Conformity Determination Report – Short Form WinstonSalem Urban Area Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process Long Range Transportation Plan: 2035 Transportation Improvement Program: FY 20122018 Nature of Action: Administrative Modification Amendment Number TIP# 03, LRTP #01 Planning Action Only New Emissions Analysis Required A full list of all proposed changes is provided in Appendix A. Planning Action Amendments do not impact financial constraint of the TIP (40 CFR 93.108) or MTP, as any increase in federal funds will be drawn from existing program balances, as verified by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. This conformity process will involve a LRTP/TIP amendment and will not require a regional emissions analysis (40 CFR 93.122(g)) because Forsyth County is under a CO limited maintenance plan. The CO limited maintenance plan that was approved by EPA with an effective date of July 22, 2013, and removes the requirement to conduct a regional emissions analysis as a part of the conformity determination. The requirement to demonstrate conformity (Table 1 of 40 CFR 93.109) still applies. Date of Last Conforming Emissions Analysis (40 CFR 93.110, 93.111, 93.113, 93.114, 93.114, 93.118): March 6, 2013 2035 LRTP and FY 20122018 TIP The above dated Conformity Determination Report was found by FHWA and EPA to meet the transportation requirements of the Clean Air Act set forth in 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 93. The Triad Maintenance Area meets all motor vehicle emissions budgets and conformity tests established through the State Implementation Plan and via Interagency Consultation for both the PM2.5 and CO standards. The only National Ambient Air Quality Standard that is currently applicable to Forsyth County is the CO standard. Proposed Approval Dates: See attached conformity process schedule in Appendix B Appendices: A. Proposed Project Changes B. Conformity Process Schedule C. Interagency Consultation (40 CFR 93.112 & 93.115) D. Public Participation Ads E. Public/Agency Comments and Responses F. Adoption, Endorsement Resolutions and Agency Determinations Report Preparation: Prepared by: Wendy Miller, Transportation Principal Planner Title: WinstonSalem Urban Area MPO Contact Email: [email protected] Contact Phone: 3367476878 Date: December 1, 2014

Conformity Determination Report Short Form Salem … · Conformity Determination Report – Short Form ... PDEA (Penney) will provide a project description for the alternatives by

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Conformity Determination Report – Short Form Winston‐Salem Urban Area Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process 


  Long Range Transportation Plan:  2035 

Transportation Improvement Program:  FY 2012‐2018 

 Nature of Action: 

 Administrative Modification Amendment ‐ Number   TIP# 03, LRTP #01 

Planning Action Only New Emissions Analysis Required 

 A full list of all proposed changes is provided in Appendix A.  Planning Action Amendments do not impact financial constraint of the TIP (40 CFR 93.108) or MTP, as any increase in federal funds will be drawn from existing program balances, as verified by the North Carolina Department of Transportation.  This conformity process will involve a LRTP/TIP amendment and will not require a regional emissions analysis (40 CFR 93.122(g)) because Forsyth County is under a CO limited maintenance plan.  The CO limited maintenance plan that was approved by EPA with an effective date of July 22, 2013, and removes the requirement to conduct a regional emissions analysis as a part of the conformity determination.  The requirement to demonstrate conformity (Table 1 of 40 CFR 93.109) still applies. 

 Date of Last Conforming Emissions Analysis (40 CFR 93.110, 93.111, 93.113, 93.114, 93.114, 93.118):  

March 6, 2013 ‐ 2035 LRTP and FY 2012‐2018 TIP 

 The above dated Conformity Determination Report was found by FHWA and EPA to meet the transportation requirements of the Clean Air Act set forth in 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 93.  The Triad Maintenance Area meets all motor vehicle emissions budgets and conformity tests established through the State Implementation Plan and via Interagency Consultation for both the PM2.5 and CO standards. The only National Ambient Air Quality Standard that is currently applicable to Forsyth County is the CO standard. 

 Proposed Approval Dates: 

 See attached conformity process schedule in Appendix B 


A.  Proposed Project Changes B. Conformity Process Schedule C. Interagency Consultation (40 CFR 93.112 & 93.115) D. Public Participation Ads E. Public/Agency Comments and Responses F. Adoption, Endorsement Resolutions and Agency Determinations 

 Report Preparation: 

 Prepared by:  Wendy Miller, Transportation Principal Planner 

Title:  Winston‐Salem Urban Area MPO 

Contact Email:  [email protected] 

Contact Phone:  336‐747‐6878 

Date:  December 1, 2014 


Appendix A – Proposed Project Changes 


APPENDIX A List of Changes for TIP Amendment # 03, LRTP Amendment #01





 Project Title 


Analysis Status Programming Changes 

 Explanation of Need for Amendment  Requested by 

WS‐T029  U‐2827B Business 40 (US 421) Improvements ‐ 

West of Fourth Street to East of Church 

Street) – Pavement Rehabilitation, 

replacement of Bridge Nos. 178, 

278,286, 288, 291, 293, 305, 312, 313 

and 336 and Various Safety 

Improvements, from West of Fourth 

Street to East of Church Street, Forsyth 

County, North Carolina. 

WBS Element # 34872.1.1 

Federal Aid Project No. NHF‐0421(5) 

The last emissions  analysis was done for the conformity determination completed on 3/6/13  

Preferred Alternative – Cherry/Marshall (primary access to downtown Winston‐Salem) – this alternative provides for a full interchange at Peters Creek Parkway, a full interchange at Cherry/Marshall (via two partial interchanges acting as a full interchange) and a partial interchange at Main Street. 

Requires LRTP and TIP 

amendment and Conformity 

Determination on Non‐Exempt 



This project will require an LRTP 

and TIP Amendment 











Appendix B – Conformity Process Schedule 


Triad Area: WS MPO U-2827B LRTP/TIP Amendment Transportation Conformity Process Schedule

Discussion Draft -- 4/8/2014

Start End Length Participating Organizations and StaffDate Date (Days) (lead staff in bold)

1 Project start -- NA 12 Interagency consultation (IC) 12/03/13 12/03/13 1 23 IA planning session #1 #VALUE! 34 Set IA meeting date (location, etc.) 4 5 Develop participant list 5 6 Discuss draft agenda 6 7 Discuss TCPCP 78 Discuss CPS 89 IC planning session #2 TBD #VALUE! 9

10 Review draft agenda 10 11 Review TCPCP 1112 Review CPS 1213 Prepare presentations 1314 Email Agenda, draft TCPCP and draft CPS to IC partners 1 1415 IC Meeting 1 15 Dancausse/Miller16 Meeting Minutes 1 16 Miller17 Circulate and Review meeting minutes 1 17 Dancausse18 Follow up to address comments 1 18 Dancausse 19 Transportation Planning NA NA #VALUE! 19 20 Transportation Projects, Timelines, Fiscal Constraint 2021 MPO TCCs develop and refine draft LRTP project list 2122 MPO TACs receive & review the draft project list LRTP-for-comment 22

23MPO TACs (or TCCs) approve LRTP/TIP Amendments project list: BG MPO: NA, Greensboro: NA, High Point: NA, Winston Salem: NA NA NA #VALUE! 23

26 Transportation Modeling (50 days): Includes PTRM and NMAA NA NA #VALUE! 24 27 Base year network and land use (2009) 2528 Horizon year 1 network and land use 2629 Horizon year 2 network and land use 2730 Design Year network and land use -- 2035 2831 Develop plan version for initial air quality analysis 2932 Extract draft plan VMT and speeds 3033 Evaluate draft plan speeds and VMT 3134 Preliminary Regional Emissions Analysis 3235 Emission Factors Review (additional iterations, if needed) 3336 Extract Final VMT and speeds 3437 Evaluate final speeds and VMT 35 38 Modeling Complete (Includes Emission Factor & REA) NA 3639 Emission Analysis NA NA #VALUE! 37 40 NCDAQ Emissions Model Work #VALUE! 38 41 Off model analysis, including off-model TDM-not applicable NA NA 3942 Regional Emissions Analysis (REA) & Review #VALUE! 40 43 Conformity Report Preparation 03/03/14 03/28/14 26 41 Miller/Dancausse44 Preliminary report preparation 03/03/14 03/28/14 26 42 45 Prepare pre-draft report 1 43 46 Print pre-draft report 1 44 47 Internal Review pre-draft #VALUE! 45 48 Agency Review (EPA/FTA/NCDAQ/FHWA) of pre-draft CDR #VALUE! 46 49 Respond to Agency Comments 1 47 50 Place conformity report on website 03/28/14 03/28/14 1 48 Miller/Bailey


TACs release conformity draft and LRTP update for public comment: BG MPO: NA, Greensboro: NA, High Point: 5/27/14, Winston Salem MPO: 5/15/14 05/15/14 05/27/14 13 49 MPOs, RPOs

52 Interagency and public review 06/12/14 07/22/14 41 50 Dancausse53 DENR Review 06/12/14 07/03/14 22 51 Galamb54 FHWA Initial Review 06/12/14 07/03/14 22 52 Dancausse55 FTA Initial Review 06/12/14 07/03/14 22 53 Immings56 EPA Initial Review 06/12/14 07/03/14 22 54 Sommerville/Sheckler57 Public Review (MPOs and RPOs) 06/12/14 07/14/14 33 55 Miller58 Respond to Agency and Public Comments 07/15/14 07/22/14 8 56 Miller

159 MPO & Rural Conformity Determination 11/20/14 11/25/14 6 57 NCDOT


TACs Adopt Final LRTPs with AQ conformity-public hearing BG MPO: NA, Greensboro: NA, High Point: 11/25/14, Winston Salem: 11/20/14 11/20/14 11/25/14 6 58 MPOs

61 NCDOT Secretary issues conformity letter for rural area NA NA #VALUE! 59 NCDOT, RPOs62 Conformity analysis, report and review complete 11/20/14 11/25/14 6 6063 Place conformity report on website 11/03/14 11/03/14 1 61 Miller64 Federal Action 11/03/14 12/01/14 29 62 Dancausse65 Transmit Report to FHWA/TPB 11/03/14 11/03/14 1 63 Miller66 FHWA transmit report to EPA & FTA 11/03/14 11/03/14 1 64 Dancausse67 USDOT Determination 12/01/14 12/01/14 1 65 Dancausse68 USDOT Letter to State/MPO 12/01/14 12/01/14 1 66 Dancausse69 Process Complete 12/01/14 12/01/14 1 6770 Conformity Process Complete -- December 1, 2014 12/01/14 NA NA 68

Conformity ElementsLine ID#

Schedule Summary

Line ID#


Appendix C – Interagency Consultation 



Meeting Description: U-2827B EA

Meeting Purpose: To discuss the timeline for completion of the EA/FONSI and address any transportation conformity issues


ATTENDEES ■ Eddie Dancausse-FHWA

■ Andy Bailey-NCDOT ■ ■

■ Beverly Robinson-NCDOT

■ Greg Errett-WS MPO ■ ■

■ Mike Penney-NCDOT

■ Wendy Miller – WS MPO

■ ■

■ George Hoops-FHWA

■ ■ ■


1) PDEA (Penney) will provide a project description for the alternatives by 9/6/13

2) FHWA (Dancausse) will draft a CPS for the conformity work

3) The Winston Salem (WS) MPO will announce the proposed U-2827B project LRTP/TIP amendment (including conformity) during their November 2013 TAC meeting

4) NCDOT (Bailey) will discuss the U-2827B amendment modeling work with the PART. It was mentioned that the PART modeler may be on leave for an extended time period. NCDOT (Bailey) will research and provide anticipated time tables for the modeling work and status on the availability of the PART modeling staff. Action item follow-up: NCDOT (Bailey) will be responsible for the transportation modeling work.

5) The WS MPO (Miller) will need to initiate the U-2827B LRTP/TIP amendment transportation conformity work no later than December 2013.

6) The WS MPO (Miller) will need to initiate a 30 public comment period before taking action on the amendments to the LRTP/MTIP and approval of the CDR in mid July 2014.


The current WS MPO LRTP/TIP/STIP (including conformity) for project U-2827B includes all interchanges shown as open.

The EA can be completed with the various alternatives under consideration. The EA will need to mention that conformity will need to be completed for the selected alternative or alternatives (assuming it is not currently accurately represented in the LRTP/TIP/STIP).

The exepected completion date for the EA is February 2014 and the FONSI is September 2014.

The WS MPO TAC will meet on the following dates in 2014: January 16, February 20, March 20, May 15, July 17 and Sept 18.

The current version of the PTRM is 3.1.

2040 Design Year Traffic Forecast for both alternatives used the 2.1 model. New Conformity analysis will require rerun of 2040 build alternatives with 3.1 model.

There will be two alternatives that will be carried forward to the FONSI. For conformity purposes both alternatives will be modeled, once a preferred is selected prior to FONSI that scenario will be used for the conformity regional emissions analysis (REA).


Meeting Description:

Winston Salem (WS) MPO TIP Amendment U-2827B Kick-Off Interagency Consultation Meeting

Meeting Purpose: Discuss the U-2527B TIP Amendment, review the draft short form conformity determination report and review the conformity process schedule

Date: 12/3/13

ATTENDEES ■ Eddie Dancausse-FHWA

■ Andy Bailey-NCDOT ■ Amanetta Somerville - EPA

■ Heather Hildebrandt - NCDAQ

■ Beverly Robinson-NCDOT

■ Greg Errett-WS MPO ■ Derry Schmidt - NCDOT

■ Bill Marley - FHWA

■ Mike Penney-NCDOT

■ Wendy Miller – WS MPO

■ Anne Galamb – NCDAQ

■ Greg Venable – HP MPO

■ Terry Arellano-NCDOT

■ Fred Haith – WS MPO

■ Carrie Pickett - NCDAQ


• EPA (Somerville) is going to check to see if a regional emissions analysis will be required for this project since it is located in Forsyth County which is under a CO Limited Maintenance Plan. Per phone conversation on 12/6/13 with EPA (Somerville) a regional emissions analysis is NOT required but project level conformity is required (i.e., CO Hotspot Analysis, etc.)

• FHWA (Dancausse) will draft the meeting minutes and revise the conformity process schedule

• FHWA will schedule an IC status meeting for 4/2014


• The current scheduled completion date of the EA is 6/2014 and the FONSI is 9/2014.

• Two alternatives are still being studied for this project.

• This project will involve the closing of some interchanges. Those interchanges are modeled as open in the currently conformity 2035 LRTP

• A stand alone conformity process will be done for this LRTP/TIP amendment.

• This conformity process will involve the High Point MPO because they extend into Forsyth County.

• The WS MPO (Miller) notified their TAC on 11/21/13 of the upcomming public/agency review and comment period for the draft conformity determination report.


Wendy Miller

From: [email protected]: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:30 AMTo: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; Wendy Miller; Gregory Errett; [email protected]; Fred HolbrookCc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]: U-2827B LRTP/TIP Amendment - Conformity Meeting Highlights

Meeting Highlights: 

NCDOT PEDA (Robinson/Penny) o The current completion date for the EA is 3/2014 o There will be a public hearing on the 2 alternatives in May/June (June 30th worst case) and then there will be 30 

days of public comment. o Worst case the selection of the preferred alternative will take place in August 2014. o NCODT PEDA will meet this week to review the current schedule and make any necessary revisions.  NCDOT 

(Robinson) will contact the Winston Salem (WS) MPO (Miller) to provide an update on any schedule revisions by 2.28.14. – ACTION ITEM 

o It was recommended that the MPO (Miller) review the two alternatives in the Draft EA and make sure that their planning/conformity documentation contain the correct information related to the alternatives – ACTION ITEM

FHWA (Dancausse) o This conformity process will not require a regional emissions analysis but the Triad Regional Model will be 

updated to currently reflect the preferred alternative for this project – NCDOT (Bailey) – ACTION ITEM o The WS MPO (Miller) can take the two alternatives out in the short form conformity determination report (CDR) 

for public/agency review/comment in June 2014 o A preferred alternative will need to be selected before the WSMPO TAC and the High Point (HP) MPO TAC can 

make their final adoptions and conformity finding (WSMPO‐7/17/14 & HP MPO 8/26/14) on the LRTP/TIP amendments. 

o WSMPO (Miller) will notify FHWA (Dancausse) of any schedule revisions so the conformity process schedule can be revised and shared with all the interagency consultation partners – ACTION ITEM 

WS MPO (Miller) o If there is not a preferred alternative selected by 7/17/14 (WSMPO TAC Meeting) the WSMPO would like to 

delay their final approvals until their regularly scheduled TAC meeting in September 2014   Edward J. Dancausse Air Quality Specialist FHWA NC Division 919-747-7026 [email protected]    


Appendix D – Public Participation Ads 


••••Request for Review and Comment

The Winston-Salem Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the Piedmont Authority for Re-gional Transportation (PART) and the Winston-Salem Transit Authority (WSTA) are seeking public review and comment on the following documents:

• StrategicTransportationInvestment(STI)prioritiesfor the Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO• AmendmentandModificationstotheFiscalYears2012-2018 Winston-Salem Urban Area Metropolitan TransportationImprovementProgram(MTIP)• DraftAirQualityConformityDeterminationReport(AQCDR)ShortFormdatedJune12,2014

Strategic Transportation Investment priorities for the Winston-Salem Urban Area MPOTheNorthCarolinaDepartment of Transportation(NCDOT)createdtheStrategicPrioritizationProcessin response to a State mandate to create a profes-sional data-driven approval process for transporta-tionproject selection. Significant changes to theprocess were made by House Bill 817 also known astheStrategicTransportationInvestmentswhichestablished funding tiers (Statewide, Regional, and Division)andfundingallocationsacrossalltranspor-tationmodes.TheSTIlegislationrequiresthatMPOsdevelop a ranking process to evaluate all eligible project categories (highway, non-motorized, public transportation, aviation, rail and ferry) and prioritize projects ranked by the MPO that fall in the “Regional” and“Division”levels.

AnSTIpublicdropinmeetingtoreviewandcommenton the MPO priority projects will be held on Thursday, June19,2014attheBryceStuartMunicipalBuilding,3rdFloorConferenceRoom,100EastFirstStreet,Winston-Salem from 12 to 2:00 p.m. and from 5 to 7:00 p.m. The MPO will provide auxiliary aids and servicesunder theAmericanswithDisabilitiesActfor disabled persons who want to participate in this meeting. AnyonerequiringspecialservicesshouldcontactFredrickHaithassoonaspossiblesothatarrangements can be made.

Amendment and Modifications to the Fiscal Years 2012-2018 Winston-Salem Urban Area MTIPTheFiscalYears2012-2018MTIPamendmentsin-cludeaStatewidevegetationmanagement(ER-5600)projectandtheUS421/Business40PavementReha-bilitationandVariousSafetyImprovements(U-2827B)project thatwill require amending theMTIP and2035TransportationPlanUpdatewithaConformityDeterminationReport (CDR)–Short Form for theinterchangepreferredalternativeselection.TheMTIPmodificationsincludedelayingto2015installationofintelligent transportation system (ITS) componentsontheUnionCrossRoadproject(U-4909),variousStatewide Pedestrian Facilities Programprojects(EB-3314), delay construction of theBrushy ForkGreenwayproject(EB-4020C)andtheMuddyCreekGreenway/CedarTrailConnection(EB-5523)to2015fortheCity’srevisedtimeline,andincludingfundsinFYs2016and2017fortheStreetscapeImprovementProjects(U-5539). Thedocumentsareonlineatwww.DOT.CityofWS.organdwww.hpdot.net/hpmpo/andatpublic librariesin ForsythCounty andKing, eachmunicipal townhall,theN.C.DOTofficeat375SilasCreekParkway,theWinston-SalemDepartment of Transportation,Room307,100E.FirstSt.,Winston-SalemandtheHighPointDepartmentofTransportation,211SouthHamilton Street, High Point.


Mail, e-mail or fax comments to: FredrickHaithWinston-SalemDOTP.O. Box 2511Winston-Salem,NC27102E-mail:[email protected]:(336)748-3370

The Winston-Salem Urban Area Metropolitan Plan-ning Organization does not exclude participation or discriminate in any program or activity receiving Federal assistanceon the grounds of race, color,national origin, sex, age, or disability. Any person who believes they have been aggrieved

LEGALSby an unlawful discriminatory practice regarding the Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO programs has a righttofileaformalcomplaintwithAngelaCarmon,CityAttorney,CityofWinston-Salem,P.O.Box2511,Winston-Salem,NC27102,within180daysfollowingthe date of the alleged discrimination occurrence.





Appendix E – Public/Agency Comments and Responses 



Wendy Miller

From: [email protected]: Monday, June 30, 2014 10:28 AMTo: Wendy MillerSubject: RE: Agency Comments: WS MPO 2035 LRTP/FY 12-18 TIP Amendment (U2827B) Draft Transportation Conformity Determination Report

Wendy,  Yes‐you can make that change back to December.  Thanks, Eddie  

From: Wendy Miller [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 10:13 AM To: Dancausse, Edward (FHWA) Subject: RE: Agency Comments: WS MPO 2035 LRTP/FY 12-18 TIP Amendment (U2827B) Draft Transportation Conformity Determination Report  Eddie, I was reviewing the changes made by Kelly and assumed it was only the paragraph under Nature of Action. Then I noticed that the date was August 2014 rather than December 2014. Can I revised the date back to December XX, 2014? Thanks, Wendy  

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 12:07 PM To: Wendy Miller Cc: Gregory Errett; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Agency Comments: WS MPO 2035 LRTP/FY 12-18 TIP Amendment (U2827B) Draft Transportation Conformity Determination Report  Wendy,  The attached files contain the emails from agency partners responding to our request for comments.  NCDOT, NCDAQ and FHWA had not comments.  EPA had some minor comments.  I took a shot at addressing EPA’s comments and made minor revisions to the draft CDR and it is provided in the attached file.    Please use the short form CDR (6/27/14) that is attached as the latest version of the document.  Please include this email and the attached emails from the agency partners in appendix E of the final draft CDR.  Kelly – please give the revised draft CDR a look and let me know if your comments have been adequately addressed.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thanks Eddie    

From: Dancausse, Edward (FHWA) Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 2:56 PM To: Scott Davis ([email protected]); Heather Hildebrandt ([email protected]); Carrie Pickett ([email protected]); Sheckler, Kelly Cc: [email protected]; GREG VENABLE; Davis, Wayne C; Arellano, Terry C; Scott Rhine; '[email protected]'; Bailey, John A; Dianna Smith ([email protected]); Holman, Sheila; [email protected]; [email protected]; Mike Bruff ([email protected]); Dianna Smith ([email protected]); Earlene Thomas; Marley, Bill (FHWA); Reed, Donna (FHWA); Mike Stanley ([email protected]); Anne Galamb ([email protected]; Hemal Shah ([email protected]); Dabney, Unwanna; Anne Galamb ([email protected]; Dancausse, Edward (FHWA) Subject: Reply Requested by 7/19/14: Agency Review of the WS MPO 2035 LRTP/FY 12-18 TIP Amendment (U2827B) Draft Transportation Conformity Determination Report  Kelly/Scott,  The attached files contain the FHWA letters requesting review and comment of the Winston Salem (WS) MPO 2035 LRTP/TIP Amendment (U‐2827B) Draft Conformity Determination Report (CDR).  I will not be sending hard copies of these letters.  If you want a hard copy for your files please print a copy.  The WS MPO is taking two amendment alternatives out for agency/public review.  A preferred alternative will be selected prior to the MPO making their final actions (conformity determination/TIP amendment) on November 2014.  Heather/Carrie: This email serves as my request for your review and comments on the draft CDR Kelly: I will make the suggested revisions you suggested (from the CAMPO short form CDR’s) for the final draft version of this document. The final draft CDR is provided on the Winston Salem MPO website and that link is provided below: http://www.cityofws.org/Portals/0/pdf/transportation/forms‐reports/publicreview/publicreview_201406_u2827baqcdr_sf.pdf  I am requesting your review comments by 7/19/14.    If you have any questions or need additional information/time for your review , please let me know.  Thanks, Eddie    

EPA 6.25.14 From: Sheckler, Kelly A. <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 1:40 PM

To: Dancausse, Edward (FHWA) Subject: RE: Reply Requested by 7/19/14: Agency Review of the WS MPO 2035

LRTP/FY 12-18 TIP Amendment (U2827B) Draft Transportation Conformity Determination Report

Eddie- Thank you for the letter from Mr. Sullivan, dated June 19, 2014, requesting our review of the draft transportation conformity determination for the amended Fiscal year (FY) 2012-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Forsyth County in the Winston- Salem, North Carolina carbon monoxide (CO) maintenance area. . We have completed our review on the draft report and recommend the following changes:

1. Short form Conformity Determination Report: include in the “Nature of Action” section a sentence explaining what the administrative modification is for the TIP and the Long Range Transportation Plan. It is unclear in Appendix A what the modification is specifically.

2. The Box checked in this same section of the report indicates it is an amendment modification not an administrative modification; however, the text in the paragraph indicates it is an administrative modification. Please clarify which type of modification it is and indicate as such in the section of the Report.

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 2:56 PM To: Davis, Scott; [email protected]; [email protected]; Sheckler, Kelly A. Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Smith, Dianna; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Smith, Dianna; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Reply Requested by 7/19/14: Agency Review of the WS MPO 2035 LRTP/FY 12-18 TIP Amendment (U2827B) Draft Transportation Conformity Determination Report


The attached files contain the FHWA letters requesting review and comment of the Winston Salem (WS) MPO 2035 LRTP/TIP Amendment (U-2827B) Draft Conformity Determination Report (CDR). I will not be sending hard copies of these letters. If you want a hard copy for your files pleaseprint a copy.

The WS MPO is taking two amendment alternatives out for agency/public review. A Page 1

EPA 6.25.14preferred alternative will be selected prior to the MPO making their final actions (conformitydetermination/TIP amendment) on November 2014.

Heather/Carrie: This email serves as my request for your review and comments on the draft CDR

Kelly: I will make the suggested revisions you suggested (from the CAMPO short formCDR’s) for the final draft version of this document.

The final draft CDR is provided on the Winston Salem MPO website and that link is provided below:http://www.cityofws.org/Portals/0/pdf/transportation/forms-reports/publicreview/publicreview_201406_u2827baqcdr_sf.pdf

I am requesting your review comments by 7/19/14.

If you have any questions or need additional information/time for your review , please let me know.


Page 2

NCDOT 6.26.14 From: Hildebrandt, Heather J <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 9:36 AM

To: Dancausse, Edward (FHWA); [email protected]; Pickett, Carrie; [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; Davis, Wayne C; Arellano, Terry C; [email protected]; [email protected]; Bailey, John A; [email protected]; Holman, Sheila; [email protected]; Pullium, Susan W; Bruff, Michael S; [email protected]; Thomas, Earlene W; Marley, Bill (FHWA); Reed, Donna (FHWA); Stanley, Mike; Galamb, Anne; Shah, Hemal J; Dabney, Unwanna; Galamb, Anne

Subject: RE: Reply Requested by 7/19/14: Agency Review of the WS MPO 2035 LRTP/FY 12-18 TIP Amendment (U2827B) Draft Transportation Conformity Determination Report

Eddie, Thank you for forwarding the Draft Conformity Determination Report for the Winston-Salem MPO 2035 plan and TIP amendment for U-2827B. Since the project resides wholly in Forsyth County and there is a CO Limited Maintenance Plan in place, the short form is adequate for the purposes ofdetermining conformity and no new regional emissions analysis is required. I do not have any comments or questions and support the finding of conformity for this amendment. Heather J. HildebrandtTransportation EngineerNC DOT Transportation Planning Branch919-707-0964 From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 2:56 PM To: [email protected]; Hildebrandt, Heather J; Pickett, Carrie; [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; Davis, Wayne C; Arellano, Terry C; [email protected]; [email protected]; Bailey, John A; [email protected]; Holman, Sheila; [email protected]; Pullium, Susan W; Bruff, Michael S; [email protected]; Thomas, Earlene W; [email protected]; [email protected]; Stanley, Mike; Galamb, Anne; Shah, Hemal J;

[email protected]; Galamb, Anne; [email protected] Subject: Reply Requested by 7/19/14: Agency Review of the WS MPO 2035 LRTP/FY 12-18 TIP Amendment (U2827B) Draft Transportation Conformity Determination Report Kelly/Scott, The attached files contain the FHWA letters requesting review and comment of the Winston Salem (WS) MPO 2035 LRTP/TIP Amendment (U-2827B) Draft Conformity Determination Report (CDR). I will not be sending hard copies of these letters. If you want a hard copy for your files pleaseprint a copy. The WS MPO is taking two amendment alternatives out for agency/public review. A preferred alternative will be selected prior to the MPO making their final actions (conformitydetermination/TIP amendment) on November 2014.

Page 1

NCDOT 6.26.14Heather/Carrie: This email serves as my request for your review and comments on the draft CDR Kelly: I will make the suggested revisions you suggested (from the CAMPO short formCDR’s) for the final draft version of this document. The final draft CDR is provided on the Winston Salem MPO website and that link is provided below:http://www.cityofws.org/Portals/0/pdf/transportation/forms-reports/publicreview/publicreview_201406_u2827baqcdr_sf.pdf I am requesting your review comments by 7/19/14. If you have any questions or need additional information/time for your review , please let me know. Thanks,Eddie

Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Page 2

NCDAQ 6.27.14 From: Pickett, Carrie <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 10:47 AM

To: Hildebrandt, Heather J; Dancausse, Edward (FHWA); [email protected]; [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; Davis, Wayne C; Arellano, Terry C; [email protected]; [email protected]; Bailey, John A; [email protected]; Holman, Sheila; [email protected]; Pullium, Susan W; Bruff, Michael S; [email protected]; Thomas, Earlene W; Marley, Bill (FHWA); Reed, Donna (FHWA); Stanley, Mike; Galamb, Anne; Shah, Hemal J; Dabney, Unwanna; Galamb, Anne

Subject: RE: Reply Requested by 7/19/14: Agency Review of the WS MPO 2035 LRTP/FY 12-18 TIP Amendment (U2827B) Draft Transportation Conformity Determination Report

Eddie, Thank you for your email sent June 19, 2014 requesting interagency review of the Draft Conformity Determination Report for the Winston-Salem MPO 2035 plan and TIP amendment for U-2827B. After review I support the finding of conformity. As the project alternatives under consideration are in Forsyth County where a CO Limited Maintenance Plan is in effect, the short form is adequate for this conformity determination. Since both alternatives were modeled, the one chosen should be incorporated into the Triad Regional Model and stakeholders notified to confirm thisaction for future project conformity determinations. Reference: Table 1 of 40 CFR 93.109 (e) Areas with limited maintenance plans. Notwithstanding the other paragraphs of this section, an area is not required to satisfy the regional emissions analysis for § 93.118and/or § 93.119 for a given pollutant and NAAQS, if the area has an adequateor approved limited maintenance plan for such pollutant and NAAQS. A limited maintenance plan would have to demonstrate that it would be unreasonable to expect that such an area would experience enough motor vehicle emissions growth for a NAAQS violation to occur. A conformity determination that meets other applicable criteria in table 1 of paragraph (b) of this section is still required, including the hot-spot requirements for projects in CO, PM10, and PM2.5 areas. Will there be/has there been a follow up CO Hotspot Analysis performed regarding thedraft comment below? • EPA (Somerville) is going to check to see if a regional emissions analysis will berequired for this project since it is located in Forsyth County which is under a CO Limited Maintenance Plan. Per phone conversation on 12/6/13 with EPA (Somerville) a regional emissions analysis is NOT required but project level conformity is required (i.e., CO Hotspot Analysis, etc.) Thanks! Carrie

Page 1

NCDAQ 6.27.14Carrie Pickett, Environmental Engineer Tech. Services Section, Mobile Source Compliance BranchNC DENR, Division of Air Quality1641 Mail Service CenterRaleigh, NC 27699-1641Phone: 919-707-8424Fax: [email protected] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Lawand may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From: Hildebrandt, Heather J Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 9:36 AM To: [email protected]; [email protected]; Pickett, Carrie; [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; Davis, Wayne C; Arellano, Terry C; [email protected]; [email protected]; Bailey, John A; [email protected]; Holman, Sheila; [email protected]; Pullium, Susan W; Bruff, Michael S; [email protected]; Thomas, Earlene W; [email protected]; [email protected]; Stanley, Mike; Galamb, Anne; Shah, Hemal J;

[email protected]; Galamb, Anne Subject: RE: Reply Requested by 7/19/14: Agency Review of the WS MPO 2035 LRTP/FY 12-18 TIP Amendment (U2827B) Draft Transportation Conformity Determination Report Eddie, Thank you for forwarding the Draft Conformity Determination Report for the Winston-Salem MPO 2035 plan and TIP amendment for U-2827B. Since the project resides wholly in Forsyth County and there is a CO Limited Maintenance Plan in place, the short form is adequate for the purposes ofdetermining conformity and no new regional emissions analysis is required. I do not have any comments or questions and support the finding of conformity for this amendment. Heather J. HildebrandtTransportation EngineerNC DOT Transportation Planning Branch919-707-0964 From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 2:56 PM To: [email protected]; Hildebrandt, Heather J; Pickett, Carrie; [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; Davis, Wayne C; Arellano, Terry C; [email protected]; [email protected]; Bailey, John A; [email protected]; Holman, Sheila; [email protected]; Pullium, Susan W; Bruff, Michael S; [email protected]; Thomas, Earlene W;

Page 2

NCDAQ [email protected]; [email protected]; Stanley, Mike; Galamb, Anne; Shah, Hemal J;

[email protected]; Galamb, Anne; [email protected] Subject: Reply Requested by 7/19/14: Agency Review of the WS MPO 2035 LRTP/FY 12-18 TIP Amendment (U2827B) Draft Transportation Conformity Determination Report Kelly/Scott, The attached files contain the FHWA letters requesting review and comment of the Winston Salem (WS) MPO 2035 LRTP/TIP Amendment (U-2827B) Draft Conformity Determination Report (CDR). I will not be sending hard copies of these letters. If you want a hard copy for your files pleaseprint a copy. The WS MPO is taking two amendment alternatives out for agency/public review. A preferred alternative will be selected prior to the MPO making their final actions (conformitydetermination/TIP amendment) on November 2014. Heather/Carrie: This email serves as my request for your review and comments on the draft CDR Kelly: I will make the suggested revisions you suggested (from the CAMPO short formCDR’s) for the final draft version of this document. The final draft CDR is provided on the Winston Salem MPO website and that link is provided below:http://www.cityofws.org/Portals/0/pdf/transportation/forms-reports/publicreview/publicreview_201406_u2827baqcdr_sf.pdf I am requesting your review comments by 7/19/14. If you have any questions or need additional information/time for your review , please let me know. Thanks,Eddie Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

Page 3


Wendy Miller

From: Steven Scroggin <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:15 AMTo: Fredrick HaithSubject: Comments on priorities

Though DOT has engaged in an extensive public awareness campaign around the Biz 40 rehab project in downtown Winston Salem, I was not aware of this opportunity to get involved until this morning: (An STI public drop in meeting to review and comment on the MPO priority projects will be held on Thursday, June 19, 2014, at the Bryce Stuart Municipal Building, 3rd Floor Conference Room, 100 East First Street, Winston-Salem, from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.) I hope that you can accept this email as written comment. I am concerned about the DOT prioritization process. Winston Salem seems to be the loser in highway appropriations and to have received less than a proportionate share of highway funding for many, many years. I am concerned that the ranking process is being manipulated by adoption of a set of decision rules that continue to favor other communities that have already built -- at our expense as taxpayers -- superior highway systems to our own. We need the bypass and the Biz 40 rehab through downtown Winston Salem to get done -- about 20 years ago. After all this time, all the accidents on Hwy 52 and Biz 40, all the traffic snarls, and all the deterioration of the bridges and related infrastructure, these projects should be urgent number one priorities of the state, in my humble opinion. An appropriate objective ranking system would support that opinion instead of consistently ranking our critical needs below nice-to-have systems elsewhere. Steve Scroggin Tropical Smoothie Cafe 216 W Fourth St Winston Salem, NC 27101


Wendy Miller

From: Wendy Mailey <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 12:51 PMTo: Fredrick HaithSubject: STI Priorities Comments Attachments: The Effect of I-74 on the Triad.docx

Importance: High

This is the comment submitted on behalf of the chamber:  

Completion of I‐74 will double the economic activity in the region, creating 33, 800 new jobs and adding over $2 billion in economic activity. Completion of I‐74 will have a significant economic impact on all of North Carolina, making the entire state more economically competitive. The project has been delayed because of mistakes made by NCDOT that delayed construction for more than 10 years. I‐74 is North Carolina’s road to economic success. Please see attached Economic Impact Study that outlines in detail the importance of this project.  


It is imperative that the Business 40 project stay on schedule for this community to thrive. The community has been prepped and become prepared for the closure for years now. To delay this project would not only be at a detriment to this community, but would also be seen in a very negative light by the how NCDOT handles funding of major projects.  

 Best regards,  Wendy  WendyK.Mailey,MPADirector of Government Affairs Greater Winston‐Salem Chamber of Commerce [email protected] 336.728.9249 336.283.1987 cell 411 West Fourth Street • Suite 211 • Winston‐Salem, NC 27101 www.winstonsalem.com 

 Connect with the Chamber 


Thanks to Our Platinum Investors  

• AT&T North Carolina • BB&T • Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina • Cook Medical •  

• Forsyth County • Hanesbrands, Inc. • Novant Health • OutsourceIT of NC • ReynoldsAmerican• 

• The Winston‐Salem Journal • Twin City Quarter• Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center •  

•Wells Fargo  • Winston‐Salem/Forsyth County Schools • Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC •  



Wendy Miller

From: Cooks, Owen J. <[email protected]>Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 5:55 PMTo: Fredrick HaithSubject: STI Local Point Assignment

Comments for STI, SPOT prioritization:   The Creative Corridors Coalition (CCC) believes it is important that all projects within its study area should be reviewed by the Mayor's Design Review Committee for conformance to the CCC's Design Guidelines as adopted by the City Council of Winston‐Salem and now a part of the Municipal Code (Part III, Chapter 2, Article III, Division 11).  The ordinance states in part,    “The purpose of the committee is to review plans and proposals which are proposed by the city, NCDOT, or any other agency or organization for roadway improvements on the major thoroughfares in the creative corridors study area and to make recommendations to the city council, transportation advisory committee, or NCDOT on the plan's consistency with the outcome objectives of the community corridors master plan and design guidelines. As a creation of the city council, the committee will respect the final decision of the city council on transportation decisions in the corridor.”    Particularly projects early in their design phase need to be vetted as the design is progressed and funds are budgeted to ensure adequate funding for CCC betterments and design guidelines compliance.    Larger projects should be considered as candidates to have design professionals and/or artists come alongside the engineers solving the roadway/corridor problem to aid in the interpretation and inclusion of the CCC Design Guidelines to ensure early adoption in planning, thoughtful consideration in design, and pursuit of matching fund opportunities where focal expressions of art and other aesthetic considerations would be most impactful.    Of particular interest from a project priority standpoint, certain projects will create opportunities for the vision of CCC's Design Guidelines to permeate the community.  Those include, SPOT ID H090371‐B (the Business 40 project), SPOT ID B142197 (the WSSU pedestrian bridge over the Salem Creek Connector), and SPOT ID H090548 (Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. extension).    The importance of including the Mayor's Design Review Committee at all stages of design cannot be over‐emphasized ‐ as projects are completed with inclusion of CCC design guidelines principals, the fabric of the aesthetic will begin to connect the new and improved corridors and create the vision for our city of Arts and Innovation.    Owen J Cooks  Vice Chair, Creative Corridors Coalition  On behalf of the Creative Corridors Coalition Board and Membership  July 9, 2014 


Appendix F – Adoption, Endorsement Resolutions and 

       Agency Determinations 

North Carolina Division 310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 856-4346 December 1, 2014 (919) 747-7030 http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ncdiv/ In Reply Refer To: HDA-NC Mr. Anthony J. Tata Secretary North Carolina Department of Transportation 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Dear Secretary Tata: We reviewed the Winston Salem Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Transportation Conformity Determination Report for the:

• 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Amendment (U-2827B) • 2012-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment (U-2827B)

The Triad Area MPOs made conformity determinations on their 2030 LRTP Amendment and FY 2012-2018 TIP Amendment (the TIPs are direct subsets of the 2035 LRTPs) on the following dates:

• High Point MPO on November 25, 2014 • Winston Salem MPO on November 20, 2014

The FHWA and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) reviewed these documents. We also coordinated our review with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 and have enclosed their comments to this letter. Based on our review and comments provided by the US EPA, we find that the following areas conform to the purpose of the State Implementation Plan in accordance with 40 CFR Part 93:

• Winston-Salem MPO 2035 LRTP Amendment and FY 2012-2018 TIP

Amendment (U-2827B) • High Point MPO 2035 LRTP and FY 2012-2018 TIP

Sincerely, For John F. Sullivan, III, P.E. Division Administrator Enclosure