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“Incentives provided to doctors by

pharmaceutical companies often

drives then to prescribe promoted medications more,

and care about their patients less…”

Jocelyn Ransome Data Marketing Research Manager Data Marketing Research, USA.


Through extensive research regarding the practices of healthcare professionals, traditional Chinese medicine, general Chinese culture, and “abnormalities” amongst patient and physician treatment, conclusions which I have drawn, and an American citizen, depicts the current Chinese healthcare

system to be vastly different in procedure, care, and quality from our own. Throughout this depiction, various differences between the Chinese and American healthcare markets will correspond, and offer valuable personal insight from both perspectives.

American Appointment Procedures

American citizens, regular to physician and hospital visits, are accustomed to the chronological procedure of:

a) Check-In (entering the hospital or doctor/specialist’s office and providing name and general information.)

b) Payment (providing and insurance card and probably co-pay prior to care)

c) Waiting Time (time prior to evaluation from a physician, waiting in the lobby with generous entertainment food etc.)

d) Vitals ( taking of temperature, height, weight etc. by a nurse)

e) Doctor Evaluation (examination by the doctor, prescribed tests and medications for diagnosis.)

Comparison between Chinese and American Healthcare Services from an American Point of View.

“Did You Know?” 10/26/2015 Series I

Chinese Parallels

However, procedure in China in comparison to our American system of care, lacks as much structure and compliance from a medical professionals than we are natural to. In china, a regulatory visit, especially regarding every-day illnesses is sought for treatment within an Emergency Room, instead of a doctor’s office. As there are limited primary physicians who practice Western medical treatment,

depending on geographical area, meaning those who are available treat patients with herbs and non-prescription therapy.

A patient’s visit to an emergency room for an ailment in China, typically conforms to the following, provided my strictly-American research and perspective from a native Chinese citizen:

a) “Check-In” (Chinese patients do not “check-in’, as Americans do so easily, Walk-ins are conducted as opposed to appointment scheduling.)

b) “Payment” (many patients are forced, or propositioned to pay out-of-pocket, considering current reforms for insurance, and ribery which doctors accept for the best possible treatment. Many citizens are taken advantage of by doctors this way, causing negative stigma towards Chinese physicians from the public.)

c) “Waiting Time” (lobbies are provided, with harsh lighting and little to no entertainment, snacks etc. most of this time is spent by patients frantically searching from desk-to-desk filing paperwork)

d) “Vitals” (nurses are not available on-hand to patients. Desks, sometimes rowed with nurses must be sought by patients for treatment. This causes much crowding, and demand, considering each patient want the earliest and best treatment possible.)

e) “Evaluation” (one-on-one time with a physician usually occurs with little to no personal empathy from the physician. Incentives provided to doctors by pharmaceutical companies often drives then to prescribe promoted medications more, and care about their patients less.)


Obviously, provided the corresponding information and research, the Chinese system fir care is nearly unrecognizable to an everyday American. China’s effort to recently provide reforms, such as nationwide insurance coverage, and million, if not

billions in funding, will contribute to a more structured practice.

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