Contract: A Principle of the Power of Law

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  • 8/14/2019 Contract: A Principle of the Power of Law


    Contract: A Principle of the Power of Law


    A contract is a powerful real construct in the Universe. It is important that a

    human being understand why a contract is such a conduit of real power. Make

    no mistake; the power of contract does not come from the force based on human

    law or human effort. The power has a deeper source and this principle has been

    completely washed from our modern education.

    First lets look at the definition of a contract:

    contract /n., adj., and usually for v. 1517, 21, 22 k ntrkt; otherwise v. kn trkt/

    Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[n., adj., and usually for v. 1517, 21,

    22 kon-trakt; otherwise v. kuhn-trakt]

    noun agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of

    something specified. agreement enforceable by law.

    3.the written form of such an agreement.

    4.the division of law dealing with contracts.

    5.Also called contract bridge. a variety of bridge in which the side that wins the

    bid can earn toward game only that number of tricks named in the contract,

    additional points being credited above the line. Compare auction bridge.

    6.(in auction or contract bridge)

    a. a commitment by the declarer and his or her partner to take six tricks

    plus the number specified by the final bid made.

    b. the final bid itself.

    c. the number of tricks so specified, plus six.

    7.the formal agreement of marriage; betrothal.
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    8.Slang. an arrangement for a hired assassin to kill a specific person.


    9.under contract; governed or arranged by special contract: a contract carrier.

    verb (used with object)

    10. to draw together or into smaller compass; draw the parts of together: to

    contract a muscle.

    11. to wrinkle: to contract the brows.

    12. to shorten (a word, phrase, etc.) by combining or omitting some of its

    elements: Contracting do not yields don't.

    13. to get or acquire, as by exposure to something contagious: to contract a


    14. to incur, as a liability or obligation: to contract a debt.

    15. to settle or establish by agreement: to contract an alliance.

    16. to assign (a job, work, project, etc.) by contract: The publisher contracted the


    17. to enter into an agreement with: to contract a free-lancer to do the work.

    18. to enter into (friendship, acquaintance, etc.).

    19. to betroth.

    verb (used without object)

    20. to become drawn together or reduced in compass; become smaller; shrink:

    The pupils of his eyes contracted in the light.

    21. to enter into an agreement: to contract for snow removal.

    Verb phrase

    22. contract out, to hire an outside contractor to produce or do.


    23. put out a contract on, Slang. to hire or attempt to hire an assassin to kill

    (someone): The mob put out a contract on the informer.

    [Origin: 12751325; (n.) ME (< AF) < L contractus undertaking a transaction, agreement,

    equiv. to contrac-, var. s. of contrahere to draw in, bring together, enter into an agreement

    (con- con- + trahere to drag, pull; cf. traction) + -tus suffix of v. action; (v.) < L

    contractus, ptp. of contrahere]

  • 8/14/2019 Contract: A Principle of the Power of Law


    A contract in its simplest form is that a human being is required to do what

    they say they are going to do. A written contract is only required for entities of

    color or fictions. A human being is forcedto do what they say they are going to

    do. The force is real and it is widely accepted that once a contract is uttered then

    human beings are given the lawful power to force the human being to meet the

    terms of the contract. How this force or power flows is widely misunderstood and

    the reason it is not taught or understood is because to know how that power is

    made manifest is a key to the enslavement of the ignorant. It is vital that the

    reader know what law is and how it directs the flow of force and power as it

    relates to contracts.

    There is a misconception that law is what man agrees is law and law is simply

    words written down. This is false. When people were wandering around in furs

    and engaged in the business of the time: hunting and gathering, Man discovered

    that if he took notice of principles and patterns in the world around him then it

    made his life easier. Since man is a lazy animal there was a lot of pressure to

    simplify his life and reduce the amount of effort required to survive.

    Man noticed that a thrown rock always fell down to earth. There was this odd

    tendency for all objects to fall down. (Now I realize that this is a simple example

    but it works. Besides, early men were simple and we should cut them a break.)

    Early man knew that this always happened with a level of certainty that it could

    be depended upon safely. Rocks fall down. It always works. That is a law. Man

    did not know why this happened and at the time the might have attributed it to a

    god. Man did not need to know what the mechanism was. He just needed to

    know how it was. When Newton and later Einstein defined the Law of Gravity we

    merely refined the law. We still do not understand with any certainty exactly what

    gravity actually is. We now attribute it to some natural process or characteristic.

    The mechanism is immaterial because we know: Rocks fall down.

    The more complete statement of the law is:

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    If a man releases a rock from his hand then the rock will fall


    This law is a slight oversimplification but most will understand it as more or less

    absolute. It is a law that directs a force a power when invoked. When the cause

    is invoked the consequence is made manifest and force or power is directed on

    the real object, the rock.

    As man began recognizing more and more laws he began writing them down.

    Man called these documents The Law but they are only colorable or fictional

    representational documentation of principles regarding the expression of cause

    and consequence. A rock cannot violate the principle and for the sake of

    simplicity we will call the force that ensures the rock behaves in accordance to

    the law of. makes sure that for any action there is a reaction or a cause

    leads to consequence.

    Man began noticing when defining principles of human behavior that the

    cause and consequence did not seem so absolute. Since I am no stranger to

    controversy lets look at one of the early-recognized laws and explore it in greater

    depth. All people should have been exposed to this law:

    Thou shalt not commit adultery.

    Before you label me some kind of narrow moralist, cut me a break because, I

    in no way am trying to impose morality on anyone but it is important to

    understand why this law was included in the early scribbling.

    When a human being has intimate relations outside of his persistent mate it

    does not always result in absolute negative consequences. Sometimes the rock

    does not fall down. We have been told not to commit adultery because does

    not want you to. I never bought that either, trust me. Why are there not always

    consequences when one commits adultery? The reason is the existence of a

    victim. Adultery does not always create a victim. When our partner strays we

    have the free choice to feel violated or not to feel violated. When a victim is
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    created then power will be marshaled and negative consequences are directed

    against the perpetrator until the balance of justice is maintained. A more

    complete expression of this law is:

    If one commits adultery then a victim can be created and the

    victim has the power of justice over the perpetrator.

    This is a better way to express most moral law. People have the power to

    forgive and stop the negative consequences OR the expression of power

    marshaled against the perpetrator. It is wise not to put yourself in the position

    where you rely on the forgiveness of another human beings tendency to forgive.

    Power through law is transferred from the perpetrator to the victim. The victim

    has the power to deputize others to assist them in their pursuit of justice and that

    is an expression of real power.

    This creation of a victim is important to contract law. The violation is when

    one breaks their word in contract, technically they violate the following law:

    Thou shalt not bear false witness.

    You are not to misrepresent or lie. Said another way: you must do what you

    say you will do or you maycreate an injured party. Does lying always create a

    victim? No. Again we do not have control over the creation of a victim. We lose

    that power when we lie. The power is transferred to the human being on the

    effect side of the lie.

    When a human being breaks their agreement or the terms or conditions of a

    contract they can create an injured party and force and power is transferred to

    the other party in the contract because is enforcing the principle expression of

    power. The other party has the choice to enforce the terms or to allow it to be

    violated. That power is theirs alone. The perpetrator has no power over the

    injured party. He can attempt to elicit forgiveness but he does not have the

    power to forgive himself.
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    A more complete statement of law is:

    If a human being under contract breaks the terms or

    conditions of the contract such that the other party or parties

    in the contract choose to be injured then the perpetrator can

    be forced to meet the terms or conditions of the contract

    through the expression of real power.

    That is a more absolute statement of contract law.

    enforces the consequences in the conduct and enforcement

    of contracts. Those consequences can be forgiveness OR

    remedy and recourse against the offender. This is the real

    power of contracts and it is a secret that has been obfuscated

    to conceal the true nature of the expression of power in our


    It is important to understand the other aspects of contracts because one will

    be held to the terms of the contract.

    All contracts are voluntary. No man has the power to force a

    human being into a contract. If a contract exists and one party was

    forced into the contract then there is no expression of force, power

    or consequences. The contract is invalid or powerless.

    All contracts fall under the principle of Caveat Emptor or buyer

    beware. Said another way: A human being is responsible for

    knowing exactly what they are agreeing to. Because the terms will

    be enforced absolutely either though performance or forgiveness it

    is vital that one knows what they are getting into. Under the
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    principles of real law a human being can be tricked into agreeing as

    long as the other party is not directly misrepresenting the terms.

    Why it is enforced is that it has been proven as law is because

    human beings have observed the real expression of power and it is

    as reliable as gravity. if it is a trick then the person will see it as a

    trick and not make the contract. Why that works, is true and fair is

    because the real reason why has been allowed to be hidden from

    us for many centuries on purpose. I will go into this later.

    Another form of contract is seeking permission. If a human being

    seeks permission then it is assumed that they need permission. In

    the modern world we do this continually. Nothing is really forcing

    us into these contracts but once we seek permission then we hare

    held to the terms. Submitting voluntarily to anothers authority is to

    give away ones real power. We have been conditioned to do this.

    We slow down when we see a police car. We do this automatically.

    But remember it is ultimately all voluntary action. Another bad habit

    we get into is forgiving violations. People break their promises all

    the time because we find ourselves in a culture where our minders

    cultivate this loose interpretation of the law. It serves their purpose

    because it conceals the law and puts most people at a huge


    Why is the true nature of contracts, law and power been intentionally

    concealed? The reason this law has been concealed is this: those that

    understand this power can use it against the ignorant. Ignorance is painful. All

    throughout human history this power of contracts is a well kept secret because

    when a human being understands they have power then they can operate

    independent of others and cannot be made a slave by the power of their own


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    Lets now look at an example of how this power is used against the ignorant.

    When our Republic was founded the people created a government. The law is

    the created is never more powerful then its creator. The people created the

    Republic and the people have the power over the Republic. The people did not

    want to bother with personally managing interstate commerce so they gave the

    Republic power to do so. In 1871, in an act of treason, the officers serving in the

    Republic government they created a commercial corporate entity called cleverly:

    The United States of America. This is a fiction and fooled people who were

    unaware that these two distinct entities exist. The corporation is a creation of the

    Republic. The Republic has the power over its creation.

    This Corporation created offices that mimicked the offices in the Republic so

    that it was nearly indistinguishable, by the people, from the actual offices of the

    Republic government. The most diabolic trick was to create offices in the

    Corporation called US Citizen. These offices are actually subsidiary corporate

    entities under the parent Corporation of The United States of America. The UCC

    or Uniform Commercial Code, are laws that govern these offices. They do not

    apply to human beings. They apply only to the offices. Like the president is

    bound to laws of his or her office when he or she, being a human being, is in

    office so do the laws apply to US Citizens when we place ourselves in that

    office. By simply answering or declaring, I am a US Citizen a human being

    binds himself to the terms of a contract.

    When we violate the terms set forth in the UCC then we can be forced to

    meet the terms. Break the contract; go to jail. We give this corporation the

    power to do so.

    A birth certificate is a representation of this office (US Citizen) and is

    distinguished by our names being in all capital letters. The law applies to this

    commercial entity. The people gave the Government the power to regulate

    commerce and so they used that loophole to gain the power over us. If we are

    ignorant of this commercial office and we voluntarily place ourselves in that

    office, then we are unaware of the awesome power we ignorantly give away and

    that is painful.

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    This is a trick and a contract that we voluntarily enter into unknowingly.

    Because we are responsible to know the terms or conditions of the contracts we

    enter into then they can force us because we have given them the power to do

    so. Most people are in jail because they unknowingly violated a contract they did

    not know they entered into.

    It does not seem fair but it is fair because the key element of why it is fair has

    been hidden from us. Most have heard of the Holy Grail. This secret is a closely

    held secret. The control of this secret has given those that rule us the power to

    do so with impunity. What is it? It is the only thing worth having. It is the

    ultimate contract. It is a contract between a human being and . The Bible

    contains this secret but it has been couched in a way that makes it difficult to

    discern. This was done on purpose. Religion has been an important tool used to

    hide the secret.

    The Holy Grail is a contract that created a long time ago. We can enter into

    the contract without knowing it and several notable people backed into the


    There is one obligation required of the human being, the rest are the terms

    that is bound to. It is simply this: A human being who places theircomplete,

    absolute and unconditionaltrust in will not suffer negative consequences

    then they will no longer be able to engage in destructive behavior and will be

    protected from those that do. Absolute trust sounds easy but it takes practice.

    Under the contract teaches the human being the law. Not only that but the

    human being is warned, knows the truth and cannot be tricked.

    This is the secret piece was left out of our education on purpose. Ignorance

    of the law is no excuse because if a human being needs the law then they will

    have it. This is how I learned these principles. Since most all people place their

    trust in Jesus, the Bible, the church hierarchy, the government, science or

    themselves then they put their trust in the wrong things and therefore they have

    no protection. They dont need the gift of walking in truth because is under

    no contract to provide that protection. Why did I include Jesus in the list? If one

    listens to Jesus own words, he tells what to place ones trust in. Do as he does.
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    In that way we do not approach the Father but by him. Jesus is the way. He

    did by example. When one does as the prototype then they are able to approach


    There are many people that do this unknowingly. It is best to understand how

    the principle works because it is easier to apply it in ones life. A two-way

    communication with comes in handy as no man has the power over another

    when the contract is in force. They that lord over us have known this secret for a

    long time. The Dark Ages and the Inquisition was vital to make sure they

    controlled what knowledge and what religious doctrine would work to conceal the

    secret. It is so easy that it has been overlooked. Even science is a tool of

    concealing and making him simply a natural phenomenon. If one controls

    what their contractual obligation are then they can be assured of possessing the

    power to control what attempts to control them. Even better the fact is because

    no human being will willingly enslave them self unless tricked into thinking it is

    their only option then all current colorable contracts are without real power. The

    only power these colorable contracts have is what we ourselves give it and it is

    only through fear and intimidation that we remain powerless.

    Here is the real trip. controls who is permitted to know the secret. If you

    are reading this then it is because is allowing you to know. If does not think

    you are ready to be free then you would not have gotten this far.

    My life is easy. Nothing bad happens. I have what I need and I am happier

    then I have ever been. Most especially in my case because I dont have to waste

    a perfectly good Sunday sitting in a dark cold building singing songs and

    pretending to be something I am not.

    is a good to have around and I would suggest that everyone on this planet

    properly introduce themselves. She will conceal himself right in front of you

    and has all of your life because she is, after all, omnipotent and has not failed

    me yet.

    I am protected from myself and from others. The Truth will set you free.

    Is Truth.
  • 8/14/2019 Contract: A Principle of the Power of Law


    Contract. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved June 01, 2007,

    from website: