What is copyright clearance? Before anyone can sell, publish or distribute work that does not belong to them, they must obtain the permission/consent of the copyright owner. This rule applies even if you are only using extracts or samples from the work. To avoid copyright infringement laws, I must obtain copyright clearance for a song that I wanted to use for my coursework. This meant that I had to send a letter or an email to the record company who owns the song.

Copyright clearance

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Page 1: Copyright clearance

What is copyright clearance?

Before anyone can sell, publish or distribute work that does not belong to them, they must obtain the permission/consent of the copyright

owner. This rule applies even if you are only using extracts or samples from the work.

To avoid copyright infringement laws, I must obtain copyright clearance for a song that I wanted to use for my coursework. This meant that I had to send a letter or an email to the record company who owns the song.

Page 2: Copyright clearance

Choosing a song• The song I chose was “Let her go” by Passenger. I believe this was an appropriate

song to choose as hardly anyone knows the song (non-mainstream) and folk/rock is my favorite genre therefore I would enjoy creating a music video for one.

• Below you can see I contacted the record company through email.

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Success?• It was a surprise that they have replied! So they asked where I was


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Luck ran out• Unfortunately, I guess I was unsuccessful in gaining copyright clearance as

they stopped replying. However, this isn’t the end of the world as I will still keep emailing companies for other alternatives!