Constitutionalism - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy American

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Page 1: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American


REVOLUTION(1789 -1799)

Page 2: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Constitutionalism - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey

such laws England

Glorious Revolution (1688)Created a constitutional monarchy

American RevolutionIndependence (1776) + Constitution (1789)

Ideas of Equality, Liberty, and Democracy

Page 3: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

The Ingredients Financial Crisis

Unfit King (and Queen)

Estates General

National Assembly

Page 4: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Financial Crisis King Louis XVI takes throne (1774)

Seven Years War and American Revolution

Famine rise in bread prices widespread hunger and malnutrition among poor

Regressive taxes- tax burden is placed heavily on the poor

Page 5: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

An Unsuitable Monarch

Page 7: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

An Unsuitable Monarch Austrian Archduchess

15 yrs old when married to Louis XVI

Excessive, extravagant lifestyle“Madame Deficit”

Low popularity

Often interfered in politics

Page 8: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

An Unsuitable Monarch Took the throne at age 19

Young and smart

Very indecisiveWeak against opposition

High popularity

Marriage troublesFelt she was using him for


Page 9: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Estates General (May 1789)

King Louis wanted to tax the nobility to get the country out of debt

Clergy: (1st Estate)Never pay taxes

Nobility: (2nd Estate)Royalty wealthy

The Populous:

(3rd Estate) A wide range of

people/wealth 1)Bourgeoisie

Wage earning middle class/wealthy


Page 10: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Estates GeneralComposition (Population of


1st Estate = 1-2%

2nd Estate = 3-5%

3rd Estate = 93-96%

Page 11: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Political Cartoon Analysis

Page 12: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American
Page 13: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Simulation Activity

Page 14: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Simulation Once assigned a role, please read your

role card. Then, Whitney will tell you where you will move.

For the 3rd Estate:You will need a sheet of money to begin

cutting out with scissors. Once you have completed cut the sheet, RECYCLE your scraps, and grab another money sheet.

Page 15: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Estates General

How it Worked:Each estate receives one voteTwo votes can override the third

What do you think the result of this Estates General will be?

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Nothing is Decided

Page 17: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Simulation Debrief

What estate were you a part of? Describe your role.

How did you view the other two estates?

Describes your emotions throughout the activity.

What do you think was the biggest issue that surface for the 3rd Estate during this time period?

Did you enjoy this type of activity?

Page 18: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

National Assembly (June 1789)

Called by 3rd Estate1st and 2nd are no

showsLouis had the

doors locked Tennis Court Oath

“not to separate until a CONSTITUTION is to be established”

Page 19: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American
Page 20: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Tension and Turmoil

Tensions rise and violence begins King, Queen, Government, and nobles

flee to Paris (becomes new capital) Peasants armed with pitch forks, knives,

axes, torches Storm the Bastille (Jul 1789)

What is so important about the Bastille?

Page 21: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Based on what you have learned about Enlightenment ideas about government…

Do you think these radicals have the right to overthrow their government if they are not satisfied?

Page 22: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Reforms in France Legislative Assembly – power to create laws, but King

still had executive powerLimits the Monarch-->checks and balances (Montesquieu)

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen“men are born and remain free and equal in rights”Liberty, property, security, resistance to oppression

Sound familiar?

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The Execution

'I die innocent of all the crimes laid to my charge; I Pardon those who have occasioned my death; and I pray to God that the blood you are going to shed may never be visited on France.'

Tried for treason Close vote, but

found guilty Jan. 21, 1793 King Louis XVI =


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King Louis XVI (Jan. 1793)

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Marie Antoinette (Oct. 1793)

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Violence Continues

Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria and PrussiaJoined by Britain,

Holland, and Spain Jacobin political party

takes powerMaximilien

Robespierre Reign of Terror


Page 27: Constitutionalism  - Gov. is limited by laws; rulers must obey such laws  England Glorious Revolution (1688) Created a constitutional monarchy  American

Reign of Terror

Accusations “tried in the morning,

guillotined in the afternoon”

40,000 executed End of Terror

Execution of Robespierre

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Terror within France National Convention

turned on Robespierre He was arrested

and executed

New gov. established (3rd between 1789-1795)

Napoleon Bonaparte called to command French army

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Critical Questions

#1) Does the Reign of Terror reflect what the French Revolution was all about?

Why or why not?

#2) Analyze how the financial crisis in France led to revolution. Provide evidence from the lesson to support your analysis.