Computer Technology:College Gate Monday July 6,2009 1. Attendance User Agreement 2. Computer safety & proper use 3. Internet drivers license 4. Typing activities Tuesday July 7,2009 1.Took Pictures 2.Browsers 3.Internet explorer 4.Introduced Google 5.Google games-most results with a word in a sentence 6.Reviewed Internet Drivers license 7.Resized Photo for license with photoshop Wednesday July 8, 2009 1.Finished Drivers License 2. Intro to google tools:search,videos,news etc: image search-favorite animal,food, must choose a picture of a favorite place to save to their folders. Typing activities Introduction of paint:brushes different sizes. Thursday July 10, 2009 1.Found picture of favorite place on google and imported into photoshop. Cut out their face from a picture and placed it in their favorite place. 2. Had students learn clone stamp tool and made 3 rd eye on an animal. 3.Learned paintbrush tool on photoshop. Friday July 10, 2009

Computer technology college gate

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Computer Technology:College Gate

Monday July 6,2009

1. Attendance User Agreement2. Computer safety & proper use3. Internet drivers license4. Typing activities

Tuesday July 7,2009

1.Took Pictures2.Browsers3.Internet explorer4.Introduced Google5.Google games-most results with a word in a sentence6.Reviewed Internet Drivers license7.Resized Photo for license with photoshop

Wednesday July 8, 2009

1.Finished Drivers License2. Intro to google tools:search,videos,news etc: image search-favorite animal,food, must choose a picture of a favorite place to save to their folders.Typing activitiesIntroduction of paint:brushes different sizes.

Thursday July 10, 2009

1.Found picture of favorite place on google and imported into photoshop. Cut out their face from a picture and placed it in their favorite place.

2. Had students learn clone stamp tool and made 3rd eye on an animal.

3.Learned paintbrush tool on photoshop.

Friday July 10, 2009

Page 2: Computer technology college gate

1. Students placed animal bodies onto their heads in their favorite place in photoshop.

2. Students learned how to save their photoshop documents as jpegs.3. Typing games.4. Internet research on sharks,butterflies,sea turtles,wooly mammoths.5. search .edu,.org .com talked about domains .co.uk,.co.uk6. Alien collage

Monday July 13 2009

1.Made folders with the students name and placed all wotk within.

Tuesday July 14 2009

1. Created Banners in Photoshop saved them to photoshop.

Wednesday July 15, 2009

.Introducing DreamweaverDraw lawer-Insert banner

Thurs July 16,2009Draw layer-Insert internet research

Friday July 17,2009Draw layer-Insert Image from internet—learned to resize images, resize Divs, t

Monday July 18,2009Finishes Sub-heading on student websites(text tool in Dreamweaver)

Tuesday July 19 ,2009

Wednesday July 20 2009Collage in photoshop on own—searching for own pictures, creating individual projects

Thursday July 21 2009

Page 3: Computer technology college gate

Intro to FlashCreated Moving ball and square movie-exported movie

Friday July 22,2009