The Gan-The Home of the Soul Part 3-continued TEHILLIM 23:12 Present your heart for discipline and your ears for words of knowledge. D’VARIM 6:4-5 Hear, O Yisrael: יהוהis our Power, יהוהis the One and Only. You shall love יהוהyour Power, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your resources Conference Call # 1-857-216-6700 Code 65 69 36 1 דבר תורהD’var Torah Hebrew Minded Yisraelites 06/04/2016 The Gan – The Home of the Soul Last Day of Month of Ha Etanim Messenger: Tzadok ben Lewi Gan: an enclosure, garden ן ג=GIMMEL NUN 3+5=8 Neshamah: breath ה מ שְ נ=NUN SHIN MEM HEY 5+3+4+5=17=1+7=8 The Gan was the יהוה’s first dwelling place for our souls. And יהוהformed the man of dust from the ground, and He blew into his nostrils the soul of life; and man became a living being. יהוהElohim planted a garden in Eden, to the east, and placed there the man whom He had formed. ***Notice that you do not see the word earth-eretz, flesh-basar or skin-or. We were light beings without material substance when we lived in the gan. The earth is not the same substance that created man. All life begins in the spiritual first. The eight day of Sukkot represents the Gan. Life begins in the loins of man just like seed starts crop. A woman can never have a child without the see of man. Seed has to be planted first. Males were created first and then the female. Heaven was created first and then the earth. FATHERS=HEAVEN MOTHERS=EARTH GAN=TESTICLES The Hebrew letter Nun represents the soul of man. ן= Soul of Man Ben = Son ן ב=Bet Nun=2+5=7

Conference Call # 1-857-216-6700 Code 65 69 36 רת ר fileThe Gan-The Home of the Soul Part 3-continued TEHILLIM 23:12 Present your heart for discipline and your ears for words of

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The Gan-The Home of the Soul Part 3-continued TEHILLIM 23:12

Present your heart for discipline and your ears for words of knowledge. D’VARIM 6:4-5

Hear, O Yisrael: יהוה is the One and Only. You shall love יהוה ,is our Power יהוה

your Power, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your resources Conference Call # 1-857-216-6700 Code 65 69 36


D’var Torahדבר תורהHebrew Minded Yisraelites

06/04/2016 The Gan – The Home of the Soul Last Day of Month of Ha Etanim

Messenger: Tzadok ben Lewi

Gan: an enclosure, garden



Neshamah: breath



The Gan was the יהוה’s first dwelling place for our souls.

And יהוה formed the man of dust from the ground, and He blew into his nostrils the soul of life; and

man became a living being. יהוה Elohim planted a garden in Eden, to the east, and placed there the man whom He had formed.

***Notice that you do not see the word earth-eretz, flesh-basar or skin-or. We were light beings without material substance when we lived in the gan. The earth is not the same substance that created man. All life begins in the spiritual first. The eight day of Sukkot represents the Gan. Life begins in the loins of man just like seed starts crop. A woman can never have a child without the see of man. Seed has to be planted first. Males were created first and then the female. Heaven was created first and then the earth.




The Hebrew letter Nun represents the soul of man.

Soul of Man =ן

Ben = Son

ן Bet Nun=2+5=7=ב

The Gan-The Home of the Soul Part 3-continued TEHILLIM 23:12

Present your heart for discipline and your ears for words of knowledge. D’VARIM 6:4-5

Hear, O Yisrael: יהוה is the One and Only. You shall love יהוה ,is our Power יהוה

your Power, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your resources Conference Call # 1-857-216-6700 Code 65 69 36


Speak to the entire assembly of Yisrael, saying: on the tenth of this month they shall take for themselves—each man—a lamb or kid for each , a lamb or kid for the household.

***It says the father’s house because men are the head of the household. Men should know יהוה’s commands first before getting married and building a household. He must have a firm relationship

with יהוה before obtaining a wife. All the feasts deal with the sons of יהוה.


The males are supposed to present themselves before יהוה 3 times a year. It is the males who are

responsible for seeing that their household follows the commands of יהוה. Shmot 23:17

Three times during the year shall all your males appear before the Master, יהוה. Ab: father



You shall not make yourself a carved image nor any likeness of that which is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the water beneath the earth. You shall not prostrate yourself to them nor

worship them, for I am יהוה your Power—a jealous Power, Who visits the upon children to the third and fourth generations, for My enemies; but who shows kindness for thousands of generations to those who love Me and observe My commandments.

.protects those who serve Him….sons and daughters יהוה

But you, O Yisrael, My servant, Yaakov, you whom I have chosen, offspring of Avraham who loved Me—you whom I shall grasp from the ends of the earth and shall summon from among all its noblemen, and to whom I shall say, “You are My servant”—I have chosen you and not rejected you. Fear not for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your Power; I have strenghthened you, even helped ou, and even sustained you with My righteous right hand. Behold, all who become angry with you will be shamed and humiliated; those who fight with you shall be like nothingness and shall perish. The men who struggle with you, you shall seek them but not find them; the men who

fight you, they shall be like nothingness and naught. For I am יהוה, your Power, Who grasps your

right hand, Who says to you: “Fear not, for I help you”

The Gan-The Home of the Soul Part 3-continued TEHILLIM 23:12

Present your heart for discipline and your ears for words of knowledge. D’VARIM 6:4-5

Hear, O Yisrael: יהוה is the One and Only. You shall love יהוה ,is our Power יהוה

your Power, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your resources Conference Call # 1-857-216-6700 Code 65 69 36


Any weapon sharpened against you will not succeed, and any tongue that will rise against you in

judgment, you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of יהוה, and their righteousness

from Me—the word of יהוה. Read B’midbar Chapter 22:1-24:25

Torah: direction, instruction, law

ה TAV WAW RESH HEY=4+6+2+5=17=1+7=8 CHET = PROTECTION=תור

When I step out of Torah, I lose my protection. Berith: a covenant


When I step out of covenant with יהוה, I lose my shield.

So now there is no spiritual protection and no spiritual shield which means now anything can attack me, overcome me and take my life.

But it will be that if you do not hearken to the voice of יהוה, you’re Power, to observe, to perform all

His commandments and all His decrees that I command you today, then all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:

Note: Another thing regarding contraception

Using any kind of contraception to prevent life during intercourse is evil in the eyes of

We have no right to stop the production of life. Even if you are married, these .יהוה

laws apply to you. Once a woman gets pregnant, you cannot have intercourse with her because it is considered wasting seed because she is already fruitful in her womb. This is why males are required to place the 8 (holiness) on their loins.

Qodesh: apartness, sacredness



The Gan-The Home of the Soul Part 3-continued TEHILLIM 23:12

Present your heart for discipline and your ears for words of knowledge. D’VARIM 6:4-5

Hear, O Yisrael: יהוה is the One and Only. You shall love יהוה ,is our Power יהוה

your Power, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your resources Conference Call # 1-857-216-6700 Code 65 69 36


Sexual relations cause spiritual contamination.

A woman with whom a man will have carnal relations, they shall immerse themselves in

the water and remain contaminated until evening. Read D’varim 7:12-15

Sarah’s thought of pleasure was not relations itself but bearing children.

Death came into existence when man decided to lean on of his own understanding and ate off of the tree of knowledge of good an evil. This process can be seen in babies who are curious to seek knowledge.

But of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, you must not eat thereof; for on the day you eat of it, you shall surely die.” Proverbs 3:5

Trust in יהוה with all your heart and do not rely upon your own understanding

Maveth: death



Death means to transcend from one state of life to another state of life. All forms of life dies. The fifth commandment is associated with the extension of life. We were taken from the “Adamah” and not from the ground as we know it on this earth. Chayim: lives, lifetime




Adamah: ground, land




The Gan-The Home of the Soul Part 3-continued TEHILLIM 23:12

Present your heart for discipline and your ears for words of knowledge. D’VARIM 6:4-5

Hear, O Yisrael: יהוה is the One and Only. You shall love יהוה ,is our Power יהוה

your Power, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your resources Conference Call # 1-857-216-6700 Code 65 69 36


The body’s inheritance is the land of Yisrael but the soul’s inheritance is the gan.

You shall rejoice before יהוה, your Power—you, your sons and your daughters, your

slaves and your maid servants, and the Levite who is in your cities, for He has no share and inheritance with you.

The Lewites are the only tribe whose name starts with the Hebrew letter Lamed. ל In the beginning, we had eternal life. Age did not existed in eternal life but came about

after our forefather disobeyed the commandment of יהוה. When they were banished,

they were thrown into time. The land of Eden is when time began and they started aging and then died. There is a difference between the righteous and the wicked when they die. Maveth: death



Note: There is a and a . They transcend to different worlds.

“It would be sacrilege to You to do such a thing, to bring death upon the righteous along with the wicked; so the righteous will be like the wicked. It would be sacrilege to You! Shall the Judge of all the earth not do justice?”

Then he instructed them; and he said to them, “I shall be gathered to my people; bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite. In the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which faces Mamere, in the land of Canaan, which Avraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite as a burial estate? There they buried Avraham and Sarah his wife; there they buried Yishaq and Rivqah; and there I buried Leah. Purchase of the field and the cave within it was from the sons of Heth.



The Gan-The Home of the Soul Part 3-continued TEHILLIM 23:12

Present your heart for discipline and your ears for words of knowledge. D’VARIM 6:4-5

Hear, O Yisrael: יהוה is the One and Only. You shall love יהוה ,is our Power יהוה

your Power, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your resources Conference Call # 1-857-216-6700 Code 65 69 36


Your words have become harsh against Me, says יהוה; but you say, How have we

spoken against You? You have said, It is useless to serve The Most High! What gain is

there for us that we have kept His watch, and that we walk submissively before יהוה, Master of Legions? So now we praise the wicked. Evildoers are built up; they have even

tested the Most High and escaped. Then those who fear יהוה spoke to one another,

and יהוה listened and heard, for

those who fear יהוה and those who give thought to His Name. They will be a precious

treasure for Me, says יהוה, Master of Legions, on the day which I bring about; and I

will have mercy on them as a man has mercy on his son who serves him. Then you will return and see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves the Most High and one who does not serve Him.

.keeps a book of life יהוה

Elohim a garden in Eden, to the east, and placed there the man whom He had יהוה


Nata: to plant (means secure, fixed, unmoved)

NUN TET AYIN=5+9+7=21=2+1=3=נטע

דן ו ים גן־בע ה אלה ריהו ר יצ ם אש אד ם את־ה שם ש דם וי ׃מק

Word used in this verse is Yita =

The Gan-The Home of the Soul Part 3-continued TEHILLIM 23:12

Present your heart for discipline and your ears for words of knowledge. D’VARIM 6:4-5

Hear, O Yisrael: יהוה is the One and Only. You shall love יהוה ,is our Power יהוה

your Power, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your resources Conference Call # 1-857-216-6700 Code 65 69 36



The Shabbat is training us to live back in the Gan.


Shin Bet = Shuv=Return back to your original state of existenceשב

Shin Bet = 3+2=5 Hey=Universal Life

Bet Tav=House of Covenant=Hebrew word for Bath (Cleansing-Shabbat cleanses us)=בת

Bet Tav=2+4=6 Waw=Join two opposites




Sukkot is the last Chag of the year. It deals with completeness. It is the final destination.

The Gan-The Home of the Soul Part 3-continued TEHILLIM 23:12

Present your heart for discipline and your ears for words of knowledge. D’VARIM 6:4-5

Hear, O Yisrael: יהוה is the One and Only. You shall love יהוה ,is our Power יהוה

your Power, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your resources Conference Call # 1-857-216-6700 Code 65 69 36


Sukkot is also one of the moedim that deal with the sons of יהוה. It deals with building a dwelling

place. Every man has to learn that he has to build up his own home. The purpose of a man’s loins

is to procreate servants for יהוה.





Goshen: a district in Egypt, also a city in S. Judah

