COMPARISON & CONTRAST The Riverside Reader

Comparison & Contrast

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Comparison & Contrast. The Riverside Reader. When you come in…. Grab a book! Read: “Two Views of the River” by Mark Twain pp.159-162 Consider: What does Twain accomplish by dividing the two views of the river than alternating them beneath several headings? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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When you come in… Grab a book! Read: “Two Views of the River” by Mark Twain

pp.159-162 Consider:

What does Twain accomplish by dividing the two views of the river than alternating them beneath several headings?

Which attitude – poetic or pragmatic – does Twain anticipate his readers have toward the river? Explain your answer.

Where does Twain use transition phrases and sentences to match up the parts of his comparison?

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Mark Twain’s “Two Views of the River.” Create a chart that demonstrates at

least five differences in the apprentice’sapprentice’s and the pilot’spilot’s views of the river.

Apprentice PilotEx. The river itself

“the grace, the beauty, the poetry”

“[I] looked upon it without rapture.”

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Comparison & Contrast Background

Compare = look for similarities

Contrast = look for differences

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Purpose Analyze similarities & differences in a systematic,

useful way that brings out significant differences Strict comparison

Compare only things that are truly alike (actors with actors, musicians with musicians, but not actors with musicians)

Make a judgment, and finally a choice Fanciful comparison

Set up an imaginative, illuminating comparison between two things that don’t seem at all alike

Helps clarify a complex idea

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Fanciful Comparison – Pitfalls Constructing an entire essay using a

fanciful comparison can quickly breakdown.

Use this method most effectively as a device for enlivening your writing and highlighting dramatic similarities. Probably won’t be using to make judgments

or recommend choices Capture readers’ attention and show new


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Audience Think about what your readers already know

and what they’re going to expect A lot about both (two popular TV shows)

Spend a little time pointing out similarities and concentrate on making the comparison

Very little about either (Buddhism & Shintoism) Define each, using concepts audience is familiar

with, then point out important contrasts A lot about one and a little about the other

(football & rugby) Use the known to explain the unknown

Keep the essay balanced (not 90% on Buddhism and 10% on Shintoism)

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Strategies Divided, or subject-by-subject, pattern

Present all info on one topic before you bring in info on the other topic

Benefits: lets you present each part of essay as a satisfying whole; especially good in short essays

Drawbacks: sometimes writers slip into writing what seems like two separate essays; in long essays, writers may have trouble organizing material clearly enough to keep readers on track

Alternating, or point-by-point, pattern Work your way through the comparison point by point,

giving information first on one aspect of the topic, then on the other

Benefits: shows subjects side by side, emphasizing the points you’re comparing; good for longer essays to show many complex points to help readers see how those points match up

Drawback: if used on a simple topic in a short essay, it will sound choppy and disconnected, like a list

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Strategies (cont’d) COMBINE strategies to make the best of

both worlds. Guidelines:

Balance parts Include reminders Supply reasons

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Points to Remember1. Decide whether you want the pattern of

your comparison to focus on complete units (divided) or specific features (alternating).

2. Consider the possibility of combining the two patterns.

3. Determine which subject should be placed in the first position and why.

4. Arrange the points of your comparison in a logical, balanced, and dramatic sequence.

5. Make sure you introduce and clarify the reasons for making your comparison.

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Homework… Read Deborah Tannen’s Rapport-Talk

and Report-Talk pp.174-187 Answer the questions that follow (also

available on next slide).

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Read Deborah Tannen’s “Rapport-Talk and Report-Talk”

Purpose1. What does Tannen want to demonstrate about the

relationship between communication failure and conversational style?

2. How do size (the number of people) and status (those people claiming authority) contribute to Tannen’s comparison of rapport-talk and report-talk?

Audience1. What assumptions does Tannen make about the probable

gender of most of her readers?2. How does Tannen assume her audience can benefit from her

analysis?Strategies1. How does Tannen use advice columns, movies, and cartoons

to illustrate the problems of domestic communication?2. How does Tannen use her own experience as a lecturer to

compare the way men and women talk in public?