblished 1976stAff strength 290

doW chemicAl PAciFic (S) Pte ltd

24 tuas south street 3 singapore 638025 t (65) 6868 0257 f (65) 6863 9591 W www.dow.com e [email protected] PersonDr Melvin Tan Senior TS&D Specialist


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associatemembersechologics, Pte ltd

ProfileEchologics provides high-quality and actionable information about buried infrastructure helping to optimize capital investments, repair and rehabilitation programs and safely extend the operating life of critical water main assets. By understanding the actual condition of buried infrastructure, water providers can:• Prioritize capital spending• Minimize water main breaks and water loss• Better manage aging water main infrastructure challengesWe work as trusted advisors for water utilities and industrial clients seeking innovative solutions.

nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Research and DevelopmentyeAr estAblished 2016 (Singapore)stAff strength 4 (Singapore)

82 toh guan road east #c2-12 Pub Waterhub singapore 608576 t (65) 6816 3088 W www.echologics.com e [email protected] PersonMr Mark NicolSr Director – Sales & Operations

ProfileZüblin has more than 50 years experience in the design and production of all kinds of reinforced concrete jacking pipes up to ID 5,100mm. To ensure highest quality and timely delivery Züblin has established its own jacking pipe factory in Asia.As throughout Züblin’s activities around the world, the full know-how of the inhouse Züblin specialist department, such as the foundation department, tunneling department, turnkey department and others, is available to allow innovative and efficient solutions to be developed for the benefit of our client worldwide.

chief executive officer Mr Josef Cofler nAture of Activity Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAblished 1997 (Singapore Branch)stAff strength 200

ed. Zublin Ag, singAPore brAnch

47 Scotts road#17-02 goldbell towers singapore 228233 t (65) 6339 0436 f (65) 6339 4560 W www.zublin.com.sg e [email protected] [email protected] PersonMr Sunny Toh Business Development Branch 122

Page 125: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfileEuroflo Pumps International Pte Ltd was established in Singapore as our corporate HQ. Singapore has always been regarded as a country with good corporate governance and robust legal system that are both efficient, reliable as well as logistically well connected worldwide. This allows us to reach out faster and the ability to inject the best practices in managing our quality and products, so that our customers can have the peace of mind and the assurance that their investments and goods are well protected

chief executive officer Mr Henry Ong Chong HuinAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Authority, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 2008stAff strength 7

euroflo PumP internAtionAl Pte ltd

no.1 Joo koon Way singapore 628942 t (65) 6861 3836 f (65) 6861 3936 W www.euroflopumps.com e [email protected] PersonMs Elaine TohDeputy General Sales Manager

eutech instruments Pte ltd

ProfileDesign, manufacture and supply sensor-based instruments and solutions for water quality analysis in laboratories and industrial applications. Visit www.eutechnist.com for more information.

55 Ayer rajah crescent #04-16 singapore 139949 t (65) 6778 6876 f (65) 6778 0086 W www.eutechinst.com e [email protected] mayoorathan.maheswaran@ thermofisher.comcontAct PersonMr Maheswaran, Mayoorathan

nAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor


Page 126: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfileExperia Events specialises in organising and managing conferences, exhibitions and trade events of strategic interest, fostering industry development and thought leadership. It has built a strong portfolio in aerospace and defence with the highly successful Singapore Airshow, Asia’s largest aerospace and defence exhibition and one of the most important aviation shows in the world, and IMDEX Asia, the foremost international maritime defence exhibition in Asia Pacific. Our expertise and track record also extends to the government and lifestyle sector, through key events such as the Singapore International Water Week and World Cities Summit.Experia Events also manages the Changi Exhibition Centre (CEC), a world-class, multi-purpose venue located along Singapore’s eastern seaboard. CEC’s integrated yet open-venue design offers versatility for large-scale international trade exhibitions as well as specialised indoor and outdoor consumer events.

chief executive officer Mr Leck Chet Lam (Managing Director)nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services

exPeriA events Pte ltd

singapore changi Airport terminal 2 l3 #038-017singapore 819643 t (65) 6542 8660 f (65) 6546 6062W www.experiaevents.com e [email protected] PersonMs Lau Ping PingAssistant Project Director

ProfileFesto, a global player in automation technology and intelligent electro-pneumatics system offering a comprehensive package of products, systems solutions and services. From automated field devices such as on/off and modulating process valves (ball, butterfly, knifegate, penstocks…etc) to standard/customized control cabinet with standard and intelligent valve terminals that can help optimize your automated process for the water and wastewater industry.

chief executive officer Mr Ray LeenAture of Activity Process Automation, Field Automated Control Solution yeAr estAblished 1980stAff strength 100

festo Pte ltd

6 kian teck Waysingapore 628754 t (65) 6145 6700 f (65) 6415 6900W www.festo.com e [email protected] PersonMr Eric TanProcess Automation Manager (SG)Ms Vicky Zhou Assistant Marketing Manager (South Sea Asia)


Page 127: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

20 harbour drive#02-01b PsA vistasingapore 117612 t (65) 6779 1502 f (65) 6779 4230 W www.royalhaskoningdhv.com e [email protected] PersonMr Alan LimSenior Sales Manager/Project Director

hAskoning singAPore Pte ltd, A comPAnyof royAl hAskoningdhv

ProfileRoyal HaskoningDHV (RHDHV) has been involved closely in all water aspects of industries and businesses. From the improvement, extension and/or complete replacement of existing water and wastewater treatment plants, to the realization of new plants. The RHDHV experts always seek to provide reliable and cost-effective solutions. We specialize in process water, cooling water systems, water optimization studies related to core processes, sewer systems, water recycling, wastewater treatment and zero liquid discharge. We also own proprietary waste-water treatment technologies for special needs.RHDHV renders a full range of services in various partnership or contract forms: from consultancy and pilot trials, to turn-key delivery of the water plant, including its operation and maintenance. We are well known as pioneers and leading professionals in sustainability, capable of integrating sustainable solutions to maintain the quality objectives and success of our clients.

chief executive officer Mr Tim JeannenAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 2010stAff strength 11

hf Pure WAter ProfileHF Group has a history reaching back over 70 years with expertise in designing, manufacturing and servicing industrial equipment with expertise in stainless steel metal fabrication. This legacy which began with the invention of the first long roll film processors has evolved to engineering and manufacturing industrial-grade water systems customized to recover or destroy most contaminants in water and wastewater. HF Group believes water is a precious resource and all economical efforts for its efficient and effective use and conservation should be pursued. HFPureWater was established in 1989 for that purpose. All HF systems are custom built with stainless steel design, fully automated controls, and manufactured in the U.S.

203 West Artesia blvd compton cA90220 usA t 310 6050755 f 310 6081556 W www.hfpurewater.com e [email protected] PersonMr Phillip Nelson General Manager

chief executive officer Mr James H. LeenAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAblished 1989 stAff strength 100


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ProfileDesign and Fabricate & install the Waste Water Treatment Plant for Constructions sites and industries. Also, TSS CCTV Monitoring system and the water quality monitoring system for various industries, probe/sensor for different parameters manufacture the chemical and recycle system for construction related industry supply & fabricate the batching plant for ready-mixed concrete.

chief executive officer Mr James ChennAture of Activity Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAblished 1999stAff strength 13

Hi cOn (S)Pte ltd

80 tuas bay drive singapore 637567 t (65) 6862 3126 f (65) 6862 4648 W www.hicon.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr James ChenDirector

ProfileWe are available to offer an optimized complete solution from design to site supervision.Pipes rank amongst the most essential innovations of and for our civilizations. The denser the population, the more our all health and wellbeing, that of our economies and not least of our environment depend on functioning piping systems: We need them for potable water supply, irrigation, sewage discharge, for road, tunnel and bridge drainage, to convey water to and from industries and for producing green energy.We produce pipe systems with state of the art production technologies and market them for these application fields. With the services and support we offer from dimensioning and routing pipelines through calculations to consultancy on site, our products have been installed by a variety of methods such as open trench, jacking, microtunneling, sliplining and above ground in more than 50 countries. Totaling thousands of kilometers of pipe, the line would span the world several times.

hobAs singAPore Pte ltd

110 robinson road #08-00 singapore 068901 t (65) 6223 7060 f (65) 6828 4398 W www.hobas.com e [email protected] PersonMr Kent GohSales Manager

chief executive officer Mr Asuka ShibatanAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAblished 1957


Page 129: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfilePromoting healthier life style by drinking alkaline water through our water filtration system.

hydroflux mArketing Pte ltd

8 ubi road 2#07-22singapore 408538 t (65) 6547 4486 / (65) 6610 7053 W www.hydroflux.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMs Sharon ThiamAdmin

chief executive officer Ms Sharon LunAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor, Research and Development, Water Quality, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 2012stAff strength 30

ProfileSales and service of water purifier and dispenser system and equipment.

hyflo mArketing Pte ltd

37 kallang Pudding road #08-07 tong lee building blk b singapore 349325 t (65) 6677 0110 W www.alkalinewater.sg e [email protected] chief executive officer Mr Alvin Chua

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAblished 2011 stAff strength 4


Page 130: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Profilei2O provides smart network solutions to help water utilities respond to the challenges created by an increasing and urbanising population, more extreme weather events, ageing infrastructure and more demanding customers. More than 100 utilities in over 25 countries around the world have installed i2O technology since the company was founded in 2005; extending asset life, reducing operating costs, improving customer service and achieving return on investment within 12 months. i2O is headquartered in the UK and has offices in Malaysia, Spain and Colombia. The company is led by an experienced and knowledgeable team and is backed by major long-term investors.

chief executive officer Mr Joel HagannAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAblished 2005 stAff strength 60

i2o WAter

4 benham roadsouthampton science Park southampton, so16 7QJ uk t +44 (0)2380 111 420 f (65) 6636 2971 W www.i2owater.com e [email protected] PersonMr Yong Lee SeowSales Director - APAC

ProfileDistribution of Activated Carbon, MBBR and Membrane Products in South East Asia. Agents for Kuraray Coal Activated Carbon. Kuraray Coal has largest market share for Activated Carbon in Japan. Have more than 50 years of experience in water treatment.

chief executive officer Mr Pragash SivanathannAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 2003 stAff strength 5

iPoWer Pte ltd

no.81 ubi Avenue 4ub one #09-07singapore 408830 t (65) 6636 2970 f (65) 6636 2971 W www.ipower.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMs AdelineSales Support


Page 131: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfileManufacturer of Sluice gates, Knife gate valves, Coarse and fine screens, Screw Conveyor, Washer compactor, Archimedes screw pumps, Hydro power generators for power generation at heads as low as 1 meter & Process equipment like Detritor, Clarifier, Clariflocculator, Thickener, Surface Aerator, Decanter, Digestor mixers, Trickling filters etc for water, waste water & effluent treatment plants.

chief executive officer Mr Prantik Patel nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Research and Development, Mechanical, Electrical, Testing, CommissioningyeAr estAblished 1972 stAff strength 700

JAsh engineering limited

31 sector ‘c’ industrial Area sanwer road, indore-452015 (m.P.) india t (91) 7312720143 f (91) 7312720499 W www.jashindia.com e [email protected] PersonMr Prantik Patel Managing Director

ProfileJoyce River is an innovative and fast growing Hi-Tech company that provides customized purification technologies and services for industry. We are highly honoured by having obtained the POC funding from SPRING TECS to pursue our further research in membrane-based drug purification. Starting from Asia and aiming at global market, we provide bio-molecular products, membrane products, membrane processes for industrial demands.

Joyce river Hi-tecH Pte ltd

3 soon lee street #03-32 Pioneer Junction singapore 627606 t (65) 6734 3697 f (65) 6734 3697 W joyceriver.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMs Cheng Jiu Hua, Monica nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Research

and Development129

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ProfileKITZ Group is world’s leading valve manufacturer provides a full lineup of products, and its quality is highly regarded by customers in Japan and overseas. The Asia Pacific regional headquarter based in Singapore is ISO 9001:2008 certified, dedicated to service the industries such as hydrocarbon processing, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, power, pulp & paper, marine and waterworks, electronics and mining, building services, and many more. Through our persistent effort, KITZ ensures to be more dedicated to continually enriching its corporate value by providing originality and quality in all our products and services. Our company is committed to contribute to the global success.

kitZ corPorAtion of AsiA PAcific Pte ltd

no.22 Pioneer crescent #03-06 West Park bizcentral singapore 628556 t (65) 6339 0350 f (65) 6339 1315 W www.kitz.com e [email protected] PersonMr Kotaro TeraoGeneral Manager

chief executive officer Mr Hitoshi KuriharanAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAblished 2011stAff strength 12

ProfileFor half a century, KMS has been a world-class developer and manufacturer of innovative membrane & filtration systems serving a global marketplace. We develop the finest filtration membranes, build custom and engineered systems for a broad array of industries, and provide superior technical and customer service support. We continue to set the standard as an industry-leading membrane & system provider. Our solutions include municipal and industrial water and wastewater processing; dairy, juice, and wine processing; industrial biotechnology; and many more.

chief executive officer Mr Mark Farrell nAture of Activity Filtration membrane products and system manufactureryeAr estAblished 1963stAff strength 500

koch membrAne systems

260 orchard road#11-01/09 the heeren singapore 238855 t (65) 6831 6518 f (65) 6835 2031W www.kochmembrane.com e [email protected] PersonMr Ruming Pang Commercial Director


Page 133: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfileKOL Global Engineering is wholly owned by 38 Marine And Offshore Pte Ltd. We are based in Singapore and Mynamar to provide comprehensive range of services to serve and meet the specific needs of the Onshore, Marine and Offoresore Industry. KOL Global Engineering is the authorized distributor of VAF Water Filtration (SGBP certified) and VAF Centrifugal Separator for commercial building and industrial application. KOL’s is also the authorized distributor for BSRIA compliant VEXO X-POT combined 4-In-1 Filtration, Dirt & Air Separator and Dosing Pot Systems to maintain excellent quality chilled-water or closed system water ensuring main system plant items including Chillers, Pumps and Heat Exchangers operate at their designed efficiencies.

kol globAl engineering

21 bukit batok crescent #20-72 WcegA tower singapore 658065 t (65) 6567 3083 f (65) 6659 0901W 38marine.com.sg e [email protected] contAct PersonMs Winnie Chin Manager

chief executive officer Mr Chang Keen Cheong (Director)nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Water Treatment, Distributor and integrator for Water Filtration Systems, Centrifugal Separators and Air & Dirt Separators for cooling towers and chilled-water systems.yeAr estAblished 1996

Profile• Water Treatment Chemicals Reverse Osmosis/Cooling/Boiler/Process/Waste Water

systems/Online monitoring and control equipment• Water Treatment Systems Ultrapure/Pure/Waste Water/Water Recovery systems

kuritA (SingAPOre) Pte ltd

30 Joo koon road singapore 628984 t (65) 6861 2622 f (65) 6861 3036 W www.kurita.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Jason YepGeneral Manager

nAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 1978stAff strength 120


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ProfileThe MIPL Water Division strives to provide effective and efficient technology solutions to the water industry. MIC (parent company of MIPL) has extensive experience in designing and building water plants for the industry. We aim to provide the same value added services and solutions to the semiconductor customers, Pharmaceutical and Food and Beverage industries in the region. MIPL also provides spares and consumables for the water industries.

chief executive officer Ms Irene SeetohnAture of Activity Wastewater TreatmentyeAr estAblished 1997stAff strength 32

mArketech integrAted Pte ltd

86 kaki bukit industrial terrace singapore 416166 t (65) 6747 6678 f (65) 6842 6700W www.marketech.com.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Paul TanGeneral Manager

ProfileTo serve the Asia Pacific Region better, we were established in 1996 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Metrohm AG, Switzerland. With a history that started in 1943, Metrohm AG is the world’s leading manufacturer of uncompromising quality precision instruments for chemical ion analysis and developer of tailor-made applications that help our customers safeguard their product quality, compliance with regulations, and process optimization.

chief executive officer Mr Billy Wong nAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Research & Analytical Lab, Water QualityyeAr estAblished 1997stAff strength 26

metrohm singAPore Pte ltd

31 toh guan road east #06-08 lW technocentre singapore 608608 t (65) 6872 2215 f (65) 6872 3110W www.metrohm.com.sg e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Billy Wong Managing Director


Page 135: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfileIn all countries, regions, and industrial fields of the world, problems such as rising populations, urbanization, and bad weather have made preservation of water resources a serious concern. Demand and supply cost for water differ greatly in relation to specific environmental regulations, and even the ownership and operation of facilities is becoming more variable.To support these strong yet varied demands, one effect is that the amount of seawater desalinated has risen to above 1,000,000 tons per day. The water supply capacity of Tokyo as a whole is 4,000,000 tons per day. Recycled water from sewage and industrial drainage has become an important resource, with much technology developed around it. Among this, energy conservation through water processing engineering can be considered a common concern among all countries and segments.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAblished 2013 (Singapore)

niimi singAPore Pte. ltd.

18 cross street #07-05 china square central singapore 048423 t (65) 6420 0580 f (65) 6420 0589 W www.niimi.co.jp e [email protected]

ProfileGroupnish expanded its operation in Singapore by acquiring Sietech and growing its business as Nish Sietech Electromation Pte. Ltd.NISH is a diversified Process Automation, Customized IT Solutions and Intelligent Building Automation company formed by a team of highly motivated, innovative and energetic Instrumentation & Automation Professionals. The team is highly experienced with a combined experience of more than 80 years in Industrial Automation, Networking, Bus Based Technologies, Energy Management, IT Solutions and Project Management.At NISH we believe in Customer satisfaction, Quality Engineering, Optimized Consultancy, Professional support and Positive Corporate Culture.NISH delivers total Intelligent automation solutions to customers across varied industry segments in Asia. NISH enable real time enterprises with its smart Industrial Automation & IT Solutions integrating the plant floor to the board room and beyond.NISH’s team of engineers have engineered and implemented some of the complex and largest field networks across Asia using Profibus and Foundation Fieldbus.

nAture of Activity Contractor & Field Services, Manufacturer & Distributor

nish sietech electromAtion Pte ltd

WcegA tower 21 #11-70 bukit batok crescent singapore 658065 t (65) 6684 7725 f (65) 6684 7726 W www.groupnish.com e [email protected] PersonMr Kishoe Mahamunkar Sales and Marketing Director


Page 136: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

associatemembersoZAx singAPore corPorAtion

Profile• Production, processing and sales of living industry products,

sales of synthetic resin raw materials• Sales of paper, cardboard, paper secondary products and pulp• Sales of food• Import / export related to the above

8 ubi road 2#01-04 Zervexsingapore 408538 t (65) 6443 1577 W www.ozax.co.jp e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Yoshihisa Kaida nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor

yeAr estAblished 1920

988 toa Payoh north#07-04singapore 319002 t (65) 6369 9119 f (65) 6369 9919 W www.pabloasia.com www.waterwastewaterasia.com e [email protected] [email protected] PersonMr William Pang Publisher and Managing Director

PAblo Publishing Pte Ltd (WAter & WAsteWAter ASiA)

ProfileWater & Wastewater Asia (WWA) is the expert source of information in the water and wastewater treatment industries and every trade professional’s gateway to the dynamic market. In our continuous efforts to reflect the industry and to quench the industry’s thirst for knowledge, WWA provides a comprehensive coverage on key conventional topics and an exploration into evolving territories, with a special focus on the Asia-Pacific and China regions. This bi-monthly publication is available in print and digital versions for your easy accessibility wherever you are and whenever you need.WWA incorporates the official newsletter of the Singapore Water Association (SWA).

chief executive officer Mr William Pang nAture of Activity Trade MediayeAr estAblished 2000stAff strength 10


Page 137: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

ProfileA company based in Singapore, Pioneer Environmental Technology Pte Ltd, has the objective to be the regional leader in Environmental solution provider. With her own patented know-how and manufacturing base in China, Pioneer is very well positioned to provide unique software and sophisticated hardware to the waste management and chemical industries, particularly in the solid-liquid separation and liquid-liquid separation fields. Our products and service include:• Environmental consultancy work;• Turn-key waste treatment and recovery systems;• Environmental equipment and consumables.We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,we borrow it from our Children. – Native American Proverb

chief executive officer Dr Raymond YangnAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 2010stAff strength 5

Pioneer environmentAl technologyPte ltd

52 tuas Avenue 9singapore 639193 t (65) 6210 2716 f (65) 6861 6919 W www.pioneerenv.com.sg e RaymondYang@ pioneerenv.com.sgcontAct PersonDr Raymond YangDirector

POLy-Line PrivAte ltd

ProfilePOLYLINE has over 30 years of experience in working with thermoplastic lining membranes and systems that fulfill the challenging reliability and quality requirements of modern architectures and civil engineering works. The long-term durability and service life of our installations and workmanships results from the strict industry standards we adopt. And we back up that performance with our guarantee.Our resident lining specialists are continually exploring new methodologies, environmentally sustainable materials and other lining possibilities. We are in constant discussion of these technical innovations with our long time manufacturing partner, AGRU Kunststofftechnik GmbH of AUSTRIA (AGRU); we not only provide for our client, but with the client.We don’t just respond to changes in the market, we shape the market.

1 sunview road#02-11 ecotech@sunview singapore 627615 t (65) 6862 6540 f (65) 6250 7537 W www.polyline.sg e [email protected]

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor135

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5 soon lee street#05-16 Pioneer Point singapore 627607 t (65) 6250 0102 f (65) 6250 0104 W www.proactchemicals.com e [email protected] PersonMs Sarojini Business Executive

ProAct cHemicALS (S) Pte ltd

ProfileProact Chemicals provide products and services in monitoring water quality in drinking water, food and beverages, municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, environmental and pollution management. We offer customers with quality, efficient and cost effective products. We take efforts in understanding our customer’s needs and extend our support with training and back-up services. Our products are approved, accepted and meets standards by USEPA, USGS, ASTM, APHA and many governmental and educational organizations.

chief executive officer Mr D.S. Naidu nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Research & Analytical Lab, Wastewater Treatment, Water Authority, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 1997stAff strength 4

29 mandai estate#06-01 innovation Place tower 3 singapore 729932 t (65) 6292 2823 f (65) 6299 5512 W www.ptbn.ws e [email protected] PersonMr Garrie GiamBusiness Director

Pt business netWork(Pte) Ltd

ProfileThis unique business opportunity has enabled the PTBN to thrive within a short period of time. PTBN consists of 5 business units:1. Magnet Wire (Enamelled Wire)2. Powder and Wet Coating3. Lubricants4. Oil Refinery and Petrochemicals5. General TradingBesides having our own brand of lubricants (OEM in Singapore), we are manufacturers’ representatives (American & European principals) for the South East Asian countries including India and Sri Lanka. Headquarters in Singapore, PTBN has representative and JV partner offices in India, Thailand & Malaysia. Our trading partners span across Asia; satisfying customers’ requirements from India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAblished 1994stAff strength 10


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ProfileInvestment holding with interests in construction works, oil and gas industry, management and advisory services.

PuncAk niAgA holdings berhAd

Wisma rozali, no.4 Persiaran sukan, seksyen 13, 40100 shah Alam, selangor darul ehsan, malaysia t 03 5522 8589 f 03 5522 8598 W www.puncakniaga.com.my e drmohdzainul@puncakniaga. com.mycontAct PersonProf. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Zainul Fithri OthmanExecutive Director

chief executive officer Mr Azlan Shah Bin Tan Sri Rozali (Acting Managing Director)nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 1997stAff strength 588 (PNHB Group As At 30/12/2016)

ProfilePurity Singapore as a Company, is built on the belief that, through the work we do, we can change the world and your health by sharing a very special SECRET TO GOOD HEALTH through the most abundant substance on Earth, the primary source of life and a liquid you consume in some form on a daily basis.... ALKALINE WATER!!!We are determined to help everyone recognise how a simple change of the QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF WATER being consumed will prevent sickness or, in most cases, regain health.It is a firm belief of Purity Singapore that we are able to provide this miracle water to the homes of everyone who needs it.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor

Purity singAPore Pte ltd

83 genting Lane #05-03 genting Building singapore 349568 t (65) 6493 2501 f (65) 6493 2499 W www.puritysingapore.com e [email protected]


Page 140: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

associatemembersrAci s.r.l. Profile

Founded in 1952, Raci is one of the leading Italian manufacturer of ductile iron valves and fittings for waterworks and gas.Raci is also renown as the worldwide leading manufacturer of HDPE spacers for cased crossing pipelines. The combination of most advanced production facilities, state of the art engineering, attentive choice of materials and efficient production allows Raci to offer products that require extremely low maintenance to most of the high level water and gas utilities round the world. Raci runs a huge stock of a wide number of articles, making possible to serve customers fast and efficiently.

chief executive officer Mr Enrico RighinAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAblished 1952stAff strength 35

sampoerna strategic square30th floor, south tower Jl. Jend sudirman kav, 45-46Jakarta 12930 indonesia t Italy: (+39) 02 262351 Indonesia: (+62) 815 1482 2886 f (39) 02 26235215 W www.raci.it e [email protected] [email protected] contAct PersonMr Giulio A. Gessner SEA Representative

ProfileSpecialist in the field of environmental engineering providing waste and water management solutions in a cost-effective manner.

nAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 2006stAff strength 360

sAnli m&e engineering Pte ltd

15 kian teck drivesingapore 628832 t (65) 6578 9269 f (65) 6261 8225W www.sanli.com.sg e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Sim Hock Heng Managing Director


Page 141: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

sQuire PAtton boggs singAPore llP

ProfileSquire Patton Boggs is a law firm with globe influence. Our team of more than 1,500 lawyers covers 46 offices in 21 countries to support clients wherever law, business, government interact. We provide access to new knowledge, new markets and new expertise.The Squire Patton Boggs Singapore office is positioned to help clients take advantage of the opportunities afforded by the increasingly open and board Asia Pacific markets. We represent multinations corperations, governments, venture capital, private equity, banks and financial institutions in major energy, infrastructure and resources projects, cross-border transcations, capital markets and financing transactions and commercial, amd dispute resolutions in Singapore, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.

nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional ServicesyeAr estAblished 2012stAff strength 16

10 collyer Quay #03-01-02 ocean financial centre singapore 049315 t (65) 6922 8668 f (65) 6922 8650 W www.squirepattonboggs.com e [email protected] PersonMr Ignatius HwangManaging Partner

SumitOmO (SHi) cyclo drive AsiA PAcific Pte ltd

ProfileSumitomo Drive Technologies is a leading solutions provider for water and waste water treatment. We manufacture gearboxes and gearmotors for several water and waste water treatment applications such as clarifiers, aerators, scrappers, screw conveyors, conveyors, screen, screw press, belt filter press, separator drives etc. Our flagship products: Cyclo®, Paramax® and Hyponic® Drives are well-known for reliability, long-life and efficiency. With engineering, stock, assembly and service centres in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand we aim to be your choice of power transmission solutions in water and waste water treatment industry. Call us for discussion anytime!

chief executive officer Mr Takeshi Okabe nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Treatment, Gearmotors, Gearboxes, DrivesyeAr estAblished 1995stAff strength 50

15 kwong min roadsingapore 628718 t (65) 6591 7800 f (65) 6863 4238 W www.sumitomodrive.com e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Kishore Dev Pant Marketing Manager


Page 142: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


no.4 Jln bs 7/19kawasan industri bukit serdang seri kembangan, selangor malaysia 43300 t +603-89423899 f +603-89426899 W www.tkmsb.com e [email protected] PersonMs May PangGeneral Manager

tk multitrAde sdn bhd

ProfileWe are the manufacturing, trading and OEM facilities for all waterand wastewater treatment and filtration system.

chief executive officer Mr Kong Man SengnAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 2003stAff strength 60

torAyinternAtionAl singAPorePte ltd

ProfileWater treatment Membrane application and processing R&D. Technical service of water treatment business.

chief executive officer Mr Takashige SuzukinAture of Activity Research & Analytical LabyeAr estAblished 2009stAff strength 6

111 somerset road #14-01 singapore 238164 t (65) 6533 3288 f (65) 6533 2215 W www.toraywater.com e [email protected] PersonMr Yuji TanakatoGeneral Manager


Page 143: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

toshibA AsiA PAcific Pte ltd

ProfileToshiba Asia Pacific was first established in May 1995 as Toshiba’s regional headquarter for Southeast Asia, India and Oceania operations. Apart from its head office in Singapore, Toshiba Asia Pacific has overseas offices in Bangladesh, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City & Yangon and overseas affiliates in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines & Thailand.Toshiba Asia Pacific, a subsidiary of Toshiba Corporation, provides support to Toshiba companies in the region with the strong focus to expand our business in the areas of industrial systems, power systems, social infrastructure systems, building solutions and industrial ICT solutions.

chief executive officer Mr Doko TatsuonAture of Activity Environment Monitoring & Analysis, Manufacturer & Distributor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Treatment, Infrastructure systems & SolutionsyeAr estAblished 1995stAff strength 100

20 Pasir Panjang road #12-25/28 mapletree business city singapore 117439 t (65) 6297 0990 (GL) (65) 6305 5518 (DL) f (65) 6305 5560 W www.asia.toshiba.com e liong_meng_chok@ tasia.toshiba.co.jpcontAct PersonMr Chok Liong MengGeneral Manager

57 ubi Avenue 1#05-16singapore 408936 t (65) 6208 5218 W www.triplelifestyle.com.sg e [email protected]

triPle lifestyle mArketing Pte ltd

ProfileAt Triple Lifestyle, we are dedicated to provide better and safer quality of water for people coming from all walks of life. Ranging from resident to commercial.Water is essential to life. Our daily activities include the different usage of water, may it be cooking, drinking, washing or bathing etc.Triple Lifestyle provides affordable water filtration system and other health related products that will revolutionizes the things you once took for granted.Triple Lifestyle water filtration system instantly transform tap water into antioxidant Alkaline water that help balance the body’s pH. Triple Lifestyle water filtration system have undergone series of tests and is certified safe even for new born baby.“The water that changes life, Triple Lifestyle.”As the global warming get worse and more pollution affect us, the quality of the air we breathe the quality of water we drink are dropping every day.At Triple Lifestyle, we believe that basic health care services and products should be affordable regardless of your income level or business models. Triple Lifestyle is the only provider currently on the market that is willing to offer subsidized rate for all their products and interest free installment packages. We strongly believe that health care should be a right not a privilege. Living healthier and staying well is vital in life.Triple Lifestyle do not have any subsidiary companies in Singapore as of this moment. Triple Lifestyle is the only sole distributor and dealer in Singapore. Other subsidiary of Triple Lifestyle are currently based in other part of South East Asia mainly Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor141

Page 144: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


ProfileTUFFCHEM focuses mainly on serving the utilities, refineries, and petrochemical industries in the Asian Pacific Region & Middle East.Our services include: • Chemical cleaning • Foam cleaning• Dry ice blasting• Hot oil flushing• Boroscope inspection • Hydro-testing• Sludge recovery / treatment• Waste water treatment

chief executive officer Mrs Allister Lim RochstadnAture of Activity Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAblished 2003stAff strength 15

tuffchem environmentAl services Pte ltd

38 loyang drive#02-01singapore 508960 t (65) 6861 2981 f (65) 6861 1183 W www.tuffchem.com e [email protected] PersonMrs Allister Lim Rochstad Managing Director

vA tech WAbAg limited

ProfileDoing Operation, Service and Maintenance of water and waste water plants in various Public Utilities Board (PUB) plants as Sub-Contractor. Also, Wabag has its headquarters in India, over 750 employees who support for the Design, Build and Construction of Water and Waste water treatment plants. Wabag has the R&D division in Switzerland, hold pattern of more than 150 in Water and waste water treatment plants.

18 howard road#06-07 novelty biz centre singapore 369585 t (65) 6386 1256 f (65) 6386 1257 W www.wabag.com e [email protected] PersonMr B PrabakaranRegional Head

chief executive officer Mr Rajiv MittalnAture of Activity Wastewater Treatment, Water Authority, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 2008stAff strength 30


Page 145: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

vegA instruments (SeA) Pte Ltd

ProfileVEGA Grieshaber KG is a world leader in the area of level and pressure measurement. This strong position was achieved through consistent, targeted development of innovative and trendsetting products. Founded in the Black Forest in 1959, VEGA employs over 1,200 people worldwide, 600 of whom work at its headquarters in Schiltach. Here is where solutions for the most demanding measuring tasks are being conceived and brought to realization: for chemical and pharmaceutical plants, the food industry, drinking water supply systems, sewage treatment plants, landfills, mining, power generation, oil platforms, ships and airplanes. Technologies level – Radar, guided radar, ultrasonic, capacitive, hydrostatic, radiometric, conductive, vibration. Pressure – Process pressure, hydrostatic, differential pressure.

chief executive officer Mr Goh Boon Teck nAture of Activity Manufacturer & DistributoryeAr estAblished 1999stAff strength 8

25 international Business Park#04-51/52 german centresingapore 609916 t (65) 6564 0531 f (65) 6567 5213 W www.vega.com e [email protected] PersonMr Goh Boon Teck Director

c/o block 48 bendemeer road #08-1485singapore 330048 t (65) 9631 6828 W www.victaulic.com contAct PersonMr Alfred Chua

victAulic comPAny

ProfileThe world leader in mechanical piping systems since 1925, Victaulic has set the global standard for piping efficiency, engineering expertise and performance reliability all over the world. Providing worldwide expertise and support, the Victaulic team of factory direct sales engineers brings extensive experience and understands both the issues and needs of owners, design engineers and contractors.

nAture of Activity Manufacturer & Distributor, Piping technology solutions provideryeAr estAblished 1925


Page 146: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


no 21. bukit batok crescent #16-82 WcegA tower singapore 658064 t (65) 6570 6938 f (65) 6734 5706 W www.wetec.com.sg e [email protected] contAct PersonMr Andrew Chan Managing Director

Wetec Pte ltd ProfileWe are specialized in the field of instrumentation for the monitoring of potable water, waste-water, sewage water, environmental, soil, crop and geotechnical sectors. In our sales programme, we have specially selected the latest technology in sensing and detection system to cater to your process needs. Our unique and innovative measurement systems improves the reliability of the data transmission and assist to reduce the equipment and installation cost. Let us be your partner in providing our solutions to your requirement.

nAture of Activity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field ServicesyeAr estAblished 2008stAff strength 5


Page 147: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Page 148: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

institutionalmembersAustrAliAn trAde Commission

ProfileThe Australian Trade Commission – Austrade –contributes to Australia’s economic prosperity by helping Australian businesses, education institutions, tourism operators, governments and citizens as they: • develop international markets and promote international education• win productive foreign direct investment • strengthen Australia’s tourism industry • seek consular and passport services. Austrade achieves this by generating market information and insight, promoting Australian capabilities, developing policy, making connections through an extensive global network of contacts, leveraging the badge of government offshore and providing quality advice and services.Austrade aims to create value for businesses and institutions, in a way that represents a good investment for the taxpayer and meets or exceeds all appropriate standards of ethical behaviour.Austrade’s role is to advance Australia’s international trade and education, investment, and tourism interests by providing information, advice and services.

25 napier road singapore 258507 t (65) 6418 8400 f (65) 6734 4265 w www.austrade.gov.au e christopher.soh@austrade. gov.auContACt PersonMr Christopher Soh Senior Business Development Manager

Chief exeCutive offiCer Mr Bruce GospernAture of ACtivity Government trade and investment facilitation agencyyeAr estAblished 1934stAff strength 500

nAnyAng environment And wAter reseArCh institute (NEWRI)

ProfileThe NEWRI ecosystem provides a multi-and trans-disciplinary platform for some 400 researchers to perform RTDA (Research, Translation, Development and Applications) in the domains of Water, Waste, Wastewater, and the Energy-water nexus. NEWRI has strong capabilities and capacities to develop novel technology solutions relevant to community and industry.

1 Cleantech loopCleantech one #06-08singapore 637141 t (65) 6790 6813 f (65) 6791 0756 w newri.ntu.edu.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Michael GanProjects Development Manager

Chief exeCutive offiCer Professor Ng Wun JernnAture of ACtivity Consultant & Professional Services, Contractor & Field Services, Research & Analytical Lab, Research and Development, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 2008stAff strength 400


Page 149: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

nAtionAl environment AgENcy (NEA)

ProfileThe National Environment Agency (NEA) is the leading public organisation responsible for improving and sustaining a clean and green environment in Singapore. The NEA develops and spearheads environmental initiatives and programmes through its partnership with the People, Public and Private sectors. By protecting Singapore’s environment from pollution, maintaining a high level of public health and providing timely meteorological information, the NEA endeavours to ensure sustainable development and a quality living environment for present and future generations.

Chief exeCutive offiCer Mr Ronnie TaynAture of ACtivity Educational Institution, Government, Regulator & Policy, Research & Analytical Lab, Research and Development, Water Authority, Water Quality, Water Reuse, Water TreatmentyeAr estAblished 2002

40 Scotts Road #13-00 environment buildingsingapore 228231 t (65) 6731 9030 f (65) 6731 9749 w www.nea.gov.sg e [email protected] PersonDr Pranav S. JoshiSenior Assistant Director

ngee Ann PolyteChniC, environmentAl & wAter teChnology Centre of innovAtion (EWTcOI)

ProfileEWTCOI aims to develop innovative ideas and technologies for environmental and water applications. Our mission is to partner SMEs and large organisations in applied research and development and consultancy projects, and translate those ideas into practical solutions for a sustainable environment.EWTCOI focuses on four areas of development and innovation - Energy Efficiency Technology, Sustainable Materials Technology, Water Technology and Membrane Technology.The EWTCOI team has multi-disciplinary capabilities ranging from Environmental Engineering, Life Sciences & Microbiology, Membrane Science, Material Science Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Chemical Engineering.

Chief exeCutive offiCer Mrs Tam-Lim Li PhinnAture of ACtivity Educational InstitutionyeAr estAblished 2006stAff strength 48

blk 39, #01-06535 clementi Roadsingapore 599489 t (65) 6460 7091 f (65) 6467 4185 w www.np.edu.sg e [email protected] PersonDr Chen Chia LungAssistant Director 147

Page 150: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

institutionalmembersnus membrAne sCienCe And teChnology Consortium (MSTc)

ProfileThe NUS Membrane Science and Technology Consortium (MSTC) is a group of almost 30 engineering and science faculty members involved in various aspects of membrane-related research with a heavy emphasis on water/wastewater applications. Research activities span the spectrum of membrane materials/fabrication, membrane modules/processes/hybrids, and membrane operations and process modeling. An Industry and Government Affiliates Program (IGAP) has been created with almost 20 members, including Singapore-based multinational, large, and small/medium enterprises as well as Singapore government agencies.

Chief exeCutive offiCer Dr Gary Amy, MSTC CoordinatornAture of ACtivity Educational Institution, Research and DevelopmentyeAr estAblished 2014stAff strength 30

dept of Chemical & biomolecular engrg4 engineering drive, block e5 #02-09 nussingapore 117585 w www.eng.nus.edu.sg/mstc e [email protected] [email protected] PersonDr Gary Amy Professor and MSTC CoordinatorMr Siong Teck Industry Relations Coordinator

rePubliC PolyteChniC

ProfileThe Republic Polytechnic was set up on 1 August 2002 through the passage of The Republic Polytechnic Act 2002 by Parliament.The Polytechnic received its first intake of over 800 students in July 2003 at its Tanglin Campus. It has moved to its permanent campus in Woodlands since March 2006 and supports 14,000 students.The first educational institution in Singapore to leverage the Problem-based Learning approach for all its diploma programmes, Republic Polytechnic (RP) has six schools and two academic centres offering thirty-nine diplomas in Applied Science, Engineering, Enterprise and Communication, Events and Hospitality, Infocomm, Sports, Health & Leisure, and Technology for the Arts.Republic Polytechnic is committed to nurturing innovation and entrepreneurial learning in an environment that develops problem-solving skills and lifelong learning opportunities. Its holistic and broad-based curriculum prepares students for an active and meaningful role in society as problem solvers, respected professionals and passionate citizens.Republic Polytechnic strives for excellence by achieving various international and national accreditations, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22301, Singapore Quality Class, People Developer, Innovation Class, and Service Class.

Chief exeCutive offiCer Mr Yeo Li Pheow nAture of ACtivity Educational InstitutionyeAr estAblished 2003stAff strength 1000

9 Woodlands Avenue 9 singapore 738964 t (65) 6510 3000 f (65) 6415 1310 w www.rp.edu.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Jeremy Kong Programme Chair (Diploma in Environmental Science)


Page 151: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

singAPore PolyteChniC

ProfileSingapore Polytechnic (SP) maintains robust, relevant and innovative curricula that meet student and industry stakeholder requirements and expectations.Responsive and innovative teaching processes that recognise a diversity of learning needs and styles are put in place to meet the changing demands of our learners.We promote multi-disciplinary & cross-functional projects with our business and industry partners. SP is positioned as the source of technology, innovation and information for our partners. In the long run, this will enable them to move up the value-chain.

Chief exeCutive offiCer Mr Soh Wai WahnAture of ACtivity Consultant & Professional Services, Educational Institution, Research and DevelopmentyeAr estAblished 1954stAff strength 1683

500 dover road singapore 139651 t (65) 6879 0479 f (65) 6772 1976 w www.sp.edu.sg e [email protected] PersonMr Kwok Chen KoSenior Lecturer


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Page 153: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Ms AngeliA liew Doctoral Research Scholar NUS - Environmental & Hydraulics Engrg GroupT (65) 8151 8912e [email protected]


Mr Boo Keng see DirectorE-RO Environmental Pte LtdT (65) 6227 1558e [email protected]

Mr ChAn Boon Chew Sales & Technical Manageri-CHEM Solution Pte Ltd T 6012-3352650e [email protected]

Mr Colin Koh Senior Business Manager LKH Precicon Pte LtdT (65) 9793 0088e [email protected]

Mr isAAC YAng Project Manager Miows Sdn Bhd Brunei T 673-7172377e [email protected]

Mr JAY shAhManaging Director Jenuine Solutions Pte LtdT (65) 8223 8234e [email protected]

Mr Kai-UWE HoEHn Global Large Project Leader DOW Chemical (Australia) LtdT 61-297763496e [email protected]

Mr KonnAiYAr s.PeriAsAMiCivil & Environmental ConsultantT (65) 6451 5226 (65) 9634 2495e [email protected]

Mr MohAMed osMAn B rAhAMATSenior TeacherPioneer Junior College T (65) 6363 6098e [email protected]

dr ong Chee wee, viCTorManaging DirectorOne Smart Engineering Pte Ltd T (65) 6265 6766e [email protected]

Mr PhiliPPe wind General Manager – I&EProdegiaT (65) 6501 7847e [email protected]

Mr Frodo vAn oosTveen Managing DirectorCrazy About Water Pte Ltd T (65) 8186 9264e [email protected]


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Mr wong nAM YunDirectorAquamech Corporation Sdn Bhd T 603-62575520e [email protected]

Mr wong PiK hungOperations ManagerMarchwood Laboratory Services Pte Ltd T (65) 9667 6136e [email protected]

Mr ToMMY soeTAnToProject Manager Salim Chemical Corporation T (65) 9421 4667e [email protected]


Page 155: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Page 156: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Consultant & Professional ServicesACE Water Pte Ltd 29

AECOM Singapore Pte Ltd 31

Amane Advisors 115

Anrico Enterprise Pte Ltd 34

Ardeo Solutions Pte Ltd 35

Arup Singapore Pte Ltd 35

Aslicnova Pte Ltd 116

Aurecon Singapore (Pte) Ltd1 18

Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner (S.E.Asia) Pte Ltd 119

Black & Veatch (SEA) Pte Ltd 39

Bluefield Research 119

Buckman Laboratories (Asia) Pte Ltd 41

CH2M HILL Singapore Pte Ltd 43

CPG Consultants Pte Ltd 46

Danfoss Industries Pte Ltd 47

DHI Water & Environment (S) Pte Ltd 48

DNR Process Solutions Pte Ltd 48

DWTH Asia Pte Ltd 49

Echologics, PTE LTD 122

Ecosoftt Pte Ltd 50

Experia Events Pte Ltd 124

Fong Consult Pte Ltd 60


Page 157: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

GE Betz Singapore Pte Ltd 61

GT Nuwater Singapore Pte Ltd 65

Hanna Instruments (S) Pte Ltd 65

Haskoning Singapore Pte Ltd 125

i-Chem Solution Pte Ltd 69

Koh Brothers Building & Civil Engrg Contractor (P) Ltd 73

Koh Brothers ECO Engineering Limited 74

Langdon & Seah Singapore Pte Ltd (An Arcadis Company) 75

Marineaid and Engineering Pte Ltd 76

Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd 79

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd 82

Mott MacDonald Singapore Pte Ltd 82

Nanyang Environment and 146 Water Research Institute (NEWRI)

Pioneer Environmental Technology Pte Ltd 135

Practical Analyzer Solutions Pte Ltd 88

Proact Chemicals (S) Pte Ltd 136

PUB Consultants Private Limited 89

Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad 137

PWN Technologies Pte Ltd 91

Silver Spring Networks 94

Singapore Polytechnic 149

Squire Patton Boggs Singapore LLP 139


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Surbana Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd 99

Torishima Service Solutions Pte Ltd 102

UL International Singapore Pte Ltd 105

Wetec Pte Ltd 144

Willowglen Services Pte Ltd 110

Witteveen+Bos South-East Asia Pte Ltd 111

WorleyParsons Pte Ltd 112

Contractor & Field ServicesAbeinsa BD Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 29

ACE Water Pte Ltd 29

Anrico Enterprise Pte Ltd 34

Asia Supply Trading Pte Ltd 116

Aslicnova Pte Ltd 116

ATL Industries Pte Ltd 117

CH2M HILL Singapore Pte Ltd 43

Chiyoda Kohan (Singapore) Pte Ltd 44

Citic Envirotech Ltd 45

Cutech Process Services Pte Ltd 120

Danfoss Industries Pte Ltd 47

Darco Water Technologies Ltd 47

DHI Water & Environment (S) Pte Ltd 48

DNR Process Solutions Pte Ltd 48


Page 159: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

EA Technology Asst Management Pte Ltd 50

Echologics, PTE LTD 122

Ecological Asia Pte Ltd 50

Ecotex Pte Ltd 51

ED. Zublin AG, Singapore Branch 122

Envipure Pte Ltd 53

Evoqua Water Technologies Pte Ltd 54

Exion Asia Pte Ltd 54

Flagship EcoSystems Pte Ltd 57

Flotech Controls Pte Ltd 59

GE Betz Singapore Pte Ltd 61

Hanna Instruments (S) Pte Ltd 65

HF Pure Water 125

Hi-Con (S) Pte Ltd 126

Hiap Seng Engineering Ltd 66

Hydroflux Marketing Pte Ltd 127

i-Chem Solution Pte Ltd 69

Ion Exchange Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 70

Jash Engineering Limited 129

John Holland Pty Ltd (Singapore Branch) 72

Joyce River Hi-Tech Pte Ltd 129

Kinetics Process Systems Pte Ltd 73

Koh Brothers Building & Civil Engrg Contractor (P) Ltd 73


Page 160: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Koh Brothers ECO Engineering Limited 74

Ley Choon Constructions & Engineering Pte Ltd 76

Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd 81

Nanyang Environment and 146Water Research Institute (NEWRI)

Nish Sietech Electromation Pte Ltd 133

Pioneer Environmental Technology Pte Ltd 135

Pipeline Services Pte Ltd 87

Practical Analyzer Solutions Pte Ltd 88

Proact Chemicals (S) Pte Ltd 136

RelianZ Engineering Pte Ltd 91

Rockwell Automation Southeast Asia Pte Ltd 92

Sing & San Construction Pte Ltd 95

STSE Engineering Services Pte Ltd 98

Teacly (S) Pte Ltd 101

Torishima Service Solutions Pte Ltd 102

Tritech Water Technologies (Singapore) Pte Ltd 103

TuffChem Environmental Services Pte Ltd 142

UGL (Singapore) Pte Ltd 104

UL International Singapore Pte Ltd 105

Voltas Limited 106

Waterchem Envirotech Pte Ltd 108

Wetec Pte Ltd 144

Willowglen Services Pte Ltd 110158

Page 161: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Xylem Water Solutions Singapore Pte Ltd 112

Yamato Technologies Pte Ltd 113

Educational InstitutionNational Environment Agency (NEA) 147

Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Environmental & 147 Water Technology Centre of Innovation (EWTCOI)

NUS Membrane Science and 148 Technology Consortium (MSTC)

Republic Polytechnic 148

Singapore Polytechnic 149

Environment Monitoring & AnalysisACE Water Pte Ltd 29

ALS Technichem (S) Pte Ltd 32

Anrico Enterprise Pte Ltd 34

Asia Supply Trading Pte Ltd 116

AWA Instruments Pte Ltd 38

Black & Veatch (SEA) Pte Ltd 39

Burkert Contromatic Singapore Pte Ltd 42

CH2M HILL Singapore Pte Ltd 43

DHI Water & Environment (S) Pte Ltd 48

DKK-TOA Corporation 121

Endress+Hauser (SEA) Pte Ltd 53


Page 162: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Eutech Instruments Pte Ltd 123

Feng Yuan Environmental Technology Pte Ltd 56

GE Betz Singapore Pte Ltd 61

Hanna Instruments (S) Pte Ltd 65

Haskoning Singapore Pte Ltd 125

Horiba Instruments (Singapore) Pte Ltd 67

i-Chem Solution Pte Ltd 69

Ionix Instruments Pte Ltd 71

Metrohm Singapore Pte Ltd 132

Mettler-Toledo (S) Pte Ltd 80

Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd 81

Mott MacDonald Singapore Pte Ltd 82

Optiqua Technologies Pte Ltd 85

Practical Analyzer Solutions Pte Ltd 88

Proact Chemicals (S) Pte Ltd1 36

Sound Global Limited 97

Spectra-Teknik (S) Pte Ltd 97

SysEng (S) Pte Ltd 100

Toshiba Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 141

UES Holdings Pte Ltd 104

Visenti Pte Ltd 105

Voltas Limited 106

WorleyParsons Pte Ltd 112

YT Automation Singapore Pte Ltd 113160

Page 163: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

GovernmentNational Environment Agency (NEA) 147

Manufacturer & DistributorACME Pump (Asia) Pte Ltd 30

Adamas Mineral Group Pte Ltd 30

Aerzen Asia Pte Ltd 31

Agru Technology Pte Ltd 32

Amiad Water Systems Ltd 115

Andritz Ritz Pte Ltd 33

Andritz Singapore Pte Ltd 33

Anrico Enterprise Pte Ltd 34

APPAK Production LLP 34

Ardeo Solutions Pte Ltd 35

Asia Supply Trading Pte Ltd 116

Asiatech Pumps + Systems Pte Ltd 36

Asiatic Engineering Pte Limited 36

Asxban Technologies Pte Ltd 37

ATL Industries Pte Ltd 117

AVK Valves Manufacturing Malaysia Sdn Bhd 118

AWA Instruments Pte Ltd 38

Boerger Pumps Asia Pte Ltd 39

Borouge Pte Ltd 40


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Breen International Pte Ltd 41

Buckman Laboratories (Asia) Pte Ltd 41

Calgon Carbon Asia Pte Ltd 120

Ceraflo Pte Ltd 43

Chiyoda Kohan (Singapore) Pte Ltd 44

Citic Envirotech Ltd 45

CPP Global Products Pte Ltd 46

Cutech Process Services Pte Ltd 120

Danfoss Industries Pte Ltd 47

DKK-TOA Corporation 121

Dow Chemical Pacific (S) Pte Ltd 121

Duvalco Valves & Fittings Pte Ltd 49

EA Technology Asst Management Pte Ltd 50

Echologics, PTE LTD 122

Ecological Asia Pte Ltd 50

Euroflo Pump International Pte Ltd 123

Eutech Instruments Pte Ltd 123

Evoqua Water Technologies Pte Ltd 54

Exion Asia Pte Ltd 54

F.A.S.T. Electromech Pte Ltd 55

Faxolif Industries Pte Ltd 55

FIDA International (S) Pte Ltd 56

Finetek Pte Ltd 57


Page 165: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Flexim Instruments Asia Pte Ltd 58

Flotech Controls Pte Ltd 59

Floteq Singapore Pte Ltd 59

GE Betz Singapore Pte Ltd 61

GEA Westfalia Separator (S.E.A.) Pte Ltd 61

Global Ecocarb Pvt Ltd 63

GPA Engineering Corporation Pte Ltd 64

Grundfos (Singapore) Pte Ltd 64

GT Nuwater Singapore Pte Ltd 65

HF Pure Water 125

Hobas Singapore Pte Ltd 126

Horiba Instruments (Singapore) Pte Ltd 67

Hydroflux Marketing Pte Ltd 127

Hyflo Marketing Pte Ltd 127

i-Chem Solution Pte Ltd 69

i2O Water 128

Ichinose Emico Valves (S) Pte Ltd 70

Ionix Instruments Pte Ltd 71

iPower Pte Ltd 128

Kitz Corporation of Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 130

KOL Global Engineering 131

L2O Expeditions Pte Ltd 74

Lautan Luas Singapore Pte Ltd 75


Page 166: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Marineaid and Engineering Pte Ltd 76

Mat Hydro International Pte Ltd 77

MC-Bauchemie Singapore Pte Ltd 77

Mecc Alte (F.E.) Pte Ltd 78

Meiden Singapore Pte Ltd 78

Memstar Pte Ltd 80

Metrohm Singapore Pte Ltd 132

Mettler-Toledo (S) Pte Ltd 80

MICRODYN-Nadir Singapore Pte Ltd 81

Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd 81

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd 82

Netzsch Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 83

Niimi Singapore Pte. Ltd. 133

Nippon Pillar Singapore Pte Ltd 84

Nish Sietech Electromation Pte Ltd 133

Nitto Denko (Singapore) Pte Ltd 84

Optiqua Technologies Pte Ltd 85

Oxbow Sulphur & Fertilizer (Singapore) Pte Ltd 85

OZAX Singapore Corporation 134

Pan Asian Flow Technology Pte Ltd 86

PCM Group Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 86

Poly-line Private Ltd 135

Powersource International Pte Ltd 88


Page 167: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Practical Analyzer Solutions Pte Ltd 88

Proact Chemicals (S) Pte Ltd 136

ProMinent Fluid Controls (FE) Pte Ltd 89

Pumpco International Pte Ltd 90

PureSys Pte Ltd 90

Purity Singapore Pte Ltd 137

RACI S.R.L. 138

Rockwell Automation Southeast Asia Pte Ltd 92

Silver Spring Networks 94

Singardo International Pte Ltd 95

Singnergy Corporation Pte Ltd 96

Sintalow Hardware Pte Ltd 96

Sound Global Limited 97

Spectra-Teknik (S) Pte Ltd 97

Spraying Systems Co. (S) Pte Ltd 98

STSE Engineering Services Pte Ltd 98

Sumitomo (SHI) Cyclo Drive Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 139

TK Multitrade Sdn Bhd 140

Tokyo Electron Device Singapore Pte Ltd 101

Toray Asia Pte Ltd 102

Toshiba Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 141

Triple Lifestyle Marketing Pte Ltd 141

Tritech Water Technologies (Singapore) Pte Ltd 103


Page 168: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


VEGA Instruments (SEA) Pte Ltd 143

Victaulic Company 143

Visenti Pte Ltd 105

Voltas Limited 106

Wago Electronic Pte Ltd 106

Water and Waste Pollution Engineering Pte Ltd 107

Waterco International Pte Ltd 108

Watt Euro-Drive (F.E.) Pte Ltd 109

Westermo Data Communications Pte Ltd 109

Widos Technology Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 110

Winston Engineering Corp (Pte) Ltd 111

Xylem Water Solutions Singapore Pte Ltd 112

YT Automation Singapore Pte Ltd 113

Regulator & PolicyNational Environment Agency (NEA) 147

Research & Analytical LabBluefield Research 119

DHI Water & Environment (S) Pte Ltd 48

Dow Chemical Pacific (S) Pte Ltd 121

Evoqua Water Technologies Pte Ltd 54

GE Betz Singapore Pte Ltd 61


Page 169: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Hanna Instruments (S) Pte Ltd 65

Lautan Luas Singapore Pte Ltd 75

Metrohm Singapore Pte Ltd 132

Nanyang Environment and 146Water Research Institute (NEWRI)

National Environment Agency (NEA) 147

Practical Analyzer Solutions Pte Ltd 88

Proact Chemicals (S) Pte Ltd 136

Spectra-Teknik (S) Pte Ltd 97

Toray International Singapore Pte. Ltd. 140

UL International Singapore Pte Ltd 105

Research and DevelopmentAndritz Ritz Pte Ltd 33

Bluefield Research 119

Cannon Far East Pte Ltd 42

Ceraflo Pte Ltd 43

DHI Water & Environment (S) Pte Ltd 48

Dow Chemical Pacific (S) Pte Ltd 121

Echologics, PTE LTD 122

Ecosoftt Pte Ltd 51

Evoqua Water Technologies Pte Ltd 54

Finetek Pte Ltd 57

GE Betz Singapore Pte Ltd 61167

Page 170: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Grundfos (Singapore) Pte Ltd 64

Hanna Instruments (S) Pte Ltd 65

Haskoning Singapore Pte Ltd 125

HSL Constructor Pte Ltd 68

Hydroflux Marketing Pte Ltd 127

Hyflux Ltd 69

Jash Engineering Limited 129

Joyce River Hi-Tech Pte Ltd 129

Mettler-Toledo (S) Pte Ltd 80

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd 82

Mott MacDonald Singapore Pte Ltd 82

Nanyang Environment and 146Water Research Institute (NEWRI)

National Environment Agency (NEA) 147

Nitto Denko (Singapore) Pte Ltd 84

NUS Membrane Science and 148Technology Consortium (MSTC)

Pioneer Environmental Technology Pte Ltd 135

Practical Analyzer Solutions Pte Ltd 88

PWN Technologies Pte Ltd 91

Singapore Polytechnic 149

Spectra-Teknik (S) Pte Ltd 97

SUEZ (Singapore) SERVICES Pte. Ltd. 99

UL International Singapore Pte Ltd 105


Page 171: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Wastewater TreatmentACE Water Pte Ltd 29

ACME Pump (Asia) Pte Ltd 30

Aerzen Asia Pte Ltd 31

Amiad Water Systems Ltd 115

Andritz Singapore Pte Ltd 33

Anrico Enterprise Pte Ltd 35

Asia Supply Trading Pte Ltd 116

Aslicnova Pte Ltd 116

AVK Valves Manufacturing Malaysia Sdn Bhd 118

Black & Veatch (SEA) Pte Ltd 39

Boerger Pumps Asia Pte Ltd 39

Boustead Salcon Water Solutions Pte Ltd 40

Breen International Pte Ltd 41

Calgon Carbon Asia Pte Ltd 120

Cannon Far East Pte Ltd 42

Ceraflo Pte Ltd 43

CH2M HILL Singapore Pte Ltd 43

Citic Envirotech Ltd 45

Danfoss Industries Pte Ltd 47

Darco Water Technologies Ltd 47

Dow Chemical Pacific (S) Pte Ltd 121

Duvalco Valves & Fittings Pte Ltd 49


Page 172: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Ecosoftt Pte Ltd 51

Ecotex Pte Ltd 51

Envipure Pte Ltd 53

Euroflo Pump International Pte Ltd 123

Evoqua Water Technologies Pte Ltd 54

Flagship EcoSystems Pte Ltd 57

Flexi Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd 58

GE Betz Singapore Pte Ltd 61

Gemu Valves Pte Ltd 62

George Fischer Pte Ltd 62

Glynwed Pipe Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 63

Grundfos (Singapore) Pte Ltd 64

GT Nuwater Singapore Pte Ltd 65

Hanna Instruments (S) Pte Ltd 65

Haskoning Singapore Pte Ltd 125

Huber Technology Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 68

Hyflux Ltd 69

i-Chem Solution Pte Ltd 69

Ion Exchange Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 70

iPower Pte Ltd 128

John Holland Pty Ltd (Singapore Branch) 72

Koh Brothers Building & Civil Engrg Contractor (P) Ltd 73

Koh Brothers ECO Engineering Limited 74


Page 173: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Kurita (Singapore) Pte Ltd 131

Marketech Integrated Pte Ltd 132

Meiden Singapore Pte Ltd 78

Memiontec Pte Ltd 79

MICRODYN-Nadir Singapore Pte Ltd 81

Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd 81

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd 82

Mott MacDonald Singapore Pte Ltd 82

Nanyang Environment and 146Water Research Institute (NEWRI)

Nitto Denko (Singapore) Pte Ltd 84

Pan Asian Flow Technology Pte Ltd 86

Pioneer Environmental Technology Pte Ltd 135

Practical Analyzer Solutions Pte Ltd 88

Proact Chemicals (S) Pte Ltd 136

ProMinent Fluid Controls (FE) Pte Ltd 89

Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad 137

RelianZ Engineering Pte Ltd 91

Sanli M&E Engineering Pte Ltd 138

Scinor (Asia) Pte Ltd 92

Sembcorp Industries Ltd 93

Sembcorp Utilities Pte Ltd 94

Singnergy Corporation Pte Ltd 96

Sound Global Limited 97171

Page 174: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Spectra-Teknik (S) Pte Ltd 97

STSE Engineering Services Pte Ltd 98

SUEZ (Singapore) SERVICES Pte. Ltd. 99

Sumitomo (SHI) Cyclo Drive Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 139

TK Multitrade Sdn Bhd 140

Torishima Service Solutions Pte Ltd 102

Toshiba Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 141

UES Holdings Pte Ltd 104

UGL (Singapore) Pte Ltd 104

Va Tech Wabag Limited 142

Voltas Limited 106

Waterchem Envirotech Pte Ltd 108

WorleyParsons Pte Ltd 112

Yamato Technologies Pte Ltd 113

YT Automation Singapore Pte Ltd 113

Water QualityACE Water Pte Ltd 29

Anrico Enterprise Pte Ltd 34

Asia Supply Trading Pte Ltd 116

Aslicnova Pte Ltd 116

Black & Veatch (SEA) Pte Ltd 39

CH2M HILL Singapore Pte Ltd 43


Page 175: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

DHI Water & Environment (S) Pte Ltd 48

Flotech Controls Pte Ltd 59

GE Betz Singapore Pte Ltd 61

George Fischer Pte Ltd 62

Glynwed Pipe Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 63

Hanna Instruments (S) Pte Ltd 65

Hi-Tech (AEM) Pte Ltd 67

Hydroflux Marketing Pte Ltd 127

Ionix Instruments Pte Ltd 71

iPower Pte Ltd 128

Koh Brothers Building & Civil Engrg Contractor (P) Ltd 73

Koh Brothers ECO Engineering Limited 74

Kurita (Singapore) Pte Ltd 131

Metrohm Singapore Pte Ltd 132

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd 82

Mott MacDonald Singapore Pte Ltd 82

Nanyang Environment and 146Water Research Institute (NEWRI)

National Environment Agency (NEA) 147

Nature Environment Products (S) Pte Ltd 83

Nitto Denko (Singapore) Pte Ltd 84

Optiqua Technologies Pte Ltd 85

Pioneer Environmental Technology Pte Ltd 135


Page 176: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Practical Analyzer Solutions Pte Ltd 88

Proact Chemicals (S) Pte Ltd 136

ProMinent Fluid Controls (FE) Pte Ltd 89

Sintalow Hardware Pte Ltd 96

Spectra-Teknik (S) Pte Ltd 97

SUEZ (Singapore) Services Pte. Ltd. 99

SysEng (S) Pte Ltd 100

Voltas Limited 106

WorleyParsons Pte Ltd 112

Water ReuseACE Water Pte Ltd 29

Asia Supply Trading Pte Ltd 116

Aslicnova Pte Ltd 116

Black & Veatch (SEA) Pte Ltd 39

Boustead Salcon Water Solutions Pte Ltd 40

Ceraflo Pte Ltd 43

CH2M HILL Singapore Pte Ltd 43

Citic Envirotech Ltd 45

Darco Water Technologies Ltd 47

Duvalco Valves & Fittings Pte Ltd 49

Ecosoftt Pte Ltd 51

Evoqua Water Technologies Pte Ltd 54


Page 177: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Flagship EcoSystems Pte Ltd 57

Flotech Controls Pte Ltd 59

GE Betz Singapore Pte Ltd 61

Glynwed Pipe Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 63

Grundfos (Singapore) Pte Ltd 64

GT Nuwater Singapore Pte Ltd 65

Hyflux Ltd 69

Ion Exchange Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 70

Koh Brothers Building & Civil Engrg Contractor (P) Ltd 73

Koh Brothers ECO Engineering Limited 74

Meiden Singapore Pte Ltd 78

Memiontec Pte Ltd 79

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd 82

Mott MacDonald Singapore Pte Ltd 82

Nanyang Environment and 146Water Research Institute (NEWRI)

National Environment Agency (NEA) 147

Nitto Denko (Singapore) Pte Ltd 84

Pioneer Environmental Technology Pte Ltd 135

Practical Analyzer Solutions Pte Ltd 88

Proact Chemicals (S) Pte Ltd 136

ProMinent Fluid Controls (FE) Pte Ltd 89

Sanli M&E Engineering Pte Ltd 138


Page 178: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Scinor (Asia) Pte Ltd 92

Sembcorp Industries Ltd 93

Sembcorp Utilities Pte Ltd 94

Sintalow Hardware Pte Ltd 96

Sound Global Limited 97

STSE Engineering Services Pte Ltd 98

UGL (Singapore) Pte Ltd 104

Va Tech Wabag Limited 142

Voltas Limited 106

Water TreatmentACE Water Pte Ltd 29

ACME Pump (Asia) Pte Ltd 30

Amiad Water Systems Ltd 115

Andritz Singapore Pte Ltd 33

Asia Supply Trading Pte Ltd 116

Aslicnova Pte Ltd 116

Avista Tech (Singapore) Pte Ltd 37

AVK Valves Manufacturing Malaysia Sdn Bhd 118

BEWG International Pte Ltd 38

Black & Veatch (SEA) Pte Ltd 39

Boustead Salcon Water Solutions Pte Ltd 40

Breen International Pte Ltd 41


Page 179: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Buckman Laboratories (Asia) Pte Ltd 41

Calgon Carbon Asia Pte Ltd 120

Cannon Far East Pte Ltd 42

Ceraflo Pte Ltd 43

CH2M HILL Singapore Pte Ltd 43

Chiyoda Kohan (Singapore) Pte Ltd 44

Citic Envirotech Ltd 45

Danfoss Industries Pte Ltd 47

Darco Water Technologies Ltd 47

Dow Chemical Pacific (S) Pte Ltd 121

Duvalco Valves & Fittings Pte Ltd 49

Ecosoftt Pte Ltd 51

Ecotex Pte Ltd 51

Envipure Pte Ltd 53

Euroflo Pump International Pte Ltd 123

Evoqua Water Technologies Pte Ltd 54

Flexi Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd 58

Flotech Controls Pte Ltd 59

GE Betz Singapore Pte Ltd 61

Gemu Valves Pte Ltd 62

George Fischer Pte Ltd 62

Glynwed Pipe Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 63

Grundfos (Singapore) Pte Ltd 64


Page 180: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


GT Nuwater Singapore Pte Ltd 65

Hanna Instruments (S) Pte Ltd 65

Haskoning Singapore Pte Ltd 125

HSL Constructor Pte Ltd 68

Hydroflux Marketing Pte Ltd 127

Hyflux Ltd 69

i-Chem Solution Pte Ltd 69

iPower Pte Ltd 128

John Holland Pty Ltd (Singapore Branch) 72

Keppel Infrastructure Holdings Pte Ltd 72

Koh Brothers Building & Civil Engrg Contractor (P) Ltd 73

Koh Brothers ECO Engineering Limited 74

KOL Global Engineering 131

Kurita (Singapore) Pte Ltd 131

Meiden Singapore Pte Ltd 78

Memiontec Pte Ltd 79

MICRODYN-Nadir Singapore Pte Ltd 81

Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd 81

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd 82

Mott MacDonald Singapore Pte Ltd 82

Nanyang Environment and 146Water Research Institute (NEWRI)

National Environment Agency (NEA) 147

Nature Environment Products (S) Pte Ltd 83178

Page 181: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Nitto Denko (Singapore) Pte Ltd 84

Pan Asian Flow Technology Pte Ltd 86

Pioneer Environmental Technology Pte Ltd 135

Practical Analyzer Solutions Pte Ltd 88

Proact Chemicals (S) Pte Ltd 136

ProMinent Fluid Controls (FE) Pte Ltd 89

Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad 137

PureSys Pte Ltd 90

PWN Technologies Pte Ltd 91

RelianZ Engineering Pte Ltd 91

Sanli M&E Engineering Pte Ltd 138

Scinor (Asia) Pte Ltd 92

Sembcorp Industries Ltd 93

Sembcorp Utilities Pte Ltd 94

Sintalow Hardware Pte Ltd 96

Sound Global Limited 97

Spectra-Teknik (S) Pte Ltd 97

STSE Engineering Services Pte Ltd 98

SUEZ (Singapore) SERVICES Pte. Ltd. 99

Sumitomo (SHI) Cyclo Drive Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 139

SysEng (S) Pte Ltd 100

TK Multitrade Sdn Bhd 140

Torishima Service Solutions Pte Ltd 102


Page 182: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Toshiba Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 141

UES Holdings Pte Ltd 104

UGL (Singapore) Pte Ltd 104

Va Tech Wabag Limited 142

Voltas Limited 106

WorleyParsons Pte Ltd 112

Yamato Technologies Pte Ltd 113

YT Automation Singapore Pte Ltd 113


Page 183: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,


Page 184: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

AAbeinsa BD Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 29

ACE Water Pte Ltd 29

ACME Pump (Asia) Pte Ltd 30

Adamas Mineral Group Pte Ltd 30

AECOM Singapore Pte Ltd 31

Aerzen Asia Pte Ltd 31

Agru Technology Pte Ltd 32

ALS Technichem (S) Pte Ltd 32

Amane Advisors 115

Amiad Water Systems Ltd 115

Andritz Ritz Pte Ltd 33

Andritz Singapore Pte Ltd 33

Anrico Enterprise Pte Ltd 34

APPAK Production LLP 34

Ardeo Solutions Pte Ltd 35

Arup Singapore Pte Ltd 35

Asia Supply Trading Pte Ltd 116

Asiatech Pumps + Systems Pte Ltd 36

Asiatic Engineering Pte Limited 36

Aslicnova Pte Ltd 116

Asoky Nanyang Pte Ltd 117

Asxban Technologies Pte Ltd 37

ATL Industries Pte Ltd 117

Aurecon Singapore (Pte) Ltd 118

Australian Trade Commission 146

Avista Tech (Singapore) Pte Ltd 37182

Page 185: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

AVK Valves Manufacturing Malaysia Sdn Bhd 118

AWA Instruments Pte Ltd 38

BBeca Carter Hollings & Ferner (S.E.Asia) Pte Ltd 119

BEWG International Pte Ltd 38

Black & Veatch (SEA) Pte Ltd 39

Bluefield Research 119

Boerger Pumps Asia Pte Ltd 39

Borouge Pte Ltd 40

Boustead Salcon Water Solutions Pte Ltd 40

Breen International Pte Ltd 41

Buckman Laboratories (Asia) Pte Ltd 41

Burkert Contromatic Singapore Pte Ltd 42

CCalgon Carbon Asia Pte Ltd 120

Cannon Far East Pte Ltd 42

Ceraflo Pte Ltd 43

CH2M HILL Singapore Pte Ltd 43

Chemline Products Asia Pte Ltd 44

Chiyoda Kohan (Singapore) Pte Ltd 44

Citic Envirotech Ltd 45

Clearworld Energy (Singapore) Pte Ltd 45

CPG Consultants Pte Ltd 46

CPP Global Products Pte Ltd 46

Cutech Process Services Pte Ltd 120183

Page 186: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

INDEXof companies

DDanfoss Industries Pte Ltd 47

Darco Water Technologies Ltd 47

DHI Water & Environment (S) Pte Ltd 48

DKK-TOA Corporation 121

DNR Process Solutions Pte Ltd 48

Dow Chemical Pacific (S) Pte Ltd 121

Duvalco Valves & Fittings Pte Ltd 49

DWTH Asia Pte Ltd 49

EEA Technology Asst Management Pte Ltd 50

Echologics, PTE LTD 122

Ecological Asia Pte Ltd 50

Ecosoftt Pte Ltd 51

Ecotex Pte Ltd 51

Ecowise Holdings Limited 52

ED. Zublin AG, Singapore Branch 122

Electromech Technologies Pte. Ltd. 52

Endress+Hauser (SEA) Pte Ltd 53

Envipure Pte Ltd 53

Euroflo Pump International Pte Ltd 123

Eutech Instruments Pte Ltd 123

Evoqua Water Technologies Pte Ltd 54

Exion Asia Pte Ltd 54

Experia Events Pte Ltd 124 184

Page 187: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

FF.A.S.T. Electromech Pte Ltd 55

Faxolif Industries Pte Ltd 55

Feng Yuan Environmental Technology Pte Ltd 56

Festo Pte Ltd 124

FIDA International (S) Pte Ltd 56

Finetek Pte Ltd 57

Flagship EcoSystems Pte Ltd 57

Flexi Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd 58

Flexim Instruments Asia Pte Ltd 58

Flotech Controls Pte Ltd 59

Floteq Singapore Pte Ltd 59

Fong Consult Pte Ltd 60

Franklin Electric (SEA) Pte Ltd 60

GGE Betz Singapore Pte Ltd 61

GEA Westfalia Separator (S.E.A.) Pte Ltd 61

Gemu Valves Pte Ltd 62

George Fischer Pte Ltd 62

Global Ecocarb Pvt Ltd 63

Glynwed Pipe Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 63

GPA Engineering Corporation Pte Ltd 64

Grundfos (Singapore) Pte Ltd 64

GT Nuwater Singapore Pte Ltd 65


Page 188: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

INDEXof companies

HHanna Instruments (S) Pte Ltd 65

Haskoning Singapore Pte Ltd 125

HF Pure Water 125

Hiap Seng Engineering Ltd 66

Hi-Con (S) Pte Ltd 126

Hitachi Aqua-Tech Engineering Pte Ltd 66

Hi-Tech (AEM) Pte Ltd 67

Hobas Singapore Pte Ltd 126

Horiba Instruments (Singapore) Pte Ltd 67

HSL Constructor Pte Ltd 68

Huber Technology Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 68

Hydroflux Marketing Pte ltd 127

Hyflo Marketing Pte Ltd 127

Hyflux Ltd 69

Ii2O Water 128

i-Chem Solution Pte Ltd 69

Ichinose Emico Valves (S) Pte Ltd 70

Ion Exchange Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 70

Ionix Instruments Pte Ltd 71

iPower Pte Ltd 128

IWOW Technology Pte Ltd 71


Page 189: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

JJash Engineering Limited 129

John Holland Pty Ltd (Singapore Branch) 72

Joyce River Hi-Tech Pte Ltd 129

KKeppel Infrastructure Holdings Pte Ltd 72

Kinetics Process Systems Pte Ltd 73

Kitz Corporation of Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 130

Koch Membrane Systems 130

Koh Brothers Building & Civil Engrg Contractor (P) Ltd 73

Koh Brothers ECO Engineering Limited 74

KOL Global Engineering 131

Kurita (Singapore) Pte Ltd 131

LL2O Expeditions Pte Ltd 74

Langdon & Seah Singapore Pte Ltd (An Arcadis Company) 75

Lautan Luas Singapore Pte Ltd 75

Ley Choon Constructions & Engineering Pte Ltd 76

MMarineaid and Engineering Pte Ltd 76

Marketech Integrated Pte Ltd 132

Mat Hydro International Pte Ltd 77

MC-Bauchemie Singapore Pte Ltd 77


Page 190: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

INDEXof companies

Mecc Alte (F.E.) Pte Ltd 78

Meiden Singapore Pte Ltd 78

Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd 79

Memiontec Pte LTd 79

Memstar Pte Ltd 80

Metrohm Singapore Pte Ltd 132

Mettler-Toledo (S) Pte Ltd 80

MICRODYN-Nadir Singapore Pte Ltd 81

Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd 81

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd 82

Mott MacDonald Singapore Pte Ltd 82

NNanyang Environment and 146

Water Research Institute (NEWRI)

National Environment Agency (NEA) 146

Nature Environment Products (S) Pte Ltd 83

Netzsch Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 83

Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Environmental & 147 Water Technology Centre of Innovation (EWTCOI)

Niimi Singapore Pte. Ltd. 133

Nippon Pillar Singapore Pte Ltd 84

Nish Sietech Electromation Pte Ltd 133

Nitto Denko (Singapore) Pte Ltd 84

NUS Membrane Science and 148 Technology Consortium (MSTC)


Page 191: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

OOptiqua Technologies Pte Ltd 85

Oxbow Sulphur & Fertilizer (Singapore) Pte Ltd 85

OZAX Singapore Corporation 134

PPablo Publishing Pte Ltd (Water & Wastewater Asia) 134

Pan Asian Flow Technology Pte Ltd 86

PCM Group Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 86

Pentair Water Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd 87

Pioneer Environmental Technology Pte Ltd 135

Pipeline Services Pte Ltd 87

Poly-line Private Ltd 135

Powersource International Pte Ltd 88

Practical Analyzer Solutions Pte Ltd 88

Proact Chemicals (S) Pte Ltd 136

ProMinent Fluid Controls (FE) Pte Ltd 89

PT Business Network (Pte) Ltd 136

PUB Consultants Private Limited 89

Pumpco International Pte Ltd 90

Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad 137

PureSys Pte Ltd 90

Purity Singapore Pte Ltd 137

PWN Technologies Pte Ltd 91


Page 192: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

INDEXof companies

RRACI S.R.L. 138

RelianZ Engineering Pte Ltd 91

Republic Polytechnic 148

Rockwell Automation Southeast Asia Pte Ltd 92

SSanli M&E Engineering Pte Ltd 138

Scinor (Asia) Pte Ltd 92

Sembcorp Industries Ltd 93

Sembcorp NEWater Pte Ltd 93

Sembcorp Utilities Pte Ltd 94

Silver Spring Networks 94

Sing & San Construction Pte Ltd 95

Singapore Polytechnic 149

Singardo International Pte Ltd 95

Singnergy Corporation Pte Ltd 96

Sintalow Hardware Pte Ltd 96

Sound Global Limited 97

Spectra-Teknik (S) Pte Ltd 97

Spraying Systems Co. (S) Pte Ltd 98

Squire Patton Boggs Singapore LLP 139

STSE Engineering Services Pte Ltd 98

SUEZ (Singapore) Services Pte. Ltd. 99

Sumitomo (SHI) Cyclo Drive Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 139

Surbana Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd 99

Syntech Engineers Pte Ltd 100

SysEng (S) Pte Ltd 100190

Page 193: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

TTeacly (S) Pte Ltd 101

TK Multitrade Sdn Bhd 140

Tokyo Electron Device Singapore Pte Ltd 101

Toray Asia Pte Ltd 102

Toray International Singapore Pte.Ltd. 140

Torishima Service Solutions Pte Ltd 102

Toshiba Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 141

Triple Lifestyle Marketing Pte Ltd 141

Tritech Water Technologies (Singapore) Pte Ltd 103

TuffChem Environmental Services Pte Ltd 142

TUV SUD Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 103

UUES Holdings Pte Ltd 104

UGL (Singapore) Pte ltd 104

UL International Singapore Pte Ltd 105

VVa Tech Wabag Limited 142

VEGA Instruments (SEA) Pte Ltd 143

Victaulic Company 143

Visenti Pte Ltd 105

Voltas Limited 106


Page 194: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

INDEXof companies

WWago Electronic Pte Ltd 106

Wassertec Pte Ltd 107

Water and Waste Pollution Engineering Pte Ltd 107

Waterchem Envirotech Pte Ltd 108

Waterco International Pte Ltd 108

Watt Euro-Drive (F.E.) Pte Ltd 109

Westermo Data Communications Pte Ltd 109

Wetec Pte Ltd 144

Widos Technology Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 110

Willowglen Services Pte Ltd 110

Winston Engineering Corp (Pte) Ltd 111

Witteveen+Bos South-East Asia Pte Ltd. 111

WorleyParsons Pte Ltd 112

XXylem Water Solutions Singapore Pte Ltd 112

YYamato Technologies Pte Ltd 113

YT Automation Singapore Pte Ltd 113


Page 195: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,





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Page 196: Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait SINGAPORE …...engineering. Products AGRULINE PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100 / PE 100-RC piping systems for gas and water supply, sewage disposal, RO skids,

Corporate Print Ad - Water/Potrait

A global water service provider, we are the name that people trust to deliver this most precious of resources – a clean and reliable water supply that supports development and enhances the quality of life for millions.

Winner of “Water Company of the Year”Global Water Awards 2011

"Leader in Wastewater Treatment for Industrial Parks" ChinaWaterNet's China Water Industry Annual Award 2014

Clean water for millions. Sustainable solutions for the world.Water is essential to life.

At Sembcorp, we understand that every drop is vital. We manage nine million cubic metres of water and wastewater daily. 24 hours, seven days a week, we keep the wheels of industry turning and supply millions of people with the fresh water they need.

Households and enterprises across four continents rely on our innovative and sustainable water solutions to meet a range of water needs – from the supply of potable and industrial water, the specialised treatment of industrial wastewater to water reclamation and desalination.


Vital Partners. Essential Solutions.









MCI (P) 166/12/2016