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7 Magnesium-Draining Habits2

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7 Magnesium-Draining Habits3


You already know the power it holds over your health.

You already know about its ability to restore comfort to your body, ease to your mind, peace to your sleep and energy to your day.

By now you should be crystal clear on the sad state of affairs that exists when it comes to modern magnesium levels. And the dire need to get magnesium back into your body through the right kind of supplementation.

Here’s a quick summary of what you’re up against:

New advances in farming have drained crops of magnesium and ruined foods that were once great sources. And while certified organic foods and those from local farmers have substantially higher quantities of magnesium than food from conventional farms… it’s still not enough to end your magnesium drought.

Water used to also be a good source of magnesium. However the fluoride now found in most city water systems may affect your absorption of magnesium.

In fact, experts claim our food and water are so depleted in magnesium they don’t even come close to supplying what you would have gotten 70 years ago from the same sources.

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But there’s something else you need to consider…

You need to be fully aware of the fact that shady little magnesium-draining habits exist.

They sneak into your day-to-day routine… and can undermine your efforts to finally find relief.

Because depending on the day — the environment you’re in and the things you do — modern life conspires to steal what little magnesium you’re holding onto.

And much like a vampire sucking the blood out of its victims, there are a number of places and things that suck the magnesium out of your body.

This leaves you dangerously low on the good stuff. And requires you to take in even more than the daily recommended allowance to not only keep levels normal but to fight off deficiency.

Good news is: once you’re aware of them, you can go to work avoiding them… and stack the odds in your favor in the fight against magnesium deficiency.

What’s more, when combined with the right kind of supplementation, avoiding these habits can give you the one-two-punch you need to restore your body to normal on a daily basis.

I’ve cut straight to the chase with these… in the hopes of helping you get through this material as quickly as possible… and get on your way to relieving what ails you…

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Magnesium-Draining Habit #1: Poor Stress Management

Your body responds to various types of thoughts, feelings and activities by releasing the “fight or flight” hormones adrenaline and cortisol.

These hormones are fine… and life-saving when you are trying to outrun a wild animal or meet a deadline. But they’re only meant to kick in during times of dire need.

If your stress levels are high, especially if you don’t get enough exercise or sleep, your bloodstream may be flooded with these hormones on a regular basis.

And this causes magnesium to be sucked out of your cells and lost in your urine.

Here’s the main thing you need to understand right now though:

You always want to wake up feeling full of energy… ready to go… ready to tackle the day.

You shouldn’t be dog-tired and foggy, slogging out of bed in the morning.

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If you need some kind of stimulant, like coffee or tea or an energy drink to get you through the day, … or if you need alcohol or medication just to ‘take the edge off’ at night … that’s a surefire sign stress is feeding on your magnesium stores and your levels need topping off asap.

Because topping your magnesium levels off is an antidote to tension and stress… and allows for deeper sleep and overnight bodily restoration.

And with modern day stress weighing more heavily on you than ever before, it’s absolutely vital you secure enough magnesium through the right kind of supplementation so your body can cope.

However, getting better at managing stress by avoiding high-stress people, places and situations can help curb the drain.

While supplementing with the right kind of magnesium can in and of itself help to ease your mind and calm anxieties… engaging in therapeutic exercise (such as yoga and meditation), seeking out the listening ear of a good friend or putting on some relaxing music at the end of the day are recommended pro-active approaches.

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Magnesium-Draining Habit #2: Eating Processed FoodsYou already know it’s going to be tough as nails to get enough magnesium into your body through your diet. Devastated soils and corrupted water supplies have made sure of that.

However, a whole-foods diet is far superior to feasting on the refined, processed foods that litter the majority of supermarket aisles these days.

That’s because the magnesium content of refined foods is super low. Packaged foods and fast food, for example, are processed in a way that strips out magnesium (along with other nutrients).

But making a food switch doesn’t have to be rocket science.

It really can be as simple as switching refined for whole. For instance, try eating whole grain instead of refined flour… since refined flour has 85% of the magnesium stripped out of it.

What’s more, if you eat foods high in phytates — such as refined and processed grains and cereals — they’ll interfere with your magnesium absorption. This causes magnesium to be lost instead of gained.

Remember: its not just what you’re putting in your mouth that makes the difference… it’s also what you’re absorbing and keeping in your body that has the most profound effect on your health.

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Magnesium-Draining Habit #3: Eating Refined SugarRefined sugar falls under the ‘refined foods’ category for sure.

However, it’s such a devilish little magnesium vampire, it deserves a category unto itself.

One of the reasons it’s so malicious is it sneaks its way into just about everything you can think of. Often under the guise of different names. Even supposed ‘health foods’ aren’t safe from this monster.

Turn over the back of a box of just about anything these days and odds are you’ll find something ending in an ‘-ose’ … which often denotes a form of processed sugar.

It’s estimated that for every molecule of sugar you consume, your body uses 54 molecules of magnesium to process it.

What’s more, the sudden insulin spike from sugar uses up your zinc as well, plus a high sugar diet results in increased magnesium and chromium loss through your urine....

Soda in particular — loaded with refined sugar, usually in the form of high fructose (there’s that ‘-ose’) corn syrup — contains excess phosphorous, which leads to reduced calcium storage… because they compete for absorption in the intestines. Soda also causes potassium loss.

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Magnesium-Draining Habit #4: Consuming CaffeineNow, you just read how the sugar in soda causes mineral loss.

Add to that the caffeine found in many kinds of soda and your magnesium stores are in deep trouble.

That’s because caffeine has a diuretic effect. Which causes further mineral loss through your urine.

Sad news, right?

Especially if you’re a coffee lover.

Well, the good news is, coffee alone isn’t such a bad thing.

But when you’re trying to replenish your magnesium stores it can work against you.

Here’s the thing: coffee depletes your body of magnesium, B vitamins, and L-lysine. And you’ll be losing potassium and sodium in the process as well, which makes you more susceptible to stress overload.

Coffee (like soda) makes your body more acidic. And that’s the real kicker.

Because being acidic causes your body to gobble up magnesium more quickly.

So, if you are already acidic and under a lot of stress, you need to cut back on caffeinated drinks such as soda and coffee (or cut them out altogether).

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Magnesium-Draining Habit #5: Drinking Alcohol

Both sugar and alcohol increase magnesium waste through your urine.

What’s more, alcohol interferes with your ability to absorb magnesium in your gut.

Consuming alcohol speeds up the excretion of magnesium through the kidneys and weakens your protection against calcification and kidney stones.

Alcohol can also deplete calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, potassium and chromium.

You may have heard of the health benefits to drinking an occasional beer, or even a daily glass of wine. As with anything, moderation is key… as is the quality of what you’re drinking, alcoholic or not.

If you are going to indulge in a drink now and then, make sure you’re supplementing with the right kind of magnesium to avoid draining your stores even further.

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Magnesium-Draining Habit #6: Over-Reliance On DrugsThis is the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

And it goes for prescription medication as well as recreational drug use.

Most men and women who mistakenly take oral magnesium supplements aren’t told that they are not well-absorbed by the body.

Many things can affect magnesium absorption in the gut — including medications. For example, antibiotics and beta-blockers are known to decrease magnesium reserves. Certain blood pressure medications cause excessive excretion of magnesium due to their diuretic effects.

In fact, here are 14 classes of drugs that cause magnesium depletion (according to America’s most trusted pharmacist, Suzy Cohen, RPh):

Acid BlockersAntacidsAntiviral AgentsAntibioticsBlood Pressure DrugsCNS StimulantsCholesterol AgentsCorticosteroids

Aside from the legal ramifications, taking recreational drugs such as amphetamines and cocaine can do a number on your magnesium stores. One mechanism of sudden death from these illegal substances is the depletion of intracellular myocardial magnesium stores. In other words, you can have a heart attack if the magnesium levels in the muscle cells of your heart drop.

What’s more, some forms of magnesium can interact with a number of prescription drugs, potentially impacting their function or causing side effects.

So make sure to sit down with your doctor and discuss your prescription drug and nutritional supplement intake any time you introduce something new into your daily routine.

Hormone Replacement TherapyImmunosuppressants Non-Steroidal Aromatase Inhibitors

for Breast CancerOsteoporosis MedicationSERMSSulfonamides

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Magnesium-Draining Habit #7: Exercise

At first sight this might seem like a bit of a contradiction.

Exercise is good for you, right?

Yes. It is.

However, exercise requires the use of resources to be carried out.

You use up energy when you move your muscles.

You use up water when you breathe and sweat.

You break down carbs and protein as well.

Which is one of the reasons you’re thirsty and have worked up an appetite after any kind of vigorous bout of exercise.

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However, what you may not be aware of is that when you regularly exercise or engage in other physical activities, you’re using magnesium to get the job done… and even losing it through your sweat (along with other critical minerals).

Rest assured. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise.

What it does mean is that along with rehydrating and eating after a workout, you should also replenish your body with magnesium by taking the right kind of supplement.

If you stand any chance at recovering fully from any kind of vigorous activity, this is imperative.

You must break the habit of failing to replace depleted magnesium after your daily activity and workouts.

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FINAL THOUGHTSI could nit-pick and list many many more magnesium-draining habits and factors. However, I believe these seven take priority. And for the most part they are the simplest to address.

Remember: your body can’t make magnesium on its own. And you can’t rely on a diet chock full of ‘magnesium-rich’ foods to replete your stores.

If you’re serious about fighting for your freedom — getting rid of the pains and anxieties that stand between you and your job… a peaceful night’s sleep… or simply the ability to enjoy moving through life with comfort and peace of mind… then you’ve now got all you need to get started.

You’ve got the one-two punch you’ve been waiting for.

So… start avoiding as many of these magnesium-draining habits as you can …

Once again, they are:

Poor Stress ManagementEating Processed FoodsEating Refined SugarConsuming Caffeine Drinking AlcoholOver-Relying on DrugsFailed Post-Exercise Magnesium Replenishment

…and start replacing them with a brand new relief habit:

a daily dose of EASE…