Conjunctivitis Commonly known as pink eye Inflammation of conjunctival membranes in front of the eye Symptoms are redness, pain, swelling, and discharge

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Commonly known as pink eye

Inflammation of conjunctival membranes in front of the eye

Symptoms are redness, pain, swelling, and discharge

Highly contagious Rx: antibiotic eye


TonometerA Tonometer is an

instrument use to measure intraocular tension or pressure.

An increase in pressure often indicates glaucoma

Treatments for glaucoma include drugs or laser surgery


Lens of eyes gradually becomes cloudy

Frequently occurs in people over 70

Causes a painful, gradual blurring and loss of vision

Pupil turns from black to milky white

Rx – surgical removal of the lens

Sty (Hordeolum)

Abscess at the base of an eyelash ( in sebaceous gland)

Symptoms – red, painful and swollen

Rx – warm, wet compresses, antibiotic ointments and occasionally incision and drainage

Color-Blindess Ishihara color

plates are used to test for color blindness.

Cones affected Genetic disorder

that is carried by female and transmitted to males

Presbyopia “Oldsightedness”

Lens loses elasticity, cannot focus on close or distant objects

Usually occurs after age 40

Rx - Bifocals

Hyperopia Farsighted Light focuses

behind the retina because the eyeball is too short

Objects must be moved farther away from the eye to be seen clearer

Convex lenses help

Myopia Nearsighted Eyeball too long Light focuses in

front of the retina (in normal eye light focuses on the retina)

Concave lenses help

Surgical Tx –– laser therapy used to reshape the anterior cornea of the eye.

Astigmatism Irregular

curvature of the cornea or lens, causing blurred vision and eye strain

Rx – corrective lenses

Strabismus Strabismus (cross-eye) Eye muscles do not

coordinate their actions If not corrected early,

visual centers in the brain will learn to ignore information from one eye causing permanent blindness in affected eye

Usually in children Rx – eye exercises or




Eye Injury

Glass or fragment in eye – cover eye and seek medical help, do not remove the object


OPHTHALMOSCOPE – instrument for viewing inside the eye

SNELLEN EYE CHART – chart that uses letters or symbols in calibrated heights to check for vision defects

Loud noise and hearing loss Hearing is fragile Loud noise over a period of time can

cause hearing loss. (Deafness)


Infection of the middle ear

Often a complication of a common cold in children

Rx – antibiotics If chronic or if fluid

builds up – MYRINGOTOMY (opening in the tympanic membrane) with tubes inserted will relieve the pressure


Inflammation of the lining of the nose with nasal congestion, drainage, sneezing and itching

Caused by allergies, infection, fumes, odors, emotion, or drugs

Rx – eliminate causes, antihistamines