Slide 1 WelcomE! Facebook Business Pages 101 Kelly Larson Alaska State Fair Social Media Coordinator

Coop presentation2.19.2013 with notes

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Facebook Business Pages 101

Kelly Larson

Alaska State Fair

Social Media Coordinator

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What is the primary purpose of having a business page on Facebook?

•Raising brand awareness,

•Increase product sales,

•Enhance customer service,

•Build your email list,

•Drive traffic back to your blog or


•Build a loyal community.

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Design a custom strategy for

your business page.

•Sell Products-

Create an online tore (need a third party app for that)

Run specials or coupons via Facebook promotions

•Increase awareness-

Post often, perhaps promote a post

•Drive traffic to blog or website or your farm-

Use post and ads to drive people to website

Enhance customer service and loyalty-

Create and engage a community though inviting them to

post photos, comments, videos on your page. Respond to

there questions, comments and posts in a timely manner.

Design a Custom Strategy for your business. Sell Products-Online Store (need a third party app for that), run specials or coupons Increase awareness-Post often, perhaps promote a post Drive traffic to blog or website or your Farm. Use posts and ads to drive people to website Enhance customer service and loyalty- Enhance customer service and loyalty-Create and engage a community though inviting them to post photos, comments, videos on your page. Having multiple objectives and strategies are fine—just prioritize each. It’s not hard, it can pretty simple.

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Let’s Get Started!

----- Meeting Notes (2/18/13 21:14) ----- Let's get started. Go to www.facebook.com and log in. Go to www.facebook.com Pages differ from personal profiles Pages represent companies Profiles represent individuals Pages are mission control for your brand on Facebook. Interact with customers- announce events and promos, share applications With Facebook’s 500 million active users—half of whom log on daily for an average session time of 55 minutes—having an active Facebook page helps gain tremendous visibility for your business and meets your prospects/community where they are. Your Facebook page will be tied to your personal profile as the admin of your Facebook page; however, only you and Facebook know the connection exists. After set up you can add others to Admin your page (highly recommended). All admins have equal rights to administer your page; including adding and removing other admins (choose with care!).

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Once you are logged in, then we’ll go to www.facebook.com/pages and click "Create Page" in the upper right hand corner.

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Select your page title and category carefully as they cannot be changed once set. You will have to delete the page and restart. The category of 'Company, Organization or Institution' refers to a large company or franchise. The category of ‘Brand or product” refers to Ford Mustang which is on of many products that Ford creates. If you feel that one of your products merits its own Facebook page, than go right ahead Most small business choose ‘Local Business or Place.’ Select ‘Local Business or Place’ it will take you to the next slide, it should look like this.

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Select Food/Grocery from the drop down menu.

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Please fill in the required fields (WHY???, you ask?)Very important to retrieve your page if hacked! Business or Place Name Street Address* Used for Google Maps location. Ease of directions to those traveling to your farm. City/State Zipcode Phone Number* VERY important*** maybe used to retrieve your page in event of hacking. Most Farms on FB have selected the category of Food/Grocery. Be sure to click the “I agree to Facebook Pages Terms” box. Then click the blue, “Get Started’ box.

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Our next step is to upload your profile picture. This is usually your business logo. It is best if the image is square and 160 x 160 pixels. If it’s not, you should be able to resize it later. This is not your large cover photo that you see at the top of a profile. So select ‘Upload from Computer’

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Most people upload the photo from their computer. You will have to locate the photo in your files. If you know exactly where it is that’s great, otherwise you can search for it. I usually move things I will be needing to my desktop temporarily to make more efficient to set up. Select your file and click insert or open.

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I have used the Alaska State Fair business logo for this demo. Once you see the image you are satisfied with click next.

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Now we’re going to set up a brief ‘About’ section of your profile. We have an opportunity later to go more in depth with our ‘About’ section. The ‘About’ section in your Facebook profile actually contains the meta description for your Page so make sure it has your keywords. Construct a nice little write-up about what your business does or how it came into being with a clickable website. Complete as many of these fields as you can. Description, web address, any other social media networks you use, and key words. Then click save info.

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Be sure to register your own unique web address and username (sometimes called a “vanity URL”) for your Facebook page at http://facebook.com/username. Click Set Address.

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You are taken to your Admin Panel. The first prompt is for you to like your own page that way the next visitors will see that ONE person already likes your page. Click LIKE. There may be a second prompt to Share something or post a Status. Ignore it. We’ll cover that later. You should be taken to your Admin Page without prompts, if it doesn’t let me know and I’ll get you back on track.

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So let’s continue building a GREAT page for you. Your Cover Photo should be 851 x 315 pixels. You have the opportunity to adjust the cropping by repositioning the photo, but you cannot resize the image that you uploaded. Again, most people use an image from their own files on their computer. Choose unique cover photo to express what your page is about. If you have you’d like to use. Crop it to the required size in a photo editor of some sort to upload one from many of the cover photo sites. Some are free others charge a nominal fee.

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Please choose ‘Add A Cover’ then select ‘Choose from Photos’

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Select the photo from files you want. Click open or insert.

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And Voila! You can now drag to reposition your cover photo. Remember you cannot resize it here, only reposition. Click save changes. Do: • Use an image that's 851 x 315 pixels. • Use a unique image to represent your Page (ex: a popular menu item or a picture of a

customer using your product). • Experiment with different images to see what people respond to. Don't include: • Price or purchase information, such as '40% off' or 'Download it on our website'. • Contact information or details that should go in your About section. • Calls to action or references to other things on Facebook such as the Like button. (Facebook)

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Next we’ll add our category. Start typing in Farm. Select farm. Click Save.

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Then we’ll add hours of operations. I don’t know if you all have days/ hours that you are open to the public. This will unique to your business. Select Add Your Hours Select days of the week and times or click “Always open’ or ‘No hours available’-Click Add, then Save.

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You can use the most common ones such as Events and Notes—you invite people to an event you’re having. You could place a tab to your Pinterest account or Twitter account of to your online store; you could do videos or find other apps in the apps store. But this is a little advanced for today. http://www.youbrandinc.com/social-media/how-to-create-a-store-on-facebook/

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Update Your ‘About” section of your business page Click the about Just under logo image

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You should next get a prompt like this. You may be redirected to this page, no biggee, just click edit page to take us back to the Admin Panel.

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Click About Complete your ‘About’information Select the Edit button in the right hand, upper corner Official Page- Do not need unless it is a page for a celebrity, brand or organization.

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Set user name by going to https://www.facebook.com/username to get a Username for your page. Enter then name to check availability. Remember: you may only change it once if you make a mistake. Click check availability

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After you’ve confirmed the name you want is available, click ‘confirm’. Okay after receiving verification

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Take a moment to check and fine tune your map. Make sure the box is checked that says “show” this map on my page.

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You can add a start date; Year, Month, Day Chose your Start Type: Founded, Created, Opened, etc. Double check your hours or add another set of hours.

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After you have double check your hours, Add brief description and a longer description Select your price range: Unspecified $0-10 $10-30, etc.

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Double check your hours or add another set of hours

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Choose the appropriate Parking: Street, Valet or Parking Lot Make sure the phone number is correct. Add your email address And add your website Then click save ‘changes’

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It will notify you that your information has been updated.

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Click ‘Page View” to go back to Admin Page.

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You are now ready to make your first post.

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You can write something, post a photo or video to share (encourage others to share them too), create an event, add milestone, or take a poll. Today let’s Click Status and write a post. Click post after complete. The status post will then show up on your timeline wall on left side.

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Edit pencil in upper, right corner of page to edit your post,- delete, change the time, or ‘pin’ it to the top of your timeline. You can also ‘Highlight’ a post by clicking the little star in the right hand upper corner. We now have a decision to make…Does this post need to Highlighted on the wall or shall we pin the post to the top of the timeline? Notice the Star and the pencil The pencil icon means you want to PIN a post. What’s a Pinned Post? A pinned post is a status update that you manually select to stay at the top of your Timeline, meaning it will not slip down the Timeline as you continue to add other posts to your page. What You Need to Know A pinned post is located at the top of your Timeline in the left column. You can only pin one post at a time. A pinned post will stay at the top of your Timeline for 7 days, unless you unpin it before the 7 days is up. To pin a post, click on the edit pencil icon in the upper-right corner of a status update. A drop-down menu will appear, choose “Pin To Top.” To unpin a post, click on the edit pencil icon in the upper-right corner of the pinned post and you will see the option to unpin the post in the drop-down menu.

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Good posts to pin are: A Welcome you want first time visitors to see Important information you want to keep top of mind Deals Promotions Notice the little bookmark icon symbolizing that this post has been pinned.

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Again Notice the Star and the pencil The star icon means you want to HIGHLIGHT a post.

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What’s a Highlighted Post? A highlighted post is a status update that you have selected to expand across your Timeline, taking up the space of both columns. Highlighting a post will help you draw more attention to the most important content on your page. Pinned posts will likely get more visibility vs. highlighted posts because pinned posts are at the top of the page. (But that does not mean highlighted posts are not valuable!) Unlike pinned posts, there are no time limitations for a highlighted post. You cannot pin and highlight a post at the same time. It’s one or the other. To highlight a post, put your cursor over the upper-right corner of a post. A star icon will appear. Click the star to highlight a post and unclick the star to unhighlight the post. Unlike pinned posts, highlighted posts do not stay at the top of your Timeline. Instead, they remain in chronological order and are pushed down the Timeline with every new status update created.

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Now let’s go back to admin page. I have a few other things I’d like to familiarize you with to help you manage your business page. Please click edit page at the top of your page to see the drop down menu.

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I guarantee that you will at least once, post as yourself on the Business page OR you will post business stuff on your personal page. I have done both! So to prevent that, go to edit page at the top of the page. Hover the mouse over it and you should see this box. Select use Facebook as Stan Farms. Be sure to switch it back when you are done. In the same place…It will just say, Use Facebook as (Your Name). If you’ll note FB tries to help us by reminding us who we are posting as (underlined).

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Managing Your Page

Please select edit page and click update info from the drop down menu.

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When managing your page you should be familiar with this menu on the left on hand side. First we’ll look at ‘Your Settings’ Check whichever setting you would like to apply Similar Page Suggestions: Do you want to include your page when recommending similar Pages people might like on a Page timeline. Email Notifications: Do you want to send notifications to your email account when people post to, comment on, or message your Page. View all email settings for your pages. Pages Manager Mobile Notifications: Do you want to send push notifications to the Pages Manager mobile app when people post or comment on your page. (I highly recommend getting the Page manager App for your smartphone). Onsite Notification: Do you want FB to send you a notification on Facebook when people post, like, comment on, or send Stans Farm a message. Let’s go back to your admin page top left corner. SAVE CHANGES

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Then we’ll look at ‘managing permissions’ Page Visibility: Unpublish page (only admins can see this page) Don’t recommend this, it won’t do you any good to achieve your goals. Do not check. Country Restrictions: Type a country... LEAVE THIS BLANK! It will restrict any countries you type

in the box from viewing your Page. Only show this page to viewers in these countries LEAVE THIS CHECKED--Hide this page from viewers in these countries (Since there are no countries listed none will be locked. Age Restrictions:Select Age Restrictions: Anyone (13+), People 17 and over, People 18 and over, People 19 and over, People 21 and over Alcohol-Related Again there really isn’t a need to restrict any one for your purposes. No alcohol or adult themes. Posting Ability: Suggest that everyone can post to your timeline Suggest that everyone can add photos and videos to your timeline

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Post Visibility: Show the box for "Recent Posts by Others" on the top of your page Default visibility of posts by others on your timeline: Allowed on Page OR Hidden from Page Tagging Ability: I suggest People can tag photos posted by you Messages: Show "Message" button on your page (Will show up on your Admin Page top Right corner) Moderation Blocklist: Comma separated list of terms to block...Sexual words Profanity Blocklist: None- Medium-Strong Post privacy gating: Allow me to control the privacy of new posts I make on my Page. Delete Page: Permanently delete your page. SAVE CHANGES

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I am going to skip over basic information because that is the “About” section we already completed, but it you need to edit it, this is good place.

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This is where we can change our Profile picture (or Business Logo)

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This is FEATURED section Where we can add featured likes and page owners. LIKES: You will have to ‘LIKE’ other business pages, just like you “like friends” on friemds Facebook to use this option to feature other Business pages on your page. Page Owners: When you add a featured page owner: Their personal information will be publicly displayed in the About section of this Page This Page will be shown on their personal profile Click add if you want people to know that you are the featured owner of the pages. Generally not recommended as it will show your personal profile and information.

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This is a great list of resources to help you Develop your page Best practices guides to make your Page engaging **** Engaing fans is the best way to build loyalty, trust and awareness.

Request to merge duplicate Pages

Connect with people Advertise on Facebook

Select a username

Invite Email Contacts

Use social plugins

Link your Page to Twitter

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Additional resources Pages Help Center **I highly recommend visiting this help Center

Developer Help

Best Practice Guide for Marketing on Facebook

Brand Permissions

Learn about SEO for Your Page

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This where you will go to add more admins. Typically, you wont need help unless your reach over 1,000 likes and your fans are very active. You can also assign the new admins different levels of permissions.

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These are the current apps we added as tabs earlier. But if you need to edit or remove them, this is place you want to go.

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This feature is getting pretty advanced for today, but I do want you to know it’s there. I encourage you to revisit is later and click the “LEARN MORE” button in the upper right hand corner.

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IAM GOING TO USE Alaska State Fair INSIGHT PAGES since Stans Farm has nothing to measure just yet. It needs at least 30 fans or ‘LIKES” to begin measuring or using insights.

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Insights can be very useful. They will help you track which posts are popular, what time of day posts are more successful, if you’re gaining or losing fans. See your reach, subscribers and how many people are talking about you on Facebook. Now please bring your focus back to your page. When managing your page you should be familiar with that menu on the left on hand side. Please select HELP

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This HELP CENTER is your most important resource! Visit this page often for HELP and to learn how to manage your Facebook Business Page. It gives resources on Getting Started, Accessing your page, Settings & Administration, Customizing your page links, growing your audience, Private Messaging, Apps, Insights , etc. Take some time to explore these resources.

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Facebook.com/page_guidelines.phpE. Promotions

If you use Facebook to communicate about or administer a promotion (such as a contest or sweepstakes), you are responsible for the lawful operation of that promotion, including the official rules, offer terms and eligibility requirements (e.g., age and residency restrictions), and compliance with regulations governing the promotion and all prizes offered in connection with the promotion (e.g., registration and obtaining necessary regulatory approvals). Please note that compliance with these guidelines does not constitute the lawfulness of a promotion. Promotions are subject to many regulations and if you are not certain thatyour promotion complies with applicable law, please consult with an expert.

i. Promotions on Facebook must be administered within Apps on Facebook.com, either on a Canvas Page or a Page App.

ii. Promotions on Facebook must include the following:

a. A complete release of Facebook by each entrant or participant.

b. Acknowledgment that the promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.

c. Disclosure that the participant is providing information to [disclose recipient(s) of information] and not to Facebook.

iii. You must not condition registration or entry upon the user taking any action using any Facebook features or functionality other than liking a Page, checking in to a Place, or connecting to your app. For example, you must not condition registration or entry upon the user liking a Wall post, or commenting or uploading a photo on a Wall.

iv. You must not use Facebook features or functionality as a promotion’s registration or entry mechanism. For example, the act of liking a Page or checking in to a Place cannot automatically register or enter a promotion participant.

v. You must not use Facebook features or functionality, such as the Like button, as a voting mechanism for a promotion.

vi. You must not notify winners through Facebook, such as through Facebook messages, chat, or posts on profiles (timelines) or Pages.

vii. Definitions:

a. By “administration” we mean the operation of any element of the promotion, such as collecting entries, conducting a drawing, judging entries, or notifying winners.

b. By “communication” we mean promoting, advertising or referencing a promotion in any way on Facebook, e.g., in ads, on a Page, or in a Wall post.

We reserve the right to reject or remove Pages for any reason. These terms are subject to change at any time.


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Q & A Time?Is there anything else you would have

liked me to cover?

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Thank you!Kelly Larson

Alaska State Fair

Community Relations & Social Media Coordinator

[email protected]

(907) 746-7164

I know that have just purged my brain of quite a lot of information and we have come a long way in a short amount of time. If you need any additional help, please feel free to call me anytime.

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