Con$nued from last $me: Race Detec$on in Cilk Computa$ons

Con$nued(from(last$me:(( Race(Detec$on(in(Cilk(Computaons(

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Con$nued  from  last  $me:    Race  Detec$on  in  Cilk  Computa$ons  

Canonical  Series-­‐Parallel  (SP)  Parse  Tree  S  




F1   S  

e2   P  

F2   e3  





F4   S  

e5   P  

F5   e6  





F7   S  

e8   P  

F8   e9  

e10  F:    e1;    spawn  F1;  e2;    spawn  F2;  e3;      sync;    e4;    spawn  F4;  e5;    spawn  F5;  e6;      sync;    e7;    spawn  F4;  e8;    spawn  F8;  e9;      sync;    e10;      


Lemma  1  [LCA  in  SP  tree]:  The  least  common  ancestor  (LCA)  of  two  strands  determines  whether  the  strands  are  logically  in  series  or  in  parallel:  •  if    e  ≺    e’    if  LCA(e,  e’)  is  an  S  node  and  e  is  to  the  leQ  of  e’  

(e  precedes  e’)  •  if    e  ‖  e’    if  LCA(e,  e’)  is  an  P  node.      

Canonical  Series-­‐Parallel  (SP)  Parse  Tree  

Lemma  1  [LCA  in  SP  tree]:  The  LCA  of  two  strands  determines  whether  the  strands  are  logically  in  series  or  in  parallel:  •  if    e  ‖  e’    if  and  only  if  LCA(e,  e’)  is  an  P  node.      

(The  other  case,  where    e  ≺    e’    is  just  a  Corollary  of  this  Lemma.)  

Canonical  Series-­‐Parallel  (SP)  Parse  Tree  

Case  1  (⟹):    Assume  for  the  purpose  of  contradic$on,  e  ‖  e’,  but  their  LCA  is  an  S  node.      

G1   G2  



:  Sink  of  G1  and  source  of  G2  

Then  there  must  be  a  path  from  e1  to  e2.    Contradic$on!  

Since  the  LCA  is  an  S  node,  the  dag  G1  containing  e1  must  be  connected  in  series  with  the  dag  G2  containing  e2  :      

Canonical  Series-­‐Parallel  (SP)  Parse  Tree  

Case  2  (⟸):    Assume  for  the  purpose  of  contradic$on  e  ≺  e’,  but  their  LCA  is  a  P  node.    That  means,  G1  and  G2  are  connected  w/  parallel  composi$on.     ˝  

G1  e1  

G2   e2  

Since  there  is  a  path  from  e1  to  e2,  there  is  a  path  from  the  sink  of  G1  to  source  of  G2,  making  the  graph  cyclic.    Contradic$on!  

Lemma  1  [LCA  in  SP  tree]:  The  LCA  of  two  strands  determines  whether  the  strands  are  logically  in  series  or  in  parallel:  •  if    e  ‖  e’    if  and  only  if  LCA(e,  e’)  is  an  P  node.      

(The  other  case,  where    e  ≺    e’    is  just  a  Corollary  of  this  Lemma.)  

Lemma  1  [LCA  in  SP  tree]:  The  least  common  ancestor  (LCA)  of  two  strands  determines  whether  the  strands  are  logically  in  series  or  in  parallel:  •  if    e  ≺    e’    if  LCA(e,  e’)  is  an  S  node  and  e  is  to  the  leQ  of  e’  

(e  precedes  e’)  •  if    e  ‖  e’    if  LCA(e,  e’)  is  an  P  node.      

Canonical  Series-­‐Parallel  (SP)  Parse  Tree  

Overview  of  Nondeterminator  •  A  serial  tool  -­‐-­‐-­‐  it  executes  a  Cilk  computa$on  serially,  but  analyzes  the  parallel  constructs  for  a  given  input.  

•  The  program  is  compiled  so  that  every  load  and  store  in  the  user  program  is  instrumented.  

•  As  the  program  executes,  the  Nondeterminator  maintains:    •  a  shadow  space  that  keeps  track  of  the  memory  accesses  

seen  by  the  execu$on  thus  far;    •  an  SP-­‐bag  data  structure  that  keeps  track  of  the  series-­‐

parallel  rela$onship  among  strands  (so  implicitly  it’s  keep  track  of  the  shape  of  the  SP  parse  tree).  

•  Race  is  reported  when  two  logically  parallel  strands  access  the  same  memory  loca$on  in  a  conflic$ng  way.  

•  Guarantee:  reports  a  race  if  and  only  if  the  computa$on  (program  +  input)  contains  a  race.  

The  SP-­‐Bags  Data  Structure  For  each  ac$ve  procedure  on  the  call  stack,  the  Nondeterminator  maintains  an  S  bag  and  a  P  bag:  •  S-­‐Bag  SF  :    Contains  IDs  of  F’s  completed  descendants  (including  

F  itself)  that  logically  precede  the  currently  execu$ng  strand.  •  P-­‐Bag  PF  :    Contains  IDs  of  F’s  completed  descendants  that  

operate  logically  in  parallel  with  the  currently  execu$ng  strand.  

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12: The slowdown of eight benchmark Cilk programs checked with

the Nondeterminator. The slowdown, shown as a dark bar, is the ratio ofthe Nondeterminator runtime to the original optimized runtime ( )of the benchmark. For comparison, the slowdown of an ordinary debuggingversion ( ) of each benchmark is shown as a light bar.

TimeAlgorithm Thread Per Space

creation & accesstermination

English-Hebrewlabeling [16] O p O pt O vt min np vtp

Taskrecycling [7] O t O t O vt t2Offset-spanlabeling [12] O p O p O v min np vpSP-bagsalgorithm O α v v O α v v O v

p maximum depth of nested parallelismt maximum number of logical concurrent threadsv number of shared locations being monitoredn number of threads in an execution

: Comparison of determinacy-racedetection algorithms. The func-tion α is the very slowly growing inverse of Ackermann’s function intro-duced by Tarjan in his analysis of an efficient disjoint-set data structure. Forall conceivably practical inputs, the value of this function is at most 4. Thetime for the SP-bags algorithm is an amortized bound.

we prove that the running time of the algorithm isO T α v v whenrun on a Cilk program that takes time T on one processor and uses vshared-memory locations, where α is Tarjan’s functional inverse ofAckermann’s function [21].The SP-bags algorithm is a serial algorithm. It uses the fact that

any Cilk program can be executed on one processor in a depth-first(C-like) fashion and conforms to the semantics of the C programthat results when all and keywords are removed. Asthe SP-bags algorithm executes, it employs several data structuresto determine which procedure instances have the potential to exe-cute “in parallel” with each other, and is thereby able to check fordeterminacy races.The SP-bags algorithm maintains two shadow spaces of shared

memory called writer and reader. For each location of sharedmemory, each shadow space has a corresponding location. Everyspawned procedure1 is given a unique ID at runtime. For each loca-tion l in shared memory, the ID of the procedure that wrote the lo-cation is stored in location l of the writer shadow space. Similarly,location l of the reader shadow space stores the ID of a procedurewhich previously read location l, although in this case, the ID is notnecessarily that of the most recent reader. The SP-bags algorithmupdates the shadow spaces as it executes.

1Technically, by “procedure” we mean “procedure instance,” that is, the runtimestate of the procedure.


F4 F6

F6 F9



F13SF9 PF9


F2 F3F1 F5




SF6 PF6F11



: A snapshot of the SP-bags data structures during the execu-tion of a Cilk program. The ovals in the figure represent procedures thatare currently on the runtime stack: F1 spawns F6, which spawns F9, whichspawns F13. Each procedure contains an S-bag and a P-bag. Each descen-dant of a completed child of a procedure F belongs either to F’s S-bag or toF’s P-bag. For example, F2, F3, F4, and F5 are descendants of F1 that com-plete before F1 spawns F6, and so these procedures belong to either F1’s S-bag or its P-bag. In addition, every procedure F belongs to its own S-bag.

The SP-bags algorithm uses the fast disjoint-set data structure [6,Chapter 22] analyzed by Tarjan [21]. The data structure maintains adynamic collection Σ of disjoint sets and provides three elementaryoperations:

x : Σ Σ x .

X Y : Σ Σ X Y X Y . The sets X andY are de-stroyed.

x : Returns the set X Σ such that x X .

Tarjan shows that any m of these operations on n sets take a total ofO mα m n time.During the execution of the SP-bags algorithm, two “bags” of

procedure ID’s are maintained for every Cilk procedure on the callstack, as illustrated in Figure 7. These bags have the following con-tents:

The S-bag SF of a procedure F contains the ID’s of those de-scendants of F’s completed children that logically “precede”the currently executing thread, as well as the ID for F itself.The P-bag PF of a procedure F contains the ID’s of those de-scendants of F’s completed children that operate logically “inparallel” with the currently executing thread.

The S-bags and P-bags are represented as sets using a disjoint-setdata structure.The SP-bags algorithm itself is given in Figure 8. As the Cilk pro-

gram executes in a serial, depth-first fashion, the SP-bags algorithmperforms additional operations whenever one of the five followingactions occurs: , , , , and . The cor-rectness of the SP-bags algorithm is presented in Section 4, but wegive an informal explanation of its operation here.As the SP-bags algorithm executes, it updates the contents of

the S-bags and P-bags whenever one of the actions , ,occurs. Whenever a procedureF is spawned, SF is initially

made to contain F, because F’s subsequent instructions are in se-ries with its earlier instructions. Whenever a subprocedure F re-turns to its parent F, the contents of SF are emptied into PF , sincethe procedures in SF can execute in parallel with any subproceduresthat F might spawn in the future before performing a . Whena occurs, PF is emptied into its SF , since all of F’s previously

The  SP-­‐Bags  Data  Structure  For  each  ac$ve  procedure  on  the  call  stack,  the  Nondeterminator  maintains  an  S  bag  and  a  P  bag:  •  S-­‐Bag  SF  :    Contains  IDs  of  F’s  completed  descendants  (including  

F  itself)  that  logically  precede  the  currently  execu$ng  strand.  •  P-­‐Bag  PF  :    Contains  IDs  of  F’s  completed  descendants  that  

operate  logically  in  parallel  with  the  currently  execu$ng  strand.  











sync block Fi= parse tree of any spawned procedure



When  e1  executes,  SF  =  {F1,  F2,  F3}.      When  e2  executes,  SF  =  {F1,  F2,  F3}  and  PF  =  {F4,  F5}.      

The  SP-­‐Bags  Data  Structure  The  Nondeterminator  uses  a  disjoint-­‐set  data  structure  to  maintain  the  S  and  P  bags  of  procedures  on  the  call  stack.  

Defini?on  [Disjoint-­‐Set  Data  Structure  (Union-­‐Find)]:  Union-­‐Find  maintains  a  collec$on  ∑  of  disjoint  sets.    For  two  sets  X  and  Y,  X  &  Y  ∊  ∑  ⟹  X  ∩  Y  =  ∅  .    For  each  set  X  ∊  ∑  typically  has  a  designated  "leader"  element  x  ∊  X  which  is  used  to  "name"  the  set.    The  data  structure  maintains  the  collec$on  ∑  and  answers  the  following  queries:  

•  Make-­‐set(e):  ∑  ⟵  ∑  ∪  {  {e}  }    Adds  a  new  set  {e}  into  the  collec$on  ∑  .    

•  Union(X,  Y):  ∑  ⟵  ∑  -­‐  {X,Y}  ∪  {X  U  Y}    Removes  individual  sets  X  and  Y  and  replaces  them  with  the  union  of  X  and  Y.  

•  Find-­‐set(e):  Returns  X  ∊  ∑    such  that  e  ∊  X  .    Note  that  sets  in  ∑  is  named  by  their  leaders,  so  this  returns  the  leader  represen$ng  the  set.    

The  SP-­‐Bags  Data  Structure  The  Nondeterminator  uses  a  disjoint-­‐set  data  structure  to  maintain  the  S  and  P  bags  of  procedures  on  the  call  stack.  

Defini?on  [Disjoint-­‐Set  Data  Structure  (Union-­‐Find)]:  Union-­‐Find  maintains  a  collec$on  ∑  of  disjoint  sets.    For  two  sets  X  and  Y,  X  &  Y  ∊  ∑  ⟹  X  ∩  Y  =  ∅  .    For  each  set  X  ∊  ∑  typically  has  a  designated  "leader"  element  x  ∊  X  which  is  used  to  "name"  the  set.    The  data  structure  maintains  the  collec$on  ∑  and  answers  the  following  queries:  

•  Make-­‐set(e)  •  Union(X,  Y)  •  Find-­‐set(e)  

Theorem  [Opera?ons  on  Disjoint-­‐set  Data  structure]  (Tarjan  1975):  Any  sequence  of  m  opera$ons  on  n  sets  can  be  performed  in    O(m  A(m,  n)),  where  A  is  the  inverse  Ackermann's  func$on  (a  really  really  slow  growing  func$on).  

The  SP-­‐Bags  Algorithm  The  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  is  the  algorithm  used  by  the  Nondeterminator  and  it  performs  two  types  of  opera$ons.  

•  spawn  procedure  F:  SF  ⟵  Make-­‐set(F);    (F  is  the  leader)      PF  ⟵  ∅      

•  sync  in  procedure  F:  SF  ⟵  Union(SF  ,  PF);    PF  ⟵  ∅    

•  return  from  F'  to  F  (F'  is  spawned):  PF  ⟵  Union(PF  ,  SF');  (Note  that  PF'  must  be  empty  at  this  point.)    

The  first  type  updates  the  S  and  P  bags  for  all  procedures  on  the  call  stack,  which  is  triggered  during  the  DFS  traversal  of  the  SP  parse  tree.  

The  SP-­‐Bags  Algorithm  The  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  is  the  algorithm  used  by  the  Nondeterminator  and  it  performs  two  types  of  opear$ons.  

Shadow  memory:  •  writer[v]:  the  ID  of  the  last  

procedure  that  wrote  to  v.    •  reader[v]:  the  ID  of  the  a  

procedure  that  read  v    (not  necessarily  the  last  one).    


The  second  type  uses  the  SP-­‐bags  data  structure  to  detect  determinacy  races  when  the  user  program  accesses  a  memory  loca$on.  

•  write  loca@on  v  by  procedure  F:  if  (Find-­‐set(reader[v])  is  a  P-­‐bag          Or  Find-­‐set(writer[v])  is  a  P-­‐bag)    then  report  race;  writer[v]  ⟵  F;  

•  read  loca@on  v  by  procedure  F:  if  (Find-­‐set(writer[v])  is  a  P-­‐bag      then  report  race;  if  (Find-­‐set(reader[v])  is  an  S-­‐bag      then  reader[v]  ⟵  F;  (Replace  reader  only  when  it's  in  an  S-­‐bag)  

Jus$fica$on  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Algorithm  The  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  is  the  algorithm  used  by  the  Nondeterminator  and  it  performs  two  types  of  opear$ons.  

•  spawn  procedure  F:  SF  ⟵  Make-­‐set(F);    (F  is  the  leader)      PF  ⟵  ∅      

Recall:    •  S-­‐Bag  SF  :    Contains  IDs  of  F’s  completed  descendants  (including  F  itself)  

that  logically  precede  the  currently  execu$ng  strand.  •  P-­‐Bag  PF  :    Contains  IDs  of  F’s  completed  descendants  that  operate  

logically  in  parallel  with  the  currently  execu$ng  strand.  

This  opera$on  is  valid  since  the  S-­‐bag  of  F  by  defini$on  contains  itself,  and  F  has  no  valid  child  yet.      

Jus$fica$on  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Algorithm  The  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  is  the  algorithm  used  by  the  Nondeterminator  and  it  performs  two  types  of  opear$ons.  

•  sync  in  procedure  F:  SF  ⟵  Union(SF  ,  PF);    PF  ⟵  ∅    

Recall:    •  S-­‐Bag  SF  :    Contains  IDs  of  F’s  completed  descendants  (including  F  itself)  

that  logically  precede  the  currently  execu$ng  strand.  •  P-­‐Bag  PF  :    Contains  IDs  of  F’s  completed  descendants  that  operate  

logically  in  parallel  with  the  currently  execu$ng  strand.  

AQer  a  sync,  we  switch  to  a  strand  e  right  aQer  sync  from  some  strand  e'  right  before  sync.    Originally  PF  contains  IDs  of  F’s  completed  descendants  that  operate  logically  in  parallel  with  e'.    These  procedures  now  must  operate  in  series  with  e  (and  anything  else  that  F  will  spawn).    Thus,  it's  valid  to  move  the  IDs  in  PF  into  SF.    

Jus$fica$on  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Algorithm  The  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  is  the  algorithm  used  by  the  Nondeterminator  and  it  performs  two  types  of  opear$ons.  

•  return  from  F'  to  F  (F'  is  spawned):  PF  ⟵  Union(PF  ,  SF');  (Note  that  PF'  must  be  empty  at  this  point.)    

Before  a  func$on  F'  returns,  PF'  is  empty,  since  there  is  always  an  implicit  sync.    Also,  SF'  contains  all  the  logical  descendants  of  F',  which  are  also  logical  descendants  of  F,  and  can  now  execute  in  parallel  with  any  procedures  that  F  might  spawn  in  the  future  (before  the  next  sync).  

Recall:    •  S-­‐Bag  SF  :    Contains  IDs  of  F’s  completed  descendants  (including  F  itself)  

that  logically  precede  the  currently  execu$ng  strand.  •  P-­‐Bag  PF  :    Contains  IDs  of  F’s  completed  descendants  that  operate  

logically  in  parallel  with  the  currently  execu$ng  strand.  

Q:  What  if  F'  is  called  but  not  spawned?  

Jus$fica$on  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Algorithm  To  understand  the  second  type  of  opera$ons,  we  need  some  lemmas  first.  

Recall  Lemma  1  [LCA  in  SP  tree]:    •  if    e  ‖  e’    if  and  only  if  LCA(e,  e’)  is  an  P  node.          

Lemma  2:  Let  strands  e1,  e2,  and  e3  execute  serially  in  order.      If  e1  ≺  e2  and  e1  ‖  e3,  then  e2  ‖  e3.  

Proof:  Suppose  for  the  sake  of  contradic$on  that  e2  ≺  e3  .    Then,  by  transi$vity,  we'd  have  e1  ≺  e3  .    Contradic$on.  

Note  that  the  parallel  rela@on  ‖  ,  unlike  precedes  ≺  ,  is  not  transi@ve.    



e1   e3  

e2   In  this  tree,  e1  ‖  e3  and  e1  ‖  e3  but  e1  ‖  e3  .    

Jus$fica$on  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Algorithm  To  understand  the  second  type  of  opera$ons,  we  need  some  lemmas  first.  

Lemma  3  [Pseudotransi?vity  of  ‖]  :    Let  strands  e1,  e2,  and  e3  execute  serially  in  order.      If  e1  ‖  e2  and  e2  ‖  e3,  then  e1  ‖  e3.  

Proof:  Since  we  do  a  depth-­‐first  traversal  of  the  tree,  the  only  possible  op$ons  for  the  tree  that  have  them  in  the  right  serial  order  are:  



e1   e2  


In  both  cases,  we  know  that  both    LCA(e1,  e2)  and  LCA(e2,  e3)  are  P  nodes.      So  the  LCA(e1,  e3),  which  is  a1  ,  must  also  be  a  P  node.  



e2   e3  


Recall  Lemma  1  [LCA  in  SP  tree]:    •  if    e  ‖  e’    if  and  only  if  LCA(e,  e’)  is  an  P  node.          

Jus$fica$on  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Algorithm  Define  h(a)  to  be  the  procedure  that  immediately  enclose  strand  a.  

Lemma  4  [SP-­‐Bags  maintenance]  :  Let  e1  be  executed  before  e2,    and  let  a  =  LCA(e1,  e2)  in  the  SP  parse  tree.  •  if  e1  ≺  e2  ⟹  h(e1)  is  in  an  S-­‐bag(h(a))  when  e2  executes.  •  if  e1  ‖  e2  ⟹  h(e1)  is  in  a  P-­‐bag(h(a))  when  e2  executes.  

Proof  sketch:    Case  1:  Since  a  is  an  S-­‐node,  a  must  belongs  to  either  the  spine  or  within  a  sync  block.       S




F1   S

e P

F2   e





F4   S

e1   P

F5   e





F7   S

e   P

F8   e

e  If  a  belongs  to  the  spine,  then  e1  belongs  to  a's  leQ  subtree  and  e2  to  a's  right  subtree.      Either  h(e1)  =  h(a)  or  h(e1)  is  a  descendant  of  h(a).      If  h(e1)  is  h(a),  h(e1)  is  already  in  h(a)'s  S  bag.  

Jus$fica$on  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Algorithm  Define  h(a)  to  be  the  procedure  that  immediately  enclose  strand  a.  

Lemma  4  [SP-­‐Bags  maintenance]  :  Let  e1  be  executed  before  e2,    and  let  a  =  LCA(e1,  e2)  in  the  SP  parse  tree.  •  if  e1  ≺  e2  ⟹  h(e1)  is  in  an  S-­‐bag(h(a))  when  e2  executes.  •  if  e1  ‖  e2  ⟹  h(e1)  is  in  a  P-­‐bag(h(a))  when  e2  executes.  

Proof  sketch:    Case  1:  Since  a  is  an  S-­‐node,  a  must  belongs  to  either  the  spine  or  within  a  sync  block.       S




F1   S

e P

F2   e





F4   S

e   P

F5   e





F7   S

e   P

F8   e

e  If  h(e1)  is  not  h(a),  h(e1)  moves  up  into  some  bags  in  the  call  stack  when  its  ancestor  returns.      Once  the  sync  corresponds  to  a's  leQ  subtree  executes,  h(e1)  moves  into  h(a)'s  S  bag  (and  stays  there).  

Jus$fica$on  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Algorithm  Define  h(a)  to  be  the  procedure  that  immediately  enclose  strand  a.  

Lemma  4  [SP-­‐Bags  maintenance]  :  Let  e1  be  executed  before  e2,    and  let  a  =  LCA(e1,  e2)  in  the  SP  parse  tree.  •  if  e1  ≺  e2  ⟹  h(e1)  is  in  an  S-­‐bag(h(a))  when  e2  executes.  •  if  e1  ‖  e2  ⟹  h(e1)  is  in  a  P-­‐bag(h(a))  when  e2  executes.  

Proof  sketch:    Case  2:  Since  a  is  an  P-­‐node.  





F1   S

e P

F2   e





F4   S

e   P






F7   S

e   P

F8   e


In  this  case,  a  must  be  within  a  sync  block  and  e1  belongs  to  the  leQ  subtree  and  e2  to  the  right.    At  this  point,  the  leQ  child  of  a  P  node  is  always  a  spawned  procedure  F'  that  gets  placed  into  h(a)'s  P  bag  when  the  F'  returns.    Since  no  sync  has  occurred  yet,  F'  must  s$ll  be  in  a  P  bag  when  e2  executes.  


Proof  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Race  Detec$on  Theorem  [SP-­‐Bags  correctneess]  :  The  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  reports  a  race  in  a  Cilk  computa$on  if  and  only  if  a  determinacy  race  exists.  

Proof  sketch:  The  (⟹)  case  is  straight-­‐forward.    If  the  SP-­‐Bags  reports  a  race,  that  means  it  detected  two  strands  logically  in  parallel  that  accesses  the  same  memory  loca$on  in  a  conflic$ng  way.    Thus,  if  it  reports  a  race,  a  determinacy  race  exists.  

Proof  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Race  Detec$on  Theorem  [SP-­‐Bags  correctneess]  :  The  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  reports  a  race  in  a  Cilk  computa$on  if  and  only  if  a  determinacy  race  exists.  

Proof  sketch:  The  (⟸)  case  is  trickier.    We  want  to  show  that  if  a  det.  race  exists,  the  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  reports  it.    Let  e1  ‖  e2  and  have  a  race  on  v.    Assume  e1  executes  before  e2  .    If  there  are  several  races,  choose    e2  to  be  the  race  whose  strand  executes  earliest  in  the  serial  order.        

Case  1:  Say  e1  writes  to  v  and  e2  reads  it.  Suppose  when    e2  executes,  writer[v]  =  h(e)  for  some  e.      If  e  =  e1  then  we  are  done,  since  we  know  that  h(e1)  is  in  a  P  bag  of  LCA(e1,  e2)  (by  Lemma  SP-­‐bags  maintenance).      If  e  is  not  e1,  then  e  must  have  been  executed  aQer  e1  and  before  e2.      Then  either  e1  ≺  e,  then  e  ‖  e2  by  Lemma  2*  shown  earlier.  Or  e1  ‖  e,  then  there  is  already  a  race  between  e1  and  e,  which  contradicts  our  assump$on  about  e2  being  the  earliest  race.    

*  Lemma  2:  Let  strands  e1,  e2,  and  e3  execute  serially  in  order.    If  e1  ≺  e2  and  e1  ‖  e3,  then  e2  ‖  e3.    

Proof  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Race  Detec$on  Theorem  [SP-­‐Bags  correctneess]  :  The  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  reports  a  race  in  a  Cilk  computa$on  if  and  only  if  a  determinacy  race  exists.  

Proof  sketch:  The  (⟸)  case  is  trickier.    We  want  to  show  that  if  a  det.  race  exists,  the  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  reports  it.    Let  e1  ‖  e2  and  have  a  race  on  v.    Assume  e1  executes  before  e2  .    If  there  are  several  races,  choose    e2  to  be  the  race  whose  strand  executes  earliest  in  the  serial  order.        

Case  2:  Say  e1  writes  to  v  and  e2  writes  it.  This  is  similar  to  case  1.  

Proof  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Race  Detec$on  Theorem  [SP-­‐Bags  correctneess]  :  The  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  reports  a  race  in  a  Cilk  computa$on  iff  a  determinacy  race  exists.  

Proof  sketch:  The  (⟸)  case  is  trickier.    We  want  to  show  that  if  a  det.  race  exists,  the  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  reports  it.    Let  e1  ‖  e2  and  have  a  race  on  v.    Assume  e1  executes  before  e2  .    If  there  are  several  races,  choose    e2  to  be  the  race  whose  strand  executes  earliest  in  the  serial  order.        

Case  3:  Say  e1  reads  to  v  and  e2  writes  it.  Again,  suppose  reader[v]  =  e.    If  e  =  e1,  then  then  we  are  done,  since  we  know  that  h(e1)  is  in  a  P  bag  of  LCA(e1,  e2)  (by  Lemma  SP-­‐bags  maintenance).    So,  we  can  assume  e  ≠  e1  .    There  are  two  possibili$es.  Case  3.1:  reader[v]  was  e1  at  some  point,  but  eventually  got  overwriwen  by  e  (there  can  be  some  e'  in  reader[v]  in  between  e1  and  e).    This  can  occur  only  if  e1  ≺  e  .    Since  e1  ≺  e  and  e1  ‖  e2  ,  e  ‖  e2  ,  (again  by  Lemma  2*)  so  a  race  is  reported.      

*  Lemma  2:  Let  strands  e1,  e2,  and  e3  execute  serially  in  order.    If  e1  ≺  e2  and  e1  ‖  e3,  then  e2  ‖  e3.    

Proof  of  the  SP-­‐Bags  Race  Detec$on  Theorem  [SP-­‐Bags  correctneess]  :  The  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  reports  a  race  in  a  Cilk  computa$on  iff  a  determinacy  race  exists.  

Proof  sketch:  The  (⟸)  case  is  trickier.    We  want  to  show  that  if  a  det.  race  exists,  the  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  reports  it.    Let  e1  ‖  e2  and  have  a  race  on  v.    Assume  e1  executes  before  e2  .    If  there  are  several  races,  choose    e2  to  be  the  race  whose  strand  executes  earliest  in  the  serial  order.        

Case  3:  Say  e1  reads  to  v  and  e2  writes  it.  Again,  suppose  reader[v]  =  e.    If  e  =  e1,  then  then  we  are  done,  since  we  know  that  h(e1)  is  in  a  P  bag  of  LCA(e1,  e2)  (by  Lemma  SP-­‐bags  maintenance).    So,  we  can  assume  e  ≠  e1  .    There  are  two  possibili$es.  Case  3.2:  reader[v]  was  never  updated  to  be  e1  .    Let's  assume  when  e1  executes,  reader[v]  =  e'.    Then  it  must  be  that  e  ‖  e1  or  we'd  have  updated  reader[v].      Then  by  Lemma  Pseudotransivity  of  ‖  ,  e'  ‖  e2  ,  and  a  race  is  reported.  *Pseudotransi?vity  of  ‖  :  e1,  e2,  and  e3  execute  serially  in  order.    If  e1  ‖  e2  and  e2  ‖  e3  ,  then  e1  ‖  e3.  

Extensions  for  Parallel  Race  Detec$on  

What  We  Need  in  a  Det.  Race  Detector  

•  SP-­‐Bags  data  structure:    maintaining  the  series-­‐parallel  ordering  of  strands.  

•  Shadow  space  that  contains:  – The  last  writer  to  a  loca$on  v;  and  – The  last  serial  reader  to  a  loca$on  v.      (But  we  are  totally  dropping  the  parallel  readers.)  

Ques?on:  Can  we  extend  the  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  to  race  detect  a  Cilk  computa?on  execu?ng  in  parallel?  

Where  Things  Break  

•  The  SP-­‐Bags  data  structure  maintenance  is  inherently  serial:  it  keeps  track  of  procedure  IDs  that  are  in  series  /  parallel  with  respect  to  the  "currently  execu$ng  strand."  

•  The  shadow  memory  only  keeps  track  of  the  last  serial  reader  (that  the  execu$on  encounters),  which  is  insufficient.    

On-­‐the-­‐Fly  Maintenance  of    Series-­‐Parallel  Rela$onships  

The  English-­‐Hebrew  orderings:  Figure 1: A dag representing a multithreaded computation. The edgesrepresent threads, labeled u0, u1, . . . u8. The diamonds represent forks,and the squares indicate joins.

Figure 2: The parse tree for the computation dag shown in Figure 1. Theleaves are the threads in the dag. The S-nodes indicate series relationships,and the P-nodes indicate parallel relationships.

present unless the corresponding left subtree has been fully elabo-rated. Both subtrees of a P-node, however, can be partially elabo-rated. In a language like Cilk, a serial execution unfolds the parsetree in the manner of a left-to-right walk. For example, in Figure 2,a serial execution executes the threads in the order of their indices.

A typical serial, on-the-fly data-race detector simulates the exe-cution of the program as a left-to-right walk of the parse tree whilemaintaining various data structures for determining the existenceof races. The core data structure maintains the series-parallel re-lationships between the currently executing thread and previouslyexecuted threads. Specifically, the race detector must determinewhether the current thread is operating logically in series or inparallel with certain previously executed threads. We call a dy-namic data structure that maintains the series-parallel relationshipbetween threads an SP-maintenance data structure. The data struc-ture supports insertion, deletion, and SP queries: queries as towhether two nodes are logically in series or in parallel.

The Nondeterminator [13,20] race detectors use a variant of Tar-jan’s [30] least-common-ancestor algorithm, as the basis of theirSP-maintenance data structure. To determine whether a thread ui

logically precedes a thread uj , denoted ui ≺ uj , their SP-bags al-gorithm can be viewed intuitively as inspecting their least commonancestor lca(ui, uj) in the parse tree to see whether it is an S-nodewith ui in its left subtree. Similarly, to determine whether a threadui operates logically in parallel with a thread uj , denoted ui ‖ uj ,the SP-bags algorithm checks whether lca(ui, uj) is a P-node. Ob-serve that an SP relationship exists between any two nodes in theparse tree, not just between threads (leaves).

For example, in Figure 2, we have u1 ≺ u4, because S1 =lca(u1, u4) is an S-node and u1 appears in S1’s left subtree. Wealso have u1 ‖ u6, because P1 = lca(u1, u6) is a P-node. The(serially executing) Nondeterminator race detectors perform SP-maintenance operations whenever the program being tested forks,joins, or accesses a shared-memory location. The amortized costfor each of these operations is O(α(v, v)), where α is Tarjan’sfunctional inverse of Ackermann’s function and v is the number

Algorithm Space Time perper node Thread Query


English-Hebrew [27] Θ(f) Θ(1) Θ(f)Offset-Span [26] Θ(d) Θ(1) Θ(d)

SP-Bags [20] Θ(1) Θ(α(v, v)) Θ(α(v, v))SP-Order Θ(1) Θ(1) Θ(1)

f = number of forks in the programd = maximum depth of nested parallelismv = number of shared locations being monitored

Figure 3: Comparison of serial, SP-maintenance algorithms. The run-ning times of the English-Hebrew and offset-span algorithms are worst-casebounds, and the SP-bags and SP-order algorithms are amortized. The func-tion α is Tarjan’s functional inverse of Ackermann’s function.

of shared-memory locations used by the program. As a conse-quence, the asymptotic running time of the Nondeterminator isO(T1α(v, v)), where T1 is the running time of the original pro-gram on 1 processor.

The SP-bags data structure has two shortcomings. The first isthat it slows the asymptotic running time by a factor of α(v, v).This factor is nonconstant in theory but is nevertheless close enoughto constant in practice that this deficiency is minor. The second,more important shortcoming is that the SP-bags algorithm reliesheavily on the serial nature of its execution, and hence it appearsdifficult to parallelize.

Some early SP-maintenance algorithms use labeling schemeswithout centralized data structures. These labeling schemes areeasy to parallelize but unfortunately are much less efficient thanthe SP-bags algorithm. Examples of such labeling schemes includethe English-Hebrew scheme [27] and the offset-span scheme [26].These algorithms generate labels for each thread on the fly, but oncegenerated, the labels remain static. By comparing labels, these SP-maintenance algorithms can determine whether two threads operatelogically in series or in parallel. One of the reasons for the ineffi-ciency of these algorithms is that label lengths increase linearlywith the number of forks (English-Hebrew) or with the depth offork nesting (offset-span).


In this paper we introduce a new SP-maintenance algorithm, calledthe SP-order algorithm, which is more efficient than the SP-bagsalgorithm. This algorithm is inspired by the English-Hebrewscheme, but rather than using static labels, the labels are maintainedby an order-maintenance data structure [10, 15, 17, 33]. Figure 3compares the serial space and running times of SP-order with theother algorithms. As can be seen from the table, SP-order attainsasymptotic optimality.

We also present a parallel SP-maintenance algorithm which isdesigned to run with a Cilk-like work-stealing scheduler [12, 21].Our SP-hybrid algorithm consists of two tiers: a global tier basedon our SP-order algorithm, and a local tier based on the Nondeter-minator’s SP-bags algorithm. Suppose that a fork-join program hasn threads, T1 work, and a critical-path length of T∞. Whereas theCilk scheduler executes a computation with work T1 and critical-path length T∞ in asymptotically optimal TP = O(T1/P + T∞)expected time on P processors, SP-hybrid executes the computa-tion in O((T1/P + PT∞) lg n) time on P processors while main-taining SP relationships. Thus, whereas the underlying computa-tion achieves linear speedup when P = O(T1/T∞), SP-hybridachieves linear speed-up when P = O(

T1/T∞), but the work isincreased by a factor of O(lg n).

The  nodes  in  the  leQ  subtree  of  an  S-­‐node  always  precede  those  in  the  right  subtree.  

On-­‐the-­‐Fly  Maintenance  of    Series-­‐Parallel  Rela$onships  

The  English-­‐Hebrew  orderings:  Figure 1: A dag representing a multithreaded computation. The edgesrepresent threads, labeled u0, u1, . . . u8. The diamonds represent forks,and the squares indicate joins.

Figure 2: The parse tree for the computation dag shown in Figure 1. Theleaves are the threads in the dag. The S-nodes indicate series relationships,and the P-nodes indicate parallel relationships.

present unless the corresponding left subtree has been fully elabo-rated. Both subtrees of a P-node, however, can be partially elabo-rated. In a language like Cilk, a serial execution unfolds the parsetree in the manner of a left-to-right walk. For example, in Figure 2,a serial execution executes the threads in the order of their indices.

A typical serial, on-the-fly data-race detector simulates the exe-cution of the program as a left-to-right walk of the parse tree whilemaintaining various data structures for determining the existenceof races. The core data structure maintains the series-parallel re-lationships between the currently executing thread and previouslyexecuted threads. Specifically, the race detector must determinewhether the current thread is operating logically in series or inparallel with certain previously executed threads. We call a dy-namic data structure that maintains the series-parallel relationshipbetween threads an SP-maintenance data structure. The data struc-ture supports insertion, deletion, and SP queries: queries as towhether two nodes are logically in series or in parallel.

The Nondeterminator [13,20] race detectors use a variant of Tar-jan’s [30] least-common-ancestor algorithm, as the basis of theirSP-maintenance data structure. To determine whether a thread ui

logically precedes a thread uj , denoted ui ≺ uj , their SP-bags al-gorithm can be viewed intuitively as inspecting their least commonancestor lca(ui, uj) in the parse tree to see whether it is an S-nodewith ui in its left subtree. Similarly, to determine whether a threadui operates logically in parallel with a thread uj , denoted ui ‖ uj ,the SP-bags algorithm checks whether lca(ui, uj) is a P-node. Ob-serve that an SP relationship exists between any two nodes in theparse tree, not just between threads (leaves).

For example, in Figure 2, we have u1 ≺ u4, because S1 =lca(u1, u4) is an S-node and u1 appears in S1’s left subtree. Wealso have u1 ‖ u6, because P1 = lca(u1, u6) is a P-node. The(serially executing) Nondeterminator race detectors perform SP-maintenance operations whenever the program being tested forks,joins, or accesses a shared-memory location. The amortized costfor each of these operations is O(α(v, v)), where α is Tarjan’sfunctional inverse of Ackermann’s function and v is the number

Algorithm Space Time perper node Thread Query


English-Hebrew [27] Θ(f) Θ(1) Θ(f)Offset-Span [26] Θ(d) Θ(1) Θ(d)

SP-Bags [20] Θ(1) Θ(α(v, v)) Θ(α(v, v))SP-Order Θ(1) Θ(1) Θ(1)

f = number of forks in the programd = maximum depth of nested parallelismv = number of shared locations being monitored

Figure 3: Comparison of serial, SP-maintenance algorithms. The run-ning times of the English-Hebrew and offset-span algorithms are worst-casebounds, and the SP-bags and SP-order algorithms are amortized. The func-tion α is Tarjan’s functional inverse of Ackermann’s function.

of shared-memory locations used by the program. As a conse-quence, the asymptotic running time of the Nondeterminator isO(T1α(v, v)), where T1 is the running time of the original pro-gram on 1 processor.

The SP-bags data structure has two shortcomings. The first isthat it slows the asymptotic running time by a factor of α(v, v).This factor is nonconstant in theory but is nevertheless close enoughto constant in practice that this deficiency is minor. The second,more important shortcoming is that the SP-bags algorithm reliesheavily on the serial nature of its execution, and hence it appearsdifficult to parallelize.

Some early SP-maintenance algorithms use labeling schemeswithout centralized data structures. These labeling schemes areeasy to parallelize but unfortunately are much less efficient thanthe SP-bags algorithm. Examples of such labeling schemes includethe English-Hebrew scheme [27] and the offset-span scheme [26].These algorithms generate labels for each thread on the fly, but oncegenerated, the labels remain static. By comparing labels, these SP-maintenance algorithms can determine whether two threads operatelogically in series or in parallel. One of the reasons for the ineffi-ciency of these algorithms is that label lengths increase linearlywith the number of forks (English-Hebrew) or with the depth offork nesting (offset-span).


In this paper we introduce a new SP-maintenance algorithm, calledthe SP-order algorithm, which is more efficient than the SP-bagsalgorithm. This algorithm is inspired by the English-Hebrewscheme, but rather than using static labels, the labels are maintainedby an order-maintenance data structure [10, 15, 17, 33]. Figure 3compares the serial space and running times of SP-order with theother algorithms. As can be seen from the table, SP-order attainsasymptotic optimality.

We also present a parallel SP-maintenance algorithm which isdesigned to run with a Cilk-like work-stealing scheduler [12, 21].Our SP-hybrid algorithm consists of two tiers: a global tier basedon our SP-order algorithm, and a local tier based on the Nondeter-minator’s SP-bags algorithm. Suppose that a fork-join program hasn threads, T1 work, and a critical-path length of T∞. Whereas theCilk scheduler executes a computation with work T1 and critical-path length T∞ in asymptotically optimal TP = O(T1/P + T∞)expected time on P processors, SP-hybrid executes the computa-tion in O((T1/P + PT∞) lg n) time on P processors while main-taining SP relationships. Thus, whereas the underlying computa-tion achieves linear speedup when P = O(T1/T∞), SP-hybridachieves linear speed-up when P = O(

T1/T∞), but the work isincreased by a factor of O(lg n).

The  nodes  in  the  leQ  subtree  of  an  S-­‐node  always  precede  those  in  the  right  subtree.  English  order:  the  nodes  in  the  leQ  subtree  of  a  P-­‐node  precede  those  in  the  right  subtree.      


2   3  



6   7  


On-­‐the-­‐Fly  Maintenance  of    Series-­‐Parallel  Rela$onships  

The  English-­‐Hebrew  orderings:  Figure 1: A dag representing a multithreaded computation. The edgesrepresent threads, labeled u0, u1, . . . u8. The diamonds represent forks,and the squares indicate joins.

Figure 2: The parse tree for the computation dag shown in Figure 1. Theleaves are the threads in the dag. The S-nodes indicate series relationships,and the P-nodes indicate parallel relationships.

present unless the corresponding left subtree has been fully elabo-rated. Both subtrees of a P-node, however, can be partially elabo-rated. In a language like Cilk, a serial execution unfolds the parsetree in the manner of a left-to-right walk. For example, in Figure 2,a serial execution executes the threads in the order of their indices.

A typical serial, on-the-fly data-race detector simulates the exe-cution of the program as a left-to-right walk of the parse tree whilemaintaining various data structures for determining the existenceof races. The core data structure maintains the series-parallel re-lationships between the currently executing thread and previouslyexecuted threads. Specifically, the race detector must determinewhether the current thread is operating logically in series or inparallel with certain previously executed threads. We call a dy-namic data structure that maintains the series-parallel relationshipbetween threads an SP-maintenance data structure. The data struc-ture supports insertion, deletion, and SP queries: queries as towhether two nodes are logically in series or in parallel.

The Nondeterminator [13,20] race detectors use a variant of Tar-jan’s [30] least-common-ancestor algorithm, as the basis of theirSP-maintenance data structure. To determine whether a thread ui

logically precedes a thread uj , denoted ui ≺ uj , their SP-bags al-gorithm can be viewed intuitively as inspecting their least commonancestor lca(ui, uj) in the parse tree to see whether it is an S-nodewith ui in its left subtree. Similarly, to determine whether a threadui operates logically in parallel with a thread uj , denoted ui ‖ uj ,the SP-bags algorithm checks whether lca(ui, uj) is a P-node. Ob-serve that an SP relationship exists between any two nodes in theparse tree, not just between threads (leaves).

For example, in Figure 2, we have u1 ≺ u4, because S1 =lca(u1, u4) is an S-node and u1 appears in S1’s left subtree. Wealso have u1 ‖ u6, because P1 = lca(u1, u6) is a P-node. The(serially executing) Nondeterminator race detectors perform SP-maintenance operations whenever the program being tested forks,joins, or accesses a shared-memory location. The amortized costfor each of these operations is O(α(v, v)), where α is Tarjan’sfunctional inverse of Ackermann’s function and v is the number

Algorithm Space Time perper node Thread Query


English-Hebrew [27] Θ(f) Θ(1) Θ(f)Offset-Span [26] Θ(d) Θ(1) Θ(d)

SP-Bags [20] Θ(1) Θ(α(v, v)) Θ(α(v, v))SP-Order Θ(1) Θ(1) Θ(1)

f = number of forks in the programd = maximum depth of nested parallelismv = number of shared locations being monitored

Figure 3: Comparison of serial, SP-maintenance algorithms. The run-ning times of the English-Hebrew and offset-span algorithms are worst-casebounds, and the SP-bags and SP-order algorithms are amortized. The func-tion α is Tarjan’s functional inverse of Ackermann’s function.

of shared-memory locations used by the program. As a conse-quence, the asymptotic running time of the Nondeterminator isO(T1α(v, v)), where T1 is the running time of the original pro-gram on 1 processor.

The SP-bags data structure has two shortcomings. The first isthat it slows the asymptotic running time by a factor of α(v, v).This factor is nonconstant in theory but is nevertheless close enoughto constant in practice that this deficiency is minor. The second,more important shortcoming is that the SP-bags algorithm reliesheavily on the serial nature of its execution, and hence it appearsdifficult to parallelize.

Some early SP-maintenance algorithms use labeling schemeswithout centralized data structures. These labeling schemes areeasy to parallelize but unfortunately are much less efficient thanthe SP-bags algorithm. Examples of such labeling schemes includethe English-Hebrew scheme [27] and the offset-span scheme [26].These algorithms generate labels for each thread on the fly, but oncegenerated, the labels remain static. By comparing labels, these SP-maintenance algorithms can determine whether two threads operatelogically in series or in parallel. One of the reasons for the ineffi-ciency of these algorithms is that label lengths increase linearlywith the number of forks (English-Hebrew) or with the depth offork nesting (offset-span).


In this paper we introduce a new SP-maintenance algorithm, calledthe SP-order algorithm, which is more efficient than the SP-bagsalgorithm. This algorithm is inspired by the English-Hebrewscheme, but rather than using static labels, the labels are maintainedby an order-maintenance data structure [10, 15, 17, 33]. Figure 3compares the serial space and running times of SP-order with theother algorithms. As can be seen from the table, SP-order attainsasymptotic optimality.

We also present a parallel SP-maintenance algorithm which isdesigned to run with a Cilk-like work-stealing scheduler [12, 21].Our SP-hybrid algorithm consists of two tiers: a global tier basedon our SP-order algorithm, and a local tier based on the Nondeter-minator’s SP-bags algorithm. Suppose that a fork-join program hasn threads, T1 work, and a critical-path length of T∞. Whereas theCilk scheduler executes a computation with work T1 and critical-path length T∞ in asymptotically optimal TP = O(T1/P + T∞)expected time on P processors, SP-hybrid executes the computa-tion in O((T1/P + PT∞) lg n) time on P processors while main-taining SP relationships. Thus, whereas the underlying computa-tion achieves linear speedup when P = O(T1/T∞), SP-hybridachieves linear speed-up when P = O(

T1/T∞), but the work isincreased by a factor of O(lg n).

The  nodes  in  the  leQ  subtree  of  an  S-­‐node  always  precede  those  in  the  right  subtree.  English  order:  the  nodes  in  the  leQ  subtree  of  a  P-­‐node  precede  those  in  the  right  subtree.  Hebrew  order:  the  nodes  in  the  right  subtree  of  a  P-­‐node  precede  those  in  the  leQ.        


2   3  



6   7  


(      ,  1)  

(      ,  2)  

(      ,  4)  

(      ,  3)  

(      ,  5)  

(      ,  6)  (      ,  7)  

(      ,  8)  

Under  a  S-­‐node:  E[uleQ]  <  E[uright]  H[uleQ]  <  H[uright]  

Under  a  P-­‐node:  E[uleQ]  <  E[uright]  H[uleQ]  >  H[uright]  

Key  observa@on:  

On-­‐the-­‐Fly  Maintenance  of    Series-­‐Parallel  Rela$onships  

The  English-­‐Hebrew  orderings:  Figure 1: A dag representing a multithreaded computation. The edgesrepresent threads, labeled u0, u1, . . . u8. The diamonds represent forks,and the squares indicate joins.

Figure 2: The parse tree for the computation dag shown in Figure 1. Theleaves are the threads in the dag. The S-nodes indicate series relationships,and the P-nodes indicate parallel relationships.

present unless the corresponding left subtree has been fully elabo-rated. Both subtrees of a P-node, however, can be partially elabo-rated. In a language like Cilk, a serial execution unfolds the parsetree in the manner of a left-to-right walk. For example, in Figure 2,a serial execution executes the threads in the order of their indices.

A typical serial, on-the-fly data-race detector simulates the exe-cution of the program as a left-to-right walk of the parse tree whilemaintaining various data structures for determining the existenceof races. The core data structure maintains the series-parallel re-lationships between the currently executing thread and previouslyexecuted threads. Specifically, the race detector must determinewhether the current thread is operating logically in series or inparallel with certain previously executed threads. We call a dy-namic data structure that maintains the series-parallel relationshipbetween threads an SP-maintenance data structure. The data struc-ture supports insertion, deletion, and SP queries: queries as towhether two nodes are logically in series or in parallel.

The Nondeterminator [13,20] race detectors use a variant of Tar-jan’s [30] least-common-ancestor algorithm, as the basis of theirSP-maintenance data structure. To determine whether a thread ui

logically precedes a thread uj , denoted ui ≺ uj , their SP-bags al-gorithm can be viewed intuitively as inspecting their least commonancestor lca(ui, uj) in the parse tree to see whether it is an S-nodewith ui in its left subtree. Similarly, to determine whether a threadui operates logically in parallel with a thread uj , denoted ui ‖ uj ,the SP-bags algorithm checks whether lca(ui, uj) is a P-node. Ob-serve that an SP relationship exists between any two nodes in theparse tree, not just between threads (leaves).

For example, in Figure 2, we have u1 ≺ u4, because S1 =lca(u1, u4) is an S-node and u1 appears in S1’s left subtree. Wealso have u1 ‖ u6, because P1 = lca(u1, u6) is a P-node. The(serially executing) Nondeterminator race detectors perform SP-maintenance operations whenever the program being tested forks,joins, or accesses a shared-memory location. The amortized costfor each of these operations is O(α(v, v)), where α is Tarjan’sfunctional inverse of Ackermann’s function and v is the number

Algorithm Space Time perper node Thread Query


English-Hebrew [27] Θ(f) Θ(1) Θ(f)Offset-Span [26] Θ(d) Θ(1) Θ(d)

SP-Bags [20] Θ(1) Θ(α(v, v)) Θ(α(v, v))SP-Order Θ(1) Θ(1) Θ(1)

f = number of forks in the programd = maximum depth of nested parallelismv = number of shared locations being monitored

Figure 3: Comparison of serial, SP-maintenance algorithms. The run-ning times of the English-Hebrew and offset-span algorithms are worst-casebounds, and the SP-bags and SP-order algorithms are amortized. The func-tion α is Tarjan’s functional inverse of Ackermann’s function.

of shared-memory locations used by the program. As a conse-quence, the asymptotic running time of the Nondeterminator isO(T1α(v, v)), where T1 is the running time of the original pro-gram on 1 processor.

The SP-bags data structure has two shortcomings. The first isthat it slows the asymptotic running time by a factor of α(v, v).This factor is nonconstant in theory but is nevertheless close enoughto constant in practice that this deficiency is minor. The second,more important shortcoming is that the SP-bags algorithm reliesheavily on the serial nature of its execution, and hence it appearsdifficult to parallelize.

Some early SP-maintenance algorithms use labeling schemeswithout centralized data structures. These labeling schemes areeasy to parallelize but unfortunately are much less efficient thanthe SP-bags algorithm. Examples of such labeling schemes includethe English-Hebrew scheme [27] and the offset-span scheme [26].These algorithms generate labels for each thread on the fly, but oncegenerated, the labels remain static. By comparing labels, these SP-maintenance algorithms can determine whether two threads operatelogically in series or in parallel. One of the reasons for the ineffi-ciency of these algorithms is that label lengths increase linearlywith the number of forks (English-Hebrew) or with the depth offork nesting (offset-span).


In this paper we introduce a new SP-maintenance algorithm, calledthe SP-order algorithm, which is more efficient than the SP-bagsalgorithm. This algorithm is inspired by the English-Hebrewscheme, but rather than using static labels, the labels are maintainedby an order-maintenance data structure [10, 15, 17, 33]. Figure 3compares the serial space and running times of SP-order with theother algorithms. As can be seen from the table, SP-order attainsasymptotic optimality.

We also present a parallel SP-maintenance algorithm which isdesigned to run with a Cilk-like work-stealing scheduler [12, 21].Our SP-hybrid algorithm consists of two tiers: a global tier basedon our SP-order algorithm, and a local tier based on the Nondeter-minator’s SP-bags algorithm. Suppose that a fork-join program hasn threads, T1 work, and a critical-path length of T∞. Whereas theCilk scheduler executes a computation with work T1 and critical-path length T∞ in asymptotically optimal TP = O(T1/P + T∞)expected time on P processors, SP-hybrid executes the computa-tion in O((T1/P + PT∞) lg n) time on P processors while main-taining SP relationships. Thus, whereas the underlying computa-tion achieves linear speedup when P = O(T1/T∞), SP-hybridachieves linear speed-up when P = O(

T1/T∞), but the work isincreased by a factor of O(lg n).


2   3  



6   7  


(      ,  1)  

(      ,  2)  

(      ,  4)  

(      ,  3)  

(      ,  5)  

(      ,  6)  (      ,  7)  

(      ,  8)  

Under  a  S-­‐node:  E[uleQ]  <  E[uright]  H[uleQ]  <  H[uright]  

Under  a  P-­‐node:  E[uleQ]  <  E[uright]  H[uleQ]  >  H[uright]  

Observa@on  #1:  

Ques?on:  Can  we  maintain  the  two  labeling  on  the  fly  as  the  computa?on  executes?  

Observa@on  #2:  One  doesn't  need  to  assign  specific  labels  for  each  strand;  a  rela$ve-­‐ordering  suffices.    

The  SP-­‐Order  Algorithm  SP-­‐Order(X):  //  X  is  a  node  is  the  SP  tree  if  IsLeaf(X)  

 execute  strand  X      return    

//  otherwie  X  is  an  internal  node    OM-­‐Insert(Eng,  X,  leQ[X],  right[X])    if  IsSNode(X)    

 OM-­‐Insert(Heb,  X,  leQ[X],  right[X])    else    

 OM-­‐Insert(Heb,  X,  right[X],  leQ[X])    SP-­‐Order(leQ[X])    SP-­‐Order(right[X])  

To  detect  race  between  two  strands,  check  if  they  are  in  the  same  rela$ve  order  to  each  other  in  both  Eng  and  Heb.  

OM-­‐Insert(L,  X,  Y1,  Y2):    In  the  ordering  L,  insert  new  element  Y1  and  Y2  immediately  aQer  X.    

The  SP-­‐Order  Algorithm  SP-­‐Order(X):  //  X  is  a  node  is  the  SP  tree  if  IsLeaf(X)  

 execute  strand  X      return    

//  otherwie  X  is  an  internal  node    OM-­‐Insert(Eng,  X,  leQ[X],  right[X])    if  IsSNode(X)    

 OM-­‐Insert(Heb,  X,  leQ[X],  right[X])    else    

 OM-­‐Insert(Heb,  X,  right[X],  leQ[X])    SP-­‐Order(leQ[X])    SP-­‐Order(right[X])  

To  detect  race  between  two  strands,  check  if  they  are  in  the  same  rela$ve  order  to  each  other  in  both  Eng  and  Heb.  

Before/aQer  execu$ng  an  S  node:  



Figure 6: An illustration of how SP-order operates at an S-node. (a) Asimple parse tree with an S-node S and two children L and R. (b) Theorder structures before traversing to S. The clouds represent the rest of theorder structure, which does not change when traversing to S. (c) The resultof the inserts after traversing to S. The left child L and then the right childR are inserted after S in both lists.

Figure 7: An illustration of how SP-order operates at a P-node. (a) Asimple parse tree with an P-node P and two children L and R. (b) Theorder structures before traversing to P . The clouds are the rest of the orderstructure, which does not change when traversing to P . (c) The result ofthe inserts after traversing to P . The left child L then the right child R areinserted after P in the English order, and R then L are inserted after P inthe Hebrew order.

Corollary 6. Consider a fork-join multithreaded program withrunning time T1 on a single processor. Then, a determinacy-racedetector using SP-order runs in O(T1) time.

To conclude this section, we observe that SP-order can be madeto work on the fly no matter how the input SP parse tree unfolds.Not only can lines 8–9 of Figure 5 be executed in either order, thebasic recursive call could be executed on nodes in any order thatrespects the parent-child and SP relationships. For example, onecould unfold the parse tree in essentially breadth-first fashion at P-nodes as long as the left subtree of an S-node is fully expandedbefore its right subtree is processed. An examination of the proofof Lemma 3 shows why we have this flexibility. The invariant inthe proof considers only a node and its children. If we expand anysingle node, its children are inserted into the order-maintenancedata structures in the proper place independent of what other nodeshave been expanded.

3 The SP-hybrid algorithm

This section describes the structure of the SP-hybrid parallel SP-maintenance algorithm. We begin by discussing how an SP parsetree is provided as input to SP-hybrid and explaining some of theproperties of Cilk that SP-hybrid exploits. We then describe thetwo-tier structure of the algorithm, which combines elements of

SP-order from Section 2 and SP-bags from [20]. We investigate thesynchronization issues that must be faced in order to parallelize SP-order and why a naive parallelization does not yield good bounds.We then overview SP-hybrid itself and present pseudocode for itsimplementation.

SP-hybrid’s input and Cilk

Like the SP-order algorithm, the SP-hybrid algorithm accepts asinput a fork-join multithreaded program expressed as an SP parsetree. The algorithm SP-hybrid provides weaker query semanticsthan the serial SP-order algorithm; these semantics are exactly whatis required for on-the-fly determinacy-race detection. Whereas SP-order allows queries of any two threads that have been unfoldedin the parse tree, SP-hybrid requires that one of the threads be acurrently executing thread. For a fork-join program with n threads,T1 work, and a critical path of length T∞, the parallel SP-hybridalgorithm can be made to run (in Cilk) in O((T1/P + PT∞) lg n)expected time.

Although SP-hybrid provides these performance bounds for anyfork-join program, it can only operate “on the fly” for programswhose parse trees unfold in a Cilk-like manner. Specifically, SP-hybrid is described and analyzed as a Cilk program, and as such,it takes advantage of two properties of the Cilk scheduler to ensureefficient execution. First, any single processor unfolds the parsetree left-to-right. Second, it exploits the properties of Cilk’s “work-stealing” scheduler, both for correctness and efficiency. AlthoughSP-hybrid operates correctly and efficiently on the a posteriori SPparse tree for any fork-join program, it only operates “on-the-fly”when the parse tree unfolds similar to a Cilk computation.

Cilk employs a “work-stealing” scheduler, which executes anymultithreaded computation having work T1 and critical-path lengthT∞ in O(T1/P + T∞) expected time on P processors, which isasymptotically optimal. The idea behind work stealing is that whena processor runs out of its own work to do, it “steals” work fromanother processor. Thus, the steals that occur during a Cilk com-putation break the computation, and hence the computation’s SPparse tree, into a set of “traces,” where each trace consists of a setof threads all executed by the same processor. These traces have ad-ditional structure imposed by Cilk’s scheduler. Specifically, when-ever a thief processor steals work from a victim processor, the workstolen corresponds to the right subtree of the P-node that is highestin the SP-parse tree walked by the victim. Cilk’s scheduler providesan upper bound of O(PT∞) steals with high probability.

A naive parallelization of SP-order

A straightforward way to parallelize the SP-order algorithm is toshare the SP-order data structure among the processors that are ex-ecuting the input fork-join program. The problem that arises, how-ever, is that processors may interfere with each other as they modifythe data structure, and thus some method of synchronization mustbe employed to provide mutual exclusion.

A common way to handle mutual exclusion is through the use oflocks. For example, suppose that each processor obtains a globallock prior to every OM-INSERT or OM-PRECEDES operation onthe shared SP-order data structure, releasing the lock when the op-eration is complete. Although this parallel version of SP-order iscorrect, the locking can introduce significant performance penal-ties.

Consider a parallel execution of this naive parallel SP-order al-gorithm on P processors. During a single operation by a processoron the shared SP-order data structure, all P − 1 other processorsmay stall while waiting for the lock required to perform their ownoperations. Let us assume, as is reasonable, that no processor waitson a lock unless another processor owns the lock. Thus, if we at-tribute the cost of waiting for a lock to the processor that owns the

Figure 6: An illustration of how SP-order operates at an S-node. (a) Asimple parse tree with an S-node S and two children L and R. (b) Theorder structures before traversing to S. The clouds represent the rest of theorder structure, which does not change when traversing to S. (c) The resultof the inserts after traversing to S. The left child L and then the right childR are inserted after S in both lists.

Figure 7: An illustration of how SP-order operates at a P-node. (a) Asimple parse tree with an P-node P and two children L and R. (b) Theorder structures before traversing to P . The clouds are the rest of the orderstructure, which does not change when traversing to P . (c) The result ofthe inserts after traversing to P . The left child L then the right child R areinserted after P in the English order, and R then L are inserted after P inthe Hebrew order.

Corollary 6. Consider a fork-join multithreaded program withrunning time T1 on a single processor. Then, a determinacy-racedetector using SP-order runs in O(T1) time.

To conclude this section, we observe that SP-order can be madeto work on the fly no matter how the input SP parse tree unfolds.Not only can lines 8–9 of Figure 5 be executed in either order, thebasic recursive call could be executed on nodes in any order thatrespects the parent-child and SP relationships. For example, onecould unfold the parse tree in essentially breadth-first fashion at P-nodes as long as the left subtree of an S-node is fully expandedbefore its right subtree is processed. An examination of the proofof Lemma 3 shows why we have this flexibility. The invariant inthe proof considers only a node and its children. If we expand anysingle node, its children are inserted into the order-maintenancedata structures in the proper place independent of what other nodeshave been expanded.

3 The SP-hybrid algorithm

This section describes the structure of the SP-hybrid parallel SP-maintenance algorithm. We begin by discussing how an SP parsetree is provided as input to SP-hybrid and explaining some of theproperties of Cilk that SP-hybrid exploits. We then describe thetwo-tier structure of the algorithm, which combines elements of

SP-order from Section 2 and SP-bags from [20]. We investigate thesynchronization issues that must be faced in order to parallelize SP-order and why a naive parallelization does not yield good bounds.We then overview SP-hybrid itself and present pseudocode for itsimplementation.

SP-hybrid’s input and Cilk

Like the SP-order algorithm, the SP-hybrid algorithm accepts asinput a fork-join multithreaded program expressed as an SP parsetree. The algorithm SP-hybrid provides weaker query semanticsthan the serial SP-order algorithm; these semantics are exactly whatis required for on-the-fly determinacy-race detection. Whereas SP-order allows queries of any two threads that have been unfoldedin the parse tree, SP-hybrid requires that one of the threads be acurrently executing thread. For a fork-join program with n threads,T1 work, and a critical path of length T∞, the parallel SP-hybridalgorithm can be made to run (in Cilk) in O((T1/P + PT∞) lg n)expected time.

Although SP-hybrid provides these performance bounds for anyfork-join program, it can only operate “on the fly” for programswhose parse trees unfold in a Cilk-like manner. Specifically, SP-hybrid is described and analyzed as a Cilk program, and as such,it takes advantage of two properties of the Cilk scheduler to ensureefficient execution. First, any single processor unfolds the parsetree left-to-right. Second, it exploits the properties of Cilk’s “work-stealing” scheduler, both for correctness and efficiency. AlthoughSP-hybrid operates correctly and efficiently on the a posteriori SPparse tree for any fork-join program, it only operates “on-the-fly”when the parse tree unfolds similar to a Cilk computation.

Cilk employs a “work-stealing” scheduler, which executes anymultithreaded computation having work T1 and critical-path lengthT∞ in O(T1/P + T∞) expected time on P processors, which isasymptotically optimal. The idea behind work stealing is that whena processor runs out of its own work to do, it “steals” work fromanother processor. Thus, the steals that occur during a Cilk com-putation break the computation, and hence the computation’s SPparse tree, into a set of “traces,” where each trace consists of a setof threads all executed by the same processor. These traces have ad-ditional structure imposed by Cilk’s scheduler. Specifically, when-ever a thief processor steals work from a victim processor, the workstolen corresponds to the right subtree of the P-node that is highestin the SP-parse tree walked by the victim. Cilk’s scheduler providesan upper bound of O(PT∞) steals with high probability.

A naive parallelization of SP-order

A straightforward way to parallelize the SP-order algorithm is toshare the SP-order data structure among the processors that are ex-ecuting the input fork-join program. The problem that arises, how-ever, is that processors may interfere with each other as they modifythe data structure, and thus some method of synchronization mustbe employed to provide mutual exclusion.

A common way to handle mutual exclusion is through the use oflocks. For example, suppose that each processor obtains a globallock prior to every OM-INSERT or OM-PRECEDES operation onthe shared SP-order data structure, releasing the lock when the op-eration is complete. Although this parallel version of SP-order iscorrect, the locking can introduce significant performance penal-ties.

Consider a parallel execution of this naive parallel SP-order al-gorithm on P processors. During a single operation by a processoron the shared SP-order data structure, all P − 1 other processorsmay stall while waiting for the lock required to perform their ownoperations. Let us assume, as is reasonable, that no processor waitson a lock unless another processor owns the lock. Thus, if we at-tribute the cost of waiting for a lock to the processor that owns the


Hebrew:  Figure 6: An illustration of how SP-order operates at an S-node. (a) Asimple parse tree with an S-node S and two children L and R. (b) Theorder structures before traversing to S. The clouds represent the rest of theorder structure, which does not change when traversing to S. (c) The resultof the inserts after traversing to S. The left child L and then the right childR are inserted after S in both lists.

Figure 7: An illustration of how SP-order operates at a P-node. (a) Asimple parse tree with an P-node P and two children L and R. (b) Theorder structures before traversing to P . The clouds are the rest of the orderstructure, which does not change when traversing to P . (c) The result ofthe inserts after traversing to P . The left child L then the right child R areinserted after P in the English order, and R then L are inserted after P inthe Hebrew order.

Corollary 6. Consider a fork-join multithreaded program withrunning time T1 on a single processor. Then, a determinacy-racedetector using SP-order runs in O(T1) time.

To conclude this section, we observe that SP-order can be madeto work on the fly no matter how the input SP parse tree unfolds.Not only can lines 8–9 of Figure 5 be executed in either order, thebasic recursive call could be executed on nodes in any order thatrespects the parent-child and SP relationships. For example, onecould unfold the parse tree in essentially breadth-first fashion at P-nodes as long as the left subtree of an S-node is fully expandedbefore its right subtree is processed. An examination of the proofof Lemma 3 shows why we have this flexibility. The invariant inthe proof considers only a node and its children. If we expand anysingle node, its children are inserted into the order-maintenancedata structures in the proper place independent of what other nodeshave been expanded.

3 The SP-hybrid algorithm

This section describes the structure of the SP-hybrid parallel SP-maintenance algorithm. We begin by discussing how an SP parsetree is provided as input to SP-hybrid and explaining some of theproperties of Cilk that SP-hybrid exploits. We then describe thetwo-tier structure of the algorithm, which combines elements of

SP-order from Section 2 and SP-bags from [20]. We investigate thesynchronization issues that must be faced in order to parallelize SP-order and why a naive parallelization does not yield good bounds.We then overview SP-hybrid itself and present pseudocode for itsimplementation.

SP-hybrid’s input and Cilk

Like the SP-order algorithm, the SP-hybrid algorithm accepts asinput a fork-join multithreaded program expressed as an SP parsetree. The algorithm SP-hybrid provides weaker query semanticsthan the serial SP-order algorithm; these semantics are exactly whatis required for on-the-fly determinacy-race detection. Whereas SP-order allows queries of any two threads that have been unfoldedin the parse tree, SP-hybrid requires that one of the threads be acurrently executing thread. For a fork-join program with n threads,T1 work, and a critical path of length T∞, the parallel SP-hybridalgorithm can be made to run (in Cilk) in O((T1/P + PT∞) lg n)expected time.

Although SP-hybrid provides these performance bounds for anyfork-join program, it can only operate “on the fly” for programswhose parse trees unfold in a Cilk-like manner. Specifically, SP-hybrid is described and analyzed as a Cilk program, and as such,it takes advantage of two properties of the Cilk scheduler to ensureefficient execution. First, any single processor unfolds the parsetree left-to-right. Second, it exploits the properties of Cilk’s “work-stealing” scheduler, both for correctness and efficiency. AlthoughSP-hybrid operates correctly and efficiently on the a posteriori SPparse tree for any fork-join program, it only operates “on-the-fly”when the parse tree unfolds similar to a Cilk computation.

Cilk employs a “work-stealing” scheduler, which executes anymultithreaded computation having work T1 and critical-path lengthT∞ in O(T1/P + T∞) expected time on P processors, which isasymptotically optimal. The idea behind work stealing is that whena processor runs out of its own work to do, it “steals” work fromanother processor. Thus, the steals that occur during a Cilk com-putation break the computation, and hence the computation’s SPparse tree, into a set of “traces,” where each trace consists of a setof threads all executed by the same processor. These traces have ad-ditional structure imposed by Cilk’s scheduler. Specifically, when-ever a thief processor steals work from a victim processor, the workstolen corresponds to the right subtree of the P-node that is highestin the SP-parse tree walked by the victim. Cilk’s scheduler providesan upper bound of O(PT∞) steals with high probability.

A naive parallelization of SP-order

A straightforward way to parallelize the SP-order algorithm is toshare the SP-order data structure among the processors that are ex-ecuting the input fork-join program. The problem that arises, how-ever, is that processors may interfere with each other as they modifythe data structure, and thus some method of synchronization mustbe employed to provide mutual exclusion.

A common way to handle mutual exclusion is through the use oflocks. For example, suppose that each processor obtains a globallock prior to every OM-INSERT or OM-PRECEDES operation onthe shared SP-order data structure, releasing the lock when the op-eration is complete. Although this parallel version of SP-order iscorrect, the locking can introduce significant performance penal-ties.

Consider a parallel execution of this naive parallel SP-order al-gorithm on P processors. During a single operation by a processoron the shared SP-order data structure, all P − 1 other processorsmay stall while waiting for the lock required to perform their ownoperations. Let us assume, as is reasonable, that no processor waitson a lock unless another processor owns the lock. Thus, if we at-tribute the cost of waiting for a lock to the processor that owns the



Figure 6: An illustration of how SP-order operates at an S-node. (a) Asimple parse tree with an S-node S and two children L and R. (b) Theorder structures before traversing to S. The clouds represent the rest of theorder structure, which does not change when traversing to S. (c) The resultof the inserts after traversing to S. The left child L and then the right childR are inserted after S in both lists.

Figure 7: An illustration of how SP-order operates at a P-node. (a) Asimple parse tree with an P-node P and two children L and R. (b) Theorder structures before traversing to P . The clouds are the rest of the orderstructure, which does not change when traversing to P . (c) The result ofthe inserts after traversing to P . The left child L then the right child R areinserted after P in the English order, and R then L are inserted after P inthe Hebrew order.

Corollary 6. Consider a fork-join multithreaded program withrunning time T1 on a single processor. Then, a determinacy-racedetector using SP-order runs in O(T1) time.

To conclude this section, we observe that SP-order can be madeto work on the fly no matter how the input SP parse tree unfolds.Not only can lines 8–9 of Figure 5 be executed in either order, thebasic recursive call could be executed on nodes in any order thatrespects the parent-child and SP relationships. For example, onecould unfold the parse tree in essentially breadth-first fashion at P-nodes as long as the left subtree of an S-node is fully expandedbefore its right subtree is processed. An examination of the proofof Lemma 3 shows why we have this flexibility. The invariant inthe proof considers only a node and its children. If we expand anysingle node, its children are inserted into the order-maintenancedata structures in the proper place independent of what other nodeshave been expanded.

3 The SP-hybrid algorithm

This section describes the structure of the SP-hybrid parallel SP-maintenance algorithm. We begin by discussing how an SP parsetree is provided as input to SP-hybrid and explaining some of theproperties of Cilk that SP-hybrid exploits. We then describe thetwo-tier structure of the algorithm, which combines elements of

SP-order from Section 2 and SP-bags from [20]. We investigate thesynchronization issues that must be faced in order to parallelize SP-order and why a naive parallelization does not yield good bounds.We then overview SP-hybrid itself and present pseudocode for itsimplementation.

SP-hybrid’s input and Cilk

Like the SP-order algorithm, the SP-hybrid algorithm accepts asinput a fork-join multithreaded program expressed as an SP parsetree. The algorithm SP-hybrid provides weaker query semanticsthan the serial SP-order algorithm; these semantics are exactly whatis required for on-the-fly determinacy-race detection. Whereas SP-order allows queries of any two threads that have been unfoldedin the parse tree, SP-hybrid requires that one of the threads be acurrently executing thread. For a fork-join program with n threads,T1 work, and a critical path of length T∞, the parallel SP-hybridalgorithm can be made to run (in Cilk) in O((T1/P + PT∞) lg n)expected time.

Although SP-hybrid provides these performance bounds for anyfork-join program, it can only operate “on the fly” for programswhose parse trees unfold in a Cilk-like manner. Specifically, SP-hybrid is described and analyzed as a Cilk program, and as such,it takes advantage of two properties of the Cilk scheduler to ensureefficient execution. First, any single processor unfolds the parsetree left-to-right. Second, it exploits the properties of Cilk’s “work-stealing” scheduler, both for correctness and efficiency. AlthoughSP-hybrid operates correctly and efficiently on the a posteriori SPparse tree for any fork-join program, it only operates “on-the-fly”when the parse tree unfolds similar to a Cilk computation.

Cilk employs a “work-stealing” scheduler, which executes anymultithreaded computation having work T1 and critical-path lengthT∞ in O(T1/P + T∞) expected time on P processors, which isasymptotically optimal. The idea behind work stealing is that whena processor runs out of its own work to do, it “steals” work fromanother processor. Thus, the steals that occur during a Cilk com-putation break the computation, and hence the computation’s SPparse tree, into a set of “traces,” where each trace consists of a setof threads all executed by the same processor. These traces have ad-ditional structure imposed by Cilk’s scheduler. Specifically, when-ever a thief processor steals work from a victim processor, the workstolen corresponds to the right subtree of the P-node that is highestin the SP-parse tree walked by the victim. Cilk’s scheduler providesan upper bound of O(PT∞) steals with high probability.

A naive parallelization of SP-order

A straightforward way to parallelize the SP-order algorithm is toshare the SP-order data structure among the processors that are ex-ecuting the input fork-join program. The problem that arises, how-ever, is that processors may interfere with each other as they modifythe data structure, and thus some method of synchronization mustbe employed to provide mutual exclusion.

A common way to handle mutual exclusion is through the use oflocks. For example, suppose that each processor obtains a globallock prior to every OM-INSERT or OM-PRECEDES operation onthe shared SP-order data structure, releasing the lock when the op-eration is complete. Although this parallel version of SP-order iscorrect, the locking can introduce significant performance penal-ties.

Consider a parallel execution of this naive parallel SP-order al-gorithm on P processors. During a single operation by a processoron the shared SP-order data structure, all P − 1 other processorsmay stall while waiting for the lock required to perform their ownoperations. Let us assume, as is reasonable, that no processor waitson a lock unless another processor owns the lock. Thus, if we at-tribute the cost of waiting for a lock to the processor that owns the

Before/aQer  execu$ng  a  P  node:  



L  and  R  are  the  leQ  and  right  children  in  the  SP  parse  tree.  

Naïve  paralleliza@on:  the  Order  Maintenance  data  structure  becomes  a  scalability  boZleneck.    

SP-­‐Hybrid    •  Recall:  between  successful  steals,  each  worker's  behavior  

mirrors  the  serial  execu$on.  trace:  the  execu$on  done  by  a  worker  between  steals.  

•  A  two-­‐$er  scheme:    global  $er:  use  a  global  Order  Maintenance  data  structure  to  maintain  the  ordering  between  traces.  -­‐  a  clever  design  of  a  concurrent  data  structure  allows  one  to        query  the  data  structure  without  locking.  local  $er:  within  a  trace,  query  SP  rela$onships  using  the  SP-­‐bags  data  structure.  

Challenge:    traces  are  defined  dynamically  as  steals  occur,  so  how  do  we  keep  track  of  that?      

SP-­‐Hybrid    •  Recall:  between  successful  steals,  each  worker's  behavior  

mirrors  the  serial  execu$on.  trace:  the  execu$on  done  by  a  worker  between  steals.  

•  A  two-­‐$er  scheme:    global  $er:  use  a  global  Order  Maintenance  data  structure  to  maintain  the  ordering  between  traces.  -­‐  a  clever  design  of  a  concurrent  data  structure  allows  one  to        query  the  data  structure  without  locking.  local  $er:  within  a  trace,  query  SP  rela$onships  using  the  SP-­‐bags  data  structure.  

Challenge:    traces  are  defined  dynamically  as  steals  occur,  so  how  do  we  keep  track  of  that?      

Spli|ng  Traces  On-­‐the-­‐Fly  

Figure 11: The split of a trace U around a P-node X in terms of a canon-ical Cilk parse tree. The tree walk of U is executing in left [X] when thesubtree rooted at right [X] is stolen by a thief processor. The shaded re-gions contain the nodes belonging to each of the subtraces produced by thesplit. The two circles not enclosing any text indicate portions of the parsetree that have not yet been visited by the tree walk of U .

Figure 12: An ordering of the new traces resulting from a steal as shown inFigure 11. Each circle represents a trace.

single processor working on a trace. The FIND-TRACE operation,however, may be executed by any processor, and thus the imple-mentation must operate correctly in the face of multiple FIND-TRACE operations.

The implementation of SP-bags proposed in [20] uses the classi-cal disjoint-set data structure with “union by rank” and “path com-pression” heuristics [14, 29, 31]. On a single processor, this datastructure allows all local-tier operations to be supported in amor-tized O(α(m,n)) time, where α is Tarjan’s functional inverse ofAckermann’s function, m is the number of local-tier operations,and n is the number of threads. Moreover, the worst-case time forany operation is O(lg n).

The classical disjoint-set data structure does not work “out ofthe box” when multiple FIND-TRACE operations execute concur-rently. The reason is that although these operations are queries, thepath-compression heuristic modifies the data structure, potentiallycausing concurrent operations to interfere.8 Consequently, our im-plementation of the local tier uses the disjoint-set data structurewith union by rank only, which supports each operation in O(lg n)worst-case time.

The SP-bags implementation used by SP-hybrid follows that of[20], except that we must additionally support the SPLIT operation.At the time of a split, the subtraces U (1), U (2), and U (3) may all

8In fact, concurrent path compression does not affect the correctness ofthe algorithm, assuming that reads and writes execute atomically. The per-formance analysis become more complicated. We conjecture that a betterrunning time can be obtained using the classical data structure.

contain many threads. Thus, splitting them off from the trace Umay take substantial work. Fortunately, SP-bags overcomes thisdifficulty by allowing a split to be performed in O(1) time.

Consider the S- and P-bags at the time a thread in the procedureF is stolen and the five subtraces U (1), U (2), U (3), U (4), and U (5)

are created. The S-bag of F contains exactly the threads in the sub-trace U (1). Similarly, the P-bag of F contains exactly the threadsin the subtrace U (2). The SP-bags data structure is such that mov-ing these two bags to the appropriate subtraces requires only O(1)pointer updates. The subtrace U (3) owns all the other S- and P-bagsthat belonged to the original trace U , and thus nothing more needbe done, since U (3) directly inherits U ’s threads. The subtracesU (4) and U (5) are created with empty S- and P-bags. Thus, thesplit can be performed in O(1) time, since only O(1) bookkeepingneeds to be done including updating pointers.

6 Correctness of SP-hybrid

This section proves the correctness of the SP-hybrid algorithm. Webegin by showing that the traces maintained by SP-hybrid are con-sistent with the subtrace properties defined in Section 5. We thenprove that the traces are ordered correctly to determine SP relation-ships. Finally, we conclude that SP-hybrid works.

Due to the way the splits work, we can no longer prove a theo-rem as general as Lemma 1. That is to say, we can only accuratelyderive the relationship between two threads if one of them is a cur-rently executing thread.9 Although this result is weaker than for theserial algorithm, we do not need anything stronger for a race detec-tor. Furthermore, these are exactly the semantics provided by thelower-tier SP-bags algorithm.

The following lemma shows that when a split occurs, the sub-traces are consistent with the subtraces properties given in Sec-tion 5.

Lemma 7. Let Ui be a trace that is split around a P-node X . Then,the subtrace properties of Ui are maintained as invariants by SP-HYBRID.

Proof. The subtrace properties of Ui hold at the time of the splitaround the P-node X , when the subtraces were created, by defini-tion. If a subtrace is destroyed by splitting, the property holds forthat subtrace vacuously.

Consider any thread u at the time it is inserted into some trace U .Either U is a subtrace of Ui or not. If not, then the properties holdfor the subtrace Ui vacuously. Otherwise, we have five cases.

Case 1: U = Ui(1). This case cannot occur. Since Ui

(1) ismentioned only in lines 19–27 of Figure 8, it follows that Ui

(1) isnever passed to any call of SP-HYBRID. Thus, no threads are everinserted into Ui

(1).Case 2: U = Ui

(2). Like Case 1, this case cannot occur.Case 3: U = Ui

(3). We must show that Ui(3) = {u : u ∈ de-

scendants(left [X])}. The difficulty in this case is that when thetrace Ui is split, we have Ui = Ui

(3), that is, Ui and Ui(3) are

aliases for the same set. Thus, we must show that the invariantholds for all the already spawned instances of SP-HYBRID thattook Ui as a parameter, as well as those new instances that takeUi

(3) as a parameter. As it turns out, however, no new instancestake Ui

(3) as a parameter, because (like Cases 1 and 2) Ui(3) is

neither passed to SP-HYBRID nor returned.Thus, we are left to consider the already spawned instances

of SP-HYBRID that took Ui as a parameter. One such instanceis the outstanding SP-HYBRID(left [X], Ui) in line 13. If u ∈descendants(left [X]), then we are done, and thus, we only need

9Specifically, we cannot determine the relationship between threads inU(1) and U(2), but we can determine the relationship between any othertwo traces.

X:  A  thief    steals  here  

U(1):  the  strands  that  precedes  X  U(2):  the  strands  that  is  in  parallel  w/  X  U(3):  the  strands  in  X's  leQ  subtree  

 (that  is  currently  being  executed      by  the  vicim)  

U(4):  the  strands  in  X's  right  subtree    (ini$ally  empty  and  will  be        populated  by  the  thief)  

U(5):  the  strands  that  follows  X    (ini$ally  empty)  

Each  U(i)  is  a  trace  containing  a  set  of  strands.  

Figure 11: The split of a trace U around a P-node X in terms of a canon-ical Cilk parse tree. The tree walk of U is executing in left [X] when thesubtree rooted at right [X] is stolen by a thief processor. The shaded re-gions contain the nodes belonging to each of the subtraces produced by thesplit. The two circles not enclosing any text indicate portions of the parsetree that have not yet been visited by the tree walk of U .

Figure 12: An ordering of the new traces resulting from a steal as shown inFigure 11. Each circle represents a trace.

single processor working on a trace. The FIND-TRACE operation,however, may be executed by any processor, and thus the imple-mentation must operate correctly in the face of multiple FIND-TRACE operations.

The implementation of SP-bags proposed in [20] uses the classi-cal disjoint-set data structure with “union by rank” and “path com-pression” heuristics [14, 29, 31]. On a single processor, this datastructure allows all local-tier operations to be supported in amor-tized O(α(m,n)) time, where α is Tarjan’s functional inverse ofAckermann’s function, m is the number of local-tier operations,and n is the number of threads. Moreover, the worst-case time forany operation is O(lg n).

The classical disjoint-set data structure does not work “out ofthe box” when multiple FIND-TRACE operations execute concur-rently. The reason is that although these operations are queries, thepath-compression heuristic modifies the data structure, potentiallycausing concurrent operations to interfere.8 Consequently, our im-plementation of the local tier uses the disjoint-set data structurewith union by rank only, which supports each operation in O(lg n)worst-case time.

The SP-bags implementation used by SP-hybrid follows that of[20], except that we must additionally support the SPLIT operation.At the time of a split, the subtraces U (1), U (2), and U (3) may all

8In fact, concurrent path compression does not affect the correctness ofthe algorithm, assuming that reads and writes execute atomically. The per-formance analysis become more complicated. We conjecture that a betterrunning time can be obtained using the classical data structure.

contain many threads. Thus, splitting them off from the trace Umay take substantial work. Fortunately, SP-bags overcomes thisdifficulty by allowing a split to be performed in O(1) time.

Consider the S- and P-bags at the time a thread in the procedureF is stolen and the five subtraces U (1), U (2), U (3), U (4), and U (5)

are created. The S-bag of F contains exactly the threads in the sub-trace U (1). Similarly, the P-bag of F contains exactly the threadsin the subtrace U (2). The SP-bags data structure is such that mov-ing these two bags to the appropriate subtraces requires only O(1)pointer updates. The subtrace U (3) owns all the other S- and P-bagsthat belonged to the original trace U , and thus nothing more needbe done, since U (3) directly inherits U ’s threads. The subtracesU (4) and U (5) are created with empty S- and P-bags. Thus, thesplit can be performed in O(1) time, since only O(1) bookkeepingneeds to be done including updating pointers.

6 Correctness of SP-hybrid

This section proves the correctness of the SP-hybrid algorithm. Webegin by showing that the traces maintained by SP-hybrid are con-sistent with the subtrace properties defined in Section 5. We thenprove that the traces are ordered correctly to determine SP relation-ships. Finally, we conclude that SP-hybrid works.

Due to the way the splits work, we can no longer prove a theo-rem as general as Lemma 1. That is to say, we can only accuratelyderive the relationship between two threads if one of them is a cur-rently executing thread.9 Although this result is weaker than for theserial algorithm, we do not need anything stronger for a race detec-tor. Furthermore, these are exactly the semantics provided by thelower-tier SP-bags algorithm.

The following lemma shows that when a split occurs, the sub-traces are consistent with the subtraces properties given in Sec-tion 5.

Lemma 7. Let Ui be a trace that is split around a P-node X . Then,the subtrace properties of Ui are maintained as invariants by SP-HYBRID.

Proof. The subtrace properties of Ui hold at the time of the splitaround the P-node X , when the subtraces were created, by defini-tion. If a subtrace is destroyed by splitting, the property holds forthat subtrace vacuously.

Consider any thread u at the time it is inserted into some trace U .Either U is a subtrace of Ui or not. If not, then the properties holdfor the subtrace Ui vacuously. Otherwise, we have five cases.

Case 1: U = Ui(1). This case cannot occur. Since Ui

(1) ismentioned only in lines 19–27 of Figure 8, it follows that Ui

(1) isnever passed to any call of SP-HYBRID. Thus, no threads are everinserted into Ui

(1).Case 2: U = Ui

(2). Like Case 1, this case cannot occur.Case 3: U = Ui

(3). We must show that Ui(3) = {u : u ∈ de-

scendants(left [X])}. The difficulty in this case is that when thetrace Ui is split, we have Ui = Ui

(3), that is, Ui and Ui(3) are

aliases for the same set. Thus, we must show that the invariantholds for all the already spawned instances of SP-HYBRID thattook Ui as a parameter, as well as those new instances that takeUi

(3) as a parameter. As it turns out, however, no new instancestake Ui

(3) as a parameter, because (like Cases 1 and 2) Ui(3) is

neither passed to SP-HYBRID nor returned.Thus, we are left to consider the already spawned instances

of SP-HYBRID that took Ui as a parameter. One such instanceis the outstanding SP-HYBRID(left [X], Ui) in line 13. If u ∈descendants(left [X]), then we are done, and thus, we only need

9Specifically, we cannot determine the relationship between threads inU(1) and U(2), but we can determine the relationship between any othertwo traces.



Upon  a  steal,  insert  into  the  global  $er:  

What  We  Need  in  a  Det.  Race  Detector  

•  SP-­‐Hybrid:    global  $er:  an  Order-­‐Maintenance  data  structure  maintains  the  series-­‐parallel  ordering  of  traces.  local  $er:  within  a  single  trace,  query  the  SP-­‐Bags  data  structure.  

•  Shadow  space  that  contains:  –  The  last  writer  to  a  loca$on  v;  and  –  The  last  serial  reader  to  a  loca$on  v.      (But  we  are  totally  dropping  the  parallel  readers.)  

Where  Things  Break  

•  The  shadow  memory  only  keeps  track  of  the  last  serial  reader  (that  the  execu$on  encounters),  which  is  insufficient.    

Lemma  2:  Let  strands  e1,  e2,  and  e3  execute  serially  in  order.      If  e1  ≺  e2  and  e1  ‖  e3,  then  e2  ‖  e3.  Lemma  3  [Pseudotransi?vity  of  ‖]  :    Let  strands  e1,  e2,  and  e3  execute  serially  in  order.      If  e1  ‖  e2  and  e2  ‖  e3,  then  e1  ‖  e3.  

Recall  the  lemmas  we  need  to  show  that  SP-­‐Bags  algorithm  works  correctly:  

Ques?on:  When  execu?ng  in  parallel,  what  do  we  need  to  maintain  in  the  shadow  space?  

Ex:  Keeping  One  Reader  Is  Not  Enough  

Recall  how  to  update  shadow  memory:    •  write  loca@on  v  by  procedure  F:  

writer[v]  ⟵  F;    (Always  update  writer)  

•  read  loca@on  v  by  procedure  F:  if  (Find-­‐set(reader[v])  is  an  S-­‐bag      then  reader[v]  ⟵  F;  

(Replace  only  serial  reader)  

e1:r  e2:r  


Say  e1,  e2,  and  e3  executed  in  that  order  in  parallel  execu$on.    Say  e1  and  e2  read  v  and  e3  wrote  to  v.    

When  e3  executes,  reader[v]  contains  e1  ,  since  e1  ‖  e2  .    We  miss  a  race!    

What  if  we  always  update  the  reader[v]  with  the  last  reader?  

Ex:  Keeping  One  Reader  Is  Not  Enough  

Recall  how  to  update  shadow  memory:    •  write  loca@on  v  by  procedure  F:  

writer[v]  ⟵  F;    (Always  update  writer)  

•  read  loca@on  v  by  procedure  F:  if  (Find-­‐set(reader[v])  is  an  S-­‐bag      then  reader[v]  ⟵  F;  

(Replace  only  serial  reader)  

e1:r  e2:r   e3:w  

Say  e1,  e2,  and  e3  executed  in  that  order  in  parallel  execu$on.    Say  e1  and  e2  read  v  and  e3  wrote  to  v.    

When  e3  executes,  reader[v]  contains  e1  ,  since  e1  ‖  e2  .    We  miss  a  race!    

What  if  we  always  update  the  reader[v]  with  the  last  reader?  

Then  when  e3  executes,  reader[v]  contains  e2    and  we  can  s$ll  miss  a  race!    

Keeping  two  readers  

It  turns  out  that,  it's  sufficient  to  keep  two  readers  -­‐-­‐-­‐  we  just  need  to  keep  track  of  the  "leQ-­‐most"  Rl  and  "right-­‐most"  reader  Rr  for  each  memory  loca$on  v.  

When  e  reads  v:  if  e  comes  before  Rl[v]  in  serial  order,  or  e  ≺    Rl[v]  

 Rl[v]  =  e  if  e  comes  aQer  Rr[v]  in  serial  order,  or  Rr[v]  ≺  e  

 RR[v]  =  e  

References  [1]  Nondeterminator  and  SP-­‐Bags  algorithms:  Efficient  Detec.on  of  Determinacy  Races  in  Cilk  Programs  by  Mingdong  Feng  and  Charles  E.  Leiserson.    IN  Proceedings  of  the  Ninth  Annual  ACM  Symposium  on  Parallel  Algorithms  and  Architectures  (SPAA),  1997  [2]  On  parallel  race  detec@on  in  Cilk  computa@ons:  On-­‐the-­‐Fly  Maintenance  of  Series-­‐Parallel  Rela.onships  in  Fork-­‐Join  Mul.threaded  Programs  by  Michael  A.  Bender,  Jeremy  T.  Fineman,  Seth  Gilbert,  and  Charles  E.  Leiserson.    In  Proceedings  of  the  Sixteenth  ACM  Symposium  on  Parallelism  in  Algorithms  and  Architectures  (SPAA),  2004.  

[3]  Race  detec@on  using  English-­‐Hebrew  labeling  scheme:  Tools  for  the  Efficient  Development  of  Efficient  Parallel  Programs  by  Itzhak  Nudler  and  Larry  Rudolph.    In  Proceedings  of  the  First  Israeli  Conference  on  Computer  Systems  Engineering,  1986.  [4]  Keeping  two  readers  for  parallel  race  detec@on  in  fork-­‐join  mul@threaded  programs:  On-­‐the-­‐Fly  Detec.on  of  Data  Races  for  Programs  with  Nested  Fork-­‐Join  Parallelism  by  John  Mellor-­‐Crummey.    In  Proceedings  of  Supercompu$ng,  1991.