COMS W3156: Software Engineering, Fall 2001 Lecture #14: Implementation II, LDAP Janak J Parekh [email protected]

COMS W3156: Software Engineering, Fall 2001 Lecture #14: Implementation II, LDAP Janak J Parekh [email protected]

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Page 1: COMS W3156: Software Engineering, Fall 2001 Lecture #14: Implementation II, LDAP Janak J Parekh janak@cs.columbia.edu

COMS W3156:Software Engineering, Fall 2001

Lecture #14: Implementation II, LDAP

Janak J Parekh

[email protected]

Page 2: COMS W3156: Software Engineering, Fall 2001 Lecture #14: Implementation II, LDAP Janak J Parekh janak@cs.columbia.edu

Administrativia• LDAP configured• HW2 due now• Design due in one week• Requirements update pending (v1.2)

– LDAP renaming– Missing some boolean operators– Something else?

• Webboard…– You are supposed to do the homework

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Next class

• I’m debating

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Today’s class

• Implementation, continued (testing)


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From last class

• Conclusion: we need a compromise – highlight faults, while accepting that not all faults will be detected

• Black-box test cases first (specifications)

• Then, develop additional glass-box techniques (code)

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Black-box module testing

• Goal: devise small number of test cases that cover most of the possibilities

• Every test case must be chosen to detect a previously undetected fault: don’t repeat

• Equivalence testing and boundary value analysis

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Equivalence class testing

• Break down cases into equivalence classes

• Example: database with max 16,000 records– If it works for 251, it’ll probably work for


• Define classes that need to be tested– Less than 1 record– From 1 to 16,000 records– More than 16,000 records

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Boundary testing

• Take the equivalence classes to the next level– 0 records– 1 record– 2 records– 723 records– 16,382 records– 16,383 records– 16,384 records

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Boundary testing (II)

• Test both sides of the classes• While the example referred to input

specifications, can also boundary-test output cases

• Example: payroll– Test deductions between, and including, min

and max deduction values, as well as beyond them

– Devise test cases to get these results

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Boundary testing (III)

• In general, for a range {R1, R2}, 5 test cases:– Less than R1

– Equal to R1

– Greater than R1, less than R2

– Equal to R2

– Greater than R2

• Need to start thinking this way

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Functional testing

• Test on functionalities of module

• Step 1: determine functions of module

• Step 2: Devise test data for each low-level function

• Step 3: Determine higher-level functions

• (picture)

• This is hybrid black-box and glass-box

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Functional testing (II)

• In practice, need to do functional analysis, since it’s not always so simple

• Often, cross-module functionality

• Object-oriented doesn’t help

• Difficult to resolve at times, but general principle remains sound

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Glass-box testing

• Look at the source code, and design test cases from there

• Statement coverage

• Path coverage

• Branch coverage

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Statement coverage

• Run a series of test cases in which every statement is executed at least once.

• Use a CASE tool to keep track of how many times each statement has been executed– Rational PureCoverage, which we do have, but

we’re probably not going to use it

• Problem: no guarantee all outcomes of branches are tested (i.e. if clauses)

Janak J Parekh
Rational PureCoverage?
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Branch coverage

• Run a series of tests to ensure all branches are tested at least once

• Tools such as Generic Coverage Tool (gct)

• Statement/branch coverage are structural tests

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Path coverage

• Test all paths

• Challenge: reduce number of paths to be examined while still uncovering as many faults as possible– Restrict test cases to linear code sequences:

identify set of points from which control may jump, and devise code sequences that begin at control flow and end at another control flow

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• Define each occurrence of a variable as a definition of the variable (int i=1) or use of the variable (y=i+5)

• Identify all paths between definition and use• Set up a test case for each path• Still theoretically 2d paths (d = #branches)• Can be shown that in real programs this is

not reached

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Dead code

• Sometimes programmers will have an “infeasible path” that cannot be reached given any input

• Statement coverage detects this

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Complexity metrics

• Intuition suggests more complex code implies more bug-prone code

• Various metrics to determine complexity– LOC– McCabe’s measure of cyclomatic complexity

• # branches in the module• Found to be reasonably accurate

– Halstead utilizes a linear combination of several metrics (operators and operands)

• Problem: both Halstead and McCabe practically are linear with LOC

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Code walkthroughs/inspections

• Works very, very well*

• Explaining your own code finds many faults

• Suggest you try it in a group environment

• Much cheaper than execution-based testing– Takes less time– Faults are detected earlier

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Comparing testing mechanisms

• Brief conclusion: all are valid, but some work a bit better than others

• In some studies, it’s been shown that code reading was most effective at detecting “interface faults”, while black-box testing was most effective at finding “control faults”

• Conclusion: code walkthroughts/inspections work

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• Combine a number of different techniques, including incremental lifecycle

• Critical aspect: cannot compile a module until it passes inspection

• Has been successful for both small and large programs

• Metric: testing faults from time of compilation

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Challenges of testing objects

• Can’t execution-test a class, only objects

• Information hiding and simple methods complicate things: need to call both setter and getter methods to test variable changes

• Need to test inherited methods!– Context may have changed: methods it may call

may have been overridden

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• Management: how much time and money to test?– Cost-benefit analysis

– Reliability analysis: statistical determination of faults remaining

• When to rewrite?– Predetermine “maximum number of faults”

• Challenges– When, how to reuse code

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• Lightweight Directory Access Protocol• Essentially a hierarchical (treelike) database

– Attributes: Attribute-value pair– Objects: collection of Attributes (record)– Records are uniquely identified using the DN,

or distinguished name

• Not XML, but you don’t need to talk the language: JNDI does the work

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Distinguished name

• Unique name assigned to everything in the database

• Implicit hierarchy: “root” is the right part• Comma (,) is delineator• Utterly flexible• “cn=Janak,ou=PSL,ou=CS,o=Columbia”• “cn=Janak,dc=psl,dc=cs,dc=columbia,dc=e


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Our LDAP database

• Designated as “o=softe” – it’s the root of the tree

• Three nodes (each have the root affixed):– ou=services– ou=actors– ou=states

• Each item under this must have its own DN

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Entries in LDAP

• Every entry will have its own unique DN: the “identifier” will usually be a CN (Common Name) component of the DN

• “cn=A1,ou=services,dc=softe,dc=cs,dc=columbia,dc=edu”

• “cn=johndoe,ou=actors,dc=softe,dc=cs,dc=columbia,dc=edu”

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• Each entry can be one of any (millions) of types

• We’ve explicitly created three for you– Service– Actor– ActorState

• Names changed from requirements; will fix

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• Service reference ID: CN tag in DN: use your group ID

• Required:– ServerIP (string)– ServerPort (int)– ServerType (string): A or S

• Optional– WorldName– ServerExtensions

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• Actor “name”/login id: CN tag in DN• Required:

– HP: int– XP: int– Gold: int– Password: String

• We’ll give you crypting code

• Optional:– ImageURL

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• CN in DN: unique identifier– Concatenate Actor, World, and Service

– ac=actorname+wn=worldname+sv=servicename

• Required– LocationX: int

– LocationY: int

– Status: int

– WorldInstance: int

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• Straightforward API, built into JDK 1.3 and higher

• Can do more than LDAP: DNS, etc.

• For LDAP, uses concept of directory context in which the operation will be done– ldap://softe.cs.columbia.edu:389/o=softe

• Once set, go ahead and do operation(s)

• Recitation!

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JNDI Lookups

• getAttributes() method searches by (unique) DN– similar to lookup() but more powerful

• Returns Attributes object: collection of attribute-value pairs; you can “get” and “put”; like a Hashtable

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JNDI Searches

• search() searches within a DN for all entries that match the Attributes set you provide

• Returns NamingEnumeration (subinterface of Enumeration)– Each entry in the Enumeration is a

SearchResult, which you can convert toString() and then do a lookup

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JNDI Lists

• list() finds all in the DN context

• Returns NamingEnumeration, consisting of NameClass pairs

• getName() method in this class

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JNDI Writes

• Just like we can getAttributes(), we can…

• (re)bind()– Ok, so the parallel isn’t ideal– Name: DN– Object: null (Java can serialize to LDAP!)– Attributes: our good friend

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JNDI Deletes

• unbind();

• Must supply whole DN to it– Use search() if you don’t know what the full

DN of the relevant object is

• Almost never throws exception, even if the record isn’t there– idempotent

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JNDI Miscellany

• Name class– You don’t have to use this: it’s a bit more

“civilized” way of dealing with DN’s, though– For the scope of this class, it’s acceptable just

to use Strings for DN’s

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Our permissions setup

• Services: readable by all, writeable only by those who have password

• Actors: read/write by password only• ActorStates: read/write by password only• Net effect

– Client has no password, and no need of one– All servers will share the same DN and

password (yes, logins are via DN too!)

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What does this mean for you?

• Implementation/Testing– You now know what your testing plan will look like

• LDAP– You finally know all the details to use LDAP not

only for your design, but also your implementation

– Shouldn’t need a whole lot for the design

– We give you code samples: adjust it to suit your needs