Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences · Kahler manifolds 26 (a) Kahler geometry 26 (b) Calabi's problem and Kahler-Einstein metrics 27 (c) Another variational problem 31

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Page 1: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences · Kahler manifolds 26 (a) Kahler geometry 26 (b) Calabi's problem and Kahler-Einstein metrics 27 (c) Another variational problem 31
Page 2: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences · Kahler manifolds 26 (a) Kahler geometry 26 (b) Calabi's problem and Kahler-Einstein metrics 27 (c) Another variational problem 31

Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences REGIONAL CONFERENCE SERIES IN MA THEM A TICS

supported by the National Science Foundation

Number 57


by Jerry L. Kazdan

Published for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences

by the American Mathematical Society

Providence, Rhode Island


Page 3: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences · Kahler manifolds 26 (a) Kahler geometry 26 (b) Calabi's problem and Kahler-Einstein metrics 27 (c) Another variational problem 31

Expository Lecture s

from th e CBMS Regional Conferenc e

held a t th e Polytechni c Institut e o f Ne w York

January 6-10 , 198 4

Research supporte d i n par t b y Nationa l Scienc e Foundatio n Gran t MC S 82-01140.

1980 Mathematics Subject Classifications. Primar y 35Jxx , 53Cxx .

Library o f Congres s Cataloging in Publication Dat a

Kazdan, Jerry L. , 1937 -

Prescribing th e curvatur e o f a Riemannian manifold .

(Regional conferenc e serie s in mathematics; no. 57 )

"Expository lecture s fro m th e CBM S regional conferenc e hel d a t th e Polytechni c

Institute o f Ne w York, January 6-10 , 1984" —

Bibliography: p .

1. Riemannia n manifolds . 2 . Curvature. I . Conference Boar d of th e Mathematica l

Sciences. II . Title. III . Series.

QA1.R33 no . 57 [QA649 ] 510 s [516.3'62 ] 84-2827 4

ISBN 0-8218-0707-2 (alk . paper )

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Page 4: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences · Kahler manifolds 26 (a) Kahler geometry 26 (b) Calabi's problem and Kahler-Einstein metrics 27 (c) Another variational problem 31


Preface v

Notation vi i

I. Gaussia n Curvature 1

1. Surfaces i n R3 1 2. Prescribing the curvature form o n a surface 3 3. Prescribin g the Gaussian curvature on a surface 3

(a) Compact surface s 4 (b) Noncompact surface s 6

II. Scala r Curvature 9 1. Topological obstructions . . 9 2. Pointwise conformal deformation s an d th e Yamabe problem 1 1

(a) Mn compac t 1 2 (b) M" noncompac t 1 5

3. Prescribing scalar curvature 1 6 4. Cauchy-Riemann manifold s 1 7

III.Ricci Curvature . 1 9 1. Loca l solvability of Ric(g ) = R ij 2 0 2. Loca l smoothnes s of metrics 2 1 3. Global topologica l obstructions 2 1 4. Uniqueness , nonexistence 2 3 5. Einstein metrics on 3-manifolds 2 3 6. Kahler manifolds 2 6

(a) Kahler geometry 2 6 (b) Calabi's problem and Kahler-Einstei n metric s 2 7 (c) Another variationa l problem 3 1

IV. Boundary Value Problems 3 3 1. Surfaces with constant mean curvature and Rellich' s problem 3 3 2. Some other boundary value problems 3 6

(a) Graphs with prescribed mean curvature 3 6 (b) Graphs with prescribed Gauss curvature 3 8

3. The C 2 + a estimat e at the boundary 3 9

Some Open Problems 4 7

References 5 1


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These notes were the basis fo r a series of te n lectures given from Januar y 6-10 , 1984 a t Polytechni c Institut e o f Ne w Yor k unde r th e sponsorshi p o f th e Con -ference Boar d o f th e Mathematica l Science s an d th e Nationa l Scienc e Founda -tion. Th e lecture s wer e aime d a t mathematician s wh o knew eithe r som e differen -tial geometr y o r partia l differentia l equations , althoug h other s coul d hopefull y understand th e lectures.

Ostensibly, th e primar y proble m addresse d her e i s t o understan d th e variou s curvatures o n a Riemannia n manifold . Often thi s questio n ca n b e reduce d t o solving som e nonlinear partia l differentia l equations . But fro m th e viewpoin t o f a geometer, thes e question s ar e onl y portal s t o see k a deepe r understandin g o f Riemannian manifolds . On th e other hand , a n analys t may find th e geometry dul l and stil l be delighted with the nonlinear partia l differentia l equation s one is led t o understand. Th e questions are rich enough to serve as motivation fo r man y varie d tastes.

One goa l o f thes e lectures was to state what i s currently known an d no t know n about a variety of problems tha t involv e the curvature of a Riemannian manifold . My ow n inclinatio n wa s especially t o emphasize areas of curren t ignorance . Wit h this i n mind , a t th e end o f thes e notes I have collected a partial lis t o f som e ope n questions tha t ar e drawn fro m th e main body of the lectures.

Generally, I trie d t o giv e th e essentia l idea s behin d variou s proofs , an d hav e given references bu t certainly not detailed arguments . The only places where ther e are detaile d discussion s ar e wher e th e materia l i s eithe r difficul t t o extrac t fro m the literature , or where it has not bee n written down . This is especially true of th e last sectio n o f thes e notes, where I give Caffarelli's simplificatio n o f a n importan t recent estimat e o f Krylo v concernin g th e boundary regularit y fo r som e nonlinea r elliptic equations . While thi s material i s a bi t technical , i t appear s nowher e in th e literature an d ma y hel p spee d progres s i n resolvin g variou s boundar y valu e problems tha t aris e in geometry .

There i s a considerabl e overla p betwee n thes e note s an d a serie s o f lecture s I gave i n Japa n i n Jul y 1983 . Bu t thes e note s hav e a muc h greate r emphasi s o n geometric issues , whil e th e note s [K4 ] fro m th e lecture s i n Japa n gav e a mor e detailed an d elementar y expositio n o f th e idea s fro m partia l differentia l equa -tions. Becaus e of thos e earlier notes—which wer e distributed a t th e NSF/CBM S


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lectures—I wa s less inhibited abou t using ideas from differentia l equations . The books [Au4, GT], and the appendix to [Be2] may help fill this gap.

I wil l be pleased if these lectures make the problems and ideas discussed more accessible to nonexperts.

It is a pleasure to thank Craig Evans and Neil Trudinger for generously sharing their idea s on th e boundary regularit y in th e last section , and t o Lui s Caffarell i for the use of his contributions in that same section. I also benefited fro m Denni s DeTurck's many suggestions for improvements.

Many people helped make this conference enjoyable and rewarding to me. The main organizationa l detail s wer e superbl y execute d b y Edwar d Miller , Rober t Sibner, and especially Lesley Sibner. I am grateful to them.

Finally, I would like to thank Frank Warner for getting me interested in these problems fifteen year s ago.

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All manifolds ar e assumed to be smooth and connected. The notation we use is generally standard . C k+a, 0 < a < 1, is the space of function whos e /cth deriva-tives satisfy a Holder condition with exponent a, C" is the space of rea l analytic functions, an d th e Sobole v spac e HQ(SI) i s the completio n o f smoot h function s with compac t suppor t i n fl i n th e nor m (/a|Vw| 2)1/2. Ou r Laplacian , A , o n real-valued function s ha s the sign so that Aw = +u" o n R 1. The Ricci curvature of th e standard uni t spher e S" with metric g in R n+1 i s (n - l)g , an d it s scalar curvature i s n(n — 1) . If a is a one-form o n a Riemannian manifold , the n a* i s the dua l vecto r field . I n classica l tenso r notatio n w e use a semicolon t o denot e covariant differentiation. u„ is the volume of the unit sphere S" in R" +1.


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curvature - i . Whic h function s K(x) ar e Gaussian (o r scalar ) curvature function s of complet e pointvvis e conformal metrics ? This involves solving

A// = - 1 - A'(.v)* 2" o n H\

zAL'L_ZilA„ + S o u - S ( x ) u ( " ' 2)/{" 2) o n H\ n : > 3,

where S {) = ~n(n - 1 ) i s th e scala r curvatur e o f //" . Ne w phenomen a ar e expected sinc e o n H" on e ca n uniquel y solv e th e Dirichle t proble m fo r A w = 0 with continuou s boundar y values , wherea s o n R " th e onl y bounde d harmoni c functions ar e constants. Blan d an d Kalk a [BK] have some results . See also [AvM].

One shoul d als o conside r related boundar y valu e problem s o n compac t mani -folds wit h boundary . Cherrie r [Ch] has some results.

5. Recentl y ther e have been some result s (by Oliker , and Treiberg s and Wei ) on graphs ove r S 2 wit h prescribe d Gaussia n o r mea n curvature . Th e nex t simples t case ma y b e graph s ove r th e torus . T 1 *- > R\ bu t ther e ar e man y ope n question s here.

6. Harmoni c spinor s an d th e Dira c operato r hav e bee n importan t i n findin g topological obstruction s t o compac t (o r complete ) manifold s havin g metric s wit h positive scala r curvatur e (se e [GL1-GL3]) . I s ther e som e wa y t o us e harmoni c spinors t o construct metric s wit h positiv e scala r curvature ? Ther e i s a simila r question concernin g harmonic 1-form s and positiv e Ricc i curvature .

7. Doe s ever y noncompac t manifol d hav e a complet e metri c wit h constan t negative scala r curvature? This is known t o be true fo r compact manifolds .

8. Solv e th e analogu e o f th e Yamab e proble m fo r complet e noncompac t manifolds, a s well as some version on compact manifold s wit h boundary .

9. Doe s ever y compac t M'\ n ^ 3 , admi t a metri c wit h negativ e Ricc i curva -ture? Ga o an d Ya u hav e announce d tha t ther e i s alway s a negativ e Ricc i curvature metri c o n an y compac t M 3. Wha t abou t th e analogou s questio n fo r n > 4 and fo r complet e metrics on noncompac t A/" ?

10. The only know n obstruction s t o Einstei n metric s on compac t manifold s M n

are whe n n < 4 . Ar e ther e an y i n highe r dimensions ? On e expect s th e answe r i s "yes".

11. Whic h symmetri c tensor s R l} ar e locall y th e Ricc i tenso r o f a metric ? DeTurck [D2 ] prove d tha t R lf i s locall y a Ricc i tenso r i f R lf i s invertible , bu t found som e obstruction s i f R {/ i s no t invertible . Th e natura l gues s i s tha t R t/ i s locally a Ricc i tenso r i f ther e i s some metri c g so tha t th e second Bianch i identit y is satisfied locally . This is unresolved eve n i n the real analytic case.

12. I f a compac t M" ha s a metri c wit h positiv e Ricc i curvature , ca n i t b e deformed t o an Einstei n metri c with positiv e Ricci curvature? Hamilton' s theore m [Hal] shows thi s i s true if n = 3 .


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13. I f a compac t M 3 satisfie s th e assumption s o f th e Poincar e conjecture , doe s it admi t a metric with positive Ricci curvature? I f so , then b y Hamilton' s theore m [Hal] the Poincare conjecture i s resolved .

14. Whic h compac t Kahle r manifold s wit h th e Cher n clas s c x > 0 hav e Ein -stein-Kahler metrics ? I s Futaki' s obstructio n [Fl ] th e onl y one ? Thi s i s closel y related t o problem 3 above.

15. Calab i ha s aske d when , o n a compac t Kahle r manifol d m wit h metri c g 0, there i s always a cohomologous metri c g = g () 4 - </>_ minimizing th e squar e o f th e scalar curvatur e J(g) = / S 2(g) dV. Fo r example , i f c\(M) > 0 an d doe s not admit a Kahler-Einstei n metric , the n suc h a metri c minimizin g J i s a candidat e for a "nice " metri c o n M. Levin e [Le ] ha s example s wher e n o minimu m exists . When does the minimum exist ?

16. Minima l surface s hav e recentl y show n thei r valu e a s a n analogu e o f geodesies i n provin g result s i n geometry . I s ther e a fruitfu l generalizatio n o f suc h ideas a s "geodesi c flow" , "compariso n theorems" , o r th e "cu t locus " t o minima l surfaces?

17. B y considering th e Dirac operator o n auxiliar y vecto r bundle s over compac t manifolds, Gromo v an d Lawso n [GL1 ] extende d Lichnerowicz' s positiv e scala r curvature obstruction s t o a muc h large r clas s o f manifolds . Ca n on e als o us e harmonic 1-form s o n auxiliar y vecto r bundle s t o exten d Bochner' s classica l obstructions t o positive Ricc i curvature ?

18. (a ) I n th e recen t wor k o f Brezi s and Coro n [BC ] on th e Rellic h proble m o n surfaces wit h constan t mea n curvature , they onl y conside r map s fro m th e uni t disc. Wha t ca n on e sa y i f on e seek s surface s o f othe r topologica l typ e an d removes th e assumption tha t th e mean curvature i s a constant?

(b) Ther e ar e tw o spherica l cap s i n R 3 tha t spa n a circl e an d hav e constan t mean curvatur e H < 1 . Thes e ar e th e tw o obviou s solution s o f th e Rellic h problem. Ar e these the only solutions ?

19. Minima l graph s oi codimensio n on e are fairl y wel l understood . Lawso n an d Osserman [LO ] hav e foun d tha t fo r highe r codimensio n ne w phenomen a aris e concerning th e homotop y clas s o f th e boundar y values . On e shoul d understan d this muc h better . Surel y thes e same issues arise fo r th e Dirichle t proble m fo r mor e general quasilinea r ellipti c systems, but nothin g i s known.


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