Computer Ethics Being Responsible!

Computer Ethics Being Responsible!. SEVEN ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS OF A PERSONAL CODE OF COMPUTER ETHICS 1. Honesty 2. Respect 3. Confidentiality 4. Professionalism

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Computer Ethics

Computer EthicsBeing Responsible!


1. Honesty2. Respect3. Confidentiality4. Professionalism5. Responsibility6. Communication7. Obeying the law

95% of teens (ages 12-17) are online.

Did you know?Lenhart A, et al. Teens, kindness and cruelty on social network sites. Pew Internet& American Life Project, 2010Discussion OneWhat are your favorite things to do online?

Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying

What do you do?Avoid Gossip.Dont feed the cyber bullies.Bystanders are guilty too!

Use the Word Bank to complete the worksheetDid you know?About one-third of online teens (ages 12-17) have been cyber bullied. Girls are more likely to be targeted.Post to be Private

Sharing Too Much

Six Degrees of Information

Discussion ThreeWhat could you do to be safer online?What do you do?Initiate profile clean up!Protect your space!

Discussion TwoWhat is personal information? Why should you keep it private?


Have you seen this commercial?Use Your Brain!!

Discussion FourWhat would you do if anyone online asked to meet you face-to-face?Discussion FiveBesides me, who do you feel that you can talk to if you are in a scary or uncomfortable situation?


Never respondto harassing or rude comments.Saveor print the evidence.Talkto your parents or guardian if you are harassed; get help reporting this to your ISP, school, or local law enforcement.Respectothers online.Onlyshare your password with yourparent or guardian.Changeyour passwords often.Passwordprotectyour cell phone.Use privacy settings toblock unwanted messages.Think before postingor sending photos they could be used to hurt you.Contactthe site administrator if someone creates a social networking page in your name.