School Improvement Plan Comprehensive Needs Assessment School: Ligon MS Plan Year 2014-2016 Page 1 of 26 Data Components Areas of Strengths Areas of Concern Student Achievement AMO 2014-15 Reading 15/19 AMO Targets met = 78.9% Math 15/20 AMO Targets met = 75% Science 12/14 AMO Targets met = 85.7% Math I 4/4 AMO Targets met = 100% Biology I 1/1 AMO Targets met = 100% Total AMO Targets met 47/58 = 81% AIG scores 2012-2013 Reading 96 Math 93.9 AIG scores 2013-2014 Reading 95.5 Math 93.3 AIG Scores 2014-15 Reading 99 Math 98 Blacks made AMO in reading 4 years in a row but not last year and in math for three consecutive years but did not make AMO the last 2 years Reading 10-11 60.5 11-12 65.1 12-13 35.3 13-14 33.7 14-15 30.3 Math 10-11 70 11-12 73.2 12-13 23.5 13-14 20.5 14-15 21.4 Hispanic/Latinos have made AMO the past 5 years in reading 10-11 58.2 11-12 63.0 12-13 45.5 13-14 42 14-15 36.7 SWD met AMO once in reading in the past 3 years 12-13 NOT MET 11.1 13-14 MET 25 14-15 NOT MET 15.8 Science Grade 8 13-14 100% MET 14/14 AMO Targets 14-15 85.7% NOT MET 12/14 AMO Targets EOC 100% MET 5/5 AMO Targets 100% MET 4/4 AMO Targets ED students have not made AMO in math or reading in the last 5 years. Reading 10-11 52.6 11-12 54.8 12-13 25.9 13-14 28.4 14-15 23.2 Math 10-11 64.1 11-12 63.4 12-13 16.8 13-14 13.4 14-15 14.3 SWD have not made AMO the last 2 years in math Math 10-11 56.3 11-12 59.9 12-13 12.4 13-14 21.2 14-15 7.6 Reading 14-15 15.8

Comprehensive Needs Assessment School: Ligon MS School

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School Improvement Plan

Comprehensive Needs AssessmentSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016

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DataComponents Areas of Strengths Areas of Concern






AMO 2014-15 Reading 15/19 AMO Targets met = 78.9%Math 15/20 AMO Targets met = 75%Science 12/14 AMO Targets met = 85.7%Math I 4/4 AMO Targets met = 100%Biology I 1/1 AMO Targets met = 100%Total AMO Targets met 47/58 = 81%

AIG scores 2012-2013Reading 96Math 93.9

AIG scores 2013-2014Reading 95.5Math 93.3

AIG Scores 2014-15Reading 99Math 98

Blacks made AMO in reading 4 years in a row but not last year and in math for three consecutive years but did not make AMO the last 2years

Reading10-11 60.511-12 65.112-13 35.313-14 33.714-15 30.3

Math10-11 7011-12 73.212-13 23.513-14 20.514-15 21.4

Hispanic/Latinos have made AMO the past 5 years in reading10-11 58.211-12 63.012-13 45.513-14 4214-15 36.7

SWD met AMO once in reading in the past 3 years12-13 NOT MET 11.113-14 MET 2514-15 NOT MET 15.8

Science Grade 813-14 100% MET 14/14 AMO Targets14-15 85.7% NOT MET 12/14 AMO Targets

EOC100% MET 5/5 AMO Targets 100% MET 4/4 AMO Targets

ED students have not made AMO in math or reading in the last 5 years.

Reading10-11 52.611-12 54.812-13 25.913-14 28.4 14-15 23.2

Math10-11 64.111-12 63.412-13 16.813-14 13.414-15 14.3

SWD have not made AMO the last 2 years in math

Math10-11 56.311-12 59.912-13 12.413-14 21.214-15 7.6

Reading14-15 15.8

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School Improvement Plan

Comprehensive Needs AssessmentSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016

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DataComponents Areas of Strengths Areas of Concern










3 Year Growth Averages• 6th grade reading 0.5• 6th grade math 1.2• 7th grade reading -0.8• 7th grade math -0.7• 8th grade reading -0.5• 8th grade math 0.4• 8th grade science 1.3 EVAAS-GROWTH

2011-2012 2012-2013

6th grade rdg 2.6 -0.6

6th grade math 5.1 2.6

7th grade rdg -0.9 1.0

7th grade math -0.8 -1.9

8th grade rdg 2.5 -1.1

8th grade math 4.5 -1.6

8th grade science 0.4 2.2

CCM1 0.5

Overall designation MET

3 Year Growth Averages in 6, 7 and 8 math. All 3 fell significantly.

Reading & Math have not met the AMO target for EDS in the past 5 years.

Math met 15/20 AMO Targets. Did not meet Black, Hispanic/Latino, LEP, EDS & SWD.

Reading met 15/19 AMO Targets. Did not meet Black, Hispanic/Latino, EDS & SWD.

Science met 12/14 AMO Targets. Did not meet Hispanic/Latino, EDS, SWD.

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School Improvement Plan

Comprehensive Needs AssessmentSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016

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DataComponents Areas of Strengths Areas of Concern


f and







Student enrollment :• 2012-2013: 1157• 2013-2014: 11972015 2016 1089

Student ethnicity (2012-2013):• African American: 412• Asian: 90• Hispanic: 82• Multi: 49• Caucasian: 522• American Indian: 22010-2011 Teacher Demographics:White 49Black 19Hispanic/Latino 1Asian 2

Minority teachers: 31%

Staff turnover:• 2012-2013: 31%• 2011-2012: 17%2010-2011: 10.6% Fully Licensed Teachers: 97%Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers: 100%Teachers with Advanced Degrees: 29%National Board Certified Teachers: 8

Years of Teaching Experience:\• 0–3 Years - 22%• 4-10 Years - 30%• 10+ Years - 49%

Suspension data 2010-2011Short term suspensions = 345# of students suspended short term = 194Long term suspensions = 20# of students suspended long term = 20

PLT Survey Results 2013-2014• My PLC typically meets weekly• Utilize increasingly more effective instructional strategies• Are identifying more effective instructional strategies• Worked to align our instruction with learning outcomes• Document and monitor our processes so that we can improve• Our SMART goals are aligned to our school’s SMART goals• Adopted SMART goals that we are working to achieve• Identified essential learning outcomes

PLT Survey (19 or more staff members disagree/strongly disagree)

• Have a process to effectively resolve conflict• My school celebrates team progress toward SMART goals• My school celebrates team progress toward implementing our PLCs• Time spent with my PLC will save me time overall • Examine results to identify students who in need• Examine results to evaluate instructional practices• Require students in need to participate in other learning opportunities• Utilize the school-wide intervention pyramid of interventions

Lack of non-instruction time for faculty and staff. One 47-minute planning period a day. Two days a weekthose are used for PLTs. Most other days they are used for parent conferences and/or IEP meetings.

Growing population of Non-English speaking parents make effective communication more challenging.

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School Improvement Plan

Comprehensive Needs AssessmentSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016

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DataComponents Areas of Strengths Areas of Concern



n Additional early release and teacher workdays provide dedicated time for PD and teacher planning/collaboration. Inside transitions have improved student management 2015-16 First week of school has been the best in the past 5 years

Lack of discipline matrix/consistency when assigning consequences.Tedious process for recording discipline issues in EasiInconsistent rigor for all students in all classesDemanding schedule provides minimal time for planning, preparation, and collaborationFeedback on LEAP enrichment and remediation is inconsistent




A support group for minority students who are indentified as AIG. Meets during the school day.Serves AA, AIG. Academically and socially driven after school mentor program with Fellowship Church serving AA,LEP, Level 1 & 2, SWD, ED, Hisp Math, Science, Engineering elective serving AA, ED, level 4 non AIG, AIG, Hisp

Lack of data on who is being served? How often? Effectiveness? Impact on EOG scores?

There is no CONCERT this year.

Funding for ESL After School program ended in 2013.

Priority Concerns Root Causes(with evidence) Solutions


Overall decline in math growth for 6, 7, and 8

SWD & EDS have not made AMO in math in thepast 4 years

African American students are not progressingat a substantial rate in math

LEP/ESL students are not progressing at asubstantial rate in math

Rigorous Schedule – 7 period dayShort class periods - 47 minutes

SPED should be the second thing placed on the masterschedule so that students are not heavily concentratedin classes because there are too few sections or theyare only offered at certain times.More teachers with ICR classes to spread the needsacross several teachers and class periods. Decreasesstaff burnout.Offer more SPED math classes in the AM and anadditional math support class with the math teacher onthe same day.

Math resources for making huge academic strides inone school year.Increased PLT time on data driven instruction targetingthis specific subgroupStudent work protocol for math instructionIncrease technology availabilityInstead of a core class and CA, maybe they could haveblock schedules

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Comprehensive Needs AssessmentSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016

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Priority Concerns Root Causes(with evidence) Solutions

ED students did not make AMO in math orreading 5 years in a row.

Teachers do not know who the ED students are.Poor attendanceNumerous tardies to school and during the dayLack of parental support, working telephonenumbers, attendance at conferences, etc.

Poor homework completion

Stiffer penalties for truancyHome visitsDecrease the number of students in each SPED mathclassTime – eventually our math scores will recover from therenorming and the change to the testSchool personnel visible in the community moreBetter system of communication between the schoolsocial worker and teachers, data manager, counselorsand administrators.Increased PLT time on data driven instruction targetingthis specific subgroupMath professional development on how to bringstudents up from lower grade levelsUtilize Study Island and Path Driver as responses toinstruction, data collection tools, and as progressmonitoring toolsStudent work protocolInstead of allowing walkers who arrive to school lateand receive a hot breakfast, give them a breakfast barand send them to class.

Review schedules of at risk students early on in theyear to guarantee they receive support classes (mathremediation, reading remediation, guided study).

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School Improvement Plan

Comprehensive Needs AssessmentSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016

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Priority Concerns Root Causes(with evidence) Solutions

High staff turnover Demanding scheduleLack of planning periodLack of instructional materials and resourcesToo many preps

All new teachers should have 2 planning periods atleast one quarter their first year and limited or nomorning and afternoon duties.Supplies - access to effective, efficient, well workingschool materialsLess prepsA LOT Less non-instructional dutiesIncreased PLT time on data driven instruction targetingspecific subgroupsStudent work protocolFurther strengthen our BT programIncreased social time for staff

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Comprehensive Needs AssessmentSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016

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Data SummaryDescribe your conclusions

Ligon G.T. Magnet Middle School continues to make a conscious effort to provide instructional staff with all pertinent data about the students they teach.After examining the data, including common, summative, and formative assessments, educators have a clear focus on the students they teach that fallinto the subgroups that did not make AMO. Teachers regularly meet in grade level and Professional Learning Teams (PLT) to discuss, plan andimplement research-based practices to meet the needs of students of all Ligon students.

Changes have been implemented in our math department to improve scores for the 2015-2016 academic year. Math teachers are collaborating more,utilizing data to determine instruction, progress monitoring regularly, administering benchmarks in a timely manner and being scheduled in a mannerthat in conducive to optimal learning and better utilization of teachers whose data shows their effectiveness with students in the subgroups that did notmeet the AMO targets. Ligon administration, counselors, and support staff are working to ensure that students are in school and prepared to learn. They provide opportunitiesfor parents to be involved in the Ligon school community and to be aware of their child’s academic progress. Staff continue to utilize a variety of tools,including PowerSchools, BlackBoard, individual teacher websites, team websites and Edmodo, to communicate with parents and provide promptfeedback on student academic achievement and progress. More than ever, Ligon staff are making an effort to collaborate with core teachers to ensurequality instruction in all areas with a concentrated focus in math.In 2015, all staff was placed on a SIP subcommittee in order to involve everyone in the decision making process, ensure that data and pertinentinformation is shared with all staff and to provide every stakeholder with an opportunity for input. This change allows every staff member a chance topositively impact the school community in some way. Increase staff satisfaction and minimize staff turnover, Ligon’s Beginning Teacher program recognizes the demanding schedule and continues toadvocate for increased non-instructional planning time and minimized duties for all new staff.Ligon’s faculty and staff continue to collaborate as to raise student achievement scores, close gaps, meet AMO in all subgroup areas, and maintain clearand consistent staff and parent communication and engagement.

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School Improvement Plan

Membership of School Improvement TeamSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016Principal: Gretta DulaDate: Mar - 2012

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SIP Team MembersName School Based Job Title

1 Anne Cooper Teacher Assistant2 Brittany Troutman School Improvement Chair3 Damian Powell Assistant Principal4 Danielle Coats School Improvement Chair5 Donna Laiosa Teacher6 Dr. Lynnae Morris Assistant Principal7 Gretta Dula Principal8 Hannah Elliott School Improvement Chair9 Jenn Zezza Assistant Principal10 Justin Abrams School Improvement Chair11 Mary Relyea School Improvement Chair12 Matthew Misuraca School Improvement Chair13 Melissa Lopez School Improvement Chair14 Meredith Pinckney School Improvement Chair15 Michelle Passafiume School Improvement Chair16 Philip Boayue School Improvement Chair17 Sandra Shipp School Improvement Chair18 Telea Newkirk School Improvement Chair19 Terri Hart Teacher Assistant20 Thomas Wright School Improvement Chair21 Wendell Smith School Improvement Chair

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School Improvement Plan

Mission, Vision and Value StatementsSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016Date: Mar - 2012

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Mission Statement:Ligon Gifted and Talented Magnet Middle School's mission is to engage, educate and develop the giftsand talents of each child in order to significantly increase achievement for all students by providing aworld-class education that maximizes each child’s potential.

Vision Statement:We accept responsibility to see that every child receives their best education through rigor, relevance andrelationships. It is our mission to create competitive and compassionate 21st century learners.

Value Statement:• We believe that all children, regardless of socio-economic circumstances, can be high achievingstudents.• We believe that highly effective principals, teachers and staff are the key to improving growth instudent achievement• We will pursue collaborative partnerships among students, staff, parents and the community to promotea climate 100% focused on student achievement.• We will model a passion for learning that encourages all students and teachers to strive for lifelonglearning through a diverse set of opportunities and cultural experiences.• We will foster a climate of respect for each other, the environment, and the community.• We will promote the use of 21st century skills to prepare students for an ever-changing global society.

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School Improvement Plan

Summary of Goals, Key Processes and Action StepsSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016LEA: Wake County (920)

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School Goal By June 2016, LMS will continue to engage collaborativepartnerships between the school and community partnersby finding meaningful ways to engage at least 75% ofcurrent collaborate partners, and the LMS PTA that willincrease the amount of resources available to teachers andstudents so that all standards rate above 70% as measuredby the Facilities and Resources section of the 2014-2015North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey.

Goal Manager Matthew MisuracaStrategic Objective Balanced Assessment System

State Board of Education Goal 21st Century StudentsData Justification for Goal Based onComprehensive Needs Assessment

TWC Survey 2013-2014

1 Key Process Ligon will identify and implement opportunities for PTA, business andcommunity organizations to support the school community.

Process Manager Matt MisuracaCompletion Date Oct - 2015

Restrainers Finances


Resources PTA

Business Alliance companies who partnered in the past

Measurable ProcessCheck(s)

SIP member will analyze survey results quarterly to determine to whatdegree the Business Alliance and other organizations are implementingways to support the school.

1 Action Step SIP committee writes a survey of teacher’s needs.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 12/2014

2 Action Step The CDC will survey staff quarterly to determine towhat degree the Business Alliance and otherorganizations are implementing ways to support theschool.

Timeline From 10/2014 To 5/2015

3 Action Step Members will poll staff to identify additional supportresources needed to assist with school climate andstudent achievement.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 12/2014

4 Action Step Create a quarterly plan for bringing identifiedresources to the school.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 12/2014

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Summary of Goals, Key Processes and Action StepsSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016LEA: Wake County (920)

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5 Action Step The CDC will bring in 4 more businesses into theBusiness Alliance. The Business Alliance committeewill identify and list new businesses and communityorganizations to partner with in order to developpositive community relationships for mentorprograms and job shadowing opportunities.

Timeline From 10/2014 To 5/2014

6 Action Step The Business Alliance committee will encourageBusiness Alliance members to participate in Ligon'sannual Career Day in order to provide a variety ofcareers to meet the diverse interests of our student.

Timeline From 1/2015 To 3/2015

7 Action Step Work with PTA to calendar two meetings a year thatteachers can attend.

Timeline From 1/2015 To 10/2015

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Summary of Goals, Key Processes and Action StepsSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016LEA: Wake County (920)

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School Goal By June 2016, teacher satisfaction as measured by the TWCsurvey will meet or exceed the county average in the areasof managing student conduct and school leadership.

Goal Manager Donna LaiosaStrategic Objective Achievement

State Board of Education Goal 21st Century ProfessionalsData Justification for Goal Based onComprehensive Needs Assessment

TWC Survey for 2013-2014

1 Key Process School Leadership will communicate expectations and information throughfaculty meetings and written communication.

Process Manager Donna LaiosaCompletion Date Jun - 2016

Restrainers None

Resources Exit TicketsMonthly staff meetings

Measurable ProcessCheck(s)

Administrative team will share strengths and concerns regardingcommunication revealed through exit slips on a quarterly basis.

1 Action Step Exit slips from staff meetings will be analyzed andaddressed by the administration and teachers will benotified as to whether their issues can be resolved ornot.

Timeline From 9/2014 To 6/2016

2 Action Step Administration will communicate more effectivelywith faculty and staff through PLTs, CORE, staff anddepartment meetings, Blues News and early releaseprofessional development.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 6/2016

2 Key Process In order to increase teacher satisfaction with school leadership, Ligon willwork to decrease the number of teachers leaving for school-related reasonsby 10% by June 2015 as measured by the Teacher Exit Survey.

Process Manager Danielle CoatsCompletion Date Jun - 2016

Restrainers Time to distribute information and read it

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Summary of Goals, Key Processes and Action StepsSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016LEA: Wake County (920)

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Resources BT/Mentor programSocial/Climate committeeSecret SantaStaff get togethers outside of schoolPLTs

Measurable ProcessCheck(s)

The School Improvement team will survey all staff that leaves in order tocollect data and analyze it for ways to improve teacher satisfaction, todetermine why teachers are leaving and to determine if our efforts toimprove teacher satisfaction are effective.

1 Action Step School Improvement Team will administer a teacherexit survey for all staff leaving for school-relatedreasons throughout the year.

Timeline From 12/2014 To 6/2016

2 Action Step Administrators will meet on a weekly basis to ensurethat each grade level is receiving consistentinformation and administrative support.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 6/2016

3 Action Step Administration will meet monthly with grade levelchairs and counselors to monitor grade level needs.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 6/2016

4 Action Step School Improvement Team will administer a quarterlysurvey to all Beginning Teachers in order todetermine teacher satisfaction.

Timeline From 1/2015 To 6/2016

3 Key Process All staff will implement PBIS expectations in order to strengthen thestudent management system.

Process Manager Donna LaiosaCompletion Date Jan - 2015

Restrainers Staff buy in

Resources Staff meetingsShared folderPBIS TeamPBIS lessonsROAR time 1st quarterGrade Level assemblies

Measurable ProcessCheck(s)

The School Improvement team will collect teacher survey data each semester andanalyze it to determine teacher satisfaction with effective implementation andconsistency of enforcing rules and assigning corresponding consequences.

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Summary of Goals, Key Processes and Action StepsSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016LEA: Wake County (920)

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1 Action Step Staff will consistently enter incidents into SIRS andSIRS training will be offered annually and as needed.

Timeline From 9/2014 To 6/2016

2 Action Step SIP will conduct a teacher survey at the end of eachsemester in order to determine teacher satisfactionwith the consistency of enforcing rules and assigningcorresponding consequences.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 6/2016

3 Action Step All teachers will teach PBIS expectations during thefirst three school days and a full day refresh at thebeginning of each quarter.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 6/2016

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Summary of Goals, Key Processes and Action StepsSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016LEA: Wake County (920)

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School Goal By June 2016, LMS will have reimaged and created a soundPBIS plan to be implemented that will increase studentinstructional time by 5%.

Goal Manager Melissa LopezStrategic Objective Learning and Teaching

State Board of Education Goal Healthy Responsible StudentsData Justification for Goal Based onComprehensive Needs Assessment

SIRS data from 2013-2014Tardy Data from 2013-2014

PBIS will submit an implementation timeline to supervisingadministrator that details specific actions that are to takeplace and when. PBIS will administer a quantitative andqualitative survey to teachers at the beginning of secondquarter and at the end of the year to help determineeffectiveness of the 2013-2014 initiatives. Beginimplementing aspects of the PBIS plan at the beginning ofthe 2014-2015 school year.

1 Key Process PBIS will conduct regular meetings to formulate the PBIS plan,LMS will have faculty trainings to teach the PBIS model, gradelevels will continue to document student behaviors in SAM, (SWIS)and the LMS student matrix shared folder.

Process Manager Hannah ElliottCompletion Date Jun - 2015

Restrainers Time it takes for each sweep teacher to enter period sweeps takes up theirentire planning periodLack of effective consequences for tardiesLunch detention does not work as a consequenceIncorrect parent contact informationLack of rewards for positive behaviors

Resources Staff shared folderEasiEmailPowerSchool

Measurable ProcessCheck(s)

PBIS will submit an implementation timeline to supervisingadministrator (Morris) that details specific actions that are to takeplace and when. PBIS will administer a quantitative andqualitative survey to teachers at the beginning of second quarterand at the end of the year to help determine effectiveness of the2014-2015 initiatives. Begin implementing aspects of the PBISplan during the second quarter of the 2015-2016 school year.

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Summary of Goals, Key Processes and Action StepsSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016LEA: Wake County (920)

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1 Action Step The PBIS committee will design a PBIS plan to beimplemented school wide.

Timeline From 6/2014 To 8/2014

2 Action Step PBIS will train all staff to effectively implement therevised PBIS plan.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 9/2014

3 Action Step Funds will be secured yearly for student prizes andrewards to encourage a PBIS school culture.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 8/2016

4 Action Step PBIS will implement a rewards system that recognizesstudents for exemplary behavior or following theROAR expectations

Timeline From 10/2014 To 8/2016

5 Action Step PBIS will formalize data tracking using flow charts,data collection in class, and inputting into SIRs.

Timeline From 10/2014 To 10/2016

6 Action Step PBIS will implement a trial run of CICO (checkin/check out) for 2-4, six week sessions, for at riskstudents compiled from SIRS data and teacher input(15 students).

Timeline From 12/2015 To 6/2016

7 Action Step PIS will support the implementation of charactereducation. PBIS will recognize one student per monthper grade level that displays the character trait of themonth.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 6/2016

2 Key Process Place at risk students in an intervention program that effectively addressestheir needs and provides them with tools for success.

Process Manager Rachel WolfCompletion Date Feb - 2015

Restrainers Time to implement the interventionsTime to meet with studentsStaff with time to become mentorsTime to train staff on the interventions

Resources PBIS InterventionsStaff to serve as mentors

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Summary of Goals, Key Processes and Action StepsSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016LEA: Wake County (920)

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Measurable ProcessCheck(s)

PBIS will identify students who are struggling to follow the PBISexpectations matrix from the data collected through SIRS and utilizeresearch based interventions in order to properly provide targetedintervention strategies which will be measured through a decrease in SIRSreferrals as monitored by the PBIS team in their monthly meetings.

1 Action Step Select at-risk students per teacher input and tardydata.

Timeline From 10/2014 To 12/2016

2 Action Step Match at-risk students with intervention services.

Timeline From 11/2014 To 2/2016

3 Action Step At-Risk Task Force will identify female students whoneed behavior and social support.

Timeline From 12/2014 To 1/2016

4 Action Step Semester elective will begin for female students whoare identified as needing behavior and socialsupport.

Timeline From 1/2015 To 1/2015

5 Action Step Look at suspension data, academic progress, andtardy reduction to assess measurable improvement.

Timeline From 2/2015 To 3/2016

6 Action Step Continuing or changing intervention support based onAt-Risk data and targeting students who have notshown marked improvement.

Timeline From 3/2015 To 6/2016

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Summary of Goals, Key Processes and Action StepsSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016LEA: Wake County (920)

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School Goal By June 2016, Ligon will have a 75% combined score for alldata points on 2015-16 EOG.

Goal Manager Mary RelyeaStrategic Objective Learning and Teaching

State Board of Education Goal 21st Century StudentsData Justification for Goal Based onComprehensive Needs Assessment

2014-2015 EOG and EOC scores2014-2015 AMO resultsEVAAS Growth - School

1 Key Process Provide regular and targeted interventions for students not on grade level.

Process Manager Britney LewisCompletion Date Jun - 2016

Restrainers Class sizePLT timeTime to develop assessments

Resources Math Intervention electiveSchedulingGuided study

Measurable ProcessCheck(s)

The math and language arts department chairs, the IRT and theintervention coordinator will review and analyze formative and summativedata monthly in order to determine student progress and the effectivenessof instruction.

1 Action Step Students needing math and/or ELA intervention,based on their 2014-15 EOG scores, will be scheduledinto those intervention classes prior to their coreclasses being scheduled.

Timeline From 5/2014 To 1/2016

2 Action Step Students needing math and/or ELA intervention,based on their benchmark scores or Path Driverscores, will receive targeted instruction during ROARtime.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 6/2016

3 Action Step Math & ELA teachers will be trained to use Path Driver,read the reports and implement next steps.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 3/20164 Action Step Math and ELA teachers will offer additional after school tutoring and

remediation for students based on quarterly grades, Path Driverscreening results, semester benchmark scores and intervention data.

Timeline From 10/2014 To 6/2016

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Summary of Goals, Key Processes and Action StepsSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016LEA: Wake County (920)

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2 Key Process Utilize PLTs to develop instructional strategies for students not meetingELA and math quarterly assessments and semester benchmarks oncommon core standards.

Process Manager Telea NewkirkCompletion Date Jun - 2016

Restrainers Time

Resources PLT timeQuickrEVAASCMAPPMath SummitCentral Office staffCase 21 BenchmarksBenchmark analysis toolSpecial Education teachersAIG specialistCounselorsIntervention teachersIntervention dataStudy IslandLunch time remediation & enrichmentCIS - Smart Academy

Measurable ProcessCheck(s)

The math and ELA department chairs and the IRT will review PLT minutes,quarterly math grades and Path Driver data to determine the effective useof PLT time and the progress towards the school academic goal.

1 Action Step PLT time will be a protected time on a specific day ofthe week.

Timeline From 8/2014 To 6/2016

2 Action Step During PLT time, after each quarter, teachers willcomplete a quarterly review in order to determinenext steps and targeted interventions for studentswho need remediation and reteaching of skills andconcepts.

Timeline From 11/2014 To 6/2016

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School Improvement Plan

Waiver RequestSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016

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Date Apr - 2014Waiver RequestedNo waiver is needed at this time.How will this waiver impact school improvement?N/APlease indicate the type of waiver: LocalPlease indicate the policy to be waived N/A

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School Improvement Plan

Summary Sheet of Professional Development ActivitiesSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016School Year: 2014-2015

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Development Activities for Topic: Participants: Goal Supported: Supporting Data:PBIS All staff on the PBIS

teamHealthy ResponsibleStudents

School wide disciplinedata

Integrating Math andEnglish into OtherSubjects and Electives

All teachers 21st Century Professionals EOG scores 2012-2013

Grading Policy &Practices

All teachers 21st Century Professionals Powerschool data2013-2014PLT minutes

Rigor in the Classroom All teachers 21st Century Professionals EOG results 2012-2013AMO results 2012-2013

DuFours All teachers 21st Century Professionals PLT survey 2013-2014Staff retreat April 2014

Kagan CooperativeLearning Training

Science teachers Focus on Learning andTeaching

Science benchmarks2013-2014Science 8 EOG

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Summary Sheet of Professional Development ActivitiesSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016School Year: 2015-2016

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Development Activities for Topic: Participants: Goal Supported: Supporting Data:AIG Instruction/Certification All Staff who are not

certified AIGAcademic Goal Lack of growth on the

EOG by AIG studentsDuFour Training - ProfessionalLearning Communities

ALL staff who are nottrained

Academic GoalTeacherRecruitment andRetention

Teacher WorkingConditions SurveyPLT survey

Student Engagement Strategies All staff teachingdiverse learners

Academic Goal AIG EOG Scores -Individual growth ofstudents in this subgroup

Growth Mindset All staff TeacherRecruitment andRetention

Teacher WorkingConditions SurveyPLT SurveyTeacher Turnoverpercentage 2013-2014and 2014-2015

Common Assessments All staff Academic Goal EOG scores

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School Improvement Plan

Intervention Planning MatrixSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016School Year: 2014-2015

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Reading Math BehaviorData DecisionProcess for Entry andExit

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year


Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Instruction Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Assessment andProgress Monitoring

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Curriculum/Resources Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Matrix is due and will be completed by the firststudent day of the 2014-2015 school year

Page 24: Comprehensive Needs Assessment School: Ligon MS School

School Improvement Plan

Intervention Planning MatrixSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016School Year: 2015-2016

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Reading Math Behavior

Data Decision Processfor Entry and Exit

Strategic• Path Driver Maze National Percentile between 26 and 50.• History of Level 2 on previous reading EOGs.• EVAAS probablility of proficiency between 51% and 69%.• Below 60% on core benchmark indicators.• Must show need in at least two of these stated data points.Intensive

• Path Driver Maze National Percentile below 25th percentile.• History of Level 1 on most or all previous reading EOGs.• EVAAS data probability of proficiency below 50%.• Bottom 15% on core benchmark indicators.• Must show need in at least two of these stated datapoints. New students

• Within two weeks of a new student's arrival, a Path Driverscreening will be given by the core ELA teacher.• Using the screening and documents from the previousschool, the teacher will determine if any furtherassessments are needed. • The same criteria as above will be used to determine theplacement in intervention.• Additional data points can be used for new students suchas another state's CC testing data.Exiting

• Students will exit the program at the end of the schoolyear if benchmark is achieved and maintained as evidencedby progress monitoring data points from Path Driver,progress monitoring unique to the intervention program andformative assessment data from the ELA core classroomteacher as well as a mutual agreement of all stakeholders,including teachers, administrators and parents. Review Schedule

• Students in strategic intervention will be progressmonitored every 2-4 weeks. Intervention team members willreview data at least once a quarter. • Students in intensive intervention will be progressmonitored every 2-4 weeks. Intervention team members willreview data at least once every 4 weeks.

Strategic• Path Driver Math National Percentile between 26-50.• History of Level 1 and/or Level 2 on previous math EOGs.• EVAAS probability of proficiency between 51% and 69%.• Below 60% on core benchmark indicators. • Must show need in at least two of these stated data points.Intensive

• Path Driver Math National Percentile below 25%.• History of Level 1 on most or all previous math EOGs.• EVAAS probability of proficiency below 50%.• Bottom 15% on core benchmark data.• Must show need in at least two of these data points.New students

• Within two weeks of a new student's arrival, a Path Driverscreening will be given by the core math teacher.• Using the screening and documents from the previousschool, the teacher will determine if any furtherassessments are needed. • The same criteria as above will be used to determine theplacement in intervention.• Additional data points can be used for new students suchas another state's CC testing data.Exiting

• Students will exit the program at the end of the schoolyear if benchmark is achieved and maintained as evidencedby progress monitoring data points from Path Driver,progress monitoring unique to the intervention programand formative assessment data from the math coreclassroom teacher as well as a mutual agreement of allstakeholders, including teachers, administrators andparents. Review Schedule

• Students in strategic intervention will be progressmonitored every 2-4 weeks. Intervention team memberswill review data at least once a quarter. • Students in intensive intervention will be progressmonitored every 2-4 weeks. Intervention team memberswill review data at least once every 4 weeks.

SIRS discipline data, minor and major, will be collected andentered into the system on a consistent basis and gradelevel. Our school has been trained and we have a commonunderstanding of what major and minor data will berecorded.Attendance issues will be addressed by the school socialworker and data manager. Our school has a process foraddressing student absences at specific intervals.

Entering strategic intervention:Student data when compared to his or her peer group isfalling below benchmark.A decrease in instructional time is offered.

Fading Intervention:Student is demonstrating progress towards meetingbenchmark based on a specified rate of growth. Fading willoccur in frequency first and then in intensity.

Intensive Intervention:When the students growth rate trajectory is parallel ornegative.

Exiting:Student meets benchmark

Frequency: at least once a monthStructure: Kid Talk, PLT, intervention team, PBIS meeting.The Intervention team will be used to determine theeffectiveness of core instruction, core curriculum and/orcore environment. If core is effective the Intervention teamwill further be utilized to identify students in need ofbehavior intervention.

The team will determine the effectiveness by reviewing andevaluating the data through progress monitoring toward thetargeted goal.

Page 25: Comprehensive Needs Assessment School: Ligon MS School

School Improvement Plan

Intervention Planning MatrixSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016School Year: 2015-2016

Page 25 of 26

Reading Math Behavior

Intervention Structure


• Daily Intervention instruction with the core ELA teacherduring warm ups or Lunch Crunch (10-20 minutes)• No more than 20 students per teacherIntensive

• Daily instruction during elective time with the readingintervention teacher (45 minutes)• No more than 15 students per teacher.

• Daily Intervention instruction with the core math teacherduring warm ups or Lunch Crunch (10-20 minutes)• No more than 20 students per teacher

Strategic and intensive interventions can be deliveredthrough core. Classroom-based interventions will bedelivered throughout the day by core and electiveteachers. The master schedule is designed to allow time for flexiblegrouping to occur for strategic and intensive intervention.Lunch Crunch, 3 electivesIntervention time can be altered in the master schedulebased on student need.An intervention will be chosen and the frequency andduration will be determined by the Intervention team.The frequency and duration will be contingent upon theprogress made towards the target goal.


StrategicELA teachers will use Coach, Study Island, readworks,organd other materials. These materials will be chosen incollaboration with SPED teachers during PLT planning eachweek.

IntensiveReading Intervention teacher will use MCI, ReadUp!, AMPand Academy of Reading with fidelity.Intervention team will meet monthly to review intensiveintervention data and plans to readjust instruction asneeded.

*Any changes in instruction format will be approved byadministration prior to changes.

StrategicMath teachers will use Coach, Study Island and othermaterials. These materials will be chosen in collaborationwith SPED teachers during PLT planning each week.

IntensiveMath teachers will use vMath with fidelity.

Intervention team will meet monthly to review intensiveintervention data and plans to readjust instruction asneeded.

*Any changes in instruction format will be approved byadministration prior to changes.

School-wide expectations developed and taught.Once a month, during PLTs, teams conduct Kid Talk withdocumentation.Once a quarter, during SIP meetings, whole school andgrade level data is reviewed. PLTs meet the next week tofurther review grade level discipline trends and useintervention strategies to make adjustments.The intervention team will consistently monitor howeffective intervention is and how structures should modifyas related to data.Grade levels and support staff may serve the role ofmonitoring.

Assessment andProgress Monitoring

All students will be screened using the Path Driver tool.All students scoring high risk on the screener will also begiven the Path Driver ORF assessment.Any student that is receiving intensive or strategicintervention will be progress monitored using Path DriverMaze and if needed ORF every 3 weeks.Intervention team will meet and review data and adjustintervention as needed.PLT teams will meet to review progress monitoring resultsand plan accordingly.

All students will be screened using the Path Driver tool.Any student that is receiving intensive or strategicintervention will be progress monitored using Path Driverevery 3 weeks. In addition, vMath students will adhere to assessment timeframe as prescribed by the program. Math teacher and intervention team will review vMath andStudy Island data after each progress monitoringassessment and program benchmarks.Intervention team will meet and review data and adjustintervention as needed.PLT teams will meet to review progress monitoring resultsand plan accordingly.

SIRS incident reportsAttendance dataWalk through observationsStudent FeedbackStaff FeedbackParent FeedbackBehavioral ScreeningBehavior data collection forms to collect baseline data andprogress monitoring behavioral goalsBased on the data reviewed, the frequency and duration ofthe intervention will be increased, faded or modified.Progress monitoring will occur at least monthly with thepossibility of occurring more frequently based on the actionplan step in the intervention process.

Page 26: Comprehensive Needs Assessment School: Ligon MS School

School Improvement Plan

Intervention Planning MatrixSchool: Ligon MSPlan Year 2014-2016School Year: 2015-2016

Page 26 of 26

Reading Math Behavior


Path Driver for student identification and progressmonitoringMCIStudy IslandAcademy of ReadingScope & Scholastic magazinesHigh WireTeen Tribune

Path DriverQuantile FrameworkvMathStudy Island Lunch CrunchIReady Khan Academy

Mentor programCheck In/Check OutBehavior contractsDojo pointsPBIS