Our community investments in Timor-Leste have a specific focus on education, health, environmental management and capacity building. Our investment is driven by relationships; with our employees, our stakeholders and the communities in which we live and work. Education Our commitment to youth and education in Timor-Leste is demonstrated by supporting educational institutions and programs. Our Fulbright-SERN Scholarship Program enables talented Timorese students to pursue post-graduate studies in oil and gas related areas in the United States of America. Negotiated in conjunction with the US Embassy and the National Petroleum Authority, it assists with education fees, English language tuition and other expenses. We recognise the vital role that education and literacy play in the life paths of children. To this end, we also support the Alola Foundation’s Education and Literacy Program which develops learning and teaching resources, undertakes professional teacher development and operates an Education Resource Centre. Health We also support Alola’s Maternal and Child Health Program, which aims to reduce infant and maternal mortality by offering educational resources and support for expectant mothers. Another important relationship is with St. John of God Outreach Services and the Timor-Leste Government to help deliver the Nursing and Pathology Development Program in Dili National Hospital. This project is aimed at decreasing mortality and morbidity among patients treated in Timor-Leste’s public hospitals through improved nursing standards. Capacity Building We have sought to help build local capacity and skills in agricultural production, through partnering with USAID to expand the reach of its Horticulture Project which provides farmers with skills development in the areas of fruit and vegetable production, sales and marketing. The project has reached hundreds of farming families and contributed to sustainable community development outcomes. Farmers have improved the quality of their farms and homes, increased their incomes, and now contribute to community activities that benefit the whole village. The Balibo Fort Restoration Program is another initiative that has important historical and cultural significance as well as supporting tourism growth. Environmental Management With our support Santalum, has delivered a Reforestation Project involving the planting of more than 10,000 seedlings in Tasi Tolu to prevent soil erosion. The success has prompted expansion of a second reforestation project in Kasait. We have supported many other initiatives, ranging from health and education to the arts and disaster relief. We welcome applications for community investment projects throughout the calendar year, however we encourage submissions by April/May for consideration in the following year's funding. Applications can be submitted via email to [email protected] Community Investment and Capacity Building

Community Investment and Capacity Building

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Our community investments in Timor-Leste have a specific focus on education, health, environmental management and capacity building. Our investment is driven by relationships; with our employees, our stakeholders and the communities in which we live and work.

Education Our commitment to youth and education in Timor-Leste is demonstrated by supporting educational

institutions and programs. Our Fulbright-SERN Scholarship Program enables talented Timorese students to pursue post-graduate studies in oil and gas related areas in the United States of America. Negotiated in conjunction with the US Embassy and the National Petroleum Authority, it assists with education fees, English language tuition and other expenses.

We recognise the vital role that education and literacy play in the life paths of children. To this end, we also support the Alola Foundation’s Education

and Literacy Program which develops learning and teaching resources, undertakes professional teacher development and operates an Education Resource Centre.

HealthWe also support Alola’s Maternal and Child Health Program, which aims to reduce infant and maternal mortality by offering educational resources and support for expectant mothers.

Another important relationship is with St. John of God Outreach Services and the Timor-Leste Government to help deliver the Nursing and Pathology Development Program in Dili National Hospital. This project is aimed at decreasing mortality and morbidity among patients treated in Timor-Leste’s public hospitals through improved nursing standards.

Capacity BuildingWe have sought to help build local capacity and skills in agricultural production, through partnering with USAID to expand the reach of its Horticulture Project which provides farmers with skills development in the areas of fruit and vegetable production, sales and marketing.

The project has reached hundreds of farming families and contributed to sustainable community development outcomes. Farmers have improved the quality of their farms and homes, increased their incomes, and now contribute to community activities that benefit the whole village. The Balibo Fort Restoration Program is another initiative that has important historical and cultural significance as well as supporting tourism growth.

Environmental ManagementWith our support Santalum, has delivered a Reforestation Project involving the planting of more than 10,000 seedlings in Tasi Tolu to prevent soil erosion. The success has prompted expansion of a secondreforestation project in Kasait.

We have supported many other initiatives, ranging from health and education to the arts and disaster relief. We welcome applications for community investment projects throughout the calendar year, however we encourage submissions by April/May for consideration in the following year's funding. Applications can be submitted via email to [email protected]

Community Investment and Capacity Building

Employment and Training of Timor-Leste Nationals and Permanent ResidentsAmi nia investimentu ba komunidade iha Timor-Leste fokus espesífikamente ba iha edukasaun, saúde, jestaun

ambiental no kapasitasaun. Ami nia investimentu hala’o liu husi relasionamentu, ho ami nia funsionárius, ami nia stakeholder sira no komunidade sira ne’ebé ami hela no servisu hamutuk ba.

EdukasaunAmi nia kompromisu ba juventude no edukasaun iha Timor-Leste demostra ona liu husi ajudas no programas mak mai husi instituisoens edukasiais.Ami nia Programa Bolsa de Estudu husi Fulbright-SERN fó oportunidades ba estudante timóroan sira ho talentu atu bele espesializa iha mina rai no

gas ho áreas relasionadas, iha Estadus Unidus Amérika. Ne’e Negosiasaun konjunta ho Embaixada Estadus Unidus Amérika no Autoridade Nasional Petróleo, sira fó asistênsia ho kustus edukasionais, ba aula partikular ba lian ingles ho kustus seluk.

Ami rekonhese katak edukasaun no alfabetizasaun kaer papel importante iha labarik sira dalan moris. Ba finalidade ida ne’e, ami mos fó ajuda ba Alola Foundation iha nia Programa Edukasaun no Alfabetizasaun. Programa ne’ebé dezenvolve rekursus prosesu aprendizajem no hanorin, hasa’e kualidade no dezenvolve profesores profisionais ho loke Sentru Rekursus ba Edukasaun.

SaúdeAmi mos fó suporte ba Programa saúde Inan no oan Alola nian. Programa ne’ebé buka atu reduz mortalidade kosok oan no inan tur ahi hodi oferese rekursus ba edukasaun no ajuda ba inan isin rua sira. Ami iha mos relasaun di’ak ho St. John of God Outreach Services no ho Governu Timor-Leste atu oferesePrograma ba Enfermeirus no Dezenvolvimentu Patolójiku iha HospitalNasional Guido Valadares Dili. Projetu ne’e nia objetivu atu hamenus mortalidade no moras daet entre ema moras sira ne’ebé hetan tratamentu iha hospital públiku Timor-Leste liu husi kualifikasaun kuadrus enfermeirus.

KapasitasaunAmi rezolve ona atu ajuda hasa’e kapasidade lokál no kapasidade iha produsaun agríkola liu husi kolaborasaun no doasaun husi USAID atu haluan no haburas projetu Hortikulrura mak bele oferese ba hortikultor sira matenek atu dezenvolve áreas iha produsaun aifuan no modo tahan, sosa-fa’an iha merkadu. Projetu ne’e hala’o ona hodi envolve hortikultor atus ba atus sira nia família no kontribui ona ba sustentabilidade komunidade atu dezenvolve produtus ne’ebé sira hetan. To’os na’in sira mos hasa’e sira nia reseitas, oras ne’e sira bele kontribui ba atividades komunidade nian mak bele lori benefísius ba aldeia laran tomak.

Programa reabilitasaun Fortaleza Balibo ne’e inisiativa seluk ida mak iha signifikadu importante iha história no kultura no mos atu fó suporte ba iha dezenvolvimentu turismu.

Jestaun AmbientalHo ami nia suporte Santalum, oferese ona Projetu Reflorestasaun ne’ebé involve plantasaun ka kuda ai oan hun rihun sanulu iha Tasi-Tolu atu prevene rai monu / erozaun. Susesu husi Tasi-Tolu tuir kedas Projetu segunda reflorestasaun iha Kasait.

Ami fó mos ajuda ba inisiativas seluk, husi saúde no ekuasaun halai fali ba ajuda artes no dezastres naturais. Ami simu hotu aplikasoens husi komunidade ba projetus investimentu ba komunidade liu husi kalendáriu annual, maski nune’e ami enkoraja atu sira bele submete iha fulan Abril/ Maiu hodi bele hetan konsiderasaun ba ajuda iha tinan tuir mai. Aplikasaun bele hatama liu husi email ba [email protected]

Investimentu ba Komunidade no Kapasitasaun