Communication Strategies Worksheets Part 2 PRINTABLE VERSION

Communication Strategies Worksheets Part 2 · Communication Strategies Part 2 Worksheets [email protected] 1 Session Eight: Body Language Physical comedy is a great way to add

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Communication Strategies Worksheets


Page 2: Communication Strategies Worksheets Part 2 · Communication Strategies Part 2 Worksheets lynwestwood@outlook.com 1 Session Eight: Body Language Physical comedy is a great way to add


Session Eight: Body Language ................................................................................................ 1

Session Nine: Communication Styles ....................................................................................... 5

Dichotomies in Action ........................................................................................................................ 7

Session Ten: Creating a Positive Self-Image .......................................................................... 12

Pre-Assignment Review .................................................................................................................. 13 Self-Evaluation .................................................................................................................................. 14

Session Twelve: Techniques for the Workplace ...................................................................... 15

Testing Our Theories ....................................................................................................................... 16 Delivering Your Message ................................................................................................................ 17

Session Thirteen: Assertiveness ............................................................................................ 18

Case Study: A Negative Image ...................................................................................................... 19

Personal Action Plan ............................................................................................................. 20

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Session Eight: Body Language

Physical comedy is a great way to add meaning to a message. Watching someone fall

down, trip over a mysterious object, or end up all messy are all things that can lead to

laughter. While we aren’t that obvious in the workplace, it’s pretty clear that our body

language can add a lot to our communication.

In this session, we will learn about misconceptions of body language while we explore

the physical aspects of conversations, as well as the use of gestures.

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Look at the images below. Beside each one, write what you think is happening and what it means to you.

Illustration What is happening? How do you feel about it?

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Illustration What is happening? How do you feel about it?

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Illustration What is happening? How do you feel about it?

What are some other ways that these images could be interpreted?

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Session Nine: Communication Styles

A dichotomy is when something is divided into two non-overlapping parts or opinions. Different groups can be discussed in terms of their preferences in communication styles, and knowledge of those dichotomies will help you develop more sophisticated communication skills. In this session, we will explore communication styles as you consider each side of a dichotomy. You will think about your own preferences and the preferences of others, and how this can make you a better communicator.

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Making Connections

Do you prefer direct or indirect communication?

Why do you think you feel this way?

How do you communicate with others?

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Dichotomies in Action

Step One

Choose three of these dichotomy pairs.

o abstract - concrete

o accommodating - competing

o active - passive

o animated - lethargic

o arrogant - humble

o assertive - meek

o attached - detached

o big picture - details

o cooperative - competitive

o decisive - indecisive

o deep - shallow

o direct - indirect

o factual - intuitive

o formal - informal

o harmonious - disruptive

o hesitant - impulsive

o individualistic - team oriented

o listening - talking

o objective - subjective

o optimistic - pessimistic

o organized - chaotic

o patient - impatient

o personal - impersonal

o playful - serious

o realistic - idealistic

o reflective - impulsive

o simple - complex

o structured - flexible

o taking turns - interrupting

o tense - relaxed

o yes, and - yes, but

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Step Two

List the advantages and disadvantages or examples of each side of each dichotomy. Dichotomy One: _____________________

Advantages Disadvantages

Side A:

Side B:

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Dichotomy Two: _____________________

Advantages Disadvantages

Side A:

Side B:

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Dichotomy Three: _____________________

Advantages Disadvantages

Side A:

Side B:

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Step Three

What can you conclude from this exercise?

How can you use this exercise to become more empathetic and a better communicator?

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Session Ten: Creating a Positive Self-Image

Some people give little thought to their image, while others seem to focus on it

exclusively. While dressing well can be inconvenient at times (since dry cleaning,

ironing, and fabric care take some time and money), it can do great things for your


In this session, we will discuss how self-image influences your results, and what you

can do to improve your self-image with your career in mind.

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Pre-Assignment Review

Think back to your pre-assignment. How would your evaluation differ now?

What might people say about you if your picture was in a magazine?

What lessons can we take away from this about self-image and assumptions?

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Part One: Self-Assessment Read the following questions. Check yes or no for each question.

Yes No

Have you tried to wear your hair in a different way? Some ideas: part it on the other side, straighten it, curl it, color it, or have it buzzed short.

Do your glasses allow for good eye contact to take place?

Do people notice your jewelry?

Are people distracted by your clothing or jewelry?

Do you organize the clothes in your closet so that they are coordinated for easy dressing in the morning?

Are you always neatly groomed? (Includes a daily shower, nails neat and trimmed, clothes clean and pressed, and shoes polished.)

Part Two: A Plan for Change List three habits about your dress and appearance that you want to enhance, strengthen, or eliminate.



3. Write out your plan to achieve these changes.

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Session Twelve: Techniques for the Workplace

Why is it that some workplaces seem so engaged and efficient, and others are always struggling? Can communication skills really make a big difference? If you think about writing papers while you were in high school or college, and how strongly your teacher encouraged you to create an outline, you’ll know that it can. In this session, we’ll learn about effective and efficient ways to approach a conversation, and how a plan can help things to stay on track and be effective.

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Testing Our Theories

Situation One

Your supervisor calls you to say that he has chosen someone else for a project team position that you were hoping for. You love your current job, but you know you would have done a great job on that project team. Your first reaction is to be mad at your boss for being a jerk and not selecting you. Using positive intent, think of a reason your boss would have selected someone else.

Situation Two

You are in a team meeting and you suggest a great solution to the problem. Your supervisor says that she cannot go in that direction, and asks the team for other suggestions. Using positive intent, think of a reason your supervisor would have answered that way.

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Delivering Your Message

Check for understanding. You do not have to wait for the end of a conversation to make sure you and your

conversation partner understand each other. You can check for understanding

throughout the conversation to make sure that things are on track by using some of the

following questions or statements.

o What do you think about what I just said?

o Let’s summarize what we have covered so far.

o Please tell me what you’re thinking.

o Does that make sense?

o If you were going to share this with the team, what would you say?

o What is not making sense here?

Ways to check for understanding:

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Session Thirteen: Assertiveness

How confident are you when it comes to delivering your message? Being assertive means that you know what you want to say, and that you have a message to deliver that is non-judgmental and clear. In this session, we will discuss the elements of assertive statements. You will then learn a method for delivering statements clearly so that you can get what you want or need.

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Case Study: A Negative Image

Marlene’s Promotion

Marlene, a supervisor in a government department, managed a staff of twelve people.

Over and over as a child she had heard her parents say, “Don’t ask such dumb questions,”

and “What makes you think you know anything about that?” She was made a supervisor

because for years she was a first class worker who never raised her voice and got along

well with everybody in the department. She didn’t feel that she had good supervisory skills

but she didn’t know how to turn down the promotion.

After being promoted, Marlene found her world falling apart. She disliked giving orders

and couldn’t face on-the-job conflicts. She couldn’t bring herself to tell her employees

what she thought when they voiced an opinion different from hers, even though she felt

she was right. She also found it impossible to criticize their below-standard work, even

though it was getting worse under her supervision.

Her self-talk included, “I’m stupid,” and “I can’t make decisions.” Thus she did stupid

things that resulted in her staff thinking less of her. She also took a long time to make

decisions, so she was seen as wishy-washy.

Marlene decided to do something about her perception of herself, and to gain control over

her internal and external image.

What steps would you suggest she take?

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Personal Action Plan

Now that you have completed this course on Communication Strategies, how will you

use the things you have learned? Creating a personal action plan can help you to stay

on track and on target. When you take responsibility for yourself and your results, you

get things done!

In this session, you will be asked questions to help you plan your short-term and long-

term goals. This final exercise is a way for you to synthesize the learning that you have

done and to put it into practice.

I am already doing these things well:

I want to improve these areas:

I have these resources to help me:

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As a result of what I have learned in this course, I am going to…

My target date is…

I will know I have succeeded when…

I will follow up with myself on…

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