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SRN. 06340089














as a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements

for the S1 Degree at the English Education



SRN. 06340089








1.1 Problem Background

English language is an important part of world, because by using a language

we can communicate and express our ideas. English is taught integrated within the

four skills, namely reading, speaking, listening, and writing, considering the

language components such as vocabulary, structure, and pronunciation. As we

know that vocabulary mastery are very important in learning English because

these are set a of rule that has to be mastered by the students in studying English

both oral and written form.

By mastering adequate vocabulary means that the learners understanding

the meaning of the vocabulary items and are able to use them correctly and

appropriately in sentence. So that the sentence has meaning.

Adjective is one kind of vocabulary according to Webber (1978), adjective

is a word belonging to one of the major from classes in any of numerous

languages and typically serving as a modifier of a noun to devote a quality of the

thing named, to indicate its quantity or extent, or to specify a thing as distinct

from something else. Most student think that studying is boring and they also get

confused to adjective and to use helping adjective.

English through song help English student study speaking, conversation ,

vocabulary, pronunciation, listening and grammar. It’s for anyone who enjoy


learning to speak English here and now program. It teaches conversation rules in

browsers in voiced dialogs student and is played offline in browsers. free song

lyrics and practice exercises are available on site. Studying in this sings kind of

way is fun! Lesson improve speaking skills in dialogs, pronunciation, listening

comprehension and sentence structure. Learn to speak, practice listening, develop

vocabulary. Research on the effects songs on learning has been in progress for

decades. When research on the Mozart Effect the theory that listening to Mozart’s

songs can temporarily improve performance, and perhaps even IQ is the fact that

ongoing songs education does help children across a wide range of criteria

including overall academic performance. The songs we sing provides vocabulary

enrichment, teaches tenses and plurals, uses poetic language, allows visualization,

and encourages good pronunciation. Though music we learn about ourselves, our

culture and that of others, science and math, creativity, jobs, the environment, and

emotion. Songs is used to help them understand concepts like high and low, fast

and slow, and start and stop.

Songs as a technique can give the students entertainment decide education

since it contains many ideas related to up-to-date situation. Students will have fun

in songs and in the same time they can also get new words from it. Text of songs

often brings certain themes and messages that are also related social issues in our

daily life. In reading text songs, student are also able to learn how to express their

idea and feelings and also learn human interaction.

Hopefully, by presenting songs with adjective or sentences inside song the

students ability in adjective will interest.


Based on the every it was found that see that from 35 students, only 13

students or 39.3% who reach the completeness standard study, therefore the result

of the study hoped at SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia to fulfill the standard of

“Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM)” is < 6.5.

Meanwhile, there are 60.6% students who get the score under KKM.

Considering the problem above, the researcher intends to do the research to

increasing students ability in mastery of adjective through songs and the result of

the observation at SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia.

1.2 Problem Identification

1. Students are low in study adjective mastery.

2. Students are not motivated in studying adjective vocabulary.

3. The students get difficulties in doing test of adjective put in vock

1.3 Problem Limitation

The researcher limits the study at the increasing the adjective mastery

through song instruction at the students of SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia in the

academic year of 2010/2011

1.4 Problem Formulation

Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the problem as

follows: Can song instruction be used to increase the students’ adjective mastery

at SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia?


1.5 Research Objective

To find out whether songs instruction can be used to increase adjective mastery at SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia

1.6 Research Scope

1. The subject of the research

The subject of the research are student’s of SMP Bangun Cipta


2. The object of the research

The object of the research is the increasing the student’s teaching

adjective vocabulary mastery through songs.

3. The time of the research

The research will be hold the two years of 2011 academic year.

4. The place of the research

The research will be conducted at SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia.

1.7 Research Benefit

The result of this research are expected:

1. As information for the teachers of English at junior level in helping the students’ especially in learning adjective vocabulary.

2. As contribution to the English teacher to use songs in teaching learning adjective vocabulary at Junior High School.

3. Giving contribution in the research improving students’ mastery in adjective through songs generally and at VIII grade of SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia especially.




2.1 Previous Research Overview

Based on literature that be done by researcher in some libraries, many thesis

that observed about vocabulary, and here are some of the research the first :

“Increasing the student’s achievement in learning the vocabulary of adjective

through audio lingual method to the seventh year of SLTP N 1 Seputih Banyak,

East Lampung”. (Septa Alfiah 2008)

The distinction this research with previous research by Septa Alfiah is using

instruments to give treatments to the students in Septa Alfiah’s research. She used

audio lingual method to teaching vocabulary especially in adjective did not teach

the students directly to find the data because use to audio lingual method, low

motivation student to English learn. In this research found that me result of

learning process through audio lingual method has not yet achieve competence

minimal standard of this research. The failure can be seen from learning process

in 2 meeting. It happened because the teacher do not check students understanding

and did not explain clearly. So, some students were not clear in learning

vocabulary of adjective.

In this case the researcher found out some problems in teaching learning

activity. The students always face difficulties in learning vocabulary especially


using adjective. They feel afraid to make mistake. If the students want to master

vocabulary sufficiently. The students may be easier to obtain language skills in

speaking, vocabulary is used to construct good sentences. If they have used

improper sentences or utterance knowledge of vocabulary.

The second “Increasing the students’ achievement in the adjective through

picture to the seventh year of SLTP N 1 Rumbia, East Lampung”. (Eko

Andrianto, 2008)

The objectives of this research is to know whether the picture can increase

students’ vocabulary achievement in teaching learning process. She is using

picture as media to interest and motivate the students in increasing their


The distinction of this research with all previous research overview above

are using method and apply the techniques of teaching vocabulary. The researcher

using songs to get attention in learning adjective vocabulary. By using the songs,

it can increase student’s mastery in adjective vocabulary and songs can make

student’s happy in class.

2.2 Theoretical Review

2.2.1 Concept of Adjective

Base on literature that be done by researcher in the some libraries,

many according to frank. According to Frank (1972:109) the adjective is a

modifier that has the grammatical property of comparison. It is often

identified by special derivational endings or by special adverbial modifier


that precede it. Its most usual position is before the noun in modifies, but it

fills other position as well.

According to frank (1972 : 109) classify the type of adjective as

follow :

1) Determiners: consist of a small group of structure words without

characteristic from.

a. Articles: the, a-an.

b. Demonstrative adjectives: this-plural these, that-plural those.

c. Possessive adjectives:

- From pronouns: my, your, one’s, etc.

- From nouns: John’s, the girl’s, etc.

d. Numeral adjectives:

- Cardinal: four, twenty-five, one hundred, etc.

- Ordinal: fourth, twenty fifth, one hundredth, etc.

e. Adjectives of indefinite quantity: some, few, all, more, etc.

f. Relative and interrogative adjectives: whose, what, which.

2) Descriptive adjectives: it usually indicate an inherent quality

(beautiful, intelligent), or a physical state such as age, size,

color. Some descriptive adjective take the form of:

a. Proper adjectives: a Catholic church, a French dish, a

Shakespearian play.

b. Participial adjectives


- Present participle: an interesting book, a disappointing

experience, etc.

- Past participle: a bored students, a worn tablecloth, etc.

c. Adjective compounds

- With participles: present participle: a good looking girl, a

heart breaking story, etc.

- With-ed added to nouns functioning as the second

element of a compound. The first element is usually a

short adjective: absent-minded, ill-tempered, tear-

stained, far-sighted, etc.

2.2.2 The concept of mastery

The progress of teaching and learning ideally is in order to the

material which is learned can be mastered by the students fully, it is called

“mastery learning”. It mean that “penguasaan penuh” This thing can be a

progress, if the teacher leaves the normal curve as success of teaching. The

UUD 1945 states that every Indonesian people get a chance to study as song

as life. KKPN “ Komisi Pembaharuan Pendidikan Nasional” states that our

education should be natural, wholly and united.

Natural means that education enjoyed by the people in the world.

Wholly means in older to get mobility between formal education and

informal education. So , education opens for life every Indonesian people.

The effort that can be done in learning mastery is in order to all,

almost all is noting. Whereas, the most of the student can master the

material complete, so eventually they can be given a higher score. The


successful of task a fresh neatly. The progress learning mastery avoids

frustration, failure, infer talent and positive attitude to lesson and

knowledge that give hope to the students that in the future they will study as

long as their lives in order to be able service in the word that always

change. The Factor of Learning mastery

Most of education expects believes that a part of and even

almost all the student can master the material with the criteria as


1. A talent to learnt something

John Carrol states that the students have different Talent, but

he has opinion about talent as a different time which is needed to

master something . so, the different of talent is not determining

the mastery level as kind of material that has learnt, So ,

everybody is able to learn whatever subject until high limit as

long a given enough time.

2. The quality of lesson

Curriculum has become uniform for whole county, final

exam and test to enter in the school and university should make

some for whole of school. So, a book of lesson which is raised by

the center the lesson.

3. The capability to understand the lesson

If the student cannot understand what the teacher says or

exam plains and if the teacher cannot grow communication with


the students , the ability of student to master the material depends

on the ability to understand the pronoun of the teacher. On the

other hand, in order to the lesson can understood, the teacher

should fluent is using language and also able to understand the

material which is explained.

4. A diligence

The diligence is real from the time that given by students to

learn something need a sure total time. If the students have a time

less form the time that given to learn something , so they cannot

master the material time which is use to learn something should

be effective.

5. A available time to learn

The opinion of learning mastery is time factor that is very

assessable to master the sure material. With enough time

students are able to master the material. If the time avoided some

for all of the student, so the level of master is determined by talent

of the students.

Students can master the material with the criteria as follows

a talent to learnt something, the quality of lesson. The capability

to understand the lesson. A diligence, and available time to learn.

2.2.3 Concept of Songs instructional

In concept of songs instructional researcher take of base teory form

Doren many according to Doren (1980:220) states that song is short musical

work set to a poetic text with equal importance given to the musical and in


the words. It may be written for one or several voices and it is generally

performed with instrumental accompaniment. Redlich (1975:28) adds that

songs is short composition usually for one voice, based on lyrics poem.

The lyrics in the songs can reinforce one vocabulary, because the

sentences in the lyrics contain certain vocabulary that is useful in the

language learning. The words can be in the form of adjective. For example,

the song that was used by the writer in this research entitled is the lyrics of

that song contain some forms of adjective such as: in this research the

writer uses song lyric or text to introduce the vocabulary of English

language. The focus is on adjective.

The next base teory, the researcher take according form to the ward

(1985:187) points out that by using songs for teaching in the language class,

we are getting the students to do something that they would do in real life.

Many of our students may never have the opportunity to visit an English

speaking country but they are very much involved with British and

American pop music. Most English songs we hear on the radio or television

have not been produced for EFL learners and have not been recorded by

people with received pronunciation, so they are good way of exposing our

students to authentic language.

Based on statement above, songs are unforgettable. Songs are also

easy to learn and fulfill the purpose of teaching material that being learned.

The teacher can use the material of songs to introduce new vocabulary or

unfamiliar vocabulary meaningful context to students. Songs also can

reinforce the vocabulary students have already known. Then, songs can be


used to be practice good rhythmical phrasing. Therefore, the researcher

conducted a research entitled teaching student’s vocabulary ability in

adjective through songs in eight class at SMP Bangun Cipta Central


2.2.4 Song Related to Language Teaching

Teaching can become a big challenge. Since the teacher can vary the

material, he or she should be able to maintain the high level of motivation

and interest among learners.

‘Real life’ activities that can be brought into classroom. It does not

only improve the teaching the learning process, but also gives students an

interesting experience in English.

Monreal (1982:44) state that besides being enjoyable for both teacher

and students well-chosen song can provide an excellent practice in

pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation as well as sentence pattern and

vocabulary review. Horner (1993:35) adds that songs are fun. They are

motivating; they can be used to teach structure, pronunciation. They are

perhaps the leading reason for teenagers through out the world become

interested in English.

Papa and Lantorno (1979:viii) say that introducing song in the

classroom can solve most of the problems concerning motivation.

Moreover, song can be profitably, introduced by all teachers, whatever

method they use, and are easily available. Singing a song is certainly one of

the activities which generate the greatest enthusiasm and pleasant and

stimulating approach to the culture of foreign people. Of course, particular


attention has to be paid to the choice of the songs. Singing is an exceptional

teaching tool in fact students will take songs outside the classroom and will

go on performing them long after the lesson has finished, purely for their

own pleasure.

2.2.5 The Criteria of the Selecting Song

The researcher take base on literature that be done by gasser and

wuldman (1978 : 50). As the criteria of the selecting song. Gasser and

Waldman (1978:50) suggest some guidelines for choosing appropriate song

to be taught :

1. The teacher should be able to use song to teach at least one of the four

categories, namely: grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and culture.

2. The teacher takes a popular song from west life groups.

3. The teacher just takes the song from American people not else.

4. The tune of the song should be easy and simple to learn. It will help if

the lyrics are repetitive. Beside that the lyrics should be as

representative as possible of standard spoken English.

5. It should not be necessary to change the lyrics to the students to enhance

their pedagogical value.

According to the criteria above, the researcher would like to say that

in selecting appropriate songs the teacher should be more selective, and

easy to learn. Looking back to criteria above, the researcher chooses the

song from that have the title here is the lyrics of the song.


Baby…. Baby

Sung by: Justin Biber

You Know you love me

I Know you care just shout whenever,

An Ill be there you are my love

You are my heart and I Will never ever ever be apart

Are why an item? Girl quit playing

“We are just friend”

What are you saying

Take another look right in my eyer

my first love broke my heart for the first time.

Oh baby … baby… baby

like baby, baby, baby oh … 2x

like baby, baby, baby oh …

Through you’d always be mine, mine

For you I would have done whatever

and I just can believe we aren’t together

and I wanna plat it cool, but I losing you

I’ll buy you anything, I’ll buy you any thing and

I’m in prices, baby fix me

I just shak me still you make me from this bad dream.

I’m going down, down, down, down…

And I just cant believe, my first love won’t be around


Luda. When I thirteen, I had my first love.

There was no body come be between.

Or can ever come above

She had me going crazy

Oh I was down

She make my hear pound

And skip a beat when I see her in the steet

And at school, on the playing around

But I real warning she hero a weekend

She knows she got me dazing?

Luz she was amazing

And how, my heart is breaking

But I just keep saying…

No I’m all gone 3 x

Yeah…. Yeah…. Yeah….

Now I’m gone… gone … gone …

I’m gone ….

This song is chosen because the lyrics of the song consist of

vocabulary, especially adjective, for example: First time, cool, down, bad,

dream, first love, crazy, and amazing. The lyrics of this song are also easy

to learn, and standard spoken English. With song the students do not only

learnt about structure but they learn some new vocabulary and find some

message or interesting stories in the song. So besides learning vocabulary

the students get knowledge about English.

2.2.6 Teaching Adjective Through Songs


Song is short musical work set to a poetic text equal importance given

to the musical and in the words (Doren, 1980:220). Songs are one of the

most enchanting and culturally rich recourses that can easily be used in

language classroom. Songs offer a change from routine classroom activities.

Songs are precious resources to develop students’ abilities in listening,

speaking, reading and writing. Songs can also be used to teach sentence

patterns, vocabulary, pronunciation, rhythm, adjective and adverb. As stated

by Lo and Fai Li (1998:8), learning English through songs also provides a

non threatening atmosphere for students.

Teaching vocabulary in adjective through songs can assist our

teaching of vocabulary while providing a relaxed atmosphere and motivated

students. Teaching vocabulary in adjective through songs are students

cantered, hence by using songs the teacher gives a chance to the students to

express themselves, enjoy themselves during learning and use the reserves

of their minds. Papa and Lantoro (1979:viii) adds that introducing song in

the classroom can solves most problem concerning motivation. Moreover,

songs can be profitably introduced by all teachers and easily evadible,

whatever method they use.

2.2.7 The Procedure of Teaching Adjective Through Songs

One of the ways to make the process of teaching in the class

successful is by making and applying the guidelines of teaching. Philip

(1993:95) states some general guidelines for doing actions songs in class,

they are:


1. Play or sing the song once or twice with the students just listening, so

that they begin to absorb the tune and rhythm.

2. Play and sing the song again and get them to clam the rhythm and the

tune to the music.

3. Get them to join the action with you.

4. Ask them if they can tell you what the song means from the actions

explain anything they do not understand.

5. Play the song again. The students join with the action, and sing along

with the words if they wish.

Based on some general guidelines for doing songs in class, the

researcher apply those guidelines to be teaching procedures as follows:

1. Asking the students about their favorite songs or kind of songs that

they often listen.

a. In this procedure teacher asks some of some students about favorite

music and song.

b. Students answer the question given by teacher.

2. Giving an example of song and playing the song in the class, students

just listen to the song, so that they begin to absorb the tune and rhythm.

a. The teacher plays the cassette and ask students to listen to the song.

b. The students listen to the song and try to absorb the tune and


3. Playing the song again and asking them to sing and giving a brief

account of the theme or story of the song in the students’ own



a. The teacher plays the song once again and asks them to sing

together after playing the song and singing together the teacher

asks students to give a brief account of the theme or story of the


b. The students listen to the song and sing together after that students

give a brief account of them or story of the song in their own


4. Giving the students a copy of the song chorus one by one and ask the

students to fill the blank that have in the song chorus and discuss it

with their friends after that the teacher asks the students to read the

chorus aloud together with the teacher guide in order to give them a

correct pronunciation.

a. The teacher gives copy of the song chorus to the students and asks

them to fill the blank that have in the song chorus and discuss it

with their friends after that the teacher reads the chorus together

with students by singing the song.

b. Students fill the blank and discuss it with their friends after that the

students read the song chorus by singing the song.

5. Playing the song once again. They are asked to practice singing the

song together.

a. The teacher plays the song again and asks students to sing together.

b. The students sing together.

6. After singing together, the students discuss the song chorus describe

the patterns used.


a. The teacher asks students to discuss the song chorus and describe

the meaning that content in the song and also the patterns sentences

used in the song chorus.

b. The students discuss the song chorus that is giving by the teacher

and describe the meaning that content in the song and also the

patterns using.

7. Playing the song again and asking the students to sing once more.

a. The teacher plays the song once more and ask the students to sing


b. The students sing the songs together.

8. Asking the students to make formulation of the pattern and practice

making sentences using the pattern.

a. The teacher asks the students to make formulation of the pattern

based on the song chorus that the students have discussed with

their friends and practice making sentences using the pattern that

they made.

b. The students make the formulation of the pattern based on the song

chorus that they have discussed with their friends and practice

making sentences using the pattern that they make.

9. If the students have achieved the target structure, the teacher discusses

it together with the students, than gives some practice as class


The process of acquiring the rules of adjective here was carried out

deductively. It means that at the first time, the teacher give a song which


consists of some patterns to the students. The discussion of adjective was

given at whilst activity.

2.3 Thinking of Framework

English lesson there are four language skill. Namely listening, speaking,

reading and writing. Considering the language components such as vocabulary,

structure, and pronunciation. Vocabulary has to be learnt by the students to master

the language well, but in fact many students still get difficulties in learning

structure especially in using adjective. Most students think that studying

vocabulary is boring song can be used useful aids in learning vocabulary and

pronunciation and song can make student fun in class. It can assumed that song

are intended to find out whether there is a better gain of student’s ability in

adjective after they are tough using song.

2.4 Hypothesis

Based on the frame of theories above, the writer proposed hypothesis as

follows: Songs give a chance to the students to express themselves, enjoy

themselves during learning and use the reserves of their minds. Songs are precious

resources to develop students’ abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Songs also reinforcement the vocabulary that students have already known.

“Teaching vocabulary through songs give a better gain to the students’ ability in

constructing the adjective”.



3.1 Research Design

Research method used is classroom action research, intended to increasing

students’ mastery in present continuous tense using miming group game.

According to Arikunto (2006: 91) explains that classroom action research is

reflecting in the activity that showed, and it is happen in the class.

The classroom action research will be conducted based on the one cycle

design. Each one cycle has for steps, those are:

1. Planning

2. Acting

3. Observing

4. Reflecting

By one cycle with another cycle has relationship. Each cycle is done in

three meetings, in 40 minutes (120 minutes).

The subject of classroom action research is students of class VIII6 at SMP

Bangun Cipta Rumbia. The research is chosen this class because most of the

students are low ability, especially in learning adjective. The research will be

conducted as follows:



Cycle I

1. Planning

Planning is first step in each activity, without planning the activity that

the research does will not be focus. The planning will be referents in doing

action here is step that the researcher can make in the planning.

a. The research prepares the lesson plan, the material and sentence in

rolled piece of paper.

b. The researcher identifies the problem and fined the cause of the


c. The researcher plans to give task and evaluation.

2. Acting

Doing the acting is the second step in the activity is the realization from

the planning that the research has mode. Without acting the planning is just

imagination that never been real. Here are the steps that the researcher does in

the acting

a. Ask the students some questions relate to the topic or give the breaking


b. The teacher divides the class into some group.

c. Choose a confident student and give them one of the pieces of paper.

They should mime one sentence in a rolled piece paper in front of class

until some one in their team guesses correctly.

d. The groups to quest correctly explain the formula of the vocabulary.

e. The teacher gives evaluation.


3. Observing

The observing is the activity of recording the event and the acting.

Based on the observing the research can determine when she is there anything

that their research has to be improves soon. Soon in order that the action can

achieve the aim of the research wants. The observing is done in teaching

learning process.

The researcher observes the students activity in teaching learning

process receded by using note. It is to know how the effective is miming

group game in this research of the observation. The assessor also assesses the

teacher performance in teaching learning process recorded by song.

When doing observation, the researcher is helped by collaborator. The

collaborator it self is one of teacher of SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia, Central


4. Reflecting

The reflection is the fourth step that the research done. The researcher

will try to see and muse again something that the researcher has done. It is

also to know whether there is any effect to the students learning presses. By

reflecting the research will know the strength and the weakness from the

action that the researcher has done.

After comparing the score distribution of the score of pre test, process and the

post test. The researcher reviews and reflection students attitude and teacher

performance whether review is positive or negative.


Cycle II

According of reflection the first cycle above, so the second cycle will be

done. The improvement and development done in order that the first cycle run

well and the target wanted will achieve.

1. Planning

a. The researcher prepares the lesson plan the material.

b. The researcher prepares some expression in a rolled piece of paper.

c. The researcher plant to give the task and evaluation.

2. Acting

a. The teacher opening the class.

b. Ask the student some question relate to the topic or give the

breaking ice.

c. Divide class into two groups. Put the two sets of pieces of paper

face done on the task

d. Get a member of each group to come to the front of the class and

take a piece of paper from their groups pile. They should mime

reeling written on it until some one in their group guesses


e. Then another member of the group should come to the front, take

the next piece of paper from the pile, and mime the feeling written

on it for the rest of the group to guess, and soon.

f. The first group finishes the places of paper is the winner.

g. The teacher reviews any problems the students and makes some

example of vocabulary using adjective.


3. Observing

The observing is the activity of recording the event and the action. Base

on the observing, the researcher can determine whether is there anything that

them researcher has to be improved soon in order that the action can achieve

the aim of the researcher wants. The observing is done in teaching learning


The research observes the students activity in teaching learning process

recoded by using note. It is to know how the effective is miming group game

in this research of the observation. The assessor also assesses the teacher

performance in teaching learning process recorded by field note.

4. Reflecting

The reflecting as the fourth step that the research done. The research

will try to see and muse again something that the researcher has done it is also

to know there is any effect to the students in learning crammer especially

present continuous tense trough game.

After comparing the score distribution of the score of the pre test,

process and post test. The researcher reviews and reflects students’ attitude

and feather performance whether is positive or negative. For the model and

explanation the figure of cycle to every step the writer take it from the

Penelitian Tindakan Kelas book by Arikunto. Here are the steps or classroom

action research design.

Figure 1. The Cycle of Classroom Action Research


By Hopkins (Arikunto 2008 : 16)

Based on Arikunto’s theory above, there are two cycles of classroom

action research. If the result of the cycle two is not success, the researcher

must continue the research into cycle 3.Based on figure 1 above, the cycle is

started from:

1. Planning

In this step, the researcher prepares the lesson plan, material, the

song method, and prepare the task to the students.

2. Acting

In this step, the researcher was carried out learning process through

song technique in the adjective, in order to increase students’

achievement. This research is done in class V111 of SMP Bangun Cipta


Cycle I



Cycle II


Reflecting Acting

Reflecting acting



Rumbia related to the schedule in the class. Action consist of 2 cycles,

each cycle has 3 meetings, and each meeting have 2 x 40 minutes. The

scenario of these meetings are follows:

a. Giving pre test

b. The teacher asks the students about the material(giving break ice).

c. The teacher explains the material starting from the difination,

function, and clarification or form of adjective. After that the teacher

commands to the students to make adjective.

d. In the next meeting the teacher command one of the students to

write the home work and check it together.

e. The teacher divides the students into some groups. Then the teacher

shares copy of songs chorus and command them to fill the blank in

text song and listen the song carefully.

f. The teacher and the students check and analysis the correct answer.

g. The teacher gives post test.

3. Observing

In this research, the observation is done in learning process relate as the

schedule. It is used to collect the data, the data is gotten from the activity

of the students result.

4. Reflecting


The reflecting is done in order to observe the data that got from the

observation in each action. The result is for evaluation material and

reflection to the next research.

5. Revised planning

In this research, the researcher prepares lesson plan, paper task,

observation sheet, copy of song chorus, pieces of song sheet, song media

and post test.

6. Acting

Revision of the acting is done to seek a good result of the research such


a. The teacher gives copy of the song chorus to the students.

b. The teacher commands the students to fill the blank chorus by

listening the song then, the teacher and the students check and

analysis that together.

c. The students gives pieces of song paper to each group and command

them to arrange the pieces by listen the song then stick it on the

wall. Then, the teacher and the students check and analysis that

together. After that the teacher gives reward to the winner.

d. The teacher commands the students to join with their group and ask

them to make adjective and analysis that. After finishing it, the

teacher commands each leader of the group to presentation their

result in front of the class and then the teacher and the students

check it together. After that, the teacher explains the material.

e. The teacher gives post test.


7. Observing

Observing is done again to find out the result of good data of active

students’ motivation. This observation is done by Mrs. Septa Alfiah and

Mr. Eko Andrianto.

8. Reflecting

Reflecting will be done to get the data each action, if the result of the test

is not good so the research should continue the research.

From the figure of cycle of classroom action research above, the

researcher gives conclusion that, this research will give a good result if

using the song method. The students will be more interesting in learning

English especially in adjective. On Arikunto’s theory above, in this

research will be used the next one.

3.2 Research Variable

The subject of Classroom Action Research is thirty six students of class

V111 at SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia. The researcher has chosen this class because

most of the students are low ability, especially in learning adjective. They also

have difficulties in expressing the idea.

In the Classroom Action Research, there are the investigated factors

consist of:

1. Students’ mastery to know meaning of song in learning English,

especially in learning adjective material.

2. Students’ achievement in learning adjective by using songs as media.


3.3 Research Instrument

The research instrument for collecting the data is pre-test and post-test. The

researcher uses objective test: it is multiple choice (MC) test which using item

consist of four option (A,B,C), and since it is easy to correct and to give the score.

The material to be test is about adjective; the research uses 20 items for pre test

and post test.

3.3.1 Test Sheet

In this research of this researches administer two tests, pre test and

post test. The test are begin to know the students, achievement before and

after learning process. The kind of test is objective test consisting of 20

items, for each question in multiple choices. In which both pretest and post

test are 20 items the topic is about adjective.

3.3.2 Observation

Here, the observation doused on the student’s activity in vocabulary

especially adjective through game. The research teacher the students

directly in the class. The researcher wants to know how the students

respond to the method used by the teacher for the students in learning

vocabulary from the observation, the researcher can see the student’s

difficulties in following learning process vocabulary.

3.3.3 Interview Guide

Since the research subject of the interview of the interview ore

students’ junior light schools. The research does an informal interview to


know the student’s opinions about the difficulties of memorize tense. To get

the result, the researcher uses notebook as an instrument. The function of

note is to write all of dialogue through the score data.

3.4 Data Collecting Technique

In order to collect the data the research used the following technique.

3.4.5 Giving the Test

1. Pre test

This pre test is given to 33 students in VIII.1 grade of SMP

Bangun Cipta Rumbia. The pre test is administered before the

treatment for 40 minutes. It is done to know the students’ mastery of

present continuous tense before being taught by using miming group

game method. The test used by the researcher is an objective test in

the form of multiple choices about the present continuous tense.

The numbers of item in the test are 20 with four alternative

answers for each (A, B, C, and D), one is the correct answer and the

rests are the distracters. The scoring system is that the load of each

correct answer is 5 points. So, if one participant answers all the

items correctly, she/he gets 100 points (20 x 5).

2. Post Test

This post test is given to 33 students in VIII.6 grade of SMP

Bangun Cipta. The pre test is administered after the treatment for 40

minutes. It is done to find out the students’ mastery of adjective


after being taught by using song. Similar to the pre test, the post test

used by the researcher is an objective test in the form of multiple

choices about the adjective.

The numbers of item in the test are 20 with four alternative

answers for each (A, B, C, and D), one is the correct answer and the

rests are the distracters. The scoring system is that the load of each

correct answer is 5 points. So, if one participant answers all the

items correctly, she/he gets 100 points (20 x 5).

3. Observation

In order to make qualitative data the teachers and the students’

activities or situation and condition of class during teaching learning

process are observed. Evaluated and make notes on the observation

sheets process are observed considering on notes and data

observation the researcher knows the strength and weakness of

using miming group game to teach present continuous tense in

learning English language while teaching learning process. This

observation is done in 40 minutes and this observation is given for 7

students (3 students get high score 2 students get middle score and 2

students get low score) in VIII. grade of SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia

3.4.5 Interview Guide

The interview guide is given for 7 students (3 students get high

score 2 students get middle score and 2 students get low score) in VIII.1

grade of SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia. The interview guide is done in 40


minutes and the form of interview guide is 10 items yes or no questions

paper to know the students’ responses and teacher’s opinion of the

implementation of teaching learning process through song for whole cycles.

The researcher gives some questions around the activities have been

done in the class focusing on the application of the song to teach adjective.

3.5 Data Analysis Technique

The data analysis in this research will be analyzed since action until

reflection and evaluation. Data analyzed is used and allure model. It contains three

steps those are reduction data, presentation data and conclusion data. Miles and

Hubermen (1992:20).

Reduction data is chosen as data analyzes simplification of data

transformation of data from the observation sheet. Presentation of data is the

collecting of information from observation has been presented collaboratively

between researcher, teacher and students in order to the data more accurately.

3.6 The Criteria of a Good Test

A good test should fulfill the criteria of having good validity, reliability,

difficulty level, and discrimination power.

3.6.1 Validity

A test can be said valid if the measure what it’s intending to

measure. To know the validity of test, the researcher emphasize on the

construct and the content validity. Content validity is the extent to which a


test is a good reflection of what has been taught. Construct validity prefers

to underline theories that should be tested.

3.6.2 Reliability

Reliability refers to the extent to which the test is consistent score,

and give us an indication of how accurate the test score. The test can be

determined by using the “Pearson product moment formula”.

(Arikunto, 1997: 146) rxy = Coefficient reliability between odd and even number X = total number of odd numbered items Y = total number of even numbered items N = number of students X2 = square of xY2 = square of y∑x = Total score of odd numbered items∑y = Total score of even numbered itemsAfter the r is gotten, the following formula is:

(Arikunto, 1997: 156)

The criteria of the reliability are:

0.90 – 1.00 = high 0.50 – 0.89 = moderate0.00 – 0.49 = low

3.6.3 Difficulty Level

The following formula will be used to see the difficulty of the test:

By Farida (Oller, 1979)


Where: LD : Level of difficulty R : the number of students who answers correctlyN : Total of the students

Criteria:LD < 0.3 : Difficult LD = 0.3 – 0.70: SatisfactoryLD > 0.7 : Easy

3.6.6 Discrimination Power

The discrimination power (DP) is the proportion of the high group

students getting the items correct minus the proportion of the low level

students who got the item correct. The following formula as follow:

(Arikunto, 1992: 223)

Where: DP : Discrimination PowerL1 : Number of upper group students who answer correctlyL : Number of lower group students who answer correctlyN : Total number of students

Criteria:DP : 0.00 – 0.19 = poor DP : 0.20 – 0.39 = satisfactory DP : 0.40 – 0.69 = good DP : 0.70 – 0.100 = excellent

3.6.5 Data Analysis of Activity

Based on using of learning song, the data is gotten from learning

process in the form of activity with indicator are:

1) Response to the teacher questions.

2) Answer the questions (oral and written).


3) Giving attention.

4) Make notes.

5) Do the assignments.

The data activity is processed in percentage form with using formula:

Explanation: P = percentage F = activity frequency N = total students

3.6.6 Data of Analysis of Learning Result

Data of learning result is data gotten from the result of the test every

cycle, the cycle I and the cycle II with formula: score total of the students

from result of test.

To find out percentage level of completeness class, the researcher

compares percentage of thoroughness class before and after doing the




TITLE PAGE.........................................................................................................iTABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem Background..........................................................11.2 Problem Identification........................................................21.3 Problem Limitation.............................................................31.4 Problem Formulation..........................................................31.5 Research Scope...................................................................31.6 Research Objectives............................................................31.7 Research Benefit.................................................................4

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKPrevious Research Overview..................................................................................5Theoretical Review.................................................................................................6Thinking Framework............................................................................................11Hypothesis............................................................................................................11

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODResearch Program.................................................................................................12Investigated Factors .............................................................................................16Research Instrument.............................................................................................16Data Collecting Technique...................................................................................16Data Analysis........................................................................................................18Data Validity.........................................................................................................20The Indicator of the Success.................................................................................20