Coronavirus Survival Plan Therapies Supplements Treatment Plan A complete guide on how to protect yourself Against the Deadly Coronavirus ~ All Natural ~ Ted Pollard www.health911.com March 31, 2020

Coronavirus Survival Plan Therapies Supplements …Coronavirus Survival Plan • Therapies • Supplements • Treatment Plan A complete guide on how to protect yourself Against the

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Page 1: Coronavirus Survival Plan Therapies Supplements …Coronavirus Survival Plan • Therapies • Supplements • Treatment Plan A complete guide on how to protect yourself Against the


Survival Plan ™

• Therapies

• Supplements

• Treatment Plan

A complete guide on how to

protect yourself Against the

Deadly Coronavirus

~ All Natural ~

Ted Pollard


March 31, 2020

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Copyright © Health911.com 2020

About the Author

Ted Pollard is a graduate of the University of

Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Health911.com. which

he founded in 1998, became of one the world’s most

popular natural health sites in the early 2000s. Since

2010 Ted has been developing extensive protocols for

cancer, alz, addiction, multiple chemical sensitivities, and

more, using all natural remedies and non-pharmaceutical


In October 2019, Ted moved to Merida, Mexico along with

his 500 volume library of natural medicine books and over

40,000 pages of health-related information. His most

current project, before the COVID-19 virus, was to seek

to establish a natural healing center in Merida. Anyone

wishing to help develop his natural healing center

should contact him at [email protected]

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction p. 6

2. Boost Your Immune System! p. 6

3. A Healthy Lifestyle p. 11

4. Other Products to Boost Your Immune System

p. 15

5. Therapies That Will Be Helpful p. 26

6. How to Clear Your Lungs p. 31

7. What To Do If You Have a Cough p. 32

8. What To Do If You Have a Dry Cough p. 33

9. See Your Doctor When… p. 35

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Your Core Wellness Program

There is a lot of material in this report and it may be confusing and/or intimidating

for many readers, so we have outlined a core Wellness Program for you that will

provide the basics you need. There are many more supplements and therapies

outlined below that may be helpful for you. If you have hypertension, diabetes,

cardiovascular conditions, lung conditions, kidney failure, had

chemotherapy/radiation, or are taking immunosuppressing medications, please

work with your physician as you are in a high-risk category.

Dosing, what supplements are recommended, and any instructions are listed in

the main text of this report.

These are the supplements you must buy now! Get enough for several months.

Boost Your Immune System:

Vitamin C – in any form, will be your main supplement

Medicinal Mushrooms – add to your core program

Vitamin D - very important

Zinc – keeps virus from replicating

Create a Healthy Lifestyle:

Oral/Nasal Health - Use a mouthwash (NOT OTC) at least 2x/day. Viruses stay in

the mouth for 4-5 days before entering lungs. Get an herbal spray at a health food

store or use colloidal silver or hydrogen peroxide

Drink water frequently during the day to flush viruses and bacteria out of the


Rest – get 7-8 hours of quality rest. This is when your body repairs itself

Sugar – cut all sugar as it suppresses the immune system!

Digestion – take a good probiotic to improve your microbiome; this is important

for absorption of nutrients and 70% of your immune system develops in the gut

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Other Products to Boost the Immune System

Melatonin – works synergistically with vitamin C to reduce the inflammatory

storm that causes pneumonia to be so deadly

How to Clear Your Lungs

Steam Inhalation: add essential oils to a pot of boiling water (reduce to steam);

can also use apple cider vinegar or salt. Helps reduce inflammation and expel

mucus from the lungs.

These are the core items you need as a foundation of your Wellness Program.

Start with these now and add items from the rest of this report as your situation


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1. Introduction

This protocol is designed to help you prepare for the COVID-19 (Corona Virus) and

hopefully avoid it. In the event you do get the virus we have included many

therapies and supplements that will help you successfully deal with it. There are

currently no known cures for the virus, but there are many ways to ward it off and

overcome its effects.

Virus’ mode of action: attach, invade, replicate. If you stop one of these, the virus

will lose its potency. This protocol is meant to attack at each step.

The products mentioned below are available on Amazon, eBay, and at your local

health food store or an online retailer of supplements. Due to the crisis, supplies

may be limited, so it is suggested that you shop at your earliest convenience! Read

the quantity of each supplement and the dosage in order to calculate your needs

and buy enough for several months. And don’t forget that you will need

supplements for the entire family!

Let’s get started!

We strongly suggest that you get an adequate supply of vitamins C and D and at

least one of the other supplements that boost the immune system right away. If

you have diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular or respiratory conditions, have

had cancer treatment or are taking immunosuppressant medications you will need

to address them as well because you are at a much greater risk of death with these

conditions. Talk to your physician!

2. Boost Your Immune System!

The best way to prepare for dealing with the virus is to boost your immune system

immediately. If you already have symptoms or have been exposed to someone who

has the virus, you will need to boost your immune system and start some of the

therapies and supplements mentioned below.

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Vitamin C is the best defense against any viral attack. Damage inflicted on the lungs

is caused by the generation of high levels of free radicals. Vitamin C is the antidote

to combat these high levels of free radicals. Low levels of vitamin C increase the

body’s vulnerability to viruses. So take vitamin C NOW!! Vitamin C helps prevent

and treat respiratory infections. This has been well documented for 50 years. It

ramps up your oxygen levels. Vitamin C activates your white blood cells, your first

line of defense. Vitamin C energizes natural killer (NK) cells which attack pathogenic

microbes; it also energizes macrophages, another of the immune system’s front

line of defenses against infection. A study at Nottingham University in the UK found

that those who consumed higher amounts of vitamin C had better lung function,

and those who had a diet rich in vitamin C and magnesium, had significantly

improved lung function. Take to bowel tolerance, but the sicker you are the more

vitamin C you can tolerate.

Ascorbic acid – can use the cheapest form. Can take 1,000 mg/hour to bowel

tolerance, or 3-6,000 mg per day in 4-5 divided doses. This is a preventative dose.

You don’t need any fancy form! In case you don’t have access to IV vitamin C and

are infected, you can take 2,000 mg every 6 minutes; this will help stop a fever and


Here’s a good source of vitamin C: https://paleovalley.com/offers/essential-c-



Liposomal vitamin C is more bioavailable than regular vitamin C (up to 20x),

so less is needed. This company has been a leader in the development of liposomal

products: https://purathrive.com/# It also has vitamin D; they have several

products: https://purathrive.com/natural-living-family/vitamin-c/?AFFID=254982

Another: https://www.lifeextension.com/search#q=liposomal&t=coveo4A2453FD

Another: https://www.livonlabs.com/ They are not taking orders as of 3/28/20 and

suggest that you follow them on social media to see when they will be accepting

new orders again. They have a variety of liposomal products.

Many liposomal formulations use the sodium ascorbate form of vitamin C, which is

the same form used in IV vitamin C. It has a different mode of action in the body,

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so we believe that BOTH forms should be used in a 2-pronged attack on the Covid-

19 virus. This opinion stems from research reported by Doris Loh

@Evolutamente.it. in mid-March, 2020.

IV vitamin C should be the first thing you do if you become infected! High

doses won’t affect the bowels because the vitamin C bypasses your intestines. This

is what has been used in China and Korea during the recent outbreak and is very

effective. Start with 10,000 mg per day (dose used in China) and go up to 75,000

mg per day for acute cases. Do this for at least 3 days. You can alternatively take

10-20,000 mg/day for 7-10 days for severe cases. It may be hard to find a doctor or

clinic that does IV vitamin C, so plan ahead.

To locate a physician in your area who administers IV vitamin C, see

www.acam.com or www.icimed.com .

Vitamin D is vital for any viral infection and pneumonia! Here’s why: vitamin D can

reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease,

chronic respiratory infections (RTIs), diabetes, and hypertension. People with

chronic diseases have a significantly higher risk of death from RTIs than otherwise

healthy people. It can also reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines,

thereby reducing the risk of a cytokine storm leading to pneumonia. The cytokine

storm causes an overproduction of mucus within the lungs, so inhibiting it is vital to

stop the progression to pneumonia. See Thymic Protein A below for more

information on downregulating the cytokine storm. Increasing vitamin D levels may

reduce the incidence, severity and risk of death from influenza, pneumonia and the

COVID-19 virus.

In today’s world most people are deficient in vitamin D. You can have your level

checked cheaply at companies like LabCorp or Quest, but if you live in the north

and stay inside most of the time, you are most likely low in vitamin D. Take 5,000

IU/day and up to 10,000 IU/day if anybody around you is sick. If you have the

corona virus, take 50,000 IU/day for 4-5 days. 2,000 IU/day is a good maintenance

dose if you live in the south and are outside a lot. Try to get 20 minutes of morning

sun per day to help build your own vitamin D reserves – no sunscreen or sunglasses!

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Your levels optimally should be at least 50, but with a health crisis I suggest getting

closer to 100 (NOT above). In Korea they have been giving people shots of 100,000

IU at one time.

This company has been a leader in the development of liposomal products.

https://purathrive.com/# Also has vitamin C. Try to get it combined with vitamin K.

Vitamin D supplements are widely available at pharmacies and health food stores.

Start taking vitamin D now!

Magnesium – most Americans are deficient in this vital mineral which is responsible

for over 300 enzymatic functions in the body. Magnesium is important for immune

functioning and will also help you relax. Take at least 400 mg/day, and if you have

trouble sleeping take some before bedtime as it will help relax and you will get a

better sleep. Don’t take the oxide form!

Epsom salts can be used to increase one’s magnesium level quickly. Use

them for a foot bath or in a regular bathtub. Very helpful for relaxing and getting

a good night’s sleep, both of which are important in your Wellness Protocol. They

are also important in helping detoxify the body. Toxins cause inflammation and

disrupt many of the body’s functions, so anything to help detoxify will be


Medicinal mushrooms are one of the most significant immune enhancers, due, in

large part, to the beta glucans they contain. Try Maitake D-Fraction Pro

https://www.luckyvitamin.com/sb-maitake-d-fraction, or


4x-2-fl-oz/my-1013 Comes in liquid and capsule. There are other forms, but the

Pro is the most potent.

AHCC is another very good medicinal mushroom supplement.



Another: https://shop.organixx.com/collections/all-products/products/7m-


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Maitake Gold 404 – Another highly recommended product:


Start taking a medicinal mushroom product NOW to ramp up your immune


Selenium is a powerful scavenger of free radicals, helps recharge vitamin D and

fights against viruses. Our soils are very deficient in this important vitamin.

Selenium may be an effective inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).

ACE inhibitors are used to lower blood pressure. Take 100 mcg per day –

micrograms! Selenium may also be in your multivitamin, so check first.

Vitamin A is important in fighting viral infections; helps protect mucus integrity in

the body; is known as an anti-inflammation vitamin because of its critical role in

enhancing immune function. Since mucus membranes are under attack during a

viral or bacterial infection, having adequate vitamin A is important.

Zinc – take 20-50 mg/day (NOT the oxide form!). Zinc helps stop the virus from

replicating. Zinc enhances resistance to infection; zinc deficiency is associated with

impaired cellular immune response. You may have zinc in your multivitamin, so

check for amount and form. Start taking zinc NOW.

Just in: 3/30/20 Dr. Eric Nepute stated in a podcast that a doctor at a hospital in

NYC has been using 200-250 mg/da of zinc to help patients overcome the virus. But

he says ONLY for 5-7 days!!

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3. A Healthy Lifestyle

Most of the healthy lifestyle changes you will need to make are obvious, such as a

good diet, stop drinking, stop smoking, stop taking recreational drugs, etc., but

there are many things you may not have thought of that will greatly impact your

over-all health, boost your immune system, and in general, keep you much

healthier so you can fight the Covid-19 virus.

Oral/Nasal Health

Keeping your oral and nasal cavities as bacterial/virus-free as possible will be critical

in your fight against Covid-19! Viruses and bacteria enter the body through the

mouth, nose, eyes and ears, so the following tips will offer some suggestions.

Drinking water frequently will help flush bacteria and viruses out of the mouth.

Mouthwash/Throat Spray - this is a very important aspect of keeping the virus at

bay, but NO commercial ones as most of them have alcohol. Health food stores

have a number of throat sprays that you can use after you have been out in public

(or before you go out). You can also use a capful of hydrogen peroxide – just swish

it around your mouth for 15 seconds or so and spit out. You can also put your

toothbrush in a glass of H2O2 to kill germs. Use only a 3% solution that you can

buy at the pharmacy for a few dollars. Remember, your mouth is the gateway to

your microbiome, and your microbiome makes 70% of your immune system. Your

mouth is also the gateway to your lungs, so keeping it bacteria/virus free is very


If you feel anything different in your throat, gargle and start using throat spray

immediately! Bacteria and viruses can stay in your mouth for 3-4 days before going

into the lungs, so good oral hygiene is a vital step in arresting any virus or bacterial


Colloidal Silver can also be used as a mouthwash. See Colloidal Silver

section below.

Use a spray or mouthwash only 1-2x per day.

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Here is one that is highly recommended: https://biocidin.com/products/biocidin-


And another one: https://everydaythroatspray.com/ I have used this for many

years and know the developer.

Hydrogen Peroxide Another remedy is to use 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide in

each ear if you feel any sign of a cold or sore throat coming on. Use a Q-tip for the

peroxide. Turn your head sideways and put the drops in one ear, pull the earlobe

and let the peroxide pop and fizz for a minute or two and do the other ear.

If you start to have a cough or have fluid in the lungs, drink a hot liquid every 20

minutes. This could be tea, soup or water with lemon. This will help wash the

toxins out of your mouth and help you eliminate mucus build up and keep the

mucus fluid. You don’t want the mucus to thicken and clog your airways. Don’t

drink anything cold!!

Drink water frequently as that will wash any bacteria or virus out of your mouth.

We cannot stress the importance of this enough!

As a preventative, start using a mouthwash or spray immediately!

Neti Pot – a neti pot will help flush bacteria and viruses from your sinuses. Follow

directions for use.

Rest – get a good night’s sleep, usually around 8 hours. Go to bed at the same time

each night so your body gets into a rhythm. This is when your body repairs itself,

so this is very important. Don’t use electronics or anything with blue light within 2

hours of going to bed. This affects your melatonin levels and the quality of your

sleep. If you get the virus, recover, then feel well, continue a lot of bed rest for 4-5

days after you begin to feel well. Your body needs to repair itself!

Stop smoking – that is a given! Smoking inflames your airways and lowers your

oxygen levels.

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Stress/anxiety are at all-time levels in the US – even before the onslaught of the

corona virus. Stress depresses the immune system, so you will need to deal with it

as part of your personal wellness program. It is beyond the scope of this paper.

Sugar – sorry, but you must cut out all sugar! It is a major poison for the body and

depresses your immune system. No sodas, of course (even ones with no sugar, but

that is for another reason). Keep hydrated and drink plenty of water – no fancy

water or energy drinks, either!

“Do you know what the #1 “food culprit” is when it comes to harming our immune system?


As a matter of fact, your blood can show lab evidence of a lowered immune

system function within 30 minutes of eating sugar (like glucose, refined sugar

and fructose)......which causes a 50% reduction in the ability for white blood cells

to kill germs!” That should tell you enough!

Your Microbiome

70% of your immune system is made in your gut – microbiome. So enhancing your

microbiome is critical to ward off any infection. Years of bad diet, excess sugar

consumption, drugs, both legal and recreational, heavy alcohol consumption, and

the Purple Pills used for heartburn (proton pump inhibitors), among other things,

affect the functioning of your gut. As we get older the situation gets worse, so that

is why we are seeing elderly die in large numbers with the corona virus.

You will need to address any digestive problems you have so that you can absorb

the nutrients you need and balance your intestinal flora. To help with this you can

eat fermented foods and take a good probiotic. A good prebiotic with lots of fiber

will help re-populate your digestive tract as well. I have recommended Dr. Ohhira’s

formula for many years https://drohhiraprobiotics.com/dr-ohhira-probiotics/dr-

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ohhiras-original-formula/. There are many other brands, but make sure the one you

choose has at least 6 strains of probiotics and at least 30 billion live

microorganisms. As a preventative, start taking a probiotic now and work on

correcting any digestive problems you have.

Your pH – your pH is a measure of how acid or alkaline your body fluids are. To be

in an alkaline state for optimum health, your pH should be between 6.8-7.2.

“An alkaline body can absorb up to 20 times more oxygen than an acidic body.”

These are the words of Dr. Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize Winner for his work on

respiratory enzymes and cancer.

Buy test strips at your pharmacy or a test kit with color chart at a health food store.

Monitor your pH every day. If it is below 6.8 you will need to alkalize your body. NO

soda, as it greatly reduces your pH and it takes your body several hours to raise its

pH after you drink a soda.

Here is a chart that shows you some alkaline foods:



There are some alkaline power foods such as lemon, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera

juice, chlorella, spirulina and other green-food powders, as well as citrate minerals

of potassium, magnesium and calcium, that when added to alkaline water or spring

water will help balance the body’s pH.

Test your urine first thing in the morning before you have had anything to eat or

drink. Keep a chart of your progress. Start now so you can take corrective steps if

your body is acidic.

Blood oxygen test - buy a $20 fingertip pulse oximeter for blood oxygen saturation

monitoring. A severe cough and especially a blood oxygen saturation of 93% or

lower requires immediate medical attention or hospitalization.

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4. Other Products to Boost Your Immune System

Andrographis is an herb used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for colds, flu, and

its anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. It is especially helpful with lung

infections, so if you have asthma, bronchitis, COPD or other lung problems, this

would be good to start using now.

Antibacterial Soaps and products. Absolutely NOT! They kill the good and bad

bacteria on your skin and you need the good bacteria. A bad balance of bacteria

will weaken your immune system. Some of these products contain Triclosan, which

weakens the immune system and is an endocrine disruptor. Hand sanitizers using

soap and having at least 60% alcohol content are a better choice.

Ave – AveUltra is a powerful immune booster. AvéULTRA is a new dietary supplement that contains a unique ingredient called fermented wheat germ extract (FWGE). This compound, produced through a proprietary process of fermenting wheat germ, yields a molecule called DMBQ (2,6-dimethoxy-p-benzoquinone). This substance has been proven to be one of the single most important natural health discoveries ever made! Three unique, powerful ways AvéULTRA supports a depleted immune system: 1. Regulates and modulates the immune system so all of your white blood cells

work in perfect harmony. 2. Exposes enemy cells so they can be destroyed by Natural Killer cells, the most

important white blood cells in your immune system. 3. Starves enemy cells by depriving them of the massive amounts of glucose they

need to survive. Helps Regulate and Modulate the Immune System

AvéULTRA promotes and regulates T-cells, B-cells, NK cells, and macrophages in

order to fight invading cells and keep you healthy. All of the white blood cells in

your immune system have to work together in perfect harmony to do so. These

cells must perform their unique functions on cue, to offer you the best immune

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protection possible. They need to be regulated and modulated. AvéULTRA helps the

body lead them, much like an orchestra conductor. Resource: https://www.americanbiosciences.com/products/aveultra/

Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan Beta glucans, a fiber-type complex sugar, come from maitake

mushrooms and baker’s yeast and are probably the most powerful natural immune

enhancers in the world. They modulate immunity, modify neoplastic (cancer)

disease and increase resistance to microbial invaders.

Product: Transfer Point. Get 500 mg, 60 cap size. One bottle is good for one month.

https://transferpoint.com/collections/our-products They are sold out at of

3/29/20, so keep checking back or check online.

Product: Immutol – the most active, most pure and most active product in the

world. IMMUTOL®’s ability to strengthen the innate immune system has yielded

noteworthy results, both for vulnerable older people with weak innate immune

systems, and for people who are presently healthy but want to achieve and

maintain a powerful peak performing innate immune system.

http://www.immunocorp.com/index.php/product/immutol Recommendation is

100-200 mg/day, but more can be used, depending on weight.

Coconut Oil – from a recent report:

On May 20, 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) removed the Philippines from its list of areas with recent local transmission of SARS after 20 days had passed with no further cases detected.

How did this tiny island nation avoid the ravages of SARS so effectively, despite how close it is to China and other infected areas?

Scientists think the answer may lie in Coconut Oil, one of the country’s primary exports and most popular cooking oil.

Coconut oil (or copra oil) is an edible oil extracted from the meat (kernel) of ripe coconuts cut from the lofty branches of the majestic coconut palm Cocos nucifera.

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The medium-chain fatty triglycerides (MCTs) of coconut oil metabolize differently from the long-chain triglycerides (LCT) common in most other foods. Triglycerides are either burned for energy or stored as body fat.

MCTs contain fatty acids that have a chain length of 6–12 carbon atoms. They include caproic acid (C6), caprylic acid (C8), capric acid (C10), and lauric acid (C12).

Scientists have known for years that lauric acid (C12) surrounds and destroys viruses. About 50% – half – of coconut oil is composed of lauric acid. Monolaurin is derived from C12 and also has significant antiviral properties.

After consuming coconut oil as a liquid or in pure form as a supplement, enzymes within the human body naturally produce monolaurin, a metabolite (a substance produced during metabolism).

Sodium lauryl sulfate, a common surfactant (something that lowers the surface tension between ingredients), is often added to household cleaners and shampoo. It is manufactured from lauric acid and has demonstrated its antiviral power.

These three substances, lauric acid, monolaurin, and sodium lauryl sulfate (or sodium dodecyl sulfate), are used in a wide range of commercial products to prevent viral infection.

Dr. Fabian Dayrit, Ph.D. and Dr. Mary Newport, M.D., of Spring Hill Neonatology, published a paper about the potential of coconut oil and its derivatives to battle the new Wuhan coronavirus (named nCoV-2019) that has spread from Ground Zero in China.

The research duo concluded that coconut oil, lauric acid, and its derivatives are effective and safe agents against a virus such as nCoV-2019 and presented a trio of possible causes http://www.icp.org.ph/2020/01 to explain why coconuts are such potent virus killers:

“Three mechanisms have been proposed to explain the antiviral activity of lauric acid and monolaurin: first, they cause disintegration of the virus envelope; second, they can inhibit late maturation stage in the virus replicative cycle; and third, they can prevent the binding of viral proteins to the host cell membrane.”

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Editor’s note: It looks like coconut oil may be another powerful weapon in the fight against coronavirus.

Use: Buy organic, cold-pressed extra virgin coconut oil. Take up to one tablespoon daily.

Colloidal silver has been used for over 100 years as a natural infection fighter. Take

a capful per day as a preventative and use as a mouthwash at least once a day. You

can also use an atomizer to get it into your nose and lungs, where it will fight

infection. It comes in various parts per million (PPM) and products are formulated

differently. More PPM does not mean it is better, but smaller sized particles are


Here are some good products.

The Silver Solution, a nano silver product -


Silver Excelsior Serum, a chelated silver product from one of my favorite

alternative docs who has been ahead of the curve for 30+ years:


Sovereign Silver has a 10 ppm product that is a hydrosol; sold out on their

website, but may be available online. Site good for information.

https://sovereignsilver.com/ I use this product.

Panasilver, a hydrosol http://www.activationproducts.com/product/panasilver

Dandelion is a great remedy for failing lungs. It can have a dramatic effect for lung

problems! Comes in many forms from tea and capsules to tinctures.

Del-Immune V – developed in Russia 30 + years ago to guard against bioweapon

pathogens and enhanced by the US manufacturer, this product is effective against

viral and other infections. It greatly benefits patients with depressed immune

systems, especially those who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation

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treatment. Del-Immune is a powerful anti-infective agent by means of providing

immediate immune system support and is an excellent supplement for respiratory

infections including influenza, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.


DHA One supplement that has shown to be of particular benefit to helping those

with COPD is an omega-3 fatty acid called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Omega-3

fatty acids are clearly associated with a reduction in chronic bronchitis according

to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. A study published in

the European Journal of Epidemiology indicated that DHA improves ventilation in

chronic lung disease. Omega-3 fatty acids, and it appears DHA in particular,

significantly reduce inflammation and improve breathing function due to the

reduced prostaglandin E2 levels.

Resource: Neuromins https://www.sourcenaturals.com/products/GP1093

Garlic – as reported in Sam Biser’s “Curing with Cayenne and its herbal partners”,

one lady used up to 48 cloves of raw garlic a day to cure her lung infection. Start

with six whole cloves a day and work up. Garlic can be tough on your stomach, so

start slowly.

Glutathione – the “master antioxidant” and a potent protector of your cells. Helps

neutralize toxins (toxins are one of the main reasons for a weak immune system).

NAC is the precursor of glutathione – see information below.

LivOnLabs has a number of liposomal products, including glutathione, but they are

not taking orders as of 3/28/20. We suggest that you check their website

periodically to see when they will start selling again. https://www.livonlabs.com/

Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) - a very powerful antimicrobial. Comes in a small

dropper bottle; use 10-15 drops in 6-8 oz water for a gargle or to drink if you have

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an upset stomach/flu. VERY bitter, but I have used it for 20 years with amazing

results. Make sure you get grapefruit seed, not grapeseed!!

Humic (and fulvic) acid - This natural product literally comes from soil, produced when organic plant matter decomposes. Super Fulvic Minerals contains many nutrients, including trace minerals, electrolytes, prebiotics, and probiotics. In particular, probiotics and prebiotics in Fulvic Acid nourish the gut and help maintain a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria.

Results showed that Humic Acid, when consumed before the virus invaded the

body, was effective in preventing disease. Tests performed against multiple virus

types further confirmed Humic Acid’s broad anti-viral properties. Toxicity tests

showed that Humic Acid bound itself to human cells but was not itself toxic, nor did

it inhibit or interfere with cell development or reproduction…

Given that Fulvic Acid is the active ingredient in Humic Acid, and the most vital part

of this substance as both an anti-viral and antioxidant, it's time to take these

amazing plant-based nutrients.

One product: https://welloflife.com/product/super-fulvic-minerals

Another one: https://www.iherb.com/pr/Morningstar-Minerals-Inner-Vitality-

Fulvic-Humic-Minerals-32-fl-oz-946-ml/61587 A good friend has worked with this

company for many years. Don’t compare prices, but servings and what is in each

serving. Can be very confusing.

Iodine – not the kind you get at the pharmacy to put on a cut, but ones sold online

or purchased at a health food store. It permeates and loosens up mucus secretions,

making them easier to expel and also helps fight infections. It comes as an

iodine/iodide liquid or tablet or as SSKI (potassium iodide). Use as directed or take

3-6 drops of SSKI daily if you use that form. Several brands are Lugol’s and Iosol.

Iodine kills viruses. You can nebulize into nose and mouth as it is a powerful

infection fighter. And it coats receptors in your lungs to help kill viruses. You can

also spray it on your hands as a sanitizer or wash your veggies in a dilute solution.

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Here is one product that is very good https://www.amazon.com/Global-Healing-


And another https://shop.organixx.com/products/iodine

LifeOne is a specialized combination of natural herbal ingredients in liquid form –

a liposomal delivery system that bypasses the digestive system and directly enters

the lymphatic and blood stream. This is important because people with cancer

often have trouble with nutrient absorption. Dr. James Howenstine, a brilliant

researcher and M.D., developed this formula using very powerful herbal immune

boosters. LifeOne’s mechanisms of action involve mobilization of killer

lymphocytes to attack malignant cells and repair the damaged immune system.

Information: https://newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james176.htm

To purchase: https://www.lifeonesales.com

Lung Tonic - developed by Dr Richard Schulze. Helps open up the air passageways.

https://www.herbdoc.com/lung-tonic Out of stock as of 2/22/20 but they have a

waiting list. One of the best lung tonics from a master herbalist I have followed for

20+ years.

Melatonin – without going into all the research into the cause of a certain type of

inflammation with the Covid-19 virus, the end result is that it causes a spike in the

inflammation cytokine storm, or rapid increase in inflammation that results in the

airways clogging up. In other terms, this is NLRP3 inflammation which induces the

pro-inflammatory cytokine storm. Melatonin is a potent inhibitor of NLRP3

inflammasomes! This puts melatonin in a unique position in the fight against Covid-

19. In other words this means that if a patient of any age has adequate melatonin,

the infectiousness of Covid-19 will be greatly reduced, and the chances of

developing ARDS/ALI (acute respiratory distress syndrome/acute lung injury)

significantly diminished. Children have high levels of melatonin, whereas levels

greatly diminish with age. This probably is why elderly people are more susceptible

to the inflammation cytokine storms that lead to death.

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Editor’s note: both nitric oxide and ascorbic acid inhibit NLRP inflammasomes. The

combined use of ascorbic acid and melatonin may prove to be most effective in

the treatment of Covid-19 patients, especially those with cardiovascular and

hypertension comorbidities.

Dose: Younger people can take the low end of the range, which is: 0.2-0.5 mg. Take

it at night 1-2 hours before sleep and 2-3 hours after your last meal. To be most

effective, try to finish eating before it is dark; this is when your circadian rhythm

starts to set and melatonin levels rise. More is NOT better with melatonin!!

HOWEVER, if you are infected with Covid-19, the rules change and the dosage

range is 5-50 mg, the lower end being for people with mild or no symptoms and

the higher range for older people or those with more severe symptoms. Warning:

If you are taking ACE inhibitors, have cardiac conditions or hypertension, consult

your physician before taking high doses of melatonin. Melatonin may lower blood


Divide the infection dose into daytime and nighttime doses as follows: 40% of daily

dose divided into small equal portions to be taken every two hours. Nighttime –

60% of total daily dose divided into two portions taken 2-3 hours after dinner. The

final dose at night should be completed at the latest by 10 PM.

The high doses of melatonin MUST be supported by ascorbic acid in order to get

the full benefit of the melatonin. Ascorbic acid dose if you are infected: 1 gram

every 15-30 minutes depending on severity of symptoms. Increase to 2 grams every

15-30 minutes if symptoms are not reversed within 12-24 hours.

Warning: If you are diabetic, or have insulin resistance, DO NOT TAKE MELATONIN

before 3 PM as it is able to suppress insulin.

Mucolyxir is a homeopathic liquid form of DNA that is taken sublingually and helps

dissolve airway-blocking mucus. Mucolyxir was originally developed to treat lung

problems common to cystic fibrosis. It is an expectorant and also signals the

immune system to decrease the production of mucus. The mucus comes as the

immune system’s response to the bacterial infection. Both the infection and the

immune system’s response lead to more mucus as the body fights off the invaders,

and it turns into a vicious cycle. The only way to resolve this cycle is to break it, and

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this is where Mucolyxir comes into play. It breaks the cycle so that the immune

system no longer produces excess mucus, AND it helps clear mucus from the

airways, making it easier to breathe.

Resource: https://www.vitaminshoppe.com/p/allergy-research-nutricology-

mucolyxir-r-nanotech-nutrients-12-milliliter/ar-7298 Other sources online.

NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine) – Dr. Jonathan Wright recommends 500 mg 3/x/da

to loosen thick, bronchial secretions. He also recommends taking 30 mg

of zinc picolinate and 2 mg of copper sebacate if you take NAC for more than a

few months. Take the zinc and copper (and NAC) separately, as they will bind

together and be excreted. NAC, an antioxidant, reduces inflammation in the

airways, is a pre-cursor to glutathione, and has been used for chronic bronchitis

for nearly 40 years.

Oil of oregano (don’t mix this up with oregano essential oil) is a powerful

antioxidant, anti-viral and more. Here is a brand I like:



Olive leaf extract is a powerful anti-viral

Sambucol ®, a product made from elderberry extract, has been used to shorten

colds and flus. It interferes with the glycoproteins HA and N and can be strongly

anti-viral, preventing viral particles from attaching to healthy cells. Sambucol

works by interfering with HA and N on the coating of the viral spikes, thereby

preventing adhesion to normal cells. It has proven to reduce the duration of colds

and flus by several days and helps reduce fever.

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Seanol, considered a flavonoid, is a standardized complex of 13 active fractions of polyphenols/phlorotannins which are extracted from red and brown algae. Its three key functions are:

• a powerful antioxidant and helps lower oxidative stress • reduces inflammation by inhibiting pro-inflammatory enzymes • improves blood circulation, blood viscosity, and quality of blood by reducing LDL

cholesterol and triglycerides

Initial studies have shown Seanol greatly reduces inflammation in the lungs and frees them of mucus and has the potential to prevent or reverse the chronic progression of asthma and possibly other COPD conditions.

Resource: FibroBoost https://www.allergyresearchgroup.com/fibroboost-75-vegetarian-caps

Quercetin - the flavonoid quercetin has shown remarkable properties in keeping rhinovirus from replicating and causing inflammation in the airways, a very significant factor in aiding breathing. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Sulforaphane – there is a brand new product out called BrocElite that helps fight

inflammation in the body and is especially helpful with inflammation in the lungs.

BrocElite helps the body detoxify from glyphosate (Roundup) that is so devastating

to the functioning of many of the body’s systems. BrocElite “wakes up” over 200

genes that help the body function better. This is an important product if you are

experiencing lung inflammation. https://brocelite.com/

Thymus Gland Support

Thymic protein A – your thymus gland is the central control organ of the immune system. It reaches peak performance at puberty and declines over time. As the gland atrophies the immune system declines in strength. GT-cells migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus gland where they differentiate into different type of

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immune cells. T-cells are the regulators of cell-mediated immunity and can up-regulate the immune system to guard against infections, and can down-regulate the immune response in cases of autoimmune overactivation.

The thymus gland, which sits in the chest cavity, is the central organ for creating the immune system. Unfortunately, it is one of the first of the body’s tissues to degenerate with age. Without a fully functioning thymus gland, the immune system will be hard pressed to produce enough infection-fighting cells. In 2000 the author of this protocol learned a technique to jump-start the thymus gland from a 50-year practitioner of natural medicine: with your index finger or its knuckle, rhythmically tap the bone between your breasts. This should be a good thumping sound, but don’t do it too hard so that it hurts. Do this 10 times; repeat. Repeat 3-5 times a day. Validating this process, Melbourne’s Monash University’s Department of Pathology and Immunology announced in 2003 that they were able to jump-start the thymus gland with an implant. Initial results were remarkable. In one set of patients there was a 50% increase in the number of new T (immune) cells created. Zinc is the most important mineral to the thymus gland. Zinc supplements can reverse dysfunction and rejuvenate this gland. In addition, zinc is one of the key nutrients needed for DNA reproduction and repair. Take 50 mg daily. Animal extracts and synthetic thymic hormones have demonstrated the ability to dramatically reverse thymic atrophy and restore levels of immunity to youthful levels. There are at least two products that have proven beneficial: Dr. Burgstiner's Complete Thymic Formula (http://www.thymic.com ) and BioPro Thymic Protein A. This is a patented product. For information on BioPro: https://www.theholisticvet.com/biop.html To purchase: https://www.prohealth.com/shop/product.cfm?product__code=N0149&B1=GGLPROBST&gclid=CIm6oMPTpNICFR2BswodkOcPJg

Thymic Protein A significantly increases T-cell activity and immune function.

Resource: https://www.proboostdirect.com/

Either of these would be a good product to start taking right away to boost your

immune system.

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Turmeric - turmeric and its main component, curcumin, is not easily absorbed. Here

is a product that uses a special fermentation process to make the product more

bioavailable: https://shop.organixx.com/products/turmeric-3d This is a major anti-

inflammatory, and will be helpful fighting inflammation caused by the virus.

PuraThrive makes a liposomal turmeric and other liposomal products. This product

is up to 20x more bioavailable than regular turmeric. https://purathrive.com/

5. Therapies That Will Be Helpful

Acupressure – there are several acupressure points that boost the immune system. Here is one you can implement easily right now by yourself: This acu-point is called ‘Outer Gate’ (SJ 5); Location: On the back of the hand, measure two thumb-widths (2 cm) above the wrist crease. In between the two forearm bones (Ulna & Radius bones). You can find pix on Google.

Directions: Apply firm pressure for 1 – 2 minutes. Once or twice a day (or more if you like). Breathe deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth as you apply. Note: using either arm is fine.

Aromatherapy can be very helpful in fighting viruses and infections, among other benefits. Essential oils used in aromatherapy are concentrated plant compounds that have been processed to produce their benefits.

The use of essential oils for various health conditions is a huge topic, so we are offering just a smattering here; do your own research.

Essential oils can be added to a little roller bottle to carry with you; a few (2-3) drops can be added to a handkerchief to be smelled periodically; they can be added to a steam inhalation remedy to clear the lungs described in detail in How to Clear the Lungs Section (#6) below; they can be used as body rubs and so many more uses. Often oils are combined to help a specific health problem. Caution: don’t use them directly on your skin as they are very strong; add them to a carrier oil such as jojoba, olive, coconut, olive, avocado, etc.

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Here are a few of the most beneficial essential oils, but there are many others.

Frankincense is the star player of the essential oils team when it comes to boosting the immune system. Others provide health benefits, too:

Eucalyptus helps open up airways, thereby improving bronchial restriction; is a good expectorant

Ginger reduces mucus and inflammation of the respiratory system

Lemon (and other citruses) is a natural disinfectant and can fight bacteria in the home and on the body

Oregano has powerful antibiotic capabilities

Peppermint cleanses the lungs and opens up bronchial passages; it is a good expectorant

Tea tree helps with congestion and respiratory infections

Thyme helps clean lungs for healthier respiratory function

Chiropractic/osteopathic adjustment will improve the nervous system, which, in turn, will help the immune system function better.

Halotherapy – also known as Salt Therapy or Speleotherapy, uses a dry micro aerosol salt mist that is inhaled. This therapy was first identified in the mid-18th century in Poland when a health official noticed that workers in salt mines didn’t have lung diseases. As a result salt sanatoriums sprang up in Eastern Europe. Halotherapy developed into a successful treatment for asthma, chronic bronchitis and the full range of upper and lower respiratory tract conditions. This is an important therapy for pregnant women with respiratory diseases since there are no side effects and can be used without harm to the unborn baby.

Clinical studies have shown salt therapy to have bactericide and anti-inflammatory properties, and, by absorbing edema from the mucosa lining the

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airway passages, it widens these passages, restoring normal transport of mucus and unclogging bronchi.

Resources: https://www.salinetherapy.com/ and https://theportablesaltcave.com/

Hydrotherapy – the use of hot and cold compresses or showers will help stimulate

the immune system. When you expose the body to cold water, your blood vessels

constrict moving blood to your internal organs. Hot water does the opposite. It

causes blood vessels to dilate, which flushes waste from the tissues. When you

alternate between the two, circulation moves in and out, which increases blood

flow, improves detoxification, increases energy and helps with nutrient delivery.

Start with a hot shower; then after a few minutes try a blast of cold water for as

long as you can stand it; do this several times. You will be able to do it more once

you have become accustomed to it. You will find it invigorating!

If you have a sauna, take a cold shower several times during your session for the

same effect.

Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy - two forms of oxygen therapy are the use of hydrogen peroxide and ozone (ozone therapy). These therapies are not sanctioned by the main stream medical community, but they work well in many cases. Ozone therapy, for instance, was developed in Germany more than 100 years ago, and has been used successfully to treat many health conditions.

IV hydrogen peroxide is one of the most powerful treatments for clogged bronchial passageways to fight off pneumonia! It acts quickly to remove built-up mucus.

Using intravenous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for asthma and other forms of COPD has been written about for many years in natural medicine literature. Both Dr. William Campbell Douglass, M.D. and Dr. Richard Schulze, among others, have described its uses in cases of asthma, bronchitis and emphysema with quite remarkable results. As described by Dr. William Campbell Douglass in his book Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracles “The oxygen seeps into the air pockets under the mucous layer and literally bubbles the mucous up the respiratory passages. The rising mucous irritates the bronchial passage, causing a cough which acts as a

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booster rocket, and so, out comes the junk.” We suggest that you contact ACAM – the American College for the Advancement of Medicine – at 800-532-3688 – or visit their website http://www.acam.org - and ask them for a doctor near you who practices alternative medicine.

One anecdotal report of recovery from pneumonia used 10 drops of 35% H2O2 in a glass of water three times over a 24 hour period. Note: if a 6% H2O2 solution is used, it takes 6 drops to equal one drop of 35% H2O2 solution. For oral use, ½ teaspoon of 6% H2O2 contains the equivalent of about 7 drops of 35% H2O2 solution.

One possible way to improve COPD is to use hydrogen peroxide in a nebulizer. We read about someone who had used 35% food grade H2O2 in his nebulizer (not sure of the mixture) in the morning and evening and had totally gotten off his 24/7 oxygen. This seems very strong and normally H2O2 is diluted. The drug store variety is only 3% If you are interested in trying this therapy, we suggest finding a doctor who is knowledgeable about it. Experimenting on one’s own can be dangerous!

Hyperbaric oxygen (HBOT) therapy will be very critical if you become infected with

the virus as it gets oxygen into the lungs. HBOT can increase the oxygen-tissue

levels at least 12 times that of normal sea level oxygenation. Get at least three

treatments in a week at 1.68 atmospheres. This was the level successfully used to

kill the Spanish Flu. Unfortunately there aren’t many hyperbaric chambers available

for general use, so check your city. This should be one of the first lines of defense!

In the alternative, you can use an ozone generator (see below).

To find a practitioner of HBOT in your area, contact:


There are several oxidative medicine associations.

Insulin Potentiation Therapy, known as IPT, is a very interesting and powerful

therapy. When virtually any medication is given along with insulin, the effect of

the medication is significantly enhanced. This therapy was discovered in the early

1920s by Dr. Donato Perez Garcia, Sr. and has been used for many health

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conditions, but primarily as an adjunct therapy to chemotherapy. It has been used

successfully for conditions associated with COPD, such as asthma, allergic

bronchitis and emphysema, as well as many, many others. For a comprehensive

list of doctors who practice IPT, go to http://www.iptforcancer.com/

Ozone therapy – this is one you can do at home. Need to buy an ozone generator. Treatments only take a few minutes. Ozone therapy is commonly used for viral infections, bacterial infections, Lyme, cancer, autoimmune disease, and preventative care/general wellness.

It works by stimulating mild oxidative stress in the body, triggering the NRF-2 pathway. This is the same pathway that is activated during exercise and fasting. It stimulates the body into a health and optimization mode that helps to eradicate disease and improve bodily functions on a cellular level.

Here is a kit from a trusted source: https://www.simplyo3.com/products/basic-


191b1c0223e68310bb1 But there are many other resources.

Sauna therapy – sauna therapy will increase your body temperature from 1-4

degrees. For every one degree rise in body temperature your immune antibodies

double. Sauna therapy improves oxygenation in several ways: more blood flows to

the lungs and skin; more blood is pumped through the entire body; clearing

bronchial and lung infections and congestion may also increase oxygenation. Blood

carries vital oxygen throughout the body which is important in fighting the virus

and subsequent bacterial infections. The Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) created using

a sauna are antiviral. HSPs enhance the immune system and improve cellular

energy production, respiration, elimination and other cell functions. Saunas

powerfully move blood throughout the body, thereby reducing congestion in the

liver, kidneys and other organs. This is very important and helps the body remove

metabolic waste created by illness. Use the sauna for 30-60 minutes several times

a week. You can increase its effectiveness if you take a cold shower part way

through the session (basically the same principle as hydrotherapy). There are near

and far infrared saunas, but due to the rapid spread of the virus you can use

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whichever one is most available. They have different modes of use for healing, but

that isn’t as important as just using one now. Since the Covid-19 virus appears not

to be very heat resistant, sauna therapy may be one of the best therapies available.

Start using a sauna NOW to ramp up your immune system!

6. How to Clear Your Lungs

One of the remedies I like best is cheap, readily available, and gives rapid results:

steam inhalation. What this does and why it is so important with pneumonia and

congested lungs, is that it helps reduce inflammation in your air passage ways and

loosens mucus so that it can be expectorated.

1) Take a cup of water, bring it to a boil, reduce to simmer; get a towel and

place it over your head, forming a tent; bend over the steam and breathe

deeply into your lungs, alternating by breathing through your nose so the

steam gets deep into your sinuses. Do this for 10 minutes and repeat every

few hours; adjust schedule according to severity of symptoms.

2) For another variation of this, add a teaspoon (or more) of salt to the water

and follow the directions above. Salt has medicinal properties and will

enhance this therapy.

3) The best method is to use apple cider vinegar (ACV) in place of water. NOT

the vinegar you put on salad, but the kind you can buy at a health food

store or some grocery stores. Buy at least 16 ounces. ACV has many

nutrients that will get into your lungs and help reduce inflammation and

loosen the mucus.

4) Essential oils - Another way to use this method is to add 10-15 drops of one

of the essential oils mentioned in the Aromatherapy Section above or the

Dry Cough Section below to a cup of boiling water and follow the

instructions in #1 above. Essential oils are very effective for lung conditions!

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7. What To Do If You Have a Cough

• Breathe the steam from a vaporizer, hot shower, or pan of boiling water. The moist air will soothe the airways and loosen sinus congestion and phlegm in your throat and lungs. A few drops of the oil of eucalyptus will help this process.

• Elevate the head of your bed. This will allow your sinuses and nasal passages to drain better and not create that "tickle" in your throat.

• Stop smoking. Passive smoke or other irritants, such as chemicals, can be a cause. Household cleaners, new carpeting, paneling and mattresses are some of the many possible sources of chemical irritants.

• Drink at least 8 eight ounce glasses of water. This is especially important if your cough is due to an illness. Water is the best expectorant you can take and will help thin the mucus and loosen the cough.

• Do not use over-the-counter expectorant cough remedies as they just suppress the symptoms and do not address the underlying problem. If you have the kind of cough with mucus you want to get it out of your respiratory system, not suppress it. Try one of the natural expectorant remedies below.

• Try eating hot chili peppers, horseradish or other spicy foods. They will help loosen mucus.

• During the winter, if your house is dry, use a humidifier and a cool-mist vaporizer in your bedroom at night. This will help thin the mucus. Be sure to thoroughly clean the vaporizer, as it can harbor bacteria.

• Drink hot tea to break up the mucus and open and moisten the airways.

• Cough drops or hard candy will help stop the tickle if you have a dry cough and will moisten the throat.

• Avoid foods that increase the production of mucus, such as dairy products, meat and fried foods.

• Hot packs placed on your throat and chest are very soothing.

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8. What To Do If You Have a Dry Cough

A dry cough will be raspy and without phlegm and may be due to smoking, asthma, dust, foreign matter, pollution, or come after a sore throat. Another cause of your dry cough could be a climate-controlled building. The heating and cooling systems dry the air and your respiratory membranes, too. Rapid temperature and humidity changes upon entering a building add to the problem. Chronic coughing, sneezing and a runny nose may be the result. If you work in a climate-controlled building, avoid cold drinks and food as they interfere with your body's ability to maintain its optimal temperature. During the air-conditioning season cold foods and drinks affect your body's temperature and its ability to adjust to the building's conditions; instead drink hot liquids and eat warm foods. When your building is heated, drink fluids at room temperature. You want to soothe the mucus membranes and moisturize your throat.

Inhaling steam from a pan with one of the essential oils mentioned below added is particularly helpful with dry coughs.

The use of inhaled steam can be very effective in liquefying mucus and reducing irritation. To control the steam, bend over the steaming water while holding a towel over your head. Try some of these aromatherapy oils. Inhaling essential oils can stimulate your lungs to expel phlegm.

Cypress Add three drops each of cypress and juniper oil and a drop of ginger.

Cedar Dilute 3 drops of oil of cedar in one teaspoon of carrier oil, such as olive, sweet almond or jojoba, and massage onto your chest several times a day.

• Add 10-15 drops to a pot of steaming water and inhale the vapors

Eucalyptus Add a few drops of eucalyptus to a carrier oil and rub on your chest.

• Put 10-15 drops of oil in boiling water and inhale the steam. Eucalyptus is a good decongestant and expectorant. You can also add three drops of hyssop oil.

Jasmine Use the oil in a burner or put a few drops on a handkerchief and inhale the fumes.

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Myrrh Add a few drops of myrrh to a carrier oil and rub on your chest. This will help reduce mucus.

Peppermint Dilute 3 drops of peppermint oil in one teaspoon of carrier oil, such as olive, sweet almond or jojoba, and massage onto your chest several times a day.

• Add 10-15 drops to a pot of steaming water and inhale the vapors.

Pine Put some essential pine oil in a burner to soothe the throat. You can also place a few drops on a handkerchief and inhale the fumes.

Thyme Add 10-15 drops of this oil in a pan of boiling water and inhale the fumes, in an infuser, or place a few drops on a handkerchief and inhale.

• Massaging using oil of thyme may also be helpful in relieving your cough. Put 5 drops in 1/4 cup olive oil and massage your neck and upper body. Thyme is an excellent expectorant and has been used for centuries to heal respiratory conditions.

Here are some remedies to deal with a dry cough:

Aloe vera juice Mix equal parts of aloe vera juice and honey and take a tablespoon or two as needed. Good for a smoker's cough.

Apple cider vinegar Sprinkle apple cider vinegar on your pillowcase before bedtime.

• Put 1 or 2 teaspoons of vinegar in a glass of water and keep beside your bed to use when you feel the tickling sensation coming on. Take a few swallows as needed. Vinegar dissolves mucus and reduces inflammation.

• Mix 1/2 cup of honey with 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar. Take one tablespoon before going to bed or during a coughing fit, and throughout the day, as needed. Stir well before use.

Comfrey Take a comfrey tea for dry persistent coughs. Comfrey should not be taken for long term use as it may cause liver damage.

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Codonopsis root Use a decoction, tincture or powder for chronic coughs.

Garlic Mince a clove of garlic and place in a small bowl; cover with honey and cover the bowl with plastic wrap; marinate overnight. Take one tablespoonful upon awakening, then throughout the day, as needed.

Honey Add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of boiling water and drink as needed. This will soothe the throat.

Horehound lozenges help suppress a dry cough.

Licorice root Take 5 grams of powdered root with honey three times a day. You can also make a decoction by using 1/2 teaspoon to one cup of water. Take three cups daily. Licorice has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, and is an expectorant. Do not use if you have high blood pressure.

Tea Make a tea of wild cherry bark, slippery elm or red clover. Sweeten with honey.

Zinc lozenges are helpful.


Antimonium tart Is to be used if the cough is loose and rattling with little or no phlegm and breathing is painful.

Bryonia Use when a cold has gone to the chest and turned in to a hard, dry cough.

Drosera Use for a cough after which you have a whooping sound or with vomiting.

Ferrum phos. Is beneficial for a hard, dry cough with a tickle.

9. See Your Dr. When...

If you have any of the following conditions along with your cough, see your doctor without delay because you may have an infection, or the cough may indicate the presence of a more serious health condition.

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• Your cough doesn't get better after a few days. Coughing can lead to fractured ribs or a heart attack.

• You cough up blood or bloody mucus.

• Your mucus is yellow, brown or green and does not improve in a few days. This will indicate that you have an infection.

• If you cough for more than three days for no apparent reason.

Or, if you have:

• Shortness of breath when you cough.

• Sharp pains in your chest when you cough.

• A fever along with a persistent cough. This could be indicative of a serious respiratory illness. If you have a high fever and difficulty breathing you may have pneumonia.

• Chest pain

• Persistent chills

• Excessive night sweats

• Laryngitis and a persistent cough that lasts for more than three weeks.

• A skin rash, earache, pain in the teeth or sinuses, or a headache.

End Note: Saint Corona is the patron saint of resisting epidemics! The Aachen Cathedral in Germany has some of the Saint’s relics. What an odd twist of fate!!

DISCLAIMER This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this report.

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