Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles Lana Sheridan De Anza College July 12, 2015

Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

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Page 1: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Conceptual PhysicsGravity


Lana Sheridan

De Anza College

July 12, 2015

Page 2: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Last time

• rotational motion

• centripetal force vs. centrifugal “force”

• torque

• moment of inertia

Page 3: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles


• one last implication of momentum conservation

• Gravity!

• gravitational field

• black holes

• projectile motion

Page 4: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Conservation of Angular Momentum

The conservation of angular momentum also makes tops andgyroscopes stable when rotating.

1From http://www.livescience.com/33614-the-cool-physics-of-7-toys.html

Page 5: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Motion of the stars, planets, and falling apples

Part of Newton’s genius was to realize that the same force thatdictates the motion of the stars and planets is what holds us onthe Earth.

This realization is called the Newtonian synthesis.

The planets are also falling, but they are constantly falling aroundthe Sun.

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Law of Gravitation

Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation states that any two massiveobject in the universe interact with each other according to thesame rule.

They attract each other with a force that depends on the twomasses and the distance between their centers:

Force ∼ mass1×mass2distance×distance

As an equation:

F = Gm1m2


(where G is a constant.)

(In the book, distance r is written with the symbol d instead.)

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The Universal Gravitational Constant, G

F = Gm1m2


G sets the scale of the force due to gravity (and makes the unitscome out correctly).

G = 6.67× 10−11N m2/kg2

This could also be written:

G = 0.0000000000667N m2/kg2

so it is quite a small number.

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The Universal Gravitational Constant, G

F = Gm1m2


G sets the scale of the force due to gravity (and makes the unitscome out correctly).

G = 6.67× 10−11N m2/kg2

This could also be written:

G = 0.0000000000667N m2/kg2

so it is quite a small number.

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The Universal Gravitational Constant, G

The fact that G is so small indicates that gravity is a weak force.

Force ∼ Rel. strength Range (m) Attract/Repel

Gravitational 10−38 ∞ attractiveElectromagnetic 10−2 ∞ attr. & rep.Weak Nuclear 10−13 < 10−18 attr. & rep.Strong Nuclear 1 < 10−15 attr. & rep.

Despite the fact that gravity is a weak force, it is the only one that(typically) matters on large scales.

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The Universal Gravitational Constant, G

The fact that G is so small indicates that gravity is a weak force.

Force ∼ Rel. strength Range (m) Attract/Repel

Gravitational 10−38 ∞ attractiveElectromagnetic 10−2 ∞ attr. & rep.Weak Nuclear 10−13 < 10−18 attr. & rep.Strong Nuclear 1 < 10−15 attr. & rep.

Despite the fact that gravity is a weak force, it is the only one that(typically) matters on large scales.

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Measurement of G

G was first measured by Henry Cavendish using a torsion balance.

1Diagram from Wikipedia by Chris Burks.

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Mass of the Earth

Determining G allowed for a the mass of the Earth ME to becalculated.

The weight of an object is the force on the object due to gravity,when the distance is the radius of the Earth.

F = GmME

r2= mg



= g

ME =gR2



ME = 6× 1024 kg

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Mass of the Earth

ME = 6× 1024 kg

This is a very large number!

And yet, despite the fact that the force on you from the Earthdepends on:

F ∼ your mass × the mass of the Earth

you still have the strength to jump off the surface!

So G must be very small, and the force of gravity very weak.

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Value of g

mg = GmME


g = GME


g takes the value 9.8 m s−2 at the Earth’s surface, but it can varywith height: as r increases, g decreases.

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Variation of g

1Figure from www.physbot.co.uk

Centerof theEarth

Surfaceof theEarth

Outsideof theEarth

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A field is any kind of physical quantity that has values specified atevery point in space and time.

Fields were first introduced as a calculation tool. A force-field canbe used to identify the force a particular particle will feel at acertain point in space and time based on the other objects in itsenvironment that it will interact with.

Fields are drawn with lines showing the direction of force that aparticle will feel at that point. The density of the lines at thatpoint in the diagram indicates the approximate magnitude of theforce at that point.

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A field is any kind of physical quantity that has values specified atevery point in space and time.

Fields were first introduced as a calculation tool. A force-field canbe used to identify the force a particular particle will feel at acertain point in space and time based on the other objects in itsenvironment that it will interact with.

Fields are drawn with lines showing the direction of force that aparticle will feel at that point. The density of the lines at thatpoint in the diagram indicates the approximate magnitude of theforce at that point.

Page 18: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Gravitational Field

The gravitational field is a force-field.

Gravity attracts two masses even though they are far apart.

A large mass can be thought of as altering the space around it.

Another mass feels a force because of the distortion to the spacewhere it is located.

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Gravitational Field

The gravitational field caused by the Sun-Earth system lookssomething like:

1Figure from http://www.launc.tased.edu.au

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What about the Gravitational Field inside the Earth?

At the very center of the Earth, the Earth’s mass is distributed allaround equally in each direction.

At that point, you would be equally attracted in all directions.

The net force on you is zero, and the acceleration due to gravitywould also be zero.

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What about the Gravitational Field inside the Earth?

1Figure from www.physbot.co.uk

Centerof theEarth

Surfaceof theEarth

Outsideof theEarth

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Form of Newton’s Law of Gravitation

F = Gm1m2


This kind of law is called an inverse square law.

1Figure from Wikipedia.

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The Sensation of Weight

The feeling of your weight comes from the normal force thatsurfaces exert on you.

This is also the force that a scale measures by compressing aninternal spring.

In situations where the normal force on you changes you feel“lighter” or “heavier”

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a = 0

Elevator is at rest or moving withconstant velocity. You feel the sameas you normally do. Your weight andnormal force are both of magnitudemg .

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a = +a j (a is a positive number)

Elevator could be moving upwardincreasing speed or downwarddecreasing speed. You feel as if yourweight has increased.

Your weight is −mg j, but thenormal force is n = m(g + a) j.

The normal force is increased!

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a = −a j (a is a positive number)

Elevator could be moving upwardand slowing down or movingdownward increasing speed. You feelas if your weight has decreased.

Your weight is −mg j, but thenormal force is n = m(g − a) j.

The normal force is decreased!

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Elevator in Free Fall

a = −g j (g = 9.8 m s−2)

The elevator cable is cut and theelevator falls freely.

You feel weightless! Your weight is−mg j, but the normal force isn = 0.

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Astronauts aboard the ISS experience weightlessness (or“microgravity”).

The value of g is a bit less (g ′ = 8.7 m s−2) at the height of theISS’s orbit, 410 km above the Earth’s surface.

The astronauts still have a force due to gravity on them of mg ′

(their weight), but they are freely falling together with the ISSaround the Earth!

This is the same as being in the falling elevator. There is nonormal force on them (unless they push off a wall), so they candrift about the inside of the ISS.

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Astronauts aboard the ISS experience weightlessness (or“microgravity”).

The value of g is a bit less (g ′ = 8.7 m s−2) at the height of theISS’s orbit, 410 km above the Earth’s surface.

The astronauts still have a force due to gravity on them of mg ′

(their weight), but they are freely falling together with the ISSaround the Earth!

This is the same as being in the falling elevator. There is nonormal force on them (unless they push off a wall), so they candrift about the inside of the ISS.

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Other effects of gravity: Waves

Waves in the ocean are the result of displacement of water.

The force of gravity restores the denser fluid to a lower positionbut the kinetic energy involved (and also wind) causes thesedisturbances to propagate.

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Other effects of gravity: Tides

The height of the ocean at a particular point changes with thetime of the day.

In a single day there are two high tides and two low tides.

High tides occur when the Moon is overhead, or on the oppositeside of the Earth.

The Moon’s mass attracts the water of the oceans which poolbeneath the Moon. The Earth is also attracted to the Moon, andbeing nearer, is more strongly accelerated than the water on thefar side.

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1Diagram from Wikipedia.

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Stronger and weaker tides

Strong tides called spring tides occur when the Sun is also alignedon the Earth-Moon axis.

Weaker than usual tides called neap tides occur when the Sun isperpendicular to the Earth-Moon axis and partially cancels out theMoon’s effect.

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While we tend to notice ocean tides, there are also tidal forces onthe Earth’s crust causing land to rise and fall with the Moon’sorbit also, albeit to a lesser degree.

The atmosphere also experiences tides, but this is most noticeablein the upper atmosphere.

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Moon tides

The Earth’s force on the Moon also deforms the Moon causing itto be not-quite spherical.

Since the Earth’s gravitational field is not uniform across theMoon, the Moon’s center of gravity is not in the same place as itscenter of mass: the Earth exerts a torque on the Moon if theMoon’s long axis is not aligned with the Earth.

This is called tidal locking and is the reason that the same side ofthe Moon always faces the Earth.

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Einstein’s General Relativity and Gravity

According to relativity, space and time are not really separate butshould be thought of together as spacetime.

General relativity predicts that gravitational fields warp spacetime.

1Image by NASA, http://www.nasa.gov/mission pages/gpb/gpb 012.html

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Einstein’s General Relativity and Gravity

Light follows paths of least time from one point to another.

However, if spacetime is curved, these paths do not appear to usto be straight lines.


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Non-Euclidean Geometry

Fight paths in the northern hemisphere seem to curve very farnorthward when viewed with a flat projection of Earth:

Yet on a sphere, these paths are close to the shortest path betweenthe two points.

1Globe map from http://web.mit.edu/dsheehan/www/MapsAPIexamples

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Non-Euclidean Geometry

Fight paths in the northern hemisphere seem to curve very farnorthward when viewed with a flat projection of Earth:

Yet on a sphere, these paths are close to the shortest path betweenthe two points.

1Globe map from http://web.mit.edu/dsheehan/www/MapsAPIexamples

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Visible effects of curved spacetime

1Image from ESA / Hubble & NASA,http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/1112/lensshoe hubble 3235.jpg

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Visible effects of curved spacetimeAn Einstein cross: the same object imaged in four places.

1Image from NASA, ESA, and STScI,http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/1990/20/image/a/

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Black holes

1Image by Ute Kraus, Physics education group Kraus, UniversitatHildesheim, Space Time Travel

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Black holesStars are hot and bright because of continuous nuclear fusionreactions.

When a star’s fuel runs out, the fusion ends and the gas making upthe star begin to rapidly cool and collapse under the force ofgravity.

Stars with masses greater than about 1.5 times the mass of theSun can collapse so strongly that the repulsion of electrons cannotkeep atoms separate: they collapse together to form neutronstars.

Stars with masses greater than about 3 times the mass of the Sunexperience even more gravitational force and can collapse evenfurther. These form black holes. Nothing that falls in can comeback out.

Supermassive black holes are found at the centers of galaxies.These are millions of times the mass of our sun.

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Black holesStars are hot and bright because of continuous nuclear fusionreactions.

When a star’s fuel runs out, the fusion ends and the gas making upthe star begin to rapidly cool and collapse under the force ofgravity.

Stars with masses greater than about 1.5 times the mass of theSun can collapse so strongly that the repulsion of electrons cannotkeep atoms separate: they collapse together to form neutronstars.

Stars with masses greater than about 3 times the mass of the Sunexperience even more gravitational force and can collapse evenfurther. These form black holes. Nothing that falls in can comeback out.

Supermassive black holes are found at the centers of galaxies.These are millions of times the mass of our sun.

Page 45: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Black holesStars are hot and bright because of continuous nuclear fusionreactions.

When a star’s fuel runs out, the fusion ends and the gas making upthe star begin to rapidly cool and collapse under the force ofgravity.

Stars with masses greater than about 1.5 times the mass of theSun can collapse so strongly that the repulsion of electrons cannotkeep atoms separate: they collapse together to form neutronstars.

Stars with masses greater than about 3 times the mass of the Sunexperience even more gravitational force and can collapse evenfurther. These form black holes. Nothing that falls in can comeback out.

Supermassive black holes are found at the centers of galaxies.These are millions of times the mass of our sun.

Page 46: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Motion in 2 directions

Imagine an air hockey puck moving with horizontally constantvelocity:

4.2 Two-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration 81

dimensional) motion. Second, the direction of the velocity vector may change with time even if its magnitude (speed) remains constant as in two-dimensional motion along a curved path. Finally, both the magnitude and the direction of the velocity vector may change simultaneously.

Q uick Quiz 4.1 Consider the following controls in an automobile in motion: gas pedal, brake, steering wheel. What are the controls in this list that cause an acceleration of the car? (a) all three controls (b) the gas pedal and the brake (c) only the brake (d) only the gas pedal (e) only the steering wheel

4.2 Two-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration

In Section 2.5, we investigated one-dimensional motion of a particle under con-stant acceleration and developed the particle under constant acceleration model. Let us now consider two-dimensional motion during which the acceleration of a particle remains constant in both magnitude and direction. As we shall see, this approach is useful for analyzing some common types of motion. Before embarking on this investigation, we need to emphasize an important point regarding two-dimensional motion. Imagine an air hockey puck moving in a straight line along a perfectly level, friction-free surface of an air hockey table. Figure 4.4a shows a motion diagram from an overhead point of view of this puck. Recall that in Section 2.4 we related the acceleration of an object to a force on the object. Because there are no forces on the puck in the horizontal plane, it moves with constant velocity in the x direction. Now suppose you blow a puff of air on the puck as it passes your position, with the force from your puff of air exactly in the y direction. Because the force from this puff of air has no component in the x direction, it causes no acceleration in the x direction. It only causes a momentary acceleration in the y direction, causing the puck to have a constant y component of velocity once the force from the puff of air is removed. After your puff of air on the puck, its velocity component in the x direction is unchanged as shown in Figure 4.4b. The generalization of this simple experiment is that motion in two dimen-sions can be modeled as two independent motions in each of the two perpendicular directions associated with the x and y axes. That is, any influence in the y direc-tion does not affect the motion in the x direction and vice versa. The position vector for a particle moving in the xy plane can be written

rS 5 x i 1 y j (4.6)

where x, y, and rS change with time as the particle moves while the unit vectors i and j remain constant. If the position vector is known, the velocity of the particle can be obtained from Equations 4.3 and 4.6, which give

vS 5d rS



i 1dydt

j 5 vx i 1 vy j (4.7)

The horizontal red vectors, representing the x component of the velocity, are the same length in both parts of the figure, which demonstrates that motion in two dimensions can be modeled as two independent motions in perpendicular directions.







Figure 4.4 (a) A puck moves across a horizontal air hockey table at constant velocity in the x direction. (b) After a puff of air in the y direction is applied to the puck, the puck has gained a y com-ponent of velocity, but the x com-ponent is unaffected by the force in the perpendicular direction.

If it experiences a momentary upward (in the diagram)acceleration, it will have a component of velocity upwards. Thehorizontal motion remains unchanged!

1Figure from Serway & Jewett, 9th ed.

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Motion in 2 directions

Motion in perpendicular directions can be analyzed separately.

5 Projectile Motion

A ball’s velocity can be resolved into horizontal and vertical components.

5.3 Components of Vectors

A vertical force (gravity) doesnot affect horizontal motion.

The horizontal component ofvelocity is constant.

1Drawing by Hewitt, via Pearson.

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Any object that is thrown. We will use this word specifically torefer to thrown objects that experience a vertical acceleration g .

For projectile motion, we assume air resistance is negligible. Thisgives symmetrical parabolic trajectories.

Why do we care?

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Any object that is thrown. We will use this word specifically torefer to thrown objects that experience a vertical acceleration g .

For projectile motion, we assume air resistance is negligible. Thisgives symmetrical parabolic trajectories.

Why do we care?

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Any object that is thrown. We will use this word specifically torefer to thrown objects that experience a vertical acceleration g .

For projectile motion, we assume air resistance is negligible. Thisgives symmetrical parabolic trajectories.

Why do we care?

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Any object that is thrown. We will use this word specifically torefer to thrown objects that experience a vertical acceleration g .

For projectile motion, we assume air resistance is negligible. Thisgives symmetrical parabolic trajectories.

Why do we care?

Page 52: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Projectile Velocity 4.3 Projectile Motion 85

Figure 4.7 The parabolic path of a projectile that leaves the ori-gin with a velocity vSi . The velocity vector vS changes with time in both magnitude and direction. This change is the result of accel-eration aS 5 gS in the negative y direction.






t212 gS



Figure 4.8 The position vector rSf of a projectile launched from the origin whose initial velocity at the origin is vSi . The vector vSit would be the displacement of the projectile if gravity were absent, and the vector 12 gSt 2 is its vertical displacement from a straight-line path due to its downward gravita-tional acceleration.






vy ! 0







Figure 4.9 A projectile launched over a flat surface from the origin at ti 5 0 with an initial velocity vSi . The maximum height of the projectile is h, and the horizontal range is R. At !, the peak of the trajectory, the particle has coordi-nates (R/2, h).

In Section 4.2, we stated that two-dimensional motion with constant accelera-tion can be analyzed as a combination of two independent motions in the x and y directions, with accelerations ax and ay. Projectile motion can also be handled in this way, with acceleration ax 5 0 in the x direction and a constant acceleration ay 5 2g in the y direction. Therefore, when solving projectile motion problems, use two analysis models: (1) the particle under constant velocity in the horizontal direction (Eq. 2.7):

xf 5 xi 1 vxit

and (2) the particle under constant acceleration in the vertical direction (Eqs. 2.13–2.17 with x changed to y and ay = –g):

vyf 5 vyi 2 gt

vy,avg 5vyi 1 vyf


yf 5 yi 1 12 1vyi 1 vyf 2 t

yf 5 yi 1 vyit 2 12gt 2

vyf2 5 vyi

2 2 2g 1 yf 2 yi 2

The horizontal and vertical components of a projectile’s motion are completely independent of each other and can be handled separately, with time t as the com-mon variable for both components.

Q uick Quiz 4.2 (i) As a projectile thrown upward moves in its parabolic path (such as in Fig. 4.8), at what point along its path are the velocity and accelera-tion vectors for the projectile perpendicular to each other? (a) nowhere (b) the highest point (c) the launch point (ii) From the same choices, at what point are the velocity and acceleration vectors for the projectile parallel to each other?

Horizontal Range and Maximum Height of a ProjectileBefore embarking on some examples, let us consider a special case of projectile motion that occurs often. Assume a projectile is launched from the origin at ti 5 0 with a positive vyi component as shown in Figure 4.9 and returns to the same hori-zontal level. This situation is common in sports, where baseballs, footballs, and golf balls often land at the same level from which they were launched. Two points in this motion are especially interesting to analyze: the peak point !, which has Cartesian coordinates (R/2, h), and the point ", which has coordinates (R , 0). The distance R is called the horizontal range of the projectile, and the distance h is its maximum height. Let us find h and R mathematically in terms of vi, ui, and g.




vy ! 0













The y component of velocity is zero at the peak of the path.

The x component of velocity remains constant because there is no acceleration in the x direction.


The projectile is launched with initial velocity vi.








# $





1Figure from Serway & Jewett, 9th ed.

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Projectile Velocity 4.3 Projectile Motion 85

Figure 4.7 The parabolic path of a projectile that leaves the ori-gin with a velocity vSi . The velocity vector vS changes with time in both magnitude and direction. This change is the result of accel-eration aS 5 gS in the negative y direction.






t212 gS



Figure 4.8 The position vector rSf of a projectile launched from the origin whose initial velocity at the origin is vSi . The vector vSit would be the displacement of the projectile if gravity were absent, and the vector 12 gSt 2 is its vertical displacement from a straight-line path due to its downward gravita-tional acceleration.






vy ! 0







Figure 4.9 A projectile launched over a flat surface from the origin at ti 5 0 with an initial velocity vSi . The maximum height of the projectile is h, and the horizontal range is R. At !, the peak of the trajectory, the particle has coordi-nates (R/2, h).

In Section 4.2, we stated that two-dimensional motion with constant accelera-tion can be analyzed as a combination of two independent motions in the x and y directions, with accelerations ax and ay. Projectile motion can also be handled in this way, with acceleration ax 5 0 in the x direction and a constant acceleration ay 5 2g in the y direction. Therefore, when solving projectile motion problems, use two analysis models: (1) the particle under constant velocity in the horizontal direction (Eq. 2.7):

xf 5 xi 1 vxit

and (2) the particle under constant acceleration in the vertical direction (Eqs. 2.13–2.17 with x changed to y and ay = –g):

vyf 5 vyi 2 gt

vy,avg 5vyi 1 vyf


yf 5 yi 1 12 1vyi 1 vyf 2 t

yf 5 yi 1 vyit 2 12gt 2

vyf2 5 vyi

2 2 2g 1 yf 2 yi 2

The horizontal and vertical components of a projectile’s motion are completely independent of each other and can be handled separately, with time t as the com-mon variable for both components.

Q uick Quiz 4.2 (i) As a projectile thrown upward moves in its parabolic path (such as in Fig. 4.8), at what point along its path are the velocity and accelera-tion vectors for the projectile perpendicular to each other? (a) nowhere (b) the highest point (c) the launch point (ii) From the same choices, at what point are the velocity and acceleration vectors for the projectile parallel to each other?

Horizontal Range and Maximum Height of a ProjectileBefore embarking on some examples, let us consider a special case of projectile motion that occurs often. Assume a projectile is launched from the origin at ti 5 0 with a positive vyi component as shown in Figure 4.9 and returns to the same hori-zontal level. This situation is common in sports, where baseballs, footballs, and golf balls often land at the same level from which they were launched. Two points in this motion are especially interesting to analyze: the peak point !, which has Cartesian coordinates (R/2, h), and the point ", which has coordinates (R , 0). The distance R is called the horizontal range of the projectile, and the distance h is its maximum height. Let us find h and R mathematically in terms of vi, ui, and g.




vy ! 0













The y component of velocity is zero at the peak of the path.

The x component of velocity remains constant because there is no acceleration in the x direction.


The projectile is launched with initial velocity vi.








# $





1Figure from Serway & Jewett, 9th ed.

← But the yaccelerationis not zero!

Page 54: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Motion of projectiles

We already considered the motion of objects dropped from rest attime t = 0, allowed to fall freely. (Calling down positive.)

Velocity of the object at time t:

v = vi + gt

Distance the object falls in time t:

d =1


Page 55: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Acceleration due to gravity and kinematics

Let’s think about the components of the motion separately.

5 Projectile Motion

A ball’s velocity can be resolved into horizontal and vertical components.

5.3 Components of Vectors

Vertical (y -direction):

vy = vi ,y − gt

dy = vi ,y t −1


Horizontal (x-direction):

ax = 0 , vx = vi ,x

dx = vi ,x t

1Drawing by Hewitt, via Pearson.

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Projectile’s Trajectory

4.3 Projectile Motion 85

Figure 4.7 The parabolic path of a projectile that leaves the ori-gin with a velocity vSi . The velocity vector vS changes with time in both magnitude and direction. This change is the result of accel-eration aS 5 gS in the negative y direction.






t212 gS



Figure 4.8 The position vector rSf of a projectile launched from the origin whose initial velocity at the origin is vSi . The vector vSit would be the displacement of the projectile if gravity were absent, and the vector 12 gSt 2 is its vertical displacement from a straight-line path due to its downward gravita-tional acceleration.






vy ! 0







Figure 4.9 A projectile launched over a flat surface from the origin at ti 5 0 with an initial velocity vSi . The maximum height of the projectile is h, and the horizontal range is R. At !, the peak of the trajectory, the particle has coordi-nates (R/2, h).

In Section 4.2, we stated that two-dimensional motion with constant accelera-tion can be analyzed as a combination of two independent motions in the x and y directions, with accelerations ax and ay. Projectile motion can also be handled in this way, with acceleration ax 5 0 in the x direction and a constant acceleration ay 5 2g in the y direction. Therefore, when solving projectile motion problems, use two analysis models: (1) the particle under constant velocity in the horizontal direction (Eq. 2.7):

xf 5 xi 1 vxit

and (2) the particle under constant acceleration in the vertical direction (Eqs. 2.13–2.17 with x changed to y and ay = –g):

vyf 5 vyi 2 gt

vy,avg 5vyi 1 vyf


yf 5 yi 1 12 1vyi 1 vyf 2 t

yf 5 yi 1 vyit 2 12gt 2

vyf2 5 vyi

2 2 2g 1 yf 2 yi 2

The horizontal and vertical components of a projectile’s motion are completely independent of each other and can be handled separately, with time t as the com-mon variable for both components.

Q uick Quiz 4.2 (i) As a projectile thrown upward moves in its parabolic path (such as in Fig. 4.8), at what point along its path are the velocity and accelera-tion vectors for the projectile perpendicular to each other? (a) nowhere (b) the highest point (c) the launch point (ii) From the same choices, at what point are the velocity and acceleration vectors for the projectile parallel to each other?

Horizontal Range and Maximum Height of a ProjectileBefore embarking on some examples, let us consider a special case of projectile motion that occurs often. Assume a projectile is launched from the origin at ti 5 0 with a positive vyi component as shown in Figure 4.9 and returns to the same hori-zontal level. This situation is common in sports, where baseballs, footballs, and golf balls often land at the same level from which they were launched. Two points in this motion are especially interesting to analyze: the peak point !, which has Cartesian coordinates (R/2, h), and the point ", which has coordinates (R , 0). The distance R is called the horizontal range of the projectile, and the distance h is its maximum height. Let us find h and R mathematically in terms of vi, ui, and g.




vy ! 0













The y component of velocity is zero at the peak of the path.

The x component of velocity remains constant because there is no acceleration in the x direction.


The projectile is launched with initial velocity vi.








# $





The object would move in a straight line, but the force of gravitycauses it to fall as it moves to the right.

1Figure from Serway & Jewett, 9th ed.

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Motion in 2 Dimensions

A method of testing that the vectors add as asserted!

88 Chapter 4 Motion in Two Dimensions

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The velocity of the projectile (red arrows) changes in direction and magnitude, but its acceleration (purple arrows) remains constant.



Line of sight



Point ofcollisionGun 0 ui

x T tan ui gt2

y T

x T



Figure 4.12 (Example 4.3) (a) Multiflash photograph of the projectile–target demonstration. If the gun is aimed directly at the target and is fired at the same instant the target begins to fall, the projectile will hit the target. (b) Schematic diagram of the projectile–target demonstration.

Example 4.3 A Bull’s-Eye Every Time

In a popular lecture demonstration, a projectile is fired at a target in such a way that the projectile leaves the gun at the same time the target is dropped from rest. Show that if the gun is initially aimed at the stationary target, the pro-jectile hits the falling target as shown in Figure 4.12a.

Conceptualize We conceptualize the problem by studying Figure 4.12a. Notice that the problem does not ask for numerical values. The expected result must involve an algebraic argument.



Write an expression for the y coordinate of the target at any moment after release, noting that its initial velocity is zero:

(1) yT 5 yi T 1 10 2 t 2 12gt 2 5 x T tan ui 2 1

2gt 2

Write an expression for the y coordinate of the projectile at any moment:

(2) yP 5 yi P 1 vyi Pt 2 12gt 2 5 0 1 1vi P sin ui 2 t 2 1

2gt 2 5 1vi P sin ui 2 t 2 12gt 2

Write an expression for the x coordinate of the projectile at any moment:

xP 5 xiP 1 vxi Pt 5 0 1 1vi P cos ui 2 t 5 1viP cos ui 2 t Solve this expression for time as a function of the horizontal position of the projectile:

t 5xP

vi P cos ui

Substitute this expression into Equation (2): (3) yP 5 1viP sin ui 2 a xP

viP cos uib 2 1

2gt 2 5 xP tan ui 2 12gt 2

Finalize Compare Equations (1) and (3). We see that when the x coordinates of the projectile and target are the same—that is, when xT 5 xP—their y coordinates given by Equations (1) and (3) are the same and a collision results.

Categorize Because both objects are subject only to gravity, we categorize this problem as one involving two objects in free fall, the target moving in one dimension and the projectile moving in two. The target T is modeled as a particle under constant acceleration in one dimension. The projectile P is modeled as a particle under constant acceleration in the y direction and a particle under constant velocity in the x direction.

Analyze Figure 4.12b shows that the initial y coordinate yi T of the target is xT tan ui and its initial velocity is zero. It falls with acceleration ay 5 2g.

1Figure from Serway & Jewett, 9th ed.

Page 58: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Example Problem

Suppose the pellet-gun on the previous slide can fire the pelletwith an extremely high velocity.

(a) How many meters below the line of sight would the pellet beafter 5 seconds?

(b) If the horizontal component of the pellet’s velocity is 20 m/s,how far downrange is the pellet after those 5 seconds?

(Hint: we can consider each component of the velocity separately.)

0See Hewitt, page 175.

Page 59: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Example Problem

Suppose the pellet-gun on the previous slide can fire the pelletwith an extremely high velocity.

(a) How many meters below the line of sight would the pellet beafter 5 seconds?

(b) If the horizontal component of the pellet’s velocity is 20 m/s,how far downrange is the pellet after those 5 seconds?

(Hint: we can consider each component of the velocity separately.)

0See Hewitt, page 175.

Page 60: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Another example, problem 1, page 192

A ball is thrown horizontally from a cliff at a speed of 10 m/s.What will its speed be (roughly) after 1s?

0See Hewitt, page 192.

Page 61: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Last one, # 4, page 192

A steel ball is fired horizontally at 8.0 m/s from from a 1.0 m-hightable top.

Show that a 20 cm tall coffee can placed on the floor 3.2 m fromthe base of the table will catch the ball.

for a falling object

d =1


Page 62: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Last one, # 4, page 192

A steel ball is fired horizontally at 8.0 m/s from from a 1.0 m-hightable top.

Show that a 20 cm tall coffee can placed on the floor 3.2 m fromthe base of the table will catch the ball.

for a falling object

d =1


Page 63: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Effect of changing launch angle

86 Chapter 4 Motion in Two Dimensions

We can determine h by noting that at the peak vy! 5 0. Therefore, from the particle under constant acceleration model, we can use the y direction version of Equation 2.13 to determine the time t! at which the projectile reaches the peak:

vyf 5 vyi 2 gt S 0 5 vi sin ui 2 gt !

t ! 5vi sin ui


Substituting this expression for t! into the y direction version of Equation 2.16 and replacing yf 5 y! with h, we obtain an expression for h in terms of the magni-tude and direction of the initial velocity vector:

yf 5 yi 1 vyit 2 12gt 2 S h 5 1vi sin ui 2 vi sin ui

g 2 12g avi sin ui

g b2

h 5vi

2 sin2 ui

2g (4.12)

The range R is the horizontal position of the projectile at a time that is twice the time at which it reaches its peak, that is, at time t" 5 2t!. Using the particle under constant velocity model, noting that vxi 5 vx" 5 vi cos ui, and setting x" 5 R at t 5 2t!, we find that

xf 5 xi 1 vxit S R 5 vxit " 5 1vi cos ui 22t !

5 1vi cos ui 2 2vi sin ui

g 52vi

2 sin ui cos ui


Using the identity sin 2u 5 2 sin u cos u (see Appendix B.4), we can write R in the more compact form

R 5vi

2 sin 2ui

g (4.13)

The maximum value of R from Equation 4.13 is Rmax 5 vi2/g . This result makes

sense because the maximum value of sin 2ui is 1, which occurs when 2ui 5 90°. Therefore, R is a maximum when ui 5 45°. Figure 4.10 illustrates various trajectories for a projectile having a given initial speed but launched at different angles. As you can see, the range is a maximum for ui 5 45°. In addition, for any ui other than 45°, a point having Cartesian coordi-nates (R, 0) can be reached by using either one of two complementary values of ui, such as 75° and 15°. Of course, the maximum height and time of flight for one of these values of ui are different from the maximum height and time of flight for the complementary value.

Q uick Quiz 4.3 Rank the launch angles for the five paths in Figure 4.10 with respect to time of flight from the shortest time of flight to the longest.



150y (m)

x (m)






vi " 50 m/s

50 100 150 200 250

Complementary values of the initial angle ui result in the same value of R.

Figure 4.10 A projectile launched over a flat surface from the origin with an initial speed of 50 m/s at various angles of projection.

Pitfall Prevention 4.3The Range Equation Equation 4.13 is useful for calculating R only for a symmetric path as shown in Figure 4.10. If the path is not sym-metric, do not use this equation. The particle under constant velocity and particle under constant accel-eration models are the important starting points because they give the position and velocity compo-nents of any projectile moving with constant acceleration in two dimensions at any time t.

1Figure from Serway & Jewett, 9th ed.

Page 64: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

SatellitesImagine now that you could throw an object straight outhorizontally so fast that as it falls it matches the Earth’s curvature.

The object falls 1 m in 0.45 s. If it goes forward 3,570 m in thattime, then the Earth’s surface has also curved one meter away overthat distance.

This corresponds to a speed of 7, 900 m/s.1Figure from “College Physics”, OpenStax College, Ch 3, pg 110.

Page 65: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles


This is the same principle by which the Moon stays in orbit aroundthe Earth. The Moon is the Earth’s natural satellite.

The same idea is applied to artificial satellites that are put intoorbit around the Earth.

The are moving at very high speeds and continuously fallingaround the Earth.

Satellites can have many purposes, eg.

• telecommunications

• weather and Earth-monitoring

• GPS (global positioning system)

• human spaceflight and experiments

Page 66: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Some Types of Earth-Orbit

• Low Earth Orbit (LEO) - altitude from 160 km to 2,000 kmwith a period of 90–130 minutes; all human spaceflight exceptApollo has been in this orbit (or suborbital), also Earthobservation satellites

• Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) - altitude from 2,000 km to35,786 km; GPS satellites

• Polar Sun synchronous orbit - a particular set oflow-to-medium Earth orbit that moves through passes throughthe equator at the same local time on each pass; orbitalphotography satellites

• Geosynchronous Orbit (GSO) - altitude of 35,786 km, theorbiting object orbits the Earth in one day - if it is in anequatorial orbit (GEO), it stays above a fixed point on theEarth’s surface and appears fixed in the sky;telecommunications satellites

Page 67: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Some Types of Earth-Orbit

• Low Earth Orbit (LEO) - altitude from 160 km to 2,000 kmwith a period of 90–130 minutes; all human spaceflight exceptApollo has been in this orbit (or suborbital), also Earthobservation satellites

• Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) - altitude from 2,000 km to35,786 km; GPS satellites

• Polar Sun synchronous orbit - a particular set oflow-to-medium Earth orbit that moves through passes throughthe equator at the same local time on each pass; orbitalphotography satellites

• Geosynchronous Orbit (GSO) - altitude of 35,786 km, theorbiting object orbits the Earth in one day - if it is in anequatorial orbit (GEO), it stays above a fixed point on theEarth’s surface and appears fixed in the sky;telecommunications satellites

Page 68: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Some Types of Earth-Orbit

• Low Earth Orbit (LEO) - altitude from 160 km to 2,000 kmwith a period of 90–130 minutes; all human spaceflight exceptApollo has been in this orbit (or suborbital), also Earthobservation satellites

• Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) - altitude from 2,000 km to35,786 km; GPS satellites

• Polar Sun synchronous orbit - a particular set oflow-to-medium Earth orbit that moves through passes throughthe equator at the same local time on each pass; orbitalphotography satellites

• Geosynchronous Orbit (GSO) - altitude of 35,786 km, theorbiting object orbits the Earth in one day - if it is in anequatorial orbit (GEO), it stays above a fixed point on theEarth’s surface and appears fixed in the sky;telecommunications satellites

Page 69: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles

Some Types of Earth-Orbit

• Low Earth Orbit (LEO) - altitude from 160 km to 2,000 kmwith a period of 90–130 minutes; all human spaceflight exceptApollo has been in this orbit (or suborbital), also Earthobservation satellites

• Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) - altitude from 2,000 km to35,786 km; GPS satellites

• Polar Sun synchronous orbit - a particular set oflow-to-medium Earth orbit that moves through passes throughthe equator at the same local time on each pass; orbitalphotography satellites

• Geosynchronous Orbit (GSO) - altitude of 35,786 km, theorbiting object orbits the Earth in one day - if it is in anequatorial orbit (GEO), it stays above a fixed point on theEarth’s surface and appears fixed in the sky;telecommunications satellites

Page 70: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles


• center of mass

• angular momentum

• Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation

• the gravitational field

Essay Homework! due tomorrow.

Homework Hewitt,

• Ch 9, onward from page 167. Plug and chug: 1, 3; Ranking 3,5; Exercises: 7, 11, 53; Problems: 1, 3

Page 71: Conceptual Physics Gravity Projectiles


Essay Homework due tomorrow.

• Describe the design features of cars that make them safer forpassengers in collisions. Comment on how the design of carshas changed over time to improve these features. In whatother circumstances might people be involved in collisions?What is / can be done to make those collisions safer for thepeople involved? Make sure use physics principles(momentum, impulse) in your answers!