COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT · 04.10.2016 · community development district board of supervisors regular meeting october 4, 2016 . suncoast community development district agenda

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OCTOBER 4, 2016



REGULAR MEETING Ballantrae Clubhouse

Located at 17611 Mentmore Blvd. Land o’ Lakes, FL 34638

District Board of Supervisors Chairman Lonnie Dixon Vice Chairman Lora Hutt Supervisor Edmund Latif Supervisor Janice Dixon Supervisor Matthew Thebeau

District Manager Meritus Brian Lamb Brian Howell

District Attorney Straley & Robin John Vericker

District Engineer Johnson Engineering Phil Chang

All cellular phones and pagers must be turned off while in the meeting room The District Agenda is comprised of four different sections:

The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Following the Call to Order, the public has the opportunity to comment on posted agenda items during the third section called Audience Questions and Comments on Agenda Items. Each individual is limited to three (3) minutes for such comment. The Board is not required to take action at this time, but will consider the comments presented as the agenda progresses. Following public comment, the meeting will proceed with the fourth section called Vendor and Staff Reports. This section will allow Vendors and District Engineer and Attorney to update Board on work and to present proposals. The fifth section is called Business Items. This section contains items for approval by the District Board of Supervisors that may require discussion, motions, and votes on an item-by-item basis. The fifth section is called Business Items. This section contains items for approval by the District Board of Supervisors that may require discussion, motions, and votes on an item-by-item basis. The eighth section is called Business Administration. The Business Administration section contains items that require the review and approval of the District Board of Supervisors as a normal course of business. The ninth section will be Management Reports. This section allows the District Manager and Staff to update the Board of Supervisors on any pending issues that are being researched for Board action. Occasionally, certain items for decision within this section are required by Florida Statute to be held as a Public Hearing. In the event of a Public Hearing, each member of the public will be permitted to provide one comment on the issue, prior to the Board of Supervisors’ discussion, motion, and vote. The tenth section is called Supervisor Requests. This is the section in which the Supervisors may request Staff to prepare certain items in an effort to meet the District’s needs. The final section is called Audience Questions, Comments and Discussion Forum. This portion of the agenda is where individuals may comment on matters that concern the District. The Board of Supervisors or Staff is not obligated to provide a response until sufficient time for research or action is warranted. Pursuant to provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this meeting is asked to advise the District Office at (813) 397-5120, at least 48 hours before the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service at 1 (800) 955-8770, who can aid you in contacting the District Office. Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the meeting is advised that this same person will need a record of the proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Agendas can be reviewed by contacting the Manager’s office at (813) 397-5120 at least seven days in advance of the scheduled meeting. Requests to place items on the agenda must be submitted in writing with an explanation to the District Manager at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the meeting.

Board of Supervisors Suncoast Community Development District Dear Board Members: The Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Suncoast Community Development District will be held on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ballantrae Clubhouse, located at 17611 Mentmore Blvd., Land o’ Lakes, FL 34638. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER 3. AUDIENCE QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS 4. VENDOR AND STAFF REPORTS

A. District Counsel B. District Engineer 1. Pavement Damage ............................................................................................................. Tab 01

5. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Capital Improvement Projects Update B. General Matters of the District 6. CONSENT AGENDA

A. Consideration of the Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 .................. Tab 02 B. Consideration of Operation and Maintenance Expenditures October 2016............................ Tab 03 C. Review of Financial Statements Month Ending August 31, 2016 .......................................... Tab 04

7. MANAGEMENT REPORTS A. Staff Task List ......................................................................................................................... Tab 05 B. District Manager

C. Field Manager’s Report ........................................................................................................... Tab 06 1. Aquatic’s Reports ............................................................................................................... Tab 07 2. Speed Data .......................................................................................................................... Tab 08 3. Fountain Proposal ............................................................................................................... Tab 09


We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at (813) 397-5120. Sincerely,

Brian Howell District Manager


0 400200Feet

Pasco County


Project: Bexley - Mentmore Blvd

Figure: Mentmore Blvd Mill & Resurface Map


Milling / Resurfacing Areas*Parcel Boundary

Cory SwalesMap Prepared By:Map Date:

Clearview Land Design or Pasco County make no warranty,representation or guaranty as to the content, sequence, accuracy,timeliness, or completeness of any of the geodata informationprovided herein. Aerial: Bing, 2015

1 inch = 200 feet

Service Layer Credits: Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS,Intermap, increment P Corp., NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, EsriChina (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, MapmyIndia, ©OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User CommunityImage courtesy of USGS Earthstar Geographics SIO © 2016


Project Site





Vicinity Map

S: 20 T: 26 R: 18


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*NOTE: 1 Inch Mill

Additional areas ofpavement damage

Additional areas ofpavement damage

Additional areas ofpavement damage


0 400200Feet

Pasco County


Project: Bexley - Mentmore Blvd

Figure: Mentmore Blvd Mill & Resurface Map


Milling / Resurfacing Areas*Parcel Boundary

Cory SwalesMap Prepared By:Map Date:

Clearview Land Design or Pasco County make no warranty,representation or guaranty as to the content, sequence, accuracy,timeliness, or completeness of any of the geodata informationprovided herein. Aerial: Bing, 2015

1 inch = 200 feet

Service Layer Credits: Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS,Intermap, increment P Corp., NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, EsriChina (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, MapmyIndia, ©OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User CommunityImage courtesy of USGS Earthstar Geographics SIO © 2016


Project Site





Vicinity Map

S: 20 T: 26 R: 18


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*NOTE: 1 Inch Mill

Additional areas ofpavement damage

Additional areas ofpavement damage

Additional areas ofpavement damage


September 6, 2016 Minutes of the Regular Meeting 1 2

Minutes of the Regular Meeting 3 4

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors for Suncoast Community Development 5 District was held on Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ballantrae Clubhouse, 6 located at 17611 Mentmore Blvd., Land o’ Lakes, FL 34638. 7



12 Brian Howell called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Suncoast 13 Community Development District to order on Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 7:01 p.m. 14

15 Board Members Present and Constituting a Quorum: 16 Lonnie Dixon Chairman 17 Lora Hutt Vice Chairman 18 Matthew Thebeau Supervisor 19 Janice Dixon Supervisor 20 Edmund Latif Supervisor 21

22 Staff Members Present: 23 Brian Howell Meritus 24

25 Audience Members – None 26


29 There were no audience questions or comments. 30


A. District Counsel33 34

Brian Howell stated that District Counsel was going to contact the County to put pressure on 35 them to repair the road. They have thus far been non responsive to the two requests from the 36 District Engineer. 37

38 B. District Engineer39

1. Update Memo40 41

The Board and Brian Howell reviewed the report submitted by Phil Chang and the Board 42 directed Mr. Howell to order a new sign to replace the one on Mango – black background with 43 gold lettering. 44




September 6, 2016 Page 2

Brian Howell is to have Phil Chang ask the developer of Bexley to also include for repair of the 46 road damage on Meadowbrook due to construction traffic. 47 48 5. BUSINESS ITEMS 49 A. Capital Improvement Projects Update 50 51 The Board and Brian Howell reviewed the update by Celia Nichols and that the plans should be 52 approved soon by the County. Once approved the Board will look to hold a special meeting to 53 discuss the bid process. It appears from the initial numbers the construction budget will be lower 54 than the $300,000.00 threshold for public bid so the District can invite bidders of their choosing 55 for this project. The Board agreed the District should require a bond from the winning bidder. 56 57

B. General Matters of the District 58 59 6. CONSENT AGENDA 60 A. Consideration of the Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes August 2, 2016 61 62 The Board reviewed the minutes. 63 64

MOTION TO: Approve August 2, 2016 meeting minutes. 65 MADE BY: Supervisor Hutt 66 SECONDED BY: Supervisor Latif 67 DISCUSSION: None Further 68 RESULT: Called to Vote: Motion PASSED 69 5/0 - Motion Passed Unanimously 70

71 B. Consideration of Operation and Maintenance Expenditures September 2016 72 73 The Board reviewed the O&M’s. 74 75

MOTION TO: Approve O&M’s September 2016. 76 MADE BY: Supervisor Hutt 77 SECONDED BY: Supervisor J. Dixon 78 DISCUSSION: None Further 79 RESULT: Called to Vote: Motion PASSED 80 5/0 - Motion Passed Unanimously 81

82 C. Review of Financial Statements Month Ending July 31, 2016 83 84 The financials were accepted and Brian Howell noted that 21% of the budget remained with two 85 months to go. The Board asked that all invoices be pulled from the meeting book. 86 87



September 6, 2016 Page 3

7. MANAGEMENT REPORTS 88 A. Staff Task List 89 B. District Manager 90 C. Field Manager’s Report 91

1. Aquatic’s Reports 92 2. Speed Data 93 94 Brian Howell went over his report and stated that the landscaper would be focused on trimming 95 shrubs, weeds and catching up from all the rains. Yellowstone will be attending the next 96 meeting. 97 98 The Board asked Brian Howell to have the contractor get the trash on the main entrance median 99 and also stated to trim trees and ensure all annual beds are planted on the next rotation. 100 101 Brian Howell stated the aquatic plantings would start in the next 30 days after the water levels 102 recede. 103 104 The Board and Brian Howell discussed adding signs for the ponds that would warn of alligators 105 and snakes and would like the signs to be a nicer variety with a black background and gold 106 lettering. The Board would like two signs for the larger ponds and one sign for the smaller ones. 107 Supervisor Lonnie Dixon stated he would work with the vendor on sign locations once they are 108 in. 109 110 8. SUPERVISORS REQUESTS 111 112 Supervisor Lonnie Dixon: 113 Pond 2 be cleaned for trash, etc. around weir/gate 114 Determine who owns roads in Suncoast Meadows. 115 Obtain Proposals for fountains in Pond 6 and Pond 17 116 Price to connect sidewalk on Musky Mint and at entrance 117 118 Supervisor Hutt: 119

Parking on common areas by Mango – Supervisor Lonnie Dixon commented on illegal parking 120 by his home on the grass. Meritus will engage towing company to do sweeps. 121

122 Supervisor Thebeau: 123 Area being missed by landscaper on Odessa by the farm 124 Trash 125 126 There was a question on the CDD building park which was tabled. 127





September 6, 2016 Page 4

Official District Seal

131 10. ADJOURNMENT 132 133

MOTION TO: Adjourn. 134 MADE BY: Supervisor Hutt 135 SECONDED BY: Supervisor Latif 136 DISCUSSION: None Further 137 RESULT: Called to Vote: Motion PASSED 138 5/0 - Motion Passed Unanimously 139

140 *Please note the entire meeting is available on disc. 141 142 *These minutes were done in summary format. 143 *Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter 144 considered at the meeting is advised that person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the 145 proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. 146 147 Meeting minutes were approved at a meeting by vote of the Board of Supervisors at a publicly noticed 148 meeting held on ________________________. 149 150 151 Signature Signature 152 153 Printed Name Printed Name 154 155 Title: Title: 156 □ Chairman □ Secretary 157 □ Vice Chairman □ Assistant Secretary 158 159 160 Recorded by Records Administrator 161 162 163 164 Signature 165 166 167 Date 168


October--2016 Meeting

Suncoast Community Development District

Summary of Operations and Maintenance Invoices










Meritus Districts 7550 $ 3,341.58 $ 3,333.33 Management Services - September

Yellowstone Landscape 131494 $ 6,575.50 Landscape Maintenance - September

Monthly Contract Sub-Total $ 9,917.08

Johnson Engineering 949134 $ 200.00 Professional Services - thru 07/10/16 -


Johnson Engineering 949135 $ 600.00 $ 800.00 Professional Services - thru 08/07/16 -


Nichols Landscape Architecture MCS15-2.06 $ 4,222.50 Hardscape Construction Documents -


Nichols Landscape Architecture MS16-4.01 $ 764.25 $ 4,986.75 Permitting Phase - 08/21/16

Variable Contract Sub-Total $ 5,786.75

Duke Energy 13850 15271 082916 $ 14.53 Street Light Service - 08/29/16

Duke Energy 22714 64185 08116 $ 742.27 Electric Service - thru 08/10/16

Duke Energy 24092 34388 082916 $ 30.61 Irrigation Pump Electric Service - thru


Duke Energy 43938 90236 090116 $ 1,153.89 Electric Service - thru 09/01/16

Duke Energy 53878 76490 090116 $ 1,089.16 Electric Service - thru 09/01/16

Duke Energy 56584 17116 090116 $ 35.81 Entry Sign Electric Service - thru 08/29/16

Duke Energy 56765 58058 082916 $ 16.80 Electric Service - thru 08/29/16

Duke Energy 65875 61186 082916 $ 14.76 Street Light Electric Service - thru 08/29/16

Duke Energy 91916 23014 082916 $ 133.31 Irrigation Pump Electric Service - thru


Duke Energy 93333 09362 090116 $ 756.23 Irrigation Pump Electric Service - thru

Monthly Contract

Variable Contract


October--2016 Meeting

Suncoast Community Development District

Summary of Operations and Maintenance Invoices











Duke Energy 96435 96159 082916 $ 127.66 $ 4,115.03 $ 3,916.67 Pond Fountain Electric Service - thru


Pasco County Utilities 7927723 $ 7.83 Irrigation Service - thru 08/30/16

Pasco County Utilities 7927724 $ 18.63 Irrigation Service - thru 08/30/16

Pasco County Utilities 7927725 $ 24.03 $ 50.49 Irrigation Service - 08/30/16

Utilities Sub-Total $ 4,165.52

Supervisor: Edmund Latif EL090616 $ 200.00 Supervisor Fee - 09/06/16

Supervisor: Janice Dixon JD090616 $ 200.00 Supervisor Fee - 09/06/16

Supervisor: Lonnie Dixon LD090616 $ 200.00 Supervisor Fee - 09/06/16

Supervisor: Lora Hutt LH090616 $ 200.00 Supervisor Fee - 09/06/16

Supervisor: Matthew Thebeau MT090616 $ 200.00 $ 1,000.00 Supervisor Fee - 09/06/16

Times Publishing Company 339324 $ 100.80 Meetings Schedule - 08/17/16

Regular Services Sub-Total $ 1,100.80

Kaeser & Blair 60722314 $ 98.06 250 Laser Checks - 07/27/16

Yellowstone Landscape 132070 $ 145.65 Irrigation Repairs - 08/31/16

Yellowstone Landscape 132147 $ 2,600.00 Pine Straw Install - 08/31/16

Yellowstone Landscape 132228 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,245.65 Tree Removal - 08/31/16

Additional Services Sub-Total $ 5,343.71

TOTAL: $ 26,313.86

Regular Services

Additional Services

October--2016 Meeting

Suncoast Community Development District

Summary of Operations and Maintenance Invoices










Approved (with any necessary revisions noted):

Signature Printed Name

Title (check one):

[ ] Chairman [ ] Vice Chairman [ ] Assistant Secretary


Community Development District

Financial Statements (Unaudited)

Period Ending August 31, 2016

Meritus Districts 2005 Pan Am Circle ~ Suite 120 ~ Tampa, Florida 33607

Phone (813) 873-7300 ~ Fax (813) 873-7070

Suncoast Community Development District

Balance Sheet

As of 8/31/2016

(In Whole Numbers)

General Fund 2014Fund - Series Debt Service

- Series 2014Projects Fund



Fixed Assets General

GroupDebt Account

Long-Term General



Cash-Operating Account 591,098 0 0 0 0 591,098

Accounts Receivable - Other 0 0 0 0 0 0

Assessments Receivable-Tax Roll

0 0 0 0 0 0

Assessments Receivable-Off Roll

0 0 0 0 0 0

Due From General Fund 0 9,793 0 0 0 9,793

Due From Debt Service Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0

Interest Receivable 0 0 0 0 0 0

Investments--Regions Money Market

0 0 0 0 0 0

Investments--Interest--Series 2004

0 0 0 0 0 0

Investments--Reserve--Series 2004

0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0

Investments--Sinking Fund--Series 2004

0 0 0 0 0 0

Investments--Reserve Account

0 0 0 0 0 0

Investments--Revenue--Series 2004

0 0 0 0 0 0

Investments--Acq/Deferred Costs Account-Series 2004

0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0

Suncoast Community Development District

Balance Sheet

As of 8/31/2016

(In Whole Numbers)

General Fund 2014Fund - Series Debt Service

- Series 2014Projects Fund



Fixed Assets General

GroupDebt Account

Long-Term General


Investments--Escrow Series 2004

0 0 0 0 0 0

Investments--Interest--Series 2014

0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 485,701 0 0 485,701

Investments--Reserve--Series 2014

0 345,132 0 0 0 345,132

Investments--Sinking Fund--Series 2014

0 0 0 0 0 0

Investment--Revenue--Series 2014

0 123,437 0 0 0 123,437

Investments--Cost of Issuance--Series 2014

0 0 0 0 0 0

Investments--Deferred Costs--Series 2014

0 0 5 0 0 5

Prepaid Expenses 530 0 0 0 0 530

Deposits 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ancillary Costs 0 0 0 187,686 0 187,686

Improvements Other Than Buildings

0 0 0 1,692,469 0 1,692,469

Construction Work In Progress

0 0 0 8,086 0 8,086

Amount Available-Debt Service

0 0 0 0 478,362 478,362

Amount To Be Provided-Debt Service

0 0 0 0 4,276,638 4,276,638

Total Assets 591,628 478,362 485,706 1,888,241 4,755,000 8,198,937


Suncoast Community Development District

Balance Sheet

As of 8/31/2016

(In Whole Numbers)

General Fund 2014Fund - Series Debt Service

- Series 2014Projects Fund



Fixed Assets General

GroupDebt Account

Long-Term General


Accounts Payable 7,298 0 0 0 0 7,298

Accounts Payable Other 11 0 0 0 0 11

Credit Card Payable 0 0 0 0 0 0

Unallocated Tax Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0

Due To General Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0

Due To Debt Service Fund 9,793 0 0 0 0 9,793

Deferred Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0

Accrued Expenses Payable 0 0 0 0 0 0

Revenue Bonds Payable--Series 2004

0 0 0 0 0 0

Revenue Bonds Payable--Series 2014

0 0 0 0 4,755,000 4,755,000

Total Liabilities 17,102 0 0 0 4,755,000 4,772,102

Fund Equity & Other Credits

Fund Balance-All Other Reserves

0 475,882 477,472 0 0 953,355

Fund Balance-Unreserved 559,359 1,617 8,209 0 0 569,185

Investment In General Fixed Assets

0 0 0 1,888,241 0 1,888,241

Other 15,167 863 25 0 0 16,055

Total Fund Equity & Other Credits

574,526 478,362 485,706 1,888,241 0 3,426,835

Total Liabilities & Fund Equity 591,628 478,362 485,706 1,888,241 4,755,000 8,198,937

Suncoast Community Development District

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures

001 - General Fund

From 10/1/2015 Through 8/31/2016

(In Whole Numbers)


Period ActualCurrent


Variance %Budget


Special Assessments - Service Charges

Tax Roll 335,094 336,252 1,158 0 %

Interest Earnings

Interest Earnings 116 0 (116) (100)%

Other Miscellaneous Revenues

Transfers 40,000 0 (40,000) (100)%

Total Revenues 375,210 336,252 (38,958) (10)%



Supervisor Fees 12,000 12,800 (800) (7)%

Financial & Administrative

District Management 40,000 38,242 1,758 4 %

District Engineer 8,500 13,302 (4,802) (56)%

Disclosure Report 3,000 0 3,000 100 %

Trustees Fees 4,500 4,226 274 6 %

Tax Collector Fees 150 0 150 100 %

Auditing Services 5,500 5,800 (300) (5)%

Arbitrage Rebate Calculation 800 650 150 19 %

Rentals & Leases 600 1,350 (750) (125)%

Postage, Phone, Faxes, Copies 800 397 403 50 %

Legal Advertising 750 508 242 32 %

Bank Fees 85 0 85 100 %

Dues, Licenses & Fees 200 175 25 13 %

Miscellaneous Fees 0 150 (150) 0 %

Office Supplies 300 86 214 71 %

Website Development & Maintenance

1,300 196 1,104 85 %

Legal Counsel

District Counsel 8,000 4,288 3,712 46 %


Public Officials Liability Insurance 4,500 4,884 (384) (9)%

General Liability Insurance 2,600 1,252 1,348 52 %

Property Casualty Insurance 1,400 2,476 (1,076) (77)%

Electric Utility Services

Utility Services 7,381 7,950 (569) (8)%

Street Lights 41,000 37,733 3,267 8 %

Water-Sewer Combination Services

Utility Services 1,200 566 635 53 %

Stormwater Control

Aquatic Contract 15,540 13,895 1,645 11 %

Suncoast Community Development District

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures

001 - General Fund

From 10/1/2015 Through 8/31/2016

(In Whole Numbers)


Period ActualCurrent


Variance %Budget

Mitigation Area Monitoring & Maintenance

5,200 0 5,200 100 %

Lake/Pond Bank Maintenance 4,800 6,087 (1,287) (27)%

Aquatic Plant Replacement 6,000 0 6,000 100 %

Capital Improvements 15,000 0 15,000 100 %

Other Physical Environment

Entry & Walls Maintenance 10,000 4,834 5,166 52 %

Landscape Maintenance 45,824 54,090 (8,266) (18)%

Miscellaneous Maintenance 0 3,565 (3,565) 0 %

Landscape Maintenance - Other 20,000 10,608 9,392 47 %

Landscape Inspection Contract 3,180 542 2,638 83 %

Holiday Lights 3,000 3,561 (561) (19)%

Landscape Replacement Plants, Shrubs, Trees

30,000 12,469 17,531 58 %

Irrigation Repairs and Maintenance 5,000 8,105 (3,105) (62)%

Capital Improvements 58,700 64,785 (6,085) (10)%

Road & Street Facilities

Pavement & Signage Repairs 0 1,516 (1,516) 0 %


Miscellaneous Fees 8,400 0 8,400 100 %

Total Expenditures 375,210 321,085 54,125 14 %

Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures

0 15,167 15,167 0 %

Suncoast Community Development District

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures

201 - Debt Service Fund - Series 2014

From 10/1/2015 Through 8/31/2016

(In Whole Numbers)


Period ActualCurrent


Variance %Budget


Special Assessments - Capital Improvements

Tax Roll 0 387,025 387,025 0 %

Interest Earnings

Interest Earnings 0 24 24 0 %

Total Revenues 0 387,049 387,049 0 %


Debt Service

Interest 0 177,013 (177,013) 0 %

Principal 0 195,000 (195,000) 0 %

Total Expenditures 0 372,013 (372,013) 0 %

Other Expenditures

Interfund Transfer

Interfund Transfer 0 14,173 (14,173) 0 %

Total Other Expenditures 0 14,173 (14,173) 0 %

Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures

0 863 863 0 %

Suncoast Community Development District

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures

301 - Capital Projects Fund - Series 2014

From 10/1/2015 Through 8/31/2016

(In Whole Numbers)


Period ActualCurrent


Variance %Budget


Interest Earnings

Interest Earnings 0 27 27 0 %

Total Revenues 0 27 27 0 %



Miscellaneous Fees 0 14,175 (14,175) 0 %

Total Expenditures 0 14,175 (14,175) 0 %

Other Revenues

Interfund Transfer

Interfund Transfer 0 14,173 14,173 0 %

Total Other Revenues 0 14,173 14,173 0 %

Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures

0 25 25 0 %

Date October 1 2016


# Action Item Description Respon




Date Due Closed


Status Comments

1Capital Improvements BH 11/20/15 Oct


done Celia will update at meeting.

2Yellowstone BH 6/1/16 Oct


done Yellowstone will attend meeting.

4Aquatics BH 6/1/16 Oct


done Please see latest report and planting

is done..

5Road Repairs PC 6/1/16 Oct


done See new map in book

6Bench BH 6/1/16 Oct


open They are in and need locations for

vendor to install.

7Fountain proposal/Misc. items, BH 6/1/16 Oct


open Proposal in book. BH to update at


8Signs for Ponds BH 6/1/16 Oct


open Scheduled for install.

Action Item Template

Site: Suncoast

Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2016



DEBRIS 25 24 -1 Minimal trash


INVASIVE MATERIAL (SUBMERSED) 20 19 -1 Torpedo grass

FOUNTAINS/AERATORS 20 20 0 Good condition

DESIRABLE PLANTS 15 13 -2 Overall ok


CLUBHOUSE INTERIOR 4 4 0 Not applicable

CLUBHOUSE EXTERIOR 3 3 0 Not applicable

POOL WATER 10 10 0 Not applicable

POOL TILES 10 10 0 Not applicable

POOL LIGHTS 5 5 0 Not applicable


FIRST AID/SAFETY ITEMS 10 10 0 Not applicable

SIGNAGE (rules, pool, playground) 5 5 0 Not applicable

PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 5 5 0 Not applicable


RESTROOMS 6 6 0 Not applicable

HARDSCAPE 10 10 0 Not applicable

ACCESS & MONITORING SYSTEM 3 3 0 Not applicable

IT/PHONE SYSTEM 3 3 0 Not applicable

TRASH RECEPTACLES 3 3 0 Overall ok

FOUNTAINS 8 8 0 Not applicable


CLEAR VISIBILITY (Landscaping) 25 25 0 Overall ok

PAINTING 25 20 -5 Need maintenance carryover

CLEANLINESS 25 25 0 Good condition

GENERAL CONDITION 25 25 0 Good condition

District Management Services, LLC



Monthly Maintenance Inspection Grade sheet Page 1

Site: Suncoast

Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2016


District Management Services, LLC




ENTRANCE MONUMENT 40 35 -5 Need upgraded Celia working on plans

RECREATIONAL AREAS 30 25 -5 Need upgraded

SUBDIVISION MONUMENTS 30 25 -5 Need upgraded Celia working on plans


WALLS/FENCING 15 15 0 Overall Ok

SIDEWALKS 30 30 0 Overall Ok


STREETS 25 20 -5 Wear from construction activity

PARKING LOTS 15 15 0 Overall Ok


STREET LIGHTING 33 33 0 Overall Ok


MONUMENT LIGHTING 30 30 0 Overall Ok

AMENITY CENTER LIGHTING 15 15 0 Not applicable


ACCESS CONTROL PAD 25 25 0 Not applicable

OPERATING SYSTEM 25 25 0 Not applicable

GATE MOTORS 25 25 0 Not applicable

GATES 25 25 0 Not applicable

SCORE 700 669 -31 96%

Manager's Signature: BH 9/27/2016

Supervisor's Signature:

Monthly Maintenance Inspection Grade sheet Page 2

Site: Suncoast

Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2016



TURF 5 4 -1 Overall good

TURF FERTILITY 10 10 0 Overall good

TURF EDGING 5 5 0 Overall good

WEED CONTROL - TURF AREAS 5 5 0 Overall good


PLANT FERTILITY 5 5 0 Improving



PRUNING 10 8 -2 Detail and Trees


MULCHING 5 5 0 Overall ok


CARRYOVERS 5 3 -2 Detail


VIGOR/APPEARANCE 7 6 -1 Need to review



SCORE 100 93 -7 93%

Contractor Signature:

Manager's Signature: BH 9/27/2016

Supervisor's Signature:

District Management Services, LLC



Sept 2016 Landscape - Suncoast 6-24 Page 1

Suncoast CDD

Waterway Inspection Report

Reason for Inspection:

Inspection Date:

Prepared for:

Mr. Brian Howell

2005 Pam Am Circle, Suite #120

Tampa, Florida 33607

Prepared by:

Aquatic Systems, Inc. – Wesley Chapel Field Office

Corporate Headquarters

2100 N.W. 33rd Street, Pompano Beach, FL 33069


Routine Scheduled - Monthly

Sabrina Kilgore, Account Representative



Suncoast CDD Waterway Inspection Report

Aquatic Systems, Inc. 1-800-432-4302

Comments: A light surface film was observed near the bridge area. –photo above. This is likely the result of runoff. Water clarity was good however there was a notable opaque appearance to the water. Lake dye from the last application remains visible. Erosion around structures requires repair. – upper right photo

Comments: Water clarity was excellent. Wildlife utilization was high with several species of water fowl observed. – photo above This indicates that the waterway supports macro invertebrates such as fresh water mollusks - a sign of good water quality. The fountain had been removed. See photo upper left.


Minor surface algae was observed around the perimeter of pond #8.


Normal growth observed

The established seed sources of Torpedograss and Alligatorweed continue to produce new growth inpond #10. This site will have to be treated extensively and consistently over time until the speciespopulations decrease.


Requires attention






Suncoast CDD Waterway Inspection Report

Aquatic Systems, Inc. 1-800-432-4302

Comments: A light surface film was observed near the bridge area. –photo above. This is likely the result of runoff. Water clarity was good however there was a notable opaque appearance to the water. Lake dye from the last application remains visible. Erosion around structures requires repair. – upper right photo

Comments: Water clarity was excellent. Wildlife utilization was high with several species of water fowl observed. – photo above This indicates that the waterway supports macro invertebrates such as fresh water mollusks - a sign of good water quality. The fountain had been removed. See photo upper left.

Normal growth observed



A cluster of invasive Sesbania have grown along the west side of site #12 and will need to be treated,otherwise this areas looks great. Pond #7 looks good.

Normal growth observed

The open water of pond #17 looks good. It will take careful and slowing moving treatment tosuccessfully target the Hemp Vine and minor Torpedograss that have grown in among the beneficials.Pond #15 looks great.







Suncoast CDD Waterway Inspection Report

Aquatic Systems, Inc. 1-800-432-4302

Comments: A light surface film was observed near the bridge area. –photo above. This is likely the result of runoff. Water clarity was good however there was a notable opaque appearance to the water. Lake dye from the last application remains visible. Erosion around structures requires repair. – upper right photo

Comments: Water clarity was excellent. Wildlife utilization was high with several species of water fowl observed. – photo above This indicates that the waterway supports macro invertebrates such as fresh water mollusks - a sign of good water quality. The fountain had been removed. See photo upper left.


Pond #13 looks wonderful. Technicians did and excellent job targeting all the outreachingTorpedograss around the perimeter. The open water of #16 looks good. A proposal to remove theinvasive Cogon Grass around the perimeter can be submitted upon request.

Normal growth observed


Site looks good.

Pond #11 looks good almost all of the previously treated Torpedograss has completely decayed. MinorPlanktonic Algae was windblown to the southwest corner. Pond #14 looks great as well.







Suncoast CDD Waterway Inspection Report

Aquatic Systems, Inc. 1-800-432-4302

Comments: A light surface film was observed near the bridge area. –photo above. This is likely the result of runoff. Water clarity was good however there was a notable opaque appearance to the water. Lake dye from the last application remains visible. Erosion around structures requires repair. – upper right photo

Comments: Water clarity was excellent. Wildlife utilization was high with several species of water fowl observed. – photo above This indicates that the waterway supports macro invertebrates such as fresh water mollusks - a sign of good water quality. The fountain had been removed. See photo upper left.

Pond #18 continues to improve. Technicians have been progressively working reduce theTorpedograss among the beneficial. A 20% reduction has been observed each. Pond #21 looks good.


Pond #6 looks excellent!Site looks good

Normal growth observed








Suncoast CDD Waterway Inspection Report

Aquatic Systems, Inc. 1-800-432-4302

Comments: A light surface film was observed near the bridge area. –photo above. This is likely the result of runoff. Water clarity was good however there was a notable opaque appearance to the water. Lake dye from the last application remains visible. Erosion around structures requires repair. – upper right photo

Comments: Water clarity was excellent. Wildlife utilization was high with several species of water fowl observed. – photo above This indicates that the waterway supports macro invertebrates such as fresh water mollusks - a sign of good water quality. The fountain had been removed. See photo upper left.

Minor algae and Torpedograss was observed in pond #2. Pond #19 looks good.



Requires attention

Normal growth observed

Trace amounts of algae was observed on ponds #3 and #5. Moderate surface algae and Torpedograsson the leading edge of the littoral shelf in pond #4. Minor sfa on both minor tg on leading edge of shelfon #4.







Suncoast CDD Waterway Inspection Report

Aquatic Systems, Inc. 1-800-432-4302

Comments: A light surface film was observed near the bridge area. –photo above. This is likely the result of runoff. Water clarity was good however there was a notable opaque appearance to the water. Lake dye from the last application remains visible. Erosion around structures requires repair. – upper right photo

Management Summary

Recommendations/Action Items

A minor increase and algae production was observed throughout the community during this month's inspection at Suncoast CDD. Ponds#1, #2, #3, #4, #8 and #9 all had minor to moderate algae. This is normal for this time of year as average temperatures are still high anddaily introduce nutrients into the ponds everyday.

Excellent progress is being made in treating shoreline weed populations throughout the community. Pond #13, which just 90 days ago wascompletely surrounded by Torpedograss is 100% clear with no re-growth and all remaining material continues to decay. Progressiveprogress is being made around the perimeter of pond #18 to reduce Torpedograss coverage with minimal damage to the beneficial DuckPotato. Pond #10 appears to be the only problem area where the populations of Alligatorweed and Torpedograss have a significant seedsource and re-grow quickly after treatment. Continual aggressive applications will be the most effective solution here.

Pond #5, #6, #7, #11, #13, #14, #16, #19 and #20 all look excellent.


Minor algae was observed on pond #1. Pond #20 looks good.


Requires attention

--Treat ponds #1, #2, #3, #4, #8 and #91 for the minor to moderate algae observed during inspection. Standard algaecide results manifest7-10 days after application.

--The perimeters of ponds #4, #10, #12 and #18 will need to be treated for minor to moderate Torpedograss, Sesbania and Alligatorweed.Standard herbicide results for all these species 10-14 days after application.

--Ponds #5, #6, #7, #11, #13, #14, #16, #19 and #20 all look excellent and will continue to be monitored and treated as needed.

--Ponds #1, #6, #9 and #14 received beneficial perimeter plantings on 9/20. Initial install looks great, please see brief planting summaryattached in this month's agenda package.




Brian Howell

Sabrina Kilgore, Account Representative

None Present


None Present

Plantings of sites #1, #6, #9 and #14 look great. All plants wereplaced a minimum of 18" offshore with gaps between for continuedtreatment. Plants were placed 2-3' offshore in pond #1 due tofluctuation water levels throughout the year. To follow up every 2weeks until plants successfully establish.



None Present

Initial install looks good. Plants 18" off shore. Will monitor every 2 weeks.



Suncoast CDD Initial Planting



Initial install looks good. Plants 18" off shore. Will monitor every 2 weeks. Minimal

None Present

None Present


6 Good




Action Items: Next Routine Maintenance Event




None Present

Initial install looks good. Plants place further in due to fluctuating water level1-2ft



None Present



Initial install looks good. Plants 18" off shore. Will monitor every 2 weeks. None Present







Suncoast CDD Initial Planting 9/20/2016

Suncoast CDD Initial Planting 9/20/2016

Custom ReportLocation: Suncoast


City: Odessa

State/Province: Fl.

Postal Code/ZIP:

Report Period: 8/16/2016 to 9/2/2016

Technician Name: administrator

Total VehicleCount

Posted SpeedLimit

Tolerated SpeedNumber of

Speed LimitViolations

Number ofVehicles


Number ofVehicles inside

Tolerated Range

8/16/2016 00:00:00

8/17/2016 00:00:00

8/18/2016 00:00:00

8/19/2016 00:00:00

8/20/2016 00:00:00

8/21/2016 00:00:00

8/22/2016 00:00:00

8/23/2016 00:00:00

8/24/2016 00:00:00

8/25/2016 00:00:00

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8/27/2016 00:00:00

8/28/2016 00:00:00

8/29/2016 00:00:00

8/30/2016 00:00:00

8/31/2016 00:00:00

9/1/2016 00:00:00

863 20 43 860 3 834

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

670 20 43 665 5 636

1,929 20 43 1,919 10 1,873

1,957 20 43 1,945 12 1,876

1,950 20 43 1,936 14 1,872

20 43 7

1,633 20 43 1,630 3 1,564

1,517 20 43 1,312 1,268

1,962 20 43 1,885 77 1,805

1,925 20 43 1,910 15 1,870

1,685 20 43 1,680 5 1,642

1,283 20 43 1,273 10 1,218

1,517 20 43 1,498 19 1,448

SUM: 20,975 SUM: 20,590 SUM: 385 SUM: 19,919

SafePace® Pro by Traffic Logix®Generated on September 7, 2016 at 10:51 AM

Page 1

% of SpeedLimit Violations

% of VehiclesRespecting


% Vehicles inTolerated Range

Average VehicleSpeed

Maximum Speed Minimum Speed

8/16/2016 00:00:00

8/17/2016 00:00:00

8/18/2016 00:00:00

8/19/2016 00:00:00

8/20/2016 00:00:00

8/21/2016 00:00:00

8/22/2016 00:00:00

8/23/2016 00:00:00

8/24/2016 00:00:00

8/25/2016 00:00:00

8/26/2016 00:00:00

8/27/2016 00:00:00

8/28/2016 00:00:00

8/29/2016 00:00:00

8/30/2016 00:00:00

8/31/2016 00:00:00

9/1/2016 00:00:00

0 49 7

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

99 1 95 49 7

99 1 53 6

99 1 96 52 5

99 1 96 63 7

0 70 9

0 96 58 19

86 84 32 49 5

96 4 92 34 55 5

99 1 34 53 5

0 34 54 15

99 1 95 63 14

99 1 95 34 53 5

AVG: 75 AVG: 1 AVG: 72 AVG: 26

SafePace® Pro by Traffic Logix®Generated on September 7, 2016 at 10:51 AM

Page 2

50% Speeds 85% Speeds

8/16/2016 00:00:00

8/17/2016 00:00:00

8/18/2016 00:00:00

8/19/2016 00:00:00

8/20/2016 00:00:00

8/21/2016 00:00:00

8/22/2016 00:00:00

8/23/2016 00:00:00

8/24/2016 00:00:00

8/25/2016 00:00:00

8/26/2016 00:00:00

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8/28/2016 00:00:00

8/29/2016 00:00:00

8/30/2016 00:00:00

8/31/2016 00:00:00

9/1/2016 00:00:00

36 42

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

36 43

35 41

36 42

36 42

36 42

36 43

35 42

35 42

35 42

35 40

36 43

35 42

AVG: 27 AVG: 32

SafePace® Pro by Traffic Logix®Generated on September 7, 2016 at 10:51 AM

Page 3

September 26, 2016 Ms. Nicole Chamberlain Suncoast Community Development District c/o Meritus Corporation 205 Pan Am Circle, Suite #120 Tampa, Florida 33607 RE: Fountain Installation Proposal Fountain Cleaning Program Dear Ms. Chamberlain: Please find enclosed our quotation for the TriTier floating fountains to be installed at Suncoast Community Development District.

All Vertex fountain systems are constructed using the highest quality components available in the industry, providing proven technology and performance in a custom floating fountain. Our focus on quality and dependability ensures you that a floating fountain by Vertex Water Features is the best in the business.

Vertex Water Features provides to their customers:

• A comprehensive 4 YEAR warranty on your fountain (pump, motor, flotation, framework, nozzles, etc.).

• High performance submersible turbine pumps for increased display characteristics and years of trouble free service. Never any lubricants to change or seals to replace - our turbine pumps and motors are water cooled and lubricated.

• Display heads constructed of precision machined brass or cast bronze - not inferior plastic or PVC. • Optional U.L. listed lighting fixtures of 100% cast bronze/copper, complete with stainless steel lens guards carry a 2 year

warranty. • Floats with internal baffling and U. V. protection from warping and cracking. • Complete control panels built to the needs of each unit. All panels are equipped with GFI protection, surge protection, time

clocks, and overload protection - there are never any add-on “options” needed to get a fully equipped control panel that meets NEC codes. 1 year warranty.

Our price is predicated on the receipt of our equipment agreement within 60 days of this quotation, as prices are subject to change.

Also, enclosed is an add-on agreement for inspection and cleaning maintenance of your decorative floating fountain equipment. You will find that the benefits of this service will extend the life of your fountain system and will help prevent the high cost of repair work.

Please inform us of your approval by signing the attached quotation, so we may schedule your installation.

If there are any further questions, please let us know. We at Vertex are eager to work with your organization and look forward to providing you with the finest waterway enhancement systems available in the industry.


Chris Byrne Sales Manager CB/dk Enclosure

Agreement Page 1 of 4

Vertex Water Features

A Division of Aquatic Systems, Inc. 2100 N.W. 33rd Street

1-800-432-4302 Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 www.vertexwaterfeatures.com

Fax (954) 977-7877

Fountain Agreement - Installed

Ms. Nicole Chamberlain Suncoast Community Development District c/o Meritus Corporation 205 Pan Am Circle, Suite #120 Tampa, Florida 33607 (813) 397-5120 Ext. 338 DATE: September 26, 2016 CB-AO F5


See Attached Technical Specifications. TAX EXEMPT: Please provide a copy of your Tax Exemption Certificate.

We are pleased to quote special pricing below and reserve the right to “progress bill” as units are installed.

Quanti ty Descript ion Total Site # 6

1 2 HP TriTier Single-Phase Floating Fountain with Control Panel, with Two (2) 60 Watt LED Lights, with Clear Lens, 230 Volts Includes 175 Feet of Cable for Motor & Lights Requires Two 1-Inch Diameter PVC Conduit(s) from Control Panel to lake to be provided by Customer.


Total $6,791.05 TAX EXEMPT

Terms & Conditions of Fountain Agreement

The above price is effective for 60 days from the date of this proposal. If you are tax exempt, please attach a copy of your Tax Exemption Certificate with contract. 1. This transaction is subject to the terms and conditions quoted below, notwithstanding any conflicting provisions submitted by BUYER. 2. No claims of any kind, whether as to products delivered or for non-delivery of products, shall be greater in amount than the purchase price of the products in respect of which such damages are claimed, and failure to give notice of claim within sixty (60) days from date of delivery, or the date fixed for delivery respectively, shall constitute a waiver by BUYER of all claims in respect to such products. No charges or expenses incident to any claims will be allowed unless approved by an authorized representative of SELLER. Products shall not be returned to SELLER without SELLER’s permission. The remedy hereby provided shall be the exclusive and sole remedy of the BUYER. In no event shall the SELLER be liable for loss of production, damage to materials, injury to persons, or other remote or consequential damages resulting from breach of any warranty, whether express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability of fitness, or from any cause whatsoever. 3. SELLER shall under no circumstances be responsible for failure or delay in filling any order or orders when due to fires, floods, riots, strikes, freight embargoes or transportation delays, shortage of labor; material unavailability, inability to secure fuel, material, supplies or power at current prices or on account of shortages thereof, acts of God, or the public enemy; governmental order and/or regulations, affecting the conduct of SELLER’s business with which SELLER in its judgment and discretion deems it advisable to comply as a legal or patriotic duty or to any cause beyond the SELLER’s reasonable control. 4. In the event of liability, for any reason, to supply the total demands for the material specified in BUYER’s order, SELLER may allocate its available supply among any or all purchasers, as well as departments and divisions of SELLER on such basis as SELLER may deem fair and practical without liability for any failure of performance which may result therefrom.

Agreement Page 2 of 4

5. The BUYER may terminate this contract in whole or in part upon notice in writing to SELLER. The BUYER shall pay the SELLER the contract price for all products which have been completed prior to termination, and the cost of material or work in process, applicable taxes, plus a reasonable profit thereon, but in no event more than the contract price, or less than $25. 6. Notwithstanding the credit terms shown, all shipments are at all times subject to the approval of SELLER’s Credit Department and if the financial responsibility of BUYER is or becomes unsatisfactory, or if BUYER fails to make any payment in accordance with the terms of this contract, then, in any such event, SELLER may defer or decline to make any shipment hereunder except upon receipt of satisfactory security or cash payments in advance, or it may terminate this contract. 7. SELLER warrants that the products sold hereunder shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. SELLER’s liability shall be limited solely to replacement or repair, and SELLER shall not be liable for any consequential damages nor for any loss, damages or expenses directly or indirectly arising in connection with the purchase or use of the products. 8. SELLER may instruct that remittances shall be sent to a bank or other receiving agency or depository. No receiving agency or depository has authority to settle claims for SELLER or to accept payment tendered as payment in full. Therefore, BUYER agrees that notwithstanding any endorsements or other legend appearing on BUYER’s checks, drafts or other orders for payment of money, constitute payment in full or settlement of account. 9. Collection terms are as specified on the face of signed agreement. All amounts remaining due and owing 30 days after billing by SELLER shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per month until paid in full. No retainage shall be withheld from any payment involving this contract. 10. Any of the terms and provisions of BUYER’s order which are inconsistent or at variance with the terms and provisions hereof shall not be binding on the SELLER and shall not be considered applicable to the sale or shipment of the materials mentioned and referred to herein. SELLER’s agreement with BUYER is hereby made expressly conditional on BUYER’s assent to the terms and conditions hereof. Unless BUYER shall notify SELLER in writing to the contrary as soon as practicable after receipt of the acknowledgment by BUYER, acceptance of the terms and conditions hereof by BUYER shall be indicated and, in the absence of such notification, the BUYER’s acceptance of the goods shall be equivalent to BUYER’s assent to the terms and conditions hereof. No waiver, alteration or modification of any of the provisions hereof shall be binding on the SELLER unless made in writing and agreed to by a duty authorized official of the SELLER. Waiver by either party of any default by the other hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver by such party of any default by the other which may thereafter occur. 11. This Agreement shall be governed by the Uniform Commercial code as adopted in the State of Florida, in the United States of America and as effective and in force on the date of this Agreement. Any action for breach of the agreement must be commenced within one (1 ) year after the cause of action has occurred. 12. This contract is not assignable or transferable by BUYER, in whole or in part, except with the written consent of SELLER. 13. Any errors appearing on the face hereof or incorporated herein are subject to correction with the consent of both parties. 14. This contract may be amended or modified only by a written agreement signed by an authorized official of each party expressly referring to this contract. 15. We reserve the right to progress bill as units are installed. 16. In the event of any dispute arising hereunder, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs against the non prevailing party including appellate level. 17. The sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue for the determination of any disputes arising hereunder between the parties hereto shall be the 17th Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County, Florida and the undersigned agrees that said court shall have jurisdiction over the undersigned for determination of any disputes between the parties to this agreement.

Agreement Page 3 of 4

Buyer’s Responsibilities ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS: BUYER’s electrician must be on site during installation to enable final connection and start-up. The BUYER is responsible for providing and connecting fountain to a weatherproof electrical box, ground fault interrupter switches, and supply power for required fountain voltages at lakeside. The BUYER is to complete cable hook-up to junction box and bury cable from shoreline to electrical box below surface according to applicable code. If cable is to be run in conduit, it shall be the responsibility of BUYER’s electrician to pull wires through the conduit. The supply, trenching and installation of the power from the primary power source to the panel shall be the responsibility of the BUYER. CUSTOMER to complete 230 volt cable hook-up to control panel and bury cable and electrical conduit from shoreline to electrical box below surface according to applicable code. Full voltage, as specified by VERTEX, is mandatory to operate our sealed pump motors. A low voltage condition must be corrected before requesting VERTEX to install your fountain(s). Operation with other than specified voltage voids our Warranty. PERMITTING: It is the BUYER’s obligation to secure required permits and/or approvals from local authorities prior to installation of the floating fountain. CONTROL PANEL: Vertex will supply panel. BUYER is responsible for installation. A licensed electrician MUST be on the job site at the time of delivery to make all connections of power to the control panel. By code, Vertex cannot connect any wires into the panel. $200.00 RETURN TRIP FEE: BUYER’s electrician must be on site with Vertex personnel during the fountain installation to make the required electrical connections of the primary power to the control panel. If the electrician is not on site to enable final connection and start-up, Vertex will make a return trip to make the final adjustments to the fountain display. If a return trip is necessary, Vertex will invoice the BUYER $200 travel charge for each additional trip. FOUNTAIN CLEANING: Vertex offers cleaning contracts for its fountain systems. Should BUYER elect to perform routine cleaning themselves, a minimum of 4 cleanings per year are advisable; more may be needed depending upon water quality conditions. Cleaning requirements should include the submersible pump intake screen, light fixture lens(es), and spray nozzles. NOTE: Because of the electrical equipment involved, floating fountains are not designed for waterways where swimming or water sports are permitted. If not properly installed, this unit is hazardous. It must be installed in conformance with article 682 of the National Electric Code and all local code requirements. An approved ground fault circuit interrupter must be part of the electrical system and all devices in the system must be directly grounded to a definite electrical ground. The total electrical system must be installed, tested, and approved by a qualified, licensed electrician before it is placed in operation.

Vertex Water Features’ Responsibilities: Vertex shall deliver the fountain to the job site, position, level and anchor unit in the desired location and adjust lights and spray heads for optimum display. Vertex shall run the electrical supply cables from the fountain unit along the lake bottom and stake cable ends at the edge of the lake. Note: As soon as the owner-provided electrician makes all connections to the panel, Vertex shall make any adjustments to the fountain display, if necessary. WARRANTY: Vertex will provide labor to repair or replace any defective part of your fountain for a period of one year from date of receipt (excluding parts damaged due to maintenance negligence). Vertex will warranty parts on any defective “in water” fountain component (pump, motor, flotation, framework, nozzle, cables) for 4 years, lighting system (excluding bulbs) 2 years and fountain controls 1 year from the date of receipt. Vertex will determine if parts are defective and subject to warranty repair or replacement. Warranty covers manufacturer defects: if parts inspection indicates failure due to lack of required maintenance (periodic cleaning of intake screen, light lens(es) and spray nozzles, etc.), failure to maintain proper voltage or water depth, warranty will be voided. Foreign objects and/or debris within the fountain pump/motor assembly do not constitute manufacturer defective and thus are not covered under warranty. Vertex fountains are not warranted for use in salt and/or brackish water conditions. The Warranty shall also be voided if someone other than a Vertex employee: 1) dismantles or attempts a repair or 2) alters factory-supplied components or wiring of the control panel.

Agreement Page 4 of 4

The warranty period on all warranty work is equal to the remaining time period of the original new equipment warranty. Warranty claims are based on the date you notify your distributor or our Pompano Beach office. Please provide the legal name and address of the owner of the property where the contracted work will be completed. Sign and print your name. The information below will be used to file a Notice to Owner (NTO) of the property. This formal notice is a standard procedure and explains that the owner is responsible for payment of the contracted services. If the Vertex Water Features invoice is not paid within 60 days from the completion of the work a lien may be filed against the owner of the property. Property Owner(s):

Owner Address:

Owner Phone #:

Vertex Water Features’ Signature Date Authorized Customer’s Signature Title

Print Name Date

Print Company Name

Agreement Page 1 of 1

Vertex Water Features A Division of Aquatic Systems, Inc.

2100 N.W. 33rd Street 1-800-432-4302 Pompano Beach, Florida 33069

www.vertexwaterfeatures.com Fax (954) 977-7877

F o u n t a i n C l e a n i n g A g r e e m e n t - - A d d o n This Agreement made the date set forth below, by and between Vertex Water Features, a division of Aquatic Systems, Inc., a Florida Corporation, hereinafter called "Vertex", and

Ms. Nicole Chamberlain Suncoast Community Development District c/o Meritus Corporation 205 Pan Am Circle, Suite #120 Tampa, Florida 33607 (813) 397-5120 Ext. 338 DATE: September 26, 2016 CB-AO F5

Addon To Master Agreement: #0145-8 Master Agreement’s Anniversary Date: 01/31/17 Month Service is to Commence:________________

hereinafter called "Customer". The parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Vertex agrees to perform inspection and cleaning in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement at the above-named site. 2. Cleaning Schedule To Correspond With Master Agreement:

3. CUSTOMER agrees to pay Vertex, its agents or assigns, the following sum for inspection and cleaning

Site #6: One 2HP Vertex TriTier Floating Fountain Includes Management Reporting

$93.75 Quarterly TAX EXEMPT

Our serv ice includes the inspect ion and cleaning of the fol lowing:

Submersible Pump Lights & Lenses The Float Display Heads, Jets & Rings Vertex will clean the pump intake

screens. Vertex will scrape, clean

and polish the lights. Vertex will clean all surfaces of the float.

Vertex will clean each part and disassemble the parts, as needed to clean orifice impediments.

BULB REPLACEMENT: If bulb replacement is required during our scheduled fountain cleaning, Vertex will automatically replace the bulb and charge its Customers for parts cost only. If, however, a Customer supplies the bulbs, Vertex will charge a fee for bulb replacement.

No parts or special repairs are included in our cleaning agreement. By charging for cleaning, Vertex does not assume responsibility for parts failure and repair costs. Any parts or repair costs, including replacement of light bulbs or gaskets will be invoiced separately.

The above price is effective for 6 months from the date of this proposal. This Agreement shall have as its effective date the first day of the month in which services are first rendered to CUSTOMER. Collection terms are net 30 days from invoice date.

This Addon Fountain Cleaning Agreement and its Terms & Conditions (as per your Master Agreement) are entered into in Broward County, Florida, which the parties agree is the place of payment and the situs jurisdiction in the event of dispute. _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Vertex Water Features’ Signature Date Customer/Authorized Agent’s Signature Title A Division of Aquatic Systems, Inc. ___________________________________________________ Print Name Date

Checks made payable to Aquatic Systems, Inc. TAX EXEMPT: If you are tax exempt, please provide

a copy of your Tax Exemption Certificate.


Print Company Name

Agreement Page 1 of 4

Vertex Water Features

A Division of Aquatic Systems, Inc. 2100 N.W. 33rd Street

1-800-432-4302 Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 www.vertexwaterfeatures.com

Fax (954) 977-7877

Fountain Agreement - Installed

Ms. Nicole Chamberlain Suncoast Community Development District c/o Meritus Corporation 205 Pan Am Circle, Suite #120 Tampa, Florida 33607 (813) 397-5120 Ext. 338 DATE: September 26, 2016 CB-AO F5


See Attached Technical Specifications. TAX EXEMPT: Please provide a copy of your Tax Exemption Certificate.

We are pleased to quote special pricing below and reserve the right to “progress bill” as units are installed.

Quanti ty Descript ion Total Site # 17

1 2 HP TriTier Single-Phase Floating Fountain with Control Panel, with Two (2) 60 Watt LED Lights, with Clear Lens, 230 Volts Includes 175 Feet of Cable for Motor & Lights Requires Two 1-Inch Diameter PVC Conduit(s) from Control Panel to lake to be provided by Customer.


Total $6,791.05 TAX EXEMPT

Terms & Conditions of Fountain Agreement

The above price is effective for 60 days from the date of this proposal. If you are tax exempt, please attach a copy of your Tax Exemption Certificate with contract. 1. This transaction is subject to the terms and conditions quoted below, notwithstanding any conflicting provisions submitted by BUYER. 2. No claims of any kind, whether as to products delivered or for non-delivery of products, shall be greater in amount than the purchase price of the products in respect of which such damages are claimed, and failure to give notice of claim within sixty (60) days from date of delivery, or the date fixed for delivery respectively, shall constitute a waiver by BUYER of all claims in respect to such products. No charges or expenses incident to any claims will be allowed unless approved by an authorized representative of SELLER. Products shall not be returned to SELLER without SELLER’s permission. The remedy hereby provided shall be the exclusive and sole remedy of the BUYER. In no event shall the SELLER be liable for loss of production, damage to materials, injury to persons, or other remote or consequential damages resulting from breach of any warranty, whether express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability of fitness, or from any cause whatsoever. 3. SELLER shall under no circumstances be responsible for failure or delay in filling any order or orders when due to fires, floods, riots, strikes, freight embargoes or transportation delays, shortage of labor; material unavailability, inability to secure fuel, material, supplies or power at current prices or on account of shortages thereof, acts of God, or the public enemy; governmental order and/or regulations, affecting the conduct of SELLER’s business with which SELLER in its judgment and discretion deems it advisable to comply as a legal or patriotic duty or to any cause beyond the SELLER’s reasonable control. 4. In the event of liability, for any reason, to supply the total demands for the material specified in BUYER’s order, SELLER may allocate its available supply among any or all purchasers, as well as departments and divisions of SELLER on such basis as SELLER may deem fair and practical without liability for any failure of performance which may result therefrom.

Agreement Page 2 of 4

5. The BUYER may terminate this contract in whole or in part upon notice in writing to SELLER. The BUYER shall pay the SELLER the contract price for all products which have been completed prior to termination, and the cost of material or work in process, applicable taxes, plus a reasonable profit thereon, but in no event more than the contract price, or less than $25. 6. Notwithstanding the credit terms shown, all shipments are at all times subject to the approval of SELLER’s Credit Department and if the financial responsibility of BUYER is or becomes unsatisfactory, or if BUYER fails to make any payment in accordance with the terms of this contract, then, in any such event, SELLER may defer or decline to make any shipment hereunder except upon receipt of satisfactory security or cash payments in advance, or it may terminate this contract. 7. SELLER warrants that the products sold hereunder shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. SELLER’s liability shall be limited solely to replacement or repair, and SELLER shall not be liable for any consequential damages nor for any loss, damages or expenses directly or indirectly arising in connection with the purchase or use of the products. 8. SELLER may instruct that remittances shall be sent to a bank or other receiving agency or depository. No receiving agency or depository has authority to settle claims for SELLER or to accept payment tendered as payment in full. Therefore, BUYER agrees that notwithstanding any endorsements or other legend appearing on BUYER’s checks, drafts or other orders for payment of money, constitute payment in full or settlement of account. 9. Collection terms are as specified on the face of signed agreement. All amounts remaining due and owing 30 days after billing by SELLER shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per month until paid in full. No retainage shall be withheld from any payment involving this contract. 10. Any of the terms and provisions of BUYER’s order which are inconsistent or at variance with the terms and provisions hereof shall not be binding on the SELLER and shall not be considered applicable to the sale or shipment of the materials mentioned and referred to herein. SELLER’s agreement with BUYER is hereby made expressly conditional on BUYER’s assent to the terms and conditions hereof. Unless BUYER shall notify SELLER in writing to the contrary as soon as practicable after receipt of the acknowledgment by BUYER, acceptance of the terms and conditions hereof by BUYER shall be indicated and, in the absence of such notification, the BUYER’s acceptance of the goods shall be equivalent to BUYER’s assent to the terms and conditions hereof. No waiver, alteration or modification of any of the provisions hereof shall be binding on the SELLER unless made in writing and agreed to by a duty authorized official of the SELLER. Waiver by either party of any default by the other hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver by such party of any default by the other which may thereafter occur. 11. This Agreement shall be governed by the Uniform Commercial code as adopted in the State of Florida, in the United States of America and as effective and in force on the date of this Agreement. Any action for breach of the agreement must be commenced within one (1 ) year after the cause of action has occurred. 12. This contract is not assignable or transferable by BUYER, in whole or in part, except with the written consent of SELLER. 13. Any errors appearing on the face hereof or incorporated herein are subject to correction with the consent of both parties. 14. This contract may be amended or modified only by a written agreement signed by an authorized official of each party expressly referring to this contract. 15. We reserve the right to progress bill as units are installed. 16. In the event of any dispute arising hereunder, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs against the non prevailing party including appellate level. 17. The sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue for the determination of any disputes arising hereunder between the parties hereto shall be the 17th Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County, Florida and the undersigned agrees that said court shall have jurisdiction over the undersigned for determination of any disputes between the parties to this agreement.

Agreement Page 3 of 4

Buyer’s Responsibilities ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS: BUYER’s electrician must be on site during installation to enable final connection and start-up. The BUYER is responsible for providing and connecting fountain to a weatherproof electrical box, ground fault interrupter switches, and supply power for required fountain voltages at lakeside. The BUYER is to complete cable hook-up to junction box and bury cable from shoreline to electrical box below surface according to applicable code. If cable is to be run in conduit, it shall be the responsibility of BUYER’s electrician to pull wires through the conduit. The supply, trenching and installation of the power from the primary power source to the panel shall be the responsibility of the BUYER. CUSTOMER to complete 230 volt cable hook-up to control panel and bury cable and electrical conduit from shoreline to electrical box below surface according to applicable code. Full voltage, as specified by VERTEX, is mandatory to operate our sealed pump motors. A low voltage condition must be corrected before requesting VERTEX to install your fountain(s). Operation with other than specified voltage voids our Warranty. PERMITTING: It is the BUYER’s obligation to secure required permits and/or approvals from local authorities prior to installation of the floating fountain. CONTROL PANEL: Vertex will supply panel. BUYER is responsible for installation. A licensed electrician MUST be on the job site at the time of delivery to make all connections of power to the control panel. By code, Vertex cannot connect any wires into the panel. $200.00 RETURN TRIP FEE: BUYER’s electrician must be on site with Vertex personnel during the fountain installation to make the required electrical connections of the primary power to the control panel. If the electrician is not on site to enable final connection and start-up, Vertex will make a return trip to make the final adjustments to the fountain display. If a return trip is necessary, Vertex will invoice the BUYER $200 travel charge for each additional trip. FOUNTAIN CLEANING: Vertex offers cleaning contracts for its fountain systems. Should BUYER elect to perform routine cleaning themselves, a minimum of 4 cleanings per year are advisable; more may be needed depending upon water quality conditions. Cleaning requirements should include the submersible pump intake screen, light fixture lens(es), and spray nozzles. NOTE: Because of the electrical equipment involved, floating fountains are not designed for waterways where swimming or water sports are permitted. If not properly installed, this unit is hazardous. It must be installed in conformance with article 682 of the National Electric Code and all local code requirements. An approved ground fault circuit interrupter must be part of the electrical system and all devices in the system must be directly grounded to a definite electrical ground. The total electrical system must be installed, tested, and approved by a qualified, licensed electrician before it is placed in operation.

Vertex Water Features’ Responsibilities: Vertex shall deliver the fountain to the job site, position, level and anchor unit in the desired location and adjust lights and spray heads for optimum display. Vertex shall run the electrical supply cables from the fountain unit along the lake bottom and stake cable ends at the edge of the lake. Note: As soon as the owner-provided electrician makes all connections to the panel, Vertex shall make any adjustments to the fountain display, if necessary. WARRANTY: Vertex will provide labor to repair or replace any defective part of your fountain for a period of one year from date of receipt (excluding parts damaged due to maintenance negligence). Vertex will warranty parts on any defective “in water” fountain component (pump, motor, flotation, framework, nozzle, cables) for 4 years, lighting system (excluding bulbs) 2 years and fountain controls 1 year from the date of receipt. Vertex will determine if parts are defective and subject to warranty repair or replacement. Warranty covers manufacturer defects: if parts inspection indicates failure due to lack of required maintenance (periodic cleaning of intake screen, light lens(es) and spray nozzles, etc.), failure to maintain proper voltage or water depth, warranty will be voided. Foreign objects and/or debris within the fountain pump/motor assembly do not constitute manufacturer defective and thus are not covered under warranty. Vertex fountains are not warranted for use in salt and/or brackish water conditions. The Warranty shall also be voided if someone other than a Vertex employee: 1) dismantles or attempts a repair or 2) alters factory-supplied components or wiring of the control panel.

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The warranty period on all warranty work is equal to the remaining time period of the original new equipment warranty. Warranty claims are based on the date you notify your distributor or our Pompano Beach office. Please provide the legal name and address of the owner of the property where the contracted work will be completed. Sign and print your name. The information below will be used to file a Notice to Owner (NTO) of the property. This formal notice is a standard procedure and explains that the owner is responsible for payment of the contracted services. If the Vertex Water Features invoice is not paid within 60 days from the completion of the work a lien may be filed against the owner of the property. Property Owner(s):

Owner Address:

Owner Phone #:

Vertex Water Features’ Signature Date Authorized Customer’s Signature Title

Print Name Date

Print Company Name

Agreement Page 1 of 1

Vertex Water Features A Division of Aquatic Systems, Inc.

2100 N.W. 33rd Street 1-800-432-4302 Pompano Beach, Florida 33069

www.vertexwaterfeatures.com Fax (954) 977-7877

F o u n t a i n C l e a n i n g A g r e e m e n t - - A d d o n This Agreement made the date set forth below, by and between Vertex Water Features, a division of Aquatic Systems, Inc., a Florida Corporation, hereinafter called "Vertex", and

Ms. Nicole Chamberlain Suncoast Community Development District c/o Meritus Corporation 205 Pan Am Circle, Suite #120 Tampa, Florida 33607 (813) 397-5120 Ext. 338 DATE: September 26, 2016 CB-AO F5

Addon To Master Agreement: #0145-8 Master Agreement’s Anniversary Date: 01/31/17 Month Service is to Commence:________________

hereinafter called "Customer". The parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Vertex agrees to perform inspection and cleaning in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement at the above-named site. 2. Cleaning Schedule To Correspond With Master Agreement:

3. CUSTOMER agrees to pay Vertex, its agents or assigns, the following sum for inspection and cleaning

Site #17: One 2HP Vertex TriTier Floating Fountain Includes Management Reporting

$93.75 Quarterly TAX EXEMPT

Our serv ice includes the inspect ion and cleaning of the fol lowing:

Submersible Pump Lights & Lenses The Float Display Heads, Jets & Rings Vertex will clean the pump intake

screens. Vertex will scrape, clean

and polish the lights. Vertex will clean all surfaces of the float.

Vertex will clean each part and disassemble the parts, as needed to clean orifice impediments.

BULB REPLACEMENT: If bulb replacement is required during our scheduled fountain cleaning, Vertex will automatically replace the bulb and charge its Customers for parts cost only. If, however, a Customer supplies the bulbs, Vertex will charge a fee for bulb replacement.

No parts or special repairs are included in our cleaning agreement. By charging for cleaning, Vertex does not assume responsibility for parts failure and repair costs. Any parts or repair costs, including replacement of light bulbs or gaskets will be invoiced separately.

The above price is effective for 6 months from the date of this proposal. This Agreement shall have as its effective date the first day of the month in which services are first rendered to CUSTOMER. Collection terms are net 30 days from invoice date.

This Addon Fountain Cleaning Agreement and its Terms & Conditions (as per your Master Agreement) are entered into in Broward County, Florida, which the parties agree is the place of payment and the situs jurisdiction in the event of dispute. _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Vertex Water Features’ Signature Date Customer/Authorized Agent’s Signature Title A Division of Aquatic Systems, Inc. ___________________________________________________ Print Name Date

Checks made payable to Aquatic Systems, Inc. TAX EXEMPT: If you are tax exempt, please provide

a copy of your Tax Exemption Certificate.


Print Company Name












TriTier™ Series

Vertex Water Features2100 NW 33rd St, Pompano Beach, FL 33069



Notes:1. Drawings are for illustration only and are not to scale

2. Installation of all fountain equipment shall be in accordance

Fountain Only

With LED Lights

HP 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 15 15 15

Volts 230 230 460 230 230 460 230 230 460 230 230 460 230 230 460 230 230 460

Phase 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3

AMP 14 8 4 17 10 5 28 17 9 42 25 12 51 32 16 72 47 24

HT. A 20' 20' 20' 25' 25' 25' 30' 30' 30' 35' 35' 35' 40' 40' 40' 45' 45' 45'

HT. B 8' 8' 8' 10' 10' 10' 15' 15' 15' 18' 18' 18' 20' 20' 20' 25' 25' 25'

HT. C 4' 4' 4' 5' 5' 5' 7' 7' 7' 8' 8' 8' 9' 9' 9' 10' 10' 10'

Dia. D 20' 20' 20' 25' 25' 25' 40' 40' 40' 45' 45' 45' 50' 50' 50' 55' 55' 55'

60W LED Lights 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5

Total Watts 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 240 240 240 240 240 240 300 300 300

AMP Draw 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 2.5

FLOTATION SYSTEM:Rotocast polypropylene with ultraviolet inhibitors added for extended protection against warping/

cracking. Each seamless, watertight section is equipped with threaded brass insert and

PUMP/MOTOR:____HP, ____Volt, ____ Phase submersible turbine pump. Driveshaft is 416 stainless steel,

supported by bronze bearings above and below each impeller. Pump is equipped with sand

collars for maximum protection against abrasives. Stainless steel sealed UL listed submersible

motor. Pump and motor are water cooled and lubricated.

INTAKE SCREEN:Type 304, 18ga stainless steel, protects against foreign material entering pumping system.

FRAMEWORK:Type 304 stainless steel with welded joints and stainless steel fastenings.


for suggested lighting package. ETL listed.

DISPLAY HEAD:100% precision machined cast bronze and/or brass with stainless steel fastenings provide

permanent display characteristics and protection from corrosion. All sidejets are machined into

base at precise angles to insure permanent display integrity.


FOUNTAIN CONTROL PANEL:Steel NEMA 3R enclosure Surge/Lightning Protection

Capacitive motor starter (single phase units) 2 – 24 hour time clocks

Circuit breaker – pump

Circuit breaker – lights (if equipped) GFI protection – pump

GFI protection – lights (if equipped)


2 230 1


175 12/4 175 12/3








Vertex Water Features accepts/assumes no responsibility for

installations not in accordance with local and/or national

electrical codes.

INSTALLATION OF CONTROL PANEL:Installation of fountain control panel must be by licensed

electrician in accordance with NEC 682 to insure panel location

is above any/all possible high water levels. Submergence of

panel poses serious risk of electrical shock and damage of

fountain system.

SCOPE OF WORK/ELECTRICIAN:1. Mount NEMA 3R panel enclosure in accordance with NEC

682 in addition to any other local codes and/or restrictions.

2. Trench and bury sufficiently sized conduit(s) from fountain

panel to water’s edge, extending conduit(s) far enough into

water to insure no submersible cable is exposed should low

water conditions arise.

3. Bring incoming power from power source into the fountain

panel. Incoming voltage must match with specifications of

fountain panel or failure will result, damaging the system

and voiding the warranty.

4. Pull submersible cable(s) from fountain through conduit to

control panel and perform final connections (see Fountain

Owner’s Manual for more information).

NOTE: Do not operate fountain & lights until fountain

installation has been completed and lights are fully

submerged. Operating light(s) out of water will result

in damage to bulb(s) and lens(es), voiding

manufacturer’s warranty.

NOTE: Connect only 120V to light(s) – higher voltage will

result in immediate damage/failure of bulb(s).



Floating Fountain Installation Guidelines







NOTE: Drawings are for illustrative purposes only and are not to scale.