Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive All eses and Dissertations 2017-03-01 Comparing Two Individually Administered Reading Assessments for Predicting Outcomes on SAGE Reading Meighan Noelle Stevens Brigham Young University Follow this and additional works at: hps://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the Counseling Psychology Commons is esis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in All eses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Stevens, Meighan Noelle, "Comparing Two Individually Administered Reading Assessments for Predicting Outcomes on SAGE Reading" (2017). All eses and Dissertations. 6697. hps://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/6697

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Comparing Two Individually AdministeredReading Assessments for Predicting Outcomes onSAGE ReadingMeighan Noelle StevensBrigham Young University

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BYU ScholarsArchive CitationStevens, Meighan Noelle, "Comparing Two Individually Administered Reading Assessments for Predicting Outcomes on SAGEReading" (2017). All Theses and Dissertations. 6697.https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/6697

Page 2: Comparing Two Individually Administered Reading

Comparing Two Individually Administered Reading Assessments

for Predicting Outcomes on SAGE Reading

Meighan Noelle Stevens

A thesis submitted to the faculty of Brigham Young University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Educational Specialist

Gordon Stanley Gibb, Chair Richard R. Sudweeks

Ellie L.Young

Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education

Brigham Young University

Copyright © 2017 Meighan Noelle Stevens

All Rights Reserved

Page 3: Comparing Two Individually Administered Reading


Comparing Two Individually Administered Reading Assessments for Predicting Outcomes on SAGE Reading

Meighan Noelle Stevens Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, BYU

Educational Specialist

Accountability for student learning outcomes is of importance to parents and school and district administrators, especially since the passage of The No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. The requirement for high-stakes testing to measure progress has fostered interest in ways to monitor student preparedness during the school year. This study used 2014 and 2015 test data from of 154 students from one elementary school to measure the correlation between individually administered Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Brief Reading and DIBELS Next reading assessments and outcomes on the high-stakes Utah SAGE test. This correlational study used Pearson correlation coefficients to determine redundancy across the tests, and used multiple regression to assess how well scores on the KTEA and DIBELS Next tests predict students’ subsequent scores on the SAGE test. Results indicate that DIBELS Next was a strong predictor of SAGE outcomes while KTEA Brief results were moderate predictors.

Keywords: high stakes testing, Student Assessment of Growth and Excellence, Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Next, Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, curriculum-based assessment, reading

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I would like to acknowledge my chair Mr. Gordon Gibb for all of his help and dedication

to the project. His encouragement and guidance were invaluable throughout the process. I would

also like to express appreciation to my family for always supporting my ambitions and goals in

life. They help me strive for success in all avenues of life. Finally, I would like to acknowledge

the faculty and staff at Brigham Young University for providing a tremendous academic

environment to learn and grow in.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………………………i

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... ii


TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... v


Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills ..................................................................... 3

Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement ............................................................................... 4

Student Assessment for Growth and Excellence (SAGE) .......................................................... 5

Purpose of Study and Research Questions .................................................................................. 6

Method ............................................................................................................................................ 6

Research Participants .................................................................................................................. 6

Setting ......................................................................................................................................... 7

Predictor Variables ...................................................................................................................... 8

Criterion Variables ...................................................................................................................... 8

Instruments .................................................................................................................................. 8

Design ......................................................................................................................................... 8

Data Collection ........................................................................................................................... 9

Data Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 9

Results ............................................................................................................................................. 9

Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Limitations ................................................................................................................................ 13

Implications for Practice ........................................................................................................... 13

Implications for Further Research ............................................................................................ 13

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 14

References ..................................................................................................................................... 15

APPENDIX A: EXTENDED LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................. 18

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1. Ethnicity Populations in the Study School…………………………………………………. 7

2. Average Number of Students in Each Classroom by Grade Level……………………… 7

3. Results of the Regression of SAGE 2015 Reading Literature Scores on 2014 KTEA Scores and DIBELS Next 2015 Scores………………………………………………


4. Results of the Regression for SAGE 2015 Reading Informational Text Scores on 2014 KTEA and 2015 DIBELS Scores………………………………………………….


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This thesis, Comparing Two Individually Administered Reading Assessments for

Predicting Outcomes on SAGE Reading, is written in a hybrid format. This format combines the

elements of traditional thesis requirements and journal publication formats. The initial pages of

this thesis represent requirements for submission to the university. The thesis report is presented

as a manuscript consistent with length and style requirements for education journals. It includes

the following sections: introduction, method, results, discussion, and references. Appendix A,

included after the main body of the thesis, includes an extended literature review as presented at

the prospectus defense. Appendix A has a separate reference list that includes only those

references that are cited in Appendix A.


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The multiplicity of assessments in modern American schools reflects the demand for

accountability to the nation, to states, and to district and school patrons. Assessment in schools

can be formative or summative. Formative assessment is “concerned with how judgments about

the quality of student responses (performances, pieces, or works) can be used to shape and

improve the students’ competence by short-circuiting the randomness and inefficiency of trial-

and-error learning” (Sadler, 1989, p. 120). Educators use formative assessment to determine

where students are functioning after a lesson or unit in the classroom. Formative data can be

used by teachers to alter or continue instructional strategies depending on student progress.

Therefore, the purpose of formative assessment is to drive instructional decisions. Summative

assessment “contrasts with formative assessment in that it is concerned with summing up or

summarizing the achievement status of a student, and is geared towards reporting the end of a

course of study” (Sadler, 1989, p. 120). Educators use summative assessment to show

achievement and growth at the end of instructional units, courses, or from one school year to the

next. Formative assessments are usually informal and often created by teachers, whereas

summative assessment can be informal or standardized.

As educational practices continue to evolve so does the multitude of assessments used in

schools and districts. Testing that impacts school, district, and state standing within the

requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is often called high-stakes testing (Lewis

& Hardy, 2015). Haladyna (2006) defines high-stakes testing as “the use of test scores that have

a significant consequence for students, teachers, schools, and school districts,” including

“graduation, promotions, school accountability, federal funding, No Child Left Behind, and merit

pay” (p. 23). Performance on high-stakes testing can grade districts, schools, and even teachers

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in ways that inform students, teachers, and administrators. Good performance on standardized

tests can indicate successful teaching and leadership, while poor performance can label schools

as ineffective.

Curriculum-based testing differs from standardized testing in that it is used by educators

to track and improve student performance. These data show the effectiveness of the curriculum

and instruction on the student achievement (Deno, 1992). As teachers track the effectiveness of

instruction in the classroom, instructional methods can be altered to find the best positive

projective. This also provides teachers with data that can be used as evidence of where the

students have been and where they are going (Marchand & Furrer, 2014).

There are two general types of curriculum-based measures: curriculum-based assessment

and curriculum-based measurement. Curriculum-based assessment is commonly defined as one-

time testing performed at the end of a unit, semester or year (Deno, 1992). In contrast,

curriculum-based measurement is used repeatedly to assess the growth in student learning and

can be compared to formative assessment for demonstrating progress.

Progress monitoring is an application of curriculum-based measurement that allows

teachers to see and create change in a student’s performance over a period of time (Deno, 1992).

Progress monitoring is used in schools to track the progress of students in between benchmark

assessments and through the year, to project whether or not individual students will achieve

benchmarks or be on grade level by the end of the year. This approach is not just a record of the

students’ achievement. It also measures the effects of teachers’ practices in the classroom

(Deno, 1992). Progress monitoring indicates the effectiveness of classroom instruction by

tracking students’ performance to demonstrate what areas need improvement or need to be

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taught in more depth for students to reach proficiency. Instruction is then targeted at the specific

point in the academic learning that is weak (Catts, Nielsen, Bridges, Liu, & Bontempo, 2015).

Progress monitoring results are usually graphed to depict the slope of student

achievement over time (Deno, 1992). When the target is a specific benchmark or aim point, then

the slope indicates whether or not students are on track to meet achievement objectives. Progress

monitoring can also be quite indicative in a short period of time. Thornblad and Christ (2014)

found that six weeks of daily monitoring produced valid and reliable indicators of student growth

for reading. Jenkins, Graff, and Migliorete (2009) noted that less frequent monitoring will also

produce accurate predictions provided that a sufficient number of scores are used.

Researchers have used progress monitoring to predict scores on standardized summative

tests. Richardson, Hawken, and Kircher (2012) used maze comprehension testing to compare

students who speak predominantly Spanish at home with native English speakers, and to

compare Hispanic student outcomes to those of Caucasian students. The authors found that

maze measures under predicted scores on end-of-year high stakes tests for Hispanic students and

non-native English speakers, but accurately predicted outcomes for Caucasian students and

native English speakers. Curriculum-based measures of comprehension used with Tennessee 3rd

grade readers demonstrated strong predictive power for end-of-level tests (Miller, Bell, &

McCallum, 2015), as did oral reading and maze measures for Nebraska students in grades two

through five (Merino & Beckman, 2010).

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) is a progress-monitoring

assessment used to measure reading skills from kindergarten through 6th grade. The National

Reading Panel (Armbruster, Lehr, & Osborn, 2001) identified five critical components for

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successful reading, including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text

comprehension. DIBELS assesses each of these components and can be administered in a few

minutes, providing a quick view of student ability that informs early intervention (Good &

Kaminski, 2011).

DIBELS was designed in the late 1980’s based on curriculum-based measurement, with

initial research at the University of Oregon. Curriculum-based measurement and DIBELS both

aim for an economical and efficient way to demonstrate student growth towards achievement.

DIBELS Next, the current version, measures six areas in reading that can be monitored for

progress over time, including first sound fluency, letter naming fluency, phoneme segmentation

fluency, nonsense word fluency, oral reading fluency, and text comprehension (Good &

Kaminski, 2011).

Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement

The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA) is a standardized test developed

by clinical psychologists Alan S. Kaufman and Nadeen L. Kaufman. Currently in its third

edition, the KTEA is a norm-referenced test designed to compare student achievement to that of

other students in the same age and grade (Cole, 2012). Each test is designed with an increase of

testing time based on grade level: Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten are given a 30-minute

testing session, grades 1-2 a 50-minute testing session, and grade 3 and above an 80-minute


KTEA subtests include comprehensive achievement, reading, math, decoding, written

language, sound symbol, oral language, and oral language fluency. Subtest scores are combined

to form a composite score. Separate types of questions within each section measure students’

knowledge. For example, the math composite score is a combination of math concepts and

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application, math computation, and math fluency, all of which encompass multiple topic areas

(Kaufman & Kaufman, 2004).

Student Assessment for Growth and Excellence (SAGE)

The Student Assessment for Growth and Excellence (SAGE) is a computer-adaptive

summative test specific to the Utah core curriculum and used as the end-of-year high-stakes

assessment in Utah schools. SAGE tests reading, language arts, math, science, and writing. In

reading, students are tested on listening comprehension as well as the reading standards that

align with the student’s grade level. SAGE is an adaptive test, meaning that the testing software

analyzes a student’s answer to one question to determine the question that will follow (Utah

State Board of Education, 2015a). Therefore, “the difficulty of the test will adjust to each

student’s skills, providing a better measure of what each student know and can do” (Utah State

Board of Education, 2015a, p. 2).

SAGE also offers optional fall and winter versions that schools can use to inform

instruction and monitor student progress. A formative teacher instruction manual with guidance

on classroom instruction is available, but not required for use. The computerized SAGE requires

students to “create graphs, interact with science simulation, and write and respond in multiple

different ways. These question types will assess higher order thinking skills” (Utah State Board

of Education, 2015b, p. 1). With the Utah Core relying more upon higher order analysis and

problem solving skills, these questions provide a deeper questioning assessment. By having the

students think in this manner, Utah is planning to guide students into the careers of the 21st

century (Utah State Board of Education, 2015b).

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The Utah State Office of Education reports that no norming procedures were conducted

prior to implementing the assessment. Instead, the state collects test data as it is implemented in

the schools. Therefore, the reliability and validity of SAGE was yet to be reported in 2015.

Purpose of Study and Research Questions

The purpose of this study was to determine to what degree two standardized reading

assessments predict reading outcomes on the SAGE test, and to determine to what extent the

assessments provide redundant information. Searches of research literature using the terms

KTEA, DIBELS Next, SAGE, standardized testing, reliability, validity, and combinations

thereof on the ERIC, Google Scholar, and PsycInfo databases produced no studies of the three

tests, most likely due to the recent implementation of SAGE. The study addressed two


1. To what extent do reading scores obtained from the KTEA test and DIBELS Next test

predict scores obtained from each of the two SAGE reading subtests?

2. To what extent do DIBELS Next, KTEA, and SAGE reading scores provide

redundant information?


Research Participants

The study used existing data for students in grades 3 through 6 enrolled in a public

elementary school in an urban Utah school district during the 2014-2015 school year. The

school provided the data with anonymous codes for student names so the investigator could not

identify the participants other than by grade level. This group was selected because these

students participated in the DIBELS Next, KTEA and SAGE testing. The overall sample

included 154 male and female students ranging in age from 8 to 13 years old.

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The Utah State Office of Education website (2015) reported that during the 2014–2015

school year there were 592 students enrolled in the school, including 345 males and 247 females.

Three hundred and three students came from low-income homes and 20% were classified as

English as a Second Language. Student ethnicity is depicted in Table 1. Additionally, grades 3-6

had a 25:1 students-to-teacher ratio; median class size is depicted in Table 2 (Utah State Office

of Education, 2015c).

Table 1

Ethnicity Populations in the Study School

Ethnicity Number Percent

American Indian 5 1% Asian 7 1% Black 7 1%

Hispanic 247 42% Pacific Islander 11 2%

White 306 53% Total 593 100%

Table 2

Average Number of Students in Each Classroom by Grade Level

Grade level Students per classroom

3 25

4 27

5 23

6 27

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Statistics that highlight the number of students qualifying for free and reduced lunches

are also a portion of the demographics of the school. During 2014-2015, 64.92% of students

were on a free or reduced lunch plan (Utah State Office of Education, 2015d).

Predictor Variables

Predictor variables enable prediction of a criterion variable, or the variable of interest in

the study (Marchand & Furrer, 2014). Predictor variables for the study were the KTEA Reading

Comprehension scores and DIBELS Next Oral Reading Fluency scores. These scores were used

to predict the criterion variables.

Criterion Variables

The criterion variables are the variables of interest in this study. The criterion variables in

this study are the SAGE reading literature and reading for information scaled scores for 2015.


The instruments used in the study were the KTEA-II Brief, the DIBELS Next, and the

SAGE standardized reading assessment. The KTEA-II Brief measures reading, decoding, oral

language, and oral language fluency. The KTEA-II Reading Composite score was a predictor

variable in the calculations. DIBELS Next measures reading skills including phonemic

awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension. The DIBELS Oral Reading

Fluency was the other predictor variable used in calculations. SAGE measured Informational

Text as well as Reading Literature.


This correlational study involved “collecting two sets of data and determining the extent

to which they covary (or vary together)” (Martella et al., 2013, p. 208). Data sets include reading

scores on the KTEA andreading scores on DIBELS Next predictor variables, and reading scores

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on SAGE criterion variable. The study investigated predictive correlations for reading scores

between KTEA and SAGE and DIBELS Next and SAGE.

Data Collection

Data included the KTEA 2014, DIBELS Next 2015, and SAGE 2015 assessment scores

obtained from the target school. Assessment scores were analyzed for the 154 students who

completed all three assessments or 75% of students in in grades 3–6.

Data Analysis

Two procedures were used to analyze the data. First, the Pearson correlation coefficient

was used to calculate zero-order correlations between SAGE and KTEA, SAGE and DIBELS

Next, and KTEA and DIBELS Next to determine the level of redundancy provided by each

test. Second, multiple regression was used to regress SAGE scores on KTEA scores and on

DIBELS Next scores to measure the predictive power of each benchmark assessment on SAGE

outcomes, as in SAGE = b0 + b1(KTEA) +b2(DIBELS Next) + e.

Redundancy of the information was calculated using the coefficient of determination

between each set of scores. The correlation between KTEA and DIBELS Next scores provided

the redundancy through r2.


Separate multiple linear regression analyses were calculated to determine relationships

among the two SAGE subtests: 2015 reading literature and 2015 informational text. KTEA and

DIBELS Next were then correlated using the Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient.

The first research question asked the extent to which reading scores on DIBELS Next and

KTEA predict reading scores on SAGE. The SAGE scores for Reading Literature and

Informational Text were analyzed with the KTEA and DIBELS Next data in a predictive

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manner. KTEA was significantly correlated with both SAGE tests and DIBELS Next was

significantly correlated with both SAGE tests.

The second research question asked the extent to which reading literature scores provide

redundant information. Analysis shows that KTEA, DIBELS Next, and SAGE reading literature

provide redundant information. The zero-order correlations between KTEA, SAGE and DIBELS

Next are 0.478 and 0.409 which are significant. Individually, each test is a predictor. However,

the partial correlations are 0.272 and -0.007, which are not significant. In the presence of each

other, they do not have significant unique predictive ability, indicating redundancy.

The zero-order correlations for KTEA and DIBELS Next with SAGE Informational Text

were 0.241 and 0.141, which were not significant. Individually, the tests are not significant

predictors of SAGE 2015 Informational Text. The partial correlation coefficients were 0.238 and

-0.136, which were not significant. The predictors do not provide significant unique prediction in

the presence of each other.

The zero-order correlations between KTEA and DIBELS Next with SAGE Reading

Literature were 0.713 and 0.703, which are significant (Table 3). Each test is a significant

predictor of Reading Literature by itself. However, the partial correlation coefficients were 0.306

and 0.261, which were not significant.

The zero order correlations between KTEA and DIBELS Next) with SAGE Informational Text

were 0.425 and 0.571 which were significant. The partial correlations were -.142 and 0.440.

Only the DIBELS Next 15 provided unique information in the presence of KTEA 14. KTEA 14

in the presence of DIBELS Next 14 does not provide new information.

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Table 3

Results of the Regression of SAGE 2015 Reading Literature Scores on 2014 KTEA Scores and DIBELS Next 2015 Scores Unstandardized







Std. Error





KTEA 1.583 0.947 0.415 1.671 0.713 0.306


0.215 0.153 0.350 1.407 0.703 0.261

Table 4

Results of the Regression for SAGE 2015 Reading Informational Text Scores on 2014 KTEA and 2015 DIBELS Scores Unstandardized

coefficients Standardized coefficients




Std. Error






Constant 212.202 80.163 2.647 .013

KTEA 15 1.745 1.322 .464 1.320 .197 .241 .238

DIBELS 16 -.154 .209 -.259 -.737 .467 .141 -.136

The zero order correlations between KTEA and DIBELS Next with SAGE Informational

Text were 0.425 and 0.571 which were significant. The partial correlations were -.142 and 0.440.

Only the DIBELS Next provided unique information in the presence of KTEA. KTEA in the

presence of DIBELS Next does not provide new information.


Zero-order correlations are significant for both KTEA and DIBELS Next in predicting

SAGE scores, indicating that each test predicts SAGE scores to some degree. Partial correlations

for KTEA, DIBELS Next, and SAGE are not significant, meaning that combining KTEA and

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DIBELS Next produces enough redundancy that the combination does little to improve

predictive power. The zero-order significance indicates that the test with the largest correlation

would be most useful for predicting SAGE scores at the school.

Pearson correlation coefficients indicate the degree to which scores on KTEA and

DIBELS Next predicted SAGE subtest scores. The KTEA predicted SAGE Reading Literature

scores with a coefficient of .488 and the SAGE Informational Text scores with a coefficient of

.464, both considered moderate (Cronk, 2010). In 2015, DIBELS Next predicted both the

SAGE-15 Reading Literature and Informational Text scores with a coefficient of .760, a strong

correlation. Therefore, the DIBELS Next was a better predictor of SAGE scores than the KTEA.

These results add to those reported by Espin et al. (2010), Marchand and Furrer (2014),

Merino and Beckman (2010), Miller et al. (2015), and Nese et al. (2011); all of which reported

that curriculum-based measurement benchmarks reliably predicted performance on high stakes

tests. Data indicate that DIBELS Next predicts comprehension scores as measured by SAGE

Reading Literature and Informational Text. The authors did not find peer-reviewed research

regarding the predictive power of KTEA for end-of-level test scores, despite searching multiple

data bases. This is likely due to the specific nature of the KTEA. The KTEA is an individually

administered achievement battery commonly used for identifying specific skill strengths and

deficits in children with significant academic deficits or suspected learning disabilities. It would

be expensive in time and other resources to assess every child individually on a test that is not

designed for school-wide benchmarking and takes significantly longer to administer than


The problems addressed by this study were twofold: teachers currently administer more

reading assessments than may be necessary to monitor student progress during the school year,

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and teachers lack information about the effectiveness of these assessments for predicting

outcomes on the end-of-year SAGE assessment. Results of the study indicate that school-wide

DIBELS Next testing at benchmark points during the year is useful in predicting performance on

the SAGE test. Therefore, it is unnecessary for the school to administer more than one predictive

test during the year.


The study was limited in that participant scores represented 75% of the students in grades

3-6, leaving one-fourth of student scores unaccounted for in the analysis. There is no way to

know the possible effects of the additional scores in calculating the impact on the two predictor

variables. The study was also limited in that the SAGE scores were from the second year of

statewide testing with no validity or reliability studies conducted to establish these key

characteristics of the test. In addition, the results only apply to the years represented by the

predictor and criterion data used and cannot be generalized to other assessments in subsequent


Implications for Practice

Results of the study indicate that DIBELS Next benchmark scores are strongly correlated

with results on the SAGE test. Schools should feel confident in using the DIBELS Next results

to identify and intervene with students who may be at risk for low performance on the end-of-

level test.

Implications for Further Research

Richardson et al. 2012 compared students for whom home languages were either Spanish

or English and found that curriculum-based measurement under predicted end of year test scores

for non-native English speakers. The current study did not differentiate between native and non-

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native English speakers, but these associations are worthy of future study. Further, it would be

useful to compare results across multiple schools and to look at Social Economic Status or other


This study compared KTEA data from 2014 and DIBELS Next and SAGE data from

2015. Further studies should compare tests given in the same year or years with the

corresponding end-of-level tests to avoid possible differences in the SAGE itself or in the study

participants across years.


Periodic benchmark assessments can help schools predict student outcomes on high-

stakes tests. The utility of these predictions lies in using benchmark data to modify instruction,

student groupings, or other elements of the school program to enhance student learning and

preparedness for end-of-level assessments. This study shows that DIBELS Next strongly

predicts outcomes on the Utah SAGE assessment, and can be used by schools and districts to

track student preparation for high-stakes tests.

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Armbruster, B. B., Lehr, F., & Osborn, J. (2001). Put reading first: The research building blocks

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Catts, H. W., Nielsen, D. C, Bridges, M. S., Liu, Y. S., & Bontempo, D. E. (2015). Early

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School Failure, 36(2), 5–10. doi: 10.1080/1045988X.1992.9944262

Good, R. H., & Kaminski, R. A. (2011). DIBELS Next assessment manual. Eugene, OR:

Dynamic Measurement Group.

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Utah State Board of Education. (2015a). Information for educators on Utah’s SAGE assessment

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Utah State Office of Education. (2015b). State of Utah October 1st enrollment counts for school

year 2015-2016. Retrieved from http://www.schools.utah.gov/data/Reports/Enrollment-


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Pretest, posttest, grade-level test, pass, fail, above grade level and below grade level are

terms of importance to administrators, educators, parents, and students. Assessment is a way of

measuring not only a student’s academic knowledge, but also a teacher’s effectiveness. The

multiplicity of assessments in modern American schools represents the demand for

accountability to the nation, to states, and to district and school patrons.

Assessment in schools can be formative or summative. Formative assessment is

“concerned with how judgements about the quality of student responses (performances, pieces,

or works) can be used to shape and improve the students’ competence by short-circuiting the

randomness and inefficiency of trial-and-error learning” (Sadler, 1989, p. 120). Educators use

formative assessment to determine where students are functioning after a lesson or unit in the

classroom. Formative data can be used by teachers to alter or continue instructional strategies

depending on student progress. Therefore, the purpose of formative assessment is to drive

instructional decisions. Summative assessment “contrasts with formative assessment in that it is

concerned with summing up or summarizing the achievement status of a student, and is geared

towards reporting the end of a course of study” (Sadler, 1989, p. 120). Educators use summative

assessment to show achievement and growth at the end of instructional units, courses, or from

one school year to the Next. Formative assessments are usually informal and often created by

teachers, whereas summative assessment can be informal or standardized.

Standardized Testing

Standardized tests are those that insure the same conditions for all participants by using

specific test items common to all test takers and that use directions common to each

administration (Glossary of Educational Reform, 2015). Test results compare individuals or

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groups to establish normative standards and are the commonly used tools of accountability in

public education. As educational practices continue to evolve, so does the multitude of

assessments used in schools and districts. Testing that impacts school, district, and state standing

within the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is often called high-stakes

testing (Lewis & Hardy, 2014). Haladyna (2006) defines high-stakes testing as “the use of test

scores that have a significant consequence for students, teachers, schools, and school districts,”

including decisions about “graduation, promotion, school accountability, federal funding, No

Child Left Behind, and merit pay” (p. 23). Performance on high-stakes testing are used to grade

districts, schools, and even teachers in ways that inform students, teachers, and administrators.

Good performance on valid and reliable tests can indicate successful teaching and leadership,

while poor performance can label schools as ineffective. These data interest teachers and

administrators who recognize that “reputational capital” is important to build and protect in test-

based accountability systems (Lewis & Hardy, 2014 p. 259).

Unfortunately, high-stakes tests can cause concern for students, teachers, administrators

and families who lack access to, or understanding of, factors beyond percentile ranks. Because

standardized tests do not take all human and environmental variables into consideration, results

may be difficult to interpret. Haladyna (2006) highlighted key influences on student

performance that are not indicated by test scores including student motivation, test-taking skills,

differences in classroom instruction, student strategies for preparation, differences in test

construction, and variation in the results of hand-scored tests. Studies of specific performance

variables on high-stakes testing identified test anxiety (Segool, Carlson, Goforth, von der Embse,

& Barterian, 2013; von der Embse & Witmer, 2014) and student boredom with test preparation

(Mora, 2011). These variables may affect the complexity of test results and the inferences based

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on them, but the effects are difficult to measure (Brennan, 2015). Still, standardized assessments

generally provide the reliability of test scores demanded by stakeholders even though the validity

may be questioned (Brennan, 2015).

History of Standardized Testing in the US

Until the mid-1800s there was no uniform system of public schooling in the US;

therefore, there was no systematic assessment of student progress. Most of the population lived

in small rural communities in which schools were ungraded, sporadically attended, and led by

one adult who was usually not trained for teaching (Reese, 2013). This began to change when

Horace Mann became the secretary of the newly formed Massachusetts Board of Education in

1837. Mann’s investigations of existing schools in America and in Europe convinced him that

the only democratic way to educate America’s youth was to establish a school system with

common standards. In 1843 he recommended that the Board control textbooks used in schools to

insure that students had uniform access to information (Mann, 1843). He then applied the same

reasoning to testing. At the time, students were assessed by memorizing book passages and

reciting them when called upon (Mann, 1845). Mann realized that recitation depended more on

mechanical recall than on thinking skills, and he believed that students attended to content only

as needed to recite it to the teacher. In 1845, he recommended written questions common to

students by grade and subject that could be compared impartially (Mann, 1845). This early

move toward standardization eventually led to modern testing.

Early in the 20th century, psychologists began using scientific methods for assessing

intelligence (Giordano, 2005). Binet, Galton, Terman and others designed tests that produced

scores and could be compared across individuals. Soon academicians began to apply the same

science to academic studies (Cubberly, 1934; Giordano, 2005). Standardized testing became a

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way to determine if schools were fair and efficient (U.S. Congress, 1992). Parents needed to

know that their children’s education was equivalent to others’ education, and government and

administrative stake holders needed assurance that schools were orderly and efficient in

educating all children. The 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act was the U.S.

government’s first mandate for using standardized testing to measure and compare students,

requiring it for Title 1 schools (Scott, 2004). Since that time, standardized testing has become

the accepted and primary means for measuring and reporting accountability in the nation’s

schools (Gallagher, 2003; Wiliam, 2010).

Curriculum-Based Assessment and Measurement

Curriculum-based assessment differs from standardized testing in that it is used by

educators to track and improve student performance. These data show the teacher the progress

and effectiveness that the curriculum and instruction are having on the student (Deno, 1992). By

teachers tracking the effectiveness of instruction in the classroom, instructional methods can be

altered to find the best positive projective. This also provides the teachers with data that can be

used as evidence of where the students have been and where they are going (Marchand & Furrer,


There are two general types of curriculum-based measures: curriculum-based assessment

and curriculum-based measurement. Curriculum-based assessment is commonly defined as one-

time testing performed at the end of a unit, semester or year (Deno, 1992). In contrast,

curriculum-based measurement is used repeatedly to assess the growth in student learning and

can be compared to formative assessment for demonstrating progress.

Nese, Park, Alonzo, and Tindal (2011) applied curriculum-based measurement as a

predictor of high stakes test scores. By examining the relationship between curriculum-based

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benchmarks for passage reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension; and state end-

of-year assessments reading scores, Nese et al. found that teachers could reliably use the

benchmark scores to identify students at risk for failing the state test.

Another study demonstrated the effects of curriculum-based measurement with end-of-

year testing. Marchand and Furrer (2014) analyzed data from 750 students in grades 3, 4 and 5

using teacher and student reports of student classroom engagement and Nevada state criterion-

referenced reading test scores. Student engagement was reported by both teachers and students

using a four-point scale with options ranging from not true to true. Results showed that teacher

reports and oral reading fluency scores from CBM-Reading strongly predicted students’ scores

for informational, literary, and functional text on the state end-of-year test. Findings also showed

that student engagement added to the importance of increasing performance of students with

reading difficulties.

Additional studies have investigated the amount of data needed from curriculum-based

measurement to establish a valid growth estimation in reading scores (Jenkins, Graff, &

Migloretti, 2009). The authors found that the amount of progress monitoring in classrooms could

be greatly reduced and still produce adequate information to produce a valid projected score.

The authors looked at recording scores every third through ninth week to see if they could still

create the optimal projective rate. They found that teachers who record data points one or two

times a week can decrease to every other week for all students. Using less time to measure

progress gave teachers more time for instruction.

Curriculum-based measurement research has also been applied with maze measures of

reading comprehension. To assess the reliability of curriculum-based measurement with reading

comprehension, Espin et al. (2010) had students read passages aloud for one, two or three

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minutes. After completing the oral reading, the students completed a two- to four-minute maze

task in which they selected one of three word choices to fill in each blank on the sheet. The

authors then looked to see if these scores were compatible with the state testing scores. Results

indicated that the reading comprehension scores were predictors of the state end-of-level test.

Progress Monitoring

Progress monitoring is an application of curriculum-based measurement that allows

teachers to see and create change in a student’s performance over a period of time (Deno, 1992).

Progress monitoring is used in schools to track the progress of students in between benchmark

assessments, as well as through the year, to project whether or not individual students will

achieve benchmarks or be on grade level by the end of the year. This approach is not just a

record of the students’ achievement. It also measures the effects of teachers’ practices in the

classroom through their teaching strategies (Deno, 1992). Progress monitoring indicates the

effectiveness of classroom instruction by tracking students’ performance to demonstrate what

areas need improvement or need to be taught in more depth for students to reach proficiency.

Instruction is then targeted at the specific point in the academic learning that is weak (Catts,

Nielsen, Bridges, Liu, & Bontempo, 2015).

Progress monitoring results are usually graphed to depict the slope of student

achievement over time (Deno, 1992). When the target is a specific benchmark or aim point, then

the slope indicates whether or not students are on track to meet achievement objectives. Progress

monitoring can also be quite indicative in a short period of time. Thornblad and Christ (2014)

found that six weeks of daily monitoring produced valid and reliable indicators of student growth

for reading. Jenkins et al. (2009) noted that less frequent monitoring will also produce accurate

predictions provided that a sufficient number of scores are used.

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Repeated measures over time require alternate forms of progress monitoring assessments

to avoid test-retest gain (Catron & Thompson, 1979) and writers have emphasized the

importance of verifying the reliability of alternate forms (Espin, Wallace, Lembke, Campbell, &

Long, 2010). This is especially important when using progress monitoring to predict outcomes

on high-stakes tests (Espin et al., 2010; Nese et al., 2011). Researchers have found that while

forms may be comparable, it is more difficult to achieve equivalence. Betts, Pickart, and Heistad

(2009) found that alternate forms of curriculum-based measurement passages for reading were

not equivalent when compared using identical raw scores, but the results across forms were

comparable within grade levels.

Researchers have used progress monitoring to predict scores on summative standardized

tests. Richardson, Hawken, and Kircher (2012) used maze comprehension testing to compare

students who speak predominantly Spanish at home with native English speakers, and to

compare Hispanic student outcomes to those of Caucasian students. The authors found that

maze measures under predicted scores on end-of-year high stakes tests for Hispanic students and

non-native English speakers, but accurately predicted outcomes for Caucasian students and

native English speakers. Curriculum-based measures of comprehension used with Tennessee 3rd

grade readers demonstrated strong predictive power for end-of-level tests (Miller, Bell, &

McCallum, 2015), as did oral reading and maze measures for Nebraska students in grades two

through five (Merino & Beckman, 2010).

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills

The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS Next) measure reading

skills from kindergarten through 6th grade. The National Reading Panel (Armbrustur, Lehr, &

Osborn, 2001) identified five critical components for successful reading including phonemic

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awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension. DIBELS NEXT assesses each

of these components and can be administered in a few minutes, providing a quick view of

student ability that informs early intervention (Good & Kaminski, 2011).

DIBELS NEXT was designed in the late 1980’s based on curriculum-based measurement

as a result of initial research at the University of Oregon. Curriculum-based measurement and

DIBELS NEXT both aim for an economical and efficient way to demonstrate student growth

towards achievement. DIBELS NEXT, the current version, measures six areas in reading that

can be monitored for progress over time, including first sound fluency, letter naming fluency,

phoneme segmentation fluency, nonsense word fluency, oral reading fluency, and text

comprehension (Good & Kaminski, 2011). Elliot, Lee and Tollefson (2001) described the skill

sets in a study of the validity and reliability of DIBELS NEXT:

The DIBELS NEXT evaluate a set of early literacy skills identified in the literature as

directly related to and facilitative of later reading competence. Student knowledge of the

letter names, sound-symbol relationships, and phonemic awareness in kindergarten have

all been identified as important predicators of later literacy. (p. 34)

DIBELS NEXT Reliability and Validity

Elliot et al. (2001) tested the reliability and validity of DIBELS NEXT using a population

of 75 kindergartners from four classrooms in three different elementary schools. The authors

used repeated administrations to calculate reliability and validity of the tests as a whole as well

and for individual subtests. Table 1 shows that the subtests have relatively strong reliability

between interraters and from one test episode to the next, but less so for equivalent forms.

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Table 1

Single-Passage and Three-Passage (Triad) Alternate-Form Reliability for DIBELS NEXT ORF Benchmark Passage from Study D

Median Reliability


Number of Students

Number of Passages

Median Passage Means

Median Passage SD’s

Median Triad Means

Median Triad SDs



Third 22 32 109.89 39.13 110.44 38.01 .93 .97

Fourth 23 32 131.87 31.99 132.47 31.01 .90 .94

Fifth 23 32 136.24 36.07 137.33 34.62 .92 .96

Sixth 24 32 150.99 28.63 148.02 27.63 .84 .90

Note. Based on Good, Kaminsky, Dewey, Wallin, Powell-Smith, & Latimer, 2013, p. 89.

Reliability is important because progress monitoring requires the comparison of scores

from one assessment to the Next. Reliability is the statement of consistency of results across

multiple measures. If assessments do not contain equivalent content for each alternate form, then

students can be proficient in a test one day and not do as well the Next. The Elliot et al. (2001)

data indicate a strong reliability for the DIBELS NEXT subtests.

Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement

The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA) was developed by clinical

psychologists Alan S. Kaufman, PhD and Nadeen L. Kaufman, PhD. with the original name of

K-ABC (Pearson, 2016). Currently in its third edition, the KTEA is a norm-referenced test

designed to compare student achievement to that of other students in the same age and grade

(Cole, 2012). Each test is designed with an increase of testing time based on grade level: preK-K

are given a 30 minute testing session, grades 1–2 a 50 minute testing session, and grade 3 and

above an 80 minute session.

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KTEA subtests include comprehensive achievement, reading, math, decoding, written

language, sound symbol, oral language, and oral language fluency. Subtest scores are combined

to form a composite score. Separate types of questions within each section measure students’

knowledge. For example, the math composite score is a combination of math concepts and

application, math computation, and math fluency, all of which encompass multiple topic areas

(Kaufman & Kaufman, 2004).

KTEA-3 Brief Reliability

The KTEA-3 Brief form includes letter and word recognition along with reading

comprehension. The reliability of each test score is a statement of its ability to consistently

reproduce similar results. In order for test results to be reliable, valid and interpretable, they

must be relatively resistant to errors of measurement that could cause the score to change

substantially if the child were retested on a different occasion or with an alternative set of items

(Kaufman, 2004). Reliability is based on four key factors: (a) the items measure the same skill

(b) the extent that performance on tasks is determined by the skill being measured, (c) the

number of items being measured (the larger the quantity of items the higher the reliability), and

(d) the consistency with which a person responds to the same or parallel items in different

situations (Kaufman, 2004). Strong reliability allows educators to use data to develop instruction

to help students achieve desired goals.

All but two KTEA subtests have reliability coefficients. Word recognition fluency and

decoding fluency provide only one opportunity for students to complete the task, so reliability

has not been determined. The reliability of the KTEA with all the subtests was calculated to find

the overall stability of the test over time using the four criteria listed above (Kaufman, 2004) and

is reflected in terms of internal consistency. The internal consistency of the KTEA was

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calculated using Cronbach’s Alpha applied to the reliabilities of each subtest, which are .90 and

above for the KTEA. The breakdown of consistencies include comprehensive achievement

composite (.97), reading composite (.96), math composite (.96), decoding composite (.97), and

written language composite and sound symbol composite (.93). The oral language composite and

oral fluency composite are the only two that fall below .90, but are still a respectable .87 for the

oral language composite and .85 the oral fluency composite (Kaufman, 2004). Overall, the

KTEA has a high probability of reliable measurement over multiple occasions and settings.

Student Assessment for Growth and Excellence (SAGE)

The Student Assessment for Growth and Excellence (SAGE) is a computer-adaptive

summative test aligned with the Utah core curriculum and used as the end-of-year high-stakes

assessment in Utah schools. SAGE tests reading, language arts, math, science, and writing in

grades 3 through 6. In reading, students are tested on listening comprehension as well as the

reading standards that align with the student’s grade level. SAGE is an adaptive test, meaning

that the testing software analyzes a student’s answer to one question to determine the question

that will follow (Utah State Board of Education, 2015a). Therefore, “the difficulty of the test

will adjust to each student’s skills, providing a better measure of what each student knows and

can do” (Utah State Board of Education, 2015a, p. 2).

SAGE also offers optional fall and winter versions that schools can use to inform

instruction and monitor student progress. A formative teacher instruction manual with guidance

on classroom instruction is available, but not required for use. The computerized SAGE requires

students to create “graphs, interact with science simulation, and write and respond in multiple

different ways. These question types will assess higher-order thinking skills” (Utah State Board

of Education, 2015b, p. 1). With the Utah State Core relying more upon higher order analysis

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and problem solving skills, these questions provide a more in depth questioning assessment. By

having the students think in this manner, Utah is planning to prepare students for careers of the

21st century (Utah State Board of Education, 2015b).

During the first year of SAGE testing in Spring 2014, processing the results took a long

time. Results are now calculated electronically and available soon after students have completed

the assessment (Utah State Board of Education, 2015b). The first year of testing also returned

lower scores due to more rigorous standards and student unfamiliarity with the testing format

(Utah State Board of Education, 2015b). The State office maintains that “students’ proficiency

will increase as students, parents, and educator’s work together to implement the new standards

and assessments” (Utah State Board of Education, 2015a, p. 1).

The Utah State Office of Education reports that no norming procedures were conducted

prior to implementing the assessment. Instead, the State is collecting norming data as the tests

are implemented in the schools. Therefore, the reliability and validity of SAGE was yet to be

assessed or verified in 2015.

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