Communication Flow in Organizations

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  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Dt: 7th

    Sep 2011

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Formal Network Flow: It follows a companys formal

    organizational chart to achieve organizational goals

    Informal Network Flow: It develops when people interact

    within formal communication system to accommodate social

    and psychological needs.

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    The direction can be of

    Downward Communication

    Upward Communication

    Horizontal / Lateral Communication

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    It flows from the hierarchy to the subordinates on the

    organizational chart.

    Supervisor to employees

    Policy makers to operating personnel

    From top to bottom

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    It is the feedback to downward communication and involves


    Managements requests information

    Employees talk about their fellow employees, work , methods

    and their perceptions

    It keeps the management informed about the feelings of the

    lower-level employees and taps the expertise of employees

    It may be misleading sometimes

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    It describes interactions between organizational units on the

    same hierarchical level.

    The primary means of achieving coordination in a functional

    organizational structure

    Helps in accomplishing task goals

    Relevant in cross-functional teams

    Do not allow much room for this communication

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    The Grapevine

    The grapevine, often called the rumor mill, is one of the best

    example of informal communication systems

    It is spontaneous, speedy but inaccurate

    Output depends on message Input

    Spreads information to a huge number in a short time

    It has no single, consistent source

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Four Principle Factors

    Legal and Ethical Constraint Diversity Challenges

    Team Environment

    Changing Technology

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    International Laws

    Domestic Laws

    Code of Ethics

    Stakeholder Interest

    Ethical Frameworks

    Personal Values

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Consider your personal value system

    Check your tendency to rationalize

    Learn to analyze ethical dilemma

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Excessive emphasis on profits

    Misplaced corporate loyalty

    Obsession with personal advancement

    Expectation of not getting caught

    Unethical tone set by the top management

    Uncertainty about whether an action is wrong

    Unwillingness to take a stand for what is right

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Four Dimensions of Business Behaviour

    Behaviour that is Illegal and Unethical

    Behaviour that is Illegal, yet Ethical

    Behaviour that is Legal, yet Unethical

    Behaviour that is Both Legal and Ethical

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Dt:9th Sep


  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    When a person fails to consider the diversities in the

    workplaces such as age, gender, culture, education,

    communication suffers, and the result is often embarrassing

    and potentially costly.

    Communication Opportunities and Challenges in Diversity

    Culture and Communication

    Barriers to Intercultural Communication

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Need of the hour

    Trace out Diversity Skills Requirement Make them Competent in Diversity Skills

    Steps taken

    To undertake Diversity Initiative

    To provide Diversity-Training Seminar

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Culture can be observed in three levels

    Visible Level: All Physical and visible elements of culture

    such as dress, art, music, monuments, food, and artifacts.

    Behavioral Level: It explains how members of a culturalgroup communicate, explain, rationalize, and behave in

    different situations.

    Belief System: It answers fundamental questions about life ,morality, life after death.

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    These 4 dimensions can be useful in understanding andcommunicating with people from different culture.

    Power Distance:

    It describes the extent to which less powerful people expectand accept the fact that power is unequal within the country oran organization.

    Individualism versus Collectivism:Individualistic cultures are those that emphasize individualgoals and behavior, while collectivist cultures emphasize groupgoals and behaviors.(Low & High Context Communication Practices)

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    Masculinity versus Femininity:

    Cultures that are high in masculinity enforce distinctly different

    roles for men and women, while those that are feminine allowfor more the blurring of roles between men and women.

    Uncertainty Avoidance:Different attitude in accepting risk

    (US / France)

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Barriers to intercultural communication includes



    Chronemics Proxemics



    Language Translation Limitations

    Commonsense Approach

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Ethnocentrism: The belief that the specific patterns of behavior desired in ones

    own culture are universally valued. We must learn to develop

    sensitivity towards other culture to minimize ethnocentricreactions.

    Stereotypes: A mental picture of the main characteristics of another group,

    creating preformed ideas of what people in this group are likeis called stereotypes. Here the other person perceived as arepresentative of a class rather than an individual.

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Chronemics: The study of how a culture perceives time and it use . Like

    In India In US, Canada, Northern Europe

    Latin America, Asia, and Middle East

    Proxemics; The study of cultural space requirements is known as


  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations











    Proximity TheoryEdward T. Hall

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Haptics: The study of touch. What is appropriate and peoples tendency

    to touch differs by culture and gender.

    Kinesics: The study of body language. It is not universal and should be

    learned from ones culture. Like North American symbol for okey means zero in France money in Japan an expression of vulgarity in Brazil, Greece, Italy, Turky,

    Russia Excellent in India

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    Translation Limitation: Words in one language do not always have an equivalent

    meaning in other language, and the concepts the words

    describe are often different as well.

    Commonsense Approach: Minimize the barriers Learn about and experience other culture

    Cultivate patience with yourself and with others

    Get help when you need it

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations


    High time to do away with traditional hierarchical

    communication pattern.

    Trust Building Open Meetings with employees

    Shared Leadership with internal customers

    Listening, Problem Solving, Conflict Resolution,

    Negotiation, Consensus for group communication Vertical (top-down) and horizontal information flow

    to make all informed

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    Self-directed Work Team

    Teams must be encouraged to establish the three Rs

    - roles, rules, and relationships Constructive criticism

    Emotional barriers

    Process barriers

    Cultural barriers

    Distributed leadership

  • 7/31/2019 Communication Flow in Organizations
