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  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    A Benjamin Company/Rutledge Book

  • Copyright c 1971 by Kraft Foods Div1sion of Kraftco CorporatiOn ISBN 0-87502-018-6 All rights reserved

    Prepared and produced by Rutledge Books, Inc.

    Published in association w1th The BenJamm Company. Inc 485 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10022 L1brary of Congress Catalog Card Number 77-160573 Pnnted tn the United States of America

    All photographs by Kraft Foods DIVIsion of Kraftco Corporatwn

    Drawmgs by Tad Krume1ch All Brand Names are trademarks owned by Kraft

    Fourth Printing: September 1973

    i \

  • A Word About This Book Cheese, bread and wine have been on dining tables for as long as civilization has existed-indeed their development brought civilization with them. By accident and by design, the world's earliest cheese soon brought i ts particular blessing to the home. Cheese can be served as a simple snack or may grace the table of a gourmet.

    Throughout the centuries and in many countries, men have experimented with producing l imitless varieties of cheese, ranging from very soft and mild to very sharp and hard. Each has its own inimitable place in dining and in cookery.

    As a pioneer in these developments, Kraft Foods has made important contributions to the world of cheese . Many of these will be brought out in this brand new book, The Complete Cheese Cookbook. You will also find valuable information on the various cheese families, their history and the care of cheese in the home.

    The versatil i ty of cheese is demonstrated in the many recipes created by the Kraft Kitchens' staff. You'll find new ideas, as well as some of the popular and traditional favorites that have appeared. in commercials on the Kraft Music Hall. We hope this book will inspire you to further explore the wonderful world of cheese.

    Dorothy Holland Director, The Kraft Kitchens

  • .. -

  • C ONTENTS The World of Cheese page 6

    To Start With page 9

    A Fine Kettle of Soup page 18

    Say Ch eese-and Meat page 24

    Say Cheese-and Poultry page 33

    Say Cheese-and Seafood page 39

    Wonderful Cheese Dress-ups page 46

    One-Dish Meals page 55

    Great Cheese Pies page 66

    Sauces, Rabbits and Other Savories page 74

    The Romance of Cheese page 81

    Sandwiches, Snacks and Other Quick-to-Fix Pelights page 113

    A Bounty of Breads page 125

    Cheese for Breakfast, Cheese for Brunch page 136

    Beautiful Salads, Tasty Dressings page 143

    Souffles and Fondues, S weet and Savo ry page 152

    Cheese Cakes and Pies, Pastries and Other Sweets page 160

    Cheese Cookery for a Crowd page 180

    Perfect Partners: Cheese and Wine page 185

    Index page 188

  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    The World of Cheese Cheese is a delic ious, satisfying food that rates h igh marks

    for nutrition as well. On the opposite page are pictured some of the many kinds of cheese available-they are identified

    in the sketch and list below. Turn to The Romance of Cheese on page 81 for cheese lore and legend, information on the

    manufacture of all kinds of cheese, helpful how-to-buy guides.

    1. Cheddar 2. Blue 3. Rico tta 4. Swiss 5. Scamo rze 6. B rick 7. Gjetost 8. Mozzarella 9. Edam

    10. Co lby 11. Provo lette 12. Parmesan 13. Gouda 14. Camembert 15. Cottage 16. Sapsago 17. Cream



  • To Start With Served before a meal, at the beginning

    .of a meal, standing by

    themselv es as delicious snacks, these cheese-based appetizers will enhance your reputation as one who always

    serves something unusual-and unusually delicious.


  • Party Cheese Ball

    2 B-ounce packages Phi ladelphia B rand Cream

    Cheese 2 cups (B ounces) sh redded Cracker Barrel-Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese 1 tablespoon chopped pimiento

    1 tablespoon chopped green pepper

    1 tablespoon fin ely chopped on ion

    2 teaspoons Worcestersh ire -sauce

    1 teaspoon lemon juice Das h of cayenne . Dash of salt

    'Finely cho pped pecans

    Combine softened cream cheese and Cheddar cheese, mixing until - well blended. Add pimiento , green pepper, onion, Worcestershire sauce, lemon j uice and seas onings . Mix well . Chill . Shape into a ball ; roll in nuts . Oth e r way s : R o l l i n f i n ely chopped parsley or dried beef.

    Full Moon Cheese Ball

    1 3-ounce package Ph iladelph ia Brand Cream

    Cheese 1 5-o unce jar Kraft Bacon Pas teu rized Process Cheese

    Spread 1 5-ounce jar Kraft Pimen to

    Pasteurized Neufchatel Chees e Spread

    1 cup crushed cann ed French-fried o n ions

    Opposite: Party Cheese Ball 1 1

    To Start With

    Combine softened cream cheese and cheese spreads, mixing until well blended. Stir in Vz cup onions ; chill . Shape into ball; roll in remaining onions .

    Parmesan Appetizer Log

    1 B-o unce package Ph iladelph ia Brand Cream

    Cheese 1/z cup Kraft Grated Parmesan

    Cheese 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt

    2 tablespoons finely chopped green pepper

    2 tablespoons finely chopped pimiento

    Chopped pars ley

    Combine softened cream ch eese, Parmesan cheese and garlic salt, mixing until well blended . Add green pepper and pimiento . Mix well . Chill . Form into log s hape and roll in pars ley .

    ''Philly" C rabmeat Spread

    1 garlic clove, cut in half -1 B-ounce package

    Phi ladelph ia Brand Cream Cheese

    2 tables poons milk 1 1/z cups (6 1/z-o unce can)

    crabmeat, drained, flaked 2 teaspoons lemo n juice Dash of salt and pepper Dash of Tabasco sauce

    Rub mixing bowl with garlic. Combine softened cream cheese a n d m i l k , m i x i n g u n t i l wel l blended . Add remaining ingredients; mix wel l . 1 2/J cups .

  • The Complete Cheese Coo kbook

    Triple Treat Spread

    1 B -ounce package Philadelph ia Brand Cream

    Cheese 1/4 cup milk

    2 cups (B ounces) shredded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natural Ch eddar Cheese * * *

    2 s lices crisply coo ked bacon, crumbled

    1 tablespoon chopped green on ion

    * * *

    2 tablespoons Kraft Grated Parmesan Ch eese

    1 tab lespoon chopped pars ley 1 tablespoon milk

    * * *

    1 tab lespoon fin ely chopped carrot

    1 tablespoon finely chopped celery

    1 tablespoon finely chopped green pepper

    1 teas poon finely chopped onion

    Combine softened cream cheese w i t h m i l k , m i x i n g u n t i l wel l blended. Add Cheddar cheese; mix well . Divide mixture into three portions , 2!J cup each . To o n e p o r t ion a d d b aco n and green onion. To second portion add Parmesan cheese, parsley and milk . To remaining mixture add carrot , celery, green pepper and onion. 2 cu ps .


    Aloha Cheese Spread

    1 B -ounce package Ph iladelph ia Brand Cream

    Cheese 3 tablespoons Kraft Cold

    Pack Blue Ch eese 1 B % -ounce can crus hed

    pineapple, drained 1h cup chopped pecans

    1 teaspoon chopped candied ginger

    Combine softened cream ch eese, Blue cheese , pineapple, nuts and ginger. Mix u ntil well blended. Garnish with coconut and pecan halv es , if d esired. 2 cups .

    Cocktail Spread

    1 B -ounce package Ph i ladelph ia Brand Cream

    Cheese 1 4 -ounce package Kraft Cold

    Pack Blue Ch eese, crumbled 112 cup milk

    1 cup (4 o u nces) shredded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese 1 teaspoon chopped chives 112 teaspoon Wo rcestersh ire


    Combine softened cream ch eese, Blue cheese and milk, mixing until well blended . Add Chedd a r ch ees e , c h i v es a n d W o rcestershire sauce; mix well . 2lfz cups .

  • Mock Pate

    1 B -ounce package Ph iladelph ia Brand Cream

    Cheese 1 B-ounce package liver

    sausage 1 tablespoon chopped on ion

    1 teaspoon lemo n juice 1 teaspoon Worcestersh ire

    sauce Dash of salt and pepper

    Combine softened cream cheese and liver saus age, mixing until well blended. Add remaining ingredients ; mix well . 2 cups .

    Cheery Cheddar Spread

    2 cups (B ounces) sh redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Cheddar Cheese 1/4 cup beer

    2 tablespoons margarin e 1h teaspoon prepared mustard

    Dash of cayenne 1 tablespoon chopped ch ives

    2aspoo ns cho pped pimiento

    Combine cheese, beer, margarine, mustard anc cayenne. Mix until well blended . Stir in chives and pimiento . H4 cups .

    Potted Cheddar with Port

    2 cups (B ounces) s hredded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese 2 tablespoons soft margarine

    2 tablespoons po rt 1/4 teaspoo-n paprika

    Combine all ingredients ; chill . 1 cup.


    To Start With

    Zesty Cheese Spread

    1 B-o unce package Ph iladelph ia Brand Cream

    Cheese 1/4 cup salad dress ing

    '13 cup chopped green pepper 1/4 cup chopped pimien to

    2 tables poons chopped on ion

    Combine softened cream cheese and salad dressing; mix until well blended. Add green pepper, pimiento and onion; mix well . 1 3/4 cu ps .

    Hot Beef Dip

    1 cup (2 1h-o unce jar) dried beef

    1/4 cup chopped on ion 1 tab lespoon margarin e

    1 cup milk 1 B-o unce package

    Ph iladelph ia Brand Cream Ch eese, cu bed

    1h cup (3-o unce can) s liced mushrooms, drained

    1/4 cup Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    2 tablespoons chopped parsley

    Rinse dried beef in hot water; drain and cho p . Cook onion in margarine. until tender . Stir in milk and cream cheese, mixing until well blended. Add dried beef and remaining ingredients . Mix wel l . Serv e hot . 2 cups .

  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    Mexicali Dip

    1 po und.Velveeta Pasteurized Process Ch eese Spread,

    cu bed 1 4-o unce can green

    ch ilies, drained, chopped 2 cups ( 1-po und can) peeled

    whole tomatoes, drained, cho pped.

    1 tablespoon dried minced o n ion

    Combine ingredients in s aucepan ; cook over low heat until Velveeta melts . Serve hot with corn or tortilla chips . 3 cups .

    Cav iar Dip

    1 B-ounce package Ph iladelph ia Brand Cream

    Cheese 1 cup dairy sour cream

    1/4 cup milk 1 2-o unce jar lumpfish

    caviar 1 teaspoon grated on io n

    Combine all ingredients ; chill . 2 cups .

    "Philly" Guacamole Dip

    1 B-ounce package Ph iladelph ia Brand Cream

    Cheese. 2 avocados, peeled, mashed 1/4 cup finely chopped on ion.

    1 tab lespoo n lemon juice 112 teaspoon salt

    1/4 teaspoon garlic salt 1/4 teas poon Tabasca sauce 1 cup diced peeled tomato

    1 4

    C o m b i n e s o f t e n e d c r e a m cheese, avocado, onion and seasonings ; mix well. Stir in tomato . S e r v e w i t h c o r n c h i p s o r crisp tortillas . 4 cups .

    Blue Cheese Dip

    1 B-ounce package Philadelph ia B rand Cream

    Cheese 113 cup milk

    1 4-o unce package Kraft Co ld Pack Blue Cheese

    2 tablespoons fin ely chopped g reen pepper

    2 tablespoons chopped m us h rooms

    Combine softened cream cheese and milk. Add remaining ingredients ; mix well . I f chilled, remove from refrigerator at least 1 hour before serving. 1 cup.

    Holiday Cheese Dip

    1 B-o unce package Ph i ladelphia Brand Cream

    Cheese 1/4 cup milk

    1 teas poon anchovy pas te 1 teaspoon paprika

    1 teaspoon chopped ch ives 1 teaspoon-capers

    Combine softened cream cheese and remaining ingredients, mixi n g u n t i l w.el l b l e n d e d . S e r v e with crackers . 1 cups .

    Opposite: Mexicali Dip

  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    Mexican Bean Dip

    2 cups (1 -po und can) baked beans, s ieved

    1 B-o unce jar Cheez Whiz Pasteu rized Process Cheese

    Spread 1/ cup catsup

    1 teaspoon ch i l i powder Das h of Tabasco sauce

    C o m b i n e i n g r e d i en t s ; hea t . Serve with corn chips o r potato chips . 3 cups .

    Cheese Straws

    1/4 cup margarine 2 cups (B ounces) sh redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese 1 teas poon Wo rcestersh ire

    sauce 1/ teaspoon salt

    1 cup flo ur

    Heat oven to 3 7 5 . Thoroughly blend margarine and cheese; stir i n Wo r c e s t e r s h i r e s a uce a n d salt . A d d flour ; mix well . Roll dough between two sheets of waxed paper to 1/s -inch thickn es s ; c u t in 1 x 3 - i n c h s t r i ps . Place on lightly greased baking sheet . Bake at 375 , 12 minutes . 3 dozen . Another way : Cut dough in a v a r iety o f s h a pes wi th s ma l l cookie cutters .


    Blue Cheese Meatballs

    2 pounds g round beef 1 4-ounce package Kraft Cold

    Pack Blue Ch eese 1 teas poon salt A ll purpose o i l

    Combine ground beef, cheese and salt ; mix lightly . Shape into l-inch balls . Brown in oi l ; cook until done. 4Vz to 5 dozen meatballs .

    Sesame Seed Rounds

    1/4 cup margarine 1/4 cup Kraft Grated Parmesan

    Cheese 2 tablespoons toasted s esame

    seeds 1B 2-inch bread ro unds

    Heat o v en to 3 25 . C o m b i n e margarine, cheese a n d sesame seeds ; mix until well blended . Spread on bread rounds. Bake at 325 , 15 minutes . 18 appetizers .

    Hot Crabmeat Puffs

    1 B-o unce package Ph iladelph ia Brand Cream

    Cheese 1 tables poon mi lk

    112 teaspoon cream-style prepared horseradish

    1/4 teas poon salt Dash of pepper

    1 112 cups (6 1h-ounce can) crabmeat, drain ed, flaked 113 cup s livered almonds ,

    toasted 2 tables poons finely chopped

    on ion M in iature Cream Puffs

  • Hea t o v en to 3 7 5 . C o m b i n e s o f tened c r e a m c h eese , m i l k , horseradish, salt a n d pepper. Mix until well blended. Stir in crabmeat , almonds and onion. Cut tops from Miniature C ream P u f fs ; f i l l w i t h c r a b m i x t u r e . Replace tops . Bake at 375, 10 minutes . 36 appeti zers .

    M iniature Cream Puffs

    1/z cup water 114 cup margarine

    1/z cup flo u r Das h of salt

    2 eggs

    Heat oven to 4 oo. B ring water and m a r g a r i n e to a bo i l . A d d flour and salt ; s t i r vigorously over lo w h e a t u n t i l mi x t u re forms a ball . Remove from heat; add eggs , one at a t ime, beating until smooth after each addition . Drop teaspoonfuls of batter onto ungreased baking sheet. Bake at 4oo, 30 to 35 minutes . Remove from baking sheet immediately . Nice to know: These appetizers can be made ahead and frozen . Reheat at 375, 30 minutes .


    114 cup margarine 1 cup bo iling water

    1 cup flo ur 1l2 teaspoon salt

    Dash of cayenne 3 eggs

    2 cups (8 ounces) s hredded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natural Cheddar Cheese

    1 7

    To Start With

    Melt margarine in boiling water. Add flour, salt and cayenne; stir vigorously over low heat until mixture forms a ball . Remove from heat. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. St ir in cheese. Drop by teaspoonfuls into hot oil , 350. Fry until golden brown. 4'12 to 5 dozen appeti zers .

    Appetizer Pinwheels

    1 loaf uns liced sandwich bread

    Kraft Wh ipped Cream Ch eese with Pimen to

    Chopped parsley

    Trim crusts from loaf. Cut into thin lengthwise sl ices . Spread s l ices w i t h wh i p ped c r eam cheese; sprinkle with parsley. Roll up, starting at narrow end. Wrap tightly ; chill . Cut into '12-inch sl ices .

    Sherried Cheese Rounds

    1 5-o unce jar Old Englis h Sharp Pasteurized Process

    Cheese Spread 1 tables poon chopped pars ley

    2 teaspoons sherry 18 2-inch bread ro unds,


    Combine cheese s pread, parsley a n d s h e r r y . S p re a d on t o a s t rounds ; broil until bubbly. Garnish with ripe olive slices , if desired . 18 appetizers .

  • A Fine Kettle of Soup Hot soups to central-heat the family i n cold weather,

    chilled soups to cool off a summer dinner, whole-meal soups for busy days-here are all kinds,

    each one of them rich with the wonderful flavor of cheese.


  • Creme Vichyssoise

    2 ch icken bouil lon cubes 4 cups boil ing water

    4 cups diced potatoes 11 cup s l iced o n ion 111z teas poons salt

    1 B-ounce package Philadelph ia Brand Cream Cheese

    1 tablespoon fine ly chopped ch ives

    Dissolve bouillon cubes in boiling water ; add potatoes , onion and salt . Cover and s immer 20 minutes- or until potatoes are very tender . F o r c e mix t u r e through sieve. Gradually add mixture to s o f tened c r e a m chees e, m1x mg u n t i l wel l blended. Add chives ; ch i l l . 8 servings.

    Cheemato Soup

    1 can condensed to mato soup 111 cups water

    1 B-o unce jar Cheez Whiz Pasteurized Process Cheese

    Spread Dash of pepper

    Mix soup and water ; heat . Add Cheez Whi z ; s t i r u n t i l well blended. Add pepper; mix. 4 servings .


    A Fine Kettle of Soup

    Golden Cream Soup

    111z cups bo iling water 3 cups diced po tatoes 1lz cup chopped celery 'I cup chopped on ion

    1 teaspoon pars ley flakes 1l2 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper

    1 ch icken boui llon cube 2 tab lespoons flour

    2 cups milk 1lz po und Velveeta Pasteurized Process Chees e Spread, cubed

    Add water to potatoes , celery , onion, parsley flakes , seasonings and bouillon cube. Cover; cook until tender. Blend flour with a small amount of milk; st ir into vegetable mixture. Add rema i n i n g m i l k ; c o o k u n t i l thickened. A d d Velveeta; stir until melted. 6 to 8 servings .

    Cheese 'n Ale Soup

    % cup s h redded carrots 114 cup chopped on ion

    'I cup margarine lJ4 cup flo u r 3 cups milk

    2 cups (B ounces) s hredded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natural Cheddar Cheese 1l2 cup ale o r beer

    Das h of salt and pepper

    Cook carrots and onion in marg a r i n e u n t i l t e n d e r ; b l e n d in flour. Stir in milk; cook until thickened. Add cheese; stir until melted. Blend in ale or beer and seasonings ; heat . 6 servings .

  • The Co mplete Cheese Cookbook

    Old World Tomato Soup

    4 s lices bacon 'h cup s liced ce lery

    '14 cup chopped onion J'h cups (1-pound 12-ounce

    can) tomato es 1 can condensed

    chicken broth 112 teaspoon salt

    114 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons cornstarch

    114 cup water Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    Fry bacon until crisp; drain, res e rv i n g 2 t a b l es po o n s d r i ppings . Cook celery and onion in bacon drippings . Add tomatoes, broth, seasonings , crumbled bacon and corns tarch combined with water. Simmer 15 minutes . Top each serving with Parmesan cheese. 6 servings .

    Andean Potato Soup

    2 chicken bo ui llon cu bes 4 cups boiling water

    4 cups diced potatoes 1/4 cup s l iced on ion

    2 teaspoons salt '12 teaspoon gro und co riander

    Das h of garlic powder 1 B-ounce package Philadelphia

    Brand Cream Cheese 1 teaspoon pars ley flakes

    .Dairy sour cream

    2 0

    Dissolve bou illon cubes in boiling water; add potatoes, onion, salt , coriander and garlic powder . Cover and s immer 20 minutes or until potatoes are very tender. Force mixture through sieve. Gradually add mixture to softened cream cheese, mixing until well blended. Add parsley ; chill . When serving, garnish with sour cream, if desired. 8 servings .

    Chili con Queso

    1 pound ground beef 112 cup chopped onion

    2 cups (1 -po und can) kidney beans, drain ed

    2 cups (1 -po und can) tomatoes, undrained

    1 B-o unce can tomato sauce 1 tablespoon chil i powder

    1 teaspoon salt Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natural Ch eddar Ch eese, shredded

    B rown meat; drain. Add onion; co o k u n t i l t e n d e r . S t i r i n r em a i n i n g i n g r e d i e n t s e x c e p t chees e . Cover a n d simmer 30 minutes , s tirring occasionally. Top each serving with cheese . 6 servings .

  • Parmesan Corn Chowder

    2 cups boiling water 2 cups diced potatoes 112 cup sliced carrots 1h cup sliced celery

    114 cup chopped onion 1 112 teaspoons salt

    1/4 teaspoon pepper 114 cup margarine

    114 cup flour 2 cups milk

    1 cup (4 ounces) Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    2 cups (1-pound can) cream-style corn

    Add water to potatoes , carrots, celery, onion, salt and pepper. Cover and simmer 10 minutes . Do not drain. Make white sauce with margarine, flo u r and milk . Add chee!>e; s tir until melted . Add corn and undrained vegetables . Heat ; do not boil . 6 to 8 servings .

    Shrimp Cheese Chowder

    2 cups thinly sliced onions 2 tablespoons margarine

    2 tablespoons flour 1 112 cups water

    2 cups diced potatoes 1 cup sliced celery Jlh teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

    1 pound cooked shrimp 2 cups milk

    2 112 cups (10 ounces) shredded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natural Cheddar Cheese 2 tablespoons sherry


    A Fine Kettle of Soup

    Cook onions in margarine until tender; blend in flour . Stir in water, potatoes, celery and seasonings . Cover and simmer. 20 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Add remaining ingred i e n t s ; s t i r u n t i l c hees e is melted . 6 to 8 servings .

    Snow Scene Chowder

    1 chicken bouillon cube 2 cups boiling water 2 cups diced potatoes 112 cup sliced carrots 112 cup sliced celery

    114 cup chopped onion 1 112 teaspoons salt

    114 teaspoon pepper 114 cup margarine

    114 cup flour 2 cups milk

    2 cups (8 ounces) shredded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natural Cheddar Cheese 1 cup diced cooked chicken

    Dissolve bouillon cube in water ; add vegetables and seasonings . Cover ; simmer 10 minutes . Do not drain. Make white sauce with margarine, flour and m i l k . A d d cheese; s t i r u n t i l melted . Add chicken and undrained vegetables . Heat ; do not boil. 6 to 8 servings .

  • The Complete Cheese Coo kbook

    Cheddar Chowder

    2 cups. boiling water 2 c ups diced potatoes 112 cup s liced carrots 1hcup sliced ce lery

    1/4 cup chopped onion 1 112 teaspoons salt

    1/4 teaspoon pepper 114 cup margarine

    1/4 cup flou r 2 cups milk

    2 cups (8 ounces) sh redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Cheddar Cheese 1 cup. cubed cooked ham

    Add water to potatoes, carrots, celery, onion, s alt and pepper . Cover; s immer 10 minutes . Do not drain. Make white s auce with margarine, flour and milk. Add chees e ; s tir until melted. Add ham and undrained vegetables . Heat; do not boil. 6 to 8 servings . Other ways: Varsity Chowder -omit ham; add 8 slices crisply c o o ked, c r u mbled b a c o n . School D a y Chowder-omit ham; add liz pound sliced frankfurters . Midwest Chowderomit ham; add 2 cups (1-pound can) cream-style corn .


    Cape Anne Chowder

    2 cups thin ly s liced onions 2 tab lespoons margarine

    2 tablespoons flo u r 2 cups water

    2 cups diced potatoes 1 cup s liced ce lery 1 112 teaspoons salt

    1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 po und cod or haddock,

    skinn ed, bon ed, coo ked and cut in to pieces

    1 7112-ounce can crabmeat, drained, flaked

    2 cups milk 2 112 cups (1 0 ounces) shredded

    Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp Natural Ch eddar Cheese

    Cook onions in margarine until tender; blend in flour . Stir in water, potatoes , celery and seasonings . Cover and simmer 20 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Add remaining ingredients ; s tir until cheese is melted . 6 to 8 servings .

    Lobster Bisque

    1/4 cup chopped on ion 2tablespoons margarin e

    1 112 cups milk 1 B-o unce package Ph iladelphia

    Brand Cream Cheese, cubed 1 112 cups cu bed coo ked lobster

    2 tablespoons sherry 1/4 teaspoon salt

    .Cook onion in margarine until tender. Add milk and c ream cheese. Cook, s tirring occasionally, until cheese is melted . Add remaining ingredients ; heat . 4 servings .

    Opposite: Cheddar Chowder

  • Say Cheese-and Meat For most people-particularly the man in the family-meat

    is the heart of the meal, and these meat-and-cheese main dishes pair two favorites to produce inventive

    dishes as high in body-building protein as they are savory.


  • Italian Pork Chops

    B pork chops, 1lz inch thick 1 B-ounce can tomato sauce

    1/4 cup dry red wine 1 clove garlic, minced

    1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

    1/4 teaspoon oregano, crumbled 1 green pepper, cut in s trips -

    1 J-ounce can s liced mush roo ms, drained

    1 6-o unce package Kraft Natural Low M o isture

    Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese Slices, cut in half

    Brown each pork chop on both s i des in l a r g e s k i l l e t ; d r a i n. Combine tomato sauce, wine, g a r l i c a n d s e a s o n i ng s ; p o u r over meat. A d d green pepper and mu shroo ms . C o v e r a n d s immer 3 0 minutes . T o p each chop with cheese sl ice; cover until melted. 8 servings .

    Ham Rolls Continental

    6 slices boiled ham, 1/4 inch thick

    Kraft Natural Swiss Cheese Sl ices

    1 1 0-o unce package frozen broccoli spears, coo ked,

    drained 1 cup on ion rings

    2 tab lespoons margarin e 2 tablespoons flour

    1lz teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon basi l Dash of pepper

    1 cup milk


    Say Cheese-and Meat

    H e a t o v en to 3 5 0 . To p e a c h ham slice with cheese s l i c e and b r o c c o l i s pe a r s ; ro l l . S e c u r e with toothpick s . Place in 10 x 6 -inch baking dish. Cook onion rings in margarine until tender; blend in flour and seasonings . Gradually add milk; st ir until thickened. Pour over ham ; cover baking dish with aluminum foil and bake at 350 , 25 minutes . 6 servings .

    Veal Parmesan

    6 veal cutlets (11/z pounds) 1 egg

    1/z teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

    1lz cup dry bread crumbs 1lz cup (2 o unces) Kraft Grated

    Parmesan Ch eese 2 tab lespoons margarin e

    1 B-ounce can tomato sauce 1/4 teaspoon basil

    1 6-o unce package Kraft Natural Low Moisture

    Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese Slices, cut in half

    Heat ov en to 375. Dip cutlets in combined egg and seasonings and then in m i x t u r e of br e a d c rumbs and Parmesan cheese. M e l t m a r g a r i n e in s k i l l e t ; brown c utlets . Place c u tlets i n 1 2 x 8- inch baking dish. Combine tomato s .auce and basil ; pour over c utlets . Top each cutlet w i th s l i c e of M o z z a r e l l a cheese. B a k e at 375 , 3 0 minutes . 6 serv ings .

  • J

    Parmesan Breaded Pork Chops

    4 pork chops, % inch thick 1 egg, beaten

    1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/a cup K raft Grated Parmesan Ch eese

    1/a cup dry bread crumbs 2 tablespoons all purpose oi l

    H e a t o v e n to 3 s o . Dip p o r k chops i n combined egg and seasonings and then in combined cheese and bread crumbs . Heat oil in skillet; brown each chop on both s ides . Bake at 3 s o , 35 minutes , turning chops occasionally . 4 serv ings .

    Meatloaf-in -the-Round

    2 pounds ground beef 1112 cups (6 o unces) sh redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natural Ch eddar Cheese 2 cups fresh bread crumbs

    1 egg 112 cup chopped celery 112 cup chopped on ion

    1 tablespoon Wo rcestersh ire sauce

    1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

    1 cup (B-o unce can) tomato sauce

    Opposite: Parmesan Breaded Pork Chops 2 7

    Say Cheese-and Meat

    H e a t o v e n to 350 . C o m b i n e m e a t , 1 cu p chee s e , b read crumbs, egg, celery, onion and seasonings ; mix l ightly . Shape into 9-inch round loaf in shallow baking dis h . Bake at 3so, 1 ho u r ; pour o f f d r i p p i ngs . Pour tomato s auce over meat; sprinkle with remaining cheese. Return to oven; continue baking IS minutes . 8 servings . Nice to kn o w : T h i s m a y be made ahead, covered and refrigerated overnigh t . Remove cover and bake as directed above.

    Danish C ube Steak

    % cup mayonnaise 1 4-ounce pac kage Kraft Co ld

    Pack Blue Ch eese, crumbled 1/4 cup s liced green onion

    6 cube s teaks

    Combine mayonnaise, cheese and onion; mix well . Reserve V2 cup mixture for topping. Spread one side of each s teak with remaining mixture; fold in half . Broil on both s ides until brown. Top with reserved m i x t u re ; b r o i l u n t i l t o p p i n g i s l i g htly browned . 6 servings .

  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    Skillet Supper

    11f2 pounds ground beef 1 cup (B-o unce can) tomato

    sauce 1f2 cup chopped on ion

    I12 cup dry bread crumbs 1 egg

    1 tablespoon prepared horseradish

    1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper

    1 B-o unce packag e Kraft Pasteurized Process

    American Cheese Slices

    He a t ov en to 3 s o . C o m b i n e meat, 1/2 cup tomato. sauce and remaining ingredients except cheese; mix lightly . Spoon half of mixture into 8 - inch skillet . Cover with 4 cheese slices and remaining meat mixture. Top with remaining tomato sauce. Bake at 3 s o , 40 minutes . Arrange remaining cheese slices on top; return to oven until cheese melts . 6 s ervings.

    Matterhorn Meatloaf

    1 Ih pounds g round beef 1 I12 cups fresh bread crumbs 1 I12 cups (6 o unces) shredded

    Kraft Aged Natural Swiss Cheese

    1 cup milk If2 cup chopped on ion

    If2 cup raisins 1 egg

    1 teaspoon salt If teaspoon pepper


    Heat oven to 3so. Combine all ingredients except 1/2 cup cheese ; mix lightly. Place mixture in 9 x 5 -inch loaf pan. Bake at 3 s o , 1 hour and 30 minutes . Sprinkle with remaining ch eese; r e t u rn to ov en u n t i l c h e e s e melts . 6 t o 8 servings .

    Savory Meatball Supper

    1 pound ground beef If cup dry bread crumbs

    1 egg, s lightly beaten If2 teaspoon sal.t

    If2 teaspoon bas il, crumbled Dash of pepper A ll pu rpose oil

    1 lf2 cups milk 1 B-o unce pac kage Phi ladelph ia

    Brand Cream Cheese, cubed lf cup Kraft Grated Parmesan

    Cheese If2 teaspoon on ion salt Ho t cooked noodles

    Combine ground beef, bread crumbs , egg, salt, teaspoon b a s i l a n d p e p p e r; m i x wel l . Form into s ma l l m e a t b a l l s . B rown in small amount of oil on all s i d es in s k i llet ; d r a i n . He a t m i lk a n d c r e a m c h ee s e o v e r l o w h e a t, s t i r r i n g u n t i l smooth. Add Parmesan cheese, onion salt and remaining teas po o n b a s i l; mix wel l . Po u r sauce over meatballs; simmer 10 minutes . Serve over hot noodles. 4 servings .

  • Dilly M eatloaf

    2 pounds g round beef 1 cup fresh bread crumbs

    113 cup catsup 113 cup chopped onion

    113 cup chopped di l l pickle 1 egg

    1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

    ,. ,. ,.

    Velveeta Sauce

    Heat oven to 3so. Combine ingredients ; mix lightly . Shape into loaf in shallow baking dish . Bake a t 350 , 1 h o u r a n d 10 minutes . Serve with Velveeta Sauce. 8 serv ings .

    Velveeta Sauce

    112 po und Velv eeta Pas teu rized Process Chees e Spread, cu bed

    114 cup milk

    Heat Velveeta with milk over low h e a t ; s t i r u n t i l s a u c e is smooth. U1ra

    Western Hash

    1 pound ground beef 1 cup chopped green pepper

    112 cup chopped on ion 3 1h cups (1-pound 12-o unce

    can) tomatoes 1 cup uncoo ked rice

    1h teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon bas i l Dash of pepper

    112 pound Velveeta Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread, s liced


    Say Cheese-and Meat

    Brown meat; drain. Add green pepper, onion, tomatoes, rice and seasonings . Cover and simmer 25 minutes. Top with Velveeta slices ; heat until melted. 6 servings .

    M eatballs Roma

    112 cup chopped on ion 2 tab lespoons margarin e 4 cups (2 1 -pound cans)

    tomatoes 1 6-o unce can to mato pas te

    112 teaspoon salt 112 teaspoon o regano 1/4 teaspoon pepper

    ,. ,. ,.

    1 pound ground beef Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    112 cup dry bread crumbs 2 eggs

    112 teaspoon garlic salt 1/2 teaspoon salt A ll pu rpose o i l

    Ho t coo ked spaghetti

    Cook onion in margilrine until tender. Add tomatoes , tomato p a s t e a n d s e a s o n i n g s . C o v e r and simmer 3 0 minutes . Comb i n e m e a t, Vz c u p P a r m e s a n cheese, bread c rumbs, eggs and seasonings. Shape into 18 balls ; brown in oil. Place meatballs in sauce; cover and continue c ooking 3 0 min u t e s . S e r v e o v e r spaghetti and t o p with additional Parmesan cheese. 4 to 6 servings .

  • The Complete-Cheese Cookbook

    Pleasin' Green Peppers

    6 g reen peppers 1 pound ground beef 1/4 cup chopped onion

    11h cups (12-o unce can) whole kernel corn, drain ed

    1 cup chopped tomato 1/4 teaspoon salt

    1h pound Velveeta Pasteurized Process Chees e Spread, cu bed

    Heat oven to 350. Remove tops and seeds from peppers ; parboil 5 minutes . Drain . Brown meat with onion; dain . Add corn, tomato and salt. Stir in Velveeta, reserving Yz cup. Spoon mixture into peppers ; top with reserved Velveeta. Place peppers in 12 x 8 - inch baking d is h ; bake at 350; 25 minutes! 6 servings .

    Cheddar-filled Beef Rolls

    11h pounds ground beef 1/4 cup dry bread crumbs

    2 tablespoons barbecue sauce 1 egg

    1h teaspoon salt .. .. ..

    1 cup (4 ounces) sh redded Cracker Barrel B rand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese 1/4 cup dry bread crumbs

    1/4 cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons water

    Combine meat, bread crumbs, barbecue sauce, egg and salt; mix well. Pat meat mixture into 14 x 8-inch rectangle on foil or waxed paper. Combine cheese, bread crumbs, green pepper and water; pat cheese mixture over


    meat. Roll up jelly roll fashion, beginning at narrow end. Chill several hours or overnight . -Heat oven to 350. Slice meat roll into 6 servings. Bake in shallow pan at 3so, 25 to 30 minutes. 6.servings.

    Suburbia Stew

    2 po unds beef, cut in l-inch cubes

    A ll pu rpose oil 1 can condensed beef bro th

    1 cup water 2 teaspoons salt

    1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 b.fly leaf

    6 medium onions, cut-in quarters

    Jl/2 cups s liced celery 6 medium carrots, cut in

    thirds .. ..

    1h cup (2 ounces) Kraft Grated Parmesan Ch eese

    2 cups hot mashed potato es

    B ro wn meat in o i l . Add beef broth , water and seasonings; cover and simmer 1 hour. Add vegetables and continue to simmer 30 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Pour into 10 x 6-inch baking dish. Stir cheese into potatoes; spoon on top of hot stew.' Broil until potatoes are lightly browned. Sprinkle with additional cheese, if desired . 6 to 8 servings. Quicker way : Two 1Yz-pound cans of canned stew may be used.

    Opposite' Cheddar-filled Beef Rolls

  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    Stroganoff Superb

    1 pound ro und steak, cut in thin strips

    3 tab lespoons margarin e 1iz cup chopped onion 1 3-ounce can s liced mushrooms, drained

    1iz teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard

    1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 B-ounce package Philadelphia

    Brand Cream Cheese, cubed 213 cup milk

    Ho t pars lied noodles

    Brown meat in margarine. Add onion, mushrooms and seasonings ; co ok unt i l tender . Add cream chees e and milk; cont inue co oking, s t i r r ing unt il cheese melts. Serve over noodles . 4 servings .

    Yankee Cheddar Steak

    1 pound ro und steak, 1iz inch thick

    1/4 cup flo u r 1 teaspoon salt

    1/4 teaspoon pepper A ll pu rpose oil

    1 medium onion, th inly sliced 1 B-o unce can tomato sauce

    1 teaspoon garlic salt 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded

    Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese


    Heat oven to 3so. Cut steak in 4 pieces . Combine flour, salt and pepper; pound into steak. Brown in oil . Place in 12 x 8-inch baking dish ; cover with onion and combined tomato sauce and garlic salt. Bake at 3s o, 40 minutes . Sprinkle with ch eese; retu r n to oven unt i l cheese melts . 4 servings .

    W ellington Stew

    Jl/2 po unds beef, cu bed 1/4 cup Italian -sty le d ressing 3 1iz cups (1 -pound 12-o unce

    can) tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt

    114 teaspoon pepper 2 cups diced potatoes

    1 cup s liced celery 12 small onions

    Cheese D umplings

    Brown meat slowly in dressing; add tomatoes and seasonings . Cov e r ; s immer 1 hour. Add vegetables; cover and continue cooking 3 0 minutes . Drop dumplings by tablespoonfuls onto hot stew; cover and s.immer 12 to 15 minutes . 6 servings.

    Cheese Dumplings

    1 cup biscuit mix 113 cup milk

    1 112 cups (6 o unces) sh redded Cracker Barrel B rand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Chees e

    Combine biscuit mix and milk. Add cheese; mix well .

  • Say Cheese-and Poultry Always delicious-and happily budget-minded-chicken

    and turkey take on new dimensions when they join with various kinds of cheese in delightful main dish es

    that are out of the ordinary and very good indeed.


  • Chicken Rococo

    1 1 0-ounce s tick Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp Natural Cheddar

    Cheese 4 chicken breasts, boned,

    skinned 2 eggs, beaten

    3/4 cup dry bread crumbs Margarine

    1 chicken bouillon cube 1 cup boiling water

    112 cup chopped onion 112 cup chopped g reen pepper

    2 tablespoons flo ur 1 teaspoon salt

    114 teaspoon pepper 2 cups coo ked white rice

    1 cup coo ked wild rice 1 3-o unce can s liced mushrooms, drained

    Heat oven to 400 . Cut cheese into 8 equal sticks. Cut chicken breasts in half; flatten each to - inch th ickn ess. Rol l each piece around stick of cheese; secure with toothpicks. Dip in eggs, then in bread cru mbs. Brown in margarine. Dissolve bouillon

  • The Complete Cheese Coo kboo k

    Oven-fried Chicken Parmesan

    1 2 112 to 3-po und broilerfryer,.cut up 1 egg, beaten

    1 tablespoon milk 112 cup Kraft Grated Parmesan

    Cheese 1/4 cup flo ur

    1 teaspoon paprika 112 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper

    1/4 cup margarin e, melted

    Heat oven to 350. Dip chicken incombined egg and milk, then in mixture of cheese, flour and seasonings . Place in 12 x 8 - inch baking dish . Pour margarine over chicken; bake at 350 , 1 hour. 3 to 4 servings .

    Alpine Chicken Casserole

    4 cups diced coo ked ch icken 2 cu.ps s liced celery

    2 cups toasted b read cubes 1 cup salad dressing

    1h cup milk 1/4 cup chopped on ion

    1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper

    1 B-ounce package Kraft Natura l Swiss Cheese Slices,

    cut in thin strips 1/4 cup s livered almonds,


    Heat oven to 3 s o . Combine all ingredients except nuts . Pour into 2-quart casserole; sprinkle with nuts. Bake at 3so, 30 to 40 minutes . 6 s ervings . Nice to know: This c an be made


    ahead, covered and refrigerated o v ern i g h t . B a k e , c o v e re d , a t 3so, 50 minutes . Remove cover ; continue baking 10 minutes .

    Chicken Divan

    1/4 cup margarin e 1/4 cup flour 2 cups milk

    1 teaspoon salt % cup salad dress ing

    1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

    1/4 teaspoon n utmeg 2 1 0-o unce packages frozen

    brocco li spears, cooked, drained 1 cup K raft G rated Parmesan

    Cheese 4 large ch icken breas ts, coo ked,

    s liced

    Heat oven to 3so. Make white sauce with margarine, flour, milk and salt. Add s alad dressing, Worcestershire s auce and nu t m e g ; m i x well . Arrange broccoli in 12 x 8 - inch baking d i s h ; s prin k l e w i t h '12 c u p cheese. Cover with chicken; top w i t h s a u c e and r e m a ining cheese . Bake at 3so, 35 to 40 minutes . 4 to 6 servings .

  • Georgetown Chicken

    112 cup milk 1 B-ounce package Philadelphia

    Brand Cream Cheese, cubed 1/4 cup Kraft Grated Parmesan

    Cheese 112 teaspoon onion salt

    1 cup chopped cooked chicken 1 J-ounce can s liced mushrooms, drained

    2 tablespoons s livered almonds 1 tablespoon chopped pimiento

    1 1 0-ounce package frozen asparagus spears, coo ked,

    drained 4 s lices white bread, toasted

    H e a t m i l k and c r e a m c h e e s e o v e r l o w h e a t , s t i r r ing u n t i l smooth . Add Parmesan cheese and onion sal t ; mix well . Add chicken, mush rooms, almonds and pimiento ; heat . Arrange asparagus spears on toast; top with sauce. 4 s ervings .

    Chicken Valenciana

    1 2112 to 3-pound broiler-fryer, cut up

    Salt and pepper 2 tab lespoons all purpose oil

    2 cups coarsely chopped on ions 2 red or green peppers, cut in

    strips 1/4 pound ham, cut in thin



    Say Cheese-and Poultry

    2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 3112 cups (1 -pound 12-ounce

    can) tomato es 2fa cup (3 ounces) Kraft Grated

    Parmesan Ch eese 1/4 cup flou r

    113 cup cold water 10 s tuffed o lives, cut in

    half 10 pitted ripe o lives, cut in

    half Hot coo ked rice

    Season chicken. Brown in oil in 10-inch s killet ; remove. Add onions , peppers , ham and garlic ; cook until tender. Add tom a to es , 2 c u p c h e e s e and chicken. Cover; simmer 25 to 30 minutes or until tender . Remove ch icken to serving dish; keep warm. Add co mbined flour and water; cook, s tirring constantly until thickened . Add olives, heat. Pour sauce over chicken; sprinkle with remaining cheese. Serve with rice. 4 to 6 servings .

  • The Complete Cheese Coo kbook

    Baked Chicken Lucerne

    3 tablespoons margarin e 114 cup flour 1 cup milk

    1 ch icken bouillo n cube 112 cup bo iling water

    1 B-o unce package Kraft Natural Swiss Cheese

    Slices, cut in strips 1/4 teaspoon dried tarragon

    Dash of cayenne 4 large ch icken breas ts, coo ked,

    split 1 cup fresh bread crumbs 3 tablespoons margarin e,


    Heat oven to 375 . Make white sauce with margarine, flour and milk. Dissolve bouillon cube in water; add to s auce. Add cheese and s e asoning s ; s t i r u n t i l melted. Place chicken i n a 1 0 x 6-inch baking dish ; cover with

    . sauce. Sprinkle with crumbs tossed with margarine. Bake at 375, 20 to 25 minutes. 8 servings .

    Chicken Kashmir

    112 pound Tasty Brand Imitation Pasteu rized Process Cheese

    Spread, cubed 112 cup skim milk

    1 tablespoon chopped pimien to 1/4 teaspoon curry powder 3 ch icken b reasts, boned,

    halved and coo ked 2 1 0-o unce packages frozen

    broccoli spears, cooked, drained


    Combine Tasty Brand, milk, pimiento and cu rry powder. Stir o v e r lo w h e a t u n t i l s a u c e i s s moo t h . A r r ange c h i c ken breasts over broccoli on serving platter . Top with sauce. 4 to 6 servings .

    Turkey Tetrazzini

    1/4 cup margarine 114 cup flo ur 2 cups mi lk

    1 112 teaspoons salt 112 teaspoon celery salt

    Dash of pepper % cup mayonnaise

    1 7-o unce package spaghetti, cooked, drained

    2 cups chopped coo ked turkey 112 cup cooked peas

    2 tab lespoons chopped pimien to

    112 cup Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    Heat.oven to 350. Make white sauce with margarine, flour , m i l k a n d s e a sonings . S t i r in mayonnaise. Add s paghetti, turkey, peas, pimiento and l!J cup cheese; mix lightly. Pour into 2-quart casserole; sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake at 350 , 45 minutes . 6 servings .

  • Say Cheese-and Seafood Start with fish from the can, from the supermarket, from

    the fish market or from your proud husband's own catch-add cheese and know-how and you 'li produce main dishes that will have family and guests asking for seconds.


  • The Complete Cheese Coo kbook

    Ca petown Dinner

    'I cup chopped on ion 2 tablespoons margarin e

    1 1h cups milk 1 B-o unce package Ph iladelphia

    Brand Cream Ch eese, cubed 1 1h cups cubed coo ked lobster

    1 3-o unce can s l iced mushrooms, drained 11 cup K raft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    2 tablespoons chopped pars ley 11 teas poon salt Hot coo ked rice

    Cook onion in margarine until t e n d e r . Add m i l k and c r e a m cheese . Cook, s tirring occasionally, until cheese is melted. Add remammg ingredients ; heat. Serve over rice. 4 to 6 servings .

    Thermidor au Vin

    'I cup chopped on ion 2 tab lespoons margarin e

    1 112 cups milk 1 B-ounce package Ph iladelphia

    B rand Cream Cheese, cubed 1 112 cups cubed coo ked lo bster

    2 tablespoons s herry 1 3-ounce can s liced mushrooms, drained

    2 tablespoons chopped pars ley 'I teaspoon salt

    White bread, toasted, cut in triangles


    Cook onion i n margarine until t e n d e r . Add m i l k and c r e a m cheese. Cook, s tirring occasionally, until cheese is melted. Add lobster, sherry, mushrooms, p a r s l ey a n d s a l t ; h e a t . S e r v e over toas t . 4 t o 6 s ervings .

    Shrimp Superb

    1 cup coarsely chopped green pepper

    113 cup I talian -style dress ing 1 po und (2 112 cups) cooked

    sh rimp Kraft Grated Parmesan Ch eese

    Saute green pepper in dressing. C o m b i n e s h r i m p a n d 11.! c u p c h ees e ; a d d t o g r e e n p e p p e r . Heat tho roughly . Sprinkle with additional cheese. 3 to 4 servings .

    Saucy Shrimp Casserole

    'I cup margarine 'I cup flo ur 2 cups milk

    1 teas poon salt 112 teaspoon Wo rcestersh ire

    sauce 2 cups (B ounces) s hredded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese 6 hard-coo ked eggs, s liced 1 pound (2 112 cups) coo ked

    sh rimp

  • Heat oven to 350 . Make white sauce with margarine, flour, m i l k and s e a s o n ings . A d d cheese; stir until melted. Add eggs and shrimp; mix lightly . Pour into 1 Vz-quart casserole. Bake at 350, 20 to 25 minutes . 6 servings.

    Sev ille Shrimp

    % cup margarine, melted 1/z cup (2 ounces) Kraft Grated

    Parmesan Ch eese 1lz cup dry bread crumbs

    1/a cup chopped green on ion 1/4 cup lemon juice

    1 garlic clove, minced 1/4 teaspoon salt

    1 pound cooked small sh rimp

    Heat oven to 350 . Combine m a r g a r ine, c h e e s e, b r e a d crumbs , onion, lemon j u ice, garlic and salt ; mix well . Add shrimp; mix lightly . Place mixture in four individual c asseroles ; bake at 350, 20 to 25 minutes . 4 serv ings .

    Fish Prov enale

    1 pound fish fi l lets 1 egg, beaten

    1 tablespoon milk 'lz cup dry bread crumbs

    1/a cup K raft Grated Parmesan Ch eese

    1/4 cup all purpose oi l

    Dip fish fillets in combined egg and m i l k , t h e n in m i x t u r e o f crumbs and cheese. Heat oil ; cook fish on both s ides until golden brown. 4 s ervings .

    4 1

    Say Cheese-and Seafood

    Newport Seafood Bake

    2 tab lespoons margarin e 2 tablespoons flou r

    1 11z cups milk 1lz teas poon salt

    112 teaspoon celery salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

    2 teaspoons chopped ch ives 2 cups (8 o unces) sh redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese 1 po und cod o r haddock

    1 1 0-o unce package (3 cu ps) frozen sh rimp, coo ked 1 5-ounce can lo bster,

    drained, cubed 2 tablespoons s herry

    1 11z cups fresh bread crumbs 3 tables poons margarin e,

    m elted

    Heat oven to 350 . Make white sauce with margarine, flour, m i l k and s e a s o n i ngs . A d d cheese, st irring until melted. Cook fis h ; skin, bone and cut in pieces . Add fish, shrimp, lobster and sherry to s auce; pour into 2- q u a r t c a s s e r o l e . T o s s crumbs with margarine; s prinkle on to p of c asserole. Bake at 350, 25 minu tes. 6 to 8 servings .

  • Fisherman's Stew

    1 pound fresh or frozen red snapper, mu llet or red fish

    fil lets 1 po und fresh or frozen

    raw shrimp . 1 dozen fresh o r frozen clams 1 cup coarse ly chopped on ion

    1 clove garlic.,. minced 11 cup margarine

    2 cups coarsely chopped fresh tomato

    2 cans condensed beef bro th

    112 cup "Sherry 4 lemon s lices

    2 teaspoons salt 3 whole allsp ice 1 small bay leaf

    Dash of cayenne Dash of thy me

    Kraft Grated Parmesan Ch eese

    T h a w frozen fish a n d s k i n fill e t s . C u t in s l i c e s or l arge

    chunks . Thaw frozen shrimp; peel and devein . Thaw frozen clams ; clean. Saute onion and g a r l i c in margari n e in l a rg e saucepan until tender. A d d to-

    . mato , beef broth, sherry, lemon and s ea s o n i ng s ; s i mmer gently, uncovered, 3 0 minutes . Add fish , shrimp and clams ;

    . Opposite: Fisherman 's Stew 43

    Say Ch eese-and Seafood

    simmer 15 to 20 minutes or until fish flakes eas ily and clams open. Top each serving with cheese . 4 to 6 s. ervings .

    Halibut with Lobster Sauce 112 cup dry bread crumbs

    2 tablespoons Kraft Grated Parmesan Chees e

    6 112-po und halibut s teaks 1/4 cup margarin e, melted


    2 tab lespoons margarin e 2 tablespoons flou r

    1 c u p milk 114 teaspoon salt

    1 7112-o unce can lobster, drained, cu t in chunks

    2 tablespoons chopped green o n ion

    2 tablespoons chopped pars ley 1/4 cup Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    1 tablespoon sherry

    H e a t ov en to 4 0 0 . C o m b i n e crumbs a n d cheese . Brush halibut with margarine; coat with crumbs . Place in greased 12 x 8 - i nch b a ki n g d i s h . B a k e a t 400 , 15 minutes o r until fish flakes easily . Make white s auce with margarine, flour, milk and s aLt . A d d l o b s t er , o n i o n a n d parsley ; h e a t thoroughly . Stir in c h e e s e a n d s h e rry . H e a t . Serve over fis h . 6 serv ings .

  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    Gloucester Halibut

    2 12-o unce packages frozen halibut steaks, thawed

    Salt and pepper 1/4 cup margarine, melted 1 tablespoon lemon juice

    "Ph illy " Tartar Sauce

    Heat oven to 350 . Sprinkle fish with salt and pepper. Place in well greased 12 x 8 - inch baking dis h . Combine margarine and l emon j u i c e ; p o u r o v e r f i s h . Bake at 3so , 2 5 minutes . Serve with "Philly" Tartar Sauce. 4 to 6 servings .

    "Philly" Tartar Sauce

    1 B-ounce package Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese

    113 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons milk

    2 teaspoons sweet pickle relish 1 teaspoon finely chopped

    on ion 1h teaspoon chopped capers

    Combine softened cream cheese and remaining ingredients ; mix well . 1 2 cups .

    Scallops Palermo

    2 12-ounce packages frozen scallops, thawed, drained % cup dry bread crumbs

    tlz cup Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    2 eggs, beaten A ll pu rpose oi l

    Roll scallops in combined bread crumbs and cheese, dip in egg and roll again in bread crumb


    mixture. Heat oil in skillet ; fry scallops until golden brown. 6 servings .

    Rainbow Tuna

    11z pound Tasty B rand Imitation Pasteu rized Process Ch eese

    Spread, cubed 1/z cup s kim milk

    1 7-o unce can water-pack tuna, drain ed, flaked 1/4 cup chopped on ion

    2 tablespoons chopped pimiento

    1 10-o unce package frozen asparagus spears, coo ked,

    drained 4 s lices wh ite bread, toasted

    Combine Tasty B rand and milk; st ir over low heat until sauce is smooth . Add tuna, onion and pimiento . Arrange asparagus spears on toas t ; top with sauce. 4 servings .

    Maritime Burgers

    1 1 3 1h-ounce can water-pack tuna, drained, flaked

    2 eggs, s lightly beaten % cup s kim milk

    1/4 cup dry b read crumbs 1/4 cup chopped green pepper 2 tables poons chopped on ion

    4 tomato s lices 1lz po und Tasty Brand Imitation

    Pasteu rized Process Cheese Spread, cubed

    1 teaspoon lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon dill weed

  • H e a t o v en to 3 7 5 . C o m b ine tuna, eggs, V.. c u p milk, bread crumbs, green pepper and onion. Shape into 4 patties . Place on greas ed baking sheet; bake at 375 , 15 minutes . Remove patties from oven; top each with tomato slice and return to oven 5 minu t e s . C o m b i n e T a s ty Brand, remaining Vz cup milk, lemon juice and dill weed . Stir o v e r lo w h e a t u n t i l s a u c e is smooth; serve over tuna patties . 4 servings .

    Puget Sound Sup per

    2 tablespoons margarin e 2 tablespoons flo ur

    1 cup mi lk 1 1 -pound can salmon,

    drained, flaked 112 cup salad dressing

    1 egg, beaten 1 cup dry bread crumbs

    lf2 cup chopped celery 1h cup chopped on ion

    1/4 cup chopped g reen pepper 1 tablespoon lemon juice

    1 teaspoon salt Velveeta Sauce


    Say Cheese-and Seafood

    Heat oven to 3 5 0 . Make white sauce with margarine, flour and milk. Add remaining ingredients exc e p t s a u c e ; m i x wel l . Shape into loaf . Bake i n shallow pan a t 350 , 1 hour. Serve with Velveeta Sauce. 6 to 8 servings .

    Velveeta Sauce

    1h po und Velveeta Pasteurized Process Chees e Spread, cu bed

    1/4 cup milk

    Heat Velveeta with milk over low heat, s tirring until sauce is smooth . 1 cup.

  • Wonderful Cheese Dress -ups A vegetable can b e a dreary thing ( poll the children if

    you don't go along with that opinion) ; cheese not only adds protein to vegetables' ami side dishes,

    but taste punch as well, making them welcome at any meal.


  • Garden Vegetable Medley

    1h po u n d Velv eeta Pas teur ized Process C h ees e Spread, c u bed

    114 cup m i l k Das h of cay e n n e

    1 h ead caul iflo wer, coo ked 2 cups whole g reen beans,

    coo ked 2 c u ps s l iced ca r ro ts, coo ked

    H e a t V e l v e e t a a n d m i l k o v e r l o w hea t ; a d d cayenne. S t i r u n t i l s a u c e is s moo th . A r range h o t v e g e t a b l e s o n p l a t t e r ; po u r s a u c e o v e r v e g e t a b l e s . 6 to 8 serv ings .

    Fiesta Corn

    'h c u p c h o pped o n io n 2 ta bles poo ns m a rga r i n e

    2 tables p o o n s flo u r 'I po u n d Velveeta Pas teur ized Process Ch ees e Sp read, c u bed 2 cups d iced fres h tomato es 2 c u ps (1-po u n d can) w h o le

    kerne l corn, drained 1h teas p o o n sal t Das h of pepper

    Coo k onion in marga rine; blend in flo u r . Stir in Velveeta and toma toes ; cook until Velveeta is melted. Add corn and seasonings ; continue coo king 5 minutes , s t i r r ing occas ionally . 6 to 8 servings .

    4 7

    Wonderfu l Ch eese D ress -ups

    Chilean Corn Casserole

    2 1-p o u n d 1-o u n c e cans c ream -s tyle co rn

    'IJ c u p K raft Grated Pa r m esan Ch ees e

    4 s l ices cr is p ly c o o ked baco n , c r u m b led

    Tan g y To mato Rel is h

    Heat ov en t o 350 . Combine c o r n , c h e e s e a n d b a c o n ; m i x wel l . Po u r into 1 - q u a r t cassero le ; bake at 3 5 0 , 35 m i n u tes . Serve wi th T angy Tomato Reli sh . 8 servings .

    Tangy T ornata Relish

    2 c u ps diced tomatoes % c u p c h o pped o n io n

    1 tab les po o n cho pped pars ley 1 ta bles p o o n fin ely c h o p ped

    green ch il i pepper 1 ta b les p o o n l e m o n ju ice

    Das h of garl ic. powder

    Combine a l l i ngredien ts ; mix l ightly. 2 c u ps .

    Saucy Vegetables

    1h po u n d Velv eeta Pas te u rized Process Chees e Sp read, c u bed

    11 cup mi lk 2 cups ( 1 -po u n d can) c u t g reen

    b eans, drain ed 2 cups ( 1 -po u n d ca n ) s l iced

    carro ts, d rain ed 1 cup Fre n c h -fried o n io n s

    Combine Velv eeta a n d m i l k i n s aucepan o v e r l o w h e a t ; s t i r u n t i l sauce is s moo t h . Add green beans and carrots ; h ea t . Po u r into serving d i s h ; to p with an ions. 4 s erv ings .

  • The Complete Cheese Coo kbook

    Gala Green Beans

    2 s lices baco n 1 cup on ion rings

    1/4 cup Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    1 9-o unce packag e frozen whole green beans, coo ked,


    Cook bacon until crisp. Remove from skillet; crumble. Cook onion rings in bacon fat until tender . T o s s o n i o n s and cheese with hot green beans ; sprinkle with bacon. 4 s ervings .

    Swiss Souffleed Beans

    1/z cup cho pped onion 2 tab lespoons margarin e

    2 eggs, beaten 114 cup milk

    1 teas poon salt lf4 teaspoon pepper

    1 1 0-o unce package frozen cut green beans, coo ked, drained

    1 cup (4 ounces) sh redded Kraft Aged Natura l Swiss Cheese

    Cook onion in margarine in 8-inch skillet un til tender . St ir in remaining ingredients ; cover and cook over low heat 15 minutes . Cut into wedges ; serve immediately . 6 servings .


    Golden Green Beans

    112 po und Velveeta Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread, cu bed

    6 s lices crisp ly coo ked bacon, crumbled

    1 tablespoon finely chopped on ion

    2 1 0-o unce packages frozen cut g reen b eans, coo ked, drained

    Heat oven to 3 s o . Add Velveeta, bacon and onion to beans ; mix l ight ly . P l a c e i n 1 - q u a r t casserole; bake at 3 s o , 1 0 minutes . Stir well before serving. 6 to 8 servings .

    Dilly Green Beans

    4 cups fresh cut green beans or 2 1 0-o unce packages frozen cut g reen beans

    2 tables poons chopped on ion 1/4 teaspoon d i l l weed

    1h pound Velveeta Pasteurized Process Ch eese Spread, cubed

    1/4 cup croutons

    Heat oven to 3 s o. Cook beans with onion and dill weed; drain. Add Velveeta; mix l igh tly . Place in 1 -quart casserole; top with croutons . Bake at 350, 12 to 15 minutes . 6 to 8 servings .

  • Great Green Beans

    4 cups cut green beans, coo ked, drained

    1 4-o unce contain er Kraft Whipped Cream Ch eese with

    Baco n and Horseradish

    Comb i n e h o t b e an s a n d whipped cream chees e; st ir until blended. 6 servings .

    Country Carrots

    3 cups sl iced carro ts, coo ked, drained

    1 4-ounce container Kraft Whipped Cream Cheese

    with Chives

    C o m b i n e h o t c ar r o t s a n d wh i p p e d c r e a m c h e e s e ; s t ir until blended. 4 to 6 s ervings .

    As paragus Special

    1 4-o unce contain er Kraft Whipped Cream Cheese

    with Roquefort 11 cup milk

    1 1 0-o unce packag e frozen asparagus spears, coo ked,


    Combine whipped cream cheese and milk. Heat, stirring until smooth. Pour over asparagus spears ; s prinkle with paprika, if desired . 4 servings .


    Wonderful Cheese D ress-ups

    Asparagus Delmonico

    112 cup milk 1 B-ounce package Phi ladelphia

    Brand Cream Cheese, cubed 11 cup (2 o unces) Kraft Co ld Pack Blue Ch eese, crumbled

    Dash of on ion salt 2 1 0-o unce packages frozen

    asparagus s pears, coo ked, d rained

    H e a t m i l k a n d c r e a m c h e e s e over lo w h e a t , st irring until smooth . Blend in remaining ingred i e n t s exc e p t a s p a r a g u s . Serve over h o t asparagus . Top with additional Blue chees e, if desired. 4 to 6 s ervings.

    Sovereign Onions

    8 medium on ions, peeled 112 cup cho pped tomato

    1/ cup margarine 1 cup fresh bread crumbs

    1 5-o unce jar Kraft Bacon Pasteu rized Process Cheese

    Spread 112 teas poon salt Dash of pepper

    Heat oven to 350 . Cook onions in b o i l i n g w a t er 15 m i n u t e s ; drain. Cool. Scoop out centers of onions, leaving 1/2 -inch shell . Chop onion removed from center. Cook onion and tomato in m argari n e u n t i l t e n d e r . A d d bread crumbs , cheese spread and seasoning s ; mix well . Fill onion shells ; bake at 3 5 0 , 35 to 40 minutes . 8 servings .

  • Pleas in ' Peas

    1 1 0-o unce package frozen peas, coo ked, drained

    1 4-o unce contain er Kraft Whipped Cream Ch eese with

    Chives 1 tables poon milk

    Combine hot p e a s , wh i p ped cream cheese and milk; s t i r until blended. 4 servings.

    Golden Baked Peppers

    3 green peppers, cut in half 1 5-o unce jar Old Eng lis h Sharp Pasteurized Process

    Cheese Spread 1 % cups (1 -po und 1 -o unce

    can) whole kern el corn, drained

    1 tomato, cho pped 1 cup fresh bread crumbs 2 tablespoons margarin e,

    m elted

    H e a t ov en to 3 5 0 . R e m o v e seeds from peppers ; parboil 5 minutes . Drain. Heat cheese spread in saucepan over low heat; stir in corn and tomato . Fill peppers . Top with crumbs tossed with margarine; bake at 350, 30 to 35 minutes . 6 servings .

    Opposit" Golden Baked Peppers 5 1

    Wonderfu l Ch eese D ress-ups

    Perky Peas 'n Potatoes

    % cup milk 1 B-o unce package Philadelphia

    Brand Cream Cheese, cub ed 1/4 cup Kraft Grated Parmesan

    Cheese 1/2 teaspoon onion salt

    1 1 -po und can small who le potatoes, h eated, drain ed

    1 1 0-o unce package frozen peas, coo ked, drained

    H e a t m i l k and c r e a m c h e e s e over l o w heat , stirring until smooth . Add Parmesan c heese and onion salt ; mix well . Add vegetables . Pou r into serving dish; sprinkle with additional Parmesan cheese, if desired. 6 servings .

    Piquant Broccoli

    1 B-ounce package Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese 1/4 cup salad dressing

    1/4 cup milk 113 cup chopped green pepper

    1/4 cup chopped pimiento 2 tables poons chopped on ion :2 1 0-o unce packages frozen

    broccoli spears, coo ked, drained

    C o m b i n e s o f t e n e d c r e a m cheese, s alad dressing and milk; mix well . Add green pepper, pim i ento and onion; mix wel l . Heat over low heat . Serve over broccoli . 4 to 6 servings .

  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    Tomatoes Continental

    6 medium tomatoes 1 cup fresh b read crumbs 1/4 cup margarine, melted

    K raft G rated Parmesan Cheese 1 10-o unce package frozen

    peas, thawed

    Heat oven to 3 5 0 . Remove tops of tomatoes ; hollow out centers . Combine bread crumbs, m a rg a r i n e a n d 111 c u p c h e e s e ; toss with peas . Fill tomatoes . P l a c e in 1 0 x 6-i n c h ba king dish; bake at 350 , 25 to 30 minutes . Sprinkle with additional cheese, i f desired . 6 servings .

    Savory Spinach Casserole

    1 B-o unce package Ph iladelphia Brand Cream Cheese

    1/4 cup milk 2 1 0-o unce packages frozen

    choppefl spinach, cooked, drained

    113 cup K raft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    Heat oven to 350. Combine softened cream cheese and milk;

    mix wel l . Place s p i n a c h i n 1 -quart casserole ; top with c ream cheese mixture. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake at 350 , 20 minutes . 4 to 6 servings .


    Zesty Zucchini

    2 pounds zucchin i, sliced 113 cup chopped onion

    Margarine 2 tablespoons flour

    112 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon salt

    112 pound Velveeta Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread, cubed 2 medium tomatoes, chopped 1 112 cups fresh bread crumbs

    3 tablespoons margarine, melted

    Heat oven to 350 . Cook zucchini and onion in 111 cup margarine over medium heat for 5 minutes . Make white sauce with 2 tablespoons margarine, flour, milk and salt . Add Velveeta; stir until melted. L ayer half of zucchini mixture, tomatoes and Velveeta sauce in 12 x 8-inch baking dis h ; repeat layers . Top with crumbs tossed with melted margarine; bake at 350 , 35 minutes . 8 servings .

  • Zucchini Bake

    6 medium zucchini 112 cup chopped on ion

    2 tablespoons margarin e 1 cup chopped tomato

    1 teaspoon salt lJ teaspoon poultry season ing

    Dash o f pepper 1 112 cups (6 o unces) sh redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese 4 slices crisply cooked

    bacon, crumbled

    Heat oven to 3so . Trim ends of zucchini. Cook, covered, in boiling salted water 5 to 8 minutes; drain. Cut in h alf l engthwise. Scoop out centers ; chop. Cook onion in margarine until tender ; combine with chopped zucchini, tomato, seasonings, cheese and b a c o n . F i l l z u c c h i n i . A r range i n 1 3 x 9 -inch baking pan. B a k e a t 3 s o , 30 m i n u t e s . 6 servings .


    Wonderful Cheese Dress-ups

    Creamy Potato Puff

    1 B-ounce package Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese

    4 cups hot mashed potatoes 1 egg, beaten

    113 cup fine ly chopped onion lJ cup chopped pimiento

    1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper

    Heat oven to 3so . Combine softened cream cheese and pot a t o e s , m 1 x m g u nt i l well blended . Add remaining ingredients ; place in 1-quart c asserole. Bake at 3so, 45 minutes . 6 to 8 servings . Oth e r way s : S u b s t i t u t e chopped green pepper for onion or s pr i n k l e w i t h c r i s ply cooked c ru mbled bacon .

    Sunny Scallo ped Potatoes

    5 cups s liced potatoes 2 tablespoons flour

    1 teas poon salt Dash o f pepper

    1h pound Velveeta Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread, cu bed

    % cup milk 11 cup chopped green pepper

    1/4 cup chopped on ion 2 tablespoons pimiento strips

    Heat ov en to 350 . Coat potatoes with combined flour and seasonings . Place in 12 x 8 -inch baking dish . Heat Velveeta and milk over low heat ; add green p e p p e r , o n i o n a n d p i m i e n t o . Pour Velveeta sauce over potatoes . Bake at 3so, 5 0 minutes or until potatoes are done. 4 to 6 servings .

  • The.Complete Cheese Coo kbook

    Cheese Risotto

    1 cup cho pped on ion 3 tab lespoons margarin e

    1 cup uncoo ked rice 2 cups water

    2 chicken bouillon cubes 1 3-ounce can s liced

    mushrooms, undrained 112 teaspoon- salt Dash of pepper

    1 112 cups (6 o unces) sh redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natural Ch eddar Cheese

    Heat .oven to 3 5 0 . Cook onion in margarine until tender. Stir in

    - rice; cook until l ightly browned. Adtl remaining ingredients except cheese. B ring to a boil; simmer 5 minutes . Layer rice mixture and 1 cup cheese in 1 lizquart casserole. Bake, covered, at 350 , 1 hour . Sprinkle with


    rema m m g c h e es e ; r e t u r n to oven until cheese melts . 6 to 8 servings .

    Double-Treat Baked Potatoes

    Baked potato es Margarine

    Milk Kraft Bacon Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread

    Salt and pepper

    Heat oven to 375 . Slice tops from baked potatoes ; scoop out ins ides . For each potato, add 1 tables poon margarine, 1 t ables poon milk and 2 tablespoons cheese s pread . Mix until well b l e n d e d ; s e a s o n to t a s t e . F i l l shells ; place on baking sheet. Bake at 375 , 2 0 minutes o r until lightly browned.

  • One-Dish Meals One-dish wonders, these should b e cal led-here is a

    col lection of casserole and s k il let concoctions t h a t w i l l b e favorites with your fam i ly from the first day you

    make them-and, as a bonus , save you hours of k i tchen t ime .


  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    Devonshire Spaghetti

    1/z cup chopped on ion 1/z cup chopped green pepper

    2 tab lespoons margarin e 2 cups (1 -po und can) tomatoes

    1/z teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

    1 7-o unce package spaghetti, coo ked, drained

    1 cup diced coo ked chicken 1 cup cooked ham s trips

    Velveeta Pas teurized Process Chees e Spread

    Heat oven to 350 . Cook onion and green pepper in margarine until tender. Stir in tomatoes and seasonings . Add spaghetti, c h i c ken, h a m a n d Vz p o u n d cubed Velveeta ; mix well. Pour into 2-quart c asserole; bake at 3 5 0 , 25 m i n u t es . T o p with Velveeta slices ; return to oven until Velveeta melts . 6 to 8 servings .


    Country Chicken Casserole

    1 cup milk 1/z cup salad dressing

    1 pound Velv eeta Pasteurized Process Chees e Spread, cubed 2 cups cubed coo ked chicken 1 1 0-o unce package frozen

    peas and carro ts, cooked, drained

    5 ounces spaghetti, coo ked, drained

    1 tab lespoon chopped ch ives


    Heat oven to 350 . Combine milk and salad dressing; add Velveeta. Heat over low heat, s tirring until sauce is smooth . A d d r e m a i n i n g i n g r e d i e n t s ; mix well. Pour into 2-quart casserole; bake a t 350 , 35 to 40 minutes . 6 to 8 servings.

    Country Fare Casserole

    1 1/4 cups water liz cup uncoo ked rice

    1 cup cubed cooked ham 1/z pound Velveeta Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread, cubed

    1 1 0-o unce package frozen peas, thawed

    6 hard-coo ked eggs, sliced 113 cup chopped onion

    1/4 cup chopped pimiento 1/4 cup milk

    1/z teaspoon salt

    Bring water to boil ; add rice . Cover and simmer 1 0 minutes ; a d d r e m a i n i n g i n g r e d i en t s . Cover a n d cont inue cooking 2 0 min u t es o r u n t i l rice is done. 6 to 8 servings .

    Blue Ribbon Ham Casserole

    1/z pound Velveeta Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread, cubed

    1/z cup milk 3 cups diced cooked potatoes

    % cup cubed coo ked ham 6 hard-cooked eggs, sliced

    1/4 cup chopped green pepper 1/z teaspoon salt

  • Heat Velveeta with milk over low h e a t ; s t i r u n t i l s a u c e is smooth. Add remaining ingred i en t s ; mix wel l . H e a t t h o roughly , s tirring occasionally. 6 servings .

    Ham A pollo

    I/4 cup chopped on ion 2 tab lespoons margarin e

    2 tablespoons flo ur 112 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper

    1 112 cups milk 1 cup diced coo ked ham

    Kraft Grated Parmesan Ch eese 2 cups ( 4 ounces) green

    noodles, coo ked, drained

    Heat oven to 350. Cook onion in marga rine u ntil tender ; blend in flour and seasonings . Gradu al ly add m i l k , s t i r r in g u n t i l thickened. Stir i n h a m and V2 cup cheese. Alternate layers of noodles and s auce in 1 -quart casserole; top with additional cheese . Bake at 3 5 0 , 20 minutes . 4 to 6 servings .


    One-Dish Meals

    Heritage Supper

    2 tab lespoons margarin e 2 tablespoons flou r

    2 cups milk 1 / 4 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper

    112 po und Velveeta Pasteu rized Process Cheese

    Spread, cubed 1/a cup chopped green pepper

    1 3-o unce can s liced . mushrooms, drained

    1 /4 cup chopped on ion 2 tablespoons chopped

    pimiento 1 B-ounce package thin

    spagh etti, coo ked, drain ed 112 cup K raft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    1 112 cups coo ked ham s trips

    Heat ov en 375. M ake white sauce with margarine, flour, milk and s easonings . Add Velv e e t a , g r e e n p e p p er , m u s h rooms, onion a n d pimiento ; stir until Velveeta melts . Combine spaghetti and '>4 cup Parmesan cheese ; layer half of s paghetti, ham and Velveeta sauce in 12 x 8- inch baking dish; repeat layers . Top with remaining Parmesan cheese. Bake at 375, 25 minutes . 6 to 8 servings .

  • Frank Whiz Macaroni

    1 pound fran kfurters 1 7-o unce package elbow macaroni, coo ked, drained 1 B-ounce jar Cheez Whiz Pasteu rized Process Cheese

    Sp read 1/4 cup chopped g reen on ion

    1 tablespoon prepared mustard

    Simmer frankfurters in water 5 minutes ; drain and slice diagonally . Combine frankfurters , macaroni, Cheez Whiz, onion and mustard. Heat. 4 to 6 servings .

    Enchiladas El Paso

    1 pound ground beef 2 cups (1-pound can) to matoes

    1 6-o unce can tomato pas te 1h cup water

    112 cup chopped on ion 1 'tablespoon chil i powder

    1 1/4 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

    2 cups (B ounces) s h redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Cheddar Cheese 1 B-ounce package to rtil las

    Heat oven to 3 7 5 . Brown meat; drain. Stir in tomatoes, tomato paste, water, onion and seasonings . Simmer 1 0 minutes . Place rounded tablespoons of each, meat sauce and cheese, on each tortilla ; roll up tightly . Place seam-side down in 12 x 8 - inch baking dish; top with remaining s a u c e a n d c h e e s e. C o v e r

    Opposite: Enchi ladas E l Paso 59

    One-Dish Meals

    tightly with aluminum foil; bake at 375 , 25 minutes . 6 to 8 servings . Nice to know: This dish may be made ahead, covered and refrigerated overnight . Bake, covered, at 3 75 , 50 minutes .


    1 pound g round beef 112 cup chopped on ion

    1 6-ounce can tomato pas te 1 112 cups water

    1 garlic clove, minced 2 teaspoons salt

    % teaspoon o regano lf4 teaspoon pepper

    B ounces lasagne noodles, coo ked, drain ed

    1 pound ricotta or cottage ch eese

    2 6-o unce packages Kraft Natural Low Moisture

    Part-Skim Mozzarel la Cheese Slices

    112 cup (2 o unces) Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    Heat oven t o 3 75 . Brown meat; drain. Add onion and cook until tender . Stir in tomato paste, water, garlic and seasonings ; cover and s immer 30 minutes . In a 12 x 8 -inch baking dish, l a y e r h a l f of n o o d l e s , m e a t sauce, ricotta cheese and Mozzarella chees e ; repeat layers . Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake at 375 , 30 minutes . 6 to 8


  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    Golden Meatball Casserole

    1 pound ground beef 112 cup fresh bread crumbs

    1 egg 1 teaspoon salt A ll pu rpose oi l

    2 cups water 1 cup uncooked rice

    2 large carrots, cut in quarters 112 cup chopped green pepper

    1/4 cup chopped on ion 112 pound Velveeta Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread, cubed

    Combine meat , bread crumbs, egg and salt; mix lightly . Shape i n t o 18 m e a t b a l l s ; b r o wn in small amount of oil on all s ides in large skillet. Drain. Add water, rice, carrots, green pepper and onion. Cover and simmer 25 minu tes . Add Velveeta; heat until Velveeta mel ts . 4 to 6 serv ings .

    El Rancho Casserole

    1 pound ground beef 1 cup chopped on ion 1 7-o unce package

    elbow macaroni 3 1h cups (1 -pound 12-ounce

    can) tomatoes 1 112 cups (12-o unce can) whole

    kernel co rn, undrained 112 po und Velveeta Pas teurized Process Cheese Spread, cu bed

    112 cup water 1 tablespoon chil i powder

    1 teaspoon salt 'I teaspoon pepper


    Brown meat; drain. Add onion and cook until tender. Stir in remaining ingredients . Cover and simmer, s tirring occasionally, 30 to 35 minutes. 6 to 8 servings .

    Plantation Supper

    1 pound ground beef 112 cup chopped onion

    1 cup milk 1 B-ounce package Philadelphia

    Brand Cream Cheese, cubed 1 112 cups (1-pound can) whole

    kern el co rn, drain ed 4 cups (8 ounces) noodles,

    coo ked, drained 1/ cup chopped pimiento

    1 3-ounce can s liced mushroo ms, drained

    1 112 teas poons salt Dash of pepper

    Brown meat ; drain. Add onion; cook until tender. Stir in milk and cheese, mixing until well blended. Add remaining ingredients ; heat . 8 servings .

  • Casserole Special

    1 pound ground beef liz cup chopped on ion

    1 B-o unce package Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese, cubed

    1 can condensed c ream of mushroom soup

    1 1/z cups (12-o unce can) whole kernel co rn, drained

    1 2-ounce jar pimien to, drained, chopped

    1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper

    1 can (9.5 ounces) refrigerated butte rmilk flaky biscuits

    Heat oven to 3 75 . Brown meat; drain. Add onion; cook until tender . Stir in cheese and soup; mix well . Add corn , pimiento and s easonings ; pou r into 12 x 8-inch baking dis h . Place biscuits around edge of baking dish ; bake at 375 , 20 to 25 minutes. 6 serv ings .

    Sicilian Supper

    1 pound ground beef 1/z cup chopped on ion

    1 6-ounce can tomato pas te % cup water

    1/z teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

    % cup milk 1 B-o unce package Philadelphia

    Brand Cream Cheese, cubed 112 cup K raft Grated Parmesan Cheese

    liz cup chopped green pepper liz teaspoon garlic salt

    2 cups noodles, coo ked, drained


    One-Dish Meals

    Heat oven to 350 . Brown meat; drain . Add onion; cook until tender. Add tomato paste, water and seasonings ; simmer 5 minutes . Heat milk and c ream cheese over low heat, stirring until smooth. Stir in 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, green pepper, garlic salt and noodles . In 1 2-quart casserole, layer half of

    : noodle mixture and meat sauce; repeat layers. B ake at 350 , 20 minutes . Sprin kle with remaining Par mes a n chees e . 6 s ervings .

    South-of-the-Border Casserole

    1 pound ground beef 112 cup chopped on ion

    2 B-ounce cans tomato sauce 1 tablespoon ch ili powder

    1 teaspoon salt 12 to rtillas (B-ounce package),

    cut in half 2 cups (B ounces) s hredded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese

    Heat oven t o 3 2 5 . Brown meat; drain. Add onion; cook until tender . Stir in tomato sauce and seasonings . Alternate layers of m e a t m i x t u r e, t o r t i l l a s a n d cheese in 1 2-quart c asserole; bake at 3 25 , 2 0 minutes. 4 to 6 servings .

  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    Potato Patch Casserole.

    1 po und -ground beef 112 cup chopped on ion

    1 egg 1/4 cup milk

    1/4 cup dry bread crumbs 1 teaspoon salt

    1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/4 teaspoon celery salt

    A ll pu rpose oil .. .. ..

    2 tablespoons margarin e 2 tablespoons flo ur

    1 cup milk 1 1/4 teaspoons salt Dash of pepper

    112 pound Velveeta Pasteu rized Process Cheese Spread, cubed

    4 cups sl iced po tatoes 1 1 0-ounce package frozen

    peas and carrots, thawed

    Heat ov en to 350 . Combine meat, onion, egg, milk, bread crumbs and seasonings ; mix l igh tly . S h a p e i n t o 10 m e a tballs ; brown in oil . Make white sauce with margarine, flour, milk and seasonings . Add Velveeta ; st ir until melted. Combine potatoes and peas and carrots ; place in 12 x 8 -inch baking dish . Arrange meatballs around edge of dish; cover with Velveeta sauce. Cover dish with aluminum foil ; bake at 350 , I hour. U ncover ; continue baking 30 minutes . 4 to 6 servings .



    112 pound g round beef 112 cup chopped g reen pepper

    112 cup chopped onion 2 cups ( 1 -pound can) tomatoes

    1 6-o unce can tomato paste 112 cup water

    1 bay leaf 112 teaspoon salt

    1/4 teaspoon pepper 8 ounces mostaccio li noodles,

    coo ked, drained 112 pound Velveeta Pasteurized

    Process Ch eese Spread, thin ly s liced

    Kraft Grated Parmesan Ch eese

    Heat oven to 350 . Brown meat ; add green pepper and onion . Cook until tender. Stir in tomatoes , tomato paste, water and seasonings . In a 2-quart c asserole , l a y e r h a l f the n o o d l e s , meat sauce a n d Velveeta ; repeat layers . S prinkle with Parmesan cheese . Bake at 350, 30 minutes . 6 to 8 servings .

    Opposite: Mos taccioli

  • The Complete Cheese Coo kbook

    Tuna 'Tater Puff

    1/ pound Velveeta Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread, cubed

    2 cups hot mashed potato es 1 egg, beaten

    1h cup chopped celery 113 cup chopped on ion

    2 tablespoons margarin e 1/4 cup chopped pimien to

    Dash of pepper 1 7-o unce can tuna, drain ed,


    Heat oven to 350 . Combine Velveeta and potatoes ; add egg. Cook celery and onion in margarine until tender; add to potatoes . S tir in remaining ingredients ; pour into 1-quart casserole. Bake at 3 5 0 , 40 to 45 minutes . 6 servings .

    Country Casserole

    1 1h cups milk 1 8-ounce package Ph iladelph ia

    B rand Cream Cheese, cubed 1/4 cup (1 ounce) Kraft Grated

    Parmesan Ch eese 1h teaspoon onion salt

    1/4 teaspoon oregano, crum bled 1 7-o unce package spaghetti,

    coo ked, drained 1 1 0-o unce packag e frozen

    peas, coo ked, drained 1 7-ounce can tuna, drain ed,

    flaked 1 3-ounce can s liced mush rooms, drained

    1 tablespoon chopped pimiento

    1 tablespoon chopped onion


    Heat oven to 350. Heat milk and cream cheese over low heat, stirring until s mooth . Add Parmesan cheese, onion salt and oregano; mix well . Add remaining ingredients ; mix. Place in 2-quart casserol e ; cover and bake at 350, 20 minutes. 6 to 8 servings .

    Tempting T una Bake

    2 tablespoons margarin e 2 tablespoons flo ur

    1 1h cups mi lk 1/ teas poon salt Dash of pepper

    1 1h cups (6 ounces) sh redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese 4 o unces spaghetti,

    coo ked, drained 2 7-o unce cans tuna,

    drain ed, flaked 113 cup s liced ripe o lives 113 cup chopped on ion

    1/ cup s livered almonds, toasted

    Heat oven to 3 5 0 . Make white sauce with margarine, flour, milk and seasonings . Add 1 cup cheese; s tir until melted. Stir in spaghetti , tuna, olives, onion and nuts . Pou r into 1 V2-quart casserole ; bake at 350, 25 minutes . Sprinkle with remaining c h e e s e ; r e t u r n t o o v e n u n t i l cheese melts . 6 t o 8 servings . Nice to know: This dish may be made ahead, covered and refrigerated overnight . Remove cover and bake at 350 , 55 minutes .

  • Old-Fashioned Macaroni and Cheese

    1/4 cup margarine 1/4 cup flo u r 2 cups milk

    1 teaspoon salt 2 cups (8 o unces) sh redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Ch eese 1 7-o unce package elbow macaroni, coo ked, drain ed

    Heat oven to 3 5 0 . Make white sauce with margarine, flour, milk and salt ; add cheese, reserving Vz cup; stir until melted . L a y e r h a l f o f m a c a r o n i a n d cheese sauce i n 1 Vz-quart casserole; repeat layers. Top with remaining chees e. Bake at 350 , 20 to 25 minu tes . 6 to 8 serv-

    Calico Macaroni

    1/4 cup cho pped carro ts 1/4 cup chopped onion

    1/4 cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons margarin e

    1 7-o unce package elbo w macaron i, coo ked, drained 1 B-ounce jar Cheez Whiz

    Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread

    Cook carrots , onion and green pepper in margarine until tender. Combine vegetables, macaroni and Cheese Whiz ; stir until well blended. Heat. 4 to 6 servings .


    One-Dish Meals

    Macaroni Tomato Bake

    1 7-o unce package elbo w macaron i, coo ked, drain ed

    1% cups milk % cup (3 ounces) Kraft

    Grated Parmesan Chees e 111 c u p chopped on ion

    3 eggs, beaten J lh teaspoons salt

    114 teaspoon pepper 1 6-o unce package Kraft

    Natural Low Mois ture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese

    Slices, cut in thin s trips 2 tomatoes

    1 112 cups fresh bread crumbs 2 tablespoons margarin e,


    Heat oven to 350 . Combine macaron i, milk, Vz cup Parmesan cheese, onion, eggs , seasoni n g s and M o z z a r e l l a c h e e s e . Pour h a l f of macaroni mixture i n to 2 - q u a r t c a s s e ro l e . T o p with 1 tomato , sliced. Add rem a i n i n g m a c a r o n i m i x t u re . Toss crumbs in margarine and sprinkle on to p . Cut remaining tomato in wedges ; arrange on casserole . Bake at 350 , 45 minutes. Sprinkle with remaining Parmesan cheese; return to oven for 5 minutes . 8 servings .

  • Great Cheese Pies Who 's for pizza? Everybody from six to sixty. Who's for

    quiche ? The family, the guests-everyone who tries a slice of any one of these imaginative cheese pies will

    become converted on the spo t to the pie-from-cheese clan .


  • Pizza Napoli

    1 packag e dry yeast 1 113 cups lu kewarm water

    2 tablespoons all purpose oi l 3 112 cups flo u r 1 teaspoon salt

    1 B-ounce can tomato sauce 1 6-ounce can to mato paste

    'h cup water 1 teaspoon oregano, crum bled

    'I teaspoon salt 1 1 0-o unce package frozen asparagus spears, thawed

    1 1/z cups sliced pitted ripe ol ives 2 B-o unce packages Kraft

    Shredded Natu ral Low Moisture Part-Skim Mozzare lla Ch eese

    Dissolve yeast in water ; add oil . Combine flour and salt ; add yeast mixture. Mix until well blended . On a floured surf a c e , k n e a d d o u g h u n t i l smooth, abo u t I O minutes . Place dough in a greased bowl . Cover ; l e t rise i n a warm place until double in bulk, abou t 2 hours . Punch down ; divide dough in half . Roll each h alf to fit a l ightly greased 1 4 - inch pizza pan. Heat oven to 425 . Combine tomato sauce, tomato paste, water, oregano and salt ; mix well . Spread half of mixture over each pizza crust . Top each pizza with h alf of asparagus and olives ; s prinkle each pizza with half of cheese. Bake at 425 , 20 minutes . I2 servings .

    6 7

    Great Cheese Pies

    A nother way : Omit asparagus and oliv es . Top each pizza with I medium green pepper c u t in thin s trips and I c u p frozen French -fried onion rings before s prinkling with cheese .

    Pizza M ilano

    1% cups flo ur 1 teaspoon baking powder

    1 teas poon salt 2f3 cup milk

    'I cup all purpose oil 1 B-o unce can tomato sauce

    'h teaspoon o regano, crum bled Dash of salt

    'h po und peppero n i, sliced 1 B-o unce package Kraft

    Shredded Natural Low Mois ture Part-Skim Mozzare lla Ch eese

    Heat oven to 425 . Combine flour, baking powder and salt ; add milk and oil . Stir with a fork until mixture forms a ball . Knead about IO times on an unfloured surfac e . Roll dough to fit a 14- inch pizza pan. Combine tomato sauce, organo and salt ; mix well . Spread over pizza crus t ; top with pepperoni . Sprinkle with cheese ; bake at 425 , I S to 20 minutes . 6 to 8 servings . A nother way : Omit pepperoni . Top p i z z a with one 3 -o u n c e jar sliced mushrooms, drained, and 2 small zucchini, sliced, before sprinkling with cheese .

  • The Complete Cheese Cookbook

    Cheddar Cheese Pie

    2 cups (8 ounces) sh redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese 2 tablespoons flour

    4 eggs, s ligh tly beaten 1 1h cups milk

    % cup diced coo ked ham 'I teaspoon salt Dash of pepper

    1 9-inch un baked pas try shell

    Heat oven to 3 5 0 . Toss cheese with flour . Add eggs , milk, ham and seasonings ; mix well . Pour into past ry shell ; bake at 350 , 1 hour . 6 servings .

    Ski Trail Cheese Pie

    2 cups (8 ounces) sh redded Cracker Barrel Brand Sharp

    Natu ral Ch eddar Cheese 2 tablespoons flour

    'h teas poon salt 1/ teaspoon dry mustard 8 sl ices crisply coo ked

    bacon, crumbled 4 eggs, beaten

    1 B-ounce can tomato sauce 'h cup milk

    1/ cup chopped on ion 1 9- inch un baked pastry shell

    Heat oven to 350. Toss cheese with flour and s easonings . Combine bacon, eggs, tomato sauce, milk and onion, mixing


    until well blended. Add c h eese mixture; mix well . Pour into pastry shell ; bake at 350 , 40 to 45 minutes . 6 servings .

    Florentine Swiss Pie

    2 cups (8 ounces) s h redded Kraft Aged Natural

    Swiss Cheese 2 tablespoons flour

    1 11 cups milk 3 eggs, beaten

    'h teaspoon salt Dash of nu tmeg Dash of pepper

    1 9-inch un baked pastry shell 1 3 -ounce can s liced mushrooms, drained

    1 med ium zucch in i, s liced 3 large pitted ripe o lives,

    s l iced 'I po und pepperon i, s l iced

    Heat ov en to 350" . Toss 1 V2 cups cheese with flour. Combine milk , eggs and s easonings . Stir in c h eese mixture. Pou r into pastry shell . Bake at 350" , 3 5 to 40 m i n u t es . A r r a n g e mushrooms, zucchini, olives and pepperoni in concentric rings on pie; sprinkle with remaining chees e . Return to oven; continue baking 20 minutes . 6 to 8 serv ings .

  • Swiss -Spin ach Quiche

    1 can (4 .5 oun ces) refrigerated butterm ilk biscuits

    1 B-o unce package Kraft Natural Swiss Cheese Slices,

    cut in thin strips 2 tablespoons flo ur

    1 cup mi lk 3 eggs, beaten

    112 teasp