Complex relationships between structural changes using brain Magnetic Resonance imaging in early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Andrea Marcella Pulido Chadid Universidad Nacional de Colombia Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Im´ agenes Diagn´ osticas Bogot´ a, Colombia 2014

Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

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Page 1: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

Complex relationships between structuralchanges using brain Magnetic Resonanceimaging in early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s


Andrea Marcella Pulido Chadid

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Imagenes Diagnosticas

Bogota, Colombia


Page 2: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con
Page 3: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

Complex relationships between structural changes using brainMR imaging in early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease

Andrea Marcella Pulido Chadid

Tesis presentada como requisito parcial para optar al tıtulo de:

Magister en Ingenierıa Biomedica


Ph.D. MD. Eduardo Romero Castro

Lınea de Investigacion:

Procesamiento de Imagenes

Grupo de Investigacion:


Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Imagenes Diagnosticas

Bogota, Colombia


Page 4: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Thomas A. Edison

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First, I would like thank to my advisor Prof. Eduardo Romero. His support in this process

and in daily and work-related problems, without his guidance, I would not be able to put the

topic together. Also the contributions of many different people of CIM@LAB research group,

in their different ways, have made this possible, I would like to extend my appreciation to

some members. Andrea Rueda for all the ideas we shared and all the help and patience she

provided during the elaboration of this thesis and to Juan Carlos Leon, his support, patience

and honesty in difficult times.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their unconditional support, both financially

and emotionally throughout my degree. Their patience and understanding during these years

is greatly appreciated.

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Neurodegenerative disease is the term used for a sort of incurable pathologies present in

the brain. It results in progressive degeneration of nerve cells, leading to movement ata-

xias, or mental dementias. Dementias are responsible for greatest burden of disease with

Alzheimer’s representing approximately 60-70% of cases. The main goal of this thesis is

to highlight subtle anatomical differences that constitute abnormal structural patterns that

may indicate the presence or absence of the pathology in regions with similar visual features

by using Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Keywords:Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Visual Attention Models, probabilistic

Latent Semantic Analysis, Alzheimer’s disease, Neurodegenerative diseases


Enfermedad neurodegenerativa es un termino utilizado en una amplia gama de patologıas

presentes en el cerebro que son incurables, estas resultan en la degeneracion progresiva o

destruccion de celulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun-

cionamiento mental demencias. Las demencias son responsables de la mayor cantidad de

personas afectadas. La enfermedad de Alzheimer representa aproximadamente el 60-70%

de los casos. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es resaltar diferencias anatomicas sutiles

que podrıan constituir patrones estructurales anormales que permitan indicar la presencia o

ausencia de la patologıa en las regiones con caracterısticas visuales similares mediante el uso

de la resonancia magnetica cerebral.

Palabras Clave:Imagenes de Resonancia Magnetica, Modelos de Atencion Vi-

sual, Analisis Probabilıstico de semantica latente, Enfermedad de Alzheimer,

Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas

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Acknowledgments v

Abstract vi

1 Theoretical Framework 2

1.1 Alzheimer’s Disease and brain morphometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.1.1 Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.1.2 Genetic tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.1.3 Imaging diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.2 Morphometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.3 Finding patterns on brain morphometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.4 Regional Saliency Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.5 Classification and Anatomical Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease using Regional Saliency Maps from Brain

MR Images 14

3 Classification of Alzheimer’s disease using regional saliency maps from brain MR

volumes 23

4 Discovering Regional Pathological Patterns in Brain MRI 32

5 Extracting Regional Brain Patterns for Classification of Neurodegenerative Dis-

eases 38

6 Conclusions and future work 46

Bibliography 47

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1 Theoretical Framework

Higher brain functions are supported by one or more neural networks which are not nece-

ssarily contiguous i.e. , brain regions can be differently affected by neurodegenerative diseases

with different clinical onsets. Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) is the typical example of a disease

that primarily affects higher brain functions, it is also the most common type of dementia,

affecting over 20 million people in the world.

Currently, an effective technique or bio-marker to detect AD in early stages is not yet avai-

lable. Usually, neurological and neuropsychological information obtained from clinical evalu-

ation of patients and relatives are collected and analyzed to detect this pathology. However,

this procedure allows to diagnose probable Alzheimer when the disease is already advanced,

impeding any possibility for patients to change their lifestyle and prevent the evolution of

this pathology.

Nowadays, neuroimaging plays an important role in early diagnosis of AD, by extracting

useful information and relations from structural (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI), func-

tional (Functional MRI, fMRI) and blood perfusion (Single-Photon Emission Computed

Tomography, SPECT) modalities, among others. In MRI, structural changes in brain re-

gions, such as atrophy, become evident during the disease progression. In particular, initial

analysis of these images has shown that hippocampal atrophy is one of the first structural

manifestations of this disease: for patients previously diagnosed with mild AD, the Hip-

pocampus area has been reduced in about 15% to 25%, compared to healthy patients. This

atrophy could be detectable five years before symptoms. However, when structural imaging

is used for early AD diagnostic the differences between aging brain and AD patients bare

complex, because all brains are morphometrically different; this issue could lead to establish

an incorrect identification of the pathology stages.

This thesis proposes a novel method to identify similar visual features in brain magnetic re-

sonance images to find discriminant patterns. It starts by extracting low-level features from

brain MRI , to describe each volume as a co-occurrence histogram of visual features. Upon

this description, we attempt to find the underlying structure of the information, as sepa-

rated regions with low level similarity. The third step involves the independent application

of a visual attention model onto these regions, to identify relevant visual information within

each region. Finally, a Support Vector Machine classifier is trained, in order to separate

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1.1 Alzheimer’s Disease and brain morphometry 3

pathological and normal classes as well as to identify relevant anatomical regions on each

class, the method is illustrated in Figure 1-1.


Brain MRI

Dataset Regional








Figure 1-1: Step-by-step description of the proposed method.

The first chapter present the motivation of this work and some strategies used in this research

area and brief overview of the relevant tools to find complex patterns. Chapters 2 , 3, 4 and

5 contain the results of this thesis, presented and published on international conferences.

Finally the conclusions and the future work are presented.

1.1 Alzheimer’s Disease and brain morphometry

Alzheimer Disease (AD) is a common neurodegenerative brain disorder that damages and

destroys brain cells; it leads to memory loss, personality changes, and problems with commu-

nication. The first person who described AD was the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer,

in 1906 [12]. He presented a case of a woman with early dementia and other symptoms. She

was institutionalized when she became unmanageable, some years after her initial symptoms

she died. Her autopsy revealed a serious atrophy of the cortex in different areas. Alzheimer

found sclerotic plaques scattered through the entire cortex. He also noted that many of the

cortical neurons were reduced to dense cumulus of neurofibrils, these descriptions made by

Alzheimer sprang up a new branch of pathology. Five years later, 11 similar cases of pre-

senile dementia with neuropathological plaques and tangles were reported in the medical

literature [2], but the official confirmation of this disease as unique was attributed to Emil

Kraepelin. He described the AD as a subtype of senile dementia and pre-senile dementia.

Nowadays, dementia is recognized as a basic feature of this disease, but its causes remain

unknown. [12] However there are some features that may have incidence: Cortical Atrophy,

neuronal cell death, amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Some hypotheses declare

that initial stage starts in the entorhinal cortex of Hippocampus, where the disease spreads

to the temporal and the frontal cortex. At final stages the entire brain is affected but the

greatest damage remains in the place where the disease started.

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4 1 Theoretical Framework

The physio-pathological process of AD begins many years before the first diagnosis of de-

mentia. [22]The patient does not present any memory loss and an interview with a doctor

will not determine any symptom. The second stage is called Very mild cognitive decline.

In this period the person may have memory lapses and can forget common things, but no

symptoms can be detected. The third stage is called Mild cognitive decline, a phase with

symptoms, but not present at all patients. People that surround the affected person starts

to detect difficulties regarding task performance at work,and at home. Doctors may detect

these difficulties by making a medical interview and may find memory or concentration prob-


The fourth stage is called Moderate cognitive decline. [17] The doctor may detect some symp-

toms by making an interview to apply psychological and cognitive tests. Some indicators

related to this stage may demonstrate problems to remember recent events, inability to per-

form mental arithmetic calculations, problems planning and executing tasks and beco-ming

irritable or withdraw in public with a challenging situation. Moderately severe cognitive

decline is the fifth stage, the affected person starts to have some memory gaps that are

noticeable and begin to need help in some routine activities, This is a moderate stage of AD.

The sixth stage known as severe cognitive decline memory loss continues to worsen, it also

starts to have personality disorders and need help with all daily activities.

1.1.1 Diagnosis

The common method to detect probable Alzheimer Disease is with the patient medical his-

tory [6], history from relatives and clinical observations. Specialist seeks for neurological and

neuropsychological features but this examination method only detects AD when the disease

is in advanced stage. In 1984, the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative

Disorders and Stroke (NINCDS) and the Alzheimer’s Association established some criteria

called NINCDS-ADRDA Alzheimer’s Criteria. This standard updated on 2007 and requires

to be confirmed by neuropsychological test. This exam finds the presence of mild cognitive

impairment (MCI) 1 and the suspicion of dementia syndrome. If those symptoms are found,

the clinical diagnosis will be possible or probable AD. A histopathologic confirmation, in-

cluding a microscopic examination of the brain tissue, is required for a definitive diagnosis.

Another criteria was issued by the American Psychiatric Association, called The Diagnos-

tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). It provides a standard criterion to

classify mental disorders. The manual DSM-IV was published in 1994 and it was revised on

1MCI: Brain-function syndrome involving the onset and evolution of cognitive impairments beyond those

expected based on the age and education of the individual, but which are not significant enough to

interfere with their daily activities

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1.1 Alzheimer’s Disease and brain morphometry 5

2000, a new revision is planned to be published on 2013. 2 These criteria establish a system

in which the symptoms categorize the type of dementia. It is comprised in 5 categories

(Axis I, Axis II, Axis III, Axis IV and Axis V) in Axis I, the major mental disorders are

presented including mental and clinical disorders, like Anxiety and Depressed Mood. Axis II

is conformed by personality disorders and intellectual disabilities disorders, such as Autism,

Axis III contains acute medical conditions and physical disorders such as AD, In Axis IV,

there are classified Psychosocial and environmental factors that contribute to the disorder

like job loss. Finally Axis V contains Children’s Global Assessment Scale for children and

teens under the age of 183.

Current diagnosis of AD relies on mental decline but it is known that the disease causes

several brain damage. There are currently no validated biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease,

but there are some tests that will help to make a diagnosis of probable AD.

1.1.2 Genetic tests

Three genes have been identified with variations that will probably cause AD. These genes in-

crease the risk, but do not guarantee that a person will develop the disease. The Apolipopro-

tein4 (APOE) [19] is associated with vulnerabilities of medial temporal lobe structures, but

there are no treatments yet available that can change the course of AD. The second is the

Amyloid precursor protein (APP) [3] whose function is yet unknown. There are some hy-

potheses that relate the protein as a regulator of the synapse formation. It is also studied as

the responsible generator of beta amyloid that is the primary component of amyloid plaques

found in the brains with AD patients. The mutation on the Presenilin gene [16] is associated

with inherited Alzheimer’s, which runs in families and can strike people in their 30s. It also

performs the function that enables cells to digest unwanted proteins and is essential for brain

cell survival. The mutation interrupts this cellular protein-recycling process, killing nerve


1.1.3 Imaging diagnosis

The advance on Neuroimaging techniques introduce accurate non-invasive biomarkers, as-

sociated structural changes in the brain of patients with AD. Some alterations could be

2http://www.psychiatry.org/practice/dsm/dsm-iv-vs–dsm-iv-tr3A Numeric scale used by mental health clinicians and physicians to rate subjectively the social, occu-

pational, and psychological functioning of adults, e.g., how well or adaptively one is meeting various

problems-in-living4ApoE, the protein coded by the APOE gene, is a lipid transport protein implicated in maintenance and

reparation of neuronal cells

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6 1 Theoretical Framework

visible like the Hippocampus reduction. A functional imaging technique provides informa-

tion about alterations that can be produced by AD, like reduction on the glucose metabolism

and bloodstream in some regions of the brain. [18] There is not another method to make a

diagnosis using just a single technique.

Computed tomography (CT)

Computed tomography (CT) is a medical imaging procedure that uses computer-processed

X-rays images. [11] A Computed tomography provides more information than a single x-ray

and can show differences between structural changes. Alzheimer disease affects the Temporal

Lobe [14] and the Hippocampus. These changes can be detected win CT. Nowadays; these

images are not able to detect patterns that can be used in the diagnosis, but they attempt

to dismiss other dementia causes.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

MRI is a medical imaging procedure which helps to visualize internal structures of the body

in detail. Initially, MRI was used to exclude conditions such as Brain tumors or Hematomas,

but nowadays it helps to identify and measure changes in brain structure, like Media tempo-

ral lobe atrophy, which predicts the progression of MCI to AD. It also identifies features in

brain structure through time showing the neuronal destruction produced by the disease. The

most established marker that identifies an AD pathology is the atrophy of the Hippocam-

pus. This damage can be measured through the brain volume, in mild AD the hippocampus

reduce its volume by 15-25 percent [9] , when comparing to healthy patients. These studies

show that atrophy may be detectable five years before symptoms. However the main disad-

vantage using MRI is when the studied population does not represent typical AD patients,

because some subjects with detectable Vascular Pathologies may be excluded.[8]

Diffusion tensor imaging

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is a MRI technique method; it was developed in mid-1980s.

[7] It allows mapping the diffusion process of water molecules. Molecular diffusion is not

free, because it reflects interactions, such as macromolecules, fibers, membranes, among oth-

ers. These molecules can reveal details about the tissue architecture showing white matter

disorders and providing models of brain connectivity.

There are some evidences [21] that changes in white matter will be probably related to spe-

cific cognitive dysfunction. These structural changes are found in all lobes of the brain, but

it is most prominent in the frontal white matter. Find these differences between control and

affected brains will help to have more information about the disease’s behavior and how to

prevent it.

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1.2 Morphometry 7

Positron emission tomography (PET)

Positron emission tomography PET Is a nuclear medicine imaging technique, that produces

3D images of functional processes in the body. The machine tracks pairs of gamma rays

emitted indirectly by a positron-emitting radionuclide, which is introduced into the body,

then 3D images are reconstructed by computer analysis, it also shows how brain regions are

working by displaying how the cells uses sugar or oxygen. The radiopharmaceutical compo-

nent used to find Alzheimer’s disease [15] changes is known as 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose, this

molecule is a glucose analog that is attracted by cells, then when it is inside of them suffers

metabolic processes and displays the way the glucose is being used in tissues.

AD is often associated with reduced use of glucose in brain areas important in memory, learn-

ing and problem solving. In 2004 the compound [N-methyl-11C] 2 - (4’-methylaminophenol)

- 6-hydroxybenzotriazole was developed to join amyloid plaques, highlighting senile plaques

of aging brains. The component received the name of Pittsburg Compound-B (PIB) [20]

the images show that AD patients have an accumulation of PIB component in contrast to


Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging mixes images of MRI with regions that are acti-

vated in the brain in response to a sensory stimulus or a cognitive task by comparing images

obtained in repose periods with images obtained during the stimulus, an activation brain

map is resulted. [18] fMRI measures oxygen level in the brain blood, those changes are

associated with the stimuli. This information is helpful to obtain images to study brain

functions without a contrast agent. Its main contribution is that unlike PET scans, it is

important to treat them as a timeseries. Because the BOLD signal will tend to be correlated

across successive scans, meaning that they can no longer be treated as independent samples.

This technique helps to make comparisons between controls and AD patients. Analyzing

the region activation (media temporal lobe, where structures are related to memory like

hippocampus) when a stimuli is produced.

1.2 Morphometry

Morphometry [20] can be defined as the application of statistical procedures to analyze the

variability in in size and shape of organs and organisms, can be used to quantify changes in

fossils, human anatomy, between ecological factors and biology among others. The relation

between shape and function had led many researchers to find methods that describes quan-

titatively structures or forms, like Pythagoras, he used to draw animals and plants by noting

the number of junctions between the lines of the sketch. The relation with morphometry

and geometry was first described by Albrecht Durer an artist of the 15th century. He use

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8 1 Theoretical Framework

the properties of affine transformations for distorting details by lateral or vertical elongation,

thus mapping a square into a parallelogram and, or, by sharing a feature. In 1957 professor

Robert E. Blackith [25] uses basic principles of morphometry to explain the demographic

explosion of locusts.

In late years, researchers have developed tools to understand the human body. Brain mor-

phometry [24] is the result of combining technologies; it uses digital medical images, computer

tools, mathematics and statistics to analyze changes on brain structures. Features found by

this analysis help to understand brain changes during the time, namely; development, aging,

learning and evolution. These diseases can be characterized by quantifying anatomical fea-

tures of the brain (shape, mass, volume), revealing changes in white matter connectivity and

cortical thickness among others. These markers might be used for the early management of

the disease.

The Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) [1] method calculates local differences between brain

volumes, by making scans of MRI and normalizing it into a stereotactic template, the 2-D

slices are used to reconstruct the image of the brain in 3D and the regions of interest (ROI)

are compared and segmented to find differences between groups. This comparison is statis-

tical mapped, analyzed and interpreted. It provides enough data to generate hypotheses of

brain changes, helpful to understand changes that occur in AD patients. The problem with

this technique is that the shape and size of human brains are very different between sub-

jects. Moreover the images from a subject may not be comparable because the orientation

variability (head position) within slices. This variety of noise sources affects the results of

the statistical analysis and so the mapping. The other main problem is the level detail in the

images and high resolution are not cost effective low resolution the risk of missing important

details increases.

The Deformation-based morphometry method [27] analyze information coming from the de-

formations fields obtained by nonlinear registration of brain MR images this technique aims

to detect morphological differences over the brain since it analyses positional differences be-

tween voxels and a standard template brain MRI. It is also used to estimate brain atrophy

through time, by labeling the interest structures.

Feature-Based Morphometry (FBM) [23] has been proposed to cope anatomical variability

within subjects, by extracting and identifying anatomical patterns that are statistically

significant, and characterizing them as local features that replaces the global template for

morphometry analyzes.

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1.3 Finding patterns on brain morphometry 9

1.3 Finding patterns on brain morphometry

Brain morphometry has been traditionally used to discover changes among the brain struc-

ture, some them associated to abnormal patterns. Yet most of the morphometry methods

measure brain regions under the underlying assumption of local statistical independence,

this hypothesis look quite inconsistent since the brain is not just a spatial locus but rather a

set of functions distributed onto a net of spatial regions, usually separated. The particular

pattern defined by the configuration of the net may constitute the early signs of some de-

generative diseases. This statement led us to search for techniques that might group regions

under different types of metrics, that is to say, not just by connecting neighboring regions.

Among a large group of clustering methods that could group common visual features and

find complex relations, Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis, (PLSA) is advantageous be-

cause it may softly group features while maintaining a sort of uncertainty by the irregular

borders of the resultant partition. It was firstly proposed by Jan Puzicha and Thomas Hof-

mann [13] in 1999, the method is based on a statistical latent class model of three variables;

documents, words and topics. The idea is to represent documents as vectors, and each vector

entry corresponds to the number of times a word appears in the document, resulting in a

co-occurrence matrix. This mapping determines a set of hidden topics in the document by

analyzing the frequency of each word, using that co-occurrence matrix. The technique can

be applied in text learning and information retrieval. In our case PLSA, determines relation-

ships between hidden topics [5]. The geometric patterns correspond to visual words and the

analysis, by means of the co-occurrence, establishes the visual topics. The whole framework

defines a generative model of complex anatomical relationships by clustering brain regions

with similar local features, not necessarily with anatomical meaning. In Figure 1-2. The

proposed approach is described.

This first step starts then when the data set is split into test and train sets. For each image of

the training set, information about edges and orientation is extracted by two different filters:

Gabor and sobel. The former extracts orientation features in four different directions: 0◦, 45◦,

90◦ and 135◦, while the latter obtains edge features in horizontal and vertical directions, using

a 3×3 and 5×5 Sobel filters. Once the image is filtered out and two new images, orientation

and edges, are obtained, each of the two images is split into patches that constitute the basic

visual words of the visual vocabulary. Likewise, the visual documents are larger patches

with anatomical meaning, in this case was a patch that might cover a real anatomical region,

typically of 60× 60 pixels. Each “visual word” is then searched in each “visual document”

to construct a co-occurrence histogram. Now, each visual document is modeled as a mixture

of topics as a joint variable (d, w) that is independently sampled:

P (di, wj) = P (di)P (wj|di), P (wj|di) =k∑


P (wj|zl)P (zl|di), (1-1)

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10 1 Theoretical Framework






New Input









visual features





Figure 1-2: Step-by-step description of the proposed method.

Where di is the i-th visual document, wj the j-th visual word and zl is the l-th latent topic,

manually selected. As the topic distribution is not an observed variable, the probability of

the unobservable distributions P (zl|di) and P (wj|zi) can be learned from the likelihood:

L =N∏




P (wj|di)n(wj |di), (1-2)

where N is the number of visual documents in the slice, M is the number of visual words in

the visual vocabulary, n(wj, di) is the number of visual word occurrences in a visual document

di and P (wj|di) is given by Equation 1-1. The Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm

is used to estimated the best model parameters, estimating all the posterior probabilities

for the latent variables P (zl|d,wj), while optimizing P (wj|zl) and P (zl|di). This algorithm

is implemented as an iterative process that stops when reaching convergence.

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1.4 Regional Saliency Maps 11

1.4 Regional Saliency Maps

Given the regional partition obtained from the probabilistic approach, each region is masked

with the original brain volume. The regional relevant information is determined with a Visual

Attention Model, an analytical tool that mimics the attentional process and that performs

a multiscale correlation of the information flow. These models reveal salient regions in an

image by analyzing low level features like the orientation or the particular edge pattern.

Visual attention models (VAM) were firstly introduced in 1976 [4] by the artificial vision

community and have evolved since.

The VAM used in this thesis is known as Graph-Based Visual Saliency (GBVS)[10], which

basically models the image information as a fully connected graphs whose edges establish

the type of connection between two nodes. The method attempts to emulate a radiologist

when examining medical images, by including a semantic notion of dissimilarity between

image pixels (nodes).




Figure 1-3: Construction of regional saliency maps

Graph Based Visual Saliency includes three steps to calculate saliency maps: feature ex-

traction, activation maps and combination. The first step uses the regions set by the PLSA

clustering, as depicted in Figure 1-3. Then, a fully-connected graph is constructed on each

of these regions, storing the dissimilarity information between nodes (pixels) in the edges.

This relationship between pixels is regularized by a closeness notion, modeled using a Gaus-

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12 1 Theoretical Framework

sian function. The activation maps, that correspond to the set of more dissimilar pixels

within a region, are estimated by constructing a Markov Chain onto the graph and calcula-

ting its equilibrium distribution as the principal eigenvector of the transition matrix of the

graph. Finally, the normalized activation maps are first averaged per feature channel and

then combined together into a single master saliency map per region, as illustrated in Figure


Master Saliency


Regional Visual Saliency

Figure 1-4: Construction of regional saliency maps.

1.5 Classification and Anatomical Interpretation

The last step of the proposed method involves a machine learning analysis. Machine learn-

ing (ML) [26] is a set of techniques or framework that can establish a sort of boundary

between two datasets by learning from the very inner data structure. This framework helps

to automatically recognize complex patterns and make decisions using a set of examples. A

natural limitation of this type of strategies comes from the inaccuracy at making some of

these decisions, basically because of the variability of the studied system or the capturing

device that may introduce different kinds of noise. A very convenient approach to this kind

of problems is the statistical analysis, which starts by mapping a particular model with the

observations, the likelihood function. Maximum Likelihood (ML) or maximization of that

function aims to capture characteristics of interest in the data, establishing statistical based

relations between the observed variables. A particular case of such approach is the Support

Vector Machine, a learning machine that sets a boundary between two classes by using the

information of those samples closer to the boundary.

A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is herein used because it is able to learn an ill-healthy

boundary and classify the pathological and normal subjects. In addition, This strategy

serves to identify the anatomical regions that are relevant for classification and correspond

to those samples closer to the boundary or the support vectors. The main contribution

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1.5 Classification and Anatomical Interpretation 13

of this work, is that the presented method not only allows to classify structural brain MRI

but rather to highlight anatomical areas related with a probable pathology, achieving clinical

interpretability. This method finds a quantitative estimate of brain differences, an important

issue in the clinical management of the Alzheimer’s disease.

This step starts by using two classes: AD (Alzheimer’s disease) and NC (normal control),

whose brain data are mapped to the space of visual saliency maps and used as the input

to train the SVM classifier. As the SVM approach requires a kernel function, which acts

as a nonlinear mapping from an input space to a feature (separable) space, a similarity

measure is here used to precompute the kernel. To do so, the regional saliency maps are

first individually normalized (to resemble a histogram) and then compared (in a one-to-one

fashion) using the histogram intersection:

Hint(A,B) =∑



min{A(i, j), B(i, j)} (1-3)

The obtained values range from 0 (no overlapping or intersection) to 1 (complete overlapping

or intersection), giving as a result a kernel matrix which feeds the SVM classifier. An initial

cross validation is performed to adjust the value of the penalty parameter C, and with the

optimal value, the final classification of the brain MR Images is performed.

Using the weights of the support vectors that define the separating hyperplane of the SVM,

a quantitative estimate of the brain differences can be established. It allows to identify most

relevant regions for pathological discrimination, by using their coefficient values (positive

for normal controls and negative for pathological subjects). The relevant regions can be

visualized in an averaged discrimination relevance map by performing a linear combination of

the regional saliency maps and their corresponding coefficients, encoding with different colors

the positive (normal) and negative (pathological) contributions. Finally, these regions are

correlated with anatomical areas, using the Harvard-Oxford atlas [16] to label the regions of

interest with 96 cortical and 21 subcortical structural areas. For each anatomical region, the

mean value of the discrimination relevance map is stored, allowing to quantify the importance

of each anatomical area.

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2 Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease

using Regional Saliency Maps from

Brain MR Images

As presented on the ”8th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis

-SIPAIM. San Cristobal, Venezuela. “ SIPAIM 2012, november 2012

Page 21: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease usingRegional Saliency Maps from Brain MR Images

Andrea Pulido1, Andrea Rueda1, and Eduardo Romero1

Computer Imaging and Medical Applications Laboratory CIM&LAB, UniversidadNacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. The main problem in the diagnosis of the Alzheimer’s diseaseis the complex alteration patterns that indicates the presence or absenceof the pathology. Actually, an effective and accurate method that allowsto interpret the disease in terms of global and local changes is not avail-able in the clinical practice. In this paper, we propose a methodologybased on combining a probabilistical technique, that construct image re-gions using latent topics inferred from brain Magnetic Resonance images,with a visual attention model that extracts saliency maps of relevant in-formation per region. Comparison of the combined saliency maps allowsto classify the images into normal or pathological subjects. Preliminaryresults show that the proposed method reaches a classification accuracyof 75%, allowing to relate local changes that are occurring in differentregions of the brain.

Keywords: Alzheimer’s diseasse, MRI, Atention Models, Morphome-try, PLSA


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia, affecting over 20millions of people in the world. Currently, an effective technique or biomarker todetect AD in early stages is not yet available. Usually, neurological and neuropsy-chological information coming from the patient history, [1] history from relativesand clinical observations is collected and analyzed to detect Alzheimer’s Dis-ease. However, this procedure allows to diagnose AD when the disease is in anadvanced stage, impeding any possibility for the patient to change their lifestyleand prevent the evolution of this pathology. Nowadays, neuroimaging researchplays an important role in the early diagnosis of AD, by extracting useful in-formation and relations from structural (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI),functional (Functional MRI, fMRI) and blood perfusion (Single-Photon Emis-sion Computed Tomography, SPECT) data, among others. In MRI, structuralchanges in brain regions, such as atrophy, become evident during the diseaseprogression. In particular, initial analysis of these images have shown that hip-pocampal atrophy is one of the first manifestations of the disease: for patientspreviously diagnosed with mild AD, the hippocampus area has been reduced

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about 15% to 25%, compared to healthy patients [2], showing also that thisatrophy may be detectable five years before symptoms.

To extract and analyse patterns of structural change in brain MR imagesassociated to neurological pathologies, currently the most used techniques areknown as Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) [3] and Deformation-Based Mor-phometry (DBM) [4]. In VBM, local differences in brain tissue segmentations arestatistically analysed voxel-by-voxel by normalizing each volume into a stereo-tactic template, while DBM analyses information coming from the deformationsfields obtained after registration to the template. With these methods, one-to-onecorrespondences between subjects are assumed to effectively analyze the volumeinformation, assumption that could not be true due to the intrinsic anatom-ical variability within subjects. Recently, Feature-Based Morphometry (FBM)[5] has been proposed to cope with this issue, by extracting and identifyinganatomical patterns that are statistically significant, and characterizing them aslocal features that replaces the global template for morphometry analyses. Thisapproach has been tested over the OASIS data set [11], achieving a maximumclassification performance of 0.80 in the Equal Error Rate measure. Anotherclassification approach has been proposed in [9], where the brain images are de-composed into basis functions by means of an Independent Component Analysis(ICA) technique, information which fed a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classi-fier. Experimental results on the OASIS data set shows a maximum classificationaccuracy of 67.5%, a sensitivity of 62% and a specificity of 73%.

In this paper, we propose a methodology based on combining probabilisticanalysis with visual saliency information to classify brain MR images into nor-mal or pathological subjects. Topic regions are identified using the probabilisticanalysis, and then regional saliency information is extracted to feed the classi-fier, which will categorize the images into their corresponding group. The restof the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the proposed method,Starting with the explanation on how the features are being extracted from theMR brain images in order to group them into a cluster and organizing it withan histogram which constructs a vocabulary of visual words, information thatwill be used to train the PLSA method to infer hidden topics on images. Fol-lowing the Saliency process will extract the region of interest of the topic mapsconstructed in the previous step. With the saliency images we proceed to use aclassifier to categorize them into groups. Finally in section 3 the results of theproposed approach are shown.


The main issue in the automatic diagnosis of AD (specially at early stages) usingstructural images is the complex alteration patterns that indicates the presenceor absence of the pathology. Currently, these structural changes are analyzed at alocal scale, by partitioning the brain in functional and anatomical regions (givenby an atlas) and reporting the alterations per region; however, complex relationsbetween these alterations are not studied or reported. To cope with this issue,

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a two-stage analysis is proposed, by first learning image regions that captureslatent information shared by the image pixels, and then extracting saliency orrelevant information from each region that could be discriminant for the specificpathology.

The proposed method involves 3 different stages, depicted in Figure 1, start-ing from image features extracted from each brain MR volume. First, using theprobabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) method [6], relations betweenfeature patches are learned to identify latent topics that allows to partition eachimage into topics regions. Then, for each region a saliency map is calculatedusing the Graph-Based Visual Saliency method proposed by Harel el at. [7]. Fi-nally, the regional saliency maps are combined into a single map, and all mapsare compared with each others using a similarity measure, information whichallows to classify the images into normal controls or probable AD subjects bytraining a Support Vector Machine classifier.

Fig. 1. Proposed method step-by-step.

2.1 Region extraction with pLSA

The first objective is to identify topics regions in brain MR images that canbe associated with presence or absence of the pathology, without introducingany prior knowledge about the disease. To extract automatically this regions, atwo-step process is proposed, comprised of a learning process and an identifica-tion procedure. Starting from a set of training images, which are characterizedusing a multi-scale edge analysis, a clusterization algorithm is applied in thefeature space to obtain a reduced set of visual primitives (visual words). Then,a pLSA model is trained to infer the latent topics associated with the brain

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regions. Finally, for the identification procedure, test images are processed usingthe probabilities learned with pLSA to identify latent variables which can beassociated with information related to the main brain tissues. Each image patchhas associated one of these latent variables, or topics, thus conforming a map oftopic regions.

The feature extraction process begins by randomly sampling a set of patchesfrom training images. These are characterized by using a multi-scale edge anal-ysis: an edge detection operator Ef , implemented as 3x3 and 5x5 Sobel kernelsapplied in the horizontal and vertical directions. Edge information is then con-catenated into a single vector, to represent each image patch as a point in afeature space. All instances in this space are grouped into a fixed number ofclusters by using a conventional clustering algorithm (k-means)[8], forming a vi-sual vocabulary. Finally, this vocabulary is used to represent each training imageby a histogram of visual words.

With the training histograms we proceed to train a Probabilistic Latent Se-mantic Analysis (pLSA). This approach is based in the statistical latent classmodel , which analyses the data co-occurrences and their associations with unob-served variables. This technique helps to find relationships between hidden topics[9], by transforming geometric patterns in visual words and then set their co-occurrences as latent topics. The learned topic probabilities comprises a modelthat allows to predict latent topics in test images.

The statistical pLSA model in images starts by partitioning the image intopatches di, describing each one as a mixture of visual words wj . Then, these twovariables are assumed to be conditionally independent given a set of unobservabletopics zk. We use a multinomial distribution P (z|di) to model each document(patch) as a mixture of latent topics. The visual words are used to perform adescription of the latent topics. The process of getting a set of observations (w,d) can be described by the following probabilistic model.

P (di, wj) = P (di)P (wj |d1), P (wj |di) =



P (wj |zl)P (zl|di) (1)

As the topic distribution is not an observed variable, the probability of theunobservable distributions P (zl|di) and P (wj |zi) can be learned from the likeli-hood of the observed data

L =N∏




P (wj |di)n(wj |di) (2)

Where N is the number of patches of the image, M is the number of words inthe visual vocabulary, n(wj , di) is the number of word occurrences wj in a patchdi and P (wj |di) is given by Equation 2.

Best model parameters are found by using the Expectation-Maximization(EM) algorithm, which estimates all the posterior probabilities for latent vari-ables P (zl|d,wj), while optimizing P (wj |zl) and P (zl|di). This algorithm is im-plemented as an iterative process, which stops when it reach convergence.

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Once the pLSA model and its probabilities are learned, the identificationprocedure takes place, where test MRI brain volume are labeled to identifyregions given by the latent topics. Each image is partitioned into visual patches,each one containing a fixed number of image words. For each patch, the latenttopic probabilities are estimated per word using the EM algorithm, but keepingfixed the conditional probability distribution P (wj |zi) at each iteration. Withthis procedure, each word is assigned to a latent topic, so that the whole imageis described as a regional topic map.

2.2 Saliency maps with GBVS

After region identification on brain MR test image, the next step includes toextract saliency information within each region. There exists a large numberof approaches to calculate salient points and saliency maps in natural images,but given the particular structure and patterns of medical images, these methodscannot be directly applied in the medical context. We have found that the Graph-Based Visual Saliency approach of Harel et al. [7] can work well on brain MRvolumes, because it includes a semantic notion of dissimilarity between pixelsthat may emulate the method of a radiologist when analyzing the images.

GBVS combines the dissimilarity between pixels with a notion of closenessas a straight manner to calculate saliency values, by modeling the image as afully-connected graph and storing information at edges. There are three stepsto calculate the saliency maps: feature extraction, activation maps and combi-nation. First, some relevant features, such as intensity, orientation and contrastare extracted at different scales of the original image. Then, for each feature andscale image a fully connected graph is constructed by storing the dissimilarityand closeness information at each edge. With the graphs, activation maps areestimated by constructing a Markov Chain onto the graph and calculating itsequilibrium distribution as the principal eigenvector of the transition matrix.Each activation map is normalized by concentrating the mass calculated in theactivation step, using the same Markovian approach. Finally, the method aver-ages the saliency maps per features and combines them into the master saliencymap. This map corresponds to a grayscale image where the more brighter, themore salient the pixel is.

2.3 Image classification using SVM

The Support Vector Machine is a supervised learning model, that takes a setfeature information and predicts for each instance to which of the possible twoclasses belong. It is based on a nonlinear mapping of each element to the featurespace, previously defined by a kernel function.

In our case, two different classes of MR brain images were considered (nor-mal control (NC) and probable AD patients), and the elements to be classifiedcorresponds to the master saliency maps of each brain MR test image. The pre-computed kernel is constructed by finding similarity between all images (in a

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one-to-one comparison) using a histogram intersection. To do so, each image isindividually normalized (to resembling a histogram) and then compared using

H(int)(sp, sq) =∑




min {sp(i, j, k), sq(i, j, k)} (3)

The obtained values ranges from 0 (no overlapping or intersection) to 1 (com-plete overlapping or intersection), giving as a result a kernel matrix which fedthe SVM classifier. An initial cross validation is performed to adjust the value ofthe penalty parameter C, with the optimal value the final classification of testimages is performed.


A set of 56 brain MR images from healthy (28) and pathological (28) subjects,extracted from the OASIS (Open Access Series of Imaging Studies) database [10],were used to preliminarily evaluate the performance of the proposed approach.Each subject has been previously analysed with a Mini-Mental State Examina-tion (MMSE) and a Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), and diagnosed as normalcontrols or with probable Alzheimer’s disease using the scores obtained in theMMSE and CDR tests. Age of the selected subjects ranges between 65 and 96years, and pathological (AD) subjects were selected using a CDR = 1, whichindicates probable mild AD. The OASIS database provides a number of imagesper subject, from which we have selected the skull-stripped gain-field correctedatlas-registered image to the 1988 atlas space of Talairach and Tournoux. Fromeach volume, only one sagittal slice were selected, and then the image set wassplitted into a training set (20 non-demented and 20 demented subjects) andone testing set (16 subjects).

Fig. 2. Left, MR brain image AD patient, center, The topic map found by pLSA andwith the applied GBVS method. Right, the GBVS image of the AD patient.

Classification performance was assessed by computing the accuracy rate, ac-cording to the ground truth provided with the OASIS database (defined by neu-rological tests). From the 16 test images, 7 normal controls and 5 Alzheimer’s

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Fig. 3. Left, MR brain image control subject. Center, The topic map found by pLSAand with the applied GBVS method. Right, the GBVS image of the control subject.

subjects were correctly classified, leading to an accuracy rate of 75%. This resultsare reported in Table 1.


AD 5 1

NC 3 7Table 1. Confusion matrix for classification of 16 test brain MR images


In this paper we presented a strategy that helps to classify pathological brainswith MR images, it is based on topic regions and saliency maps. The methodwas proposed, implemented and evaluated. This strategy provides a subject clas-sification between two groups normal/control or AD patients, the analysis waspreviously compared with diagnosis given by experts.

Applying pLSA to the images has allowed us to infer hidden topics, whichare present in the visual words and belongs to a set of image patches. Theinteraction between topics and brain structures can be related with the obtainedinformation. Using Saliency maps to highlight regions in the topics has allowedus to determine what changes can occur within different regions in order tofind patterns and complex relation that could be discriminant for the specificpathology.

The proposed approach was evaluated on a public brain MR image dataset(OASIS). Even though the proposed classification scheme has been tested witha small dataset, the preliminary results have shown that this approach seems tobe promising for successfully classify of normal and pathological subjects, andalso, for semantic extraction of relevant patterns associated with the Alzheimer’sdisease. Further work includes performing an extensive validation with morebrain MR images and with complete volume of MR images.

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1. Sperling, Reisa A. and Creighton H.: Toward defining the preclinical stages ofAlzheimer’s disease: Recommendations from the National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Association workgroups on diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer’sdisease. Alzheimer’s and Dementia. vol 7,no 3, pp. 280–292,2011

2. Harald Hampel, Gordon Wilcock, Sandrine Andrieu, Paul Aisen, Kaj Blennow,andBroich. : Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease therapeutic trials. Progress in Neuro-biology, 95(4):579593, 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2010.11.005.

3. J. Ashburner and K.J. Friston.: Voxel-based morphometrythe methods. Neuroim-age, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 805821,2000.

4. J. Ashburner, C. Hutton, R. Frackowiak, I. JOohnsrude, C. Price, AND K. Friston.:Identifying global anatomical differences: deformation based morphometry. HumBrain Mapp, vol. 6, no. 5-6, pp. 348357, 1998.

5. M. Toews, W. Wells Iii, d.l. Collins, and T. Arbel. : Feature Based Morphometry:Discovering Group Related Anatomical Patterns. neuroimage,vol. 49, no. 3, pp.2318-2327, 2010.

6. T. Hofmann. Probabilistic latent semantic analysis, in: Uncertainty in ArtificialIntelligence. In Proceedings of SIGIR’99 pp. 289-296.1999.

7. J. Harel, C. Koch, AND P. Perona. Graph-based visual saliency. Advan Neural Inf,vol. 19, pp. 545, 2007.

8. Andrea Rueda, Gloria Daz y Eduardo Romero.: Learning compact dictionaries forbrain MR image super-resolution. VI Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento yAnalisis de Imagenes Medicas SIPAIM 2010, Diciembre 1 - 4, 2010.

9. Andrea Rueda, Katherine Baquero y Eduardo Romero.: Saliency-based Char-acterization of Group Differences for MR Disease Classification. VII SeminarioInternacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Informacion Medica -SIPAIM 2011.Diciembre 5-7 de 2011. Bucaramanga, Colombia.

10. D.S. Marcus, T.H. Wang, J. Parker, J.G. Csernansky, J.C. Morris, AND R.L.Buckner. Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS): cross-sectional MRIdata in young, middle aged, nondemented, and demented older adults.

11. Wenlu Yang; Halei Xia; Bin Xia; Lok Ming Lui; Xudong Huang; ”ICA-basedfeature extraction and automatic classification of AD-related MRI data. NaturalComputation (ICNC), 2010 Sixth International Conference on , vol.3, no., pp.1261-1265, 10-12 Aug. 2010.

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3 Classification of Alzheimer’s disease

using regional saliency maps from

brain MR volumes

As presented on the ”SPIE Medical Imaging,International Society for Optics and Photonics“

SPIE, february 2013

Page 30: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease using Regional SaliencyMaps from Brain MR volumes

Andrea Pulidoa, Andrea Rueda a and Eduardo Romeroa

a Computer Imaging and Medical Applications Laboratory – CIM@LAB, Universidad

Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia;


Accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) from structural Magnetic Resonance (MR) images is difficult

due to the complex alteration of patterns in brain anatomy that could indicate the presence or absence of the

pathology. Currently, an effective approach that allows to interpret the disease in terms of global and local

changes is not available in the clinical practice. In this paper, we propose an approach for classification of

brain MR images, based on finding pathology-related patterns through the identification of regional structural

changes. The approach combines a probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) technique, which allows to

identify image regions through latent topics inferred from the brain MR slices, with a bottom-up Graph-Based

Visual Saliency (GBVS) model, which calculates maps of relevant information per region. Regional saliency

maps are finally combined into a single map on each slice, obtaining a master saliency map of each brain volume.

The proposed approach includes a one-to-one comparison of the saliency maps which feeds a Support Vector

Machine (SVM) classifier, to group test subjects into normal or probable AD subjects. A set of 156 brain MR

images from healthy (76) and pathological (80) subjects, splitted into a training set (10 non-demented and 10

demented subjects) and one testing set (136 subjects), was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed

approach. Preliminary results show that the proposed method reaches a maximum classification accuracy of

87.21% .

Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, MRI, Visual Attention Models, probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia, affecting over 20 millions of people in the

world. Currently, an effective technique or biomarker to detect AD in early stages is not yet available. Usually,

neurological and neuropsychological information coming from the patient history,1 history from relatives and

clinical observations is collected and analyzed to detect AD. However, this procedure allows to diagnose the

disease when this is in an advanced stage, impeding any possibility for the patient to change their lifestyle

and prevent the evolution of this pathology. Nowadays, neuroimaging research plays an important role in early

diagnosis of AD, by extracting useful information and relations from structural (Magnetic Resonance Imaging,

MRI), functional (Functional MRI, fMRI) and blood perfusion (Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography,

SPECT) data, among others. In MRI, structural changes in brain regions, such as atrophy, becomes evident

during the disease progression. In particular, initial analysis of these images have shown that hippocampal

atrophy is one of the first manifestations of the disease: for patients previously diagnosed with mild AD, the

hippocampus area has been reduced about 15% to 25%, compared to healthy patients,2 showing that this atrophy

may be detectable five years before symptoms.


Page 31: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

Currently the most used techniques to extract and analyze patterns of structural changes in brain MR images

associated to neurological pathologies are known as Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM)3 and Deformation-Based

Morphometry (DBM).4 In VBM, local differences in brain tissue segmentations are statistically analyzed voxel-by-

voxel by normalizing each volume into a stereotactic template, while DBM analyses information coming from the

deformations fields obtained after registration to the template. With these methods, one-to-one correspondences

between subjects are assumed to effectively analyze the volume information, assumption that could not be true

due to the intrinsic anatomical variability within subjects. Recently, Feature-Based Morphometry (FBM)5 has

been proposed to cope with this issue, by extracting and identifying anatomical patterns that are statistically

significant, and characterizing them as local features that replaces the global template for morphometry analyses.

This approach has been tested over the OASIS data set,6 achieving a maximum classification performance of

0.80 in the Equal Error Rate measure. Another classification approach has been proposed in,7 where the brain

images are decomposed into basis functions by means of an Independent Component Analysis (ICA) technique,

information which fed a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Experimental results on the OASIS data set

shows a maximum classification accuracy of 67.5%, a sensitivity of 62% and a specificity of 73%.

The main issue in the automatic diagnosis of AD using structural images is the complex alteration patterns

that could indicate the presence or absence of the pathology. Currently, these structural changes are analyzed

at a local scale, by partitioning the brain in functional and anatomical regions (given by an atlas) and reporting

the alterations per region; however, complex relations between alterations are not studied or reported.


The proposed method involves 3 different stages, depicted in Figure 1, starting with the feature extraction from

each slice of each brain MR volume. Then, relations between feature patches are learned through the probabilistic

Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA),8 to identify latent topics that allows to partition each image into topic regions.

Then, for each region a saliency map is calculated using the Graph-Based Visual Saliency method proposed by

Harel el at.9 The regional saliency maps are then combined into a single map on each slice of the MR brain

volume. Finally, all volume maps are compared using a similarity measure, information used to train a Support

Vector Machine (SVM) classifier, allowing to group the volumes into normal controls or probable AD subjects.

2.1 Region extraction with pLSA

The first objective is to identify topics regions on each slice of the brain MR volume that can be associated with

presence or absence of the pathology, without introducing any prior knowledge about the disease. To extract

automatically these regions, a two-stage process is proposed, comprised of a learning step and an identification

procedure. Starting from a set of training images, which are characterized using a multi-scale edge analysis,

a set of randomly sampled image patches are extracted to obtain a reduced set of visual primitives (visual

words). Then, pLSA is trained to infer latent topics associated with brain regions. Finally, for the identification

procedure, test slices are processed using the probabilities learned with pLSA to identify the topics associated

to each slice, thus conforming the map of topic regions.

The process begins by selecting a group of slices of each volume to extract features using a set of patches

randomly sampled from training slices. Those patches are characterized by an edge detection operator, imple-

mented as 3x3 and 5x5 Sobel kernels applied in the horizontal and vertical directions. Feature (edge) information

is first concatenated into a single vector and collected together, thus forming a visual vocabulary. Finally, this

vocabulary is used to represent each training slice by a histogram of visual words, suitable to train the pLSA.


Page 32: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

Figure 1. Step-by-step description of the proposed method.

This technique helps to find relationships between hidden topics,8 by transforming geometric patterns in visual

words and then set their co-occurrences as latent topics. The learned topics will allow predicting latent topics

in test slices. pLSA starts by partitioning the slices into patches di, describing each as a mixture of visual words

wj . Then, these two variables are assumed to be conditionally independent given a set of unobservable topics

zk. We use a multinomial distribution P (z|di) to model each document as a mixture of latent topics. The visual

words are used to perform a description of the latent topics. The process of getting a set of observations (w, d)

can be described by the following probabilistic model.

P (di, wj) = P (di)P (wj |d1), P (wj |di) =k∑


P (wj |zl)P (zl|di), (1)

As the topic distribution is not an observed variable, the probability of the unobservable distributions P (zl|di)and P (wj |zi) can be learned from the likelihood of the observed data.

L =





P (wj |di)n(wj |di), (2)

Where N is the number of patches of the slice, M is the number of words in the visual vocabulary, n(wj , di)

is the number of word occurrences wj in a patch di and P (wj |di) is given by Equation 2. Best model parameters

are found by using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, which estimates all the posterior probabilities

for latent variables P (zl|d,wj), while optimizing P (wj |zl) and P (zl|di). This algorithm is implemented as an

iterative process, which stops when it reach convergence.

Once probabilities are learned, the identification procedure takes place, where test MRI brain volumes are

labeled to identify regions given by the latent topics. Each slice is partitioned into visual patches that contain


Page 33: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

a fixed number of image words. For each document, the latent topic probabilities are estimated per word using

the EM algorithm, but keeping fixed the conditional probability distribution P (wj |zi) at each iteration.

2.2 Saliency maps with GBVS

After region identification on each slice of the brain MR test volume, the next step is to extract saliency

information within each region. calculation of saliency maps on volumetric MR brain images can be performed

by applying a visual attention method. There exists a large number of approaches to calculate salient points

and saliency maps in natural images, but given the particular structure and patterns of medical images, these

methods cannot be directly applied in the medical context. We have found that the Graph-B ased Visual

Saliency approach of Harel et al.9 can work well on brain MR volumes, because it includes a semantic notion

of dissimilarity between pixels that may emulate the method of a radiologist when analyzing the images.10

As saliency information relies on the relation between image features. Figure 2 shows how salient maps are


Figure 2. Saliency maps Construction: First, Input image is decomposed into three diferent scales. Then,features such as

Contrast, Intensity and Orientation are extracted from the scaled images. Finally, the obtained maps are down-sampled

to set maps with the same size, per each feature and scale. The master saliency map is built by adding up all scales and

features into a master saliency map.

GBVS combines the dissimilarity between pixels with a notion of closeness as a straight manner to calculate

saliency values, by modeling the image as a fully-connected graph and storing information at edges. There are

three steps to calculate the saliency maps: feature extraction, activation maps and combination. First, some

relevant features, such as intensity, orientation and contrast are extracted at different scales of the original image.

Then, for each feature and scale image a fully connected graph is constructed by storing the dissimilarity and

closeness information at each edge. With the graphs, activation maps are estimated by constructing a Markov

Chain onto the graph and calculating its equilibrium distribution as the principal eigenvector of the transition

matrix. Each activation map is normalized by concentrating the mass calculated in the activation step, using


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the same Markovian approach. Finally, the method averages the saliency maps per features and combines them

into the master saliency map.

2.3 Image classification using SVM

The Support Vector Machine is a supervised learning model that takes a feature set information and predicts

for each instance to which of the possible two classes belong. It is based on a nonlinear mapping of each element

to the feature space, previously defined by a kernel function k(xi;xj) which intuitively computes the similarity

between samples xi and xj This kernel is a projection of the data to another space in which data can be linearly

separable. The success of SVM dependends of good kernels choice which are typically hand-crafted and known

in advance.

In our case, two different classes of MR brain volumes were considered (normal control (NC) and probable AD

patients), and the elements to be classified corresponds to the master saliency maps of each brain MR test slice.

The pre-computed kernel is constructed by finding similarity between all volumes (in a one-to-one comparison)

using a histogram intersection. To do so, each slice is individually normalized (to resembling a histogram) and

then compared using;

Hint(sp, sq) =∑




min {sp(i, j, k), sq(i, j, k)} , (3)

The obtained values ranges from 0 (no overlapping or intersection) to 1 (complete overlapping or intersection),

gives as a result, a kernel matrix which fed the SVM classifier. An initial cross validation is performed to adjust

the value of the penalty parameter C, with the optimal value the final classification of test volume is performed.


A set of 156 brain MR volumes from healthy (80) and pathological (76) subjects, extracted from the OASIS

(Open Access Series of Imaging Studies) database,10 were used to preliminarily evaluate the performance of

the proposed approach. Each subject was analyzed with a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and a

Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), and diagnosed as normal controls or with probable Alzheimer disease using

the scores obtained in the MMSE and CDR tests. Age of the selected subjects ranges between 60 and 80 years,

and pathological (AD) subjects were selected using a CDR = 1 and 0.5, which indicates probable mild and

very mild AD. The OASIS database provides a number of images per subject, from which we have selected the

skull-stripped gain-field corrected atlas-registered image to the 1988 atlas space of Talairach and Tournoux. The

data set was splitted into a training set 10 non-demented and 10 demented subjects. Classification results are

reported on 2 different groups of test subjects, to illustrate the effect of age and severity of clinical diagnosis on

classification performance:

1. Group 1: Subjects aged 60 to 80 years, mild AD (CDR=1) (66 NC, 20 AD)

2. Group 2: Subjects aged 60 to 80 years, both mild and very mild AD (CDR=1 and 0.5) (66 NC, 70 AD)

Image results are shown in Figures and respectively, which shows slices of normal and control MR brain images

and the difference between the GBVS applied onto the original images, and the application of our method first

using pLSA and then applying GBVS on the topic maps, giving as a result a saliency map per region.


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Figure 3. (a)MR brain image AD patient, (b) GBVS image of the AD patient, (c) The topic map found by pLSA (d)

Final map with pLSA and with GBVS method.

Figure 4. (a)MR brain image Control patient, (b) GBVS image of the Control patient, (c) The topic map found by pLSA

(d) Final map with pLSA and with GBVS method.

Classification performance was assessed by computing the accuracy rate, according to the ground truth

provided with the OASIS database (defined by neurological tests). From the 136 test volumes. Results are

reported in Table 1. The following metrics where used to validate the method:

• Accuracy (Acc) = TP+TNTP+TN+FP+FN

• Sensitivity (Sens) = TPTP+FN

• Specificity (Spec) = TNFP+TN

• Balanced Accuracy (BAC) = Sens+Spec2

• Equal Error Rate (EER): the point on a ROC (Receiving Operating Characteristic) curve where the false

positive rate and false reject rate (1- true positive rate) are equal.

Group 1 Group 2

Accuracy 87.21 69.85

Sensitivity 85 67.14

Specificity 87.77 72.73

Balanced Accuracy 86.44 69.93Table 1. Classification of 136 test brain MR volumes

Our method was compared with the equal error rate FBM method,5 which presents the same groups using

The OASIS Database. Group 1 is conformed by subjects aged 60 to 80 years with mild AD and Controls. While

group 2 is conformed by subjects aged 60 to 80 years, both with mild and very mild AD and control. Result are

shown in table 2.


In this paper, we propose a methodology based on combining a probabilistic analysis with visual saliency in-

formation for classification of structural brain MR volumes into normal or pathological (AD) subjects. Latent


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Proposed FBM od

Method Method

Group 1 0.86 0.80

Group 2 0.71 0.71Table 2. Comparison of the equal error rate between Our method and FBM method

regions related with the brain structure are identified using pLSA, while regional saliency information is ex-

tracted for each region using GBVS. The master saliency maps obtained allows to feed an SVM classifier, which

categorizes a set of test brain MR volumes into their corresponding group with an accuracy of 87.21% for group

1 and 69.85% for group 2.


In this paper we proposed, implemented and evaluated a strategy that aims to classify pathological subjects

from brain MR images, based on extracting regional saliency maps. The proposed approach provides a subject

classification into normal controls or AD patients, analysis that was further compared with the diagnosis given

by expert radiologists. Application of a statistical approach, such as pLSA, allows to infer hidden topics present

in the images with respect to a visual vocabulary extracted from training images. The latent topics have shown

to be strongly related with the main brain tissues. In addition, regional saliency information allows to find

patterns and complex relations that could be discriminant for the specific pathology. The proposed approach

was evaluated on a subset of a public brain MR image dataset (OASIS). This method was also validated againts

FBM method and it shows a better performance in group 1 and a equal performance in group 2. With our

method regional changes can be seen. Preliminary results have shown that this approach seems to be promising

for successfully classify normal and pathological subjects, and also, for semantic extraction of relevant patterns

associated with the Alzheimer’s disease. Further work includes to perform an extensive validation with other

brain MR image datasets that include patients suffering other AD-related pathologies such as Mild Cognitive



[1] D. Sperling, A. Reisa, and H. Creighton, “Toward defining the preclinical stages of alzheimer’s disease:

Recommendations from the nationalinstitute on aging-alzheimer’s association workgroups on diagnostic

guidelines for alzheimer’s disease,” Alzheimer’s and Dementia 7, pp. 280–292, 2011.

[2] H. Hampel, G. Wilcock, S. Andrieu, P. Aisen, K. Blennow, and B. Broich, “Biomarkers for alzheimer’s

disease therapeutic trials,” Progress in Neurobiology 95(4), p. 579593, 2011.

[3] J. Ashburner and K. Friston, “Voxel-based morphometrythe methods,” Neuroimage 11, pp. 805–821, 2000.

[4] J. Ashburner, C. Hutton, R. Frackowiak, I. Johnsrude, C. Price, and K. Friston, “Identifying global anatom-

ical differences: deformation based morphometry,” Hum Brain Mapp 6, pp. 348–357, 1998.

[5] M. Toews, W. Wells, D. Collins, and T. Arbel, “Feature based morphometry: Discovering group related

anatomical patterns,” Neuroimage 49, pp. 2318–2327, 2010.

[6] D. Marcus, T. Wang, J. Parker, J. Csernansky, J. Morris, and R. Buckner, “Open access series of imaging

studies (oasis): cross-sectional mri data in young, middle aged, nondemented, and demented older adults,”


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[7] W. Yang, H. Xia, B. Xia, L. M. L., and X. Huang, “Ica-based feature extraction and automatic classifica-

tion of ad-related mri data,” Natural Computation (ICNC),2010 Sixth International Conference on vol.3,

pp. pp.1261–1265, 10-12 Aug. 2010.

[8] T. Hofmann, “Probabilistic latent semantic analysis, in: Uncertainty in artificial intelligence,” in Medical

Imaging: Image Processing, M. H. Loewe, ed., SIGIR 99, pp. 289–296, 1999.

[9] J. Harel, C. Koch, and P. Perona, “Graph-based visual saliency,” Advan Neural Inf 19, p. 545, 2007.

[10] A. Rueda, K. Baquero, and E. Romero, “Saliency-based characterization of group differences for mr disease

classification,” SIPAIM .


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4 Discovering Regional Pathological

Patterns in Brain MRI

As presented on the ”International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging“

PRNI 2013, July 2013

Page 39: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

Discovering Regional Pathological Patterns in Brain MRI

Andrea Pulido, Andrea Rueda, Eduardo RomeroCIM@LAB

(Computer Imaging and Medical Applications Laboratory)Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Bogota, ColombiaEmail: {anmpulidoch,adruedao,edromero}@unal.edu.co

Norberto MalpicaMedical Image Analysis and Biometry Lab

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,Mostoles, Madrid, Spain

Email: [email protected]

Abstract—[rgb]0,0,1 The Alzheimer disease diagnosis usingBrain Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging is a difficult task,owing to complex arrangement of patterns that may bepresent in a particular neurodegenerative disease. Nowadaysthe diagnosis of this pathology does not take into accountthose patterns and using these MR images only when thedisease is in an advance stage. In this paper we proposea strategy which Interpret and classify the brain structureusing a framework that highlights relevant brain patterns bycombining a probabilistic technique which identifies and groupsregions with similar visual features with a visual saliencymethod, which highlights relevant patterns. A classification taskwas performed to evaluate the performance of this approach. Aset of 156 brain MR images from healthy (76) and pathological(80) subjects, was divided into a training set of 20 subjects anda testing set of 136 subjects. Preliminary results show that theproposed method reaches a maximum classification accuracyof 81.39%

Complex pathological brain patterns generally are foundin neurodegenerative diseases which can be correlated withdifferent clinical onsets of a particular pathology. Currently,an objective method that aids to determine such signs, in termsof global and local changes, is not available in clinical practiceand the whole interpretation is dependent on the radiologist’sskills. In this paper, we propose a fully automatic methodthat analyzes the brain structure under a multidimensionalframe and highlights relevant brain patterns. An associationof such patterns with the disease is herein evaluated in threeclassification tasks, involving probable Alzheimer’s disease(AD) patients, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) patients andnormal subjects (NC). A set of 75 brain MR images from NCsubjects (25), MCI (25) and probable AD (25) patients, splitinto training (15 subjects) and testing (60 subjects) sets, wasused to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach.Preliminary results show that the proposed method reaches amaximum classification accuracy of 80% when discriminatingAD patients from NC, of 75% for classification of MCI patientsfrom NC.

Keywords-Alzheimer’s disease; MRI; Visual Attention Mod-els; probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis


Nowadays, neuroimaging research plays an importantrole in early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, byextracting useful information and relations from structuralMagnetic Resonance (MR) images. These structural changesare analyzed at a local scale, by partitioning the brain

in functional and anatomical regions (given by an atlas)and reporting the alterations per region, however, complexrelations between these alterations are not further studiedor reported. Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) [1] andDeformation-Based Morphometry (DBM) [2] are the mostused techniques to extract and analyze such structural pat-terns of change. In VBM, local differences in brain tissuesegmentations are voxel-by-voxel statistically analyzed bynormalizing each volume into a stereotactic template, whileDBM analyses information coming from the deformationsfields obtained after registration to the template. With thesemethods, one-to-one correspondences between subjects areassumed to effectively analyze the volume information, aweak assumption that neglects the intrinsic within-subjectanatomical variability. Recently, Feature-Based Morphome-try (FBM) [3] has been proposed to cope with this issue,by extracting and identifying anatomical patterns that arestatistically significant, and characterizing them as localfeatures that replaces the global template for morphometryanalyses.

Alzheimers disease is the most common type of dementia(one type of neurodegenerative diseases), affecting over 20millions of people in the world. In the clinical practice, neu-rological and neuropsychological information coming fromthe patient, history from relatives and clinical observationsis collected and analyzed to detect the probability of AD.If most of these criteria are not met for AD, but cognitiveimpairment is still present, the patient can be diagnosed withMCI [4], considered a transitional period between normalaging and probable AD. Currently, an objective and accuratetechnique, to detect a probable AD in early stages and topredict the possible conversion of MCI patients to AD, isnot yet available, delaying any possibility for the patients tochange their lifestyle.

A main concern towards an automatic diagnosis of neu-rodegenerative diseases, using structural images, is the com-plex arrangement of anatomical patterns that could indicatethe presence or absence of the pathology. In this paper, wepropose a novel method that seeks complex associations ofanatomical features, by combining a probabilistic analysiswhich groups up common visual brain features, with a visual

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saliency method, which extracts relevant information usinga multiresolution framework by following what radiologistsdo when they analyze visual patterns in medical images.The obtained regional saliency maps, besides of being use-ful for classification of brain MR images, allows settinga relevance pathological value to any of the previouslysegmented anatomical brain regions. This approach achievesa quantitative discrimination of brain anatomical regions,associated or not to the presence of probable AD or MCI.


The aim of the proposed approach is to highlight patternsin regions with similar visual features, even though they arenot connected. The whole method is illustrated in Figure1. First, a global low-level feature is extracted in a slice-by-slice basis from the input brain MR volumes, searchingto improve the image sparsity. Then, the obtained image issplit and a set of randomly selected patches is collected. Theprobabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) [5] softlyclusterizes these data, identifying latent topics related withcommon visual features. Patterns within each region arerevealed by means of a saliency map calculated from aGraph-Based Visual Saliency method [6]. The obtainedregional saliency maps are then mixed together into a singlemap which is normalized. The histogram intersection canthen be used as a kernel function. Afterwards, a SupportVector Machine (SVM) classifier assigns to each volumeone of the following classes: probable AD, MCI or normalcontrols. Finally, an analysis of the anatomical regions foundas relevant for the classification is used to correlate themto what has been reported in recent clinical studies ofAlzheimer’s disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment.




Train Feature


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� �|�

� � �|� ���|�




Trained Model Anatomical Analysis


Figure 1. Step-by-step description of the proposed method.

A. Brain Region Extraction

A first objective is to identify common visual features onbrain MR slices that can be associated with the presenceor absence of the pathology, without introducing any priorknowledge about the disease. These regions are automat-ically determined with a probabilistic learning procedureapplied on a set of training images, which are character-ized using orientation information since only subtle global

changes are searched. A set of randomly sampled imagepatches are then extracted to obtain a reduced set of visualprimitives (visual words) and the probabilistic approach(pLSA) is trained to infer latent topics associated withcommon visual features. Finally, a set of test images areprocessed using the probabilities learned with pLSA.

The process begins by manually selecting a group of 4slices of each training volume and by extracting orientationinformation from them, using a set of Gabor filters. As aresult, four orientation volumes, calculated with 0◦, 45◦,90◦and 135◦Gabor filters, are obtained from each volume.Then, a visual vocabulary (3000 patches) is constructedby randomly selecting image positions, extracting patches(size 3× 3 pixels) from the four orientation images at eachposition and concatenating the orientation information into asingle vector by position. Finally, this vocabulary is used torepresent each training slice as a histogram of visual words.The probabilistic analysis starts by partitioning the slicesinto a set of overcomplete documents di (size 18×18 pixelswith overlay of 9 pixels) and describing each as a mixture ofvisual words wj . Then, these two variables are assumed to beconditionally independent given a set of unobservable topicszk. A multinomial distribution P (z|di) is used to model eachdocument as a mixture of latent topics and the visual wordsare used to perform a description of the latent topics. Thejoint probability of (w, d) can be described as:

P (di, wj) = P (di)P (wj |di)

P (wj |di) =k∑


P (wj |zl)P (zl|di)

As the topic distribution is not an observed variable, theprobability of the unobservable distributions P (zl|di) andP (wj |zi) can be learned from the likelihood of the observeddata:

L =N∏




P (wj |di)n(wj |di), (1)

where N is the number of documents in the slice, M isthe number of words in the visual vocabulary, n(wj , di) isthe number of word occurrences wj in a document di andP (wj |di) is given by Equation 1. Best model parametersare found by using the Expectation-Maximization (EM)algorithm, which estimates all the posterior probabilities forthe latent variables P (zl|d,wj), while optimizing P (wj |zl)and P (zl|di). This algorithm is implemented as an iterativeprocess, which stops when it reaches convergence.

Once the probabilities are learned, the identification pro-cedure takes place, where a set of test MRI brain volumesare labeled to identify regions given by the latent topics.Each volume’s slice is partitioned into a set of documents,containing a fixed number of image words. For each docu-ment, the latent topic probabilities are estimated using the

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EM algorithm, but keeping fixed the conditional probabilitydistribution P (wj |zi) at each iteration.

B. Regional Saliency Maps

After region identification on each slice of the brain MRtest volume, the next step is to extract relevant visual infor-mation within each region. A Graph-Based Visual Saliencyapproach [6] has been herein applied, particularly becauseit includes a semantic notion of dissimilarity between pixelsthat may emulate what a radiologist does when examiningcases.

Scale 1

Scale 2

Scale 3

Intensities Orientation Sobel Intensities Orientation Sobel

Figure 2. Saliency maps Construction

GBVS combines the dissimilarity between pixels with anotion of closeness to calculate saliency values and modelsthe image as a fully-connected graph. There are three stepsto calculate the saliency maps: feature extraction, activationmaps and combination, as depicted in Figure 2. First, rele-vant features, namely intensity, orientation and Sobel edges,are extracted at different scales. Then, for each feature andscale, a fully-connected graph is constructed by using theimage pixels as nodes and the dissimilarity and closenessinformation as the edge weights. With the graphs, activationmaps are estimated by constructing a Markov Chain ontoeach graph and calculating its equilibrium distribution as theprincipal eigenvector of the transition matrix of the graph.Each activation map is further normalized by concentrat-ing the mass calculated in the activation step, using thesame Markovian approach. Finally, the method averages thesaliency maps per feature and combines them into the finalmaster saliency map.

Given the regional partition obtained from the probabilis-tic approach, each of these regions is used for maskingthe original brain volume and an individual master saliencymap is calculated independently. Finally, the individual mapsare combined into one single volume, thus conforming theregional saliency map of the brain volume.

C. Image Classification

The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised learn-ing model that takes a feature information set and predictsfor each instance to which of two possible classes it belongs.It is based on a nonlinear mapping of each element to thefeature space, defined by a kernel function k(xi;xj), which

intuitively computes the similarity between samples xi andxj . This kernel acts then as a projection of the elements toanother space, in which data can be linearly separable. Thesuccess of SVM depends on a good kernel choice, whichare typically hand-crafted and known in advance.

In this case, three different classes of MR brain volumeswere considered (normal controls (NC), MCI patients (MCI)and probable AD patients (AD)). As the SVM approach onlyallows binary classifications, three different classificationexperiments were performed: discrimination of AD fromNC, and discrimination of MCI from NC. The elementsto be classified corresponds to the master saliency mapsof each brain MR test volume. The pre-computed kernelis constructed by calculating similarity scores between allregional saliency maps (in a one-to-one comparison) usinga histogram intersection. To do so, each volume is individu-ally normalized (obtaining a histogram) and then comparedusing:

Hint(sp, sq) =∑




min {sp(i, j, k), sq(i, j, k)}

The obtained values ranges from 0 (no overlapping or inter-section) to 1 (complete overlapping or intersection), givingas a result a kernel matrix which feeds the SVM classifier.An initial cross validation is performed to adjust the valueof the penalty parameter C, and with the optimal value, thefinal classification of the test volumes is performed.

D. Anatomical Interpretation

To highlight anatomical areas related with a particularpathology, the proposed approach estimates quantitativelybrain differences using the regional saliency maps and thepredefined kernel of the SVM. The values that define theseparating hyperplane, allow to identify the most relevantregions for AD or MCI discrimination from the NC class,by using the coefficient value assigned to each regionalsaliency map (positive values for the pathology and negativevalues for the normal class). Those relevant regions can bevisualized in an overall discrimination relevance map byperforming a linear combination of the regional saliencymaps and their corresponding coefficients. To better identifythe relevant regions and correlate them with anatomicallocations, 96 cortical and 21 subcortical structural areasobtained from the Harvard-Oxford atlas [7] have been usedto label the Regions of Interest. For each anatomical region,the mean value of the discrimination relevance map is stored,allowing to set different disease patterns at quantifying theimportance of each anatomical area.


A set of 75 brain MR volumes from healthy (25), MCI(25) and AD (25) subjects, acquired in a 3T GE Signa IIscanner at the Alzheimer’s Research Center of FundacionReina Sofıa in Madrid, were used to preliminarily evaluate

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the performance of the proposed approach. Ages of selectedsubjects range between 65 and 88 years. The set of imageswere skull-stripped and atlas-registered to the 1988 atlasspace of Talairach and Tournoux with BET (Brain ExtractionTool) and FLIRT (FSL Linear Image Registration Tool),included in the FMRIB Software Library (FSL) [8]. Thedata set was split into a training set with 5 subject fromeach class (15 subjects in total) and a testing set with theremaining 60 subjects. Classification results are reported on2 different groups of test subjects, to illustrate the effect ofthe pathologies over the brain:

1) Group 1: Subjects aged 65 to 88 years, normal controlsand probable AD patients (20 NC, 20 AD)

2) Group 2: Subjects aged 65 to 87 years, normal controlsand MCI patients (20 NC, 20 MCI)

Classification performance was assessed by computing theaccuracy rate, according to the ground truth provided withthe data set (defined by neurological tests). The classificationmetrics include: accuracy (Acc), sensitivity (Sens), speci-ficity (Spec), balanced accuracy (BAC), area under ROCcurve (AUC) and equal error rate (EER).

Acc Sens Spec BAC AUC EERGroup 1 80% 95% 65% 80% 0.84 0.75Group 2 75% 70% 80% 75% 0.76 0.70


From the measures presented, it can be seen that the clas-sification performance is better in the Group 1, this can beattributed to the fact that atrophy patterns on AD patients aremore pronunciated that the brain structural changes presentin MCI patients. The classification performance was alsotested for discrimination of MCI from AD patients, however,the obtained results were not good enough: accuracy of57.5%, sensitivity of 57.89%, specificity of 60% and abalanced accuracy of 57.5%. In terms of the anatomicalanalysis, carried out as described in Section II-D, Figures IIIand III present the discrimination relevance maps obtainedafter classification of probable AD patients versus NC andMCI patients versus NC, respectively. In these maps, thoseareas likely related with the presence of the pathology (ADor MCI) are drawn in red, while the areas most relevant fordiscrimination of normal controls are colored in blue, all ofthem overlaid upon a structural brain MR image.

By aligning each of the relevance maps to the Harvard-Oxford cortical and subcortical atlases, the discriminationvalues per region can be better identified. Discrimination ofprobable AD patients was mainly due to specific anatomicalregions, namely the frontal orbital cortex (left and right), theanterior division of the parahippocampal gyrus (entorhinalcortex, left and right), the left supplementary motor cortex,the subcallosal cortex (left and right), and the right pallidum,hippocampus and amygdala. On the other hand, similar

Figure 3. AD vs NC discrimination relevance maps: a. normalizedhistogram intersection, b. mean values in cortical regions c. mean valuesin subcortical regions

Figure 4. MCI vs NC discrimination relevance maps: a. normalizedhistogram intersection, b. mean values in cortical regions c. mean valuesin subcortical regions

relevant regions have been found as discriminant for MCIpatients, including the posterior division of the inferiortemporal gyrus (left and right), the anterior division of theparahippocampal gyrus (entorhinal cortex, left and right), theleft subcallosal cortex, and the left thalamus, caudate andputamen. In both classification experiments, the anatomicalregions systematically unchanged in the group of normalsubjects were the posterior division of the right middletemporal gyrus, the anterior and posterior divisions of theright superior temporal gyrus and the left and right lateralventricals. This anatomical analysis has been found to re-markably agree with the very known anatomical findings ofMCI and AD development described in the recent literature[4].


In this paper we proposed, implemented and evaluated anovel strategy that aims both to find discriminant patternsand to classify probable AD and MCI subjects from brainMR images. It is based on the combination of a soft-clustering strategy, that extracts brain regions accordingwith specific visual features, together with a visual saliencyapproach, useful to identify relevant information within eachregion. Preliminary results suggest that this approach seemsto be promising for successful classifications of normal, AD

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and MCI subjects, and also for semantic extraction of rele-vant patterns associated to the presence of neurodegenerativediseases. Further work includes performing an extensivevalidation with other brain MR image datasets.


The authors would like to thank Fundacion CIEN andFundacion Reina Sofıa in Madrid for kindly providing theimage data sets.


[1] J. Ashburner and K. Friston, “Voxel-based morphometrythemethods,” Neuroimage, vol. 11, pp. 805–821, 2000.

[2] J. Ashburner, C. Hutton, R. Frackowiak, I. Johnsrude, C. Price,and K. Friston, “Identifying global anatomical differences:deformation based morphometry,” Hum Brain Mapp, vol. 6,pp. 348–357, 1998.

[3] M. Toews, W. Wells, D. Collins, and T. Arbel, “Feature basedmorphometry: Discovering group related anatomical patterns,”Neuroimage, vol. 49, pp. 2318–2327, 2010.

[4] G. Frisoni, N. Fox, C. Jack, P. Scheltens, and P. Thompson,“The clinical use of structural mri in alzheimer disease,” NatRev Neuro, vol. 6, pp. 67–77, 2010.

[5] T. Hofmann, “Probabilistic latent semantic analysis,” in InProc. of Uncer.in Art. Inte., ser. UAI’9, Stockholm, 1999.

[6] J. Harel, C. Koch, and P. Perona, “Graph-based visualsaliency,” Advan Neural Inf, vol. 19, p. 545, 2007.

[7] R. Desikan, F. Sgonne, B. Fischl, B. Quinn, B. Dickerson,D. Blacker, R. Buckner, A. Dale, R. Maguire, B. Hyman,M. Albert, and R. Killiany, “An automated labeling system forsubdividing the human cerebral cortex on mri scans into gyralbased regions of interest,” NeuroImage, vol. 6, pp. 968–980,2006.

[8] M. Jenkinson, C. Beckmann, T. Behrens, M. Woolrich, andS. Smith, “Fsl,” NeuroImage, vol. 62, pp. 782–790, 2012.

Page 44: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

5 Extracting Regional Brain Patterns for

Classification of Neurodegenerative


As presented on the ”9th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis

-SIPAIM. Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico.“ SIPAIM, november 2013

Page 45: Complex relationships between structural changes using … · destrucci on de c elulas nerviosas. Llevando a problemas con el movimiento ataxias, o el fun- Llevando a problemas con

Extracting Regional Brain Patterns for Classification ofNeurodegenerative Diseases

Andrea Pulidoa, Andrea Rueda a and Eduardo Romeroa

a Computer Imaging and Medical Applications Laboratory – CIM@LAB, UniversidadNacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia


In structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), neurodegenerative diseases generally present complex brainpatterns that can be correlated with different clinical onsets. An objective method that aims to determineboth global and local changes is not usually available in the clinical practice, thus the interpretation of suchimages is strongly dependent on the radiologist’s skills. In this paper, we propose a strategy which interprets thebrain structure using a framework that highlights discriminative brain patterns for neurodegenerative diseases.This is accomplished by combining a probabilistic learning technique, which identifies and groups regions withsimilar visual features, with a visual saliency method that exposes relevant information within each region. Theassociation of such patterns with a specific disease is herein evaluated in a classification task, using a datasetincluding 80 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and 76 healthy subjects (NC). Preliminary results show that theproposed method reaches a maximum classification accuracy of 81.39%.

Keywords: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Visual Attention Models, probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis,Alzheimer’s disease


Nowadays, neuroimaging research plays an important role in the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, byextracting useful information and relations from structural Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. These structuralchanges are analyzed at a local scale, by associating functional and anatomical regions (given by an atlas) andreporting alterations per region. However, complex altered patterns are not further studied or reported. Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM)1 and Deformation-Based Morphometry (DBM)2 are the most used techniques toextract and analyze such structural patterns of change. In VBM, local differences in brain tissue segmentationsare voxel-by-voxel statistically analyzed by normalizing each volume into a stereotactic template, while DBManalyses information coming from the deformations fields obtained after registration to a template. With thesemethods, one-to-one correspondences between subjects are assumed to effectively analyze the volume information,a weak assumption that neglects the intrinsic within-subject anatomical variability. Recently, Feature-BasedMorphometry (FBM)3 has been proposed to cope with this issue, extracting and identifying anatomical patternsthat are statistically significant, and characterizing them as local features that replaces the global template formorphometry analyses.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia (one type of neurodegenerative diseases),affecting over 20 millions of people worldwide. In the clinical practice, neurological and neuropsychologicalpatient information, history from relatives and clinical observations are collected and analyzed to detect theprobability of AD. Currently, an objective and accurate technique to detect a probable AD in early stages is notyet fully available, delaying any possibility for the patients to change their lifestyle. A main concern towardsan automatic diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, using structural images, is the complex arrangement ofanatomical patterns that could indicate the presence or absence of the pathology.

In this paper, we propose a fully-automatic method that seeks complex associations of anatomical features, bycombining a probabilistic analysis which groups up common visual brain features, with a visual saliency method,which extracts relevant information using a multiresolution framework that aims to approach what radiologists do

Corresponding author: E. Romero. Email: [email protected]

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when they examine medical images. The obtained regional saliency maps, besides of being useful for classificationof brain MR images, allow setting a relevance pathological value to any of the previously segmented anatomicalbrain regions. This approach achieves a quantitative discrimination of brain anatomical regions, associated ornot to the presence of probable AD.

In the next section we first describe our methods, followed by experiments using the OASIS dataset.4 Wealso compare the results with other previously proposed methods.


At analyzing structural brain MR images, a main aim is to find anatomical changes, either local or global,related to functional disturbances. Nevertheless, most methods used to compare brains establish local ratherthan regional differences, making the analysis prone to easily miss subtle patterns or the atypical disease entities.To cope with this issue, a two-stage analysis is proposed, by first learning image regions that share particularfeature information, and then extracting relevant information from each region that could be discriminant forthe specific pathology.

The proposed method, illustrated in Figure 1, follows the proposals in5,6 and involves four different stages.First, low-level features are extracted from each slice of the brain MR volumes, attempting to improve the imagesparsity where only a small amount of visual features are used in each image patch. Then, a set of randomlysampled image patches are collected, forming a visual vocabulary, suitable to describe each volume as a histogramof visual words. This description is used within a probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA)7 approach,which attempts to find the underlying structure of the information, producing a set of semantic regions composedof common visual features. The third step involves the application of a visual attention model, the Graph-BasedVisual Saliency approach of Harel et al.,8 that identifies the relevant visual information within each region.Finally, a Support Vector Machine classifier is trained, using a pre-calculated similarity kernel, in order to findboth the separating hyperplane between the pathological and normal classes as well as the anatomical regionsrelevant for the classification.





0° 45° 90°







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Figure 1. Step-by-step description of the proposed method.

2.1 Feature Extraction

The first objective is to characterize the brain volumes in terms of visual features, aiming to automaticallyidentify regions that share common feature information. Starting from a set of training images, where only 4predefined slices are selected from each volume, the structural information is characterized using a bank of Gaborfilters, in four different directions: 0, 45, 90 and 135. Then, a set of 3000 image patches (size 3 × 3 pixels) arerandomly sampled from the orientation images, concatenating into a single vector the orientation information ofeach random position. These image patches constitutes the visual vocabulary, used to represent each trainingvolume by a histogram of visual words.

2.2 Brain Region Extraction

The second step starts by partitioning all training volumes into a set of overcomplete documents di (size 18× 18pixels, 9 pixels overlap) and describing each as a mixture (histogram) of visual words. The probabilistic Latent

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Semantic Analysis (pLSA) approach7 allows to identify latent (hidden) variables or topics zk (fixed to k = 3)which acts as semantic links between the di documents and the wj visual words. Given the histograms, eachdocument is modeled as a mixture of latent topics using a multinomial distribution P (z|di), while the visualwords are used to perform a description of the latent topics. The joint probability of (w, d) can be described as:

P (di, wj) = P (di)P (wj |di), P (wj |di) =k∑


P (wj |zl)P (zl|di), (1)

As the topic distribution is not an observed variable, the probability of the unobservable distributions P (zl|di)and P (wj |zi) can be learned from the likelihood of the observed data:

L =N∏




P (wj |di)n(wj |di), (2)

where N is the number of documents in the slice, M is the number of words in the visual vocabulary, n(wj , di) isthe number of word occurrences wj in a document di and P (wj |di) is given by Equation 1. Best model parametersare found by using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, which estimates all the posterior probabilitiesfor the latent variables P (zl|d,wj), while optimizing P (wj |zl) and P (zl|di). This algorithm is implemented as aniterative process, which stops when it reaches convergence.

Once the probabilities are learned, the identification procedure of the regions takes place, where the visualwords of test volumes are labeled to determine their corresponding latent topic. Every slice in the volumes ispartitioned into a set of visual documents (size 18× 18 pixels, 9 pixels overlap), each containing a fixed numberof image words. For each document, the latent topic probabilities, from the observed words, are estimated usinga partial version of the EM algorithm described previously, but keeping fixed (without updating) the conditionalprobability distribution P (wj |zi) at each iteration.

2.3 Regional Saliency Maps

Given the regional partition obtained from the probabilistic approach, each region is used to mask the originalbrain volume, in order to obtain the structural intensity information per region. Then, relevant visual informationwithin each region need to be extracted, applying a visual attention model known as Graph-Based Visual Saliency(GBVS).3 This method attempts to emulate the method of a radiologist when analyzing medical images, byincluding a semantic notion of dissimilarity between image pixels, allowing to model relative changes with respectto other regions in the same image in an intuitive manner.

The GBVS method include three steps to calculate a saliency map: feature extraction, activation maps andcombination. For MR images, selected features comprises intensity, orientation and Sobel edges, extracted atdifferent scales as depicted in Figure 2. Subsequently, a fully-connected graph is defined on each feature map,where edges store information of dissimilarity between nodes (image pixels) plus their closeness (modeled usinga Gaussian function). Then, activation maps are estimated by constructing a Markov Chain onto the graph andcalculating its equilibrium distribution as the principal eigenvector of the transition matrix of the graph. Thesame Markovian approach is applied again onto each activation map to normalize them, concentrating the foundactivations in only few image locations. Finally, the normalized activation maps are first averaged per featurechannel and then combined together into a single master saliency map.

With the structural intensity information extracted per region, an individual master saliency map is calculatedindependently. Finally, the individual maps are combined into one single volume, thus conforming the regionalsaliency map of the brain volume, as illustrated in Figure 3.

2.4 Classification and Anatomical Interpretation

The last step of the proposed method involves a machine learning analysis, through the use of a Support VectorMachine (SVM), able to classify the pathological and normal subjects and also to identify the anatomical regionsrelevant for classification. In our approach, the two classes corresponds to AD (Alzheimer’s disease) or NC

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Figure 2. GBVS construction of saliency maps.

Figure 3. Construction of regional saliency maps.

(normal control), and the elements to be classified are the regional saliency maps of each test subject calculatedin the previous step. As the SVM approach requires a kernel function, which acts as a nonlinear mapping fromthe input space to the feature (separable) space, a similarity measure is used here to precompute the kernel. Todo so, the regional saliency maps are first individually normalized (to resemble a histogram) and then compared(in a one-to-one fashion) using the histogram intersection:

Hint(A,B) =∑



min{A(i, j), B(i, j)} (3)

The obtained values ranges from 0 (no overlapping or intersection) to 1 (complete overlapping or intersection),giving as a result a kernel matrix which feeds the SVM classifier. An initial cross validation is performed to adjustthe value of the penalty parameter C, and with the optimal value, the final classification of the test volumes isperformed.

With the learned classifier, a quantitative estimate of the brain differences can be found. The weights of thesupport vectors that define the separating hyperplane, allows to identify the most relevant regions for patholog-ical discrimination, by using their coefficient values (positive for normal controls and negative for pathological

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subjects). Those regions can be visualized in a overall discrimination relevance map by performing a linearcombination of the regional saliency maps and their corresponding coefficients, encoding with different colors thepositive (normal) and negative (pathological) contributions. Finally, to correlate those regions with anatomicalareas, the Harvard-Oxford atlas9 was used to label the regions of interest with 96 cortical and 21 subcorticalstructural areas. For each anatomical region, the mean value of the discrimination relevance map is stored,allowing to quantify the importance of each anatomical area.


A set of 156 brain MR volumes from healthy (76) and pathological (80) subjects, extracted from the OASIS(Open Access Series of Imaging Studies) database,4 were used to preliminarily evaluate the performance of theproposed approach. Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores wereprovided for each subject, and used to classify them as normal controls (NC) or with probable Alzheimer’s disease(AD). Per each subject, a structural MR image, previously skull-stripped, gain-field corrected and registered tothe 1988 atlas space of Talairach and Tournoux, was used. The dataset was divided into a training set with 10NC and 10 AD volumes for training the pLSA, and a test set with the remaining 66 NC and 70 AD subjectsused in the subsequent steps. For comparison with previous approaches,3,5 the test set includes two differentgroups:

1. Group 1: 86 subjects, aged between 60 to 80 years, includes 66 healthy controls and 20 patients sufferingonly mild AD (CDR=1)

2. Group 2: 136 subjects, aged between 60 to 80 years, includes 66 healthy controls and 70 patients sufferingboth very mild and mild AD (CDR={0.5,1})

Classification at each group is performed in a leave-one-out manner, where one subject at a time is left apartand then classified using the SVM model trained on the remaining subjects. Classification performance wasassessed by computing the accuracy rate, according to the ground truth provided with the OASIS database(defined by neurological tests), using the following metrics:

• Accuracy (Acc) = TP+TNTP+TN+FP+FN

• Sensitivity (Sens) = TPTP+FN

• Specificity (Spec) = TNFP+TN

• Balanced Accuracy (BAC) = Sens+Spec2

• Equal Error Rate (EER): the point on a ROC (Receiving Operating Characteristic) curve where the falsepositive rate and false reject rate (1- true positive rate) are equal.

where TP represents the true positives, FP the false positives, TN the true negatives and FN the false negativesobtained in classification, assuming AD subjects as the positive class and NC subjects as the negative class.

The obtained results are reported in Tables 1 and 2. In the first one, the proposed approach is comparedin terms of classification performance with a previous proposal that uses Sobel edge information instead of abank of Gabor filters for training the pLSA approach. The second table includes also a comparison with thestate-of-the-art FBM method, in terms of the EER measure.

From the measures presented, it can be seen that the classification performance is better in the Group 1, thiscan be attributed to the fact that atrophy patterns on mild AD patients are visually stronger than when verymild AD subjects are included. In terms of the feature information used for the probabilistic learning step, theSobel-based method has a better performance in the Group 1, while the proposed approach, the Gabor-basedmethod, performs better in the Group 2. This behavior can be explained taking into account that Sobel edgeshighlights global changes, while the bank of Gabor filters could explain more easily localized changes.

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Group 1 Group 2Sobel-based5 Gabor-based Sobel-based5 Gabor-based

Accuracy 87.21 81.39 69.85 70.58Sensitivity 85 80 67.14 75.71Specificity 87.77 81.8 72.73 65.15

BAC 86.44 80.90 69.93 70.4Table 1. Classification performance of the proposed approach, in comparison with a previous proposal based on Sobeledge information.5

FBM3 Sobel-based5 Gabor-basedbaseline previous approach proposed approach

Group 1 0.80 0.86 0.78Group 2 0.71 0.71 0.71

Table 2. Classification performance, in terms of the EER, of the proposed approach, in comparison with the previousproposal based on Sobel information5 and the FBM baseline.3

In terms of the anatomical analysis, Figures 4 and 5 present the discrimination relevance maps obtained afterclassification of probable AD patients versus NC in Groups 1 and 2, respectively. In these maps, those areas likelyrelated with the presence of AD are drawn in red, while the areas most relevant for discrimination of normalcontrols are colored in blue, all of them overlaid upon a structural brain MR image. Also, by aligning each of therelevance maps to the Harvard-Oxford cortical and subcortical atlases, the specific anatomical regions relatedwith the presence of AD can be better identified. With this analysis, the regions found as strongly relatedwith the AD include the left and right frontal orbital cortex, the occipital fusiform cortex, the anterior andposterior divisions of the parahippocampal gyrus (entorhinal cortex), the temporal gyrus, the thalamus and thehippocampus, among others. On the other hand, the regions associated with normal subjects include the rightlateral ventricle, the right putamen and the anterior division of the temporal gyrus. This anatomical analysishas been found to remarkably agree with the very known clinical findings of AD.10

Figure 4. Anatomical patterns for Group 1: (a) discrimination relevance maps, (b) mean relevance values in corticalregions, (c) mean relevance values in subcortical regions.


In this paper we proposed, implemented and evaluated a fully-automatic strategy that aims to find discriminantpatterns and to classify pathological subjects from brain MR images. It is based on the combination of a soft-clustering strategy together with a visual saliency approach, useful to identify regional relevant information,interpretable in both anatomical and pathological terms. The soft-clustering approach, based on a probabilisticlearning (pLSA), allows to infer latent regions with respect to a visual vocabulary extracted with a bank ofGabor filters. In addition, regional saliency information allows to find patterns and complex relations thatcould be discriminant for the specific pathology. The proposed approach was evaluated on a subset of a publicbrain MR image dataset (OASIS), and compared to a state-of-the-art method (FBM3). Preliminary results haveshown that this approach seems to be promising for successfully classify normal and pathological subjects, and

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Figure 5. Anatomical patterns for Group 2: (a) discrimination relevance maps, (b) mean relevance values in corticalregions, (c) mean relevance values in subcortical regions.

also, for semantic extraction of relevant patterns associated with the Alzheimer’s disease. Further work includesto perform an extensive validation with other brain MR image datasets that include patients suffering otherAD-related pathologies such as Mild Cognitive Impairment.


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[3] M. Toews, W. Wells, D. Collins, and T. Arbel, “Feature based morphometry: Discovering group relatedanatomical patterns,” Neuroimage 49, pp. 2318–2327, 2010.

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[6] A. Pulido, A. Rueda, and E. Romero, “Discovering regional pathological patterns in brain mri,” in Inter-national Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI), 2013.

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6 Conclusions and future work

This thesis presented a fully-automatic strategy that combined mathematical, statistical and

computational tools that aims to extract relevant information using brain MRI to improve

the interpretation of morphometric changes in the brain. The main goal of this work was

to find discriminant patterns between Normal and pathological subjects, these patterns can

not be easily analyzed by an expert since they are complex and distributed over the brain.

Some alterations where preliminary found in a complex disease such is ”‘Alzheimer’s disease

”’ furthermore, this method could aim to find alterations patterns in other neuro-degenerative

disease as shown in the paper entitled ”‘Discovering Regional Pathological Patterns in Brain

MRI”’. The tools introduced in this thesis open a another way to analyze these images.

The soft clustering approach was helpful to find relations between visual structures not

necessarily by spatial location but with the most visually similar patches among the brain

volume. the visual attention methods aim to discover the most salient areas where the

information is stored, the machine learning technique was helpful to validate the proposed

approach. The clinical interpretability aims to identify and infer pathology-related patterns

for discrimination of neurological diseases.

This thesis has opened up new research avenues by confirming that the computational anal-

ysis can be a valuable tool for understanding complex morphological differences and used to

quantify and determine trends or complex patterns in anatomical structures. Future work

includes the development of much more formal strategies that allow the identification of rel-

evant information from anatomical structures useful for diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up

of some diseases, a domain known as computational anatomy.

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