Contents page analysis

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Page 2: Contents page analysis

In this magazine there are only 3 images, there is one medium long image of the same model which was on the front page which makes the reader seem there will be more images of her inside which will make them want to buy the magazine. Therefore on my

contents page I will have an image of the model I will have on the front page too. The other 2 images are medium size and one of them is black and white which portrays the classical theme. The image of the model is colourful and bright which makes it stand out with the background and it shows the beauty of a woman.

The contents page of this magazine is laid out on two pages. However, when I make my magazine I will have a

contents page on one A4 sheet and will link most of the codes and convention of a contents page .

The house style of this magazine is really plain and simple but its very easy to read and its very formal. Also, the fact that this magazine is directed to an older audience, its more focused on the content than the images.

The contents page is very organised as its in columns and its arranged in boxed to make it easier for the

reader to understand.

There are not many bright colours used in this magazine which emphasises that its directed to an older and more mature audience.

Page 3: Contents page analysis

The title ‘Contents’ is presented in a more unique way and it will immediately attract the reader with the layout of it.

The contents page has a lot of information and it tells you everything the magazine will contain. Also, the sub headings are in a flowing text which it stand out.

The model has eye contact towards the reader which makes the read feel engaged and welcomed.

The background colour of the magazine is very boring but it gives a sophisticated and classy effect to the magazine which makes it stand out.

The models leg leads you up to the main heading which is the contents which is really eye catchy.

The model looks very glamorous, however, the colours are kept simple which makes the magazine look more natural. Also this shows the magazine could attract male readers as the model is very welcoming and good looking.

Page 4: Contents page analysis

This magazine includes crosswords and subscriptions every month which attracts more people because for example if they don’t like bands or artists they might buy the magazine just because of the things they offer each month.

The colours used follow the codes and conventions of the ‘Q’ magazine, as they always feature the colours red, black and white.

This image is a long shot which is quite eye catchy. However,, we can also notice that this band will mostly be featured in the magazine as it’s the main focus on the contents page. They have eye contact towards the readers which makes the reader feel welcomed and engaged.

Also, there is a small image of a long shot as well. This shows there will be more information on this in

the magazine as they will be a review of her.

In the corner there is the logo of the magazine

which represents and establishes the brand so it can attract more people and become popular.