Abstracts/Lung Cancer 10 (1993) 123-150 133 sitificantlv in sduamous cell carcinoma5 as well as adenowcinomas. is closely linked to Thus it may be P better hunor markerthan carciowmbryonic antigen. Basal cell (bssnloid) carcinoma of the lung: A nw morphologic and phenotypic entity with separate pmgnostie signifi_ Bmmbilla E, Mom D, Vale D. Bricbon PY, Stoebner P, ParamelleB et al. Lung Cancer Research Group, Depanmeni of Pathology,CHRU de Grenoble. BP 21 7X0 Grenoble. Hum Path01 1992;23:993-1003. On review of 115 poorly or undifferentiated lung cancers from 671 lung hnnors resected over a 7-year period, we have found 38 cases of basaloidcarcinoma. Tbeurdinal bistopatbologic feahnsdistinguisbing this hmxn from other non-smallcell lung cancers are a lobular gIowth pattern of small cells with moderatelybypercbmmnticnuclei. with no prominentnucleoli, and with scant cytoplasm, P high mitotic rate. and peripheral palisading. Basaloid carcinoma was present in a pure form in 19 cases and the other 19 hlmors were of a mixed. but prominent, basaloid type associated with squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma. or adenocprcinoma. Tbe immunophenotype of basaloid cancers was close to that of basal bronchialepitbelial cells, with P low level of expression of low molecularweight cytokeratins. Staining for neuroendocrinemp~erswssinfrequentMdiocoosisteot. Ultrastructural study showed an absenceof neurosecretory gmmdes and the pnxatce of some squamousand/or glpndulsrdifferentiation. This morphologic and immunologic phenotype suggests that basaloid cnrcinoma is derived from P pluripotent reserve cell or a basal bronchial epithelial stem cell. This unique histologic form of lung htmor has a poor prognosis, with a median survival rate of 22 mwths for stage I and II disease. Tbis justifies classification of basal&d cpr~inomsas P distinct form of lung cancer, separate from small cell lung carcinoma. An immunohist&unicaI study Gbori NP, Yowem SA, Griffin J. Studs K, Stetler-Stevens00 WG, Colbynet~.Soamw-AlpnE.~~qfParhology,Pnsbyrrrinn University Hospital, De&to 01 O’Hare Stmeis. Pittsburgh. PA 15213 Am J Surg Path01 1992;16:675-86. In contrastto the cowentioIMl pulmonnly sdmocprcinorms (CPA@, b~c~oloolveolarurcinotmogrows~~ybysprrrdiog tbrei subtypes I;ve been i&atifiedz - . muciaous. ncmmucinous, and sclemsing BAC. Of t&e, mucinws and s&m&g BACs have worse ty&of BACs. Multifocality is ohen prcdwed by aexogaous especially in the case of mutinous BACs. To study the. differencea behveeu the BAC subtypea aad the cmtveational pulmomwy admo- carcinomas, we employed D battery of imrmmobistochemical stains marking the extmc&dar matrix arcbitectwe (Isminin, mllagen IV. fibronectin, and collagea III), a degmdativeenzyme against D basement membrane componead (anti-type IV wllageaase) and Ceuulpr rec+ws for lamininand colIagen IV (a2 i&grin) cm 16 BACs (5 mutinous, 5 nomnucinous, and 6 s&nxing) and 30 CPAs. The mwinous and ooomucinous BACs demwstnted neoplastic epitbelial cells growing along P c.mtinuolJs basementxwnbmw. A simibw grow& patternwith intact bssemcnt membrane was noted in the peri* of sclemsing BACs. However. in contrast to mucinow and nonmucinousBACS, all cases of scleroaing BACs showed disruption or wmpleta absence of embeddedgl~~lartedcmtnllyinthesclsroticfi~~~nu,rswns seen in the basement membrane analvsis of conventional may be P reflectionof the invasive behavior of the sclerosing BACS and tbeirtetetetetetetetetete~ppmducelymphn~metlstnsis. AlthoughtbemuCinous BACs did not show evidence of basement membranedisruption, there was a marked increase in their levels of type IV collagenase expression along with consistently low levels of a2 integti receptor (lamininand collagen IV receptor) expression. These findings may be related to the ability of tbe mutinous BACs to detach from the underlying basement membrane and spread aerogenously. aad is to be contrasted with the stromnl infiltration and desmoplasia of sclerosing BACs and CPAs. Sugarbake? DJ, Mentzer SJ, SvIuss G. Division of lhmwic Surgery. Brigham and Women ‘sHospital,75FrancisStreet,Boston.MA 02115. Am llmrpc slug 1992;54:9415. A technique for extmpIewa1 pneumonectomy in diffuse, malignant, pleural meaotbelioma is described. The tecboique wed in P protocol at Brigham and Womm’s Hospital baa msultcd in improved opeativc mortality figures md le.& of hospital stay. The right-sided procedure is pramted foIIaved by differences in technique requiredby the left-sided approach. KrspiK,~mey~T,~w~boY,~toY,W~C.I(ohH.Dcpannrnr of Patbokgy. Kitasato University Sdwol Medicine, Kimsato l-15-1, Sagamihara. Kanagawa 228 Jpn J Cancer Res 1992;83:1002-10. A cell line expressing neuroendocrine (NE) markers, designated as KTS9, was e&ablished horn a human large cell carcinoma of the lung using serum-free medium, ACL-3. KTS9 cells showed morphological cbamcteristics of large ccl1 undiffer&ated carcinoma (LCUC) and expressed some general NE mark.%8 incbtdimg neuron- smxific en&se (NSE). prc4ein gene rnduct (PGP) 9.5. neural ceil ,. . . . . of 200 kd. Some cells of this cell lie were positive to cbromograain- A (CG-A). but did not express Leu7 or aromatic L-amino acid deauboxylase (AADC). Such a cell lii derived from LCUC with NE mowties has not sreviouslv bea reunted. Tbe bioloniul and NE cases of LCUC with NE rmrkersand of the KTA7 cell line previously repotted to derive from large cell carcinotna awl to possess NE markers sucbasalpba-hCG.PGP9.5 NCAMaadAADC. Tumorcellsof2Inrge cell carcinomasexpressed NSE, PGP9.5, N-CAM and NF. The KTS9 and KTA7 cell lies and 2 large cell carcinoma wete thus considered to be LCUCswitb NE differentiation. Both linesbad the morphologicpI characteristics of LCUC, relatively short doubling time and discardant expression of NE markers, indicatingthem to be closely related to the variant type of small cell urcinoma cell lines and thus possibly to represent bigb-grade malignancy. Tbey nuy be u&id for examining the biological behavior and NE futurea of large cell-type NE tunnrs of the lung. Clinical assessment Senmt neuma specifx enolrpe NE) is a dekminnnt of re5pow &mtioninsmaIIcdIluogcsnar(SCLC) Jorg- LGM, Ostwliid K, H- HH, Cooper EH. Depanmau of Clinical Cbmimy, Hvidovm Hwpiml, 30 Kertegmk Al&, Hvidovre DK-26.50. Br J Cancer 1992$6594-8. Seventy-two corwative patientswere eligible for a shadyof clinical determinants of mapcase and respwse duration in smalIcell lung cancer ISCLCX Pretreatmentvalues of routine labomtow nwameters. md was seen in the satal CultraIly Iocatedembedded glands in wmparison to the peripheral gland.% These ucbitechwal altemtiwa of basetwIt membrane disruptionand pbsaotypic expression of degradativeactivity antigen (CEA), and acidic glycoprotein (AGP) were awawed. Descriptive cliical variables as pcrkwnunce stahu (PS), extent of disease. age and sex were also included in the study. Al1 variables were

Comparison of extracellular matrix antigens in subtypes of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma and conventional pulmonary adenocarcinoma: An immunohistochemical study

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Page 1: Comparison of extracellular matrix antigens in subtypes of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma and conventional pulmonary adenocarcinoma: An immunohistochemical study

Abstracts/Lung Cancer 10 (1993) 123-150 133

sitificantlv in sduamous cell carcinoma5 as well as adenowcinomas.

is closely linked to Thus it may be P better hunor marker than carciowmbryonic antigen.

Basal cell (bssnloid) carcinoma of the lung: A nw morphologic and phenotypic entity with separate pmgnostie signifi_ Bmmbilla E, Mom D, Vale D. Bricbon PY, Stoebner P, Paramelle B et al. Lung Cancer Research Group, Depanmeni of Pathology, CHRU de Grenoble. BP 21 7X0 Grenoble. Hum Path01 1992;23:993-1003.

On review of 115 poorly or undifferentiated lung cancers from 671 lung hnnors resected over a 7-year period, we have found 38 cases of basaloid carcinoma. Tbeurdinal bistopatbologic feahnsdistinguisbing this hmxn from other non-small cell lung cancers are a lobular gIowth pattern of small cells with moderately bypercbmmntic nuclei. with no prominent nucleoli, and with scant cytoplasm, P high mitotic rate. and peripheral palisading. Basaloid carcinoma was present in a pure form in 19 cases and the other 19 hlmors were of a mixed. but prominent, basaloid type associated with squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma. or adenocprcinoma. Tbe immunophenotype of basaloid cancers was close to that of basal bronchial epitbelial cells, with P low level of expression of low molecular weight cytokeratins. Staining for neuroendocrinemp~erswssinfrequentMdiocoosisteot. Ultrastructural study showed an absence of neurosecretory gmmdes and the pnxatce of some squamous and/or glpndulsr differentiation. This morphologic and immunologic phenotype suggests that basaloid cnrcinoma is derived from P pluripotent reserve cell or a basal bronchial epithelial stem cell. This unique histologic form of lung htmor has a poor prognosis, with a median survival rate of 22 mwths for stage I and II disease. Tbis justifies classification of basal&d cpr~inoms as P distinct form of lung cancer, separate from small cell lung carcinoma.

An immunohist&unicaI study Gbori NP, Yowem SA, Griffin J. Studs K, Stetler-Stevens00 WG, Colbynet~.Soamw-AlpnE.~~qfParhology,Pnsbyrrrinn University Hospital, De&to 01 O’Hare Stmeis. Pittsburgh. PA 15213 Am J Surg Path01 1992;16:675-86.

In contrast to the cowentioIMl pulmonnly sdmocprcinorms (CPA@, b~c~oloolveolarurcinotmogrows~~ybysprrrdiog

tbrei subtypes I;ve been i&atifiedz - .

muciaous. ncmmucinous, and sclemsing BAC. Of t&e, mucinws and s&m&g BACs have worse

ty&of BACs. Multifocality is ohen prcdwed by aexogaous especially in the case of mutinous BACs. To study the. differencea behveeu the BAC subtypea aad the cmtveational pulmomwy admo- carcinomas, we employed D battery of imrmmobistochemical stains marking the extmc&dar matrix arcbitectwe (Isminin, mllagen IV. fibronectin, and collagea III), a degmdative enzyme against D basement membrane componead (anti-type IV wllageaase) and Ceuulpr rec+ws for laminin and colIagen IV (a2 i&grin) cm 16 BACs (5 mutinous, 5 nomnucinous, and 6 s&nxing) and 30 CPAs. The mwinous and ooomucinous BACs demwstnted neoplastic epitbelial cells growing along P c.mtinuolJs basement xwnbmw. A simibw grow& pattern with intact bssemcnt membrane was noted in the peri* of sclemsing BACs. However. in contrast to mucinow and nonmucinous BACS, all cases of scleroaing BACs showed disruption or wmpleta absence of

embeddedgl~~lartedcmtnllyinthesclsroticfi~~~nu,rswns seen in the basement membrane analvsis of conventional

may be P reflection of the invasive behavior of the sclerosing BACS and tbeirtetetetetetetetetete~ppmducelymphn~metlstnsis. AlthoughtbemuCinous BACs did not show evidence of basement membrane disruption, there was a marked increase in their levels of type IV collagenase expression along with consistently low levels of a2 integti receptor (laminin and collagen IV receptor) expression. These findings may be related to the ability of tbe mutinous BACs to detach from the underlying basement membrane and spread aerogenously. aad is to be contrasted with the stromnl infiltration and desmoplasia of sclerosing BACs and CPAs.

Sugarbake? DJ, Mentzer SJ, SvIuss G. Division of lhmwic Surgery. Brigham and Women ‘s Hospital, 75 Francis Street, Boston. MA 02115. Am llmrpc slug 1992;54:9415.

A technique for extmpIewa1 pneumonectomy in diffuse, malignant, pleural meaotbelioma is described. The tecboique wed in P protocol at Brigham and Womm’s Hospital baa msultcd in improved opeativc mortality figures md le.& of hospital stay. The right-sided procedure is pramted foIIaved by differences in technique required by the left-sided approach.

KrspiK,~mey~T,~w~boY,~toY,W~C.I(ohH.Dcpannrnr of Patbokgy. Kitasato University Sdwol Medicine, Kimsato l-15-1, Sagamihara. Kanagawa 228 Jpn J Cancer Res 1992;83:1002-10.

A cell line expressing neuroendocrine (NE) markers, designated as KTS9, was e&ablished horn a human large cell carcinoma of the lung using serum-free medium, ACL-3. KTS9 cells showed morphological cbamcteristics of large ccl1 undiffer&ated carcinoma (LCUC) and expressed some general NE mark.%8 incbtdimg neuron- smxific en&se (NSE). prc4ein gene rnduct (PGP) 9.5. neural ceil

,. . . . . of 200 kd. Some cells of this cell lie were positive to cbromograain- A (CG-A). but did not express Leu7 or aromatic L-amino acid deauboxylase (AADC). Such a cell lii derived from LCUC with NE mowties has not sreviouslv bea reunted. Tbe bioloniul and NE

cases of LCUC with NE rmrkers and of the KTA7 cell line previously repotted to derive from large cell carcinotna awl to possess NE markers sucbasalpba-hCG.PGP9.5 NCAMaadAADC. Tumorcellsof2Inrge cell carcinomas expressed NSE, PGP9.5, N-CAM and NF. The KTS9 and KTA7 cell lies and 2 large cell carcinoma wete thus considered to be LCUCswitb NE differentiation. Both linesbad the morphologicpI characteristics of LCUC, relatively short doubling time and discardant expression of NE markers, indicating them to be closely related to the variant type of small cell urcinoma cell lines and thus possibly to represent bigb-grade malignancy. Tbey nuy be u&id for examining the biological behavior and NE futurea of large cell-type NE tunnrs of the lung.

Clinical assessment Senmt neuma specifx enolrpe NE) is a dekminnnt of re5pow &mtioninsmaIIcdIluogcsnar(SCLC) Jorg- LGM, Ostwliid K, H- HH, Cooper EH. Depanmau of Clinical Cbmimy, Hvidovm Hwpiml, 30 Kertegmk Al&, Hvidovre DK-26.50. Br J Cancer 1992$6594-8.

Seventy-two corwative patients were eligible for a shady of clinical determinants of mapcase and respwse duration in smalI cell lung cancer ISCLCX Pretreatment values of routine labomtow nwameters. md

was seen in the satal CultraIly Iocated embedded glands in wmparison to the peripheral gland.% These ucbitechwal altemtiwa of basetwIt membrane disruption and pbsaotypic expression of degradative activity

antigen (CEA), and acidic glycoprotein (AGP) were awawed. Descriptive cliical variables as pcrkwnunce stahu (PS), extent of disease. age and sex were also included in the study. Al1 variables were