The quarterly newsletter for the Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials Winter 2011 Message from Julie Cunningham 2 National News 2 TCRP Update 4 Diversity in Motion 5 COMTO USA 6 New Members 7 F reddie Fuller, manager of business development at Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc., has been involved with COMTO almost since the beginning of his transportation career. Being in the industry for 16 years, he has seen a lot of change, and as chair of the COMTO Strategic Planning Committee, he hopes to help COMTO continue in a positive direction. He recently talked with Accelerate about COMTO and the role of the Strategic Planning Committee. Accelerate: Tell us about the committee. Fuller: The COMTO leadership wants to make sure that COMTO members understand the strategic plan and how their efforts should be aligned with it. As I often say, commit- tees, chapters and members should be implementing initiatives that align with our strategic plan. If we’re not, then it doesn’t move COMTO forward in the direction that we have planned for ourselves. Accelerate: What does your role with the committee entail? Fuller: Naturally, I lead the monthly meetings via teleconference, but more importantly, I attempt to serve as a facilitator and manage the process of achieving the goals that we have been tasked with as a committee. Each member of the committee brings a unique perspective to the strategic planning process. I’m no strategic planning expert, but I have been blessed with the opportunity to lead people with the expertise to move the process forward in the right direction. Another role is to make sure that members know our strategic plan goals. This article allows me to present a phrase that helps me remember [that]: Help COMTO Progress! H – Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs/DBEs): Become Key Resource Center C – Chapter Growth and Development M – Membership Growth and Retention P – Professional Development and Training Accelerate: Can you expand on the committee’s goals? Fuller: The strategic planning committee was tasked with the fol- lowing goals: 1. Compile and organize strategic plan implementation documents from COMTO committees and advisory councils; 2. Ensure consistency and alignment between implementation docu- ments and the strategic plan; 3. Work with chairs to ensure COMTO members understand how the plan will be imple- mented—their role in imple- menting the plan; and COMTO Strategic Planning Committee Chair Freddie Fuller Implements Strategy to Drive Results 4. Assist board in monitoring progress. Accelerate: How can COMTO attract more young professionals? Fuller: I believe that we should con- tinue to focus on our scholarship and internship efforts. These programs allow us to establish pipelines with emerging professionals at the start of their careers. If we can add value to a young person’s life early in their career development process, we can help them see the value of COMTO early on, thus resulting in future members. We also have to put mem- bers in a position to lead early on. continued on page 6 Freddie Fuller Chair Washington, D.C. Will Scott Co-Chair Cincinnati Tracey Bessellieu New York Meshelle Howard Maryland Col. Jim Paige Washington, D.C. Kalpana Patel New York David White, Ph.D Atlanta COMTO Strategic Planning Committee Members (L) Freddie Fuller, manager of business development at Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc.

COMTO Strategic Planning Committee Chair Freddie Fuller ...c.ymcdn.com/sites/ · PDF file2 COMTO ... ACCELERATE Winter 2011Moving the Nation 3 O n Oct. 2, COMTO hosted a one-hour hour

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Page 1: COMTO Strategic Planning Committee Chair Freddie Fuller ...c.ymcdn.com/sites/ · PDF file2 COMTO ... ACCELERATE Winter 2011Moving the Nation 3 O n Oct. 2, COMTO hosted a one-hour hour

T h e q u a r t e r l y n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e C o n f e r e n c e O f M i n o r i t y T r a n s p o r t a t i o n O f f i c i a l s

Winter 2011

Message from Julie Cunningham . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

National News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

TCRP Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Diversity in Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

COMTO USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Freddie Fuller, manager of business development at Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc., has been involved with COMTO almost since the beginning of

his transportation career. Being in the industry for 16 years, he has seen a lot of change, and as chair of the COMTO Strategic Planning Committee, he hopes to help COMTO continue in a positive direction. He recently talked with Accelerate about COMTO and the role of the Strategic Planning Committee.

Accelerate: Tell us about the committee.Fuller: The COMTO leadership wants to make sure that COMTO members understand the strategic plan and how their efforts should be aligned with it. As I often say, commit-tees, chapters and members should be implementing initiatives that align with our strategic plan. If we’re not, then it doesn’t move COMTO forward in the direction that we have planned for ourselves.

Accelerate: What does your role with the committee entail?Fuller: Naturally, I lead the monthly meetings via teleconference, but more importantly, I attempt to serve as a facilitator and manage the process of achieving the goals that we have been tasked with as a committee. Each member of the committee brings a unique perspective to the strategic planning process. I’m no strategic planning expert, but I have been

blessed with the opportunity to lead people with the expertise to move the process forward in the right direction.

Another role is to make sure that members know our strategic plan goals. This article allows me to present a phrase that helps me remember [that]: Help COMTO Progress!

• H – Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs/DBEs): Become Key Resource Center

• C – Chapter Growth and Development

• M – Membership Growth and Retention

• P – Professional Development and Training

Accelerate: Can you expand on the committee’s goals?Fuller: The strategic planning committee was tasked with the fol-lowing goals:

1. Compile and organize strategic plan implementation documents from COMTO committees and advisory councils;

2. Ensure consistency and alignment between implementation docu-ments and the strategic plan;

3. Work with chairs to ensure COMTO members understand how the plan will be imple-mented—their role in imple-menting the plan; and

COMTO Strategic Planning Committee Chair Freddie Fuller Implements Strategy to Drive Results

4. Assist board in monitoring progress.

Accelerate: How can COMTO attract more young professionals?Fuller: I believe that we should con-tinue to focus on our scholarship and internship efforts. These programs allow us to establish pipelines with emerging professionals at the start of their careers. If we can add value to a young person’s life early in their career development process, we can help them see the value of COMTO early on, thus resulting in future members. We also have to put mem-bers in a position to lead early on.

continued on page 6

Freddie FullerChairWashington, D.C.

Will ScottCo-ChairCincinnati

Tracey BessellieuNew York

Meshelle HowardMaryland

Col. Jim PaigeWashington, D.C.

Kalpana PatelNew York

David White, Ph.DAtlanta

COMTO Strategic Planning Committee Members

(L) Freddie Fuller, manager of business development at Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc.

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2 COMTO ... Moving the Nation

National News

Dear COMTO Family,

I wanted to write a few words to wish you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season, and to thank you for your loyalty and support in 2011. Though the current economic times

remain challeng-ing for the trans-portation indus-try, I am extremely proud of what we achieved this year.

If I were to use one word to

summarize the many accomplishments this year, it would be “collaboration.” One of the things I am most proud of is our work with partner organizations to advance industry initiatives. We suc-cessfully testified before Congress with the Airport Minority Advisory Council to effect final rule changes in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program. We continue our work with the American Public Transit Association to administer the Transportation Research Board’s Ambassador Program and also to ensure opportunities for Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs). While we continue our efforts on behalf of HUBs, know that we prac-

tice what we preach by engaging the services of HUBs for our independent auditing, program management, legis-lative and other consulting services.

Members across the country contrib-uted to American Public Transportation Foundation’s Shirley A. DeLibero Scholarship, and Shirley presented the second scholarship this year. We also collaborated with the Eno Foundation and implemented and awarded the first Robert H. Prince Scholarship. We administered the eighth class of interns in the Careers In Transportation for Youth (CITY) Program, which is funded by the Federal Transit Administration, and we placed the first COMTO intern at the Intelligent Transportation Society of America. Lastly, as your chief executive officer, I was unanimously approved to serve on the Mineta Transportation Institute Board of Directors, which is funded by Congress through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration.

COMTO National and its chapters con-tinue to lead the industry in awarding scholarships to the next generation of transportation professionals. Collectively, we’ve awarded about $250,000 to stu-dents in 2011. A special thanks to COMTO Philadelphia, who leads the way in awarding scholarships.

COMTO’s Dynamic Legacy Continues to Thrive Across the Country

In collaboration with SEPTA, Philadelphia International Airport, AMTRAK and AECOM, we hosted a phenomenal national meeting and training conference. The unprece-dented support of each ensured a grand 40th anniversary celebration. The conference was our largest in five years.

We continue collaborating with President Obama’s administration. Many of you have participated in webi-nars with the DOT and the White House as we gathered more information about the American Jobs Act and the impact it would have on our communities and the industry. Thank you for your participation. We continue to be a rec-ognized voice for the administration. I recently attended a working session at the White House and will attend another White House all-day strategy session at which stakeholders from across our nation will have the opportu-nity to collaborate and brainstorm on a myriad of issues with senior adminis-tration officials.

This year, we improved our capacity for operational efficiency by engaging the services of SmithBucklin, an associa-tion management company. Given that member satisfaction is the hallmark by which we measure our performance, this new operational model provides

greater capacity to provide the highest standard of service to our members while significantly reducing our oper-ating expenses. Please see the COMTO website for Frequently Asked Questions about the engagement of an associa-tion management company.

I am equally excited about the outlook of our future. Members serving on national committees have been fully engaged in operationalizing our stra-tegic plan. Please be sure to read the cover article regarding the monumental work that is being done as all of our committee and advisory council chairs collaborate to effectively operationalize our strategic plan.

A heartfelt thanks goes to each of you for your unwavering support and loyalty as members of COMTO. Individuals, member agencies, busi-nesses, sponsors and partners con-tinue the work to advance our mis-sion – to ensure a level playing field. Because of your work, COMTO’s dynamic legacy continues to thrive across the country. You are so impor-tant to COMTO and to the reshaping of the transportation industry.

Once again, my best wishes to you and your family for the holiday season and New Year. ■

Julie Cunningham

Cunningham Represents COMTO at White House Session

COMTO President/CEO Julie Cunningham attended a working group session with President Barack Obama at the White House on Nov. 1. Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett and Vice President Joe Biden provided

brief remarks before President Obama’s speech, which focused primarily on the American Jobs Act.

Other administration officials in attendance included Secretary Shaun Donovan, department of housing and urban development; Secretary Hilda Solis, department of labor; and Secretary Raymond LaHood, department of transportation. Attendees represented a cross section, including represen-tatives from 501c3s, government, private sector, grassroots organizations and unions. ■

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On Oct. 2, COMTO hosted a one-hour hour conference call with the White House to learn more about the American Jobs Act and the

impact it will have on communities of color, small businesses and the trans-portation industry. Many COMTO mem-bers dialed in and asked the White House questions. Administration partic-ipants included: David Kamin, senior advisor to Obama; Marie Johns, deputy administrator of the Small Business Administration; and Heather Foster, White House Office of Public Engagement.

In addition, on Nov. 4, in response to COMTO members’ request for a call

with the U.S. Department of Transportation, COMTO hosted a second telecon with senior officials from the U.S. DOT. The purpose of this call was to provide more specificity regarding the American Jobs Act and the impact on small businesses. A number of COMTO leaders participated on this call. Administration officials who participated included: Polly Trottenberg, assistant secretary for transportation policy, Office of the Secretary; Dorval Carter, chief council, Federal Transit Administration; David Kim, associate administrator for policy, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); Warren Whitlock, director for FHWA Office of Civil Rights; and Bryna Helfer, Office of the Secretary.

COMTO Gets Involved with President Obama’s Administration

Finally, on Nov. 9, COMTO President/CEO Julie Cunningham participated in an all-day policy/working group forum at the White House. The 200 stakeholder participants represented a broad cross-section of the nation—both public and private sectors, 501c3s, unions, clergy, local and state level elected officials, small businesses and many nationally known figures. Administration officials who partici-pated included: Eric Holder, attorney general; Valerie Jarrett, senior advisor; Melody Barnes, director of the Domestic Policy Council; Thomas Vilsack, cabinet secretary, Department of Agriculture; Kathleen Sebelius, cabinet secretary, Department of Health and Human Services; and Lisa

Jackson, cabinet secretary, Environmental Protection Agency. Break-out groups provided excellent opportunities to brainstorm and exchange best practices for job cre-ation and small business development/sustainability.

Cunningham said, “I am proud that COMTO’s voice is included and valued in this very important dialogue. COMTO’s participation is vital to the reshaping of the transportation industry and to the resurgence of our economy. I thank those who have taken the time to participate, and I urge others to take advantage of future opportunities to engage in this process. Stay tuned for future calls and forums.” ■

COMTO and APTA Hold DBE Networking Event in New Orleans

COMTO and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) recently

hosted the DBE networking session, “Public Transportation: Wherever Life Takes You… Today and Tomorrow,” Oct. 4 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans. ALSTOM Transport was its sponsor.

The event allowed DBE firms, transit leaders and sponsors the opportunity to network and build productive relationships and alliances for success now and in the future. The networking session gave DBE firms some of the tools they need to advance their organizations and prosper in the transpor-tation industry.

Special acknowledgements include: Gary Thomas, chair, APTA; Roosevelt Bradley, national chair, COMTO; Julie Cunningham, president/CEO, COMTO; Richard J. Wieczorek, chair, procurement and materials man-agement committee and department manager, procurement, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District; and Charles Wochele, vice president, busi-ness development, ALSTOM Transportation, Inc. ■

Melaniphy Leads APTA as President/CEO

Michael P. Melaniphy has taken the helm as president/CEO of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).

Melaniphy’s entire career has been in public trans-portation, with 23 years of experience in the public and private sectors. Prior to APTA, Melaniphy was vice president, public sector, Motor Coach Industries Inc. He also led public transit systems in Charlotte, N.C.; Wichita, Kan.; Hamilton, Ohio; and Laredo, Texas.

“It is an honor and privilege to lead APTA,” said Melaniphy. “Public transpor-tation is essential to our country’s prosperity and economic competitiveness. I will work with industry leaders and elected officials to expand public trans-portation so that quality travel choices are available and good, American jobs are created.” ■

Michael P. Melaniphy

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Eighteen new Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Ambassadors have been select-ed to help their industry col-leagues better understand the

full scope of TCRP-sponsored research. The TCRP is a joint effort between COMTO, APTA and FTA. It was devel-oped in 1998 to help disseminate the latest developments in advanced tech-nologies, innovative management tech-niques and best operating practices as investigated by TCRP.

The ambassadors are industry profes-sionals who educate transit properties on the TCRP research process and how their transit professionals can par-ticipate. They also serve as a primary source of information on research efforts being conducted out in the field at transit properties and the suc-cesses, failures and challenges of implementing TCRP and other transit research.

“The TCRP is a valuable resource for our industry because it is able to share a wealth of best practices with a variety of individuals, which reduces the need to ‘reinvent the wheel’ on many proj-ects,” said Andrew Mikkelson, a 2011 ambassador and director of oper-ations at Gold Coast Transit. “Even if an agency takes a TCRP report and makes

New TCRP Ambassadors Selected for 2012-2014

National News (continued from page 3)

Stephen AndersonSouth Florida RTATransportation PlannerPompano Beach, Fla.

Tamika BellBroward County TransitMarketing AssociatePlantation, Fla.

Roscoe BrownIndianapolis Public TransitDirector, Coordinated TransportationIndianapolis, Ind.

Jack ChalabianChicago Transit AuthorityTraffic AnalystChicago, Ill.

Diane Corral-LopezLos Angeles County MTADEO, Operations AdministrationLos Angeles, Calif.

Monica EllingtonDallas Area Rapid TransitManager, E. Dallas Bus OperationsDallas, Texas

Inez EvansSW Ohio RTACOOCincinnati, Ohio

Christopher PangilinanSan Francisco MTAAssociate EngineerSan Francisco, Calif.

Tiffany PannellCentral Ohio TransitManager, Mobility Special ProgramsColumbus, Ohio

Ramond RobinsonCharlotte Area TransitTransportation PlannerCharlotte, N.C.

Maria-Teresa RomanChicago Transit AuthorityGovernment and Community Relations OfficerChicago, Ill.

Sandip SenFort Worth TransportationPlanning Infrastructure CoordinatorFort Worth, Texas

Jacqueline SheaderCATAMarketing ManagerState College, Pa.

Carol ThomasCity of Fort CollinsSafety and Training SupervisorFort Collins, Colo.

Karen WaltonFirst Transit, Sioux FallsGeneral ManagerSioux Falls, S.D.

David WhiteMARTAAnalystAtlanta, Ga.

Emille WilliamsSEPTAManager of EngineeringPhiladelphia, Pa.

Waiching WongDistrict DOTTransportation Management SpecialistWashington, D.C.

2012-2014 TCRP Ambassadors

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), in conjunction with the Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials

(COMTO), Easter Seals PROJECT ACTION and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), honored the late Dr. Rosalyn M. Simon, an internationally renowned ADA expert, in a special ceremony on Oct.19. To commemorate Dr. Simon’s many contributions to the public tran-

sit industry, WMATA also dedicated its “Transit Accessibility Center” to Dr. Simon in recognition of her role in establishing the paratransit eligibility certification facility. More than 100 people attended; WMATA also estab-lished the Dr. Rosalyn M. Simon Award that will be presented annually to industry professionals who have made meaningful contributions to the advancement of accessible trans-portation through education, training and advocacy. ■

Recognizing a Lifetime of Achievement: Dr. Rosalyn M. Simon

minor changes to something in it that is specific to how they operate, they are still using industry standard ideas when implementing the program. Many

times, especially in small agencies such as mine, the biggest bottleneck to getting things done is personnel. The ability to take a TCRP project and

implement it with fewer headaches and less legwork is an immense sav-ings that allows us to get more done with less!” ■

Monica Simon, daughter of Dr. Rosalyn M. Simon.

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Diversity in Motion

Stephen Kingsberry, previously executive director of the Delaware Transit Corporation

(DTC), was recently named deputy director for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Kingsberry served as DTC’s executive director since 2005, after joining the agency in 1999 as development director. He served previously with New York’s Metropolitan Transit Administration and New Jersey Transit.

Secretary of Transportation Shailen Bhatt stated, “Stephen Kingsberry has

been a tireless advocate for expanded transit service in Delaware and is to be com-mended for his service to transit riders statewide. On his watch,

annual ridership grew from 9.2 million to over 12 million, including more than 1.15 million commuter rail trips. This represents an increase of more than 30 percent.” ■

Kingsberry Named Deputy Director for Port Authority

Stephen Kingsberry

New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo recently announced a new team to lead the state’s

transportation initiatives. Nuria Fernandez will serve as the chief operating officer of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).

Fernandez is currently the senior vice president of CH2M Hill, a firm that pro-vides engineering, construction and operations services for businesses and governments throughout the world. She previously served as the commis-sioner for the Chicago Airport System,

where she directed all airport opera-tions, planning, engineering and man-agement services for O’Hare and Midway International Airports. She has also served in executive positions at the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority and the Chicago Transit Authority.

The governor also nominated Joseph J. Lhota to serve as the chairman/CEO and will appoint Karen Rae to serve as the deputy secretary of transportation in the governor’s office. ■

Fernandez Appointed COO of MTA

Dikita Engineering was selected as the 2011 Fastest Growing Texas Family Business of the

Year by Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business. The award, given in one of nine categories, recognizes the company as a family business “that demonstrates rapid growth over a short period of time and has implemented innovative business techniques in achieving this growth,” said Dawn Maitz of Baylor.

Eve Williams, president and CEO of Dikita Engineering, succeeded her

father in 2010 and leads the multi-disciplined firm providing services to var-ious markets including educa-tion and institu-tional facilities, transportation,

public transit and aviation to name a few. The Dallas-based company is cer-tified as a minority-owned firm in 10 states and the District of Columbia. ■

Dikita Enterprises Chosen as Fastest Growing Texas Family Business of the Year

Eve Williams

Maryland transportation veteran Harold M. Bartlett was recently selected as executive

secretary of the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA). The executive secretary manages the MDTA’s daily operations and works with eight board members to establish policy and direction for the agency that owns and operates Maryland’s eight toll facilities. Bartlett has served previously as Maryland’s deputy transportation secretary and acting executive secre-tary of the MDTA. He entered state ser-vice following a 23-year career with the

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA).

“Harold understands that safety and customer service must be top priorities for the Maryland Transportation Authority,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “I’d like to thank him for his outstanding commitment to improving the services we provide to the citizens of Maryland. With numerous accomplish-ments throughout his career in transpor-tation, we are confident that he has the knowledge and skills that will help us continue to move the MDTA forward.” ■

Bartlett Appointed Executive Secretary of MDTA

Mendoza Receives New Position at VIA

Dianne Mendoza, who was instrumental in establishing the COMTO Austin chapter, has recently taken a new position at VIA

Metropolitan Transit in San Antonio. She will manage a new program, Equal Employment & Business Opportunity, and will report directly to the VIA president/CEO. Mendoza brings a wealth of experience to her new role. She leaves Capital Metro in Austin, Texas after nearly 13 years of service. ■ Dianne Mendoza

Kenneth Jones of Miami Dade Transit was recently named president of the Miami

chapter of COMTO. His email con-tact is [email protected].

For complete listing of chapter presidents, visit the “Chapters” link of the COMTO website: www.comto.org.

Jones Named President of COMTO Miami

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COMTO N.Y. hosted its first Recognition Banquet Gala on Oct. 12 at Terrace on the Park in Queens, N.Y., recognizing several members who are pioneers in the transportation industry.

Among the 130 attendees, the COMTO N.Y. awards ceremony honored Thomas F. Prendergast, New York City Transit; Darryl Irick, MTA Bus, Long Island Bus and New York City Transit Department of Buses; Cheryl McKissack, McKissack & McKissack; Anita Miller, MTA director of labor relations; Stepfone Montgomery, Staten Island Railway; Traci

6 COMTO ... Moving the Nation

Wheelwright, Wheelwright & Associates; and Michael Garner, MTA chief diversity officer.

COMTO N.Y. President James Dandridge commented, "It was a great honor and privilege to be given the opportunity to showcase the leader-ship that COMTO N.Y. possesses within its membership ranks! All too often we acknowledge our trendsetters long after they are gone. Let this historic event be placed in our archives as recognizing true ‘Pioneers in the Transportation Industry’ circa 2011."

Terrace on the Park was filled with industry executives, transportation board members, CEOs and management personnel from public and private sectors.

AustinCOMTO Austin recently hosted its Business Information and Networking Session in which over 80 small busi-nesses had the opportunity to meet with prime contractors. Among the primes were First Transit, Veolia Transportation and McDonald Transit. The networking session was timely as Capital Metro has an RFP for Transit Services and the Texas Department of Transportation had various construction projects in the month of October.

(L-R) Brandon Neal, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Renee’ Edwards.

DallasCOMTO Dallas held its final Transportation Opportunities Series Nov. 9 with 220 participants. The series presented the long-term plans and capital transportation opportunities that are available for small and minority owned businesses throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Panelists included: Al Alonzi, Federal Highway Administration; Robert Patrick, Federal Transit Administration; and Tamela Saldana, Texas Department of Transportation. Brandon Neal, director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization with the U.S. Department of Transportation, was the guest speaker. Nancy Strine, USDOT Financial

Assistance Division, and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, 30th Congressional District of Texas, were also in atten-dance. Sponsors included: Austin Industries, Kiewit, KStrategies and Perimeter Logistics.

San AntonioCOMTO President/CEO Julie Cunningham visited the San Antonio chapter on Friday, Oct. 28, 2011 to update the members of the local chapter on the COMTO Strategic Plan and other national initiatives. Cunningham also presented the 2011 Best Membership Recruitment and Retention Award to the San Antonio chapter.

(L – R) COMTO San Antonio President James Coleman, COMTO President/CEO Julie Cunningham and VIA Metropolitan Transit President/CEO Keith Parker.

Fuller Implements Strategy to Drive Results (continued from page 1)

Once they become members of COMTO, we need to ensure that they are presented with roles of responsi-bility that allow them access to increasing leadership opportunities. To start, we should consider appointing a student member and/or a young pro-fessional member to the board of direc-tors. I would suggest the young profes-sional appointee be under 30 years old.

Accelerate: How do you think COMTO has improved over the past few years?Fuller: The biggest move at COMTO has been the transition to SmithBucklin. Anyone that has been active in COMTO for some time can appreciate the addi-tional staff support at the national level. I’m still trying to figure out how Julie

Cunningham and her team accom-plished all that they have over the years prior to the move to SmithBucklin. I believe COMTO is finally in a position that allows Julie the true freedom to con-duct COMTO business at her maximum level and allow the organization to operate more efficiently behind the scenes.

I also notice that COMTO has done an excellent job with positioning ourselves to have a presence with the Obama administration. We have the ear of the White House, and we appear to be uti-lizing it to our advantage. This is an effort that must be maintained even when new administrations come into office. We must continue to maintain great communication with Congress and the White House through our legislative efforts. ■

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ACCELERATE Winter 2011 7

Welcome New MembersWelcome New MembersHistorically Underutilized Business (HUB) MembersAzteca-Omega GroupDallas, Texas

Civil Construction Solutions, LLCBirmingham, Ala.

Individuals, Listed by Chapter

AtlantaLadonna Bordley

BostonMaritza Forero-SanchezJanice Glover

Colorado StateEllie FargherPeter HankovszkyJames W. JensonAnn StuckeyJ.A. WalkerBrian Watkins

DallasKelsey BenJasmine CalliesRaymond CurrentKathleen LunsonElvis Ogutu

DelawarePatico Owens

DetroitDavid Burt

Fort LauderdaleVasti Amaro

HoustonLolalisa King

JacksonvilleSamone PrattMadelene Skinner

MarylandSandra DobsonDoris McMillon

MiamiLinda Smith-Parker

New YorkCharlotte HitchcockYvette Janniere-HoulderVanessa Pettiford

North CarolinaDennis Rorie

Northern CaliforniaJames ClevelandJonathan Hutchison

Oregon/SW WashingtonChris Aguon

PhiladelphiaPamela CurryRomaric Nsidze

San AntonioDeborah BarronMargaret CasaresChristina CastanoDenise ChandlerAnnette FellerGethsemia GadsonRoy GarzaDanelle HarrisPriscilla IngleSandra KrawietzEvelyn MartinezMcNeal PhaulsEsmeralda RamosPamela Sattiewhite

San Antonio (cont.)Nolen TreadwellErnesto UriegasMarcus WhiteIngrid Wilgen

Southern CaliforniaMarion Colston

St. LouisFelicia Miller HarrisMaryann Taylor Crate

Washington, D.C.Efon EpantyMarcellus FordMaurice NickSamuel SneadAshley Wiggins

COMTO welcomes members who joined the association between Sept. 3, 2011 and Nov. 7, 2011.

COMTO Membership Dues Cycle Changed

Effective Jan. 1, 2012, COMTO is moving to a single dues cycle for both new and renewed memberships. All memberships will be converted to a Jan. 1, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2012 membership cycle. Current members

will be billed in late November 2011 to bring their memberships in line with this new dues cycle. The new dues cycle aligns the dues cycle with our fiscal year (January to December) and budget cycle.

Currently, individual memberships are renewed for a one-year period on one of two cycles, either with a June 30 or Dec. 31 expiration date. Our organi-zational (agency and business) memberships are renewed for a one-year period on the anniversary date. With the new cycle, members who currently expire Dec. 31, 2011 will be billed as normal. Memberships that expire January – November 2012 will be invoiced in November at a prorated amount in order to move the date of expiration Dec. 31, 2012. Payment of these invoices will be due by Jan. 31, 2012.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or call the National Office at (202) 367-1181. ■

Apply for the Robert H. Prince, Jr. Scholarship Today

COMTO is now accepting applications for the 2012 Eno-COMTO Robert H. Prince, Jr. Scholarship. It is awarded annually to a senior leader in the transit industry with a career goal of becoming a transit

general manager/CEO in a rural, small urban or urban transit agency. It pro-vides funding to attend the Eno Center for Transportation Leadership Transit Executive Seminar.

To apply, candidates must submit the following by Jan. 13, 2012:

• Standard application for the Transit Executive Seminar

• Scholarship application form

• Statement of 500-750 words addressing agency size, funding need, their career goal to become a transit general manager/CEO and how participation in the Eno Transit Executive Seminar might help them meet the particular challenges faced by their organization.

For more information, visit comto.org. ■

COMTO President/CEO Julie Cunningham and COMTO board member John Lewis recently participated in the Intelligent Transport Systems

(ITS) World Congress held in Orlando, Fla. Lewis, along with COMTO member Keith Parker, president/CEO of VIA Metropolitan Transit in San Antonio,

Texas, participated on a panel titled, “International Workshop on Best and Emerging Practices in Transit.” The panel was sponsored by the Federal Transit Administration.

Cunningham moderated another panel titled, “Equity and Social Responsibility.” The panel focused on sociological and economic elements that would

COMTO Participates in ITS World Congressmake access to ITS benefits more equi-table and fair worldwide. The interna-tional panel included COMTO member Linda Watson, president/CEO of Capital Metro in Austin, Texas; Dr. Kian-Keong Chin, chief engineer for transportation in Singapore; Hans Rode, senior advisor/director for Swedish Transport Administration; and

Dr. Kyung-Soo Chon, professor at Seoul National University.

Lewis stated, “As we continue advancing issues of social equity, this was a phenomenal opportunity for COMTO to participate in the global community which struggles with some of the same issues.” ■

Page 8: COMTO Strategic Planning Committee Chair Freddie Fuller ...c.ymcdn.com/sites/ · PDF file2 COMTO ... ACCELERATE Winter 2011Moving the Nation 3 O n Oct. 2, COMTO hosted a one-hour hour

National ChairRoosevelt BradleyPresident and Chief Executive OfficerUnited Brake & Clutch Service, LLCMedley, Fla.

1st Vice ChairRobert PrinceVice President and General ManagerAECOMBoston, Mass.

2nd Vice ChairLester Woods Jr .External Civil Rights DirectorMissouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)Jefferson City, Mo.

Secretary/TreasurerWarren MontagueDirector, Service OperationsSoutheastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA)Philadelphia, Pa.

Immediate Past ChairShirley DeLiberoPresident and Chief Executive OfficerDeLibero Transportation Strategies, LLCBoston, Mass.

President and Chief Executive OfficerJulie A . CunninghamWashington, D.C

Board Members At-LargeFrank MartinSenior Vice PresidentPost, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan, Inc. (PBS&J)Tallahassee, Fla.

Cheryl McKissackChief Executive OfficerMcKissack & McKissackNew York, N.Y.

John LewisChief Executive OfficerCentral Florida Regional Transportation Authority (LYNX)Orlando, Fla.

Council of Presidents RepresentativesAida DouglasDBE Officer / Business Development ManagerCapital Metro Transit AuthorityAustin, Texas

Renee EdwardsTechnical Services AdministratorDallas Area Rapid Transit (DART)Dallas, Texas

Venkat SubramanianPresident and Chief Executive OfficerAngarai International Inc.Largo, Md.

Founder and Honorary Chairman EmeritusThe Rev . Jerry MooreWashington, D.C.

Co-Founder and Honorary HistorianHarold WilliamsBitely, Mich.

Board AdvisorsMary Ann CollierSwayzer Engineering Inc.Dallas, Texas

Gabriele MackVice President for Business Diversity and Strategic Markets, Office of Government RelationsJacobs Engineering GroupArlington, Va.

A . Bradley MimsPartnerFederal Advocates Inc.Washington, D.C.

Deborah UnderwoodProgram ManagerNorth Carolina A&T State UniversityGreensboro, N.C.

Debra Simmons WilsonManaging PrincipalEngaging Solutions, LLCIndianapolis, Ind.

2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800Washington, D.C. 20036www.comto.org

COMTO Board of Directors

Accelerate is a quarterly newsletter published by the Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO), 2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 367-1181, info@comto .org, www .comto .org. Articles may not be reproduced without the publisher’s written permission.

Publisher: Julie A. Cunningham Editors: Frances Moffett, John Delavan© 2011 All Rights Reserved

COMTO Vision StatementTo see the diverse faces of America equally reflected in all levels of the transportation industry.

COMTO Mission StatementTo ensure a level playing field and maximum participation in the transportation industry for minority individuals, businesses, and communities of color through advocacy, information sharing, training, educational and professional development.

COMTO Core ValuesCOMTO’s core values are embodied in how we conduct business and how we interact with our stakeholders, including our members, customers, partners, and supporters. We affirm and are committed to the following core values: Advocacy, Diversity, Excellence, Inclusion, Innovation, Integrity, and Service.