Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks

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  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks










    Ravinder Kumar


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    Perfect is the famos sa!i"# a"$ %he" a &erso" #et &ractica' e(&erie"ce "$er the #i$a"ce

    of e(&ert of the res&ecti)e fie'$* the +"o%'e$#e #ai"e$ is &rice'ess,

    -ith the se"se of #reat &'easre a"$ satisfactio"* I &rese"t this &ro.ect re&ort e"tit'e$


    sccessf''! is "e)er a ma" efforts simi'ar'! com&'etio" of this re&ort is the res't of i")a'a/'e s&&ort a"$ co"tri/tio" of "m/er of the &eo&'es i" $irect a"$ i"$irect ma""er,

    I" the 'i#ht of fore#oi"#* first of a'' m! heartfe't #reat f''"ess a"$ tha"+s #oes to Mr, S0MIT

    S0RI as a MANA1ER of HDFC LIMITED for #i)i"# o&&ort"it! to %or+ for his hi#h'!

    esteeme$ or#a"i2atio" a"$ for /ei"# a co"sta"t sorce of i"s&iratio" a"$ #i$a"ce thro#hot

    the &ro.ect, -ithot his a/'e s&&ort the &ro.ect %o'$ "ot ha)e see" the 'i#ht of the $a!,

    At this ."ctre* I %o'$ a'so 'i+e to tha"+ a'' the other team mem/ers of the HDFC

    LIMITED, -ithot their i"$is&e"sa/'e coo&eratio"* the &ro.ect %o"3t ha)e /ee" com&'ete$

    %ithi" the sti&'ate$ time &erio$, Fi"a''! I %o'$ 'i+e to tha"+ the staff of other home 'oa"

     &ro)i$er /a"+s* %ithot %hose coo&eratio" i" &ro)i$i"# the $ata for the &ro.ect %o'$ ha)e

     /ee" im&ossi/'e,

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




     Mo$er" or#a"i2atio"s are hi#h'! com&'e( a$ $!"amics s!stems, The! o&erate "$er )er!

    tr/'e"t socia' eco"omic a"$ &o'itica' e")iro"me"t, The! are re4ire$ to reco"ci'e se)era'

    i"com&ati/'e #oa's, Co"f'icti"# ro'es a"$ $i)er#e"t i"terest the! are a'so fra#ht %ith the se

    ris+ a"$ "certai"ties* he"ce tactf' ma"a#eme"t of sch or#a"i2atio" to &'a" to e(ecte

    #i$e* coor$i"atio" a"$ co"tro' the &erforma"ce of &eo&'e to achie)e &re$etermi"e$ #oa's,

    Ma"a#eme"t has to +ee& the or#a"i2atio" )i/ra"t mo)i"# a"$ i" e4i'i/rim, It has to

    achie)e #oa' %hich themse')es are cha"#i"# it is therefore a &ro/'em hi#h'! com&'e( a"$


    This i"formatio" %i'' /e asset to mar+eti"# ma"a#er i" ma+i"# effecti)e $ecisio"s, The

    researches are se$ to ac4ire a"$ a"a'!2e i"formatio" a"$ to ma+e s##estio"s to

    ma"a#eme"t as to ho% mar+eti"# &ro/'ems sho'$ /e so')e$,

    The mar+eti"# research is the &rocess %hich 'i"+s to ma"factrer* $ea'ers a"$ i"$i)i$a's

    thro#h i"formatio" i" im&orta"t &art of crric'm of M,B,A, &ro#ramme is &ro.ect ta+e"

     /! the st$e"ts to i"stitte "$er %hich he or she is st$!i"#* after com&'etio" of thir$

    semester of the &ro#ramme,

    The o/.ecti)e of this &ro.ect is to e"a/'e the st$e"ts to "$ersta"$ the a&&'icatio" of the

    aca$emics i" the rea' /si"ess 'ife, I am f''! co"fi$e"t that this &ro.ect re&ort %i'' /e

    e(treme'! sef' to the ma"a#eme"t,


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    The roof o)er o"e3s hea$ a"$ #ro"$ /e"eath o"e3s feet co"t as the /are "ecessities of 'ife,

    There3s "othi"# 4ite 'i+e o%i"# a home* ho%e)er hm/'e to #i)e that %arm a"$ #'o%i"#

    fee'i"#, Bt %he" o"e /!s a home* o"e has mch more tha" a fee' #oo$ &rchase i" mi"$5

    It3s a'so a crcia' i")estme"t $ecisio"* &erha&s the /i##est s&e"$i"# $ecisio" of o"e3s 'ife,

    There are am&'e o&&ort"ities to$a! for !o"# sa'arie$ i")estors to &'a" their mo)es ear'!

    a"$ /! a hose at ri#ht time6 a"$ at ri#ht &rice, I" the &rocess* "ot o"'! $o the! f'fi'' that

    cherishe$ $ream of o%i"# a hose* /t a'so &t themse')es o" the &ath to ac4iri"# &ro&ert!

    that %o'$ meet the "ee$s a"$ as&iratio"s of their #ro%i"# fami'!* e)e" as it 'ea$s to %ea'th

    creatio", E)er! i"$i)i$a' as&ires to o%" a home, Bt ma"! either s&e"$ a 'ifetime sa)i"# to

     &rchase a hose or e(hast mo"e! o" mo"th'! hose re"ts,

    Ta$e a %&u'e (&an and (e) )%e m&n)%(* ren) +ea'i(* ,&nver)ed in)& a--&rda.(e EMI/'

    .ui(d dream %&me


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    The mai" o/.ecti)e of the st$! is to fi"$ ot the tariff cha"#es char#es /! other /a"+s i"

    com&ariso" to HDFC /a"+,

    The aim of the st$! is to he'& HDFC to +"o% %here it 'ac+s i" 'oa"s a"$ ho% for the

     &erforma"ce of other /a"+s is /etter so that HDFC fi#re ot the commo" &ro/'ems

     /ei"# face$ /! the cstomers %hi'e $ea'i"# i" the 'oa" $e&artme"t so that frther 

    HDFC ca" im&ro)e its ser)ices a"$ schemes offere$ /! them to their cstomers,


    “The o)era'' $ema"$ i" resi$e"tia' sector has #ro%" /! a/ot 869: i" the &ast fe% mo"ths as

    com&are$ to the same &erio$ 'ast !ear, The #ro%th is o" acco"t of t%o mai" factors7

    O"e* i"come ta( e(em&tio",

    T%o* %ith "o simi'ar re/ates a)ai'a/'e for i"$i)i$a's i" the hi#h i"come #ro&* the!

    are creati"# a seco"$ asset,

    A$$ to this the sta/'e &ro&ert! &rices o)er the 'ast !ear a"$ &'"#i"# i"terest rates* &'a""i"#

    for $ream*; home co'$ "ot ha)e /ee" /etter time$, Roc+6/ottom i"terest rates*

    sta"$ar$i2atio" of &erio$icit! of i"terest ca'c'atio" across 'e"$ers

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    re$ce$ from the &ri"ci&a' at the e"$ of each !ear, 0"$er mo"th'! rests* the &ri"ci&a' is

    'o%ere$ /! the a&&ro&riate amo"t each mo"th, The thm/ r'e /ei"# that the more

    fre4e"t'! i"terest is ca'c'ate$* the /etter for the cre$itor,

    HDFC a$$e$ mo"th'! rests o" its fi(e$ i"terest 'oa"s a&art from a""' rests, As a res't thefa'' i" the EMI3s o" fi(e$ i"terest 'oa"s 'a+h has come $o%" /!

    Rs, ?> 'a+h has come $o%" /! Rs, 9@* the corres&o"$i"# fa'' i" the EMI o" a f'oati"# rate

    'oa" is o"'! @?>, a&art from 'o%eri"# the cost of o"e3s 'oa"* the s%itcho)er to mo"th'! rests

    has a"other a$)a"ta#e 7 it ma+es it easier to com&are 'oa"s,


    4OME OAN

    Home 'oa"s are 'oa"s !o ha)e access to* $e&e"$i"# o" %hether !o %a"t to /! or /i'$ a

    hose a"$ ca" a'so /e se$ to re&air or e(te"$ a" e(isti"# hose,

    W%& ,an avai( &- )%e'e (&an'

      Accor$i"# to 'e"$i"# i"stittio"s* a"! I"$ia" resi$e"t %ho is o)er ? !ears of a#e at

    the /e#i""i"# of the 'oa" a"$ /e'o% >at its matrit! ca" a)ai' of the 'oa", Sa'arie$

    Em&'o!ees as %e'' as Se'f6 Em&'o!e$ citi2e"s ca" a&&'!, NRI Sa'arie$ a"$ RBI Se'f 

    Em&'o!e$* "$er RBI #i$e'i"es* ca" a&&roach o"'! "atio"a'i2e$ /a"+s a"$ other HDFC for 'oa"s,

    W%* '%&u(d &ne &6)i&n -&r a (&an )& .u* a %&u'e


    Ta+i"# a 'oa" seems 'i+e a #oo$ o&tio" %he" the mo"e! at ha"$ is i"sfficie"t to /! the

    hose of !or $reams, Co"si$er co&'es i" their t%e"ties a"$ thirties, The! e".o! a #oo$

    i"come crre"t'!* /! their accm'ate$ ca&ita' is"3t e"o#h to &rchase a hose, -hereas a

    home 'oa" ca" #i)e them access to ca&ita' their crre"t ear"i"#s,

    A'so* if !o ta+e a ? !ears o'$ 'oa" %he" !o are thirt!* !o co'$ re&a! it /! the time

    !o3re fort!, So !o $o"3t ha)e to /e /r$e"e$ %ith the i"terest a"$ are free to &'a" !or 

    retireme"t sa)i"#s,

    T%e 7uan)um &- (&an )%a) &ne ,an avai( &-


    Loa" sa"ctio"e$ $e&e"$ o" !or re&a!me"t ca&acit! %hich is /ase$ o" !or crre"t

    i"come a"$ !or ftre re&a!me"t ca&acit!, o %o'$ i"c'$e !or s&ose3s "ame to

    e"ha"ce the 'oa" amo"t,The ma(imm 'oa" ca" /e sa"ctio"e$ )aries %ith each

     /a"+i"stittio"s a"$ ra"#es from Rs,? 'a+hs to Rs, ? crore,

    Bene-i)' &- )a$in9 a %&me (&an

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    A home 'oa" is )er! $iffere"t from a &erso"a' 'oa" 'i+e a car 'oa" for i"sta"ce, o ca"

    ti'i2e a home 'oa" for fi"a"ci"# a" asset that %i'' ho'$ its )a'e a"$ e)e" a&&reciate o)er the

     &erio$ of the 'oa", Tho#h its &rice co'$ f'ctate i" the short terms* Tota' Estate %i'' sho%

    ca&ita' a&&reciatio" o)er the !ears, The )a'e of !or hose #e"era''! %hi'e the 'oa" remai"sco"sta"t, If !o ha$ o&te$ to %ait* sa)e & a"$ /! a hose* it %o'$* i" the 'o"# r" cost !o

    mch moreG home 'oa"s a'so come %ith ma"! ta( /e"efits,

    Ta: .ene-i)' &- )a$in9 a %&me (&an


    The i"come ta( athorities 'oo+ %ith fa)or &o" those ser)ici"# a hosi"# 'oa" from

    s&ecifie$ fi"a"cia' i"stittio"s, A"$* it is & to !o to /e %ise e"o#h to ta+e a$)a"ta#e of 


    Se,)i&n ;< &- )%e In,&me Ta:


    I"terest o" 'oa" ti'' Rs,?,> 'a+hs &er a""m is e(em&te$ form i"come ta(

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    re&a!i"# !or 'oa", Bei"# a mo"th'! &a!me"t* at the e"$ of the !ear* !o %o'$ ha)e &ai$ ?



     Broa$'! t%o t!&es6 fi(e$ rate a"$ )aria/'e rate 'oa"sG %hi'e the former $ea's %ith a fi(e$

    rate of i"terest o)er the e"tire $ratio" of the 'oa"* the 'atter has the rate of i"terest cha"#i"#

    accor$i"# to the f'ctatio"s i" the mar+et,


     0& to 9>6: of the tota' cost /ase$ &rimari'! &o" the i"$i)i$a'3s &a!/ac+ ca&acit!,



    These are 'i+e'! to )ar! %ith res&ect to the $iffere"t t!&es of hosi"# 'oa"s7

    The ma(imm &erio$ of the 'oa" is "orma''! fi(e$ /! HFIs, Ho%e)er* HFIs $o

     &ro)i$e for $iffere"t te"ors %ith $iffere"t terms a"$ co"$itio"s,

    The I"sta''me"t that !o &a! is "orma''! restricte$ to amo"t @>: of !or mo"th'!

    #ross i"come, o %i'' /e e'i#i/'e for a 'oa" amo"t* %hich is the 'o%est as &er !or e'i#i/i'it!, This

    is ca'c'ate$ o" the /asis of !or #ross i"come a"$ &a!/ac+ ca&a/i'ities,

    Some HFIs i"sist o" #ara"tees from other i"$i)i$a's for $e re&a!me"t of !or 

    'oa", I" sch cases !o ha)e to arra"#e for the &erso"a' #ara"tee /efore the

    $is/rseme"t of !or 'oa" tas+s &'ace,

    Most HFIs ha)e a &a"e' of 'a%!ers %ho #o thro#h !or &ro&ert! $ocme"ts to

    e"sre that the $ocme"ts are c'ear a"$ are "ot misre&rese"te$, This is a" a$$e$

     /e"efit that !o #et %he" !o a)ai' of a 'oa" from a" HFI,

    o re&a! the 'oa" either thro#h De$ctio" a#ai"st Sa'ar!* Post $ate$ che4es* a"$

    sta"$i"# i"strctio"s or /! CashDD,


    There are $iffere"t t!&es of home 'oa" tai'ore$ to meet o"es "ee$s here3s a'' some of them,

    4&me 6ur,%a'e (&an7 This is the /asic home 'oa" for the &rchase of "e% home,

    4&me im6r&vemen) (&an'7 These 'oa"s are #i)e" for im&'eme"tatio" re&air %or+s J

    re"o)atio" i" a home that has a'rea$! /ee" &rchase$ /! the c'ie"t,

    4&me ,&n')ru,)i&n (&an7 This is a)ai'a/'e for the co"strctio" of "e% home,

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    4&me e:)en'i&n (&an7 This is #i)e" for e(&a"$i"# or e(te"$i"# a" e(isti"# home for 

    e,#,7 a$$itio" of a" e(tra room etc,

    4&me ,&nver'i&n (&an7 This is for those %ho ha)e fi"a"ce$ the &rese"t home %ith

    home 'oa" J %ish to &rchaseJ mo)e to a"other home for %hich some e(tra f"$s

    are re4ire$ thro#h home o" )ersio" 'oa" *e(isti"# 'oa" is tra"sferre$ to the "e%home i"c'$i"# the e(tra amo"t re4ire$ e'imi"ati"# the &re &a!me"t of the

     &re)ios 'oa",

    and 6ur,%a'in9 (&an7 this 'oa" is a)ai'a/'e for the &rchasi"# of 'a"$ for /oth

    co"strctio" a"$ i")estme"t &r&ose,

    Brid9e (&an7 these are $esi#"e$ for those &eo&'e %ho %ish to se'' the e(isti"# home

    J &rchase a"other o"e, The /ri$#e 'oa" he'& fi"a"ce the "e% home* "ti' a /!er is

    fo"$ for the home,


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    4D#C BANK  



  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    I"$ia" e")iro"me"t, HDFC

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    f"$ sa'es a"$ other i")estme"t re'ate$ &ro$cts* their &ri"ci&a' com&etitors are /ro+ers a"$

    forei#" &ri)ate /a"+s,


     I" treasr! a$)isor! ser)ices for cor&orate c'ie"ts* the com&ete &ri"ci&a''! %ith forei#"

     /a"+s i" forei#" e(cha"#e a"$ $eri)ati)es tra$i"# as %e'' as SBI a"$ other &/'ic sector 

     /a"+s io" the forei#" e(cha"#e a"$ mo"e! mar+et /si"ess,


    HDFC /ri"#s /ac+ !o a %i$e ra"#e of 'oa"s to cater !or fi"a"cia' "ee$s,

    The /a"+ offers the fo''o%i"# 'oa"s7

    ?= Perso"a' 'oa"s,

    = Co"smer 'oa"s,

    = Ato 'oa"s

    @= Loa"s a#ai"st shares

    >= Loa"s a#ai"st RBI /o"$s

    = Loa"s a#ai"st i"sra"ce &o'ic!

    8= E6 I"sta"t 'oa"s #i)e the faci'it! of 'oa"s a&&ro)a' i" the seco"$ o" the i"ter"et,9= HDFC has offices s&rea$ a'' o)er the co"tr!, This e(te"si)e "et%or+ he'&s HDFC i"

     &ro)i$i"# ser)ices to 'ar#e a"$ %e'' s&rea$ ot c'ie"ts, This "et%or+ of 

    i"terco""ecte$ offices

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



     No"6resi$e"t &remises 'oa"s for &rofessio"a's,



    o ca" a)ai' of ma(imm of & to 9>: of the cost of the &ro&ert!* i"c'$i"# the cost of the



    o ca" re&a! the 'oa" o)er a ma(imm &erio$ of !ears "$er /oth FRHL a"$ ARHL,

    Re&a!me"t %i'' "ot or$i"ari'! e(te"$ /e!o"$ !or a#e of retireme"t : ,The rate o" !or 'oa" %i'' /e re)ise$ e)er! three mo"ths from the $ate of first

    $is/rseme"t* if there is a cha"#e i" RPLR* i,e, the i"terest rate o" !or 'oa" ma! cha"#e,

    Ho%e)er* the EMI o" the home 'oa" $is/rse$ %i'' "ot cha"#e,

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    Loa"s from HDFC are a)ai'a/'e e)e" if !o are a)ai'i"# a hosi"# 'oa" from !or em&'o!er,

    HDFC has a'rea$! e"tere$ i"to arra"#eme"ts %ith se)era' em&'o!ers e"a/'i"# em&'o!ees to

    a)ai' of 'oa"s /oth from the em&'o!er as %e'' as HDFC for the same &ro&ert!, P'ease $o

    e"sre that the tit'e of the &ro&ert! is c'ear* mar+eta/'e a"$ free from e"cm/ra"ce, Toe'a/orate there sho'$ "ot /e a"! e(isti"# mort#a#e* 'oa" or 'iti#atio" %hich is 'i+e'! to

    affect the tit'e to the &ro&ert! a$)erse'!,



    ?= A''otme"t 'etter of the o6o&erati)e societ!associatio" of the a&artme"t o%"ers,

    = Co&! of a&&ro)e$ $ra%i"#s of &ro&ose$ co"strctio"&rchasee(te"sio",

    = A#reeme"t for sa'esa'e $ee$$etai'e$ cost estimate from architecte"#i"eer for the

     &ro&ert! to /e &rchase$co"strcte$e(te"$e$re"o)ate$,

    @= If !o ha)e /ee" i" !or &rese"t em&'o!me"t/si"ess or &rofessio" for 'ess tha" a

    !ear* me"tio" a" a se&arate sheet $etai's of the of the occ&atio"s for &re)ios fi)e

    !ears* #i)i"# &ositio" he'$* reaso" for cha"#e a"$ &erio$ of same,

    >= A&&'ica/'e &rocessi"# fees,

    = Proof of resi$e"ce7 atteste$ co&! of a"! o"e of the fo''o%i"#7

    a= Ratio" car$

     /= Pass&ort

    c= Dri)i"# 'ice"se$= oters i$e"tit! car$

    e= Crre"t te'e&ho"e /i''e'ectricit! /i''#as /i''

    8= Proof of i$e"tit!7 atteste$ co&! of a! o"e of the fo''o%i"#7

    a= Pass&ort

     /= Dri)i"# 'ice"se

    c= oters i$e"tit! car>$ i$e"tit! car$ isse$ /! the em&'o!er

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    @= A 'etter from !or em&'o!er a#reei"# to $e$ct the EMI to%ar$s the re&a!me"t of the

    'oa" from !or sa'ar!, This %i'' e(&e$ite the &rocessi"# of !or 'oa" a&&'icatio",

    >= or &$ate$ ori#i"a' /a"+ &ass /oo+s or ori#i"a' /a"+ stateme"ts sho%i"# sa'ar!

    a"$ sa)i"# e"tries for the 'ast si( mo"ths,

    = A &hoto6co&! of !or Form6? = or &$ate$ ori#i"a' Ba"+ Pass Boo+s or Ori#i"a' Ba"+ Stateme"ts sho%i"#

    sa)i"# s e"tries for the 'ast t%e')e mo"ths,


    o are e'i#i/'e for certai" ta( /e"efits o" &ri"ci&a' a"$ i"terest com&o"e"ts of a 'oa" "$er 

    the I"come Ta( Act* ??,


    The re&a!me"t ca&acit! as $etermi"e$ /! the HDFC %i'' he'& i" $eci$i"# ho% mch %e ca"


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



     &erio$ of !ears, The! $etermi"e the 'oa" amo"t after e)a'ati"# the re&a!me"t ca&acit!

    of the i"$i)i$a', HDFC3s mai" co"cer" is to he'& i"$i)i$a's comforta/'! re&a! the

     /orro%e$ amo"t,


    HDFC has o)er the !ears i")este$ s/sta"tia''! i"to the com&ter s!stems a"$ trai"i"#, This

    has e"a/'e$ HDFC to res&o"$ to cstomer "ee$s a"$ /i'$ & ca&a/i'ities to a&&ro)e 'oa" o"

    the s&ot or $is/rse them fast,


    HDFC has offices s&rea$ a'' o)er the co"tr!, This e(te"si)e "et%or+ he'&s HDFC i"

     &ro)i$i"# ser)ice to 'ar#e a"$ %e'' s&rea$ ot c'ie"ts, This "et%or+ of i"terco""ecte$ offices

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    Kee&i"# i" mi"$ the fact that each i"$i)i$a' has "i4e &ro/'em re4iri"# "i4e so'tio"*

    HDFC has $e)e'o&e$ )arios re&a!me"t o&tio"s 'i+e Ste& 0& Re&a!me"t Faci'it!

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    This tra"s'ates i"to a #reat a$)a"ta#e to the A&&'ica"t ,He ca" "o% 'i"+ 

    ?, His crre"t sa'ar!

    , The rate of a)era#e i"creme"t*

    , His e(isti"# a"$ e(&ecte$ o/'i#atio"s* @, His e(isti"# a"$ e(&ecte$ e(&e"ses

     >, The 'e"#th of the term amo"# others,

    HDFC ca" he"ce assist the A&&'ica"t i" $e)e'o&i"# a mch more &erso"a'i2e$ 'oa" &'a" as

    com&are$ to its com&etitors i" the Hosi"# Loa" mar+et,

    The A&&'ica"t ca" a'so sa)e mo"e! /! si"# these &'a"s ,This is /ecase the tota' Otf'o% i"

    case of a re#'ar &'a" is more as com&are$ to these s&ecia' &'a"s, The A&&'ica"t %i'' he"ce

    o/tai" more /e"efit i" case of Pre&a!me"t a"$ e'se%here,

    C, A'' Loa"s from HDFC Lt$ are s/.ect to Ta( e(em&tio" a"$ /e treate$ as Re/ate,

    He"ce HDFC 'ets the cstomer sa)e their har$ ear"e$ mo"e!,



    A"other First of its +i"$ &ro$ct from HDFC ,This is a'so to assist the A&&'ica"t to easi'!

    secre a 'oa" i" the fo''o%i"# co"$itio", FLIP is se$ %he" the a&&'ica"t a"$ co6a&&'ica"t

    %a"t to .oi"t'! re&a! the 'oa", There is ho%e)er a &ro/'em i" the sitatio" %hich %o'$other%ise "ot a''o% the 'oa" to /e sa"ctio"e$, There are t%o a&&'ica"ts he"ce t%o i"comes

    ,Therefore i" the .oi"t &a!me"t the! ca" com/i"e their i"come to re&a! the 'oa" ,Let there /e

    Mr, A a"$ B %ho %a"t to ta+e a 'oa" for ?@ !ears ,A is the father a"$ B is the so" of A ,No%

    co"si$er the sitatio" i" %hich A a"$ B %a"t to ta+e a 'oa" a"$ .oi"t'! re&a! it ,Bt A is >

    !ears o'$ a"$ B is o"'! > ,He"ce A %i'' retire after 9 !ears a"$ %i'' "ot /e re&a!i"# the EMI

     /t B ca" co"ti"e to re&a! the 'oa", I" that case a'tho#h there %i'' /e a &ro/'em at other 

     &'aces /t i" HDFC this is so')e$ /! ta+i"# $iffere"t i"comes i" the terms, He"ce the i"come

    that %i'' /e co"si$ere$ ear'ier %i'' /e the father3s i"come a"$ at his retireme"t or at a"! other 

    se'ecte$ sta#e of re&a!me"t %e %i'' /e#i" to co"si$er o"'! the i"come of the so",

    The a$)a"ta#e of FLIP i" terms of the A&&'ica"t is that of .oi"t &a!me"t* &erso"a'i2atio"*

    eas! re&a!me"t* a"$ free$om from ma"! &ossi/'e &ro/'ems, I" the I''stratio" the father is

    #oi"# to &a! o"'! for ?> mo"ths a"$ after that %e are to co"si$er the so"s sa'ar! o"'! for 

    the "e(t remai"i"# mo"ths,


     HDFC has a tie6& %ith a 'ar#e "m/er if &/'ic sector or#a"i2atio"s a"$ /a"+s %hich

    e"a/'e s to offer 'oa"s to !or em&'o!ees %ith the f'e(i/i'it! of their s&ose a'so a)ai'i"# a'oa" from hisher o%" em&'o!er,

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    HDFC has state of art stora#e faci'ities %hich are theft a"$ fire &roof* at )arios 'ocatio"s

    %here 'oa" a"$ &ro&ert! $ocme"ts are store$, I" this %a! )a'a/'e $ocme"ts are store$safe'! o)er the &erio$ of the 'oa" a"$ are re'ease$ a'most imme$iate'! after a cstomer re&a!

    his 'oa",


    HDFC thro#h its E6mai' ser)ices ca" &rom&t'! res&o"$ to 4eries, I" a$$itio"* HDFC ca"

     &rom&t'! se"$ its a&&'icatio" form cm /rochre a"$ other $etai' o" its 'oa" &ro$cts /! e6

    mai' to i"tereste$ i"$i)i$a's, For No"6resi$e"t I"$ia"s or i"teracti)e %e/site offers a"other 

    mea"s of co"tacti"# s, I" or effort to reach ot #'o/a''! $is&erse$ No"6resi$e"t I"$ia"s* %e

    %i'' co"ti"os'! e"ha"ce or %e/site,


    HDFC offer the o&tio" of a home co")ersio" 'oa" to its e(isti"# cstomer %ho are i"tereste$

    i" mo)i"# to a "e% hose, Thro#h this scheme the cstomer ca" a&&'! to ha)e their e(isti"#

    'oa" tra"sferre$ to%ar$s the &rchase of the "e% home, Cstomers ma! a'so a&&'! for a"

    a$$itio"a' 'oa" amo"t for the &rchase of the "e% hose, This #i)es the cstomers the

    o&tio" of se''i"# their e(isti"# hose if the! %ish to* %ithot ha)i"# to re&a! their o'$ 'oa"


    I"$i)i$a's ma! ma+e a" a&&'icatio" for the 'oa" e)e" if the &ro&ert! has "ot /ee" se'ecte$

    or the co"strctio" has "ot comme"ce$, HDFC ca" &ro)i$e assista"ce i" 'ocati"# a"

    a&&ro&riate hose to sch cstomers,


    As a" e(c'si)e offer to its e(isti"# cstomers HDFC offers Home Im&ro)eme"t Loa" & to

    ?: of the im&ro)eme"t cost as com&are$ to the home im&ro)eme"t 'oa"s & to 8: of the

    im&ro)eme"t cost offere$ to the #e"era' &/'ic,


    A &rocessi"# fee of ,>: of the 'oa" amo"t a&&'ie$ for rs,> &er rs,? of the 'oa" a&&'ie$

    for is &a!a/'e %he" the a&&'icatio" form is s/mitte$ to HDFC, This fee is i" the res&ect of 

    costs i"ci$e"ta' to the a&&'icatio", For e(am&'e7

    Loa" a&&'ie$ for fees

    Rs, Rs,?

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    Rs,? Rs, >

    O" a&&ro)a' of the 'oa"* a 'oa" offer is ma$e to !o o" acce&ta"ce of the offer, o ha)e to

     &a! a" a$mi"istrati)e fee of Rs,,>: of the 'oa" a&&ro)e$, o ca" a'so &a! the &rocessi"#

    fee a"$ a$mi"istrati)e fee &fro"t i,e, ?: of the 'oa" at the time of s/missio" of the 'oa"a&&'icatio" itse'f, This fee is i" res&ect of the costs i"ci$e"ta' to the a&&'icatio", Ta(es as

    a&&'ica/'e %i'' /e char#e$ o" the fees co''ecte$,


    For Fi(e$ Rate Home Loa"

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks







    First of a'' $ocme"ts are co''ecte$

    Data E"tr!

    A&&'icatio"M"ir+aH0B Sca""i"#Lo#i"


    T%e &anFi(Chr#

    Do/'e Chec+i"#O)er

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    Research metho$o'o#! is a" im&orta"t &art of e)er! &ro.ect, Becase it he'&s i" +"o%i"#

    ho% to se'ect the re&rese"tati)e sam&'e from the %or'$ or the #e"era' &o&'atio"* the ri#ht

    research too's a"$ tech"i4es to com&'ete the research,

    The st$! of the co"smer /eha)ior is im&orta"t /ecase he is the +i"#, The research &rocess

    is /ase$ &o" sr)e! metho$* so i" or$er %e #o to ser)ice &ro)i$er a"$ ser)ices ser %hich is

    the cstomers,

    The research i")o')es the fo''o%i"# ste&s7

    De-ine )%e 6r&.(em and re'ear,% &.e,)ive The &ro/'em a"$ o/.ecti)e is to assess

    the ser)ices offere$ /! the )arios ser)ice &ro)i$ers a"$ %hat the cstomer %a"ts,


    Deve(&6in9 )%e re'ear,% 6(an The seco"$ sta#e of the research metho$o'o#! is to

    $e)e'o& a research &'a", The research &'a" $esi#"e$ to ta+e the $ecisio" o" the $ata

    sorces* research a&&roaches* research i"strme"ts* sam&'i"# &'a" a"$ co"tact


      Surve* re'ear,% It %as a $escri&ti)e research,


    Re'ear,% in')rumen) The se of a" effecti)e research i"strme"t is )er! im&orta"t

     /ecase thro#h this i"strme"t %e co''ect $ata i" this &ro.ect thro#h o/ser)atio"s

    a"$ &erso"a' i"ter)ie% %ere co"$cte$,

      "er'&na( in)ervie> as %e %ere $oi"# $irect se''i"# %e i"teracte$ %ith m! cstomers

    a"$ as+e$ a/ot their )ie%s i" se'ecti"# a ser)ice a"$ %hat are their %a"ts a"$

    e(&ectatio"s from a ser)ice &ro)i$er,

      Sam6(in9 6(an After fi"a'i2i"# the research a&&roach a"$ i"strme"ts a  sam&'i"#

    mst /e $esi#"e$


    Sam6(in9 uni) Data ha)e /ee" co''ecte$ from /a"+s,


    Sam6(in9 'ie It has /ee" co''ecte$ from for /a"+s, 

    Sam6(in9 6r&,edure %hat &rocess sho'$ /e se$ to co''ect the sam&'e, So*

    re&rese"tatio" sam&'e* co")e"ie"ce sam&'i"# is se$,

      C&((e,) )%e in-&rma)i&n After com&'eti"# a'' the ste&s* the $ata are co''ecte$ from

    $iffere"t sorces,


    Ana(*e )%e in-&rma)i&n After the $ata is co''ecte$ the! are a"a'!2e$ to +"o% the

    fi"$i"#s, The $ata is the" ta/'ate$ to $e)e'o& the fre4e"c! $istri/tio",

      "re'en) )%e -indin9' As the 'ast ste&* the fi"$i"#s are &rese"te$ that are re'e)a"t to

    the ma.or mar+eti"# $ecisio"s,

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    The home 'oa"s &ro)i$e$ /! the /a"+s are more or 'ess same at the /asic 'e)e', The /a"+s

    #e"era''! tr! to #o ahea$ of other /a"+s i" terms of attracti"# "m/er of cstomers to their 

    co"tries, For this the! are tr!i"# to offer some "i4e ser)ices as &er the "i4e

    re4ireme"ts of the "i4e im&orta"t cstomers,



    ROI rs, 6?:

    > 6 ? rs, 6 ? :

    ? 6?> rs, 6 ?:

    ?> 6rs6


    0& to >!rs6,>:

    to ?!rs6?:






    ? 6 > rs,6 ? :

    > 6 ? rs,6 ??,>


    ? 6 ?> rs,6? :


    ?> 6 rs6 ? :

    0& to >!rs69,8>:

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    ,8>:> to?!rs6:


    : ,>: ,>: ,>:PENALT : : : :

    TEN0RE > !ears ?> !ears !ears > !ears

    MINIM0M A1E ? > > >

    MAIM0M A1E >> >> >>

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    The mar+ets for home 'oa"s ha)e /ee" si22'i"# i" I"$ia, The s&rt i" #ro%th i" rece"t !ears

    a"$ the &ros&ect of co"ti"e$ /o!a"c! i" $ema"$ ha)e attracte$ ma"! &'a!ers to the

    i"$str! %hich ti'' a co&'e of !ears /ac+ ha$ t%o ma.or &'a!ers6 HDFC a"$ LIC Hosi"#Fi"a"ce, The res't is ct6throat com&etitio"* %hich has /e"efite$ the 'oa" see+ers, The home

    'oa" mar+et has #ro%" at a com&o"$e$ rate of o)er @: o)er the 'ast for !ears, A"$ from

    %hat i"$str! e(&erts /e'ie)e that there is a 'itt'e cha"ce that there %i'' /e a"! si#"ifica"t

    $ec'i"e i" the #ro%th rates #oi"# for%ar$, So %hat ha)e /ee" the +e! factors i" tri##eri"# of 

    this hi#h #ro%th &erio$

    There are se)era' reaso"s for the same o" the $ema"$ si$e76

    Faster rise i"come as com&are$ to &ro&ert! &rices* ths ma+i"# hosi"# more


    Dec'i"e i"terest rates* %hich ha)e #reat'! re$ce$ the cost of /orro%i"#

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    Fi)e ste&s to ta+e a ri#ht 'oa"76

    ?= 1ather $ata o" i"terest rate, 1et i"terest rate i"formatio" from moretha" o"e sorcea"$ #et the same i"formatio" from each so !o ca" com&are the offers,

    = 1et i"formatio" o" fees, Fi"$ ot a/ot &rocessi"# fees* a$mi"istratio" char#es a"$

    other costs that ma! /e i")o')e$ i" ta+i"# the home 'oa", A %ritte" stateme"t of a''

    the fees from the hosi"# fi"a"ce com&a"ies %i'' e"sre that there %i'' /e "o

    sr&rises 'ater o", 0se the 'o%est amo"t of fees to "e#otiate %ith the other 'e"$ers,

    = 1et &re6a&&ro)a' 'etter, This #i)es !o s/sta"tia' 'e)era#e as !o are the" see" as

    serios /!er /! the se''er of the &ro&ert!, A'so* ha)i"# the 'etter i" !or ha"$ %i''

    set a 'imit to the amo"t of mo"e! !o ca" commit to the &ro&ert!, This %i'' he'& i"

    i$e"tif!i"# the ri#ht &ro&ert!,

    @= Bar#ai" for a 'o%er rate of i"terest, Hosi"# fi"a"ce %i'' re$ce their rac+3 rates for 

    cstomers %ith the #oo$ cre$it recor$, A /ar#ai" $ea' %i'' easi'! fi(e$ a home 'oa" at

    si#"ifica"t'! 'o%er rates &erce"t=,

    Here a#ai" #et a co"firmatio" of the rate

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks





    ?= The i"$str! has /ee" %it"essi"# )er! fast #ro%th rate* %hich is : #ro%th i" the


    = arter of 6 as a#ai"st 6>: #ro%th recor$e$ i" the first 4arter of ?6

    = The mar+et faces a hi#h $ema"$ cr)e* thoro#h'! mismatche$ /! a 'o% s&&'!


    @= I")estme"t is /ase$ i" assets that are secrities J those that ha)e historica''!

    a&&reciate ra&i$'!,

    >= Ta( /e"efit J other faci'ities &ro)i$e$ o" 'oa" re&a!me"ts,


    ?= The forec'osre r'es of cort of 'a% sch as &ro)isio" re#ar$i"# the o%"ershi& of "ot

    more tha" o"e hose

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    The i"$str! faces i"crease$ com&etitio" as more J more forei#" /ac+s J Hosi"#

    Fi"a"ce Com&a"ies are &ro)i$i"# 'oa" faci'it!,



    ?= Sa)e s/sta"tia' i"terest,

    = Pre&a! %he"e)er the cstomer,

    = Re$ce their 'oa" otsta"$i"#,

    @= Access the sr&'s fi"$s a"!time,

    >= 0se sr&'s f"$s to i")est %he" the ri#ht o&&ort"ities arises,


    Pro$ct is )er! #oo$ /t it is mai"'! sita/'e for hi#her i"come #ro& J is "ot sita/'e for 

    the Mi$$'e i"come #ro&


     There is am&'e sco&e for fi"a"ci"# f'ats J a&artme"ts for the sa'arie$ c'ass i" the hi#her 

    i"come 1ro&,


    ?= Natio"a'i2e$ /a"+s 'i+e SBI* 0"io" Ba"+* PNB,

    = Pri)ate Ba"+s 'i+es HDFC J sta"$ar$ chartere$ J Citi Ba"+ %ith its home cre$it scheme,


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




      Co"smer frie"$'! hosi"# fi"a"ce com&a"!



    ICICI home fi"a"ce com&a"! 't$ %as i"cor&orate$ o" Ma! 9* ? as ?: s/si$iar! of 

    ICICI Perso"a' Fi"a"cia' Ser)ices Limite$ citiesto%"s across the co"tr!,

    Loa"s are offere$ for the &rchase of "e% homes, Prchase of resa'e homes a"$ home

    im&ro)eme"t, Besi$es the com&a"ies a'so offers 'oa"s for commercia' &ro&ert! a"$ 'oa"s

    a#ai"st e(isti"# &ro&ert!, The 'oa"s are offers foe te"ors & to !ears, The com&a"! has

    a'so i"tro$ce$ se)era' cstomers frie"$'! ser)ices sch as $oor ste& ser)ices3* +"o% !or 

    'oa" o" &ho"e3 faci'it! a"$ ICICI home search free &ro&ert! /ro+era#e ser)ices, ICICI

    Perso"a' Fi"a"cia' Ser)ices Limite$

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    ICICI comme"ce$ its csto$ia' ser)ices /si"ess i" ? J &'a!e$ a &io"eeri"# ro'e i" the

     /si"ess %he" it acce&te$ the csto$ia" ro'e for the first e)er 1DR isse /! a" I"$ia"


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    If it is refi"a"ci"# !o are i"tereste$ i"* it is &ossi/'e %ithi" mo"ths from the $ate of 

     &rchase of &ro&ert!,


    At ICICI /a"+ the! are committe$ to ma+i"# /a"+i"# a &'easre, This commitme"t is

    ma"ifeste$ i" ser)ices the! offer a %i$e ra"#e of acco"t* i")estme"t scheme J faci'ities,

    Each ser)ices offer their cstomer secrit!* f'e(i/i'it! of o&eratio"s J ma(imm retr"s,

    The )arios ser)ices &ro)i$e$ "$er this is as fo''o%7

    ?= Ma(imm cash6sa)i"# acco"t

    = a"tm fi(e$ $e&osits

    = a"tm o&tima )a'e a$$e$ sa)i"# acco"t

    @= Mo"e! &'s6crre"t act

    >= ATM

    = Treasre chest coc+er faci'it!

    8= Po%er &a! ro''

    9= Retai' treasr! i"strme"ts



    ICICI /a"+ "o% /ri"#s /ac+ acco"t J ICICI cre$it car$ to cstomers fi"#erti&s ,%ithmo/i'e commerce cstomer ca" &erform a %i$e ra"#e of 4er! /ase$ tra"sactio" from their 

    ora"#e tm = Re4est for acco"t stateme"ts

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    -ith ICICI Ba"+ Home Loa"s= *&u ca" #et a home 'oa" site$ to !or "ee$s The home 'oa"

    amo"t $e&e"$s o" !or re&a!me"t ca&a/i'it! a"$ is restricte$ to a ma(imm of 9: of the

    cost of the &ro&ert! or the cost of co"strctio" as a&&'ica/'e, A "m/er of factors are ta+e"

    i"to acco"t %he" assessi"# !or re&a!me"t ca&acit!, Re&a!me"t ca&acit! ta+es i"to

    co"si$eratio" factors sch as i"come* a#e* 4a'ificatio"s* "m/er of $e&e"$a"ts* s&oseQsi"come* assets* 'ia/i'ities* sta/i'it!* co"ti"it! of occ&atio" a"$ sa)i"#s histor!,

    Ho%e)er* there are %a!s /! %hich !o ca" e"ha"ce !or e'i#i/i'it!,

    The fi"a' amo"t to /e

    sa"ctio"e$ %i'' $e&e"$ o" !or re&a!me"t ca&acit!, Ho%e)er* %hat !o 'timate'! are

    e"tit'e$ to %i'' ha)e to co"form %ithi" the 'imits fi(e$ for each 'oa",

    A'so* %he" the com&a"! 'oo+s at the tota' cost* re#istratio" char#es* tra"sfer char#es a"$

    stam& $t! costs are i"c'$e$,

    D&,umen)' reuired -&r 4&me &an San,)i&n

    ICICI Ban$ 4&me &an'* I"$ia3s 'ea$i"# 4&me &an' "r&vider* offers attracti)e i"terest

    rates a"$ "/eata/'e /e"efits to e"sre that !o #et the /est $ea', Kee&i"# !or co")e"ie"ce

    i" co"si$eratio"* %e as+ !o for mi"ima' ma"$ator! $ocme"ts for the 'an,)i&nin9 of !or 

    %&me (&an* to +ee& the &rocess tota''! hass'e6free,

    -e re4ire the fo''o%i"# $ocme"ts to sa"ctio" !or home 'oa"7

    San,)i&n D&,umen)' Com&'ete$ a&&'icatio" form


    Fee Che4e

    Photo I$e"tit! Proof

    A#e Proof 

    Si#"atre erificatio" Proof Resi$e"ce A$$ress Proof

    D&,umen) -&r )%e Sa(aried

    Last mo"ths3 Sa'ar! S'i&

    Form ?

    Ba"+ Stateme"t for the 'ast mo"ths from Sa'ar! Acco"t

    Re&a!me"t Trac+ recor$ of e(isti"# 'oa"s Loa" c'osre 'etter 

    D&,umen) -&r )%e Se(-?em6(&*ed

    I"come Ta( Retr" Com&tatio" of Tota' I"come A$itors Re&ort Ba'a"ce Sheet Profit

    If !or s&ose is ear"i"#* &t himher as a co6a&&'ica"t, The

    a$$itio"a' i"come sha'' /e i"c'$e$ to e"ha"ce !or (&an am&un),

    I" case of a"! co6o%"ers the! mst "ecessari'! /e co6a&&'ica"ts,

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    J Loss Acco"t certifie$ /! Chartere$ Acco"ta"t for 'ast !ears

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    4OME OAN


    ?= Cstomer mst /e at ? !ear of a#e %he" the 'oa" is sa"ctio"e$,

     = The 'oa" mst termi"ate /efore or %he" !o t%i" > !ear of a#e or /efore retireme"t*

      -hiche)er is ear'ier,

    = Cstomer mst /e em&'o!e$ or se'f em&'o!e$ %ith re#'ar sorce of i"come


    A "m/er of factors are ta+e" i"to acco"t %he" assessi"# re&a!me"t ca&acit!,

    Cstomer i"come* a#e* "m/er of $e&e"$e"ts* 4a'ificatio"* asset J'ia/i'ities*

    sta/i'it! a"$ co"ti"it! of cstomer em&'o!me"t, Bsi"ess is o"e of them, Ho%e)er 

    there are %a!s /! %hich !o ca" e"ha"ce !or e'i#i/i'it!,

    If the cstomer s&ose is ear"i"# &t heshe as a co6a&&'ica"t, the a$$itio"a' i"come

    sha'' /e i"c'$e$ to e"ha"ce the 'oa" amo"t, I"ci$e"ta''!* if there are a"! co o%"ers

    the! mst "ecessari'! /e co6a&&'ica"t cstomer fia"ce3s i"come ca" a'so /e

    co"si$ere$ sa"ctio"i"# the 'oa" o" !or com/i"e$

    I"come ,the $is/rseme"t of the 'oa"* ho%e)er %i'' /e $o"e o"'! after the s/mit

     &roof of Marria#e, Pro)i$i"# a$$itio"a' secrit! 'i+e /o"$s* fi(e$ $e&osits J LIC

     &o'icies ma! a'so he'& to e"ha"ce E'i#i/i'it!,

    -hi'e there is "o "ee$ for #ara"tor* it co'$ /e that ha)i"# o"e mi#ht e"ha"ce !or 

    cre$i/i'it! %ith s, If so* or 'oa" officer %o'$ &ro)i$e cstomer %ith &ositi)e

    "ecessar! $etai's,

    The fi"a' act to /e sa"ctio"e$ %i'' $e&e"$ o" !or re&a!me"t ca&acit!, Ho%e)er*

    %hat cstomers 'timate'! are e"tit'e$ to %i'' ha)e to co"form %ithi" the 'imits fi(e$

    for each 'oa",

    A'so %he" the com&a"! 'oo+s at the tota' cost* re#istratio" char#es* stam& $t!*tra"sfer char#es are a'so i"c'$e$,


    -e at ICICI /a"+ "$ersta"$ the )a'e of o%i"# !or hose, Or affor$a/'e home 'oa"s ca"

    ma+e a'' the $iffere"ce to their $reams of o%i"# home,

    #IND T4E RI!4T 4OME

    Pro)i$e faci'it! for search of free o"'i"e &ro&ert!, A o"e sto& sho& for a'' their

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    Rea' Estate "ee$s,

    W4AT YOU !ET

    : /ro+era#e o" first sa'e &ro&erties access the e"tire mar+et "$er or roof site )isits to the &ro&erties short 'iste$ /! !o, He'& i" "e#otiati"# the /est &rice, He'& the 'e#a'



    A &erso" a&&'ies for a home 'oa"

    The e(ecti)e meets the a&&'ica"t J /riefs him the e"tire 'oa" &rocess*

    re4ireme"ts J the )arios o&tio"s a)ai'a/'e,

    The a&&'ica"t chooses a hosi"# fi"a"ce com&a"!

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    At ICICI Ba"+ Home Loa"s* %e $is/rse the 'oa" amo"t after !o i$e"tif! a"$ se'ect the

     &ro&ert! or home that !o are &rchasi"# a"$ s/mit the re4isite 'e#a' $ocme"ts,

    -hi'e !o ma! /e "$er the im&ressio" that the 'ist of $ocme"ts as+e$ for is rather e(te"si)e* &'ease "ote that it is for !or o%" #oo$, Each a"$ e)er! si"#'e $ocme"t as+e$ for 

    %i'' /e )erifie$ a"$ chec+e$ to e"sre !or safet!,

    This ma! ta+e some time /t %e %a"t to e"sre a c'ear tit'e a"$ %i'' com&'ete a'' the 'e#a'

    a"$ tech"ica' )erificatio"s to e"sre that !o ha)e f'' ri#hts to !or home,

    or 'oa" %i'' /e $is/rse$ after !o i$e"tif! a"$ se'ect the &ro&ert! or home that !o are

     &rchasi"# a"$ o" !or s/missio" of the re4isite 'e#a' $ocme"ts,

    The A C'eara"ce of the se''er a"$ or 8I c'eara"ce from the a&&ro&riate i"come ta(


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    the $o%" &a!me"t, For sma''er amo"t* this ma! "ot /e mch, Bt for fi#re remai"i"# i"to

    'a+h this co'$ ma+e 'oa$s of $iffere"ce, For e,#, a" a&artme"t of costi"# Rs ? 'a+h ma! #et

    9>: fi"a"ci"#* so o"e %i'' ha)e to arra"#e for remai"i"# Rs ?> 'a+h, If o"e ta+es this i"to

    amo"t the a$$itio"a' thosa"$s %i'' $efi"ite'! &t a strai" o" o"es fi"a"ces



    1e"era''! the ma(imm te"re of home 'oa"s is ?> !ears* %ith a fe% 'e"$ers offeri"# te"re

    of !ears or more, ICICI offers ?> !ear 'oa", The 'o"#er the te"re* the more o"e &a! i"

    tota' i"terest /t o"es mo"th'! &a!me"t %i'' /e 'ess, So $e&e"$i"# o"es ear"i"# &ote"tia' J

     /a"+ /a'a"ce o"e ca" choose a" a&&ro&riate te"re, A" im&orta"t re4ireme"t of most of the

     /a"+s HFCs is that o"e &a!s & the e"tire 'oa" /efore o"e retires, O"e ca" a'%a!s &re&a!

    o"es e"tire 'oa" amo"t /efore it is $e, There is a tre"$ to $o a%a! %ith the &re6&a!me"t

     &e"a't! /ei"# im&ose$ /! some 'e"$ers, So its /est o"e chec+s o" this as %e'',


    -ithot $o/t the most im&orta"t &arameter to factor i"to o"es ca'c'atio"s, The i"terest

    rates ma! )ar! from i"stittio" to i"stittio", Re&a!me"t is i" the form of EMI3s 6 ? F'oati"# ??,> :

    ? 6 ?> F'oati"# ? :

    ?> 6 F'oati"# ? :


    This is co"ce&t that is !et to catch o" i" the home 'oa" mar+et /t is /o"$ to /e a ma.or 

    ser)ice i" the mo"ths to come, 0"$er this faci'it!* o"e ca" ta+e a "e% 'oa" from a"other 

     /a"+HFC to &a! /ac+ a"other 'oa" /efore its "atra' te"re, It #i)es o"e the o&&ort"it! of  &re&a!i"# o"es hi#h cost $e/t a"$ #et a 'o%er cost o"e, I" to$a!3s fa''i"# i"terest rate

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    sce"ario o"e sho'$ se this )ehic'e to 'o%er o"es $e/t &a!me"t as mch as &ossi/'e, The

    'e"$er faci'itates the shift /! &a!i"# the otsta"$i"# a"$ tra"sferri"# the asset to other 



     The i"terest rates a"$ EMI3s are "ot o"'! the cost factor, Ne)er "$erestimate ho% mch the

     &rocessi"# fee a"$ a$mi"istratio" fees amo"t to, A ,>: a$mi"istratio" fees a"$ ,>:

     &rocessi"# fee o" sa!* a Rs,> 'oa" %o'$ /e Rs,>, other timesit co'$ /e .st o"e


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    The ICICI Ba"+ Base Rate

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks






    PNB has o)er @> /ra"ches a"$ offices /ri"#i"# the P".a/ Natio"a' Ba"+ to !or $oorste&,

    Aro"$ @ offices come "$er the "et%or+ of Ce"tra'i2e$ Ba"+i"# So'tio" or CBS, A

    "ee$ for ce"tra'i2e$ /a"+i"# s!stem &rom&te$ PNB to #o com&teri2e$ a"$ %hat fo''o%e$

    %as the esta/'ishme"t of CBS i" P".a/ Natio"a' Ba"+ /ra"ches i" a'' the 'ea$i"# cities 'i+e

    De'hi* P"e* Che""ai* Mm/ai* Ahme$a/a$* Cha"$i#arh* 1r#ao"* H!$era/a$* a'a"$har*Ko'+ata* L$hia"a* No$a' a"$ Ba"#a'ore, I"ter"et Ba"+i"# Ser)ices are &ro)i$e$ to a''

    cstomers i" the CBS /ra"ches, A /ra"ch a"$ ATM 'ocator is a'so a)ai'a/'e o" the officia'

    %e/site of P".a/ Natio"a' Ba"+, For a" o)er)ie% of the a""a' re&ort or the /a"+ &rofi'e*

    the site ca" /e resorcef', The %e/site a'so &ro)i$es i"fo o" the careers a"$ recritme"ts at

    PNB a"$ the e(am res'ts, The careers at "atio"a'i2e$ /a"+s 'i+e PNB are the most so#ht

    after o"e a"$ ca"$i$ates are se'ecte$ o" the /asis of their e(am res't, PNB to&&e$ the Best

    Pa!i"# Commercia' Ba"+ cate#or! %ith a" o)era'' rati"# of 98,@>: as e)a'ate$ /! the SSS

    Retireme"t* Death J F"era' Be"efits Pro#ram,

     "RO#IE O# "NB

    The &rofi'e of the PNB sho%s s&erior .an$in9 'ervi,e' i" cor&orate* &erso"a' a"$

    i"ter"atio"a' /a"+i"#* i"$stria' a"$ a#ric'tra' fi"a"ce a"$ fi"a"ce of tra$e, P".a/

     Natio"a' Ba"+ /oasts of a )arie$ c'ie"te'e co"sisti"# of sma'' a"$ me$im i"$stria' "its*

    e(&orters* m'ti6"atio"a' com&a"ies* I"$ia" co"#'omerates a"$ NRI, The Ba"+ is cha"#i"#

    ot$ate$ fro"t a"$ /ac+ e"$ &rocesses to mo$er" cstomer frie"$'! &rocesses to he'&

    im&ro)e the tota' cstomer e(&erie"ce, -ith a/ot 9> of its o%" ? /ra"ches a"$

    a"other >? /ra"ches of its Associate Ba"+s a'rea$! "et%or+e$* to$a! it offers the 'ar#est /a"+i"# "et%or+ to the I"$ia" cstomer, The Ba"+ is a'so i" the &rocess of &ro)i$i"#

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    com&'ete &a!me"t so'tio" to its c'ie"te'e %ith its o)er 9> ATMs* a"$ other e'ectro"ic

    cha""e's sch as I"ter"et /a"+i"#* $e/it car$s* mo/i'e /a"+i"#* etc,The o/.ecti)es of the

    Com&a"! are i" 'i"e %ith o/.ecti)es 'ai$ $o%" /! RBI for the Primar! Dea'ers7

    Stre"#the" the i"frastrctre i" the #o)er"me"t secrities mar+et i" or$er to ma+e it

    )i/ra"t* 'i4i$ a"$ /roa$ /ase$,

    E"sre the $e)e'o&me"t of "$er%riti"# a"$ mar+et ma+i"# ca&a/i'ities for 1o)er"me"t


    Im&ro)e seco"$ar! mar+et tra$i"# s!stem* %hich %o'$ co"tri/te to &rice $isco)er!*

    e"ha"ce 'i4i$it! a"$ tr"o)er a"$ e"cora#e )o'"tar! ho'$i"# of 1o)er"me"t secrities

    amo"#st a %i$er i")estor /ase

    Become a" effecti)e co"$it for co"$cti"# o&e" mar+et o&eratio"s,


     P".a/ Natio"a' Ba"+ of I"$ia %as esta/'ishe$ /! La'a La.&at Rai i" the &re6i"$e&e"$e"ce

    I"$ia i" ?9> i" P".a/* %ith Lahore as its hea$ office, To$a! it is the seco"$ 'ar#est &/'ic

    sector /a"+ i" I"$ia, It %as "atio"a'i2e$ i" ? a'o"# %ith ? other ma.or commercia'

     /a"+s, The &ri)ati2atio" starte$ i" ?9 %he" &er ce"t of its shares %ere offere$ to the

     &/'ic a"$ it %as 'iste$ o" the stoc+ e(cha"#e,I" ?* PNB /ecame the first Phi'i&&i"e /a"+ 

    to reach P? /i''io" i" assets, Later that !ear* &ri)ati2atio" co"ti"e$ %ith a seco"$ &/'ic

    offeri"# of its shares, I" A#st >* PNB %as f''! &ri)ati2e$, The .oi"t sa'e /! the

    Phi'i&&i"e #o)er"me"t a"$ the Lcio Ta" 1ro& of the 8: sta+e i" PNB %as com&'ete$

    %ithi" the thir$ 4arter of >, The Lcio Ta" 1ro& e(ercise$ its ri#ht to match the P@,88 &er share /i$ offere$ /! a com&etitor a"$ &rchase$ the shares o%"e$ /! the

    #o)er"me"t, The com&'etio" of sa'e is e(&ecte$ to s&ee$ & the $e)e'o&me"t of PNB3s

    fra"chise a"$ o&eratio"a' com&etiti)e"ess,

    To$a!* State Ba"+ of I"$ia

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    achie)e atomatio"* /t a'so ce"tra'i2e o&eratio"s* sta"$ar$i2e /ra"ch &rocesses* achie)e

    hi#h sca'a/i'it! for ftre /si"ess #ro%th* &ro)i$e f'e(i/i'it! of creati"# i""o)ati)e /a"+i"#

     &ro$cts to its 'i"es of /si"ess* a"$ at the same time* re$ce o)era'' costs, The )isio"ar!

    2ea' a"$ the ftristic )ie% of the Ba"+3s to& ma"a#eme"t i" the !ear 869 i"c/ate$

    the i$ea of i"tro$ctio" of a Ce"tra'ise$ Ba"+i"# so'tio", The /o'$ a"$ i""o)ati)e tho#htc'mi"ate$ i"to the CBS architectre %ith Fi"ac'e a&&'icatio" o" Orac'e Data/ase a"$ S"

    har$%are &'atform %ith So'aris O&erati"# S!stem, -ith Fi"ac'e3s a#i'e a"$ ftre &roof 

    tech"o'o#!* the /a"+ to$a! has o)er *> co"crre"t sers, The so'tio"3s sca'a/i'it! has

    a'so e"a/'e$ the /a"+3s sca'a/i'it! to /e the /est i" the co"tr! %ith the "m/er of &ea+ 

    tra"sactio"s at ,> mi''io", Fi"ac'e core /a"+i"# &'atform a'so &ro)i$es the /a"+ %ith

    e(ce&tio"a' a#i'it! for &ro$ct i""o)atio" a"$ im&ro)e$ f'e(i/i'it! of o&eratio"s, -ith

    seam'ess i"te#ratio" of $e'i)er! cha""e's sch as ATM a"$ i"ter"et /a"+i"# so'tio"s* PNB

    is a/'e to &ro)i$e @8 ser)ices to cstomers at a re$ce$ tra"sactio" cost, PNB3s choice of 

    the Orac'e Data/ase has &ro)i$e$ the /a"+3s IT i"frastrctre %ith ro/st"ess* ma"a#eme"t

    featres* secrit! a"$ sca'a/i'it! as %e'' as &erforma"ce re4ireme"ts to ser)ice ,> mi''io"

    tra"sactio"s a"$ > co"crre"t sers a si#"ifica"t achie)eme"t i" the I"$ia" /a"+i"#

    i"$str!, I" a$$itio"* the Orac'e Data/ase %i'' he'& PNB ta+e co"tro' of its e"ter&rise

    i"formatio"* #ai" /etter /si"ess i"si#ht* a"$ 4ic+'! a"$ co"fi$e"t'! a$a&t to a"

    i"creasi"#'! cha"#i"# com&etiti)e e")iro"me"t,

    -ith secre* hi#h'! a)ai'a/'e a"$ sca'a/'e #ri$s of 'o%6cost ser)ers a"$ stora#e* Orac'e

    cstomers ca" tac+'e the most $ema"$i"# tra"sactio" &rocessi"#* $ata %arehosi"#* /si"ess

    i"te''i#e"ce a"$ co"te"t ma"a#eme"t a&&'icatio"s, The ?: im&'eme"tatio" of Fi"ac'e

    Core Ba"+i"# So'tio" sha'' e"a/'e PNB to frther re$ce o&eratio"a' costs a"$ re)e"e'ea+a#e %hi'e im&ro)i"# &ro$cti)it! of /ra"ches* i"tro$ctio" of "e% a"$ i""o)ati)e

     &ro$cts a"$ )isi/i'it! of /si"ess, The a"!%here a"!time /a"+i"# faci'it! %i'' e"a/'e the

     /a"+ to offer &ro$cts for e)er! se#me"t of the cstomer, PNB 'o"#6sta"$i"# a"$ &ro#ressi)e

     &art"ershi& a'so hi#h'i#hts Fi"ac'e3s 'ea$ershi& i" 'ar#e sca'e /a"+i"# tra"sformatio"* the

    so'tio"3s ftre &roof tech"o'o#! a"$ &o%erf' ca&a/i'ities, I"$ia is a strate#ic mar+et for 

    Fi"ac'e a"$ %e 'oo+ for%ar$ to c'ose'! co''a/orati"# %ith P".a/ Natio"a' Ba"+ for their 

    ftre #ro%th &'a"s,”


    PNB reaches ot to !o %ith fast* frie"$'! a"$ most co")e"ie"t home 'oa"s for7

    Co"strctio" or &rchase of hose f'at,

    Prchase of hose f'at o" First Po%er of Attor"e! /asis from the ori#i"a' a''ottee

    Carr!i"# ot re&airs re"o)atio"s a$$itio"s a'teratio"s to e(isti"# hose f'at

    S&ecia' Featre6 To co)er the 'oa" otsta"$i"#* 'ife I"sra"ce co)er is a'so a)ai'a/'e

    o" &a!me"t of o"e time &remim %hich ca" a'so /e fi"a"ce$ /! the Ba"+,


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    PNB A&"a 1har o.a"a home 'oa"s are mea"t for co"strctio" or for ac4isitio"&rchase of 

    hosef'ats, The mi"imm 'oa" amo"t %o'$ /e Rs,> a"$ ma(imm 'oa" amo"t

    $e&e"$s o" the re&a!me"t ca&acit! of the /orro%er, I" case of .oi"t a&&'icatio"* i"come of 

     /orro%ers co6/orro%ers is c'//e$ to#ether for ca'c'atio" of 'oa" e'i#i/i'it!, The 'oa"

    re&a!me"t is i" E4ate$ Mo"th'! I"sta''me"ts : of the estimate$

    cost of re&airsre"o)atio"s


    For co"strctio"&rchase of hosef'at7 6 8>: of the cost of co"strctio" of hose or 

     &rchase of hosef'at, Cost of car &ar+i"# & to the ma(imm e(te"t of >: of the cost of 

    f'athose ca" a'so /e i"c'$e$ i" the cost of the &ro.ect, For carr!i"# ot re&airs

    re"o)atio"s a$$itio"s a'teratio"s7 6 8>: of the estimate$ cost s/.ect to ma(imm of Rs,


    Loa" is a)ai'a/'e & to Rs, 'acs for &rchase of La"$ P'ot, Loa" is a)ai'a/'e ma(imm &

    to Rs, 'acs for fr"ishi"#


    The &ro$cts a"$ ser)ices &ro)i$e$ /! the PNB are i" )arios fie'$s* sch as7

    NRI ser)ices

    I"ter"atio"a' /a"+i"#

    Cor&orate /a"+i"#

    A#ric'tra' /a"+i"#

    I"ter"atio"a' /a"+i"#


    A#e of the a&&'ica"t mst /e 'ess tha" !ears,

    E(isti"# home 'oa" /orro%er ca" a'so a&&'! &ro)i$e$ their 'oa" acco"t is re#'ar a"$ "o IR 

    irre#'arit! &ersist,


    ?, Proof of i$e"tit!

    , Proof of i"come

    , Proof of resi$e"ce

    @, Ba"+ stateme"t or Pass Boo+ %here sa'ar! or i"come is cre$ite$,>, E$catio" Certificate

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    , Photos

    8, Sa'ar! s'i&s J form ?

    9, I"come ta( retr" 'ast !ears a'o"# %ith /a'a"ce sheets,

    , Assets 'ia/i'ities stateme"ts,

    ?, Docme"ts of &ro&ert!,??, Estimate of co"strctio",

    ?, 1ara"tor


    The 'oa" ca" /e #ra"te$ /oth for freeho'$ a"$ 'easeho'$ &ro&ert!,

    I" case of 'easeho'$* 'oa" ca" /e #ra"te$ o" the /asis of &o%er of attor"e! /asis from ori#i"a'

    a''otee %here DDAP0DAH0DA &ermit co")ersio" of 'easeho'$ i"to freeho'$ &ro&ert!

    other%ise a$)a"ce is "ot &ermitte$ a#ai"st &'ot &rchase$ o" Po%er of Attor"e! /asis,


    For co"strctio"&rchase$ of hosef'at 8>: of the cost of co"strctio" or &rchase of 

    hosef'at, For carr!i"# ot re&airsre"o)atio"a$$itio"sa'ter"atio"7 6 8>: of the estimate$

    cost s/.ect to ma(imm of Rs, 'acs, Loa" & to Rs, 'acs for &rchase of 'a"$&'ot

    Loa" is a)ai'a/'e ma(imm & to Rs, 'acs for fr"ishi"#


    "re 6a*men) ,%ar9e' ;F

    Ba(an,e Tran'-er C%ar9e' 

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    o ca" re&a! the 'oa" o)er a ma(imm &erio$ of > !ears "$er /oth FRHL a"$ ARHL i"

    SBI , Re&a!me"t %i'' "ot or$i"ari'! e(te"$ /e!o"$ !or a#e of retireme"t !ear i" res&ect of 'oa"s $is/rse$ o" or after 



    Rs, ?> Ser)ice Ta(

    U"#RONT #EE

    For 'oa"s & to Rs, 'acs U ,>: of the 'oa" amo"t %ith a ca& of Rs, *6

    For 'oa"s a/o)e Rs, 'acs U,: of the 'oa" amo"t


    ?, Loa" is to /e re&ai$ i" e4ate$ mo"th'! i"sta''me"ts %ithi" a &erio$ of > !ears or /efore

    the /orro%er attai"s the a#e of > !ears,

    , Re&a!me"t of 'oa" for re&air re"o)atio" a$$itio"a'teratio" has* ho%e)er /ee" restricte$

    to ? !ears, FatherMother ca" a'so /e ma$e co6/orro%er i" cases &ro&ert! is i" si"#'e "ameof his her so" a"$ a'so c'//i"# of their i"come is &ermitte$ for $etermi"i"# e'i#i/i'it!

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    criteria, Mi"imm @ a$)a"ce che4e sho'$ /e o/tai"e$ as a"$ %he"* che4es remai"*

    fresh 'ot to /e o/tai"e$ ot of @* che4es sho'$ /e of the amo"t e4a' to the /a'a"ce,

    Loa" is to /e re&ai$ i" EMI %ithi" a &erio$ of > !ears or /efore the /orro%er attai"s the a#e

    of > !ears,


    Mort#a#e of &ro&ert! for %hich fi"a"ce is /ei"# #i)e"

    I" case of &rchase of hose f'at from hosi"# /oar$ societ! %here mort#a#e ca""ot /e

    create$ imme$iate'!* a tri&artite a#reeme"t sha'' /e e(ecte$ amo"#st the hosi"# /oar$

    societ!* /orro%er a"$ the Ba"+ 

    I" case of &rchase of hose f'at o" first &o%er of attor"e!* a$$itio"a' secrit! e4a' to

    ?>: of the 'oa" amo"t /! %a! of mort#a#e of some other &ro&ert! or &'e$#e of /a"+Qs

    FDR LIC &o'ic! 1o)t, Secrities* NSCs* KPs* IPs* PS0 Bo"$s etc, has to /e &ro)i$e$


    Loa" ca" /e sa"ctio"e$ /! /ra"chh/ "ear to the &rese"t &'ace of %or+&osti"# resi$e"ce of 

    the /orro%er,

    Loa" ca" /e sa"ctio"e$ e)e" if &ro&ert! is i" the "ame of %ife&are"ts &ro)i$e$ that the

    o%"er is ma$e co6/orro%er,

    Loa" ca" /e #ra"te$ for "$ hose i" the same cit!,

    Loa" ca" /e #ra"te$ for &rchase of hose for re"ta' &r&ose

    For ta+e o)er* &ermissio" of hi#her athorit! is "ot re4ire$,


    For co"strctio" i" 0"6athori2e$ co'o"ies,

    If &ro&ert! is to /e se$ for commercia' &r&ose,

    -ithot a&&ro)e$ Ma&,


     Ni'6 I" cases %here the 'oa"s are &re&ai$ /! the /orro%er from their o%" sorces

     Ni'6 I" cases %here the /orro%er shifts to other /a"+ %ithi" $a!s from the $ate of 

    issa"ce of circ'ar for &%ar$ re)isio" i" the rate of i"terest to /e char#e$ i" his

    acco"t or cha"#e i" other terms of sa"ctio",


    : 6 I" cases %here the acco"t is ta+e" o)er /! some other Ba"+ Fi"a"cia'

    i"stittio"s /! %a! of a ai'me"t of 'oa" from sch /a"+ fi"a"cia' I"st


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    a, For otri#ht &rchase of hosef'at* the 'oa" amo"t %i'' /e &ai$ i" 'm& sm to the


     /, For hosef'at "$er co"strctio"* the 'oa" amo"t %i'' /e $is&erse$ i" sta#es as &er 

     &ro#ress of co"strctio"$ema"$ /! se''i"# a#e"c!,



    State Ba"+ of I"$ia

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    SBI Life a"$ SBI Car$s 6 formi"# a formi$a/'e #ro& i" the I"$ia" Ba"+i"# sce"ario, It is i"

    the &rocess of raisi"# ca&ita' for its #ro%th a"$ a'so co"so'i$ati"# its )arios ho'$i"#s,

    Thro#hot a'' this cha"#e* the Ba"+ is a'so attem&ti"# to cha"#e o'$ mi"$sets* attit$es a"$

    ta+e a'' em&'o!ees to#ether o" this e(citi"# roa$ to Tra"sformatio", I" a rece"t'! co"c'$e$

    mass i"ter"a' comm"icatio" &ro#ramme terme$ Pari)arta"3 the Ba"+ ro''e$ ot o)er t%o $a! %or+sho&s across the co"tr! a"$ co)ere$ o)er ?* em&'o!ees i" a &erio$ of 

    ? $a!s si"# a/ot @ Trai"ers* to $ri)e home the messa#e of Cha"#e a"$ i"c'si)e"ess,

    The %or+sho&s fire$ the ima#i"atio" of the em&'o!ees %ith some other /a"+s i" I"$ia as

    %e'' as other P/'ic Sector Or#a"i2atio"s see+i"# to em'ate the &ro#ramme,



    The ori#i"s of State Ba"+ of I"$ia $ate /ac+ to ?9 %he" the Ba"+ of Ca'ctta

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



     /a"+ to ha)e ?* /ra"ches, O&e"i"# ?* /ra"ches %as a #reat feat, VIt is "ot a" eas!

    mi'esto"e tho#h the SBI %as the /a"+ of the #o)er"me"t a"$ I"$ia" &eo&'e e)e" /efore

    other /a"+s %ere "atio"a'ise$*V he sai$, Peo&'e a'' o)er the %or'$* i"c'$i"# the Chi"ese*

    %o'$ "o% +"o% a/ot this sma'' )i''a#e %here the ?th /ra"ch of the SBI ha$ /ee"

    o&e"e$* he sai$ a$$i"# the! %o'$ /e ama2e$ /! the /a"+Qs #ro%th, The /a"+ sho'$ /e &ro$ of the achie)eme"t he sai$ a"$ %ishe$ that the /a"+ o&e"e$ o"e 'a+h /ra"ches, The

    Mi"ister sai$ ot of the o)er ? crore &eo&'e* se)e"t! 8> &er ce"t $i$ "ot ha)e a"! t!&e of 

    i"sra"ce, Simi'ar'!* > &er ce"t of the ?? crore farmers $i$ "ot ha)e /a"+ acco"t, Ba"+s

    sho'$ #o to the &eo&'e a"$ e"ro'' them as acco"t ho'$ers, QThat is %hat eco"omists sa! is

    fi"a"cia' i"c'sio"*Q he sai$,

    Main SBI 4&me &an S,%eme'

    SBI Rea()* 7 Prchase of &'ot of 'a"$

    SBI O6)ima 7 Loa" to e(isti"# home 'oa" /orro%ers

    SBI !reen 4&me &an 7 For homes that fi#ht a#ai"st the a$)erse c'imate cha"#e*

    SBI offers ,>: co"cessio" i" i"terest rate a"$ %ai)er of &rocessi"# fees

    SBI #(e:i 7 Com/i"atio" of f'oati"# a"$ fi(e$ i"terest rate* i" a &re $etermi"e$ ratio

    NRI 4&me &an' 7 Loa"s for NRIs a"$ PIOs

    SBI #reed&m 7 P'e$#i"# other fi"a"cia' secrit! tha" mort#a#i"# the hose

    SBI Ma: !ain 7 O&erate !or home 'oa" acco"t 'i+e !or SB or Crre"t Acco"t


    The &ro$cts a"$ ser)ices &ro)i$e$ /! the SBI are i" )arios fie'$s* sch as7

    Ba"+i"# ser)ices

    NRI ser)ices

    I"ter"atio"a' /a"+i"#

    Cor&orate /a"+i"#

    A#ric'tra' /a"+i"#

    I"ter"atio"a' /a"+i"#



    SBI Home Loa" &ro)i$es "o ca& o" ma(imm 'oa" amo"t for the

     &rchaseco"strctio" of hosef'at,

    There is a" o&tio" to c'/ the i"come of the a&&'ica"tQs s&ose a"$ chi'$re" to

    com&te the e'i#i/'e 'oa" amo"t,

    The /a"+ &ro)i$es free &erso"a' acci$e"t i"sra"ce co)er,

    A com&'ime"tar! i"ter"atio"a' ATM cm De/it car$ is a'so &ro)i$e$ /! SBI,

    O" the s&ot Vi" &ri"ci&'eV a&&ro)a' is a s&ecia' &ro)isio" for the a&&'ica"t,

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    If a'' the re4ire$ $ocme"ts are s/mitte$ /! the a&&'ica"t* SBI Home Loa" is

    sa"ctio"e$ %ithi" $a!s of the $ate of s/missio",

    The a&&'ica"t ca" a'so co"si$er SBIQs Home Loa" as a Term Loa" or as a" O)er$raft

    faci'it!* i" case heshe %a"ts to sa)e o" i"terest a"$ ma(imi2e #ai"s,

    SBI Home Loa" a'so &ro)i$es free &erso"a' acci$e"t i"sra"ce co)er & to Rs @La+hs,

    Re&a!me"t is &ermitte$ & to 8 !ears of a#e* %hich is a" a$$e$ a$)a"ta#e of SBI

    Home Loa",


    The Most Preferre$ Home Loa" &ro)i$er SBI Ba"+ offers a Home Loa" %ith Attracti)e

    I"terest Rates %ith Latest Schemes a"$ Be"efits, SBI  a'so &ro)i$es a Hosi"# 'oa"  %ith

    $iffere"t schemes, Schemes Are76

    ?, SBI Eas! Home Loa"

    , SBI A$)a"ta#e Home Loa"

    , SBI Hosi"# Fi"a"ce Scheme

    @, SBI Ha&&! Home Loa"s

    >, SBI Life St!'e Loa"

    , SBI 1ree" Home Loa"

    8, SBI Home P's

    9, SBI Home Li"e



    QSBI6F'e(iQ Home Loa"s are $esi#"e$ to e"a/'e /orro%ers to he$#e their Home Loa" a#ai"st

    "fa)ora/'e mo)eme"t i" i"terest rates a"$ #i)es the cstomers a o"e time irre)oca/'e o&tio"

    to choose o"e of the three cstomi2e$ com/i"atio"s of fi(e$ a"$ f'oati"# i"terest rates,

    QSBI6Free$omQ Home Loa"s are cstomi2e$ for hi#h "et %orth i"$i)i$a's a"$ offer /e"efits

    sch as ? &er ce"t fi"a"ce of the &ro.ect a"$ "o mort#a#e of the &ro&ert!* &ro)i$e$ the

    i"$i)i$a' co'$ sho% 'i4i$ secrities sch as LIC &o'icies or NSCs,


    The mi"imm a#e of the a&&'ica"t is ?9 !ears* o" the $ate of the sa"ctio" of the 'oa", The

    ma(imm a#e 'imit for a Home Loa" a&&'ica"t is 8 !ears, It is the ma(imm a#e 'imit*

    %ithi" %hich the 'oa" sho'$ /e f''! re&ai$, The a&&'ica"t sho'$ co"sist of sfficie"t*

    re#'ar a"$ co"ti"os sorce of i"come for re&a!i"# the 'oa",


    Com&'ete$ A&&'icatio" Form %ith o"e Pass&ort Si2e Photo#ra&h

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    I$e"tit! Proof 6 the a&&'ica"t ca" ma+e se of hisher PAN Car$oter ID Pass&ortDri)i"#

    Lice"se* for the &r&ose,

    Resi$e"ce Proof 6 the a&&'ica"t ca" ma+e se of hisher Rece"t Te'e&ho"e Bi'' E'ectricit!

    Bi''Pro&ert! ta( recei&tPass&ortoters ID

    Proof of /si"ess a$$ress i" res&ect of /si"ess&erso"s i"$stria'istsSa'e Dee$* A#reeme"t of Sa'e* Letter of A''otme"t* No" E"cm/ra"ce Certificate*

    La"$Bi'$i"# Ta( &ai$ recei&t etc,

    Co&! of A&&ro)e$ P'a" a"$ a&&ro)a' from the Loca' Bo$!

    Stateme"t of Ba"+ Acco"t Pass Boo+ for 'ast mo"ths

    INTEREST RATE +SBAR i' ,urren)(* 11G5F


    Year 1 6 9: fi(e$

    Year ; H 3 6 : fi(e$

    Year < &n>ard' 6 For 'oa"s & to > 'a+hs* ,>: f'oati"#,

    For 'oa" amo"t o)er > 'a+hs* ,8>: f'oati"#

    E(i9i.i(i)* Cri)eria H D&,umen)a)i&n reuired -&r SBI 4&me &an 

    Sa(aried Se(- em6(&*ed

    A#e ?!ears to !ears ?!ears to 8!ears

    I"come Rs,?** ** 6 **

    Te"re >!ears6!ears >!ears6!ears


    E(&erie"ce!ears !ears


    ?= A&&'icatio" form %ith


    = I$e"tit! J resi$e"ce &roof 

    = Last mo"ths sa'ar! s'i&

    @= Form ?

    >= Last mo"ths /a"+ 

    sa'arie$ cre$it stateme"ts

    = Processi"# fee che4e

    ?= A&&'icatio" form %ith &hoto#ra&h

    = I$e"tit! J resi$e"ce &roof  

    = E$catio" 4a'ificatio"s certificate J

     &roof of /si"ess e(iste"ce

    @= Bsi"ess &rofi'e*

    >= Last !ears &rofit'oss J /a'a"ce

    sheet= Last mo"ths /a"+ stateme"ts

    8= Processi"# fee che4e

    O)%er "r&du,)' -r&m SBI +S)a)e .an$ &- India 

    ?= SBI Perso"a' Loa"

    = SBI Car$

    = SBI Home Loa"

    @= SBI Hosi"# Loa"

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    o ca" re&a! the 'oa" o)er a ma(imm &erio$ of > !ears "$er /oth FRHL a"$ ARHL i"

    SBI , Re&a!me"t %i'' "ot or$i"ari'! e(te"$ /e!o"$ !or a#e of retireme"t

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks


  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    a"$ &erce"ta#e of hi#her6&rice$ home mort#a#e 'oa"s a"$ co"ti"e$ $iffere"tia's across

    $emo#ra&hic #ro&s, Here %e assess three &ossi/'e e(&'a"atio"s for the o/ser)e$ i"crease i"

    > o)er @7

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    the home, A'tho#h %e ha)e !et to see a"! materia''! "e#ati)e co"se4e"ces of the

    re'a(atio" of cre$it sta"$ar$s* %e /e'ie)e the ris+ of cre$it re'a(atio" a"$ 'e)era#e ca"Qt /e

    i#"ore$, Im&orta"t'!* a re'ati)e'! "e% metho$ of 'oa" for#i)e"ess ca" tem&orari'! a'ter the

     &erce&tio" of cre$it hea'th i" the hosi"# sector, I" a" effort to +ee& homeo%"ers i" the home

    a"$ re$ce forec'osre e(&e"ses* ho'$ers of mort#a#e assets are crre"t'! recasti"# or mo$if!i"# tro/'e$ 'oa"s, Sch &o'ic! i"itiati)es ma! for a time $istort the re'e)a"c! of 

    $e'i"4e"c! a"$ forec'osre statistics, Ho%e)er* a &rotracte$ hosi"# s'o%$o%" co'$

    e)e"ta''! case mo$ificatio"s to /ecome "eco"omic a"$* ths* cre$it 4a'it! statistics

    %o'$ 'i+e'! /ecome re'e)a"t o"ce a#ai", The )irtos circ'e of i"creasi"# homeo%"ershi&

    $e to #reater 'e)era#e has the &ote"tia' to /ecome a )icios c!c'e of 'o%er home &rices $e

    to a" acce'erati"# rate of forec'osres,

    = I" Decem/er Me'issa B, aco/! ha$ st$ie$ a/ot the Home O%"ershi& Ris+ /e!o"$

    a S/ &rime Crisis7 The Ro'e of De'i"4e"c! Ma"a#eme"t, The! st$ie$ that P/'ic

    i")estme"t i" a"$ &romotio" of homeo%"ershi& a"$ the home mort#a#e mar+et ofte" re'ies

    o" three .stificatio"s to s&&'eme"t she'ter #oa's7 to /i'$ hoseho'$ %ea'th a"$ eco"omic

    se'f6sfficie"c!* to #e"erate &ositi)e socia'6&s!cho'o#ica' states* a"$ to $e)e'o& sta/'e

    "ei#h/orhoo$s a"$ comm"ities, Homeo%"ershi& a"$ mort#a#e o/'i#atio"s $o "ot

    i"here"t'! frther these o/.ecti)es* ho%e)er* a"$ sometimes "$ermi"e them, The most

    )isi/'e tri##ers of the rece"t sr#e i" s/ &rime $e'i"4e"c! ha)e &ro$ce$ ca''s for 

    emer#e"c! forec'osre a)oi$a"ce i"ter)e"tio"s

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



     &a!me"ts at a hi#h rate, Therefore* crre"t %ea'th &'a!s a" im&orta"t ro'e i" home

    ac4isitio" as &/'ic 'oa"s %hose $irect mort#a#e 'e"$i"# is a stro"# s&&ort for home

     &rchasers, -e estimate the %ea'th effect o" &ri)ate mort#a#e $e/t as %e'' as hosi"#

    co"sm&tio" /! a&&'!i"# a mo$e' %here mort#a#e $e/t $ema"$ is $eri)e$ from hose

     &rchase $ecisio"s a"$ is $etermi"e$ .oi"t'! %ith hosi"# co"sm&tio", -e se asim'ta"eos e4atio" To/it estimatio" metho$, -ea'th effects o" &ri)ate mort#a#e $e/t*

    'i+e'ihoo$ of /orro%i"#* a"$ hosi"# co"sm&tio" are "ot e'astic, O" the other ha"$* a

    cha"#e i" hosi"# co"sm&tio" affects the 'i+e'ihoo$ of /orro%i"# e'astica''! mch more

    tha" the &ri)ate mort#a#e amo"t of /orro%ers, Hosi"# a"$ &ri)ate mort#a#e mar+ets

    f'ctate )er! c'ose'! %ith the "m/er of &artici&a"ts i" the mort#a#e mar+et, Therefore* the

    "m/er of hosi"# starts is 'i"+e$ stro"#'! to the &ri)ate mort#a#e mar+et,

    9= Ro/ert B, A)er! a"$ A''e" N, Ber#er ha$ st$ie$ a/ot the Loa" commitme"ts a"$ /a"+ 

    ris+ e(&osre, The! st$ie$ a/ot the Loa" commitme"ts i"crease a /a"+Qs ris+ /! o/'i#ati"#

    it to isse ftre 'oa"s "$er terms that it mi#ht other%ise refse, Ho%e)er* mora' ha2ar$ a"$

    a$)erse se'ectio" &ro/'ems &ote"tia''! ma! res't i" these co"tracts /ei"# ratio"e$ or sorte$,

    De&e"$i"# o" the re'ati)e ris+s of the /orro%ers %ho $o a"$ $o "ot recei)e commitme"ts*

    commitme"t 'oa"s co'$ /e safer or ris+ier o" a)era#e tha" other 'oa"s, the em&irica' res'ts

    i"$icate that commitme"t 'oa"s te"$ to ha)e s'i#ht'! /etter tha" a)era#e &erforma"ce*

    s##esti"# that commitme"ts #e"erate 'itt'e ris+ or that this ris+ is offset /! the se'ectio" of 

    safer /orro%ers,

    = Smit A#ar%a'*So&ha'a Chomsise"#&het a"$ oh" C, Drisco'' ha$ st$ie$ a/ot the

    Loa" commitme"ts a"$ &ri)ate firms The! st$ie$ that= most 'oa"s are i" the form of cre$it'i"es, Em&irica' st$ies of 'i"e $ema"$ ha)e /ee" com&'icate$ /! their se of $ata o"

     &/'ic'! tra$e$ firms* %hich ha)e a %i$e me" of fi"a"ci"# o&tio"s, -e a)oi$ this &ro/'em

     /! si"# a "i4e &ro&rietar! $ata set from a 'ar#e fi"a"cia' i"stittio" of 'oa" commitme"ts

    ma$e to 8? &ri)ate'!6he'$ firms, -e test Marti" a"$ Sa"tomeroQs

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    ??= I" "o)em/er Miche''e , -hite a"$ Emi'! , Li" ha$ st$ie$ a/ot the Ba"+r&tc!

    a"$ the Mar+et for Mort#a#e a"$ Home Im&ro)eme"t Loa"s, The!  st$ie$ that this &a&er 

    i")esti#ates the re'atio"shi& /et%ee" /a"+r&tc! e(em&tio"s a"$ the a)ai'a/i'it! of cre$it for 

    mort#a#e a"$ home im&ro)eme"t 'oa"s, -e $e)e'o& a com/i"e$ mo$e' of $e/torsQ $ecisio"sto fi'e for /a"+r&tc! a"$ to $efa't o" their mort#a#es a"$ sho% that the theor! &re$icts

     &ositi)e re'atio"shi&s /et%ee" /oth the homestea$ a"$ &erso"a' &ro&ert! e(em&tio" 'e)e's

    a"$ the &ro/a/i'it! of /orro%ers /ei"# $e"ie$ mort#a#e &erce"ta#e &oi"ts more 'i+e'! to /e tr"e$ $o%" for home im&ro)eme"t

    'oa"s if the! 'i)e i" states %ith "'imite$ rather tha" 'o% homestea$ e(em&tio"s, These

    re'atio"shi&s a'so ho'$ %he" %e i"tro$ce state fi(e$ effects i"to the mo$e',

    ?= I" Octo/er ?@* 9 Da)i$ P, Ber"stei" ha$ st$ie$ a/ot the Home E4it! Loa"s a"$

    Pri)ate Mort#a#e I"sra"ce7 Rece"t Tre"$s J Pote"tia' Im&'icatio"s, The! st$ie$ a/ot the

    im&act of i"crease$ se of home e4it! 'i"es a"$ $ecrease$ &ri)ate mort#a#e i"sra"ce

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    ori#i"ate$ thro#h /ro+ers, Res'ts a'so i"$icate that tar#ete$ co")e"tio"a' &ro#rams

    effecti)e'! com&ete %ith #o)er"me"t6i"sre$ &ro$cts i" the LMI se#me"t,

    ?@= I" @ Octo/er 9 Da)i$ C, -hee'oc+ ha$ st$ie$ a/ot the 1o)er"me"t Res&o"se to

    Home Mort#a#e Distress7 Lesso"s from the 1reat, The! st$ie$ a/ot the 1reat De&ressio"%as the %orst macroeco"omic co''a&se i" 0,S, histor!, Shar& $ec'i"es i" hoseho'$ i"come

    a"$ rea' estate )a'es res'te$ i" soari"# mort#a#e $e'i"4e"c! rates, Accor$i"# to o"e

    estimate* as of a"ar! ?* ?@* f''! o"e6ha'f of 0,S, home mort#a#es %ere $e'i"4e"t a"$*

    o" a)era#e* some ? home 'oa"s %ere forec'ose$ e)er! /si"ess $a!, This &a&er 

    $ocme"ts the i"crease i" resi$e"tia' mort#a#e $istress $ri"# the De&ressio"* a"$ $iscsses

    actio"s ta+e" /! state #o)er"me"ts a"$ the fe$era' #o)er"me"t to re$ce mort#a#e

    forec'osres a"$ restore the f"ctio"i"# of the mort#a#e mar+et, Ma"! states im&ose$

    moratoria o" /oth farm a"$ "o"farm resi$e"tia' mort#a#e forec'osres, A'tho#h moratoria

    re$ce$ farm forec'osre rates i" the short r"* the! a&&ear to ha)e a'so re$ce$ the s&&'!

    of 'oa"s a"$ ma$e cre$it more e(&e"si)e for s/se4e"t /orro%ers, The fe$era' #o)er"me"t

    too+ a "m/er of ste&s to re'ie)e resi$e"tia' mort#a#e $istress a"$ to &romote the reco)er!

    a"$ #ro%th of the "atio"a' mort#a#e mar+et, The Home O%"ers Loa" Cor&oratio"

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



    that $ri"# @6* the f'atte"i"# of the !ie'$ cr)e e(&'ai"s a si#"ifica"t amo"t of the

    i"crease i" rate s&rea$ re&orta/'e 'oa"s, This is the case for /oth &rime a"$ s/ &rime


    ?8= I" Fe/, ? i"ce"t -, ao a"$ Eric Rose"/'att a"$ Michae' LaCor6Litt'e ha$st$ie$ a/ot the "i4e &aire$ 'oa" $ataset co"tai"i"# i"formatio" o" m'ti&'e co")e"tio"a'

    co"formi"# mort#a#e 'oa"s of hoseho'$s to e(ami"e home e4it! e(tractio" $ecisio"s o)er 

    the &erio$ 6, The mai" 4estio" a$$resse$ is ho% mch hoseho'$s /orro% %he"

    refi"a"ci"# their crre"t mort#a#e $e/t i" a cash6ot tra"sactio", -e a'so &ro)i$e estimates

    of the mar#i"a' effect of certai" /orro%er characteristics, Res'ts co"tri/te /oth to the

    'iteratre o" refi"a"ci"# /eha)ior a"$ the ro'e of hose &rice a&&reciatio" i" &ro)i$i"# f"$s

    that ma! /e se$ for co"smer s&e"$i"# or other &r&oses,

    ?9= I" a#st@ Mar+ Care! a"$ 1re# Ni"i ha$ st$ie$ a/ot the Cor&orate Loa" Mar+et

    1'o/a''! I"te#rate$ A Prici"# P22'e, -e offer e)i$e"ce that i"terest rate s&rea$s o"

    s!"$icate$ 'oa"s to cor&orate /orro%ers are eco"omica''! si#"ifica"t'! sma''er i" Ero&e

    tha" i" the 0,S,* other thi"#s e4a', Differe"ces i" /orro%er* 'oa" a"$ 'e"$er characteristics

    associate$ %ith e4i'i/rim mecha"isms s##este$ i" the 'iteratre $o "ot a&&ear to e(&'ai"

    the &he"ome"o", Borro%ers o)er%he'mi"#'! isse i" their "atra' home mar+et a"$ /a"+ 

     &ortfo'ios $is&'a! si#"ifica"t home V/ias,V This ma! e(&'ai" %h! &rici"# $iscre&a"cies are

    "ot com&ete$ a%a!* /t the f"$ame"ta' cases of the $iscre&a"cies remai" a &22'e, Ths*

    im&orta"t $etermi"a"ts of 'oa" ori#i"atio" mar+et otcomes remai" to /e i$e"tifie$* home

    V/iasV a&&ears to /e materia' for &rici"#* a"$ cor&orate fi"a"ci"# costs $iffer i" Ero&e a"$

    the 0,S,

    ?= I" '! > 1%i'!m B,, Pr!ce a"$ Patric H, He"$ershott ha$ st$ie$ a/ot the

    Se"siti)it! of Homeo%"er Le)era#e to the De$cti/i'it! of Home Mort#a#e I"terest,

    Mort#a#e i"terest ta( $e$cti/i'it! is "ee$e$ to treat $e/t a"$ e4it! fi"a"ci"# of homes

    e4a''!, Co"tries that 'imit $e$cti/i'it! create a $e/t ta( &e"a't! that &resma/'! 'ea$s

    hoseho'$s to shift from $e/t to%ar$ e4it! fi"a"ci"#, The #reater the shift* the 'ess is the ta(

    re)e"e raise$ /! the 'imitatio" a"$ sma''er is its "e#ati)e im&act o" hosi"# $ema"$,

    Measri"# the fi"a"ci"# res&o"se to a 'e#is'ati)e cha"#e is com&'icate$ /! the fact that

    'e"$ers restrict mort#a#e $e/t to the )a'e of the hose

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks



  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    The I"$ia" cstomer has come a 'o"# %a! from &rchasi"# to f'fi''i"# their "ee$s from

     /!i"# a hose cstomers "o% #ra/ e)er!thi"# that comes their %a! /t the! $o their o%"

    sr)e! of o&timm 'oa"sG same is the case %ith /a"+s J hosi"# 'oa"s, -ith i""mera/'e

    choices /efore him* the cstomer is "ee$e$ the" +i"#, It is therefore im&erati)e that if the

     /a"+ has to sccee$ i" com&etiti)e %or'$* it sho'$ /e tech"o'o#ica' starr!, Cstomer ce"tric

     &ro#ressi)e $ri)e" /! hi#hest sta"$ar$ of coo&erati)e #o)er"a"ce J #i$e$ /! so"$ ethica'

    )a'es J a/o)e a'' sho'$ ha)e &erso"a'i2e$ cstomer ser)ices, There is sco&e of e(&'oiti"#

    the )ast mi$$'e i"come #ro& /! re'easi"# 'oa"s %ith s&ecia' i"terest rate* %hich %o'$ /e

     /e"eficia' to /oth &arties,

  • 8/18/2019 Comparison of Home Loan Scheme of Different Banks




    The fo''o%i"# s##estio"s are stro"#'! recomme"$e$7

    To /roa$e" the cstomer /ase the )ast mi$$'e i"come strata sho'$ /e f''! e(&'oite$,

    Sim&'if! the &roce$re* re$ce ser)ice char#es J $ema"$ o"'! the /asic esse"tia'


    Most /a"+s are re'cta"t to a$)a"ce 'oa" to the ser)ice c'ass, E,#, 'a% !ears* &o'ice

    officers etc, this as&ect mst /e e(&'oite$,

    A$o&tio" of f'e(i/'e J more 'e"ie"t &e"a't! sho'$ the

    Cstomer fai's to $e&osit the &a!me"t o" time, The &e"a't! sho'$ /e case to case

     /asis rather tha" the same for the e"tire cstomer /ase,

    Restrictio" to /e re$ce$ to /are mi"imm for 'oa" a$)a"ces J for re&a!me"t, For 

    e,#, offers Lo"# term re&a!me"t faci'ities J ha)e "o a#e restrictio" to choosi"#re&a!me"t, The ma(imm a#e for re&a!me"t co'$ /e i"crease to >68 !ears of a#e,

    Sch faci'it! %i'' #ro% fast retai' se#me"t of the /a"+,

    Offer m'ti&'e re&a!me"t 'oa"s ser)ices, C'ass to /e e(&'oite$ /! offeri"# s&ecia'


    Rates J 'i"+i"# the re&a!me"t from the sorce %here the &a! che4e to the em&'o!ee

    is isse$, This "ee$ to "$er#o s&ecia' co"tract %ith #o)er"me"t or#a"i2atio" to

    e"sre im&'eme"tatio",