IUCAA, Pune, 19/04 /2005 Contour statistics, depolarization canals and interstellar turbulence Anvar Shukurov School of Mathematics and Statistics, Newcastle, U.K.

Contour statistics, depolarization canals and interstellar turbulence Anvar Shukurov School of Mathematics and Statistics, Newcastle, U.K

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IUCAA, Pune, 19/04/2005

Contour statistics, depolarization canalsand interstellar turbulence

Anvar Shukurov

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Newcastle, U.K.

Synchrotron emission in interstellar medium

Total intensity

Polarized intensity

+ polarization angle

Polarization and depolarization

P = p e2i , complex polarization, p = P/Ip: degree of polarization (fraction of the radiation flux that is polarized);: polarization angle

Depolarization: superposition of two polarized waves,

1 = 2 + /2 P1 + P2 = 0

Faraday rotation: = 0 + RM2

Faraday rotation can depolarize radiation

+ = 0

Depolarization canals in radio maps of the Milky Way

Narrow, elongated regions of zero polarized intensity

Abrupt change in by /2 across a canal

Position and appearance depend on the wavelength

No counterparts in total emission

Gaensler et al., ApJ, 549, 959, 2001. ATCA, = 1.38 GHz ( = 21.7 cm), W = 90” 70”.

Narrow, elongated regions of zero polarized intensity

Abrupt change in by /2 across a canal

Haverkorn et al. A&A 2000


Gaensler et al., ApJ, 549, 959, 2001

Position and appearance depend on the wavelength

Haverkorn et al., AA, 403, 1031, 2003Westerbork, = 341-375 MHz, W = 5’

No counterparts in total emission



r et





, 13

8, 3

1, 1







z, W

= 9


No counterparts in I propagation effects (not produced by any gas filaments or sheets)

Sensitivity to Faraday depolarization

Potentially rich source of information on ISM

Complex polarization ( // line of sight)

= synchrotron emissivity, B = magnetic field, = wavelength,

n = thermal electron number density, Q, U, I = Stokes parameters

Fractional polarization p, polarization angle and Faraday rotation measure RM:

Faraday depth to distance z:

Faraday depth:

Differential Faraday rotation

Uniform slab, thickness 2h, F = 2KnBzh2:


• Canals: |F| = n |RM| = F/(22)= n/(22)

Canals are contours of RM(x), an observable quantity

• F(x) & RM Gaussian random functions

• What is the mean separation of contours of a (Gaussian) random function?

The problem of overshoots

• A random function F(x).

• What is the mean separation of positions xi such that F(xi) = Fc (= const) ?

f (F) = the probability density of F;f (F, F' ) = the joint probability density of F and

F' = dF/dx;

Great simplification: Gaussian random functions(and F a GRF!)

F(x) and F'(x) are statistically independent,

Contours of a random function in 2D

Useful references

• Sveshnikov A. A., 1966, Applied Methods in the Theory of Random Functions (Pergamon Press: Oxford)

• Vanmarcke E., 1983, Random Fields: Analysis and Synthesis (MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.)

• Longuet-Higgins M. S., 1957, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 249, 321

• Ryden, 1988, ApJ, 333, L41

• Ryden et al., 1989, ApJ, 340, 647

Contours around high peaks

Contours around high peaks

• Tend to be closed curves (around x = 0).

• F(0) = F, >> 1; F(0) = 0.

• For a Gaussian random function,

i.e., the mean profile F(r) around a high peak follows the autocorrelation function

(Peebles, 1984, ApJ 277, 470;

Bardeen et al., 1986, ApJ 304, 15)

Mean separation of canals (Shukurov & Berkhuijsen MN 2003)

lT 0.6 pc at L = 1 kpc Re(RM) = (l0/lT)2 104105

Conclusions• The nature of depolarization canals seems to be


• They are sensitive to important physical parameters of the ISM (autocorrelation function of RM).

• New tool for the studies of the ISM turbulence: contour statistics (contours of RM, I, P, ….)

Details in: Fletcher & Shukurov, astro-ph/0602536