Computer Vision From traditional approaches to deep neural networks Stanislav Frolov München, 27.02.2018

Computer Vision...Computer Vision From traditional approaches to deep neural networks Stanislav Frolov München, 27.02.2018

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Page 1: Computer Vision...Computer Vision From traditional approaches to deep neural networks Stanislav Frolov München, 27.02.2018

Computer Vision

From traditional approaches to deep neural networks

Stanislav Frolov München, 27.02.2018

Page 2: Computer Vision...Computer Vision From traditional approaches to deep neural networks Stanislav Frolov München, 27.02.2018

● Computer vision● Human vision● Traditional approaches and methods● Artificial neural networks● Summary


Outline of this talkWhat we are going to talk about

Page 3: Computer Vision...Computer Vision From traditional approaches to deep neural networks Stanislav Frolov München, 27.02.2018

● trained deep neural networks for object detection during master thesis

● still fascinated and interested


Stanislav Frolov

Big Data Engineer @inovex

Page 4: Computer Vision...Computer Vision From traditional approaches to deep neural networks Stanislav Frolov München, 27.02.2018

● Teach computers how to see● Automatic extraction, analysis and understanding of

images● Infer useful information, interpret and make decisions● Automate tasks that human visual system can do● One of the most exciting fields in AI and ML


What is computer visionGeneral

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What is computer visionMotivation

● Era of pixels● Internet consists

mostly of images● Explosion of visual

data● Cannot be labeled

by humans

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What is computer visionDrivers

● Two drivers for computer vision explosion○ Compute (faster and cheaper)○ Data (more data > algorithms)

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What is computer visionInterdisciplinary field

Computer Science





Information Retrieval

Machine LearningGraphs,


Systems Architecture


Speech, NLP

Image Processing

OpticsSolid-State Physics


Cognitive SciencesBiological vision

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Page 9: Computer Vision...Computer Vision From traditional approaches to deep neural networks Stanislav Frolov München, 27.02.2018

● Imaging for statistical pattern recognition● Image transformations such as pixel-by-pixel operations

○ Contrast enhancement○ Edge extraction○ Noise reduction○ Geometrical and spatial operations (i.e rotations)


What is computer visionRelated fields - image processing

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● Creates new images from scene descriptions● Produces image data from 3D models● “Inverse” of computer vision● AR as a combination of both


What is computer visionRelated fields - computer graphics

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● Mainly manufacturing applications● Image-based automatic inspection, process control,

robot guidance● Usually employs strong assumptions (colour, shape,

light, structure, orientation, ...) -> works very well● Output often pass/fail or good/bad● Additionally numerical/measurement data, counts


What is computer visionRelated fields - machine vision

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● Create “intelligent” systems● Studying computational aspects of intelligence● Make computers do things at which, at the moment,

people are better● Many techniques play an important role (ML, ANNs)● Currently does a few things better/faster at scale than

humans can● Ability to do anything “human” is not answered


What is computer visionRelated fields - AI

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● Related fields have a large intersection● Basic techniques used, developed and studied are very



What is computer visionRelated fields- summary

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Short trip to human vision


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● Two stage process○ Eyes take in light reflected off the objects and retina

converts 3D objects into 2D images○ Brain’s visual system interprets 2D images and “rebuilds”

a 3D model


What is human visionGeneral

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● Pair of 2D images with slightly different view allows to infer depth

● Position of nearby objects will vary more across the two images than the position of more distant objects


What is human visionStereoscopic vision

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● Prior knowledge of relative sizes and depths is often key for understanding and interpretation


What is human visionPrior knowledge

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● Texture and texture change helps solving depth perception


What is human visionTexture pattern

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What is human visionBiases and illusions in human perception

● Shadows make all the difference in interpretation● Gradual changes in light ignored to not be misled by


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What is human visionA few more illusions

● Two arrows with different orientations have the same length

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● Assumptions and familiarity (distorted room)● Face recognition bias● Up-down orientation bias


What is human visionBiases and illusions in human perception

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What is human visionSummary

● Illusions are fun, but the complete puzzle to understand human vision is far from being complete

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Back to computer vision


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● Recognition● Localization● Detection● Segmentation


What is computer visionTypical tasks

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● Part-based detection○ Deformable parts model○ Pose estimation and poselets


What is computer visionTypical tasks

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● Image captioning (actions, attributes)


What is computer visionTypical tasks

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● Motion analysis○ Egomotion (camera)○ Optical flow (pixels)


What is computer visionTypical tasks

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● Scene understanding and reconstruction


What is computer visionTypical tasks

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● Image restoration● Colouring black & white photos


What is computer visionTypical tasks

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Solving this is useful for many applications


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What is computer visionTypical applications

● Assistance systems for cars and people● Surveillance● Navigation (obstacle avoidance, road following, path

planning)● Photo interpretation● Military (“smart” weapons)● Manufacturing (inspection, identification)● Robotics● Autonomous vehicles (dangerous zones)

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What is computer visionTypical applications

● Recognition and tracking● Event detection● Interaction (man-machine interfaces)● Modeling (medical, manufacturing, training, education)● Organizing (database index, sorting/clustering)● Fingerprint and biometrics● …

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Why so difficult?


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What is computer visionWhy it is difficult

● Occlusion● Deformation● Scale● Clutter● Illumination● Viewpoint● Object pose

● Tons of classes and variants

● Often n:1 mapping● Computationally

expensive● Full understanding of

biological vision is missing

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System overview


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● Input: image(s) + labels● Output: Semantic data, labels

● Digital image pixels usually have three channels [R,G,B] each [0...255] + Location[x,y]

● Digital images are just vectors


What is computer visionSystem overview

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1. Image acquisition (camera, sensors)2. Pre-processing (sampling, noise reduction,

augmentation)3. Feature extraction (lines, edges, regions, points)4. Detection and segmentation5. Post-processing (verification, estimation, recognition)6. Decision making● -> Ability of a machine to step back and interpret the big

picture of those pixels37

What is computer visionSystem overview

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Some history


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● 2D imaging for statistical pattern recognition● Theory of optical flow based on a fixed point

towards which one moves


What is computer visionHistory

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Image processing

● Histograms● Filtering● Stitching● Thresholding● ...


What is computer visionTraditional approaches

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● Desire to extract 3D structure from 2D images for scene understanding

● Began at pioneering AI universities to mimic human visual system as stepping stone for intelligent robots

● Summer vision project at MIT: attach camera to computer and having it “describe what it saw”


What is computer visionHistory

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● Given to 10 undergraduate students● … an attempt to use our summer workers effectively … ● … construction of a significant part of a visual system … ● … task can be segmented into sub-problems … ● … participate in the construction of a system complex

enough to be a real landmark in the development of “pattern recognition” …


What is computer visionHistory: summer vision project @MIT 1966

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● Goal: analyse scenes and identify objects● Structure of system:

○ Region proposal○ Property lists for regions○ Boundary construction○ Match with properties○ Segment

● Basic foreground/background segmentation with simple objects (cubes, cylinders, ….)


What is computer visionHistory: summer vision project @MIT 1966

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● Unlike general intelligence, computer vision seemed tractable

● Amusing anecdote, but it did never aimed to “solve” computer vision

● Computer vision today differs from what it was thought to be in 1966


What is computer visionHistory: summer vision project @MIT 1966

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● Formed many algorithms that exist today● Edges, lines and objects as interconnected



What is computer visionHistory

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What is computer visionTraditional approaches

Edge detection based on

● Brightness● Gradients● Geometry● Illumination

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What is computer visionTraditional approaches - part based detector

● Objects composed of features of parts and their spatial relationship

● Challenge: how to define and combine

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● More rigorous mathematical analysis and quantitative aspects

● Optical character recognition● Sliding window approaches● Usage of artificial neural networks


What is computer visionHistory

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What is computer visionTraditional approaches - HOG detection (histogram of oriented gradients)

● Concept in 80s but used only in 2005● Create HOG descriptors (object generalizations)● One feature vector per object● Train with SVM● Sliding window @multiple scales

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What is computer visionTraditional approaches - HOG detection (histogram of oriented gradients)

● Computation of HOG descriptors:

1. Compute gradients2. Compute histograms on cells3. Normalize histograms4. Concatenate histograms

● Requires a lot of engineering● Must build ensembles of feature descriptors

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● Significant interaction with computer graphics (rendering, morphing, stitching)

● Approaches using statistical learning● Eigenface (Ghostfaces) through principal component

analysis (PCA)


What is computer visionHistory

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What is computer visionTraditional approaches - deformable parts model (DPM)

● Objects constructed by its parts● First match whole object, then refine on the parts● HOG + part-based + modern features ● Slow but good at difficult objects● Involves many heuristics

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What is computer visionFeatures

● Feature points○ Small area of pixels with certain properties

● Feature detection○ Use features for identification○ Activate if “object” present

● Examples:○ Lines, edges, colours, blobs, …○ Animals, faces, cars, ...

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What is computer visionTraditional approaches - classical recognition

● Init: extract features for objects in different scales, colours, orientations, rotations, occlusion levels

● Inference: extract features from query image and find closest match in database or train a classifier

● Computationally expensive (hundreds of features in image, millions in database) and complex due to errors and mismatches

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What is computer visionHistory

Before the new era

● Bags of features● Handcrafted ensembles

Input Feat. 2

Feat. 1

Feat. n


Feature Extraction

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The new era of computer vision


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● Elementary building block

● Inspired by biological neurons

● Mathematical function y=f(wx+b)

● Learnable weights


Artificial neural networksFundamentals - artificial neuron

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● Collection of neurons organized in layers

● Universal approximators

● Fully-connected network here


Artificial neural networksFundamentals - artificial neural networks

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Artificial neural networksFundamentals - training

● Basically an optimization problem

● Find minimum of a loss function by an iterative process (training)

● Designing the loss function is sometimes tricky

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Artificial neural networksFundamentals - training

Simple optimizer algorithm:

1. Forward pass with a batch of data2. Calculate error between actual and wanted output3. Nudge weights in proportion to error into the right

direction (same data would result in smaller error)4. Repeat until convergence

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Artificial neural networksFundamentals - CNN

● Local neighborhood contributes to activation

● Exploit spatial information

● Hierarchical feature extractors

● Less parameters input



receptive field

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Artificial neural networksFundamentals - CNN

● Filter of size 3x3 applied to an input of 7x7

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Artificial neural networksFundamentals - pooling

● Max-pooling● Dimension reduction/adaption● Existence is more important than location

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Artificial neural networksFundamentals - pooling

● Zero-padding● Controlling dimensions

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Artificial neural networksFundamentals - general network architecture

Input image

convolutional layers

... Final decision

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Artificial neural networksFundamentals - hierarchical feature extractors

Lines, edges, blobs, colours, ...

Abstract objectsParts of abstract objects

First layers Deeper layers

Activations for:

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Modern history of object recognition


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● Classification and detection○ 27k images○ 20 classes

■ person, bird, cat, cow, dog, horse, sheep, aeroplane, bicycle, boat, bus, car, motorbike, train, bottle, chair, dining table, potted plant, sofa, tv/ monitor


BenchmarkDatasets - PASCAL VOC

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● Challenges on a subset of ImageNet○ 14kk labeled images○ 20k object categories

● ILSVRC* usually on 10k categories including 90 out of 120 dog breeds


BenchmarkDatasets - ImageNet

*ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge

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● ILSVRC 2012 winner by a large margin from 25% to 16%● Proved effectiveness of CNNs and kicked of a new era● 8 layers, 650k neurons, 60kk parameters


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - AlexNet

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● ILSVRC 2013 winner with a best top-5 error of 11.6%● AlexNet but using smaller 7x7 kernels to keep more

information in deeper layers


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - ZFNet

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● ILSVRC 2013 localization winner● Uses AlexNet on multi-scale input images with sliding

window approach● Accumulates bounding boxes for final detection (instead

of non-max suppression)


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - OverFeat

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● 2k proposals generated by selective search● SVM trained for classification● Multi-stage pipeline


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - RCNN (region based CNN)

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● Not a winner but famous due to simplicity and effectiveness

● Replace large-kernel convolutions by stacking several small-kernel convolutions


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - VGGNet

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● ILSVRC 2014 winner● Stacks up “inception” modules● 22 layers, 5kk parameters


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - InceptionNet (GoogleNet)

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● Jointly learns region proposal and detection● Employs a region of interest (RoI) that allows to reuse

the computations


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - Fast RCNN

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● Directly predicts all objects and classes in one shot● Very fast● Processes images at ~40 FPS on a Titan X GPU● First real-time state-of-the-art detector● Divides input images into multiple grid cells which are

then classified


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - YOLO (you only look once)

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● ILSVRC 2015 winner with a 3.6% error rate (human performance is 5-10%)

● Employs residual blocks which allows to build deep networks (hundreds of layers)

● Additional identity mapping


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - ResNet (Microsoft)

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● Not a recognition network● A region proposal network● Popularized prior/anchor boxes (found through

clustering) to predict offsets● Much better strategy than starting the predictions with

random coordinates● Since then heuristic approaches have been gradually

fading out and replaced


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - MultiBox

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● Fast RCNN with heuristic region proposal replaced by region proposal network (RPN) inspired by MultiBox

● RPN shares full-image convolutional features with the detection network (cost-free region proposal)

● RPN uses “attention” mechanism to tell where to look● ~5 FPS on a Titan K40 GPU● End-to-end training


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - Faster RCNN

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● SSD leverages the Faster RCNN’s RPN to directly classify objects inside each prior box (similar to YOLO)

● Predicts category scores and box offsets for a fixed set of default bounding boxes

● Fixes the predefined grid cells used in YOLO by using multiple aspect ratios

● Produces predictions of different scales● ~59 FPS


Artificial neural networksRoadmap - SSD (single shot multibox detector)

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● Open-source software library for machine learning applications

● Tensorflow Object Detection API○ A collection of pretrained models○ construct, train and deploy object detection models


Artificial neural networksTensorFlow object detection API

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● Humans are good at understanding the big picture● Neural networks are good at details● But they can be fooled...


SummaryHuman vs machine

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● Need a large amount data● Lots of engineering● Trial and error● Long training time● Still lots of hyperparameter parameter tuning● No general network (generalization not answered)● Little mathematical foundation


SummaryComputer vision is still difficult

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● Despite all of these advances, the dream of having a computer interpret an image at the same level as a human remains unrealized


SummaryComputer vision is hard

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Thank You

Stanislav Frolov

Big Data Engineer

[email protected]

0173 318 11 35

inovex GmbH

Lindberghstraße 3

80939 München