Contemporary Appraoch to Change

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  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    ContemporaryApproach toPlannedChange

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    The Positive Model

    Focus: What the organization is doing rightHelps: Understand Organization when it is working at

    its best and builds off capabilities to achieve evenbetter results.Consistent with: Positive organizational scholarship.Positive expectations about the organization cancreate an anticipation that energizes and directsbehavior toward making those belief happen.Application Process: Appreciative inquiry (AI)

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    FIVE PHASESInitiate the inquiry

    Inquire into best practices

    D iscover themes

    Envision a preferred future

    D esign and Deliver ways to create the future

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    Appreciative InquiryAp-preci-ate , valuing; the act of recognizing thebest in people or the world around us; affirming pastand present strengths, successes, and potentialsIn -quire, 1. the act of exploration and discovery . 2 . To ask questions; to be open to seeing new

    potentials and possibilities .

    Co-evolutionary search for the best in people, theirorganizations, and the relevant world around them.

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    Appreciative InquiryInvolves the art and practice of asking questions

    S trengthen a systems capacity to apprehend,anticipate, and heighten positive potential.Arduous task of intervention gives way to thespeed of imagination and innovation

    R eplacement of negation, criticism, and spiralingdiagnosis with there is discovery, dream, anddesign.

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    Appreciative InquiryAmplifies pockets of excellence to create positive orculture.

    E ncourages the discovery and appreciation of strengthsand unique attributesAppreciating the best of what is lays the ground forenvisioning intriguing possibilities in the future, followedby co-determining realistic objectives and practices.Propositions into sustained action that allows positive

    organizational change to occur.

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    Appreciative Inquiry S eeks to work from accounts of

    positive change core E very living system has many untapped

    and rich and inspiring accounts of thepositive.

    L ink the energy of this core directly toany change agenda and changes neverthought possible are suddenly and

    democratically mobilized.

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    4 D Model Steps of AI

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    Five common processes1 . Choose the positive as the focus ofthe inquiry

    2. Inquire into stories of life-givingforces3. Locate themes that appear in thestories and select topics for furtherinquiry4 . Create shared images of the future5. Find innovative ways to create the


  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    David Cooperrider &colleagues

    Harnessing the imagination and passion ofindividuals dream organization to total

    organization or a unit withinCa rry the best of the p a st into the future.Ha rness power of im ag in a tion & dre a min g.

    Cre a te a blueprint for ch ange th a tinte gra tes the p a st a nd the future.Ma tchin g resources with interests &


  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    3 Key Principles of AI

    Principle One: People are drawn towards thepositive

    Principle T wo: T houghts and words createworlds

    Principle T hree: You create the world youpay attention to

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    Organizations work bestwhen

    T he joint is jumping! -vibrant and funYou sense the spirit of the organization is

    vital and healthyPeople feel pride in their workEveryone builds on each others successesT here is an infectious, positive can do

    attitudeT he glow of success is sharedPositive energy is appreciated and

    celebrated so it deepens and lasts

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change


    Problems FacedCustomers dread working with them.Would prefer good fight than impersonalized treatment.

    Adequate work no offer to help them serve externalcustomer. Treat customers as though they interrupt importantwork.Frequently pass customers around from one person toanother.Customers question commitment to enterprise.Referred to as last stage of decline.Discussions of replacing department with outside


  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change



    Choose Your Attitude


    Making The Day

    Present Moment

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change



    Demonstrates level of personal accountability

    and proactivity Helps to love the work

    done even though one isnot doin work that oneloves.Helps to bring energy,

    flexibility and creativity in a tough industry

    PLAYFun leads to creativity

    Time passes quickly

    Having good time ishealthy Happy people treatothers wellWork becomes areward and not just away to rewards.

  • 8/6/2019 Contemporary Appraoch to Change



    Good for businessServing well gives

    satisfaction. Focusour attention intomaking a positivedifference to toothers.Healthy, fell good

    and unleash more


    B EING PRESENT Customer feels better

    Customer feels that you are taking care of them.Increased awareness

    and focus.Increased productivity and efficiency