This portfolio focuses on the theme “Social Deprivation” Internal Assesstment Subject: Communication Studies Candidate Name:Renae Scarlett School: Spot Valley High School Centre Number: __________________ Candidate Name: __________________


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This portfolio focuses on the theme “Social Deprivation”

Internal Assesstment


School: Spot Valley High School

Centre Number: __________________

Candidate Name: __________________

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Table of Contents PageIntroduction………………………………………………………………………………………2


Narrative piece

“The Gully”………………………………………………………………………………..4-6




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This portfolio focuses on the theme “Social Deprivation”, The Study conducted by the

researcher however was based on how living in areas of the country classified as an inner-city or

poverty stricken area affect one’s chances of improving his/her way of life. As stated by the internet site

Wikipedia.org social deprivation is “The reduction or prevention of culturally normal interaction

between an individual and the rest of society. This includes in a broad network of correlated factors that

contribute to exclusion; these factors include: poverty, poor education, and low socioeconomic status.”

This portfolio also entails: an original prose type, narrative piece, a preface which gives an

analysis of the purpose of writing the story entitled “The Gully” (The preface also looks at the intended

audience, the circumstance and the basis for selecting them), an exposition, assessing how living in

areas described previously stated affects the chances of a person obtaining a job, education or proper

health care, an analysis that evaluates the original narrative, with detailed emphasis on dialectal

variation and language registers.

Personally, having seeing the negative impacts of poverty especially amongst youths within the

candidate’s community strongly believes that this problem must be dealt with by he government.

The researcher is currently studying Biology which deals with the health of an individual.

Biological in cases of mal-nutrition, poverty creates ill-health because it forces people to live in

environments that make them sick, causing diseases. A biological analysis of poverty will allow the

researcher to unearth this problem from a biological point of view.

In a work related scene the researcher who wishes to enter the field of human and social biology

chose this topic as it relates to the field of interest. The researcher believes that poor health is a result of



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The narrative piece “The Gully” relates to a teenage girl still in high school who isn't proud of

her background or community. Her dad was a hustler who was murder when she was 15 and her mom

works as a minimum wage typist. Her best-friend is of the middle class and she is afraid to tell her

where she is really from and she lied about her address. The prose outlines the challenges faced by

youths who are denied a fair attempt at life. The climax of the story is seen when Thimberly’s fate takes

an unexpected turn as she is unable to pay for her educational fees as her mother is fired and can’t get a

job because they refuse to hire her on the grounds of her community is of the lower class Thimberly gets

caught up in the wrong crowd and ends up becoming a prostitute in order to meet her financial needs.

The researcher wrote the story with the objectives of bringing across a few important points. The

first purpose is to inform the intended audience of the challenges faced by youths in everyday life

because of the social background. Secondly, is to provide an understanding of the effects poverty has on

these youths, whether it be negative or positive.

The intended audiences are youths all across the country as only they can break this never ending cycle,

and the government of this country as they are ones who can assist these youths with their lives.


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The Gully

-Thimberly and Jason boarded the bus to his house. Jason stared at her intently; she made no eye contact

with him but instead held her head down and fiddled with the straps on her bag. There was something

about her. What is she hiding all these years? Jason had no clue.

They studied quietly at his house, Thimberly admired the decor of his home. It was very

spacious, The mirrors on the wall made the room seem to expand. She could hardly focus this evening,

“Are you okay?” Jason’s face had worry all over

“I’m just great.” She said with a fake smile

“If you’re hungry I can get you something,” Jason offered

“No, it’s getting late I should go.”

Thimberly gathered her stuff together hurriedly and scampered though the house, Jason followed not far

behind. As they stood in silence, at the gate waiting on a bus, the silence was deafening. Before he could

say a word Thimberly jumped onboard without a glance behind. Jason sighed and returned inside.

Thimberly sunk down into a seat, guilt ate into her.

As Thimberly entered the one bedroom home she shared with her mother, she tossed her bag on

the floor and crashed her hard onto the lumpy mattress, where she stared at the ceiling. Just like other

evenings, it had crossed Thimberly’s mind many times to tell Jason the truth, but she couldn’t

“Dam I cah bother… Jason will never see me the same way if he knew I was from this ghetto place,” she

said to herself,

Just then Thimberly’s mother arrived home and calls her daughter.

“Thimberly we need fi talk,” the mother said with a soft voice, “I… I lost my job today,”

“But mommy; wah bout mi school fee?”

“Well that’s the thing,” “I can’t afford to pay your school fee, I’m sorry but you’ll have to stop going,”


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“What!” Thimberly shouted, “No… No, I need this!”

“Sorry, but unless yuh find a way to pay your own school fee, yuh will haffi drop out,”

Her father’s death had taken a toll on her and now this. He was a honest hustler who was gunned down

and killed senselessly. Thimberly knew it would be nearly impossible to find a decent part time job

especially because of where she lived. She grabbed her shoes and went for a walk down the road, she

passed the house where it was supposed the local gang members were said to reside she stared intently at

the huge structure.

“ I bet they don’t have to worry about anything,” she pondered to herself “I bet they have plenty

of money”

“Can I help you?” the voice sounded close, too close she turned around to see a man not too

taller than her, his face seemed tormented, his eyes hollow.

“No!” she snapped

“Then what are you doing here?” the stranger spoke softly yet commanding “Are you seeking

someone or something”

“No I am not.” She said “I don’t think you can help with my problems”

“Try me…” he folded his arms and stared expressionlessly

She sighed, and began talking. She paused midway

“Why am I even talking to you?” she asked “you are a stranger. Don’t even know your name”

“Ah…well my name is Tony and aren’t all friends once strangers?” he asked.

“Look I have to go.” She spoke hastily and started for home, she could feel him staring at her.

She quicken her pace reaching home quicker than she expected.

A few days later Tony showed up at her home, no one was home.

“Look I know that your family can’t afford to continue your schooling” He said


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“Who told you that?’ she demanded

“The point is I can help you with this… problem of yours.” Tony spoke bluntly

“How?” She inquired

“Well I have access to loads of money all you have to do is deliver something for me.” He stated

“I don’t know, let me think about it,” she said in a puzzled way.

Thimberly walked through the school gate as the bell rang, this puzzled Jason and he tried to

catch up to her

“Thimberly,” he waved smiling at her, “Let’s go to my place and…”

“Sorry can’t,” she interrupted him while walking by.

“What’s gotten into you?” Jason questioned, “We used to be the best of friends but now you hardly talk

to me,”

The girl pauses in her tracks and said, “I’m really sorry about that but I have to go,”

Her father’s voice rang in her head. “mek sure yuh nah waste mi time wid yuh.” Her said

Thimberly went to the address Tony gave her; she entered the dark dreary room

“Strip!” a deep intimidating voice demanded of her.

Was this the end? What was really going? A large hand through her violently onto a awaiting bed. She

felt hand all over and then it all went blank. She awoke to the startling voice of the stranger

“Get up I’m done with you! Your money is over there!” he hollered.


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The reflective piece “The Gully” recounts the challenging experiences of a teenage girl whose father

died and her mother was denied work because of their address and later falls into prostitution. The writer

deftly employs a combination of registers, dialectal variations and communicative behaviours

However, for this exercise, only two will be discussed; dialectal variations and language

registers. Dialectal Variation, refers to changes in language due to various influences. These include,

social, geographic, individual and group factors. Creole (refers to a dialect or language which results

from contact between the language of a colonizing people and the language of a colonized people) and

Patois (refers to a geographical dialect which differs from the standard language spoken in a given


There are different variations of dialect portrayed within the Reflective piece. Acrolect (which is

purely Standard English), was portrayed clearly when Thimberly replies to Jason “My dad has the

measles”. Mesolect (which is Sub-Standard English or a combination of Standard English and

Creole/Patois), brought to life in the paragraph of the piece where Thimberly’s mother mentioned

“Sorry, but unless yuh find a way to pay your own school fee, yuh will haffi drop out.” Basilect (which

is complete Patois/Creole) with a perfect example coming out in Thimberly’s father’s statement where

he said “mek sure yuh nah waste mi time wid yuh.”

Language registers is a variety of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular

social setting. It possesses various levels of formality. The five levels identified have been given

specialized names by linguists; frozen, formal, consultative, casual and intimate. Examples of these

registers are found in various areas of the reflective piece


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In conclusion, it could be said that the writer has effectively solidified her purpose in identifying

the relationship between social deprivation and the geographical location of a person as it relates to the

reputation possessed by such specific location.

Also, throughout the piece, the writer effectively uses the various linguistic criteria to appeal to the

readers. These also include numerous communicative behaviours as well as attitudes to language. In the

reflective piece it is evident that the researcher effectively uses these language registers, as well as

dialectal variations and attitudes towards language.


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