Confirmed - Australia a Criminal Police State

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  • 7/29/2019 Confirmed - Australia a Criminal Police State



    Confirmed Australia A Criminal Police


    Thursday, February 02, 2012

    From The Desk

    Lloyd T Vance

    South East Asia

    Greetings Fellow Australians

    I was reading this

    story the other day and thought it was worth

    writing a few words about, and then getting

    this out there for people to read.

    Lets go back to 11th Sept 2001 Terrorist Attacks in

    NYC, allot of people questioned these Attacks,

    and The Dots all started coming together of

    what had just happened to the World.

    Allot of people woke up and started to connect

    The Dots Many of us like you were asleep, we

    believed everything our Government and

    Political Leaders said!

    It was an awakening, suddenly everything wehad been taught and learnt went out the door

    and were awaken to the fact everything we

    were taught on a series of issues were a LIE.

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    It is an awakening for sure to learn everything

    your Government and Zionist Mainstream Media

    taught us was a LIE!

    One World Government Controlled By The

    Zionist Jewish Bankers

    Soon people started putting the bigger picture

    together and many of us joining The Dots

    together and worked out there was a Bigger

    Plan, Ambition, Goal, and Objective at play bythe Global Elites.

    They wanted World Government controlled by

    them, but run by United States of America and

    the Zionist Jews in Israel back by the Zionist

    Jewish Bankers and Zionist Jewish Familys of the

    World who control.

    The Bank Of London, US Federal Reserve Bank,

    Bank of International Settlements, and in turn

    control most Western Governments around the

    World via the World Bank & IMF.

    But the plan wouldnt work unless they alsocontrol & run all Western Intelligence Agencies &

    Police Forces, so it took about 50 60 years to

    infiltrate all these organizations.

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    So then even if Governments bucked the system

    of control of the World Zionist Jewish Bankers,

    they would control these Governments.

    1) Via putting them in debt to The WorldBank and IMF

    2) Via having these Zionist / Nazi Agents filled

    in positions from Top to Bottom.

    Like researchers and investigators have seen and

    proven many times since 11


    Sept 2001, ifWestern Governments wouldnt sign on to the

    One World Government Plan.

    These Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies

    would carry out False Flag Terrorist Attacks

    against the citizens of the country, also stage

    False Flag Events blaming Muslims for the


    Thus sending a message to politicians and

    Western Governments who really is in control,

    while for the time being it may look like most

    Western Governments elected to serve the

    people, work for the people are in control.

    The real power rest behind closed doors in some

    of these Police, Military and Intelligence

    Agencies with their loyalty to these Bankers.

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    Australia and ASIO (Australia Security and

    Intelligence Organization)

    ASIO and The Federal Attorney General Office is

    full of these Zio Nazi creeps, lucky I am not aGeneral in the Australian Army because to rid

    these Vermin from Australia I would order tanks

    to surround these two buildings in Canberra and

    blast them back to the stone age.

    I hereby accuse ASIO & Australian Federal Police

    and The Federal Attorney General Office inCanberra of being infiltrated, filled to the brim

    of these Zio Nazi Creeps who:-

    DO NOT work for Australia, and their fellowcitizens but work for and have their loyalty to

    the Zionist Jewish Bankers and the push for A

    One World Government.

    I also challenge ASIO Director David Irvine

    and all Senior Management of this Agency to a

    debate, to prove all these Terrorism Laws being

    passed by Federal Parliament are needed.

    I also challenge ASIO Director David Irvine

    and all Senior Management, to prove all theirresearch, information, records to do with The

    War On Terror is true and not faked, false.

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    I also challenge ASIO Director David Irvine

    and all Senior Management to prove Muslims

    have been carrying out these Terrorist Attacks

    about the World since 11th Sept 2001 up till now.

    I also challenge ASIO Director David Irvine

    and all Senior Management to prove all these

    Terrorist Laws are not being passed eventually

    to be used against We The People Of Australia

    - You know my name, and can find my

    address David, so lets do it a Public Debate,you and your corrupt lying cronys Senior

    Management against little old me 53 on the

    Disability Pension, lets have a Lock Down in

    public for all to see and I will prove you all

    Treasonous Treacherous Creeps and


    - While we are at it David, lets debate Port

    Arthur 1996 and the False Flag Terrorist

    Attack ASIO and Federal Police and Tasmania

    Police Staged and set Martin Bryant up for.

    - While we are at it David, lets debate The

    Hilton Hotel Bombings.

    Dont hold your breath people David Irvine and

    Senior Management will show up to any debate,

    instead they will be ringing about the State

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    Police to corrupt buddies in the system and

    work out some way to set me up on fake


    - Porno Chargers is a good one they use- Drugs is another

    By me challenging David Irvine and Senior

    Management to debate, and they wont show

    up, I will have proven the next story your all

    about to read folks.

    All these Terrorism Laws being passed and Cyber

    Internet Laws and buying for control only have

    one purpose to enslave us all, to control us all

    and the World populations ready for A One

    World Government.

    Enjoy the story people.

    As for David Irvine and Senior Management at

    ASIO come out from hiding under the desk

    fellas and change your wet trousers from

    peeing yourselves!

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    War for Total Control


    Adrian Salbuchi

    I am a layman so I won't delve into the

    technicalities of today's information

    technologies because others are far more

    qualified to do that, but I can tell you this allthese technologies are not as innocent as they

    would have us believe i.e., so "innocent" that 5, 6

    or 7 year olds can be set loose to play with video

    games and the Internet as if they were mere


    Not so!

    These technologies must be approached with at

    least as much caution, prevention and awe as we

    do when we drive our car,

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    knowing that just as it can safely take as

    wherever we want to go, if we thoughtlessly rev

    the engine up to 250 kmph, it can also get us

    and others killed.

    Similarly, this two-edged sword can serve to

    vanquish the Global Power Elite by making us

    aware of their intentions and their terrible

    medium and long-term consequences, or it can

    serve them to cut our throats.

    In fact, this Janus-headed monster liesequidistant between them and us.

    Objectively, either they win or we lose, which

    means machines will run the world that they

    control or, we use these technologies to rally

    the overwhelming power of We the People, to

    annihilate the Global Power Elite.

    Where does the difference lie?

    In our awareness.

    The Global Power Elite know full well what they

    are doing whilst most people don't, and they

    will do everything in their power to keep it that


    Here, then, are two global armies pitted against

    each other.

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    "In this corner..." a tiny but extremely powerful

    elite controlling a huge machine to their benefit

    and our enslavement. "

    In that corner... gigantic masses of mostly

    unaware people using that same machine but

    without understanding it, nor realizing what it's

    really being used for.

    It is today so embedded into society that,

    increasingly, every aspect of our lives are

    controlled by it whether it be work done on theInternet, Intranets, E-Trade, managing your bank

    account, reserving your next flight and printing

    your boarding pass, doing research and fact-

    finding, or just plain entertainment and whiling

    the time away.

    It's a coin of which we are systematically shownonly the "heads" side, i.e., all the benefits, magic,

    comfort and advantages of being hooked-in and

    on-line. "Life is so much easier now..."

    However, we're not shown the "tail" side that

    poses a dark and lurking danger Total Control.

    The Info Cyber sphere represents a super-

    structure for total control against which

    individuals can do little to escape from, unless

    awareness dawns on them.

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    The key weapon wielded against all peoples in

    every country is PsyWar Psychological Warfare

    that has successfully

    (A) Incorporated two, maybe three billion

    people into the IT Cyber sphere allowing

    growing partial/total control over them, and

    (B) Persuaded billions of people to willingly

    accept this. The rest of Mankind the other 3 or

    4 billion are "useless eaters" as David Rockefeller

    once called them just don't count because

    they're too abjectly poor and are not part of any"market" there's literally nothing the Corporate

    Over world can sell to them.

    Thus, they are implicitly earmarked for

    controlled extermination over the next

    generation through war, disease, starvation,

    urban violence, environmental contamination,artificially induced "natural" disasters, or by just

    plain letting them waste away.

    A quick look at some of the technological

    wonders they have in store for us might better

    illustrate this



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    "Romas / COIN" is a super hi-tech military civilian

    mass surveillance and data gathering project

    supported by US private defense contractors

    (Northrop Gruman, notably), think tanks, and the

    US military and civilian intelligence community,with electronic capabilities to monitor and

    analyze millions and millions of conversations,

    sort key data and then re-build it to reflect

    specific behavior patterns amongst individuals

    and groups of people, which enables projecting

    their future plans, whereabouts, goals and


    This will make "preventive war" and "preventive

    arrests" that much easier.

    For now, much of this mass surveillance and

    data mining targets Arab speaking peoples, not

    just in the Middle East/North Africa but the

    world over, which ties in nicely with the endless"Global War On Terrorism."

    This represents a quantum leap by the Global

    Power Elite in that until recently such global hi-

    tech spying was only done by the National

    Security Agency, CIA, FBI, MI6 or Mossad (which

    can always be demonized as modern Gestapo-like entities) now however, we have "friendly"

    household names like Apple, Google, Facebook,

    Twitter, Microsoft, Pixar/Disney, Point About,

    doing all the spying for the Elite.

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    This private corporate network is part of the

    invisible noose we are putting around our necks.


    Countries one normally believes are bastions of

    liberty and freedom the UK, Canada, Australia

    or New Zealand are prime examples of mass


    Take a stroll through London and a vast and

    ubiquitous network of several million CCTV

    cameras will be watching your every move 24/7

    in airports, underground and railway stations,

    street crossings, stores, bus stops, shopping

    malls, motorways, parks, bridges, condos, public

    buildings, private offices, utilities, public toilets,

    toll booths...

    Wherever you are in London, someone iswatching you... very closely.

    Naturally, all this is done in the name of

    "national security" which has become a

    smokescreen for the political and corporate

    elites' perception that growing public awareness

    does pose a real threat to their interests.In Australia Big Brother is hard at work, not

    surprising since Australia responded to

    September 11 with extraordinary law making.

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    In the ensuing decade, Australia's Federal

    Parliament enacted 54 pieces of anti-terrorism

    legislation 48 of which were passed under the

    Howard government, an average of one new

    anti-terrorism law every seven weeks.

    The numbers are striking Canadian Professor

    Kent Roach found that "Australia has exceeded

    the United Kingdom, the United States, and

    Canada in the sheer number of new anti-

    terrorism laws it has enacted since September

    11, 2001.

    Australia's hyper-legislation strained the ability

    of the parliamentary opposition and civil society

    to keep up, let alone provide effective

    opposition to, the relentless legislative output."

    All brought to you by the Australian Security

    Intelligence Organization (ASIO).

    Australia's legislation includes the

    Telecommunications Interception and

    Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment

    Act, and the Intelligence Services Legislation

    Amendment Bill 2011 that strengthens and

    increases ASIO's powers to conduct offshoresurveillance and reach such organizations as

    WikiLeaks, targeting anyone campaigning on

    political and social issues.

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    New technologies may also soon make

    fingerprints a thing of the past.

    Vein recognition represents a far more precise

    method to identify you than traditional

    fingerprint scanners because of its low .001%

    false acceptance rate.

    Using light to penetrate a users' finger to read

    vein patterns which are unique and thought to

    be impossible to replicate, this method is fully

    fool proof as vein structures change after death,

    which means severed fingers cannot be used to

    fool the readers.

    Then there's face recognition where Toshiba

    recently unveiled a new range of LED-backlit

    televisions for 2011 including the model WL800Athat uses facial recognition.

    Next time you're surfing the Internet or

    speaking on Skype, hmmm... "We know who you

    are, where you are and what you're doing..."


    Microchip Implants for personal tracking and ID

    are getting smaller and smaller, and ever more

    inject able without you ever even realizing it.

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    Next time an Avian or Swine Flu "crisis" breaks,

    don't let yourself be coaxed into mass

    vaccinating your family.

    Michael G Michael (University of Wollongong's

    School of Information Systems and Technology,

    Australia), has coined the term "uberveillance" to

    describe the emerging trend of all-

    encompassing surveillance, explaining that

    "Uberveillance is not on the outside looking

    down, but on the inside looking out through a

    microchip that is embedded in our bodies."

    The US's private hi-tech company VeriChip

    widely markets implantable nano-chips which

    store a 16-digit unique ID number on humans

    "for medical and security purposes, focusing on

    high-risk patients and the need to identify them

    and their medical records in an emergency."

    To allay any fears they also explain they do not

    know when or if someone will develop an

    implantable microchip with GPS technology, but

    that "it is not an application we are pursuing."

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    Michael explains that such implantable chips will

    become like a "black box that will then be a

    witness to our actual movements, words

    perhaps even our thoughts and play a similar

    role to the black box placed in an aircraft."

    He also predicts microchip implants and their

    infrastructure could eliminate the need for e-

    passports, e-tags, and secure ID cards, adding

    that "microchipping... will eventually become

    compulsory in the context of identificationwithin the frame of national security."

    For now, your mobile phone acts as a passive

    transponder for radio frequency identification

    (RFID) readers.


    Not surprisingly, military applications are where

    trillions of ultra-hi-tech dollars are going. We

    now have drones as tiny as bugs.

    In a recent piece published in The New York

    Times2 we learn that the US military's Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio runs a flight lab

    dubbed a "microaviary" where drones designed

    to replicate flight mechanics of moths, hawks

    and other creatures are being developed.

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    "'We're looking at how you can hide in plain

    sight' said Greg Parker, an Aerospace engineer,

    as he held up a mechanical hawk that in the

    future might carry out espionage."

    Today, the Pentagon has some 7,000 aerial

    drones explained Ashton B Carter, the

    Pentagon's chief weapons buyer and a member

    of the New York-based Council on Foreign

    Relations (CFR).


    "In February 2011, researchers unveiled a

    hummingbird drone built by the firm

    AeroVironment for the secretive Defense

    Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

    which can fly at 11 mph and perch on a

    windowsill... one of the smallest drones in use

    on the battlefield is the three foot long Ravenwhich troops in Afghanistan toss by hand like a

    model airplane to peer over the next hill."

    Then we have new "Gorgon Stare" technology

    that can capture live videos of an entire city, but

    requires 2,000 analysts to process the data feeds

    from a single drone compared with 19 analystsper drone today.

    We can also expect massive growth of armies of

    military surveillance analysts representing

    "wonderful new job careers in national defense."

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    That same New York Times piece goes on to say,

    "within the military, no one disputes that dronessave American lives.

    Many see them as advanced versions of 'stand-

    off weapons systems', like tanks or bombs

    dropped from aircraft, that the US has used for


    'There's a kind of nostalgia for the way wars

    used to be,' said Deane-Peter Baker, an ethics

    professor at the US Naval Academy, referring to

    noble notions of knight-on-knight conflict.

    Drones are part of a post-heroic age, he said,

    and in his view, it is not always a problem if they

    lower the threshold for war... Military ethicistsconcede that drones can turn war into a video

    game, inflict civilian casualties and with no

    Americans directly at risk, and thus more easily

    draw the US into conflicts."

    This ties in with the Powell Doctrine, drafted by

    Gen. Colin Powell (CFR) after the First Gulf Warwhich states, amongst other concepts, that the

    US should only engage in military conflict where

    it's overwhelming military clout guarantees

    complete victory over carefully chosen weaker


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    That explains why the US (and its staunch ally

    Britain) will unilaterally attack Afghanistan and

    Iraq, but not China or Russia or why the US (and

    NATO) imposed "regime change" on Libya but

    not on North Korea (so intimate with China) orIran (so close to Russia).

    This explains why America's "heroic exploits"

    included invading tiny Grenada under the

    Reagan Administration in 1984, and unarmed

    Panama under Bush Senior in 1991, as well as its

    unflinching support of nuclear-armed-to-the-

    teeth Israel against rock-throwing Palestinians.

    Clearly, a more overt "doctrine" of abject and

    shameless cowardice has yet to be advanced by

    any nation.

    There, no doubt, lie the seeds of America's

    coming demise and that of its key allies theyhave become greedy and corrupt nations

    governed by cowardly rulers.


    Whatever happens from now on, Planet Earth

    depends on how large a portion of the two orthree billion "lucky ones" who have voluntarily

    integrated themselves into the Cybersphere

    through PC's, laptops, blackberries, websites, cell

    phones, etc., become aware of the grave

    dangers facing us all.

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    How fast they begin taking defensive measures

    from inside the Cybersphere, especially by

    identifying and taking advantage of its myriad

    weak points.

    As a friend once said, "if globalization can be

    compared to a balloon, then you only need the

    microscopic point of a sharp pin to blow it up..."

    Each of us must become such a "microscopic


    As I write, the surveillance and control

    infrastructure can read this article, plot my

    location from their satellites using the cell

    phone in my pocket as a GPS transponder, spy

    on what I read, write and navigate on my

    laptop, and God knows what more.

    Since 20 years or so, the National Security

    Agency's Echelon Project can spy on our phones

    and emails, targeting specific words used in

    billions upon billions of messages and texts

    "bomb," "attack," "Islam," "Muslim," "nuclear,"

    "chemical," and "biological" are just some of the

    words and sequences Echelon can snoop into

    (they're probably doing this right now as I writeand as you read!).

    Whatever it is they can do today surely exceeds

    our wildest imagination.

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    This is no longer just the "national intelligence

    infrastructure" spanning the CIA, FBI, FEMA,

    Homeland Security, DARPA, Army, Navy and Air

    Force Intelligence, and their counterparts in

    other countries.

    This now spans private corporations that gather

    data, organize it, seek and find specific patterns

    (behaviors, contacts, interests, intents,

    geographies and infinite others) through which

    they hope to eventually exert their long-sought

    dream of total control over populations forming

    part of their Global System (the rest are as good

    as dead).

    Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and a vast array of

    intelligence, security, IT, data gathering

    companies are all linking into increasingly large

    networks that pool data, findings and

    capabilities into complex arrays of self-

    sustaining and evolving structures, that lie

    outside the visual scope even of governments,

    for the simple reason that governments cannot

    even begin to fathom those capabilities, powers

    and future projections.

    Does anybody really believe that Barack Obama,David Cameron, the senators, representatives

    and MP's of the US or UK governments have a

    real clue as to what the NSA, together with

    Google, together with Boeing,

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    together with Northrop, together with

    Halliburton, together with Apple, together with

    Mossad, MI6 and CIA front companies, together

    with key universities and think tanks, together

    with.... are really developing?

    Can Congress or Parliament enact more laws to

    "control" something they themselves cannot

    understand and, even if they were to enact

    limiting legislation, by then technology will have

    evolved even further, easily wiggling its way out

    of any such laws.


    That brings us to the key question who's in


    Who really runs Australia, Britain, France and


    Japan, India and Brazil?

    The US and Canada?

    Argentina and South Africa?

    Even Israel??

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    We see "elected leaders" accessing top

    government posts using 19th century

    "democratic" voting mechanisms, that are all

    controlled by a highly complex 21st century

    technocratic Over-world, embedded inside theUS, UK, EU and most every other country.

    It operates from inside these countries even

    using the military might of the US and NATO

    countries but in no way does it heed, support

    or respond to the interests of these peoples.

    Was it really the US, Britain and France thatinvaded and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and

    now Libya?

    Or is it something far more elusive and powerful

    embedded inside them but controlled from way

    above today's completely outdated, eroded,

    fatally weakened and at this rate soon todisappear "sovereign Nation-State"?

    It's high time we make the necessary quantum

    leaps that will allow us to start joining the dots.

    We need to move away from silo mentality

    paradigms, and towards a much more holistic


    We have become too "specialized," which leads

    to narrow-mindedness.

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    We talk about finance but never join the dots on

    its geopolitical overtones.

    We talk about politics but are blind to

    underlying social forces.

    We think Hollywood is only about

    "entertainment," not realizing how they implant

    ideas and behavior patterns into our collective


    Information and data overdrive generate

    confusion, as we become overwhelmed bytrillions of bits of data that swamp our brains

    every day, hour, minute and second.

    A healthy tip takes your proper distance and

    perspective so that we all start to see the big


    Only then can we move down to the finer detail,

    because the forest is far, far more important

    than the tree... at least in this stage where we all

    need to come to grips with a question that

    should be growing louder and louder in your

    mind no matter where you live or who you are:

    what on Earth is going on!

    We had better find the answers quickly because

    we are fast coming to a fork of world historic

    proportions on the road of human destiny.

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    We either climb up the high road leading to

    human evolution which will necessarily entail

    the painful but necessary destruction of the

    Global Power Elite and all who support,

    consolidate, empower and fuel its growth, or...we slip down the low road into a dark abyss of

    death, destruction, mass hypnosis and the end

    of the human spirit a vision pretty close to what

    men throughout the ages have described as


    What road will you take?

    We can still make the right decision.

    There is not, however, much time left.