Copyright ©2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second Edition Donita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito Lecture 5 Lecture 5 Cardiovascular System

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Lecture 5Lecture 5

Cardiovascular System

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Cardiovascular System

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Chambers in the Heart

• Left and right atria• Left and right ventricles

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Valves of the heart.

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Figure 17.6 Vessels of the heart. A. Anterior.


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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito


Systole: the ventricles contract

The phase of ventricular contraction in which the ventricles have been filled, then contract to expel blood into the aorta and pulmonary arteries.

-The right ventricle pumps blood into the pulmonary arteries (pulmonic valve is open)

-The left ventricle pumps blood into the aorta (aortic valve is open)

Diastole: the ventricles relax

The phase of ventricular relaxation in which the ventricles relax and are filled as the atria contract

-Blood flows from the right atrium → right ventricle (tricuspid valve is open)

-Blood flows from the left atrium → left ventricle (mitral valve is open)

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Heart Sounds

• S1: (lub) –Heard when the AV valve close

• S2 (dub) – occurs wen the aortic and pulmonic valves closed

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Table 17.1 Characteris

tics of Heart


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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito


• Description:

• Both sounds are low frequency and thus best heard with the bell of the stethoscope.

• Location:

• Usually best heard over apex with patient in the left lateral position

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito


• Results from increased atrial pressure leading to increased flow rates, as seen in congestive heart failure, which is the most common cause of a S3.

• May be normal physiological finding in patients less than age 40.

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito


Seen in patients with stiffened left ventricles, resulting from conditions such as hypertension, aortic stenosis, ischemic or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito


• Murmurs are extra heart sounds that are produced as a result of turbulent blood flow that is sufficient to produce audible noise.

• Murmurs may also be the result of various problems, such as narrowing or leaking of valves.

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Table 17.3

Distinguishing Heart Murmurs

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Cardiac Function

• Stroke volume– Amount of blood that is ejected with each


• Cardiac output– Amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle

over 1 minute

– Cardiac output: stroke volume x heart rate

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Landmarks for Cardiac Assessment

• Sternum• Clavicles• Ribs• Second through fifth intercostal spaces

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Physical Assessment of the Cardiovascular System

• Techniques– Inspection– Palpation– Percussion– Auscultation

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Specific Areas of the Cardiovascular Assessment

• Inspection of the face and lips• Inspection of the jugular veins• Inspection of the carotid arteries• Inspection of the hands and fingers• Inspection of the chest and legs

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito


Skin color changes may indicate cardiovascular disease. For example, pallor and cyanosis of lips or extremities are associated with decreased perfusion.

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Jugular Venous Pressure (JVP)and Pulsations

• Recall that jugular veins reflect right atrial pressure

• Steps for examination– Raise the head of the bed or examining table to 30°

– Turn the patient’s head gently to the left

– Identify the topmost point of the flickering venous pulsations

– Place a centimeter ruler upright on the sternal angle

– Place a card or tongue blade horizontally from the top of the JVP to the ruler, making a right angle

– Measure the distance above the sternal angle in centimeters: a 3- to 4-centimeter elevation is normal

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Assessment of central venous pressure.

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

• Top line – level of the higest visible point of distention

• Bottom line – level of the sternal angle

• Measure: the vertical distance between the sternal angle and the highest level of jugular distention

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Assessing the Carotid Pulse

• Keep the patient’s head elevated to 30°

• Place your index and middle fingers on the right then the left carotid arteries, and palpate the carotid upstroke

• Never palpate right and left carotid arteries simultaneously

• Listen with the stethoscope for any bruits

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Palpation of the chestPalpation of the chest

• Using the ball of the hand, palpate for thrills• Palpation of the chest, including the following

– Precordium at the right and left second intercostal spaces

– Left third intercostal space– Left fourth intercostal space– Left fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular

line– (Palpate the chest wall in the aortic, pulmonic, left parasternal, and

apical areas)

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Landmarks in precordial assessments.

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Landmarks for palpation of the chest.

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Percussion of the chestPercussion of the chest

• Percussion of the chest for cardiac border

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito


Blood pressure measurement

o Select the proper size cuff

o Position the patient properly

o Make sure there is a brachial pulse

o Apply the cuff correctly

o Assess blood pressure for hypertension

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Auscultation of the chestAuscultation of the chest

• Auscultation of the chest using the diaphragm and bell in various positions to include the following locations– Aortic area at the right second intercostal

space–S2 is louder than S1

– Pulmonic area at the left second intercostal space–S2 is louder than S1

– Erb’s point at the left third intercostal space–S1 and S2 are heard equally

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Auscultation of the chestAuscultation of the chest

– Tricuspid area at the left fourth intercostal space–S1 is louder than S2

– Apex at the left fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line–S1 is louder than S2

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Figure 17.22 Auscultating the chest over five key landmarks.

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Figure 17.24 Positions for auscultation of the heart. A. Supine.

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Figure 17.24 (continued) Positions for auscultation of the heart. B. Lateral.

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Figure 17.24 (continued) Positions for auscultation of the heart. C. Sitting.

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Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, Second EditionDonita D’Amico • Colleen Barbarito

Auscultation of the carotid arteriesAuscultation of the carotid arteries

• Auscultation of the carotid arteries (using the diaphragm and bell) for any bruits