SEAMEO VOCTECH Concept Note Survey on the Readiness of Industry and TVET Institutions for IR 4.0 in Southeast Asia Drafted by SEAMEO VOCTECH in response to 4 th HOM on SEA-TVET Contact Details: Dr. Paryono SEAMEO VOCTECH [email protected]

Concept Note Survey on the Readiness of Industry and TVET ... HOM on SEA-TVET, 9... · 2.2 Proposed research design • Survey on Industry Readiness in preparing for Industry Revolution

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Page 1: Concept Note Survey on the Readiness of Industry and TVET ... HOM on SEA-TVET, 9... · 2.2 Proposed research design • Survey on Industry Readiness in preparing for Industry Revolution


Concept Note

Survey on the Readiness of Industry and TVET Institutions for IR 4.0 in Southeast Asia

Drafted by SEAMEO VOCTECH in response to 4th HOM on SEA-TVET

Contact Details:


[email protected]

Page 2: Concept Note Survey on the Readiness of Industry and TVET ... HOM on SEA-TVET, 9... · 2.2 Proposed research design • Survey on Industry Readiness in preparing for Industry Revolution

Concept Note

Survey on the Readiness of Industry and TVET Institutions for IR 4.0 in Southeast Asia

Drafted by SEAMEO VOCTECH in response to 4th HOM on SEA-TVET

1. Overview

• The Industry 4.0 is coming and has impacted the way we live and work.

• It is important to know where we are at the moment pertaining the readiness and aspirations of industry and TVET institutions for IR 4.0 for necessary policies and initiatives.

• A study is needed so that both industry and TVET institutions can prepare and response accordingly to the requirements of IR 4.0

• Several related studies have been conducted that can be used as references which still require contextualisation.

1.1 Background

The stage of development and technology adoption in SEAMEO member countries are very diverse that may require different strategies and approaches pertaining the workforce preparations. Regardless of the differences, however, the adoption of digitalisation in the form of IR 4.0 is inevitable. Knowing the current status of industry and TVET institutions pertaining their readiness for IR 4.0 is very important so that the government and industry players can make necessary policies and strategies in response to the IR 4.0 requirements. Even though several studies have been conducted, none are including all ASEAN/SEAMEO member countries and are mainly focused on industry readiness, not on TVET readiness. The methods used were mainly quantitative that complementing it with qualitive study is necessary to get the depth of issue.

1.2 Context

Southeast Asian countries comprise mainly by small and medium enterprises. The industry’s responses to digitalization vary according to the needs and the company’s vision. It is still hard to predict with accuracy the extent to which the disruption from Industry 4.0 toward industries and jobs in Southeast Asia. Recent research identifies however a shortage of adequately skilled workers as the crucial bottleneck for the future economic development of ASEAN member states and their capacity to utilise the potentials of Industry 4.0 for sustained growth. TVET is recognised as one of the important tools to narrow the skills gaps and to reduce unemployment. Correspondingly, TVET ranks high on the political agenda of SEAMEO and ASEAN member states. Considering the necessary link between industry and TVET, the 4th HOM on SEA-TVET recommended that research on the readiness of industry and TVET institution for IR 4.0 to be carried out, initiated by providing some examples of surveys or data collections. This Working Paper is prepared by SEAMEO VOCTECH to follow up on this recommendation.

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2. Industry and TVET readiness for IR 4.0

Limited studies were conducted on the readiness of industry and TVET institutions for IR 4.0 in Southeast Asia. We do not know for sure where we are pertaining the status of industry and TVET readiness for IR 4.0 at this moment. In response to the recommendation of the 4th HOM on SEA-TVET, SEAMEO VOCTECH proposes to conduct a study on the Readiness on Industry and TVET Institutions for IR 4.0 in Southeast Asia with the following objectives:

• To assess the readiness for IR 4.0 of TVET institutions in SEAMEO Member States

• To assess the readiness for IR 4.0 of business and industry players in SEAMEO Member States

• To solicit feedbacks and recommendations from TVET and industry leaders for the future development in Southeast Asian countries

2.1 Relevant studies

1. Impuls, 2015: self-assessment of industry readiness Context Germany’s Mechanical

Engineering industry and Plant Engineering Sectors 2. Reply, 2019: self-assessment of digital maturity. Context: Worldwide run by Reply

S.p.A. , Corso Francia, 110 – 10143 Turin, Italy

2.2 Proposed research design

• Survey on Industry Readiness in preparing for Industry Revolution 4.0: Personal Data And 4 Likert Scales Addressing 5 Components Similar To Reply (2019): Strategy and Leadership, Customer Experience, Operations, Product and Innovations, and People. (See Appendix 1)

• Readiness of TVET Institutions in Preparing for Industry Revolution 4.0: Personal Data and 5 Likert Scales addressing 3 components: Process, infrastructure, and organisation (See Appendix 2).

• Focus Group Discussions (FDG for industry players) addressing the following questions:

o What changes could be expected in industry due to the implementation of Industry 4.0 (work processes, skills needed)

o How will the roles of workers (skilled workers, master craftsmen, technician) and semi-engineers change?

o What is the status of current adoption? o What initiatives taken by industry in response?

Please see Appendix 3 for more detail.

3. Recommendation/requested decision

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• To provide feedback on the proposed study and recommend whether the study will be carried out by the offices affiliated with High Officials from each member country of SEAMEO or open for tender.

• Few options: 1. Each SEAMEO member countries will conduct its own study and share the

findings to SEAMEO for comparative analysis 2. Each SEAMEO member countries and potential funding donors will contribute

some funds for the conduct of the study carried out independent body or by SEAMEO Centres

3. Just for reference only, up to member countries to decide whether to conduct the study or not

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Appendix 1: Industry survey




According Martin Schwab, Chair of the World Economic Forum (WEF), during the

current time of the 4th Industrial revolution, the way we live, work, and relate to one another

will be affected. The novelty compared to the 3rd Industrial revolution is that we are moving

from a physical world towards a virtual world, characterized by the current trend of automated

data exchange in manufacturing technologies, which includes cyber-physical systems (CPS),

the Internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing. IR 4.0 characterized by connected machinery

with the internet that product and information is interlinked, the speed of data transmission is

dramatically increased, and storage opportunities are unlimited (Spoettl, 2018).

This has major implications for the work place and for employees, in particular in the

form of more flexible production systems, the fact that human intervention is no longer

necessary at several steps in the production chain, the need for improved co-decision of skilled

workers regarding their own working times, dissolving work boundaries and the situation

where working time is just a variable within the complex optimization plan of a factory.

The IR 4.0 will not only affect the developed countries but developing countries as

well. This survey will assess how industry in Southeast Asia has prepared themselves in

response to this technological and social changes. Issues to be explored in each this study: (1)

What changes could be expected in industry due to the implementation of Industry 4.0 (work

processes, skills needed) (2) How will the roles of workers (skilled workers, master craftsmen,

„technician“) and „semi-engineers“ changes? (3) What is the status of current adoption (4)

What initiatives taken by industry in response?

Based on the 4th High Officials Meeting on SEA-TVET in Manila, Philippines, TVET

leaders from Southeast Asia agreed to conduct a study of the current status of both industry

and TVET Institutions. To follow up, each country member of SEAMEO (Southeast Asian

Ministers on Education Organisation) lead by the National Agency or Directorate in charge for

TVET in the country is conducting this survey. Your sincere responses will be beneficial for

us in creating appropriate policy or practices in response the current trend. Should you have

any questions please do not hesitate to contact us, ……….., email………………, phone


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Please complete these questions by writing the space provided or selecting appropriate response/s.

Position How long have you been

working in the current

position CEO


Others, please specify



Please select appropriate response by checking the box provided according to the level of adoption.

You may select only one response. Fully adopted is about100%, Highly adopted is between 51-99%,

Partly adopted is between 1-50%, Not adopted is 0%.

Strategy and Leadership Fully








1. The organization has a digital vision to transform

because of the new market need o o o o

2. Leadership has made an effort to translate the

digital vision down to all levels of the organizations o o o o

3. There is a team dedicated to the organization’s

digital transformation and change o o o o

4. There is a business area prioritized for digital

investments o o o o

5. There is a separate budget allocated for adopting

digital technologies o o o o

Customer Experience









1. The organization understands how customer

demands are changing in the market o o o o

2. The organization experiments with multiple digital

channels to engage the customers o o o o

Name (optional) Gender

(please specify) Company

M / F

______________________ ________________________

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3. Digital technology is used to stay in touch with the

customers and to solve their challenges o o o o

4. Data inputs from customer usage are used

continuously for improving solutions and services o o o o

5. The organization is able to offer customized

solutions to capture higher share of the market


o o o o










1. All production equipment is connected and real

time data is available for decision making o o o o

2. There is one integrated platform which provides

complete visibility and can be accessed by multiple


o o o o

3. It is possible to access all production information

remotely o o o o

4. KPIs are well defined across functions and get

updated automatically o o o o

5. Departments are able to collaborate easily through

digital channels o o o o

Products and Innovations









1. The organization is able to innovate rapidly as per

the changing market requirements o o o o

2. The organization leverages on digital technology

for new product innovation (3D Printing,


o o o o

3. New service models, enabled by digital technology,

have been introduced o o o o

4. It is possible to analyze product usage information

based on real time data streaming o o o o

5. Governance and risk strategy is in plan for

Connected Products environment o o o o

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1. A team of digital experts has been deployed to

drive digital adoption across the organization o o o o

2. Employees are able to leverage on digital tools for

collaboration and remote connectivity o o o o

3. Ideas of digital transformation by employees are

encouraged o o o o

4. Digital tools are used for knowledge management

and skill enhancement o o o o

What worries you about Industry 4.0 technologies? Is the anything else you would like to let

us know?




Thank you for your participation.

Source: https://www.reply.com/en/topics/industrie-4-0/assessment

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Appendix 2. TVET Institution Survey




According Martin Schwab, Chair of the World Economic Forum (WEF), during the

current time of the 4th Industrial revolution, the way we live, work, and relate to one another

will be affected. The novelty compared to the 3rd Industrial revolution is that we are moving

from a physical world towards a virtual world, characterized by the current trend of automated

data exchange in manufacturing technologies, which includes cyber-physical systems (CPS),

the Internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing. IR 4.0 characterized by connected machinery

with the internet that product and information is interlinked, the speed of data transmission is

dramatically increased, and storage opportunities are unlimited (Spoettl, 2018).

This has major implications for the work place and for employees, in particular in

form of more flexible production systems, the fact that human intervention is no longer

necessary at several steps in the production chain, the need for improved co-decision of skilled

workers regarding their own working times, dissolving work boundaries and the situation

where working time is just a variable within the complex optimization plan of a factory.

Based on the 4th High Officials Meeting on SEA-TVET in Manila, Philippines, TVET

leaders from Southeast Asia agreed to conduct a study of the current status of both industry

and TVET Institutions. To follow up, each country member of SEAMEO (Southeast Asian

Ministers on Education Organisation) lead by the National Agency or Directorate in charge for

TVET in the country is conducting this survey.

This survey will assess how TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and

Training) institutions in Southeast Asia has prepared themselves in response to this

technological and social changes. The survey covers three core elements of IR4.0 (SEDB,

2017): Process, Technology and Organization. Underpinning these 3 building blocks are 8

pillars of focus, to evaluate readiness of TVET institutions in embracing IR 4.0, as well as

preparing its graduates for the challenges that comes with IR 4.0.

Your sincere responses will be beneficial for us in creating appropriate policy or

practices in response the current trend. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate

to contact us, ……….., email………………, phone number……….


Please complete these questions by writing the space provided or selecting appropriate response/s.

Name (optional)


Gender (please circle)

M / F


Principal / director / deputy


Others, please specify





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Diploma Higher National

Technical Education






Industrial Skills


Others, please specify


Please select appropriate response by checking the box provided. You may select only one response.

1. Process

Curriculum content, stakeholder engagement, pedagogy

No Process Very

much so


so Somewhat




at all

1 My institution understand

that education is constantly

changing to meet global


o o o o o

2 My institution is able to

transform rapidly as per the

changing global trends

o o o o o

3 My institution has embedded

the followings in the


a. Big data o o o o o

b. AR o o o o o

c. Simulation o o o o o

d. IoT o o o o o

e. Cloud computing o o o o o

4 My institution work closely

with industry in terms of:

a. Curriculum design o o o o o

b. Industrial attachment o o o o o

c. Training o o o o o

d. Assessment o o o o o

5 Graduates from my


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a. Are work-ready o o o o o

b. Have the right

technical skills o o o o o

c. Possess adaptive

skills o o o o o

d. Possess foundation

(numeracy, literacy,

IT literate) skills

o o o o o

6 Data inputs from our

stakeholders are used

continuously to improve our


o o o o o

7 My institution is able to offer


learning for the students

o o o o o

8 Any other initiatives taken

related to education and

training processes in your

school related to IR 4.0

readiness, please specify


o o o o o

2. Infrastructure

Infrastructure, budget, connectivity

No Infrastructure

Very much




Somewhat A


Not at


1 The classroom/ workshop/

laboratory in our institution

are fully equipped to adopt

digital innovation

o o o o o

2 My institution prioritizes its

budget on technological


o o o o o

3 My institution provides the


a. Good internet

connectivity o o o o o

b. User friendly LMS o o o o o

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c. Remote access to the

system o o o o o

d. Digital channels for

easy collaboration o o o o o

e. Analyze students’

learning based on real

time data

o o o o o

f. Risk and cyber-

security management

o o o o o

4 Any other initiatives taken

related to education and

training infrastructure in your

school related to IR 4.0

readiness, please specify


o o o o o

3. Organization

Structure and management, talent readiness

No Organisation Very much



so Somewhat



Not at


1 There are mandates to

encourage my institution to


IR4.0 related technologies

o o o o o

2 My institution has embedded

IR4.0 in the organization’s

vision and mission

o o o o o

3 There are strategies/plan to

implement IR4.0-related

technology in my institution

o o o o o

4 My institution has not started

implementing IR4.0

adoption/transformation plan

(reserve score)

o o o o o

5 Our current workforce is

capable to adopt IR4.0-

related technology

o o o o o

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6 There are training plans in

place to develop our

workplaces’ capabilities, skill

& competencies

o o o o o

7 My institution has set up a

task force to drive IR4.0


o o o o o

8 Any other initiatives taken

related to education and

training organization in your

school related to IR 4.0

readiness, please specify


o o o o o

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According Martin Schwab, Chair of the World Economic Forum (WEF), during the

current time of the 4th Industrial revolution, the way we live, work, and relate to one another

will be affected. The novelty compared to the 3rd Industrial revolution is that we are moving

from a physical world towards a virtual world, characterized by the current trend of automated

data exchange in manufacturing technologies, which includes cyber-physical systems (CPS),

the Internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing. IR 4.0 characterized by connected machinery

with the internet that product and information is interlinked, the speed of data transmission is

dramatically increased, and storage opportunities are unlimited (Spoettl, 2018).

This has major implications for the work place and for employees, in particular in the

form of more flexible production systems, the fact that human intervention is no longer

necessary at several steps in the production chain, the need for improved co-decision of skilled

workers regarding their own working times, dissolving work boundaries and the situation

where working time is just a variable within the complex optimization plan of a factory.

The IR 4.0 will not only affect the developed countries but developing countries as

well. This focus group discussion will assess how industry and TVET institutions in Southeast

Asia has prepared themselves in response to this technological and social changes. Issues to be

explored in each this study: (1) What changes could be expected in industry due to the

implementation of Industry 4.0 (work processes, skills needed) (2) How will the roles of

workers (skilled workers, master craftsmen, „technician“) and „semi-engineers“ change? (3)

What is the status of current adoption in the industry and in TVET institutions, and (4) What

initiatives taken by industry and TVET institution in response?

Based on the 4th High Officials Meeting on SEA-TVET in Manila, Philippines, TVET

leaders from Southeast Asia agreed to conduct a study of the current status of both industry

and TVET Institutions. To follow up, each country member of SEAMEO (Southeast Asian

Ministers on Education Organisation) lead by the National Agency or Directorate in charge for

TVET in the country conducts the survey followed by Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Your

sincere responses will be beneficial for us in creating appropriate policy or practices in response

the current trend.


A. General reactions from Industry and TVET Institutions:

1. Optimism: What are opportunities do you think IR 4.0 will offer to you

(industry and TVET Institution)?

2. Innovativeness: How IR 4.0 drives innovativeness in your company or

institution (industry and TVET Institutions)?

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3. Discomfort: Does the presence of IR 4.0 create discomfort in your company or


4. Insecurity: Do you trust IR 4.0?

B. Specific responses from industry and TVET institutions:

5. Strategy and leadership:

1) How has your company or institution responded to IR 4.0?

i. Did you change your company or institution vision to adapt to IR


ii. If yes, how did you translate the vision to organizational level?

iii. Did you build a team for digital transformation and change?

iv. Was there or will there any industry or business area prioritization?

v. Is there any special budget allocated for IR 4.0 adoption?

6. Clients Experience:

2) How do you think IR 4.0 will affect your client’s need?

i. Is your company or institution aware of the demand changes in

the market? What is your plan to stay updated of what’s your

client’s need?

ii. Has your company or institution tried to engage clients by digital


iii. How well is your company or institution using technology to

connect with clients?

iv. For improving solutions and services, is your company or

institution using data inputs from the customer in continuously?

How well it went?

v. How about the ability of the company or institution to offer

customized solutions?

7. Operations

3) How well is your company or institution involving technology for

operational activity and information distribution?

i. Is all the production equipment always connected and also are

real-time data always available for decision making?

ii. Is there any platform to control and also can be accessed by

multiple users? Can you explain more?

iii. Is it possible to access all production information remotely in

your company or institution? By what method?

iv. Are your KPIs well defined across functions and get updated


v. Can you collaborate from each department using digital

channels? How do you do it?

8. Products and Innovations

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4) How will IR 4.0 impact on your products and innovations? Do you see

more opportunities to come because of it?

i. Can your company or institution keep up with innovation rapidly as

per the market changes requirement? What is your plan to keep on


ii. How well is your company or institution leveraging on digital


iii. How do you introduce new service models enabled by digital


iv. Is there any possibility to analyze product usage based on real time

data streaming in your company or institution?

v. Do you have a plan for governance and risk strategy for Connected

Products environment? How well it went?

9. People

5) How has your employee responded to IR 4.0 adaptation around work


1. Did you build a team of digital experts?

2. How well is the ability of the employees to leverage digital tools?

3. Is your company or institution aware of employee’s ideas of digital


4. How well is the use of digital tools for knowledge management and

skill enhancement in your company or institution?

C. Industry expectations:

10. What changes could be expected in industry due to the implementation of

Industry 4.0 (work processes, skills needed)

11. How will the roles of workers (skilled workers, master craftsmen, „technician“)

and „semi-engineers“ change?