Content Strategy Audit ID 460 UX Assignment 3 Christy Chan

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Content Strategy Audit

ID 460 UX Assignment 3Christy Chan

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Target Market

The target customers of H&M a re a broad group of consumers who fo l lows fash ion t rends . The pr ice po ints a l low consumers to fo l low the newest t rend wi thout break ing the i r bank , which at t racts most ly work ing c lass , middle c lass , and students who consider shopping as p leasure . A l though H&M offers men and k ids c loth ing , a large segment of the target market is women.

The target market of H&M on l ine stores sh i f ts a l i t t le f rom the phys ica l s tores . Onl ine shopping most ly targets consumers who are in the work ing c lass and have a busy schedule , hav ing shopping done in the comfor t of your own home and i tems sh ipped to your doorstep is unquest ionably a p lus . Younger people a lso use on l ine shopping to buy c lothes as i t is of greater convenience to them.


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Business, Brand, and User Goals

Competitor analysis

H&M i s a Swedish appare l and accessory store known for of fer ing fast - fash ion c loth ings wi th over 4 ,700 s tores wor ldwide. They spec ia l ize in producing cheap fash ion products wi th reasonable qual i ty for women, men, and ch i ldren .The company has a s ign ificant on l ine presence , wi th on l ine shopping ava i lab le in 45 countr ies and st i l l expanding. The purpose of the on l ine stores is to at t ract more sa les as the footfa l l in phys ica l s tores decreased.

Accord ing to H&M fu l l year repor t , the i r compet i tors inc ludes other af fordable fash ion appare l reta i lers such as Zara , Gap , Un iq lo , Topshop , and Forever 21 . These compet i tors have s imi lar market ing st rateg ies as H&M , they a l l target the market segment of upper middle c lass by de l iver ing branded name associated wi th the i r products . 2

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Usabil ity Testing

After spending some t ime on the H&M websi te , I set a goal for mysel f to buy a fu l l outfit and went through the process as a customer to test out the pa in po ints and happy po ints in the websi te .

The H&M websi te overa l l has a good af fordance as what an e -commerce websi te should look l ike . They a lso appl ied Gesta l t pr inc ip les , such as proximity, s imi lar i ty, figure/ground, v isual h ierarchy . The groupings of i tems and spacings were n ice ly executed , th is a l lows users to eas i ly separate the categor ies v isua l ly and nav igate through the websi te . A l though I th ink that there are more pa in po ints than happy po ints ,

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Pain Points

Dur ing my on l ine shopping process , I located a couple pa in po ints that I would l ike to address . Whi le browsing through the women category, I thought the “Shop now” but ton was s imply a hover s tate ; however, that was not the case. I t was actua l ly a pop-up of the product wi thout hav ing the user c l ick to go back everyt ime you c l icked in to see more , which was a happy po int for me af terward. The pa in po int was that I d id not know that af ter 30 minutes of usage , i t would have saved me a lot of t ime browsing back and for th . I would suggest changing the unc lear “Shop now” button to “Quick look” , s imply because “shop now” does not imply any context of a pop-up.

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After I se lected an i tem I wanted to purchase , I se lected a s ize and add i t to my car t . As you can see in the image on the r ight , i t looks l ike that I ’ ve se lected s ize 0 , but in fact , I ’ ve se lected s ize 4 . The co lor grey on s ize 0 depicts that i t is so ld out ; however, i t can st i l l be se lected which I thought was not usefu l . I would suggest to have an “X” on s ize 0 and have a bold and c learer state for the selected s ize.

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As I move on to checkout , I find th is page very wordy/ lengthy and not f ront loaded. I would not see the promo code for f ree sh ipp ing i f I was not do ing th is ass ignment and t r ied to read microcopy. They should pr ior i t ize what they want the i r customer see on the i r websi te , in order to at t ract customers to buy more c lothes . The promo code should be r ight in the i r face so that i t cou ld tempt them to buy more . My suggest ion for th is problem would be to shor ten up the sentence into one concise sentence and make i t more v is ib le for the user to read, maybe a banner or a pop-up.

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Happy Points

Fi rst ly, the fi l ter is very deta i led . I t can fi l ter down to c lothes s izes , shoe s izes , and co lors . Th is could save users ’ t ime search ing for a spec ific type of c loth ing that they want . Th is can a lso fi l ter down the c lothes wi thout your s ize , so users aren' t look ing at c lothes that do not fit them.

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Secondly, the “add to favor i te” but ton is very c lear when c l icked. I have encountered websi tes in the past where i t does not have an obv ious state to show users that i t was a l ready added. Th is may seems l i t t le , but I t can be very f rust rat ing when i t is not there when you need i t .

Last by not the least , hav ing the ab i l i ty to see the ava i lab le co lors of the c loth ing wi thout hav ing to c l ick on the i tem is a major t ime saver. I t a l lows users to “shop” more rather than spending unnecessary t ime navigat ing back and for th the websi te .

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Overal l Analys is

ClearH&M’s c lar i ty is mediocre , the i r organizat ion of the websi te is good; however, the i r word ings can be more st ra ight forward.

ConciseThei r leve l of consc iousness is rather low, espec ia l ly dur ing checkout . They should wr i te in a sty le that ’s efficient and d i rect .

UsefulThe leve l of usefu lness is average. H&M’s checkout page does not c lear ly d i rect users and i t would af fect the checkout process. As an e -commerce websi te , the checkout page should be c lear and d i rect for users to eas i ly complete the i r order.

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10Brand VoiceH&M ’s brand vo ice leans towards ser ious . They do not have any wi t or humor on the i r websi te , which may be due to that they want to seem l ike a h igh fash ion des igner company.

Empathy I would rate the i r empathy very low, they do not “ fee l ” wi th people . For example , the resu l ts of skor t were automat ica l ly ad justed to shor ts , which was not what I wanted. Not on ly they d id not show empathy and d id not in form the user they do not sa le skor ts .

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References“H & M Hennes & Maur i tz AB Fu l l -year Repor t ." H&M Group | Repor ts . Accessed May 26 , 2018. ht tps ://about .hm.com/en/media/news/financia l - repor ts/2018/1/2803946.html .