Company Cortex Services v0

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  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    Service ProviderProfessional Services Agreement


    EMS-Cortex Ltd and [Company]

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 2 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________



    Agreement dated: [Day Month Year]This Service Provider Professional Services Agreement is between [Company](the Service Provider,

    Customer, Client, you or your) and EMS-Cortex Limited(EMS , we, our or us).


    This agreement sets out the framework for the delivery of software-related services including

    implementation, configuration, development and other services. All pricing is as per the pricing documents

    in Appendix A. These must be initialled and returned with the contracts.

    B.Operative Part

    What comes first - priority in the documents

    We use this agreement in concert with other documentation. In the event of a conflict between one or

    more of these documents, the conflict will be resolved by giving priority to the document highest on the

    following list:

    Any Special Conditions Addendum; This Agreement; and The Statements of Work. and any Software customisation work undertaken by EMS under the Services Agreement, licensed

    to Service Provider

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 3 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________

    If things go wrong

    Dealing with problems in the future requires us both to acknowledge today that we may be faced with

    challenges that have no easy answers. If we find ourselves in that situation those problems will be resolved

    by us both:

    (a) communicating with each other on the problem;(b) committing to a plan of action; and(c) acting with good faith and best endeavours.

    This agreement sets out in detail how the process of resolving problems (including termination) is


    Finding out what a Special Term means

    These terms and conditions contain many definitions. Defined words or phrases and the rules governing

    how this agreement is to be interpreted are set out in clause 1. You will know when a term is a defined

    term because the term is capitalised.

    1. Definitions and Interpretation


    In this agreement, unless the context requires otherwise:

    Agreementmeans this Service Provider Professional Services Agreement and all Statements of Work agreed

    and signed off between the parties.

    Business Daymeans any day other than a Saturday or Sunday or statutory holiday in Auckland, New


    Change Variation means any request made by either Partyto the otherfor any changes to a Statement of


    Change Variation Specification means the detailed specifications of a Change Variation.

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 4 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________

    Contract Details means the information specified in the Contract Details;

    Fees means the amounts payable by the Service Provider for the Services as specified in the relevant

    Statement of Work.

    Intellectual Propertymeans any intellectual property, including without limitation trade marks, service

    marks, rights in inventions, patents, brand names, registered designs, copyright, know how, trade secrets

    and any other proprietary rights which may arise from intellectual activity.

    Project Plan means a project plan which forms part of a Statement of Works;

    Parties means EMS-Cortex Limited and the Customer;

    Services means the services specified in a Statement of Workwhich could include without limitation

    implementation and integration of the Software, providing documentation and training or custom

    development work.

    Software means the EMS-Cortex software (including without limitation the EMS-Cortex table structures)

    and including all updates and new releases and accompanying on-line or printed documentation, but

    excludes the source code.

    Special Conditions Addendum means a Special Conditions Addendum and any other special conditions as

    agreed in writing by the Parties.

    Statement of Workmeans a document in the form attached as schedule 1 to this agreement specifying the

    Services that we are to supply to you under this agreement, our charges, payment terms, timetable, the

    respective responsibilities of each Partyand the criteria by which each Service shall be considered to have

    been completely delivered to you.


    In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:

    (a) Words (including words defined in this agreement) denoting the singular number only shall includethe plural and vice versa;

    (b) Any period shall (unless the contrary is expressly stated or defined) include the whole of the day onwhich the period commences and the whole of the day on which it expires;

    (c) Any reference to legislation, statute, regulation, ruling, code, rules or ordinance includes referenceto any modification, substitute for, consolidation or re-enactment of it and any regulation, order in

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 5 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________

    council or other instrument from time to time made or issued under such legislation, statute,

    regulation, ruling, code, rules or ordinance;

    (d) A document or agreement between the Parties to this agreement (including this agreement)includes such document or agreement as modified varied, supplemented, novated, replaced or

    substituted from time to time;

    (e) Any reference to the Parties shall include their assignees or purchasers; and(f) Headings, marginal notes, the table of contents, introduction and index are included for

    convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this agreement except where the

    headings are used to indicate a cross reference between clauses.

    2. Scope

    2.1 Details of all work performed under this Agreement is as specified in Statements of Work. A Statementof Work will be prepared and must be approved in writing by the Service Provider before EMS will

    commence work under the Statement of Work.

    2.2 We agree to supply you with our Services in accordance with the terms and conditions contained inthis agreement and as specified in the Our Responsibilities section of each Statement of Work.

    2.3 You agree to perform the tasks and functions specified in the Your Responsibilities section of eachStatement of Work.

    2.4 Where either of us wish to alter the Services as specified in the Statements of Workwe each agree toutilise the Change Variation procedure.

    2.5 The prices for Services are based on the pricing information in schedule 2. Specific price and paymentterms for the Services shall be as specified in the Statements ofWork (with Statements of Work

    referring back to the pricing in schedule 2 where applicable).

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 6 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________

    3. Estimated Timetable

    3.1 The start date for the Services:(a)the signature date of the applicable Statement of Work; or(b)the execution date of the Contract Details; or(c) the start date specified in the Project Plan,whichever is the later.

    3.2 We will use our reasonable endeavours to complete the Services within the time estimates and costestimates contained in the Statements of Work. However, you acknowledge that:

    (a)while we will use our reasonable endeavours to accurately estimate our time and costs to providethe Services, we shall not be bound by these estimates unless they are expressed to be fixed; and

    (b)changes in your plans or unforeseen circumstances may adversely impact on our ability to deliverthe Services on schedule and that in such circumstances, unless the relevant Statement of Work

    provides otherwise, we shall not be liable for delays in the delivery of the Services.

    3.3 The dates continued within the Statements of Workrepresent our and your best efforts to estimatethe time required for the completion of the tasks. Either of us may request changes to these dates by

    submitting a Change Variation.

    4. Completion Criteria

    4.1 Each Statement of Workincludes a description of documents or actions which must take place toindicate completion of each Service.

    4.2 We shall notify you in writing when we are satisfied that one or more of the Services have beencompletely delivered. You agree to undertake the necessary tests on the document or action and to

    confirm the outcome of the tests in writing to us within 5 Business Days of notice from us that the

    document or action is completely delivered. If we have not received written notice of the outcome of

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 7 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________

    any test within 5 Business Days of notification by us that a document or action is available for testing

    then the document or action shall be deemed to be accepted.

    4.3 If the document or action is not accepted by you then:(a)your notice to us shall set out in detail the factors which resulted in the document or action as set

    out in the Statement of Work being unacceptable; and

    (b)If we agree that the document or action is not in accordance with the Statement of Work, we shallrepair the defect(s) and resubmit the document or action for acceptance.

    This process shall continue iteratively until the document or action is accepted. Any document or

    action identified by you that is not set out in the Statement of Work will be dealt with using the

    Change Variation Process.

    4.4 You shall give us notice in writing of when and where any test will occur. We shall be entitled to havean observer present at any test.

    5. Personnel

    5.1 You agree to provide our personnel with adequate access to your premises or computer systems toallow them to provide the Services.

    5.2 If either Partyconsiders that one of the other Party's employees should be removed from theperformance of this agreement then that Partyshall submit its request to the othergiving reasons.

    The Parties shall communicate via phone, email or in person to consider that Party's request and if it

    considers that Party's reasons are reasonable order the withdrawal of the employee.

    5.3 You acknowledge that our employees are critical to servicing our customers. You shall not employ orotherwise engage any employee of ours for a period of six months following that employee providing

    you with our services. In the event that this prohibition is violated you shall pay us half any such

    employee's annual salary as a contribution towards recruitment and/or training for a replacement(s),

    in addition to any other rights and remedies that we may have.

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 8 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________

    6. Implied Terms


    The Parties agree that any condition or warranty (statutory, express or implied) that would otherwisebe implied in this agreement is excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law, including, without

    limitation, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for purpose.

    6.2 Where a condition or warranty cannot legally be excluded the liability for a Partybreaching thatcondition or warranty shall be limited, if permitted by law, to one or more of:

    (a)The supplying of the Services again; or(b)The payment of the cost of having the Services supplied again.

    7. Addition and Deletion of Tasks

    7.1 The Parties may only add or delete tasks in the Statement of Work if the addition or deletion is:(a)agreed on unanimously; and(b)the tasks do not materially or substantially alter the Services or any other thing governed by this


    8. Change Variations

    8.1 Change Variations may be required where you determine that the requirements set out in the agreedscope of work in a Statement of Work have changed. These changes must be dealt with using the

    change variation process.

    8.2 The Parties shall meet regularly to consider Change Variations and prepare Change VariationSpecifications for Change Variations.

    8.3 If you determine that you have insufficient information or resources to prepare a Change VariationSpecification, you may request that we prepare the Change VariationSpecification.

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 9 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________

    9. Change Variation Specifications

    9.1 You agree to prepare a Change Variation Specification if required to do so by us.9.2 If the Change Variation is submitted by you then you shall bear the cost of preparing the Change

    Variation Specification.

    9.3 If requested we shall submit an estimate of our costs to prepare a Change Variation Specification toyou for approval prior to commencing work on the Change Variation Specification.

    10.Intellectual Property

    10.1All Intellectual Property in the Services and deliverables resulting from the provision of Services underthis Agreement vests in EMS on creation. Nothing in this Agreement assigns any Intellectual Property

    rights to the Service Provider.

    11.Limitation of Liability

    11.1This clause 11 applies if for any reason the limitation in clause 6.2 is unenforceable and it also appliesin respect of any other liability that may arise under or in respect of this agreement.

    11.2EMS is only liable to the Service Provider for losses which flow directly or naturally from a breach ofthis Agreement, but excluding loss of profits, up to a maximum of the Fees paid by the Service Provider

    to EMS in the six months preceding the event giving rise to the claim.

    11.3EMS has no liability to the Service Provider for any loss, damage or injury whether arising in contract,tort (including in each case negligence), equity or otherwise which does not flow directly or naturally

    (i.e. in the ordinary course of events) from a breach of this Agreement including, in each case

    consequential loss of business or profits or other loss.

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 10 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________


    12.1Either party (terminating party) may by written notice to the other party terminate this Agreementimmediately if the other party

    (a)breaches any of its obligations under this Agreement (including the warranties) and fails to remedyor adequately compensate for such breach within 10 Business Days after notice from the

    terminating party specifying the breach and requiring it to be remedied; or

    (b)goes into liquidation or has a receiver or statutory manager appointed of its assets or any of themor becomes insolvent, ceases to carry on its business or makes any composition or arrangement

    with its creditors.

    12.2Termination of this Agreement will not affect the rights or obligations of the parties which haveaccrued prior to termination or by their nature are intended to survive.

    12.3If any work is outstanding under a Statement of Work at the time of termination of this Agreement,such termination will only take effect on completion and payment in full by you of all such work. You

    may waive the requirement that we complete all work but must pay all amounts under the Statement

    of Work as if that waiver had not been given.

    13.General Provisions

    13.1The parties are independent contractors to each other. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to makeeither of them a joint venturer, partner, agent or fiduciary of the other.

    13.2Any amendment, modification or variation to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by boththe Service Provider and an authorized representative of EMS.

    13.3If any provision of this Agreement is found void or unenforceable, the remainder will remain valid andenforceable according to its terms.

    13.4EMS may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement at anytime without notice to TheService Provider. The Service Provider may not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this

    Agreement without prior written consent from EMS, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 11 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________

    13.5This Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and governed by the laws of New Zealand. The partiessubmit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.

    13.6Any notice given under this Agreement must be faxed or delivered to the other party's address set outbelow. Notices or other communications are deemed received:

    (a) if delivered by post:i. on the third day following posting if sent and received within New Zealand; andii. on the tenth day following posting to or from an overseas destination.

    (b)if delivered by facsimile, on production of a transmission report by the machine from which thefacsimile was sent in its entirety to the facsimile number of the recipient, specifying the correct

    number of pages sent, the date and time of transmission and that transmission was successful,

    provided that the onus of proving receipt shall be on the sender.

    The Service Provider: EMS:



    Name: Colin Williams

    Position: General Manager, EMS-Cortex

    Postal Address: Postal Address:

    PO Box 19324, Avondale, 1746


    New Zealand

    Fax: Fax:

    +64 9 829 55 01

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 12 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________

    EXECUTED as an agreementTHE SERVICE PROVIDER by:

    _______________________________________ Date: ________________________



    In the presence of:


    Name: __________________________

    Occupation: __________________________

    Address: __________________________


    ________________________________________ Date: ________________________

    Colin Williams - General Manager, EMS-Cortex

    In the presence of:


    Name: Jocelyn Brittain

    Occupation: Development Manager, EMS-Cortex

    Address: 30 Copsey Place, Avondale, Auckland, New Zealand

  • 8/6/2019 Company Cortex Services v0


    EMS-Cortex Professional Services Agreement

    P a g e | 13 Initials:

    EMS: _________________

    Service Provider: _________________



    Statement of Work

    Cortex Dev Reference

    Document Authors

    Document Version

    Last Updated On 20 November 2008

    1. Background

    2. Scope

    3. Payment Terms

    Work will be invoiced at the end of the month in which the work was completed.

    4. Acceptance

    Please acknowledge your acceptance of this statement of work by email or fax.