Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos

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  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Cooking Delicious Chinese Food with Fresh Fruits

    - Recipes with Photos

    By Hongyang o

    Copyright@ 2012 y Hongyang !Canada"

    oo o @ 2012

    #$ashwords %dition &icense 'otesThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given awayto other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additionalcopy for each person you share it with. If youre reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was notpurchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy.Thank you for respecting the authors hard work.

    %-Book Description

    If you worry that your family isnt getting enough fresh fruits in their daily diet or if you want to addnature fragrance to your eating, it might be a good choice cooking delicious !hinese food with freshfruits.

    This "# page photo cookbook contains $$ !hinese recipes for preparing salads, stir-fry hot dishes, soupand desserts with fresh fruits. There are %&' photos showing individual steps and making it very easy tofollow.

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 1* &ychee #hri$p #alad

    6ood aterials(

    )ychee fresh or canned, Shrimp

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step %(

    !ook shrimp for % minute

    )et it cool down

    Step $(

    i> with )ychee together

    Step &(

    Store in the fridge for $9 minutes before serving

    Step /(


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 2* +reen Papaya #alad !#weet #picy"

    6ood aterials(

    *reen +apaya, fresh 3ed !hilli

    Tips( choose an unripe green papaya

    Step %(

    !utting green papaya into thin strips

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step $(

    :dding some salt to the papaya based on your flavour

    )et it stand for %# minutes

    Step &(

    !utting the red fresh chilli into very thin strips

    :dding them to the papaya and mi> together

    Step /(

    :dding some sugar and vinegar based on your flavour

    Step #(+lacing into the fridge for $9 minutes before serving

    Step "(


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter ,* +reen ango #alad !#weet #picy"

    6ood aterials(

    *reen ango, fresh 3ed !hilli

    Tips( choose an unripe green mango

    Step %(

    !utting green mango into thin stripes

    !utting red chilli into very thin strips

    i>ing them together

    Step $(

    :dding some sugar and vinegar based on your flavour

    Step &(

    +lacing into the fridge for $9 minutes before serving

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step /(


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter .* ango Bee) #alad

    6ood aterials(

    3ipe mango, green onion, onion, fresh red chilli, beef, !hinese parsley

    Step %(

    !utting beef into very thin slices

    !ooking the beef in salted water until well done

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step /(

    i>ing everything together

    Step #(


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter /* Honey elon #ea)ood #alad Boat


    1oney elon, smoked salmon fish, shrimp

    Step %(

    !utting honey melon in %@& lengthwise

    Scooping the fresh out

    Step $(

    !utting smoked salmon fish into small pieces

    Step &(

    i>ing melon, smoked salmon fish and shrimps together

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step /(

    :dding mayonnaise and mi>ing

    Step #(

    +utting them into the honey melon

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step "(

    +lacing into the fridge for $9 minutes before serving

    Step 5(


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter * range Pork Ris !Hot Dish"


    +ork ribs, egg, orange, orange juice, coating mi> powder any kind

    Step %(

    :dding egg into the pork ribs and mi>ing well

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step $(

    :dding coating mi> powder and salt to the rib, mi>ing well

    Step &(

    +utting into to oven and bake it

    Step /( aking an orange sauce

    :dding orange slices and sugar into orange juice, and cooking for % minute

    +ut corn starch liAuid in to make the sauce thick

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    Step #(

    +lacing the baked ribs on a plate

    Step "(

    :dding the cooked orange sauce to the ribs before serving. 1ot serve and enjoy?

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter * Pineapple Bee) #tir-Fry


    0eef, +ineapple fresh and canned, green onion, ginger, garlic

    Step %(

    !utting ginger, green onion and garlic into small pieces

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step $(

    !utting been into thin slices

    :dding light soya sauce, rice cooking wine or sherry, salt, sugar, black pepper and corn starch to thebeef, mi>ing well

    arinating for at least &9min. or overnight

    Step &(

    !utting pineapple into small pieces

    Step /(

    Stir-fry ginger, green onion and garlic for % min.

    :dding beef and stir-fry together

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    Step #(

    aking a sauce( light soya sauce, water, sesame oil, salt, sugar and corn starch

    Step "(

    Stir-fry pineapple for % minute

    :dding the stir-fried beef

    :dding the sauce

    Step 5(

    1ot serve and enjoy?

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 3* Dragon Fruit Boat !#tir-Fry 4egetarian"


    6resh dragon fruit, celery, carrot, corn, roasted peanut, ginger, green onion, garlic

    Step %(

    !utting dragon fruit into halves lengthwise

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step $(

    Scoop the flesh out and cutting them into small cube

    3emove any remaining flesh and keep the shell of dragon fruit

    Step &(

    Stir-fry ginger, garlic and green onion for % min.

    :dding carrots, celery, corn and dragon fruit and stir-frying with salt, light soya sauce and sugar

    :dding $ table spoons of sesame oil

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    :dding roasted peanut and stir-fry Auickly

    Step /(

    :dding all into the dragon fruit shell

    Step #(

    Serve hot and enjoy?

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 5* Pineapple Boat !#tir-Fry Rice #hri$ps"


    6resh pineapple, onion, egg, shrimps, ham, cooked rice

    Step %(

    !ooking the rice first

    Tips( cooking the rice % day before and placing in the fridge overnight. This will help stir-frying riceeasily later.

    Step $(

    !utting pineapple into halves lengthwise

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step &(

    !utting and scooping the flesh out

    3emoving any remaining flesh and keep the shell of pineapple

    Step /(

    !utting pineapple into small cubes

    Step #(

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Stir-frying the pineapple cubes with some salt

    Step "(

    :dding some salt to the egg and beating well

    Step 5(

    Stir-frying rice with some salt and light soya sauce

    Step '(

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Stir-6rying onion, ham, egg, shrimps separately

    Step 8(

    i>ing everything and stir-frying together with $ table spoons of sesame oil

    Step %9(

    :dding into the pineapple shell before serving

    Step %%(

    1ot serve and enjoy?

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 10* &i$e Chicken #tir-Fry


    )ime, green onion, chicken breast

    Step %(

    !utting chicken breast into thin slices

    Seasoning with salt, light soya sauce, cooking wine or sherry, black pepper, sugar, corn starch

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step &(

    arinating for at least &9 minutes

    Step /(

    !utting lime into thin slices

    Step #(

    Stir-fry chicken breast with green onion

    Step "(

    :dding lime and % table spoon of sesame oil and stir-fry with chicken breast for only % minute

    Step 5(

    1ot serve and enjoy

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 1 1* &ychee #hri$p #tir-Fry


    Shrimps, green onion, lychee fresh or canned

    Step %(

    Stir-fry green onion with salt for % minute

    :dding shrimps and stir-fry together

    :dding lychee and stir-fry with shrimps for % minutes

    Step $(

    1ot serve and enjoy?

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 1 2* Pineapple Chicken #tir-Fry !#picy"


    !hicken breast, pineapple fresh or canned, red chilli, roasted peanut, ginger, green onion, garlic

    Step %(

    !utting pineapple, garlic, ginger, green onion, red chilli into small pieces

    Step $(

    !utting chicken breast into small pieces

    Seasoning with salt, light soya sauce, cooking wine or sherry, black pepper, sugar, corn starch

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step &(

    arinating for at least &9 minutes

    Step /(

    aking a sauce( light soya sauce, water, sesame oil, salt, sugar and corn starch

    Step #(

    Stir fry garlic, ginger, green onion, red chilli for % minute

    :dding chicken breast and stir-frying until well done

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    :dding pineapple and stir-fry with chicken breast

    :dding sauce until it turns thick

    )ast step adding roasted peanut and stir-fry Auickly

    Step "(

    1ot serve and enjoy

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 1 ,* &e$on 6sparagus #tir-Fry !4egetarian"


    )emon, :sparagus, garlic, green onion, ginger

    Step %(

    !utting asparagus and lemon into thin strips

    Step $(

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Stir-fry garlic, ginger and green onion for % minute

    :dding asparagus and salt and stir-fry together

    )ast step adding lemon and stir-fry Auickly

    Step &(

    1ot serve and enjoy

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 1 .* Pineapple Fish !Hot Dish"


    6ish fillet, pineapple fresh or canned, lemon

    Step %(

    !utting fish fillet into pieces

    Step $(

    Seasoning fish pieces with salt, black pepper, dried oregano

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step &(

    +lacing fish slices on baking plat

    Step /(

    :dding some lemon slices

    +utting into bake oven to back

    Step #(

    aking a pineapple sauce(

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    :dding pineapple slices and sugar into pineapple juice, and cooking for % minute

    :dding corn starch liAuid in to make the sauce thick

    Step "(

    +lacing the cooked pineapple slices on a dish plate

    Step 5(

    +lacing backed fish pieces on the top of pineapple slices

    Step '(

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    :dding the cooked pineapple sauce to the fish slices before serving

    Step 8(

    1ot serve and enjoy?

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 1 /* Papaya Pork #oup


    +apaya, green onion, soya bean sprouts, pork 3atio( #9B of pork, $#B of papaya, $#B of soya bean


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step %(

    !utting papaya into pieces

    Step $(

    Seasoning pork with salt, cooking wine or sherry for at least &9 minutes

    Step &(

    Stir-frying pork until well done

    Step /(

    +lacing stir-fried pork, soya bean sprouts, and white root parts of green onion into a soup pot

    :dding salt and water, cooking &9 minutes

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step #(

    :dding papaya into the soup pot, cooking everything for &9 minutes

    Step "(

    :dding green onions and $ table spoons of sesame oil before serving

    Step 5(


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 1* 7ater$elon Fruits Boat 8 Dessert


    ;atermelon, red grapes, green grapes

    Step %(

    !utting watermelon into halves lengthwise

    Scooping the fresh out from the watermelon

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step $(

    !utting watermelon flesh into small cubes

    i>ing with red grapes and green grapes

    Step &(

    +lacing into watermelon

    Step /(


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 1* Fried Peach 8 Dessert


    6ried +owder, fresh peach

    Step %(

    !utting peach into small pieces

    Step $(

    aking the batter as per instruction on the fired powder bo>

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    4ip the peach into the batter, letting the e>tra batter drip off

    Step &(

    6rying the pieces until they are a nicely browned

    3emoving from the fryer, let the basket drip off e>cess oil and then place the pieces on paper towels to

    absorb additional oil

    Step /(

    1ot serve and enjoy

    Tips( Cou can use honey or fruit jam for the dipping sauce

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  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step $(

    6rying the pieces until they are a nicely browned

    3emoving from the fryer, let the basket drip off e>cess oil and then place the pieces on paper towels to

    absorb additional oil

    Step &(

    1ot serve and enjoy?

    Tips( Cou can use honey or fruit jam for the dipping sauce

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 15* Papaya %gg Pudding 8 Dessert


    +apaya, egg, milk

    Step %(

    !utting papaya into small cubes

    Step $(

    :dding some sugar into the egg

    Step &(

    0eat the egg

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step /(

    :dding milk to the egg

    Step #(

    :dding milk egg to the papaya

    Step "(

    Steam for %# minutes

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step 5(


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 20* Banana 7alnut %gg Roll 8 Dessert


    0anana, egg, walnut

    Step %(

    incing walnut

    Step $(

    !utting banana in half lengthwise split

    +utting some minced walnut on the top

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step &(

    Dsing a spoon to press the minced walnut into the banana carefully

    Step /(

    !losing the filled banana together

    Step #(

    0eat the eggs

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step "(

    +lacing a frying pan over a medium to high heat and allow it to warm through

    ;hen hot, add a little butter

    :dding egg

    oving the pan around so that the egg spreads evenly over the pan looks like an egg pancake

    Step 5(

    +lacing the filled with walnut banana on the top of the egg pancake

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    Step '(

    3olling over the egg pancake, to wrap the banana

    Step 8(

    Serve with honey and enjoy?

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 21* Papaya Fruits Boat 8 Dessert


    6resh papaya, fresh strawberry, lychee fresh or canned

    Step %(

    !utting papaya into halves lengthwise

    Scooping the flesh out and cutting them into small cubes

    Step $(

    !utting strawberry into small pieces

    Step &(

    i>ing strawberry, papaya and lychee together

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Chapter 22* Fried Coconut Banana 8 Dessert


    0anana, eggs, corn starch powder or potato starch powder, coconut powder

    Step %(

    !utting banana into pieces

    Step $(

    0eat eggs

    Step &(

    4ipping banana piece into egg

    Step /(

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    Step "(

    +repare each banana piece by following above steps

    Step 5(

    6ry the pieces until they are a nicely browned.

    3emove from the fryer, let the basket drip off e>cess oil and then place the pieces on paper towels toabsorb additional oil.

    Step '(

    Serve with honey and enjoy?

  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    6out the 6uthor

    1ongyang h was born in !hina, had achieved 0achelor degree from !hina and agister degree from*ermany. She had worked as a T7 reporter for *erman and !anadian T7 stations. She lives inToronto, !anada and besides her full time job in the Telecommunication Industry writing has becomeone of her favourite hobbies since $99#.

    P PPPPPPPPPPP agister PPPPPPPPPP !" $99# XXXXXXXXXX#$%&' ( ) *+,

    1ongyangs ;ebpage


  • 8/13/2019 Cooking Delicious Chinese Food With Fresh Fruits Recipes With Photos


    ther %-ooks By Hongyang

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    -.- 67 8